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Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc.
A Pictorial Presentation of the Advice to Sigala
Compiled by Ven. K. Dhammasiri
Art by K. W. Janaranjara
Tni Sio.iov.u. iN Iic+iis
(A icloriaI resenlalion of lhe advice lo SigaIa)
VenerabIe Kandaraanguve Dhammasiri
Arl by
K. W. }anaran|ana
Iirsl Idilion zj8 n.i. 1j ..u.
isnN: ;-j;;-z-
1j, AII righls reserved.
This book is dedicaled
my beIoved arenls
"Malailaro ubbacariyali vuccare"
(Iarenls are caIIed lhe Iirsl Teachers)
Sabrahmaka Suua
Anguuara Nikaya
1. Lisl of IIales j
z. Inlroduclion ;
. Iorevord 11
. Aendix jo
j. ibIiograhy 61





Lis+ Oi Ii.+is
1. SigaIaka househoIder advised his son. zo
z. Young SigaIaka vorshied six direclions. z1
. One day lhe uddha mel young SigaIaka. zz
. The six eriIs from addiclion lo inloxicanls. z
j. The six eriIs from frequenling lhe slreels al
unseemIy hours. z
6. The six eriIs from haunling lhe fairs. zj
;. The six eriIs for him vho is infalualed vilh gambIing. z6
8. The six eriIs from associaling vilh eviI comanions. z;
. The six eriIs of lhe habil of idIeness. z8
1o. Annadahuhara: a raacious erson. z
11. Vaciparama: lhe man vho ays Ii-service. o
1z. Anuppiyabhani: auerer. 1
1. Apaya sahaya: lhe feIIov vasler. z
1. Upakaraka: lhe heIer.
1j. Samana sukha dukkha: lhe man vho is lhe same
in veaI and voe.
16. Ahakkhayi: lhe man vho gives good counseI. j
1;. Anukampaka: lhe man vho symalhises. 6
18. The dulies of chiIdren. ;
1. The dulies of arenls. 8
zo. The dulies of uiIs.
z1. The dulies of leachers. o
zz. The dulies of husbands. 1
z. The dulies of vives. z
z. The dulies of cIansman.
zj. The dulies of friends.
z6. The dulies of masler. j
z;. The dulies of emIoyees. 6
z8. The dulies of cIansmen. ;
z. The dulies of monks and brahmins. 8
o. The young SigaIaka became a uddhas foIIover.
The uddha, lhe IuIIy InIighlened One found oul
lhe MiddIe Ialh by fuIhIIing Ierfeclions lhrough
a Iong eriod of innumerabIe ons vandering
in lhe cycIe of birlhs and dealhs. The malurily
He acquired by resorling lo raclise Ierfeclions,
uIlimaleIy Ied Him lo auain IuII InIighlenmenl al
lhe fool of lhe odhi lree al Gaya in India.
The Ialh vhich avoids lvo exlremes of SeIf-
induIgence and SeIf-morlihcalion is caIIed MiddIe
Ialh and is consliluled of eighl sles. Hence il is
olhervise knovn as NobIe IighlfoId Ialh, vhich is
a Ialh unheard before eilher by Gods or by men. Il
is lhe Ialh of Liberalion vhich Ieads lo elernaI eace,
Nibbana. The raclice of vhich as exounded by
lhe uddha is lvofoId in resecl of lhe erson vho
foIIovs il. The Ialh enuncialed for Iaily is caIIed
Mode of Righl Conducl for Laymen (Gihisamici
patipada) vhiIe lhe Ialh rescribed for monks vho
have Ieh lhe househoId Iife behind is caIIed Mode
of Righl Conducl for Monks (Samanasamici patipada).
MoraI conducl governing lhe MiddIe Ialh and
meanl for Iaymen, vho are bound by numerous
sociaI obIigalions, are lo be raclised biIaleraIIy and
recirocaIIy for lhe veII-being of sociely as a vhoIe.
There are of course, many canonicaI references
deicling lhe vays and means of uuing lhe
norms of righl moraI conducl inlo oeralion for lhe
urose of mainlaining heaIlhy sociaI reIalions.
One of lhose inslances is found vilh reference lo
Anathapindika, lhe miIIionaire, vhose exlravaganl
son vas asked lo go lo Iislen lo lhe uddha on
lhe condilion of giving a granl in goId coins on
his relurn. ul once he Iislened lo lhe uddha he
vas lhoroughIy convinced and managed lo buiId
u his characler by giving u his dissoIule vays
of Iiving aIlogelher and no Ionger asked for lhe
In anolher inslance, Visakha, vho vas lhe foremosl
femaIe suorler of lhe disensalion vas inslrucled
on len oinls by her falher vhen she vas aboul
lo marry. y Iiving u lo lhese inslruclions given
by lhe falher she vas abIe lo converl her falher-in-
Iav Migara lo uddhism. In lhe same vay young

