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Ahmed Skou Tour

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Ahmed Skou Tour (var. Ahmed Seku Turay) (January 9, 1922 March 2 , 19!") #a$ a %uinean political leader and &re$ident of %uinea from 19'! to hi$ death in 19!". (our) #a$ one of the primary %uinean nationali$t$ involved in the independence of the country from France.


1 *arly life 2 &olitic$ + ,$ &re$ident of %uinea " Work$ -y (our) (partial) ' .ee al$o /ote$ 0 1eference$ o 0.1 /e#$ article$ o 0.2 2ther $econdary #ork$ ! *3ternal link$

Early life
.)kou (our) #a$ -orn on January 9, 1922 into a poor Mandinka family in Faranah, French %uinea, #hile it #a$ a colonial po$$e$$ion of France. 4e #a$ an ari$tocratic mem-er of the Mandinka ethnic 5roup617 and #a$ the 5reat85rand$on of .amory (our),627 a famou$ tri-al chief #ho had re$i$ted French rule until hi$ capture. (our)9$ early life #a$ characteri:ed -y challen5e$ of authority, includin5 durin5 hi$ education. (our) #a$ o-li5ed to #ork to take care of him$elf. 4e -e5an #orkin5 for the &o$tal .ervice$ (&((), and ;uickly -ecame involved in la-or union activity. <urin5 hi$ youth and after -ecomin5 pre$ident, (our) $tudied the #ork$ of communi$t philo$opher$, e$pecially tho$e of =arl Mar3 and >ladimir ?enin.

(our)9$ fir$t #ork in a political 5roup #a$ in the &o$tal Worker$ @nion (&((). An 19"', he #a$ one of the founder$ of their la-our @nion, -ecomin5 the 5eneral $ecretary of the po$tal #orker$9 union in 19"'. An 19'2, he -ecame the leader of the %uinean <emocratic &arty #hich #a$ local $ection of the 1<, (African Democratic Rally, FrenchB Rassemblement Dmocratique Africain) , a party a5itatin5 for the decoloni:ation of ,frica. An 19' he or5ani:ed the @nion %)n)rale de$ (ravailleur$ d9,fri;ue /oire, a common trade union centre for French We$t ,frica. 4e #a$ a leader of the 1<,, #orkin5 clo$ely #ith a future rival, F)li3 4ouphouCt8Doi5ny, #ho later -ecame the pre$ident of the EFte d9Avoire. An 19' he #a$ elected %uinea9$ deputy to the

French national a$$em-ly and mayor of Eonakry, po$ition$ he u$ed to launch pointed critici$m$ of the colonial re5ime (our) i$ remem-ered a$ a chari$matic fi5ure and #hile hi$ le5acy a$ pre$ident i$ often di$dained in hi$ home country, he remain$ an icon of li-eration in the #ider ,frican community.6citation needed7 (our) $erved for $ome time a$ a repre$entative of ,frican 5roup$ in France, #here he #orked to ne5otiate for the independence of France9$ ,frican colonie$. An 19'! (our)9$ 1<, $ection in %uinea pu$hed for a GNoG in the French @nion referendum $pon$ored -y the French 5overnment, and #a$ the only one of France9$ ,frican colonie$ to vote for immediate independence rather than continued a$$ociation #ith France. %uinea -ecame the only French colony to refu$e to -ecome part of the ne# French Eommunity. An the event the re$t of Francophone ,frica 5ained it$ independence only t#o year$ later in 19 H, -ut the French #ere e3tremely vindictive a5ain$t %uineaB #ithdra#in5 a-ruptly, takin5 file$, de$troyin5 infra$tructure, and -reakin5 political and economic tie$.

