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Guidelines for Final Paper

Ingls prefacultativo 2014-1 Mtro. Emiliano Gutirrez Popoca Discuss one of the topics assigned in 2-3 pages, double space. Use MLA format, reference and citation system. Read and reread texts carefully. You do not need to use any additional bibliography for this comment. If you were to use any source apart from the short story, give proper credit to works cited. Do not plagiarize. Plagiarizing in the essay will be cause for failing the course. Address directly the topic or questions required. Do not digress from the topic of your comment. Quote from the text to exemplify and comment on what you have quoted. Do not paraphrase or retell the plot or poem. Provide a clear thesis statement (the aim of your essay and how you plan on achieving it, expressed in one complete affirmative sentence), and a clear, solid conclusion. Look up and use literary terms properly. Write complete and fully developed sentences and paragraphs. Revise grammar, syntax, punctuation and spelling. For terminology consult: CHARTERS, Ann and Samuel Charters (Ed.). Literature and Its Writers. Boston: Bedford Books, 1997. (included in compilation)

Topics for discussion Poetry Chose one of the poems read during the course (in Ingls Prefacultativo or your Poetry Course) and discuss one of the following elements of poetry according to the instructions. 1. Speaker. Who is/are the speaker(s) in the poem? Is there a clear addressee? Discuss the tone, attitude and diction (choice of words) of the speaker. Does s/he use irony, hyperbole, understatement or paradox in his/her speech? What is the overall effect of the poem based on these aspects? 2. Imagery. Give examples of figures of speech (metaphor, simile, synecdoche, metonymy, personification, etc.) used in the poem. What is their effect? What type of images (visual, aural, tactile, gustatory, olfactory) does the poet use and what is their effect? 3. Form. How does the choice of meter, rhyme and stanzas contribute to the overall effect of the poem? How does the poet profit from the choice of form or genre (ballad, sonnet, elegy, song, etc.)? Does the sound and rhythm of the poem correspond to the theme of the poem? How?* Novel Never Let Me Go. Select one chapter from the novel. What theme or themes of the novel appear in this passage? What is said about these themes? How are they presented in the narrator, the

Read Charters for further explanation of these questions, but answer only the ones included here.

characters or the dialogues?

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