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OBJECTIVE 1.To calculate angular acceleration. 2. To determine the relations between angular acceleration and load.

LEARNING OUTCOME At the end of this laboratory session, students should be able to : 1.Apply mathematical formulae of rotational motion of a rigid body. 2.Identitify factors affecting the angular acceleration of a body. THEORY Rotational motion is more complicated than linear motion, and only the motion of rigid bodies will be considered here. A rigid body is an object with a mass that holds a rigid shape, such as a phonograph turntable, in contrast to the sun, which is a ball of gas. Many of the equations for the mechanics of rotating objects are similar to the motion equations for linear motion The angular displacement of a rotating wheel is the angle between the radius at the beginning and the end of a given time interval. The SI units are radians. The average angular velocity (, Greek letter omega), measured in radians per second, is

The angular acceleration (, Greek letter alpha) has the same form as the linear quantity

and is measured in radians/second/second or rad/s2. The kinematics equations for rotational motion at constant angular acceleration are f= 0 t Angular velocity as a function of time Angular displacement as a function of velocity and time

Angular displacement as a function of time

f 2 = 0 2 + 2 Angular velocity as a function of displacement Consider a wheel rolling without slipping in a straight line. The forward displacement of the wheel is equal to the linear displacement of a point fixed on the rim. As can be shown in Figure 1 , d = S = r

Figure 1 A wheel rolling without slipping. In this case, the average forward speed of the wheel is v = d/ t = ( r)/ t = r, where r is the distance from the center of rotation to the point of the calculated velocity. The direction of the velocity is tangent to the path of the point of rotation. The average forward acceleration of the wheel is aT = r( f o)/ t = r. This component of the acceleration is tangential to the point of rotation and represents the changing speed of the object. The direction is the same as the velocity vector. The radial component of the linear acceleration is ar = v2/ r = 2 r. When a body spin, it experiences angular acceleration based on the value of force that accelerates it. According to Newtons Second Law,force F can be related to accelaeration as F=ma m=mass of body a =linear acceleration

As the body experiences angular acceleration the value of linear acceleration needs to be converted to angular acceleration based on the position of force. By identifying that force is applied at a certain radius r from the center of rotation ,its angular acceleration can then be calculated using the following equation =a/r

When the rotation is given in unit of rpm n,it must be converted to angular velocity with unit (rad/s) which can be calculated by using the equation =2n/60 Angular acceleration for a predetermined period can also be calculated by tacking the difference of angular velocity within the time divided by the time period. =2-1/t

APPARATUS 1. Rotational Apparatus 2. Mass hanger (5 g) 3. Set of weights (15 gram to 95 gram) 4. The software EM028

PROCEDURE 1. Base plate of the rotational apparatus adjusted so that it stands horizontal. 2. EM208 programme switched on. 3. Rope around the driving unit winded up and it was let pass through the pulley. Height of the pulley was adjusted. 4. A weight hanger with a 15 gram weight was hold to the end of the rope. 5. Key <F1> and weight was released at same instant. 6. When the rope was unrolled completely <F1> pressed again. 7. Readings of a. Initial angular velocity(SPPED0) b. Final angular velocity (SPEED1) c. Initial time (TIME0) d. Final time (TIME1) Recorded. 8. Step 3 to 7 was repeated twice and average was calculated. 9. By winding up the same driving unit, step 3 to 8 repeated by replacing 15 g weight with 35 g, 55 g, 75 g and finally 95 g.

Load, (g) (include mass hanger) 20 reading initial angular velocity SPEED0, (rpm) 1 3.4 2 2.5 3 4 1 9.3 2 4 3 4.5 1 7.1 2 7.1 3 7.1 1 9.3 2 7.5 3 8.3 1 7.1 2 8.3 3 10.1 Final angular velocity SPEED1, (rpm) 7.5 7.5 7.9 18.2 17.3 18.2 24.2 24.2 23.7 29.2 28.7 28 33.2 32.2 33.2 initial time TIME0,t (s) 194.4 320.8 418.5 505.3 555.9 610.8 667.9 709.7 752.5 860.2 897.5 939.3 986.5 1023.9 1064.5 Final time TIME1,t (s) 231.8 361.4 460.3 520.7 575.6 630.6 682.2 724 766.8 871.2 909.6 950.3 997.5 1033.8 1074.4