As President of Guinea
An 19 H, (our) declared hi$ &<% to -e the only le5al party, thou5h the country had effectively -een a one8party $tate $ince independence. For the ne3t 2" year$, (our) effectively held all 5overnin5 po#er in the nation. 4e #a$ elected to a $even8year term a$ pre$ident in 19 1I a$ leader of the &<% he #a$ the only candidate. 4e #a$ reelected unoppo$ed in 19 !, 190" and 19!2. *very five year$, a $in5le li$t of &<% candidate$ #a$ returned to the /ational ,$$em-ly. <urin5 hi$ pre$idency (our) led a $tron5 policy -a$ed on Mar3i$m, #ith the nationali:ation of forei5n companie$ and $tron5 planned economic$. 4e #on the ?enin &eace &ri:e a$ a re$ult in 19 1. Mo$t of the oppo$ition to hi$ $ociali$t re5ime #a$ arre$ted and Jailed or e3iled. 4i$ early action$ to reJect the French and then to appropriate #ealth and farmland from traditional landlord$ 6+7 an5ered many po#erful force$, -ut the increa$in5 failure of hi$ 5overnment to provide either economic opportunitie$ or democratic ri5ht$ an5ered more. While he i$ $till revered in much of ,frica6"7 and in the &an8,frican movement, many %uinean$, and activi$t$ of the ?eft and 1i5ht in *urope, have -ecome critical of (our)9$ failure to in$titute meanin5ful democracy or free media.6'7 2ppo$ition to $in5le party rule 5re# $lo#ly, and -y the late 19 H$ tho$e #ho oppo$ed hi$ 5overnment faced fear of detention camp$ and $ecret police.6citation needed7 4i$ detractor$ often had t#o choice$B $ay nothin5 or 5o a-road.6citation needed7 From 19 ' to 190' he ended all hi$ relation$ #ith France, the former colonial po#er. (our) ar5ued that ,frica had lo$t much durin5 coloni:ation, and that ,frica ou5ht to retaliate -y cuttin5 off tie$ to former colonial nation$. 2nly in 190!, a$ %uinea9$ tie$ #ith the .oviet @nion $oured, &re$ident of France >al)ry %i$card d9*$tain5 fir$t vi$ited %uinea a$ a $i5n of reconciliation. (hrou5hout hi$ di$pute #ith France, %uinea maintained 5ood relation$ #ith $everal $ociali$t countrie$. 4o#ever, (our)9$ attitude to#ard France #a$ not 5enerally #ell received,6by whom?7 and $ome ,frican countrie$6which?7 ended diplomatic relation$ #ith

%uinea over the incident.6citation needed7 <e$pite thi$, (our)9$ move #on the $upport of many anti8coloniali$t and &an8,frican 5roup$ and leader$.6which?7 (our)9$ primary allie$ in the re5ion #ere &re$ident$ =#ame /krumah of %hana and Modi-o =eita of Mali. ,fter /krumah #a$ overthro#n in a 19 coup, (our) offered him a refu5e in %uinea and made him co8pre$ident.6 7 ,$ a leader of the &an8,fricani$t movement, he con$i$tently $poke out a5ain$t colonial po#er$, and -efriended ,frican ,merican activi$t$ $uch a$ Malcolm K and .tokely Earmichael, to #hom he offered a$ylum (and #ho took the t#o leader$ name$, a$ =#ame (ure).607 4e, #ith /krumah, helped in the formation of the ,ll8,frican &eople$ 1evolutionary &arty, and aided the &,A%E 5uerrilla$ in their fi5ht a5ain$t &ortu5ue$e coloniali$m in nei5h-orin5 &ortu5ue$e %uinea. (he &ortu5ue$e launched an attack upon Eonakry in 190H in order to re$cue &ortu5ue$e &ri$ioner$ of War (&2W), overthro# (our)9$ re5ime and de$troy &,A%E -a$e$. (hey $ucceeded in everythin5 -ut the overthro#. 