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Guidelines for Business Letters

Because letterhead stationary is used, the return address is not keyed. Top margin is usually 2-2 l/2, depending upon how far down the page the letterhead extends and the length of the letter. Side margins are typically 1. Either block or modified-block style is acceptable. The inside address begins with the most specific information on the first line and each line becomes more general in nature. The signature block appears a quadruple (QS space belo! t"e complimentary close. The writer s title can be keyed following a comma on the same line as his name, or it is keyed as a single space below his name. The company name can be keyed in all caps a double-space belo! t"e complimentary close. !n this case the keyed name of the writer appears a "uadruple space below the company name. #eference initials are used when someone other than the writer prepares a letter, and they indicate the person who keyed the letter. Lowercase letters are used and appear a double space below the signature. Enclosure, copy, and postscript notations appear below the reference initials.

Handout C503-03

#ersonal $usiness %etter

Start approximately 2-2 l/2 from the top of the page 809 Dunbar Street Greensboro, NC 27402 April 25, 2008 %& Attention Ad!issions "##i$e Nort% Carolina A&' State (ni)ersit* +,0+ -ast .ar/et Street !nside 'ddress Greensboro, NC 274++ $& 0adies and Gentle!en &alutation $& 1 2ill be 3raduatin3 #ro! 4a!es 56 Dudle* Hi3% S$%ool in .a* 200-, and 1 2ould li/e to appl* #or ad!ission to Nort% Carolina A&' State (ni)ersit* #or t%e #all ter!6 $& between paragraphs in body 7lease send an appli$ation to !* %o!e address, 2%i$% is listed abo)e6 1 a! interested in obtainin3 an* s$%olars%ip in#or!ation t%at *ou $an send !e also6 '%an/ *ou in ad)an$e6 Sin$erel*, %& 8illia! 4o%nson (omplimentary (lose )andwritten signature *eyed signature line #eturn address $ateline

Handout C503-04

$lock-Style $usiness %etter

T"ompson &onstruction &ompany +,-- .artin Luther *ing $ri/e 'nytown, 0( 12331 4456,,,-,,,, April 25, 2008%& .r6 and .rs6 Gene 7e3ra! 9988 Sulli)an Street !nside 'ddress An*to2n, NC 27302 $& Dear .r6 and .rs6 7e3ra! &alutation $& -n$losed is our bro$%ure and a sa!ple o# t%e !an* %ouse plans t%at 2e %a)e a)ailable6 $& 8e %a)e been $onstru$tin3 %o!es in t%is area #or t%e past +7 *ears, and 2e %a)e !an* satis#ied $usto!ers 2%o $an attest to t%e 9ualit* o# our 2or/6 $& :ou !a* rea$% !e at -;t6 2+ at t%e nu!ber listed abo)e6 1 2ould li/e to dis$uss *our needs as *ou plan *our ne2 %o!e6 $& Sin$erel* (omplimentary (lose %& )andwritten signature &ignature block and title $ateline

4i! .$<innon Constru$tion Superintendent =! -n$losure

#eference initials Enclosure 0otation

Handout C503-05

'odi(ied-$lock-Style $usiness %etter

'cme .o/ing 7 &torage
112 )elocation *ri+e ,nyto!n, -& 2.... 336-555-5555 Letterhead April 25, 2008point 1-1 l618 from top of page %& .r6 and .rs6 .i/e Al)are> 2+20 5uena ?ista Dri)e An*to2n, NC 25555 $& Dear .r6 and .rs6 Al)are> $& As per our p%one $on)ersation *esterda*, 1 %a)e s$%eduled our $re2 to arri)e at *our %o!e at 8 a6!6 on No)e!ber +2, 200-6 7lease #ind en$losed t%e $ontra$t #or ser)i$es and return it to !e b* No)e!ber 56 $& :ou !a* rea$% !e at -;t6 +,20 bet2een 7 a6!6 and 4 p6!6 durin3 t%e 2ee/ i# *ou %a)e an* 9uestions6 '%an/ *ou #or $allin3 A$!e .o)in3 and Stora3e6 8e 2ill 3et *ou 2%ere *ou 2ant to 3o6 Sin$erel* *ours, (omplimentary (lose $ateline begins at center

