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CORONARY HEART DISEASE Putri Stefy Graf Nama Ilmiah : Coronary heart disease Keluarga : Cardiology Program Studi

Pendidikan Dokter Hewan, Program Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Brawijaya 65145 Email :

ABSTRACT One of disease in Cardiovascular system which is often happened known as heart sickness of coroner and heart attack. The diseases are very dangerous because they attack vitally organ from our body. Above diseases take possession of the first position in industrial states go forward, even also various states which is expanding. In consequence, we are obliged to pay attention to those disease seriously. For the purpose of that we need to know the basics how those disease happened and expand. The Problem of related to above diseases, early with the gagging process in artery causing gagging process artery causing its insufficient supply hit various diseases representing impact from above circumstances, and also recognition to that signs and also action which require to be taken. Keywords: heart sickness of coroner, heart attack and artery

Coronary Heart Disease The heart pumps blood to function whole body. To the heart muscle require oxygen and





called the coronary arteries. The issue will arise if by something because there is or abnormalities in the right atrium so that the supply of oxygen and nutrients to heart

nutrients. Oxygen and nutrients are transported by blood through





coronary artery diameter still can be passed more and more blood narrow, until the vessel is not blood may be passed in accordance with the needs of the heart muscle. Obstruction of flow blood as above are called fixed blockage. Processes Blockage Plaque - this can lead to arterial experience blockage / and Mechanisms

situation is known as a disease coronary heart disease (CHD). If the blood flow blocked in the arteries leading to the brain, would stroke occurred. With the aging body and worsened by a wide range risk factors such as high blood pressure, smoking, blood cholesterol levels abnormal vessels become obsolete, and arteries

become narrow, rigid, not elastic and gagged, just as rusty the corrosion of water pipes. This is what cause CHD. Because - because obstructed or blockage of blood flow in arteries Coronary Stunted or blockage arteries can be caused by precipitation of calcium, fat and cholesterol Other another substance, known as plaque (Plaque). Process is started when a young age and many - years developing the rate variation on each - each person accordance with the presence of factors - factors risk. In that period the deposit accumulate slowly - land finally in

obstruction in part, this plaque in a long time can continue to grow, resulting in total blockage. Spam - This process causes arteries constrict and space stream live part and when severe

termination of blood in total. Clot or also called

"platelete clumping "- In case this happens coagulation process from various substance in the blood. This process can continue in such a way, this blocking blood flow in total. A combination of two or more directions events above.

When the combination occurs, generally with total blockage

quickly (100%) in the coronary

arteries. chest pain while when physical movement or exercise. Unstable angina (unstable angina). Chest pain who arrive arrived noticeably when occur at rest or more severe arrived arrived. Heart attack. When blood flow to the vessel artery coronary stunted fully pass attack. Cardiac infarction or or

Types of diseases that occur due to reduced blood supply to the heart muscle such as angina. Angina pectoris If there is an extra burden experienced heart as climbing a hill carrying heavy loads, this need




cardiac oxygen. Lack of oxygen supply to the heart muscle causes chest pain, and is known angina pectoris. If the load the heart was reduced by rest, the pain is gone. person is Typical angina pain it is shortness of breath in the middle of the chest canspread to the neck and jaw, left or right shoulder and arm, even to the back. Sometimes - sometimes angina perceived as difficult to breathe. Angina is a sign

mycodardial (MI). Sign - any sign or Symptoms Blockage (CHD) Because each

different, physical response against the development of CHD also different. Not all people with CHD has symptoms or manifestations common according to the American Health Associatiation (AHA) is a the following: No symptoms. Many of those who had no CHD sense that something is not good or a sign of illness. In This medical

(symptom) or warning that there is a narrowing of the veins coronary arteries resulting in supply not enough blood to the heart muscle time extra effort as described above. Unstable Angina) Angina (Unstable

condition is called silent ischemia. They are diseased diabetes silence could be vulnerable to ischemia. ANGINA

Unstable angina is chest pain that arrived was on a break or occur suddenly heavier. Unstable angina is a

2. Imam


Ir. Disease


Coronary and Heart Attack, Free for the General Public. PT. Scholastic Main Library. Jakarta in 2004. 3. Isfanuddin N. Kaoy. Abstract & Proceeding. 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Associaton & 15th Annual

symptom which shows a bad state handled so that should be taken seriously. On unstable angina lack of oxygen to the heart muscle can be severe (acute), so that very dangerous, risk complications of heart attack very large. Other forms of angina Although the common form of angina caused by narrowing arteries progressively, there is a form Another rare angina, is

Indonesian Scientific Meeting of the Heart Associaton.

Battlefield 2006.

varrian angina. Variant angina occurs when undergo coronary artery spasm (spasm) or sudden frown. This can occur in normal coronary arteries, but which often is when in the arteries already there are plaques. REFERENCES 1. Arjatmo Tjokonegoro, Ph.D. Textbook Cardiology. Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. Jakarta 1996.

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