1elation$ #ith the @nited .tate$ fluctuated durin5 the cour$e of (our)9$ rei5n. While (our) #a$ unimpre$$ed #ith the *i$enho#er admini$tration9$ approach to ,frica, he came to con$ider &re$ident John F. =ennedy a friend and an ally.6citation needed7 4e even came to $tate that =ennedy #a$ hi$ Gonly true friend in the out$ide #orldG.6citation needed7 4e #a$ impre$$ed -y =ennedy9$ intere$t in ,frican development and commitment to civil ri5ht$ in the @nited .tate$. (our) -lamed %uinean la-or unre$t in 19 2 on .oviet interference and turned to the @nited .tate$.6citation needed7 1elation$ #ith Wa$hin5ton $oured, ho#ever, after =ennedy9$ death. When a %uinean dele5ation #a$ impri$oned in %hana, after the overthro# of /krumah, (our) -lamed Wa$hin5ton.6citation needed7 4e feared that the Eentral Antelli5ence ,5ency #a$ plottin5 a5ain$t hi$ o#n re5ime. 2ver time, (our)9$ increa$in5 paranoia led him to arre$t lar5e num-er$ of $u$pected political opponent$ and impri$on them in camp$, $uch a$ the notoriou$ Eamp Doiro /ational %uard Darrack$. .ome 'H,HHH people are -elieved to have -een killed under the re5ime of (our) in concentration camp$ like Eamp Doiro.6!7697 61H761176127 (en$ of thou$and$ of %uinean di$$ident$ $ou5ht refu5e in e3ile.61+7 2nce %uinea9$ rapprochement #ith France -e5an in the late 190H$, another $ection of hi$ $upport, Mar3i$t$, -e5an to oppo$e hi$ 5overnment9$ increa$in5 move to capitali$t li-erali$ation. An 190! he formally renounced Mar3i$m and ree$ta-li$hed trade #ith the We$t.6citation needed7 .in5le8li$t election$ for an e3panded /ational ,$$em-ly #ere held in 19!H.6citation needed7 (our) #a$ elected unoppo$ed to a fourth $even8year term a$ pre$ident on 9 May 19!2. , ne# con$titution #a$ adopted that month, and durin5 the $ummer (our) vi$ited the @nited .tate$ a$ part of an economic policy rever$al that found %uinea $eekin5 We$tern inve$tment to develop it$ hu5e mineral re$erve$.6citation needed7 Mea$ure$ announced in 19!+ -rou5ht further economic li-erali:ation, includin5 the rele5ation of produce marketin5 to private trader$.6citation needed7 (our) died on 2 March 19!" #hile under5oin5 cardiac treatment at the Eleveland Elinic in Eleveland, 2hioI he had -een ru$hed to the @nited .tate$ after -ein5 $tricken in .audi ,ra-ia the previou$ day. &rime Mini$ter ?oui$ ?an$ana D)avo5ui then -ecame actin5 pre$ident, pendin5 election$ that #ere to -e held #ithin "' day$. 2n + ,pril, ho#ever, Ju$t a$ the &olitical Dureau of the rulin5 %uinea <emocratic &arty (&<%) #a$ a-out to name it$ choice a$ (our)9$ $ucce$$or, the armed force$ $ei:ed po#er,

