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To: Mr.

John Ross, Safety Manager

From: Cheah Hong Leong, Head of Training Programmes

Date: 31 January 2009

Subject: Feasibility Report On One Week Safety Training Programme

The Vice President had requested me to suggest a one week safety

training programme. The purpose of this memo is to suggest a safety

training programme for the staff, and explain the details of the


For Section 1, the programme will briefly explain the dangers of

microorganisms in company’s laboratory. This section will introduce to

the staff the seriousness of diseases due to the microorganisms in

company laboratory.

For Section 2, the programme will teach the staff on correct methods

and precaution in handling the equipments and samples in laboratory.

The programme will also teach the staff on the proper techniques and

precaution, in handling the microorganisms in the laboratory to avoid

any infection and escape of them to the external environment.

For Section 3, the programme will educate the staff on precaution from

polluting the experimental samples in laboratory. The programme will

give briefing to the staff on essential steps to sterilize themselves

before entering the laboratory.

In the last section, Section 4, the programme will educate the staff on

the essential steps needed if any accident occurs in the laboratory; this

includes the ways to protect themselves. This section requires the

demonstrations to the staff.

This training programme will help to decrease the possibility of

accident in laboratory. Therefore, company can reduces the cost in

sterilizing the laboratory each time any infection or pollution of

laboratory occurs. Moreover, any accident that occurs may cause the

failure of researches which might involve huge investments.

All the staff of Training Programmes Division would in charge of this

programme if the Safety Department accepts this suggestion. The

training programme will starts from 25 February 2009 until 29 February

2009. The training programme will held wholly in the company’s


I have attaches a copy of the schedule of the training programme

together with this memo. Any requirement in changing the schedule

and programme contents, please sincerely inform me directly.

Thank you.

Attachment: The Schedule of the One Week Safety Training

Microlab Sdn. Bhd.

The Schedule Table of the One Week Safety Training Programme

Date: Time: Venue: Content:

23-02- 8.00 am - 10.00 Apex Mini Section 1: Introduction to
2009 am Hall microorganisms and
24-02- 4.00 pm - 7.00 Laboratory Section 2:
2009 pm D33 Part 1: Laboratory
equipments, the proper
handling techniques
25-02- 9.00 am - 1.00 Laboratory Section 2:
2009 pm E78 Part 2: Microorganism
samples, the handling
techniques and precaution
26-02- 5.00 pm - 7.00 Apex Mini Section 3:
2009 pm Hall Part 1: Introduction to
pollution of laboratory
27-02- 8.30 am - 9.30 Laboratory Section 3:
2009 am B43 Part 2: Prevention from
polluting the laboratory
28-02- 4.30 pm - 7.30 Laboratory Section 4:
2009 pm B43 Part 1: Accident
demonstration in
29-02- 9.30 am - 10.30 Laboratory Section 4:
2009 am B43 Part 2: Accident
demonstration in
University of Tunku Abdul Rahman (Kampar Campus)

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biotechnology

Year 1, Semester 2

UALE 1063 English for Science

Lecturer: Ms Kalai Mathi a/p Yesupatham @ Ramasamy

Student’s Name: Cheah Hong Leong

Student’s ID: 08AIB03788

Tutorial Group: 1

Assignment No. : 1

Title: Short Report

Question No. : 2

Date: 5 February 2009

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