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10 things you can do to improve your memory for math formulas

1. Read ahead Prepare for Tomorrows today.Read over tomorrows math lessontoday. Get a general idea about the new formulas in advance.As you read ahead, you will recognize some of it, and other parts will be brand new.This technique also gives you an overview of the diagrams, graphs and vocabulary in the new section. Look upany new words in a dictionary so you reduce this stumbling block in class. This step may only take 15 minutes or so before each class, but will make a huge difference to your understanding of the math you are studying. 2. Meaning All of us find it very difficult to learn meaningless lists of words, letters or numbers. Our brain cannot see the connections between the words and so they are quickly forgotten. Dont just try to learn formulas by themselves its just like learning that meaningless list.When you need to learn formulas, also learn the conditions for each formula (it might be something like if x > 0?). Also draw a relevant diagram or graph each time you write the formula (it might be a parabola, or perhaps a circle). You will begin to associate the picture with the formula and then later when you need to recall that formula, the associated image will help you to remember it (and its meaning, and its conditions).When you create your summary list of formulas, include conditions and relevant pictures, graphs and diagrams. 3. Practice: Practice makes an student Perfect. As in other subjects,it is important for maths formula also.Repetition is a very important aspect of learning. If you practice a new skill, the connections between neurons in your brain are strengthened. But if you dont practice, then the weak bonds are broken.If you try to learn formulas without doing the practice first, then you are just making it more difficult for yourself. 4. Keep a list of symbols Most math formulas involve some Greek letters, or perhaps some strange symbols like ^ or perhaps a letter with a bar over the top.When we learn a foreign language, its good to keep a list of the new vocabulary as we come across it. As it gets more complicated, we can go back to the list to remind us of the words we learned recently but are hazy about. Learning mathematics symbols should be like this, too. Keep a list of symbols and paste them up somewhere in your room, so that you can update it easily and can refer to it when needed. 5. Absorb the formulas via different channels Ive already talked about writing and visual aids for learning formulas. Also process and learn each one by hearing it and speaking it. An example here is the formula for the derivative of a fraction involving x terms on the top and bottom (known as the Quotient Rule). Then in words, the derivative is: dy/dx = bottom times derivative of top minus top times derivative of bottom all over bottom squared. The formula is actually as follows, if we let u = numerator and v = denominator of the fraction, then: 6. Use memory techniques like story building Most people are capable of learning lists of unrelated numbers or words, as long as they use the right techniques. Such techniques can be applied to the learning of formulas as well.One of these techniques is to create a story around the thing you need to learn. The crazier the story, the better it is because it is easier to remember. If the story is set in some striking physical location, it also helps to remember it later. 7. Know why In many examinations, they give you a math formula sheet so why do you still need to learn formulas? As mentioned earlier, if students dont know what they are doing, they will choose a formula randomly, plug in the values and hope for the best. This usually has bad outcomes and zero marks. I encourage you to learn the formulas, even if they are given to you in the exam. The process of learning the conditions for how to use the formula and the associated graphs or diagrams, means that you are more likely to use the correct formula and use it correctly when answering the question. This is also good for future learning, because you have a much better grasp of the basics.

8. Sleep on it Dont under-estimate the importance of sleep when it comes to remembering things. Deep sleep is a phase during the night where we process what we thought about during the day and this is when more permanent memories are laid down. .Avoid cramming your math formulas the night before an exam until late. Have a plan for what you are going to learn and spread it out so that it is not overwhelming. 9. Healthy body, efficient brain A good brain resides in healthy body. The healthier you are, the less you need to worry about sickness distracting from your learning. Spend time exercising and getting the oxygen flowing in your brain. This is essential for learning. 10.Discipline and Remove distractions This one is a problem for those of us that love being on the Internet, or listening to music, or talking to our friends. There are just so many things that distract us from learning what we need to learn.Turn off all those distractions for a set time each day. You wont die without them. Concentrate on the formulas you need to learn and use all the above techniques. Stick to the schedule for learning .When you are done, reward yourself with some media time but only after you have really accomplished something.

10 common mistake in Examination

Panicking Before Or During A Paper: Always prepare for a test or exam well in advance.Have a good nights sleep before the date of the test or exam.Keep reassuring yourself that you can do it. Once you stop doubting yourself, you will stop panicking. If all else fails, comfort yourself that it is only a paper. Its not the end of the world even if you dont do well for just one paper.So just relax and Do some breathing exercise to relax 2.Failing To Scan Through The Questions Once: Do not immediately start answer the first question. Give yourself about 3 to 5 minutes to read through all the questions. Put a tick against the easy questions and a cross against the difficult ones. Then, proceed to answer the easy questions first! Always leave the difficult questions to the last. This ensures that you would have answered most of the questions in the paper should you run out of time. It also gives you more time for the difficult questions, as you would need relatively less time for the easy ones 3.Misinterpreting A Question: The only way to avoid misinterpreting a question is to read through the question at least twice. Underline the key words in the question. Make sure you understand what those keywords mean. Many time we waste lot of time in this and loose the examination 4.Failing To Bring Along Required Stationery Or Items. If you run out of stationary,your time will be wasted in getting that from some one 5.Forgetting To Write Down Your Names And Other Personal Particulars: Put all the particulars on the paper correctly 6. Marking the wrong multiple choice answer in answer sheet: pay special attention to this.Many time we circle the wrong one and our whole hardwork is wastage 7.Ignoring the clock.: Keep a tab of the time 8.Arriving Late For A Paper: Come 30 min before starting the paper and relax 9.Starting With The Most Difficult Question: This is the worst mistake,if you fall in this trap,you will loose all the easy one 10) Poor and slow writing skill

10 Tips for Better Grades in CBSE Maths

1. Don't just aim for 70%. Aim high and shoot for 100%. 2. When doing your math homework, be neat. It does make a difference. 3. It's not just the answer that counts in math. Much of your grade is based on the intermediate steps in getting to the answer. So show all your work. Your objective should be to convince your teacher that you know how to do the problem. 4. It is important to read over the material in your math text book. Don't just focus on your homework problems. 5. Take notes from lectures, writing them neatly. When you study them, check points you need to review. do only NCERT ncert is the best books Should do more variety problems to secure good marks

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