denouncin5 the la$t year$ of (our)9$ rule a$ a G-loody and ruthle$$ dictator$hip.G (he con$titution #a$ $u$pended, the /ational ,$$em-ly di$$olved, and the &<% a-oli$hed. (he leader of the coup, Eol. ?an$ana Eont), a$$umed the pre$idency on ' ,pril, headin5 the Military Eommittee for /ational 1ecovery (Comit Militaire de Redressement NationalLEM1/). ,-out 1,HHH political pri$oner$ #ere freed. (our)9$ tom- i$ at the Eamayanne Mau$oleum, $ituated #ithin the 5arden$ of Eonakry %rand Mo$;ue. An 19!' Eont) took advanta5e of an alle5ed coup attempt to e3ecute $everal of .ekou (our)9$ clo$e a$$ociate$, includin5 A$mael (our), .eydou =eita, .iaka (our), former commander of Eamp Doiro, and Mou$$a <iakit).61"7

Works by Tour (partial Ahmed Skou Tour! " no#embre $%&' (Conakry ( Parti dmocrati)ue de Guine* ($%&+

,hmed .)kou (our). , propo$ du .ahara 2ccidental B intervention du pr)$ident ,hmed .)kou (our) devant 1e 10e $ommet de l92@,, Freeto#n, 1e + Juillet 19!H. (..l. B $.n., 19!H) ,hmed .)kou (our). ,ddre$$ of &re$ident ,hmed .)kou (our), &re$ident of the 1epu-lic of %uinee ($ic) B $u55e$tion$ $u-mitted durin5 the We$t ,frica con$ultative re5ional meetin5 held at Eonakry, durin5 19 and 2H /ovem-er 1901. (Eairo B &ermanent .ecretariat of the ,fro8,$ian &eople$9 .olidarity 2r5ani:ation, 1901) ,hmed .)kou (our). ,frika and imperiali$m. /e#ark, /.J. B Jihad &u-. Eo., 190+. ,hmed .)kou (our). (Eonf)rence$, di$cour$ et rapport$ .). Eonakry B Ampr. du %ouvernement, (19'!8) ,hmed .)kou (our). Eon5re$ 5)n)ral de l9@.%.(.,./. (@nion 5)n)ral de$ travailleur$ de l9,fri;ue noire) B Eonakry, 1'81! Janvier 19'9 B rapport d9orientation et de doctrine. (&ari$) B &r)$ence africaine, c19'9. ,hmed .)kou (our). <i$cour$ de Mon$ieur .)kou (our), &r)$ident du Eon$eil de %ouvernement de$ 2! Juillet et 2' aout 19'!, de Mon$ieur <iallo .aifoulaye, &r)$ident de ?9,$$em-l)e territoriale et du %)n)ral de %aulle, &r)$ident du %ouvernement de la 1)pu-l (Eonakry) B %uin)e FranMai$e, (19'!) ,hmed .)kou (our). <octrine and method$ of the <emocratic &arty of %uinea (Eonakry 19 +). ,hmed .)kou (our). *3p)rience 5uin)enne et unit) africaine. &ari$, &r)$ence africaine (19'9) ,hmed .)kou (our). %uin)e8Fe$tival N commentaire et monta5e, Woli-o <ukur) dit %rand8p)re. Eonakry B Eommi$$ion Eulturelle du Eomit) Eentral, 19!+. ,hmed .)kou (our). %uin)e, pr)lude O l9ind)pendance (,vant8propo$ de Jac;ue$ 1a-emananJara) &ari$, &r)$ence africaine (19'!) ,hmed .)kou (our). 4omma5e a la r)volution Eu-aine I Me$$a5e du camarade ,hmed .ekou (oure au peuple Eu-ain a l9occa$ion du 2He anniver$aire de

l9atta;ue de la Ea$erne de Moncada (Juillet 190+). Eonakry B Dureau de &re$$e de la &re$idence de la 1epu-li;ue, (190'). ,hmed .)kou (our). Anternational policy and diplomatic action of the <emocratic &arty of %uineaI e3tract$ from the report on doctrine and orientation $u-mitted to the +d /ational Eonference of the &.<.%. (Eairo, .oci)t) 2rientale de &u-licit)8&re$$, 19 2) ,hmed .)kou (our). 2penin5 $peech of the .ummit of 4ead$ of .tate and %overnment -y &re$ident ,hmed .)kou (our), chairman of the .ummit (/ovem-er 2H, 19!H). (..l. B $.n., 19!H) ,hmed .)kou (our). &oeme$ militant$. (Eonakry, %uinea) B &arti d)mocrati;ue de %uin)e, 1902 ,hmed .)kou (our). &olitical leader con$idered a$ the repre$entative of a culture. (/e#ark, /. J. B Jihad &roduction$, 1988) ,hmed .)kou (our). &our l9amiti) al5)ro85uin)enne. (Eonakry, %uinea B &arti d)mocrati;ue de %uin)e, 1902) ,hmed .)kou (our). 1apport de doctrine et de politi;ue 5)n)rale. Eonakry B Amprimerie /ationale, 19'9. ,hmed .)kou (our). .trate5y and tactic$ of the revolution. Eonakry, %uinea B &re$$ 2ffice, 190!. ,hmed .)kou (our). @nit) nationale. Eonakry, 1)pu-li;ue de %uin)e (D.&. 1HH', Eonakry, 1)pu-li;ue de %uin)e) B Dureau de pre$$e de la &r)$idence de la 1)pu-li;ue, 1900.