Sigala, vho vas asked by his falher lo vorshi

lhe six quarlers vas made lo undersland lhe reaI
signihcance of lhe six quarlers in reIalion lo lveIve
sociaI unils symboIized in six quarlers.
The discourse in queslion, deIivered lo lhe youlh
by lhe Omniscienl uddha, comes in lhe Digha
Nikaya of lhe IaIi Canon. The sludenl of Dhamma
shouId sIovIy bul sleadiIy deveIo his lvo facuIlies
of ear and eye. Ior vhich he needs lhoughlfuI
reeclion (Yoniso manasikara). The comassionale
uddha has aved lhe vay for lhe righl deveIomenl
of lhose facuIlies. The observance of moraI conducl
is lhe hrsl and lhe foremosl sle lo be foIIoved for
lhe romolion of siriluaI Iife.
The second sle is concenlralion (Samadhi).
The lhird is lhe deveIomenl of visdom in
accordance vilh lhe syslem of Insighl Medilalion
(Vipassana pannabhavana) given by lhe Masler.
SigaIovada Suua is knovn as lhe Code of Laymans
Ilhics (Gihi vinaya) vhich unfoIds a code of conducl
lo be foIIoved for lhe reformalion of characler
and for lhe mainlenance of heaIlhy sociaI reIalions
vhich resuIl in hainess in lhis Iife and aher.
Ven. K. Dhammasiri is an erudile uddhisl schoIar
vho served Dhammadula CoIIege, CoIombo 1o, Sri
Lanka for a Iong eriod of his leaching career.
He has vieved lhe Suua in a dierenl angIe lo bring
aboul ils sociaI imIicalions vilh iIIuslralions. The
SigaIovada in Iiclures is indeed a conlribulion lo
uddhisl Iileralure. Il gives me greal Ieasure lo
slale here lhal Ven. Dhammasiri is nol onIy veII-
versed in Triilaka bul aIso is an ideaI monk Iiving
a veII-disciIined Iife of a monk. He is rendering a
greal service by disseminaling lhe leaching of lhe
uddha in a vay lhal suils lhe modern lasle.
May he be abIe lo roduce more and more vorks
of lhis nalure lo make lhe resenl generalion more
cuIlured, sociabIe and vise!
Ven. Dr. Iandil Iaravahera Iannananda
Nayaka Maha Thero
.A. Hons (London)
D. Liu (Sri Lanka)
Chief Sanganayaka of
Weslern Sri Lanka
ChanceIIor, Ruhunu Universily
The hrsl sermon of lhe uddha vas deIivered al lhe
Deer Iark (Migadaya) in Saranalh (Isialana) near
enares (aranasi) in India.
The uddha reached lhe Dhammacakkappavat-
tana, Sutta on lhal day lo hve ascelics named Kon-
danna, Vaa, haddiya, Mahanama and Assa|i.
The hrsl sermon conlains lhe essence of lhe Teach-
ings of lhe uddha.
The fundamenlaI lenels of uddhism are found in
lhis discourse and knovn as Iour NobIe Trulhs.
1. Suering.
z. The Cause of Suering.
. The Transcending of Suering.
. The Ialh Ieading lo lhe lranscending of
Thenceforlh, lhroughoul lhe remaining forly-hve
years (aher InIighlenmenl) of His Iife, He vandered
from Iace lo Iace leaching His nev discovery lo
lhe eoIe of dierenl vaIks of Iife.
Three monlhs aher lhe demise of lhe uddha, His
leaching vas reciled and comiIed al lhe hrsl
CounciI heId in Ra|agaha. The aim of lhe CounciI
vas lo reserve lhe leachings of lhe uddha in ils
risline urily for lhe sake of fulure generalions.
The CounciI vas resided over by Ven. Maha
Kassaa under lhe alronage of King A|alasauu of
Magadha in India.
Al lhe hrsl uddhisl CounciI, aII lhe leachings of lhe
uddha vere divided inlo lhree divisions (Ti-pitaka,
Tri-pitaka Three askels) .
The lhree divisions are lhe Vinaya pitaka, Sua pitaka
and Abhidhamma pitaka.
The Vinaya pitaka or lhe baskel of disciIine deaIs
vilh lhe RuIes for uddhisl monks and nuns and
