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It is a common practice among farm owners to clear their land of existing vegetation to give way for selected agricultural crops either seasonal or permanent crops. Others clear also their land to give way for livestock and for other uses. The Lava farm is different. Instead of removing other vegetation in the area, we have opted to preserve and conserve them in situ. A botanical collection of plants of different species of trees, palms, vines and shrubs that can serve later as a laboratory for students of the state university and other schools in the municipality, aside from other interested groups and individuals. The protection and conservation of the forest area in the Lava farm is worth replicating by other farm owners because of its enormous benefits, among them to name a few are biodiversity

conservation flora and fauna! and climatic amelioration of the municipality and ad"acent areas which is beneficial as it will attract ecotourists, support the watershed, and maintain lush vegetation for which Lucban is noted for.

#I$ LA#A

Table of Contents

The Municipality of Lucban, Quezon The Residual forest Methodology ictures ! "Tree #pecies within the La$a Far% Table ' ( &o%inant #pecies within the Area ) Table * ( +ther #pecies in the Area Table , ( #pecies -ntroduced in the Area Table / ( 0on"ti%ber #pecies C



F . .

Table 1 ( Tree -n$entory

The La$a Far% of Lucban, Quezon

The Municipality of Lucban (: Bayan ng Lucban) is a second-class municipality in the province of Quezon, Southern Tagalog Region or Region -!" #uc$an is famous for its annual %ahiyas &estival, 'hich is held every ()th of May in honour of San *sidro #a$rado,r the &armer" +ecause of this uni,ue festivities, local and foreign tourist ali-e floc- to this municipality every year" !ccording to the ./(/ census, it has a population of 0,012 people" *t rests at the foot of mystic Mt" +anaha'

%ic ( Sho'ing the seat of government 3f #uc$an, Quezon

%ic" . Sho'ing the mystic Mt +anaha' located on the north'estern of the municipality
Several -ilometers from the to'n proper going to'ards the municipality of Sampaloc, Quezon is the #ava &arm" *t is a ten ((/) hectares farm lot 'ith coconuts and assorted fruit tree species", 4hat is uni,ue ho'ever 'ith the farm is it has an e5isting residual forest of appro5imately si5 (0) hectares"

ic , ( The far% house of the La$a far%3

The Lavas have no intention of removing this residual forest in their farm lot. Instead they would like to preserve it knowing fully well its advantages. %or one, it ameliorates the climatic condition in the area. Another very important advantage of the forest is it conserves water to the extent that even during summer there is water on the tributaries traversing the property. Another conse&uence of having a residual forest in the area is that it prevents soil erosion and its forest litter enriches the soil, an important factor because the Lavas are into organic farming.

The Residual Forest4

That no stumps of big trees were found in the area shows that the trees had been logged before. Only a few trees were found to have a diameter class of more than '( cm in diameter at breast height dbh!, indicating that it is a residual forestm meaning that the trees growing in the area were either planted there by the birds and animals through their droppings or could have been disseminated by wind. An example of which is mahogany )wietenia macrophylla!, an exotic species. The seeds of mahogany are winged, hence, it could have been carried there by wind. Another winged fruit are the fruits of )horea species , the white lauan and the red lauan! of the *ipterocarp family. %ruits of other tree species with big seeds and thick shell which are not digested by animals like the lumbang Aleuretis mollucana) of the family +uphorbiaceae could have been brought there by wild pigs through their droppings. Other species found in the area are introduced or were planted there by the Lavas like mangosteen, durian, ipil, murlberry, and madre the agua, to name a few.

ic3 / #howing one of the introduced species, the durian which is already fruit bearing Tree -dentification5-n$entory4
,ith the interest to know the different species in the area, an inventory was conducted with the help of foresters of *+$-. /+$-O, Talipan, 0agbilao, 1ue2on who conducted the inventory on weekends.

ic31 #howing the foresters conducting an in$entory Methodology4

A hundred percent inventory was conducted on existing trees with diameter ranging from 3( cm and up. The species were identified and the *iameter at

4reast height dbh! were correspondingly measured and the trees were properly numbered with a water based paint.

