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A Case of Renal Stone with Moderate Hepatospleenomegaly and ?

Dr. Abishes Saha MD (Hom) Senior Medical Officer (H), I/c DGHD Sangam Vihar, Directorate of ISM&H, Govt. of NCT Delhi . Abstract A 36 years old male patient having renal colic presented with USG report revealing 5 mm of right renal stone, hepatospleenomegaly and ?cystitis. Homoeopathic treatment provided symptomatic relief within few days where routine analgesics could not and repeat investigation reports suggest that renal stone was expelled within 3 months of homoeopathic treatment. Keywords: Renal stone, homoeopathy, hepatospleenomegaly, cystitis, lycopodium Introduction Also called urinary stone (nephrolithiasis, ureterolithiasis or cystolithiasis) ; these are formed normally and passes through urine. Only when they are about 3 mm and above, may cause symptoms called renal colic). Renal colic can be associated with nausea, vomiting, fever, blood in the urine, pus in the urine, and painful urination. It is important to keep watch on prognosis because, if it is not responding to treatment and pathology is progressing, it may lead to decrease or loss of function in the affected kidney, kidney damage, scarring, obstruction of the ureter (acute unilateral obstructive uropathy), -urinary tract infection etc. Cases of renal colic are quite common in Homoeopathic OPD specially when asked for lithotripsy. Many a time, they are also referred by our allopathic colleagues. Careful homoeopathic treatment, many a times has successfully managed those cases. Case study A 36 year old male complained of bilateral upper abdominal pain along with recurrent dull colicky pain in right renal angle for the last 3-4 months. He also felt mild burning in urethra since two months. He was under conventional medical care and gone for Ultrasonography whole abdomen, which revealed renal calculi, with moderate Hepatospleenomegaly and cystitis.

He was referred to an urologist who suggested lithotripsy. He reported at DGHD Sangam Vihar for homoeopathic treatment. Physical generals: Complexion- Dark, Appetite-normal,

Thirst -normal, Bowel movements -regular, Urine 6-8 times/day; sometimes burning in urethra . Hot patient Desire for sweet General & Systemic examination P/A : tenderness in the upper abdomen ( RH, Epigastrium & LH ) Tenderness at right renal angle

Case analysis It was decided to repertorise the case using radar software and the following totality of symptoms was considered: 1. Hot patient. 2. Desires Sweet 3. Right Sidedness 4. Renal Stone The rubrics selected were as under: KIDNEYS - STONES GENERALS - SIDE - right GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - sweets - desire GENERALS - HEAT - sensation of

Prescription & follow up: Patient was advised to take plenty of water. 2-5-13 Rx Lycopodium 1M / 4 doses/ BD,

Berberis vulgaris Q 10 Drops B.D./ 1 week. 15/05/13 : No change Rx Continue same treatment (CST) 05/06/13 : Recurrence of pain is less. There was severe colic for a while. Rx CST 24/07/13 : Recurence of pain in back, upper abdomen and burning much better. Rx CST 31.07.13 : Much better in all respect. Rx CST Advised to Repeat USG whole abdomen. 21.08.13 Slight burning in urethra present. No other complaint. He also showed the repeat USG report..

Rx CST To report only if any symptoms left or reappear. The patient is still being followed up to note any resurgence of complaints. Discussion and conclusion: Lycopodium was selected on the basis of repertorisation and Berberis vulgaris mother tincture was prescribed in the pathological sphere. A synopsis of changes pre-post homoeopathic treatment is as below:

PRE-TREATMENT Moderate Hepatospleenomegaly Right renal Calculus ? Cystitis

POST-TREATMENT Mild spleenomegaly No renal calculus NORMAL BLADDER WALL

Within 2 months of homoeopathic treatment the patient got rid of his complaints. If given properly, homoeopathic medicine works speedily and gently in cases of renal calculi with cystitis.

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Davidsons Principles and practice of medicine - Seventeenth Edition Senior Editors CRW Edwards et al Repertory software - Radar

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