AC.- ."?1NG & S'"@AG- (ompany name in all caps %& Greta ?oi3%t, Sales Asso$iate &ignature block with title ;; $& -n$losure #eference !nitials Enclosure notation

Handout 503-0,

/uidelines (or T!o-#age %etters

,t least t!o lines o( t"e body o( t"e letter must be carried to t"e second page. '/oid carrying o/er 9ust the complimentary close and signature block. '/oid widows and orphans :single lines at the top of a page or at the bottom of a page;. The second page requires a "eading, either a singleline or a multiple-line heading. The margins and format of the second and succeeding pages should match the first page. Typically the top margin s"ould be 1. The second page should be keyed on plain paper, ne+er letter"ead. The paper should be of the same "uality as the letterhead. <ou may be able to use the header feature of your software for the second-page heading.

Handout 503-07

/uidelines (or Second-#age 0eadings

T"e second page requires a proper "eading, eit"er a single-line or a multiple-line "eading as s"o!n belo!. 12ample o( a single-line "eading3

.s6 Sue C%in

April 25, 200-

Example of a multiple-line heading:

.s6 Sue C%in 7a3e 2 April 25, 200-

Handout C503-08

/uidelines (or Special %etter #arts

Spe$ial letter parts !a* in$lude t%e #ollo2in3 Mailing notation is used 2%en $orresponden$e is to be sent )ia a spe$ial postal ser)i$e6 Aor e;a!ple, Certified Mail, Registered Mail, or Special Delivery6 Key the mailing notation a double space belo the date! in all caps! and at the left margin" #ttention line issued to identi#* t%e title or depart!ent o# t%e person 2%o s%ould re$ei)e t%e letter 2%en t%e sender does not /no2 t%e personBs na!e6 '%is notation s%ould appear on t%e en)elope and t%e letter #or e;a!ple, #ttention: Customer Refunds6 <e* t%e attention line as t%e #irst line o# t%e address6 Sub$ect line is used to dra2 t%e readerBs attention to t%e !ain sub=e$t o# t%e $orresponden$e #or e;a!ple, %&D'E( RE)&ES( or %udget Re*uest" Key the sub$ect line in all caps a double space belo the salutation at the left margin" 0ea)e a double spa$e a#ter t%e sub=e$t line6 +ote: '%e Auto'e;t #eature o# *our so#t2are $an also be used to insert t%e abo)e re#eren$ed letter parts6

Handout C503-09

12ample o( a %etter 4it" Special #arts

April 25, 200C-@'1A1-D .A10 .ailing 0otation 'ttention Line

Attention Custo!er Ser)i$e AC.- .o)in3 & Stora3e ++0 .o)e-it-Dri)e Sprin3#ield, 10 55555 0adies and Gentle!en DA.AG-D G""DS

&ub9ect Line

"n April +4, *our $o!pan* !o)ed !* o##i$e #urnis%in3s #ro! Dod3e Cit* to 8i$%ita, <ansas6 '%e !o)ers 2ere pro!pt and $ourteousC %o2e)er, se)eral ite!s 2ere da!a3ed in transit6 As per t%e $ontra$t, D7@00+-05, 1 %a)e en$losed a $lai! #or rei!burse!ent due to da!a3ed propert*6 1 %a)e en$losed t2o p%oto3rap%s to support t%e $lai!6 1 e;pe$t t%at !* rei!burse!ent 2ill be %andled pro!ptl*6 Sin$erel*, CA71'A0 1N?-S'"@S (ompany 0ame :all caps;

@obert <i!ble, 7resident b/ -n$losures #eference !nitials Da!a3e Clai! 7%oto3rap%s E2F (opy 0otation =ostscript Enclosure 0otation

$$ .s6 All*son Ha*es

Conta$t !* assistant, Dee .a*s, at ;305 i# *ou %a)e 9uestions6

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