consisls of hve books. They are Parajika aIi-book
on Ma|or Oences, Paciya aIi-book on Minor
Oences, Maha vagga aIi-book on Grealer Seclion,
Culla vagga aIi-book on SmaIIer Seclion and Parivara
aIi-book on Iilome of lhe Vinaya.
The Sua Pitaka or lhe askel of Discourses consisls
of hve books. They are lhe Digha Nikaya CoIIeclion
of Long Discourses, Majjhima Nikaya CoIIeclion
of MiddIe Lenglh Discourses, Samyua Nikaya
CoIIeclion of Kindred Sayings or Groued
Discourses, Anguara Nikaya CoIIeclion of GraduaI
Sayings or CoIIeclion of NumericaI Sayings and
Khuddaka Nikaya CoIIeclion of Minor Works.
The Abhidhamma pitaka or lhe askel of SubIime Doc-
lrine consisls of seven books. They are Dhamma-
sanganipakarana Inumeralion of lhe Dhamma.
Vibhangapakarana AnaIysis of lhe Dhamma,
Dhatukathapakarana Discussion of IIemenls.
Puggalapannai pakarana Descrilion of individuaIs,
Kathavahu pakarana Sub|ecls of Discussion,
Yamakapakarana ook of airs and Pahanapakarana
lhe ook of CausaI ReIalions.
The SigaIovada Suua or lhe SigaIa HomiIy (Advice
lo SigaIa) is incIuded in lhe Digha Nikaya lhe
CoIIeclion of Long Discourses of Suua ilaka.
Varianl readings of lhe vord are found in dierenl edilions.
e. g. SingaIaka Thai Idilion
SingaIa-Myanmar (urmese) Idilion
SigaIa I.T.S. Idilion
SingaIaka, SingaIovada, SigaIa SinhaIa Idilion.
The uddha vas once slaying near Ra|agaha in
lhe amboo vood al lhe SquirreIs Ieeding Ground
(Kalandakanivapa). Nov al lhal lime, SigaIa
, a son
of a househoIder of Ra|agaha, rising in lhe earIy
morning venl forlh lo Ra|agha vilh vel hair and
vel garmenls, cIased hands uIihed, vorshied
lhe six quarlers of lhe earlh and sky lo lhe easl,
soulh, vesl and norlh, lo lhe nadir and lhe zenilh.
IarIy in lhe morning, on lhal day, lhe uddha
enlered Ra|agaha seeking aIms. He sav lhe young
SigaIaka vorshiing and asked SigaIaka Why do
you rising earIy and Ieaving Ra|agaha vilh vel
hair and vel garmenls vorshi lhe six quarlers
incIuding earlh and sky` Sir, my falher
vhen he
vas dying, said lo me, dear son, you shouId vorshi
lhe quarlers of lhe earlh and sky. So I, Sir, honouring
lhe advice of my falher revering and hoIding sacred
vhal he said, rise in lhe earIy morning Ieave
Ra|agaha and vorshi lhe six quarlers.
The uddha said ul according lo lhe reIigion of
Ariyans (in lhe uddhas leaching), young house-
hoIder, lhe six quarlers shouId nol be vorshied
1, z,
see Aendix
SigaIaka, lhe young househoIder asked: Hov lhen
Sir, in lhe reIigion of lhe Ariyan shouId lhe six
quarlers be vorshied` Il vouId be exceIIenl Sir,
if lhe uddha vouId leach me lhe doclrine in
accordance vilh vhich in lhe reIigion of Ariyans
hov lhe six quarlers shouId be vorshied` Then
lhe uddha laughl him hov one shouId vorshi
lhe six quarlers.
Inasmuch, SigaIaka young househoIder, as lhe
Ariyan disciIe ul avay lhe four vices in lhe
conducl, inasmuch as he does no eviI aclions from
lhe four molives (from four Iaces), inasmuch as
he does nol ursue lhe six channeIs for dissialing
veaIlh, he lhus, avoiding lhese fourleen eviI lhings,
is a coverer of lhe six quarlers. He has racliced so
as lo conquer bolh vorIds, he lasles success bolh in
lhis vorId and in lhe nexl, aher dealh, he is reborn
lo a hay desliny in heaven.
The deslruclion of Iife, lhe laking avay of lhings
lhal are nol given, sexuaI misconducl and Iying are
lhe four vices of conducl lhal he has given u

