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Medications Salmeterol senafoate and Fluticasone (Seritide) C Adrenergics - Treatment for COPD including chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

. H Results in bronchodilation and blocks the release of allergic mediators from the mast cells in the respiratory tract. E 250/50 mcg inhalation powder for inhalation, BID C Be alert for adverse reactions and drug reactions Dont give drug for acute bronchospasm.

Exercise Deep breathing exercises To promote ventilation and reduce air trapping, teach the patient to breathe slowly, prolong expirations to two to three times the duration of inspiration, and to exhale through pursed lips. Stress the importance of controlled breathing.

Treatment Complete blood count (CBC), also known as full blood count (FBC) or full blood exam (FBE) or blood panel is a test panel requested by a doctor or other medical professional that gives information about the cells in a patient's blood. Abnormally high or low counts may indicate the presence of many forms of disease, and hence blood counts are amongst the most commonly performed blood tests in medicine, as they can provide an overview of a patient's general health status. Chest X-Rays. By the time an x-ray reveals the disease, the patient is well aware of the condition. Clear signs of COPD include the following: Abnormally large amounts of air spaces in the lung. A flattened diaphragm. A smaller heart; if heart failure is present, however, the heart

Hygiene Bed bath - To promote cleanliness, to provide comfort and relaxation, to improve the clients self-image, to condition the skin, to stimulate peripheral circulation of the client.

Outpatient Referral Quitting Smoking- In order to prevent or slow the progression of the disease, smoking cessation is the most essential and yet most commonly overlooked aspect of COPD treatment. Suggest rest periods before and after meals if eating produces shortness of breath.

Diet Diet as tolerated -This particular diet is only given when client can now tolerate any food he desires that is nutritious, if this will not lead to any complications.

K Tell patient to take the drug at about 12-hour intervals even if he is feeling better Assess patients respiratory condition before starting therapy. Assess peak flow readings before starting therapy and periodically thereafter. Budesonide (Pulmicort Turbuhaler,

Teach diaphragmatic breathing and pursed-lip breathing for episodes of dyspnea and stress. To help mobilize secretions, teach the patient how to cough effectively. If the patient with copious secretions has difficulty

For chickern pox, a soft diet preferably easily digestible foods are preferred Physical Care -Cleanliness of like oatmeal or body Teach good habits of lugaw. -Shaving well-balanced, nutritious -Washing face intake. -Nail Trimming Encourage foods *Washings of Follow up Consultation high in potassium hands to monitor the changes of include bananas,fruits like the patients condition. orange juice, grape Oral care juice, milk, peaches, Instruct the client to - to maintain the potatoes, tomatoes. comply with home intactness and medications and health of the oral Advise to avoid hardmaintenance drugs in mucosa, to prevent order to promote and to-chew foods oral infections, to (causes tiring) and hasten recovery. clean and moisten gas-forming foods, the membranes of Encourage client to which cause the mouth and lips. perform regular distention and restrict exercises and maintain a diaphragmatic movement. healthy lifestyle.

mobilizing becomes enlarged and secretions, teach his there may not be signs of family how to overinflated lungs. C perform postural Exaggerated lung Cortecosteroids- For the control of drainage and chest inflation in upper areas. asthma in persons requiring physiotherapy. If Larger amounts of air in continuous, prolonged treatment. secretions are thick, the lower lungs in encourage the patients with A1ADH patient to drink 12 related emphysema. have potent anti inflammatory actions to 15 glasses of that reduces inflammation and hyperfluid per day. Blood and Sputum Testsreactivity (spasm) of the airways Additional tests may be E Change in position required if the physician 0.5 mg/2ml suspension in inhalation q2h Change of suspects other medical BID q12 hours position can prevent problems. If pneumonia is client in bed rest present, for instance, blood C from developing and sputum tests and Teach patient of drug adverse pressure ulcers cultures may be performed reaction and to be alert if any are to determine the cause of present infection. Use cautiously with TB and systemic Stretching- This is infections the slow lengthening Intravenous therapy or IV of the muscles. therapy K Stretching the arms -is the giving of liquid Do not use more often than and legs before and substances directly into a prescribed; do not stop without after exercising vein. consulting your health care provider. helps prepare the -it is the fastest way to muscles for activity deliver fluids and It may take several days to achieve medications throughout the good effects; do not stop if effects are and helps prevent injury and muscle body. not immediate. strain. Regular -PNSS isotonic solution stretching also good for replacing fluids in These side effects may occur: Local increases your range the body. irritation (use your device correctly), of motion and dry mouth (suck sugarless lozenges). Medications Pulmicort Respules)

Advise patient on Cardiovascular or aerobic: This involves a restricting sodium as directed steady physical activity using large muscle groups. This type of Teach good habits exercise strengthens the of well-balanced, heart and lungs, and nutritious intake. improves the body's ability to use oxygen. Encourage highAerobic exercises include protein diet such as fish, green leafy walking, jogging, vegetables, and jumping rope, bicycling meat with adequate (stationary or outdoor), mineral, vitamin, cross-country skiing, skating, rowing, and low- and fluid intake. impact aerobics or water Advise against aerobics. excessive hot or cold fluids and foods, which may provoke an irritating cough.

-Bronchodilators - Drugs Strengthening: This in this class relax the airway involves repeated wall muscles allowing you muscle contractions to breathe better. (tightening) until the Albuterol and ipratropium inhaler muscle becomes -Aerosol Therapy- Aerosol (Combivent) tired. Strengthening therapy is the process of exercises for the dispensing particles of C medication in a fine spray Bronchodilator- For the management upper body are especially helpful or mist by way of a of bronchospasm in patients for people with nebulizer. Work by suffering from chronic obstructive COPD, as they help relieving spasms in the pulmonary disease (COPD increase the strength lungs, decreasing swelling, H of your respiratory and making your secretions Produces bronchodilation thereby muscles. easier to cough up. causing relaxation of muscle fibres. E 100/20 mcg per actuation of the inhale, inhalation q6 hours Adequate periods of bed rest. To regain energy

Report sore mouth, sore throat, worsening of symptoms, severe sneezing, exposure to chickenpox or measles, eye infections.


C Teach patient of drug adverse reaction and to be alert if any are present: Teach patient that drug is contraindicated to patient hypersensitive to drug Asses patientwith cardiac tachyarrhythmias, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy K Monitor respiratory status; auscultate

lungs before and after inhalation Report treatment failure (exacerbation of respiratory symptoms) to physician Allow 30-60 sec between puffs for optimum results. Wait 5 min between this and other inhaled medications. Rinse mouth after medication puffs to reduce bitter taste

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