1. 2. +. ". '. . 0. !. 9. 1H. 11. 12. 1+. ,ump up - 1,<A28=,/=,/B ?a premiere radio internet de %uin)e8EonakryB %@A/**B 1,<A28=,/=,/ ,ump up - We-$ter, Jame$ P Doahen, ,du (19!H), The Revolutionary Years !est Africa since "#$$, p. +2". ,ump up - .eeB William <erman. .erf$, &ea$ant$, and .ociali$t$B , Former .erf >illa5e in the 1epu-lic of %uinea. @niver$ity of Ealifornia &re$$ (19 !, 2nd ed 190+). A.D/ 90!8H8'2H8H102!8+ ,ump up - ,$ one e3ample $ee the te3t of a po$thumou$ a#ard 5iven to (our) -y the .outh ,frican pre$idency. ,ump up - httpBNN###.f$a.ulaval.calper$onelN>erna5Qleader$hipNdi$kN%uinee8 dicateur8enfant$htm ,ump up - We-$ter, Jame$ P Doahen, ,du (19!H), The Revolutionary Years !est Africa since "#$$, p. +00. ,ump up - .ee Molefi =. ,$ante, ,ma Ma:ama. *ncyclopedia of Dlack .tudie$. pp0!8!H ,ump up - G9Ma$$ 5rave$9 found in %uineaG. %%C News. 2cto-er 22, 2HH2. ,ump up - httpBNNi-am-a.netNphoto$N5uineaN-oiroNinde3.html ,ump up - httpBNN###.rfi.frNactufrNarticle$NH99NarticleR "+'".a$p ,ump up - GFrom military politi:ation to militari:ation of po#er in %uinea8 EonakryG. &ournal of 'olitical and Military (ociolo)y. 2HHH. ,ump up - httpBNN###.#e$tafrik.comNc-im8document$Nedito.html ,ump up - %uinea Dack5round note, 4uman 1i5ht$ Watch, 2HH0. Numbers fleein) remain controversial* Anti+Toure activists and the ,nited (tates )overnment say a million fled- .R! say tens of thousands* For the memorial to victim$ of (oure9$ 5overnment, $eeB camp-oiro.or5N For their vie#, reflected in the .tatute$ of the Cam/ %oiro 0nternational Memorial 1C%0M2, $ee B

(ierno .. DahB Eamp Doiro Anternational Memorial. GAt its /ea3- Cam/ %oiro was a contem/orary of the 4hmer Rou)e and a /recursor of the Rwandan )enocides* G 1". ,ump up - ,ndr) ?e#in (2HH9). G2H O +H, le d)put) franMai$ .)kou (our) conduit la %uin)e O l9ind)pendance, et $)duit en premier le$ pay$ communi$te$G. Ahmed (3ou Tour- "566+"5678 /rsident de la 9uine de "5:# ; "5#7* "5:<+"5:# (in French). *dition$ ?94armattan. p. 20. A.D/ 2829 8H9'2!8+.


4enry ?oui$ %ate$, ,nthony ,ppiah (ed$). ,fricanaB (he *ncyclopedia of the ,frican and ,frican. 9Ahmed (3ou Tour pp1!'0'!. Da$ic Eivita$ Dook$ (1999). A.D/ H8" '8HHH0181 Molefi =. ,$ante, ,ma Ma:ama. *ncyclopedia of Dlack .tudie$. .a5e &u-lication$ (2HH') A.D/ H80 19820 28K (/rench A-rahima Da-a =ake. .)kou (our). ?e 4)ro$ et le (yran. &ari$, 19!0, J, &re$$e$. Eollection Jeune ,fri;ue ?ivre$. 2'" p ?an$in) =a-a. From Eoloniali$m to ,utocracyB %uinea under .)kou (our), 19'019!"I in <ecoloni:ation and ,frican Andependence, the (ran$fer$ of &o#er, 19 H819!H. &ro$$er %ifford and William 1o5er ?oui$(ed$). /e# 4avenB Sale @niver$ity &re$$, 19!!. &hinea$ Malin5a. ,hmed .)kou (our)B ,n ,frican (ra5edy Daruch 4ir$on. Eommunali$m and .ociali$m in ,fricaB (he Mi$direction of E.?.1 . Jame$. Eommunali$m and .ociali$m in ,frica, 19!9. John ?e$lie. (o#ard$ an ,frican $ociali$m, Anternational .ociali$m (1$t $erie$), /o.1, .prin5 19 H, pp. 1'19. (/rench ,lpha Mohamed .o#, Conflits ethnique dans un =tat rvolutionnaire 1>e cas 9uinen2, in ?e$ ethnie$ ont une hi$toire, Jean8&ierre Ehr)tien, %)rard &runier (ed), pp. +! "H', =,1(4,?, *dition$ (2HH+) A.D/ 28!"'! 8+!98 &art$ of thi$ article #ere tran$lated from French Wikipedia9$ frB,hmed .)kou (our).