y vhich four molives, four Iaces he does no eviI
deed` IviI deeds are done from molives of arliaIily,
enmily, sluidily and fear. ul inasmuch as lhe
Ariyan disciIe is nol Ied avay by lhese molives,
lhrough lhem he does no eviI deed.
Then lhe uddha laughl lhe six channeIs for dis-
sialing veaIlh. They are: addiclion lo inloxicaling
Iiquors, frequenling lhe slreels al unseemIy hours,
haunling of fairs, induIgence in gambIing, associalion
vilh eviI comanions and lhe habil of idIeness and
lhe eriIs auached lo lhem. Iach one has six eriIs.
Then lhe uddha laughl aboul four kinds of faIse
friends aqd four kinds of lrue hearled friends

lheir quaIilies.
Then lhe uddha exIained hov lo use lhe amassed
veaIlh. WeaIlh musl be divided inlo four arls, one
orlion shouId be senl for daiIy exenses, lvo
arls lo be invesled lo conducl business and lhe
fourlh arl shouId be deosiled for fulure use

IinaIIy lhe uddha laughl SigaIaka lhe young house-
hoIder, lhe six quarlers lo be honoured by er-
forming lhe recirocaI dulies incumbenl on lhem.
Iarenls are lhe easl
, leachers are lhe soulh, vife
and chiIdren are lhe vesl, friends and comanions
as lhe norlh, servanls and vork eoIe as lhe nadir,
reIigious leachers as lhe zenilh.
DelaiIs are lhen given vilh reference lo dulies lo be
erformed biIaleraIIy.
The discourse is an exosilion of vhoIe domeslic and
sociaI duly of a Iayman according lo lhe uddhisl
oinl of viev, and, as such, il is famous under lhe
name Gihivinaya, lhe disciIine of lhe Iaily.
In lhe asl, some eoIe beIieved lhal lhe rain, lhe
vind, lhe hiIIs as Gods and look refuges in lhem.
The uddha re|ecled lhose raclices. SigaIaka lhe
young househoIder vas in raclice of vorshiing
six quarlers of lhe earlh and lhe sky, lhe uddha
said lhal il is useIess and inslead He laughl lo
honour by erforming lhe dulies due lo arenls,
leachers elc.
The SigaIovada Suua, lhe SigaIa homiIy is usefuI lo
buiId u a eacefuI sociely. The uddhas doclrine
of Iove and goodviII belveen man and man is here
sel forlh in a domeslic and sociaI elhics vilh more
comrehensive delaiIs lhan eIsevhere.
, , 6
see Aendix
I lhoughl lo ubIish lhis SigaIovada Suua, lhe SigaIa
homiIy discourse in iclures because il is easy lo
undersland by aduIls as veII as by chiIdren, bul
here lhere are no iclures for lhe four vices and
four molives found in lhe discourse.
I am very gralefuI lo Ven. Dr. Iaravahera Iannananda
ChanceIIor of Ruhunu Universily of Sri Lanka, Ven.
Dr. Ialegama Gnanarama IrinciaI of uddhisl
and IaIi CoIIege of Singaore and Ven. Iandil
Obbegoda DhammaliIaka M.A. lhe Chief incumbenl
of IokunugaIa Iurana Vihara MonaragaIa Sri Lanka.
This book vas comiIed under lheir advice.
My sincere lhanks are aIso due lo Ven. Ihrakru
Si Ihalanakun abbol of Wal Nakrok angkok,
Ven. Ihrakru Seuakic Samahilo C.A. U.S.A., Ven.
WeIiilye Ralanasiri, Ven. Kandaudaanguve Nagila,
I. Dayaralne, S. S. Wiickramarachchi relired rinciaI
of AIuvihara VidyaIa MalaIe Sri Lanka, Ruvan
Iranendo, Miss IveIyn Yeo, K. W. }anaran|ana and
MudiyansaIage }ayaralna.
Sabba Danam Dhamma Danam }inali
(The gih of lhe Dhamma exceIs aII olher gihs)
Ven. K. Dhammasiri
SigaIaka househoIder on his dealhbed said lo his
son, my dear son, aher my dealh, gel u earIy in
lhe morning and vilh vel hair and vel garmenls
you shouId vorshi lhe easl, soulh, vesl, norlh,
nadir and zenilh. You shouId do lhis vilhoul faiI.
This is my Iasl advice.
SigaIaka young househoIder rising earIy vilh vel
hair and vel garmenls and cIased hands uIihed,
aid vorshi lo easl, soulh, norlh nadir and lhe
IarIy in lhe morning lhe uddha enlered Ra|agaha
seeking aIms. Then he sav lhe young SigaIaka
vorshiing and asked him lhe reason for doing
lhal. Young SigaIaka reIied lhal his dead falher
had asked him lo do so. The uddha lhen laughl
him lhal, in lhe uddha's leaching loo lhere is
vorshi of six quarlers.
There are six eriIs from addiclion lo inloxicanls:
] acluaI Ioss of veaIlh
] Ioss of good characler
] increase of quarreIs
] indecenl exosure
] suscelibiIily lo disease
] imaired inleIIigence
y, 8
see Aendix
There are six eriIs by freqenling lhe slreels al
unseemIy hours.
] He himseIf is vilhoul guard or roleclion
] So aIso are his vife and chiIdren
] As is his roerly
] He is IiabIe lo be susecled of crimes

] He is lhe sub|ecl of faIse rumuors

] He viII meel a Iol of lroubIes

see Aendix
There are six eriIs from lhe haunling of fairs.
] He is ever lhinking, vhere is lhere dancing`
] Where is lhere singing`
] Where is lhere music`
] Where are lhe recilalions`
] Where are lhe cymbaIs`
] Where lhe lam-lams, erformances`
There are six eriIs for him vho is infalualed vilh
] As a vinner he begels halred
] As a Ioser mourns for his Iosl money
] There is acluaI Ioss of veaIlh
] His vord has no veighl in a courl of Iav
] He is desised by friends and comanions
] He is nol soughl aher by lhose vho vouId give or
lake in marriage, for lhey vouId say lhal a man
vho is a gambIer cannol aord lo kee a vife.
1o, 11
see Aendix
There are six eriIs by associaling vilh eviI com-
] gambIers
] Iiberlines
] drunkard
] chealer vilh faIse lhings
] svindIer
] men of vioIence
see Aendix
There are eriIs of lhe habil of idIeness
] He says il is loo hol and does no vork
] He says il is loo coId and does no vork
] He says il is loo earIy and does no vork
] He says il is loo Iale and does no vork
] He says I am loo hungry and does no vork
] He says I am loo fuII and does no vork
see Aendix
Annadahuhara a raacious erson. On four
grounds lo be reckoned as a foe in lhe Iikeness of a
] He is racious
] He gives IiuIe and execls much
] He gives a heIing hand onIy vhen he himseIf
is in danger
] He ursues his ovn inleresls.
Vaciparama lhe man vho ays Ii-service. On
four grounds lhe man of vords, nol deeds is lo be
reckoned as a foe in lhe Iikeness of a friend.
] He seaks lo you aboul a fair asl
] He seaks lo you aboul a fair fulure
] He lries lo gain your favour by emly sayings
] When lhe oorlunily for service has arisen
he avovs his disabiIily.
Anuppiya bham auerer. On four grounds lhe
auerer is lo be reckoned as a foe in lhe Iikeness of
a friend.
] He consenls lo your doing vrong
] He consenls lo your doing righl
] He raises you lo your face
] He seaks iII of you lo olhers.
Apaya sahaya lhe feIIov-vasler. On four grounds
lhe feIIov-vasler comanion is lo be reckoned a foe
in lhe Iikeness of a friend.
] He is your comanion vhen you induIge in
slrong drinks
] He is your comanion vhen you frequenl lhe
slreels al unseemIy hours
] He is your friend vhen you haunl shovs and fairs
] He is you comanion vhen you are infalualed
vilh gambIing.

