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Enterprise Information systems of the future evolving towards more performance through transparency, agility and sustainability support. Enterprise information systems (EIS) are large-scale modular software systems, such as ERP, that support and integrate process information flows, information reporting and business analytics within and between complex organizations. They provide a technology platform that enables organizations to integrate their information assets and coordinate their business processes. As the central nervous system of the organization, they ensure that information can be shared across all functional departments and managerial levels. EIS are invaluable because they eliminate the problem of information fragmentation caused by multiple information systems in an organization.

GJEIS is a new peer-reviewed open access e-journal in subjects of business which covers IT linkages in
business, finance, marketing, management, organizational behavior, buyer behavior and other relevant fields.You are cordially invited to submit or recommend articles to the Global Journal of Enterprise Information System (GJEIS) which is a peer-reviewed open access academic journal. GJEIS covers many aspects in Information System and business management and related areas. More information about the journal can be found at The Journal have Print ISSN: 0975-153X and Online eISSN : 0975-1432. We cordially invite you to submit your manuscript to our journal via the Online Submission System

Global Journal of Enterprise Information System (GJEIS) aims to provide comprehensive coverage and understanding of the social, cultural, organizational, and cognitive impacts of information technologies and advances on an enterprise around the world. This publication expands fundamentally the body of knowledge regarding the impact of technologies and utilization in contemporary enterprise, assisting researchers and practitioners to work out more effectual systems for managing the human side of enterprise. The journal proposes to be a serious podium for enlargement and dissemination of academic & professional intellect of contemporary significance. The journal is also an attempt to counterfeit the prototypical alliance with the industry needed for focused move towards the management education. Thus the major aim is to facilitate in assisting researchers and practitioners to devise more effective systems for managing the contemporary enterprise. Over and above to this the endeavors of this particular journal are to replicate a commitment to publish research of the highest quality on an international scale.



Topics of interest
Topics of interest of the GJEIS 2013 and 2014 include, but are not limited to: 1. Enterprise Information System and implementation projects trends EIS new concepts, technology, and applications ERP and cloud computing (cloud ERP) ERP and open source EIS classifications and typologies Design of EIS: approaches to variability, adaptability and flexibility Integration and interoperability of enterprise systems Enterprise modeling, ontology, architecture, and engineering Business process management and service-oriented architecture for enterprise systems Business intelligence and analytics for enterprise systems 2. Enterprise Information System (EIS) innovation New platforms for EIS: Web-based EIS, cloud computing for enterprise systems, platform/infrastructure as a service EIS and social media: integration of social media software in EIS, sense-making of enterprise information via social media EIS and more specifically ERP in SMEs and start-ups: needs, thresholds, lessons learned, opportunities and visionary trends EIS in social profit organizations, in healthcare, in other economic domains: media, accounting... Sustainability support in EIS green ICT and lean ICT in EIS Open Data - Open Data for Business and Enterprise, Open Data Best Practices and Key Success Factors, Barriers and Opportunities for Open Data, Value and Economic Aspects of Open Data, Linked Data in Government and Enterprise Cloud ERP systems - EA for cloud environments, Cloud adoptions challenges, Innovative cloud-based solutions, Cloud security and Cloud databases New EIS delivery and commercial models, e.g., Software as a Service (SaaS), software on demand, from proprietary to open source in enterprise system packages 3. IT governance and EIS in public and private organizations IT Governance and IT management methods and tools, their customization for different types of enterprises Enterprise architecture Trust, security and privacy issues in EIS, compliance issues, risk management, value delivery, alignment of business and enterprise systems Quality assurance of enterprise systems and enterprise information, Disaster Management 4. Market trends and business value of EIS Opportunities, and future strategies for EIS software vendors, integrators and implementers Making sense of EIS: application of theories used in organization studies and the social sciences Behavioural and social studies of the impact of EIS on individuals, teams, and organizations Economic studies of EIS: benefits, costs and risks, productivity studies, impact on organizational performance The art of researching EIS: research methodologies and paradigms EIS & marketing: role of EIS in modern marketing, customer aware EIS EIS best practices and use cases Acquiring, implementing and managing EIS: approaches, experiences, lessons learned Success of EIS: satisfaction, acceptance, adoption



Five types of papers

We are soliciting Five Types of Papers that is mainly focused on research issues in EIS and an industry track that is mainly focused on practical issues in EIS. 1. Empirical research papers report on completed EIS research that complies with rigorous scientific standards. These papers present original results of completed research studies with the aim of obtaining feedback from fellow researchers. 2. Theme Based Papers are short papers that present the design and preliminary results of ongoing EIS research studies with the aim of obtaining early feedback and further guidance from experts and peers. Work-in-progress papers will be evaluated using the same academic standards as regular research papers (except for completeness requirements). 3. Case Study Based Papers describe real-life experiences with EIS that authors wish to share with fellow practitioners and EIS researchers. They focus on specific problems and solutions in specific contexts. Their aim may be to help other practitioners facing similar problems or to solicit help and possible solutions from other practitioners (or EIS researchers). 4. Book Review A book review is a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style, and merit. A book review can be a primary source opinion piece, summary review or scholarly review. Books can be reviewed for printed periodicals, magazines and newspapers, as school work, or for book web sites on the internet. A book review's length may vary from a single paragraph to a substantial essay. Such a review may evaluate the book on the basis of personal taste. Reviewers may use the occasion of a book review for a display of learning or to promulgate their own ideas on the topic of a fiction or non-fiction work 5. Biographical Note of the Luminary in an Area of IS We as per our culture acknowledge in every issue a great leader, Entrepreneur and Academician. Who contribute a lot to a society in the area of IS. We especially welcome papers aiming at following domains: media healthcare IT SMEs and ERP: from design for large enterprises towards adaptation for smaller organizations (SMEs) and social profit organizations from transactional systems to decision-making systems, from ERP and SCM over CRM, Office Systems towards Business Intelligence and Web2.0 approaches for training and communication when implementing integrated EIS change management in the context of planning and/or implementing EIS sources of success and failure when selecting, planning, implementing EIS evaluation and benefits management of EIS projects characteristics, skills and competencies of planning and/or implementation teams The evaluation of these papers will be based mainly on readability, relevance to the conference, and potential interest to the conference participants. Important dates Aug 25 th, 2013 - Submission Deadline (full papers not abstract) Sep 15 th, 2013 - Author Notification of acceptance Instructions for Preparation of Manuscript The page limit for submitted papers (as well as for final, camera-ready papers) depends on the type of submission: Empirical Paper: 16 pages Theme Based Paper: 8 pages Case Study Based Papers: 8 pages Book Review: 2 Pages Biographical Note of the Luminary in an Area of IS: 2 Pages

After Initial Review Informatics Ltd. will publish GJEIS in soft as well as hard copy. Therefore authors must submit manuscripts using the following style (download guidelines). Please note that: Manuscripts not submitted in the style or exceeding the page limits will not be reviewed and automatically rejected. A paper submitted to GJEIS 2013 may not be under review for any other conference or journal during the time it is being considered for GJEIS 2013. Please find the journals profile at: and submit your manuscripts online. If you have any questions, please contact with the editor at: as well as It is appreciated if you could share this information with your colleagues and associates. Thanks once again for your valuable time and effort. Dr Subodh Kesharwani Editor-In-Chief


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