Ne0s articles

/e# We$t ,frica @nion .ealed Dy 4ead$ of %hana and %uineaDy (42M,. F. D1,<S .pecial to (he /e# Sork (ime$. May 2, 19'9, .aturday &a5e 2, ++9 %@A/*, .4@/. (A* (2 W21?< D?2E.I Dut /e# .tate %et$ Mo$t ,id From *a$tL(oure <epart$ for a >i$it to the @. .. Dy J24/ D. 2,=*., (he /e# Sork (ime$, 2cto-er 2', 19'9, .unday &a5e 1 , '0 #ord$ 1ed ,id to %uinea 1i$e$ Dy 42M*1 DA%,1( .pecial to (he /e# Sork (ime$. March , 19 H, .unday &a5e ", H! #ord$ 4*/1S (,//*1. 1*%AM* A/ %@A/*, .*AT*. 2 @(A?A(A*.I (oure /ationali:e$ &o#er and Water .upply Eoncern$L&led5e$ Eompen$ation, .pecial to (he /e# Sork (ime$. Fe-ruary 2, 19 1, (hur$day, &a5e +, ++ #ord$ (2@1* .,S. 1*<. &?2((*< , E2@&I ?ink$ Eommuni$t$ to 1iot$ -y .tudent$ ?a$t Month. (@&A), /e# Sork (ime$. <ecem-er 1+, 19 1, Wedne$day, &a5e 1", 2"0 #ord$ (oure9$ Eountry889,frica Ancarnate9I %uinea em-odie$ the emphatic nationali$m and revolutionary hope$ of e38colonial ,frica, -ut it$ ener5etic &re$ident confront$ handicap$ that are al$o typically ,frican. (oure9$ Eountry889,frica

Ancarnate9 Dy <avid 4al-er$tam July !, 19 2, .unday (he /e# Sork (ime$ Ma5a:ine, &a5e 1" , +0!+ #ord$ %@A/*, 1*?,K*. D@.A/*.. E@1D.I (urn$ to Free *nterpri$e to 1e$cue *conomy. (1euter$), (he /e# Sork (ime$, <ecem-er !, 19 +, .unday &a5e 2", +++ #ord$ @... &*,E* E21&. 2@.(*< DS %@A/*,I 02 Mem-er$ and <ependent$ to ?eave Within a Week Dy 1AE4,1< *<*1 .pecial to (he /e# Sork (ime$, /ovem-er 9, 19 , Wedne$day, &a5e 11, '' #ord$ %uinea A$ Warmin5 We$t ,frican (ie$, (he /e# Sork (ime$, January 2 , 19 !, Friday &a5e '2, '0! #ord$ ,?F1*< F1A*/<?S Jr. (2@1* ,<2&(A/% , M2<*1,(* (2/*I Dut We$t ,frica A$ .keptical of %uinean9$ Word$. /e# Sork (ime$. ,pril 2!, 19 !, .unday, &a5e 1+, '2' #ord$ *-- of ,frican 91evolution9, (he /e# Sork (ime$, <ecem-er 0, 19 !, .aturday &a5e " , +H' #ord$ %uinea9$ &re$ident Ehar5e$ , &lot to 2verthro# 4im, (,5ence France8&re$$e), (he /e# Sork (ime$, January 1 , 19 9, (hur$day &a5e 1H, 1+9 #ord$ %uinea 1eport$ 2 Mem-er$ 2f Ea-inet .ei:ed in &lot, (1euter$), (he /e# Sork (ime$, March 22, 19 9, .aturday &a5e 1", 1" #ord$ 12 F2*. 2F 1*%AM* <22M*< A/ %@A/*, .pecial to (he /e# Sork (ime$ May 1 , 19 9, Friday &a5e 2, 21+ #ord$ %uinea 1eport$ Anva$ion From .ea -y &ortu5ue$eI ?i$-on <enie$ Ehar5e @./. Eouncil Eall$ for *nd to ,ttack %uinea 1eport$ an Anva$ion From .ea -y &ortu5ue$e Dy (he ,$$ociated &re$$, (he /e# Sork (ime$, /ovem-er 2+, 190H, Monday &a5e 1, "" #ord$ %uineaB ,ttack .tren5then$ Eountry9$ .ym-olic 1ole, (he /e# Sork (ime$, /ovem-er 29, 190H, .unday, &a5e 19", 010 #ord$ %@A/*,/ A. ,<,M,/( 2/ <*,(4 .*/(*/E*., (he /e# Sork (ime$, January 29, 1901, Friday. &a5e +, 1"' #ord$ %uinea Wooin5 the We$t An Dau3ite <evelopmentI %@A/*, A. .**=A/% 4*?& 2/ D,@KA(*, (he /e# Sork (ime$, Fe-ruary 1', 1901, Monday .ectionB D@.A/*.. ,/< FA/,/E*, &a5e +", !90 #ord$ &olitical Ferment 4urt$ %uinea , (he /e# Sork (ime$, January +1, 1902, Monday .ectionB .@1>*S 2F ,F1AE,9. *E2/2MS, &a5e " , " " #ord$ %@A/*,/, A/ (2(,? 1*>*1.,?, ,.=. M21* @... A/>*.(M*/( Dy D*1/,1< W*A/1,@D, (he /e# Sork (ime$, , I Forei5n <e$k July 2, 19!2, Friday ?ate Eity Final *dition, .ection ,, &a5e +, Eolumn ', '92 #ord$ %@A/*, A. .?2W?S D1*,=A/% 2@( 2F A(. (A%4( E2E22/ Dy ,?,/ E2W*??, (he /e# Sork (ime$, , I Forei5n <e$k, <ecem-er +, 19!2, Friday, ?ate Eity Final *dition, .ection ,, &a5e 2, Eolumn +, 1H9! #ord$ A/ 1*>2?@(A2/,1S %@A/*,, .2M* 2F (4* FA1* A. %2/* Dy ,?,/ E2W*??, (he /e# Sork (ime$, , I Forei5n <e$k, <ecem-er 9, 19!2, (hur$day, ?ate Eity Final *dition, .ection ,, &a5e 2, Eolumn +, 11!1 #ord$ %@A/*,9. &1*.A<*/(, .*=2@ (2@1*, <A*. A/ E?*>*?,/< E?A/AE Dy E?AFF21< <. M,S, (he /e# Sork (ime$, , I 2-ituary, March 2!, 19!", Wedne$day, ?ate Eity Final *dition, .ection ,, &a5e 1, Eolumn 1, 12'+ #ord$ (42@.,/<. M2@1/ <*,(4 2F (2@1* Dy E?AFF21< <. M,S (he /e# Sork (ime$, I Forei5n <e$k, March 29, 19!", (hur$day, ?ate Eity Final *dition, .ection ,, &a5e +, Eolumn 1, '91 #ord$

