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B. LAGOUN, L. BERTEL University of Rennes I, France


A new t y p e of coaxial colinear antenna (Coco) is introduced. The design approach is based on separating individual monopoles by inserting junctions boxes. With this method, each junction is localised and then its niatcliing cnn bc accomplishcd. Tllc nntcnna is built up by connecting coasial elements on junction boxes. Hence, we get a "Modular coaxial colinear antenna" usable at any desired frequency just by selecting the specific lengths of the monopoles.

Judasz et a1 (3) considered the coadal cable as a cylindrical antenna. It was followed by another approach introducing the duality : transmission lineantenna (Judasz and Balsley (4)). Finally Sakitani and Egashira ( 5 ) proposed a model circuit for the CoCo antenna (figure 2). It consists of sections of transmission lincs conncctcd by localised admittances :

A coaxial colinear antenna, first designed by Wheeler (l), is made of sections of cables (monopoles) cut at a length of kJ2 where Lc is the wavelength in the cable. The inner and outer conductors are inverted at each connection in order to feed, in phase, the nest element. We then reach with a colinear phased array needing only onc fccd point. Fccding can bc donc eilhcr at thc center or at the end of the antenna. Main application of these antennas are in HF-VHF radars.

figure 2 : Equivalent model of a CoCo antenna The input admittance of a CoCo antenna was put to be the summation of both the radiation admittance and the connection admittance at each junction(k) defined as:

f t t

= &, +



The classical connections in all previous design (Ecklund and Balsley (2)) wcre accomplishcd by directly soldering cables at junctions (as shown in figure 1).

Yk =

( k ) + 5"( k )


Where : Yrnd fi) : Radiation admittance at junction (k) Y, ( k ) : Radiation of the physical connection (k) YR : End antenna admittance (fictitious) Starting from this model, we developed an input impedance model for a center fed CoCo antenna. It is given by the following relation :

Figure 1 : Principle ofjunction connection The main problem arising is that thcrc is no nican lo control or evaluate the junction effect on the design of the antenna. This is mainly due to the lack of standard specifications to be applied when building the antenna. Thus, junctions can be considered to be impedance loads, and by their various constructions (cspecially for an increasing number of elements), they could behave as parasitic components. The first theory developed by

y, = y r ( 1 ) + 2 C Y ,


Yi : Partial input admittance at junction (i)

yr( 1) : Radiation admittance at junction (1).

This model shows the importance to study the physical bchaviour of the junctions, which 'in fact, can be considered as localised feed points. It is also important

'HF Radio Systems and Techniques',

4-7 July 1994, Conference Publication No. 392, @ I,


to notice that these antennas are designed to be resonant at fixed frequencies; Thus cables are cut consequently ( q 2 ) . But, It can be more interesting for a specific radiation pattern not to reconstruct the whole antenna but simply modifying some lengths of the antenna. This concept is also valid if we want to work at different frequencies. All these arguments plead for developing a "Modular Coaxial Colinear Anfenna". The principle of colinearity and modularity of the antenna have led to the general structure :
JMnabn bar
J ,

Design of the antenna feeding box The antenna being modular, the feeding has also to be. At the feed point we designed a feeding box which also has to be connected to the radiating elements with the same way. Our goal was to directly measure the input impedance at the junction and to allow recording of current distribution. To achieve this, and for the purpose of experimentation, we used wideband integrated RF transformers



J ,


and the

Figure 3 : Principlc of the modular CoCo antenna Design of junction boxes To achieve this, we had to isolate the junctions by building 'Ljuncfion boxes"(figurc 3). N type fcmalc connectors, are placed on each side of the junction box, so that the radiating elements (coaxial monopole antennas) ended by N type male connectors can reach to the junction. It is important to notice the transition of the lines structures at thc junction : Coaxial line-Two wire transmission line-Coaxial linc. This physical transition can also be replaced by a small piece of coaxial cable within the junction box. Matching of the junctions : The behaviour of the junction has been tested by connecting one end to a network analyser, on the other side, a standard 50 R load was placed. A sweeping frequency (1-100 MHz) was generated. The results clearly show the mismatch of the junction for the concerned bandwidth (figures 4a and 5a). These figures concern respectively a two wirc transmission line junction and a coasial junction beforc matching. It is intcresting to noticc that the coaxial junction gives better results even bcforc matching. The matching has been accomplishcd by connccting a small capacitor across the junction . The next table gives the summary of impedance matching of the junctions : VSWR
5 0 MHz