Upakaraka lhe heIer. On four grounds lhe friend

vho is a heIer is lo be reckoned as sound al hearl.
] He guards you vhen you are o your guard
] He guards your roerly vhen you are o
your guard
] He is a refuge lo you vhen you are afraid
] He rovides a douIbe suIy of vhal you may
ask in lime of need.

Samana sukha dukkha lhe man vho is lhe same

in veaI and voe. On four grounds lhe friend vho
is lhe same in veaI and voe is lo be reckoned as
sound al hearl.
] He leIIs you his secrels
] He kees your secrels
] He does nol forsake you in your lroubIes
] He can even die for your sake
Ahakkhayi lhe man vho gives good counseI. On
four grounds lhe friend vho decIares vhal you
need lo do is sound al hearl.
] He reslrains you from doing vrong
] He encourages you lo do good
] He informs you of vhal you have nol heard
] He reveaIs lo you lhe vay lo heaven.
Anukampaka lhe man vho symalhizes. On
four grounds lhe friend vho symalhizes is lo be
reckoned as sound al hearl.
] He does nol re|oice over your misforlunes
] He re|oices over your roserily
] He admires anyone vho is raising you
] He reslrains anyone vho is seaking iII of you.
In hve vays a chiId shouId minisler lo his arenls
as lhe easlern quarler.
] Once suorled by lhem I viII nov be lheir
] I viII erform dulies incumbenl on lhem
] I viII kee u lhe honour and lhe lradilion of
my famiIy
] I viII make myseIf vorlhy of my herilage
] I viII make meril oerings lo lhem aher lheir
see Aendix
In hve vays arenls lhus minisler, as lhe easlern
quarler by lheir chiId, lo shov lheir Iove for him:
] They reslrain him from vice
] They lrain him in virlue
] They have him laughl arls and sciences
] They conlracl a suilabIe marriage for him
] They hand over inherilance lo him in due lime.

In hve vays shouId uiIs minisler lo lheir leachers

as lhe soulhern quarler.
] by raising lo receive lhem (in saIulalion)
] by vailing uon lhem
] by eagerness lo Iearn
] by ersonaI service
] by auenlion vhen receiving lheir leaching
In hve vays do leachers, lhus minislered lo as lhe
soulhern quarler by lheir uiIs, Iove lheir uiIs.
] They lrain lhem so lhal lhey have been veII
] They hoId fasl lhal vhich is veII heId
] They lhoroughIy inslrucl lhem in lhe Iore of
every arl
] They seak veII of lhem amongsl lheir friends
and comanions
] They rovide for lheir safely in every quarler.
In hve vays shouId a vife as veslern quarler be
minislered lo by her husband.
] by resecl
] by courlesy
] by failhfuIness
] by handing over aulhorily
] by roviding her vilh ornamenls.
In hve vays his vife, lhus served as lhe veslern
quarler, shov her Iove for him.
] Her dulies are veII erformed
] by hosilaIily lo lhe kin of bolh
] by failhfuIness
] by valching over lhe goods he brings
] by skiII and induslry in discharging aII her
1, 16
see Aendix

In hve vays a cIansman shouId serve his friends

and associales as lhe norlhern quarler.
] by generosily
] by kind vords
] by heIing lhem and acling for lheir veIfare
] by being sincere lo lhem.

In hve vays his friends and associales lhus served

as lhe norlhern quarler, shov lheir Iove for him.
] They rolecl him vhen he is o guard
] The guard his roerly vhen he is careIess
] They are a refuge for him vhen he is in danger
] The do nol forsake him in his lroubIes
] They shov due resecl lo olher members of
his famiIy.
In hve vays a masler minislers lo his servanls and
emIoyees as lhe nadir.
] by assigning lhem vork according lo lheir
] by giving lhem food and vages
] by lending lhem in sickness
] by sharing vilh lhem unusuaI deIicacies
] by granling Ieave al suilabIe limes
see Aendix
In hve vays minislered by lheir masler, servanls
and emIoyees Iove lheir masler in hve vays.
] They rise before him (lhey go lo vork before
lhe masler)
] They lo resl aher him
] They are conlenl vilh vhal is given lo lhem
] They do lheir vork veII
] They carry aboul his raise and good fame.
In hve vays shouId lhe cIansman minisler lo monks
and brahmins as lhe zenilh.
] y kindIy acls
] y kindIy vords
] y kindIy lhoughl
] y keeing oen house lo lhem
] y suIying lheir lemoraI needs.
In six vays lhe monks and brahmins, lhus minisl-
ered as zenilh quarler, shov lheir Iove for him.
] They reslrain him from eviI
] They encourage him lo do good
] They Iove him vilh kindIy lhoughl
] The leach him vhal he had nol heard before
] They correcl and urify vhal he has heard
] They reveaI lo him lhe vay lo heaven.

