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La Crescenta, Galj#Vyto press their plans to enter Indonesia. They had formerly served
in Okinawa and Japan, returning to the states with a britically ill child, who has now recovered. They plan to leave their present work May will be available ta

Carl and Mrs, Grace Fish have resigned from First Christian Church, ?^

present the Indonesia (Challenge ia the churches, Ad<iress for now: 2844 Montrose, Ave,,
La Creacenta,

V -


May 1, 196?


No, 481,

wra Carl and Mrs, Grace Eieh and Charles and Mrs. Nance Win^arner and their
families are preparing to join the Lew Casa family in Indonesia (see
Jan, 20, 1968),
Both families are conmiended to the brethren by First Christian Church, La Crescenta,

Calif ,jwhere they have been serving^In addition the Church of Christ of Gaj^den Grove,
Calif* is recommending the Fish family.

1 has served La Crescenta as minister, an^

rlea ha^aerved. as~?^th

ater aridr~^1de^'
"] Fish Family^

The Orient will not seem st^frange to Carl and Grace as they served 7^' years in
Okinawa and Japan, Their children, Monica I6 and Philip 11, were both born on Ofcinav/a,

Bro, Fish is a graduate of Minnesota Bible College with the B, A. degree and has taken

2 - May 1, 1968


additional work at Atlanta Christian College and the University of Minnesota. He

has held ministjuries

in Iowa, Wisconsin, Florida and California. &race is a

graduate of Atlanta Christian College with the B. A. degree,

^ Winegarner Family

Charles^inegarner are the second half of this team. They have three children,

and Mrs, Nance

Charnan 11, Traci 9, and Teronica ij-, Mrs. Winegarner is aRegistered ^urse, a
graduate of Passavant Memorial Hospital, Northwestern University, and has taken
additional work at the University of Wisconsin.

Broi Winegarner is experienced in Ijusiness management,

advertising and

public relations. He has five years af college at University of Wisconsin,

University of Chicago, and the Art Institute of Chicago, He is aji|capable public

speaker, an able Bihle teacher and Christian leader, and an artist.

In addition to work'^'with Feldkamp Malloy of Chicago and Magnavox of Ffc. Wayne,

Ind., he has beenlf-employed ih Christian and governmental res^^h, worki^


3 - May 1, 1968


directly with members of the U.'^S. Congress, amljassadors and foreign governmentj^
representatives on issues affecting Christian life and witness. He was invited to
address the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives ahout his work to

re-instate prajers in public schools and has appeared regularly in public, speaking

on vital issues relating to the "-hristian and his country, Bandall Reconrmendation


Max Ward Randall, professor of ^ssions^ Lincoln Christian College, Lincoln,

111,, wrote; "I count it a privilege to commend Carl Fish and Charles V/inegarner to

you as worthy of your earnest prayers and generous support. You are uiAoubtedly
aware of the contemporary thrilling development in Indonesia. Tens of thousands of

people are turning to Christ, and it is said that hundreds of thousands would come
if there were committed men and women to teach them the

^ - May 1, 1968


Bro. Bandall also said; "These meiywith their faunilie^are determined to go to

Indonesia to share in the great harvest there. They need your interest and financial


I know both men

their families.

They mean Inisiness and hare already

severed their job responsibilities that they might prepare to go* ,Do accept these
brethren and give them all the assistance possible.
and the need in Indonesia is so \irgent."

They are deserving of yoxir help,

Forwarding Agents for the Fish family are^^Leonard Wilfonga, 1110 15th Ave,,

Eldora, Iowa 50527; for WinegarnersjHtFliyd Nortons, 314^ Pontiac St., La Crescenta,
Calif. 9121^.
This team is eager to contact as many churches as possible, beginning June They will also participate in Faith-Promise programs and can be contacted at the
above California address until June After that date they may be reached by

a:-writing to the Iowa address.

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