Figure 6 : Antenna feed box The advantage of this modular feeding is in the simplicity of rapidly matching the antenna. Different combinations of the transformers ratio are possible. It can also be used to drive the antenna either at the end or at the center. Besides this, one more practical advantage lies in the ease of calibration.

For the sake of experimentation, a 6 elements antenna has been constructed (Lagoun (6)). It is center fed, l ( E ~= 2.25) , RG 213RI cable. made of a 50 L Designed to work around a central frequency of 50 MHz , the cables were cut at a length hc/2 corresponding to 2 meters approximately. The antenna has becn placed ovcr a natural ground at a height of U4. Measurements of input impedance versus frcqucncy and current distribution on the antenna surfacc have been accomplislicd. Measurement impedance

of the VSWR


100 MHz

Matching Capacitor

Fi res 1.392 1.005 1.078 1.016



1.15 1.05


The technics has shown a wideband matching for thc jiinction.

To perform measurements of the VSWR and input impedance, we have first to calibrate the CoCo antenna feed box. We start from selecting the frequency range, then we connect the input of the feed box to the network analyser. On one of the two outputs, standard loads are placed successively. All the transformers are put to ratio 1:l. The measured VSWR is around 6.0 for a resonant frequency of 48.16 MHz.. Figure 7 shows the recorded and simulated values (R,X). The simulated v:iliics, dcrivcd from our proposed i~iodcl,show ;I good agreement between theory and practice.


Measurement of the current distribution After having determined the resonant frequency, we notice that the value of the resistive part of this impedance is around 200 n.To match this value to the standard 50 a, a step down RF transformer of ratio 1:4 is selected. Measurements are done using an antenna analyser based on an optical link probe. Measurements are recorded all 20 cm. Simulations are based on solving the current integral equation using the method of moments. Figures Sa (Amplitude) and 8b (Phase) show a good agreement especially for the phase.

The importance of studying the junction behaviour by localising it allows further possible developmcnts. In particular, inserting resistive circuits in order to attenuate the current distribution. This, in return will modify the radiation diagram of tlrc antcnna. At this end, several combinations are possible. This may also enhance the bandwidth characteristics of these antennas being fundamentally narrow.







Fig. 7 : Measured and Siniulated Input Impedance for a 6 elements CoCo antenna

In this paper we introduced an new concept in studyin CoCo antennas by showing the great importance o junctions in the design. We also have introduced a new model for calculating input impedance with a good precision. Experimental results show a good agreement with theory. Finally, furthcr dcvclopmcnts of these antennas can be envisaged

1. H. A. WHEELER : A vertical antenna made of transposed sections of coaxial cable IRE Conv. Rec, u p . 160, 1956.

3g. 8a : Amplitude o f the current distribution (hayof the antenna is shown)

2. W.L. ECIUUND B. B. BALSLEY ..IEEE TranL A.P. Vol. Ap-20, 1972

3. TH. J. JUDASZ W. L. ECKLUND B. B. BALSLEY . IEEE Trans. A.P. Vol. Ap-35. no 3, march I987

4. TH. J. JUDASZ B. B. BALSLEY. IEEE Trans. A.P.. Vol. Ap-37, march 1989
5. A.SAKITANI, S.EGASHIRA. IEEE Trans. A.P. Vol. Ap-39. January 1991.
6. B. LAGOUN, May 1993

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Etudes thbriques et expirimentales des antennes colinhires coaxiales. Doctorate Thesis Universite de Bretagne Occidentale.

g. 8b : Phase of the current distribution














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