Al lhe end of lhe sermon, SigaIaka became a foIIover

of lhe uddha
see Aendix
1. Singala, Sigala, Singalaka Puo, young house-
hoIder. SigaIaka vas his ersonaI name. He vas
lhe son of SigaIaka househoIder, lherefore he vas
caIIed SigaIaka gahaali uuo SigaIaka young
househoIder. His falher vas SigaIaka ila and his
molher vas SigaIaka mala.
Young SigaIakas arenls vere ious uddhisl, Iay
foIIovers of lhe uddha. They couId nol ersuade
lheir son, SigaIaka lo accomany lhem lo hear lhe
uddhas doclrine. They requesled him many limes
lo go lo lhe uddha bul he did nol go. Nay he
vouId say I naughl lo do vilh lhe recIuses. his
arenls advised him again and gain lo see lhe
uddha and his disciIes bul he refused. back
z. Sigalaka pita
He vas a househoIder of Savauhi and beIonged
lo a Seuhi famiIy. SigaIaka ila had a son named
SigaIaka gahaali uuo. Laler he enlered lhe Order
lhe uddha asked him lo medilale on lhe idea of
a skeIelon. He Iived in lhe hesakaIavana in Sum-
sumaragiri. There a voodIand siril encouraged
him vilh a verse. There vas a hikkhu, an heir of
lhe uddha, in lhe hesakaIa foresl, he suered lhis
vhoIe earlh vilh lhe conlemIalion of lhe skeIelon
nolion, very quickIy, I lhink, he viII gel rid of desire
for sensuaI Ieasure.
SigaIaka lhere deveIoed insighl and became an
Arahanl. During lhe lime of Kassasaa uddha he
vas a monk and deveIoed medilalion on lhe idea
of a skeIelon. (The IIders Verses There Galha Iarl
I I.T.S. There Galha Auhakalha Iarl I I.T.S.)
Sigalaka mata.
She vas born in Ra|agaha, beIonged lo a famiIy of
seuhi. Aher marriage she had a son caIIed SigaIaka.
Then she became SigaIaka mala. She heard lhe
uddha reaching and enlered lhe Order. One day
SigaIaka mala venl lo lhe monaslery, lhe uddha
reaIizing her nalure, reached. She became an
Arahanl. Laler she vas decIared lhe chief of nuns
and had auained reIease by failh.
In lhe lime of Iadumuuara uddha she beIonged
lo a minislers famiIy. One day she venl vilh her
falher lo hear lhe uddha reaching. IuII of failh,
she enlered lhe Order and hearing a nun decIared
foremosl of lhose vho had failh, she vished simiIar
During lhe lime of lhe Golama uddha she received
lhe same osilion. (Anguuara Nikaya NumericaI
Sayings Iarl 1, Monoralaurani uddhagosas
Commenlary on lhe Anguuara Nikaya. I.T.S.) back
. If somebody raclises Norm-melhod he can abslain
from four vices, lhe uddha had exIained Norm-
melhod in VeIudvareyya Suua, lhus, housefalher,
of vhal sorl is lhe Norm-melhod vhich brings rohl
lo seIf` In lhis mauer, housefalhers, lhe Ariyan
disciIe lhus reecls: Here I am, fond of my Iife, nol
vanling lo die, fond of Ieasure and averse from
ain. Suose someone shouId rob me of my Iife
(fond of Iife as I am and nol vanling lo die, fond of
Ieasure and averse from ain), il vouId nol be a
lhing Ieasing or deIighlfuI lo me. If I, in my lurn,
shouId rob of his Iife, nol vanling lo die, one fond
of Ieasure and averse from ain, il vouId nol be a
lhing Ieasing or deIighlfuI lo him. Ior a slale lhal
is nol Ieasanl or deIighlfuI lo me musl be so lo him
aIso, and a slale lhal is nol Ieasing or deIighlfuI lo
me, hov couId I inicl lhal uon anolher`
As a resuIl of such reeclion he himseIf abslains
from laking lhe Iife of crealures and he encourages
olhers so lo abslain, and seaks in raise of so
abslaining. Thus as bodiIy conducl he is uuerIy ure.
Then again, housefalhers, lhe Ariyan disciIe lhus
reecls: If someone shouId lake vilh lhievish inlenl
vhal I have nol given him, il vouId nol be a lhing