,4M*< .*=2@ (2@1*, , 1,<AE,? 4*12 Dy *1AE &,E* (he /e# Sork (ime$, I 2-ituary, March 2!, 19!", Wedne$day, ?ate Eity Final *dition, .ection ,, &a5e , Eolumn 1, 12"9 #ord$ A/ &2.(8E2@& %@A/*,, , J,A? A. (412W/ 2&*/. E?AFF21< <. M,S. .pecial to (he /e# Sork (ime$. Forei5n <e$k, ,pril 12, 19!", (hur$day, ?ate Eity Final *dition, .ection ,, &a5e 1, Eolumn ", 1++ #ord$. (2&AE.I 42W (2 1@/ (4A/%., 21 1@A/ (4*M, (he /e# Sork (ime$, March 29, 19!". %uinea ,irport 2pen$I Eapital ,ppear$ Ealm, (he /e# Sork (ime$, ,pril 0, 19!". %uinea Free$ (oure9$ Wido#, 1*@(*1., (he /e# Sork (ime$, January +, 19!!. 4o# France .haped /e# ,frica, 42W,1< W. F1*/E4, (he /e# Sork (ime$, Fe-ruary 2!, 199'. Eonver$ation$N=#ame (ureI Formerly .tokely Earmichael ,nd .till 1eady for the 1evolution, =,1*/ <* WA((, (he /e# Sork (ime$, ,pril 1", 199 . .tokely Earmichael, 1i5ht$ ?eader Who Eoined 9Dlack &o#er,9 <ie$ at '0, MAE4,*? (. =,@FM,/, (he /e# Sork (ime$, /ovem-er 1 , 199!. 9Ma$$ 5rave$9 found in %uinea. DDE, 22 2cto-er 2HH2. .tokely .peak$ (Dook 1evie#), 12D*1( W*A.D12((he /e# Sork (ime$ 1evie# of Dook$, /ovem-er 2+, 2HH+.