Table 2 Calculated data for angular velocity,time different and angular acceleration Load,(g) (include mass hanger) 20 Reading initial angular velocity (rad/s) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 0.356 0.262 0.419 0.974 0.419 0.471 0.744 0.744 0.744 0.974 0.785 0.869 0.744 0.869 1.058 Final angular velocity (rad/s) 0.785 0.785 0.827 1.906 1.812 1.906 2.534 2.534 2.482 3.058 3.005 2.932 3.477 3.372 3.477 Time different t (s) 37.4 40.6 41.8 15.4 19.7 19.8 14.3 14.3 14.3 11 12.1 11 11 9.9 9.9 Angular Acceleration (rad/s) average 0.011 0.013 0.011 0.0098 0.061 0.071 0.68 0.072 0.125 0.125 0.124 0.122 0.189 0.183 0.187 0.188 0.248 0.278 0.254 0.244






1. Calculate the angular velocity of each speed-reading and show all your calculations. Speed to angular velocity = =2n/60



Initial angular 2()(3.4)/60 =0.356 2()(2.5)/60 =0.262 2()(4.0)/60 =0.419 2()(9.3)/60 =0.974 2()(4.0)/60 =0.419 2()(4.5)/60 =0.471 2()(7.1)/60 =0.744 2()(7.1)/60 0.744 2()(7.1)/60 =0.744 2()(9.3)/60 =0.974 2()(7.5)/60 =0.785

Final angular 2()(7.5)/60 =0.785 2()(7.5)/60 =0.785 2()(7.9)/60 =0.827 2()(18.2)/60 =1.906 2()(17.3)/60 =1.812 2()(18.2)/60 =1.906 2()(24.2)/60 =2.534 2()(24.2)/60 =2.534 2()(23.7)/60 =2.482 2()(29.2)/60 =3.058 2()(28.7)/60 =3.005

Velocity,(rad/s) Velocity,(rad/s) 20 1




2()(8.3)/60 =0.869 2()(7.1)/60 =0.744 2()(8.3)/60 =0.869 2()(10.1)/60 =1.058

2()(28.0)/60 =2.932 2()(33.2)/60 =3.477 2()(32.2)/60 =3.372 2()(33.2)/60 =3.477


2. Calculate the angular acceleration of each reading and the average agular acceleration of each load and show all your calculation. =2-1/t reading Time different, Angular acceleration average s 1 231.8-194.4 =37.4 2 361.4-320.8 =40.6 3 460.3-418.5 =41.8 1 520.7-505.3 =15.4 2 575.6-555.9 =19.7 3 630.6-610.8 =19.8 1 682.2-667.9 =14.3 2 724-709.7 =14.3 3 766.8-725.5 =14.3 1 871.2-860.2 (rad/s2) 0.785-0.356/37.4 =0.011 0.785-0.262/40.6 =0.013 0.827-0.419/41.8 =0.0098 1.906-0.974/15.4 =0.061 1.812-0.419/19.7 =0.071 1.906-0.471/19.8 =0.072 2.534-0.744/14.3 =0.125 2.534-0.744/14.3 =0.125 2.482-0.744/14.3 =0.122 3.058-0.974/11 0.125+0.125+0.122/3 =0.124 0.061+0.071+0.072/3 =0.068 0.011+0.013+0.0098/3 =0.011

=11 2 909.6-897.5 =12.1 3 950.3-939.3 =11 1 997.5-986.5 =11 2 1033.8-1023.9 =9.9 3 1074.4-1064.5 =9.9

=0.189 3.005-0.785/12.1 =0.183 2.932-0.869/11 =0.188 3.477-0.744/11 =0.248 3.372-0.869/9.9 =0.278 3.477-1.058/9.9 =0.244 0.248+0.278+0.244 =0.257 0.189+0.183+0.188/3 =0.187

3. Plot graph average angular acceleration(rad/s2) versus load (g) and discuss the result.

Graph load versus average angular acceleration

0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Graph load versus average angular acceleration

4.Explain why there are difference in readings for the same load.

When taking the reading parallax error occurs.Key<F1> not pressed exactly the same time when the rope unrolled completely. Hence, the time taken varies some fraction of a seconds. Other than that, there are also factors such as air resistance that resist motion of rope in the air and friction force of the pulley in which the rope unrolled. These factors causes the reading to be different even though the load is same. Taking the average reading will help to justify these errors.

5.Explain what are the factors affecting the angular acceleration of body. According to Newtons second law, the greater a bodys mass, the greater its resistance to linear motion. Therefore, mass is a bodys inertial characteristic for considerations relative to linear motion. Resistance to angular acceleration is also a function of a bodys mass. The greater the mass, the greater the resistance to angular acceleration. However, the relative ease or difficulty of initiating or halting angular motion depends on an additional factor - the distribution of mass with respect to the axis of rotation. The more closely mass is distributed to the axis of rotation, the easier it is to initiate or stop angular motion.


From this experiment students are exposed to angular acceleration. Angular acceleration can be calculated by taking the difference between angular velocity within time divided by the time period. The relation between angular acceleration and load is also determined. The larger the load the bigger the angular acceleration. Objectives are accepted.

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