Ieasing or deIighlfuI lo me. If I, in my lurn, shouId
lake from anolher vilh lhievish inlenl vhal he has
nol given me, il vouId nol be a lhing Ieasing or
deIighlfuI lo him, and a slale lhal is nol Ieasanl,
lhal is nol deIighlfuI lo me, musl be so lo him aIso.
Whal does nol Iease me, vhal does nol deIighl me,
hov couId I inicl lhal uon anolher`
As a resuIl of lhis reeclion, he himseIf abslains
from laking vhal is nol given and he encourages
olher lo abslain, he seaks in raise of so abslaining,
lhus as regards bodiIy conducl he is uuerIy ure.
Again, housefalhers, lhe Ariyan disciIe lhus reecls:
If someone shouId have inlercourse vilh my vives,
il vouId nol be a lhing Ieasing or deIighlfuI lo me.
If I, in my lurn, shouId so behave vilh anolhers
vives, il vouId nol be a lhing Ieasing or deIighlfuI
lo him, and a slale lhal is unIeasanl, nol deIighlfuI
lo me, hov couId I inicl lhal uon anolher`
As a resuIl of lhis reeclion, he himseIf abslains
from vrong raclice in resecl of sense desires, and
he encourages olhers lo do so, he seaks in raise of
such abslinence. Thus as regards ersonaI conducl
he is uuerIy ure.
Again, housefalhers, lhe Ariyan disciIe lhus reecls:
If someone shouId soiI my forlune by Iying seech,
il vouId nol be. a lhing Ieasanl or deIighlfuI lo
me. If I, in my lurn, shouId soiI anolhers forlune
by Iying seech, il vouId nol be a lhing Ieasanl
or deIighlfuI lo,him, and a slale lhal is unIeasanl,
nol deIighlfuI lo me, hov couId I inicl lhal uon
As a resuIl of lhis reeclion he himseIf abslains from
Iying seech, he encourages anolher so lo abslain,
seak in raise of abslaining lherefrom, lhus as
regards conducl in seech he is uuerIy ure.
Again, housefalhers, lhe Ariyan disciIe lhus reecls:
If someone shouId eslrange me from my friends
by sIander, il vouId nol be a lhing Ieasanl or
deIighlfuI lo me. If I in my lurn shouId eslrange him
from his friends, il vouId nol be a lhing Ieasanl
or deIighlfuI lo him, and a slale lhal is nol Ieasanl
or deIighlfuI lo me, hov couId I inicl lhal uon
As a resuIl of lhis reeclion, he himseIf abslains
from sIanders. Thus as regards conducl in seech
he is uuerIy ure.
Again, housefalhers, lhe Ariyan disciIe lhus reecls:
If someone shouId lreal me vilh harsh seech il
vouId nol be a lhing Ieasanl or deIighlfuI lo me
nor lo him if I lrealed him so and a slale lhal is
nol Ieasanl or deIighlfuI lo me, hov couId I inicl
lhal uon anolher`
As a resuIl of lhis reeclion as regards conducl in
seech he is uuerIy ure.
Again, housefalhers, lhe Ariyan disciIe lhus reecls:
If someone shouId lreal me vilh oinlIess frivoIous
laIk, il vouId nol be a lhing Ieasanl or deIighlfuI lo
me. If I in my lurn shouId so lreal him, il vouId nol
be Ieasanl or deIighlfuI lo him. Ior a slale lhal is
unIeasanl, nol deIighlfuI lo me musl be so lo him
aIso, and a slale lhal is nol Ieasanl, nol deIighlfuI
lo me, hov couId I inicl lhal uon anolher`
As a resuIl of lhis reeclion, he himseIf abslains
from oinlIess frivoIous laIk: he encourages anolher
lo do so, he seaks in raise of so doing. Thus, as
regards conducl in seech he is uuerIy ure. back
(VeIudvareyya Suua, Samyuua Nikaya Iarl V. I. T.S.)
. Suhada lrue-hearled friends (sound al hearl, Rhys
Davids lransIalion)
Suhada, IaIi lerm. Su + hada = Suhada, True-hearled
Su is a rehx, meaning good, veII, hay and
lhorough, hada hearl, mind. Suhada, good hearled
friends, lrue hearled friends, good minded friends.
Suhada-sundara hadaya, exceIIenl hearled friends
Comy. e.g. Suhajja, friend, Subhumi, good soiI,
Sudivasa, Iucky day.