1ther secondary 0orks

%raeme Eoun$el. G&opular mu$ic and politic$ in .)kou (our)U$ %uineaG. ,u$trala$ian 1evie# of ,frican .tudie$. 2 (1), pp. 2 8"2. 2HH" Jean8&aul ,lata. &ri$on d9,fri;ue Jean8&aul ,lata. Antervie#8t)moi5na5e de Jean8&aul ,lata $ur 1adio8France Anternationale 4erve 4amon, &atrick 1otman ?9affaire ,lata ?adipo ,damolekun. .ekou (oure9$ %uineaB ,n *3periment in /ation Duildin5. Methuen (,u5u$t 190 ). A.D/ H8"1 800!"H82 =oumandian =)ita. %uin)e 1B ?9Vcole et la <ictature. /u-ia (19!"). A-rahima Da-a =ak). .)kou (our), le h)ro$ et le tyran. Jeune ,fri;ue, &ari$ (19!0) ,lpha ,-doulaye <iallo. ?a v)rit) du mini$treB <i3 an$ dan$ le$ 5eFle$ de .)kou (our). (Wue$tion$ d9actualit)), Ealmann8?)vy, &ari$ (19!'). A.D/ 90!828 0H2181+9H8' =a-a Eamara "1. <an$ la %uin)e de .)kou (our) B cela a -ien eu lieu. =indo (our). @ni;ue $urvivant du Eomplot =aman8Fod)-a ,dolf Mar3. Maudit$ $oient ceu3 ;ui nou$ ou-lient. 2u$mane ,rdo DX. Eamp Doiro. .ini$tre 5eFle de .)kou (our). 4armattan, &ari$ (19! ) A.D/ 90!828!'!H28 "98" Mahmoud Dah. Eon$truire la %uin)e aprY$ .)kou (our) M5r. 1aymond8Marie (chidim-o. /oviciat d9un )vZ;ue B huit an$ et huit moi$ de captivit) $ou$ .)kou (our). ,madou <iallo. ?a mort de (elli <iallo ,lmamy Fod) .ylla. ?9Atin)raire $an5lant Eomit) (elli <iallo. J9ai vu B on tue de$ innocent$ en %uin)e8Eonakry

,l$)ny 1en) %ome:. &arler ou p)rir .ako =ond). %uin)e. ?e temp$ de$ fripouille$ ,ndr) ?e#in. <iallo (elli. ?e <e$tin tra5i;ue d9un 5rand ,fricain. Eamara ?aye. <ramou$$ <r. (hierno Dah. Mon com-at pour la %uin)e /adine Dari. %rain de $a-le /adine Dari. /oce$ d9a-$ence /adine Dari. Ehroni;ue$ de %uin)e (199") /adine Dari. %uin)e. ?e$ caillou3 de la m)moire (2HH") Maurice JeanJean. /adine Dari. .)kou (our), @n totalitari$me africain Eollectif Jeune ,fri;ue. .)kou (our). Ee ;u9il fut. Ee ;u9il a fait. Ee ;u9il faut d)faire. Elaude ,-ou <iakit). ?a %uin)e encha[n)e ,lpha Eond). %uin)e, n)o8colonie am)ricaine ou ,l-anie d9,fri;ue ?an$in) =a-a. From coloniali$m to autocracy. %uinea under .)kou (our)B 19'0819!" Eharle$ *. .ory. .)kou (our), l9an5e e3terminateur Eharle$ <ian). .)kou (our), l9homme et $on r)5ime B lettre ouverte au pr)$ident Mitterrand *mile (ompapa. .)kou (our) B ;uarante an$ de dictature ,lpha 2u$mane Darry. &ouvoir du di$cour$ et di$cour$ du pouvoir B l9art oratoire che: .)kou (our) de 19'! O 19!"

E2ternal links

617 19'9 (ime Ma5a:ine cover $tory a-out .)kou (our) We-%uinee 8 .ekou (oure &u-li$he$ full te3t of -ook$ and article$ a$ #ell photo$ of .ekou (oure Eamp Doiro Memorial. *3ten$ive li$t of report$ and article$ on the notoriou$ political pri$on #here thou$and$ of victim$ of the dictator$hip of .ekou (oure di$appeared -et#een 19 H and 19!". More information a-out ,hmed .)kou (our) (French) DDE 1adioB &re$ident .ekou (oure <efend$ 2ne8&arty 1ule (19'9). Eonflict hi$toryB %uinea, 11 May 2HH0. Anternational Eri$i$ %roup. 1$t pa5e on the French /ational ,$$em-ly #e-$ite 2nd pa5e on the French /ational ,$$em-ly #e-$ite

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