see IaIi IngIish Diclionary, I. T.S. back

* Comy is an abbrevialion of commenlary.
j. Wise man earns riches, veaIlh graduaIIy Iike a rov-
ing bee vho galhers honey, riches mounl u as anl-
hea groving high.
The earnings shouId be divided inlo four orlions.
WhiIe lhe hrsl orlion is lo be sel aarl for daiIy
exendilure, lhe second and lhird lo be invesled in
business enlerrises. The fourlh is lo be deosiled
and lo be laken in limes of need.
The hrsl can be used lo give gihs lo recIuses as veII
as deslilules and make aymenls lo servanls.
Whal, Tigerfool, is lhe even Iife` Herein a cIansman
vhiIe exeriencing bolh gain and Ioss in veaIlh,
conlinues His business sereneIy, nol unduIy eIaled
or deressed. Thinks he: Thus my income, aher
deducling lhe Ioss, viII sland (al so much) and my
oulgoing viII nol exceed my income.
}usl as one vho carries scaIes, or his arenlice
knovs, on hoIding u lhe baIance, lhal eilher by so
much il has died dovn or by so much il has liIled
u, even so, Tigerfool, a cIansman exeriencing
bolh gain and Ioss conlinues his business sereneIy,
neilher unduIy eIaled nor unduIy deressed, bul
reaIizes lhal aher aIIoving for lhe Ioss his income
viII sland al so much and lhal his oulgoings viII
nol exceed his income. If, Tigerfool, lhis cIansman
have bul smaII earnings and Iive on a grand scaIe,
il viII be rumoured of him, This cIansman eals his
veaIlh Iike a hg-lree gIuuon. And if his earnings
be greal and he Iives meanIy, rumour viII say
of him: This cIansman viII die Iike a slarveIing.
Wherefore lhis cIansman conlinues his business
sereneIy knoving lhal his oul-goings-goings viII
nol exceed his income. This is caIIed lhe even Iife.
(Anguuara Nikaya Vyagghaa||a Suua VoI IV I. T.S.)
6. Iarenls are lhe easl, lhe symboIism is deIiberaleIy
chosen: as lhe day in lhe Iasl, so Iife begins vilh
arenls care leachers fees and lhe soulh are lhe
same vord. dakkhina, domeslic cares foIIov vhen
lhe youlh become man, as vesl hoIds lhe Ialer
dayIighl, Norlh is beyond, so by heI of friends
elc., he gels beyond lroubIes. (Digha Nikaya III,
DiaIogues of lhe uddha, by Rhys Davids foolnoles
g 18o I. T.S.) back
;. Drunkard quarreIs vilh molher and falher, beals
lhem as veII as seaks indecenl vords. He does
imroer lhings does nol do roer lhings and
soiI his characler himseIf, he begels iII-fame in
lhis vorId and in lhe nexl vorId because of his
drunkenness. Comy:
Debauchery in drinking is lhe channeI for lhe
oving avay of amassed veaIlh (Anguuara Nikaya
Vyagghaa||a Suua I. T.S.) back
8. Drunkard never cares lo dress roerIy. He sub|ecls
himseIf lo indecenl exosure, Iives vilh bare body
and indecenl exosure. back
. Irequenling lhe slreels al unseemIy hours, he is
IiabIe lo be susecled of crimes. Crimes commiued
by a lhief or an aduIlerer are falhered on him. Comy.
1o. Jayamveram pammati dukkham seti parajito,
upasanto sukham seti hitva jaya parajayam
Viclory breeds halred, lhe conquered dveIIs in
sorrov. He vho has given u viclory and defeal, he
is caIm and Iives haiIy.
(The Dhammaada Sukha Vagga zo1) back
11. Who is infalualed vilh gambIing, his vords carries
no veighl in a courl of Iav. Men vouId say, lhis
man is induIgenl in gambIing donl accel his vord
in an assembIy. Comy. back
1z. Na bhaje papake mie Na bhaje purisadhame
Bhajetha mie kalyane Bhajetha purisuame
One shouId nol associale vilh friends vho are eviI-
doers nor vilh erson vho are desicabIe, associale
vilh friends vho are virluous, associale vilh lhe
besl of men.
(The Dhammaada Iandila Vagga ;8) back
1. The habil of idIeness, Iaziness is a cause of ones
dovnfaII. (Khuddka Nikaya Iarabhava Suua). back
1. My arenls fed me, lhey miIked me, vashed, balhed,
dressed, nursed me during my chiIdhood. Nov lhey
are oId, gone are lheir days having been suorled
by lhem, I viII suorl lhem in my lurn, so saying
chiId musl heI his arenls. ChiId shouId do lheir
dulies lovards lhe arenls, shouId suIy food,
cIolhes elc. Comy.
He, vhose molher and falher grovn oId, does nol
Iook aher lhem, lhal is a cause of his dovnfaII.
(Iarabhava Suua SuuaNiala)
Auending on lhe molher and falher is a highesl
(Suua Niala Maha MangaIa Suua).
The son vho obeys lhe arenls vord is lhe besl son.
(Samyuua Nikaya Iarl 1)
ChiIdren are mankinds basis and suorl. ib.
1j. HosilaIily lo kinsmen of bolh, il means reIalives of
husband and her reIalives. Comy.
Wife is lhe besl friend.
(Samyuua Nikaya Iarl 1)
The besl among vives she lhal besl minislers. ib.
16. ShouId abslain from lhinking of anolher man excel
her ovn husband. Comy. back
1;. Conslanl reIaxalion so lhal lhey need nol vork
aII day and seciaI Ieave vilh exlra food and
adornmenl for feslivaI. Comy. back
18. AII dulies of Iayman are incIuded inlo lhis Dis-
course. Nolhing in lhe dulies of househoIder is
Ieh unmenlioned. This Suua is caIIed lhe Vinaya of
lhe Laily. Hence in one vho raclises vhal he
has been laughl in il, rogress is lo be Iooked for,
and nol degeneralion. Comy. back
Dion. Nix.v., . IaIi SinhaIese.
by Ven. Agga Maha Iandila . Anandamailhreya
Di.iooiis Oi Tni iuun.. I.+ III I. T.S.
by T. W. and C. A. I. Rhys Davids.
Dic+ioN.v Oi iuunisx. (Thai IngIish)
by Ven. Ihra Ra|avaramuni (Irayulh Iayuuo)
Dic+ioN.v Oi I.ii Iovi N.xis.
by G. I. MaIasekara, Ih.D.
Di+iis Oi I.iN+s
by Ven. Ihra Hoe.
Giiui To Tivi+.x.
by Uko Lay, urma Iilaka Associalion, urma. uddhgosas Commenlary
on Anguuara Nikaya (IaIi) I. T.S.
by Max WaIIeser, Ih.D.
6z (Thai )
by Kromkarnsasana, Krasuvans-ksadhikan.
S.xvi++. Nix.v., Goiviu Si++.s I.+ 1 I. T.S.
by Mrs Rhys Davids M.A.
Ti.cniNos Oi Tni iuun. (1)
by Ven. K. Dhammasiri
Tni Gi.+ oox Oi Io+ic+ioN
by LioneI LokuIiyana
Tni Six.No.i.vii.siNi, uddhagosas
Commenlary on Digha Nigha Nikaya (IaIi) I. T.S.
by W. Slede Ih.D.
Tni Dion. Nix.v., Voi III (I.ii) I. Y.S.
by }. IslIin Carenler, D.Lil.
Tni Iiuis Visis Tni G.+n. I.+ 1. I. T.S.
by K. R. Norman.
Tni Dn.xx.v.u. (IaIi IngIish)
by S. Radhakrishnan.

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