Trees in the Area4

The inventory shows that there are a total of seventy nine 56! tree species woody plants! and six 7 ! non.woody plants belonging to the family palmae that are growing in the area., The first ten 3(! dominant species as shown in Table 3 are lamog, lanete, kulis, makaasim, tibig, salab, takip.asin, batino, malapapaya, and salingugon. Table 8 also shows the rest of the species in the area. There are also some twelve 38! species, Table 9, that are introduced in the area. +xcept for the :adre de Agua whose leaves are a good source of feeds, the rest are indigenous but were planted in the area because of their economic importance, like the mangosteen, durian, cacao, and mabolo or kamagong. Table ' also shows some of the non.timber species found in the area. These are species belonging to the palmae family and among them are coconut or niyog, kaong, anahaw, giant fern, and bamboo or kawayan. Table ; shows the rest of the species that were numbered accordingly

ic36 #howing one of the %any tributaries in the area )n$iron%ent Friendly Far%4
Aside from growing organic plants, the farm is also environment friendly. +lectricity in the farm house is powered by solar energy. They also use charcoal or coconut shell for their cooking.

ic3 7 #howing organically grown basil

ic3 ! #howing the charcoal fed o$en

,hen it comes to cooking, the Lavas are health conscious. They produce their own coconut oil for cooking, they use coconut water for cooking rice and other recipes.. ,hen you want to escape the hustles of urban life, the Lava farm at Lucban, 1ue2on is the right place to go.

ictures ! Tree species within the La$a Far%

Tree $o. 839 < 4alat 4uwaya


Tree $o 66 < 0hil Oak

Tree $o 99 < =anapai

Tree $o 8 < Lanete

Tree $o 337 . :akaasim

Tree $o >8 < *ampol

Tree $o ;8 < Tibig

Tree $o >; < Anubing

Tree $o 3(6 < ?agimit

Tree $o 3( < )alingugon

Tree $o 3(8 < 4una

Tree $o 3(9 < Lanutan

Tree $o. 5 . Takip asin

Tree $o 83' . Lumbang

Tree $o 379 < )antol

Tree $o ;5 < $arra

Tree $o 3 < *urian

Tree $o ; < %lemengia@:alabalatong

Tree $o. 33 . ,hite lauan

Tree $o 6> < $angka@Langka

Tree $o 375 < 4ayag usa

Tree $o ;8 < Tibig

Tree $o 3( < :adre de Agua

Tree $o 38 <-ed lauan

Tree $o '( < :alapapaya@4ungliw

Tree $o 68 < )iar

Tree $o 83( < Antipolo

Tree $o > < )alab

Tree $o 66 < :arang

Tree $o 396 < :atang araw

Tree $o . 4ayabas

Tree $o 5 < Ipil

Tree $o 3(3 <Lamog@Asintonas

Tree $o 3;> < )ibakung

Tree $o 77 < 4atino

Tree $o . =amagongt@:abolo

Tree $o 83; < :amali

Tree $o 837 < :alaikmo

Tree $o 8(9 <:alasaging

Tree $o 339 < :alinawin

Tree $o 93 < 0agsahingin

Tree $o 35; < Lipote

Tree $o 9' < Amugis

Tree $o 385 < 0atalsik

Tree $o 36; < Tara.tara

Tree $o 385 < 4inuang

Tree $o 83> < Apling Bubat

Tree $o 3'' < =ulis

Tree $o 387 < =alokoi

Table ' " &o%inant species in the area Co%%on 5 Local 0a%e #cientific 0a%e


3 Lamog@Asinbtonasd 8 9 ' ; 7 5 > Lanete =ulis :akaasim Tibig )alab Takip.asin

0lanchona spectabilis ,rightia pubescens *omorphocalyx luzonienses )y2ygium nitidum %icus nota ,ikstroemia lanceolata :acaranga grandiflora Alstonia macrpphylla 0olyccias nodusa /ratoxylum formoson

4atino :alapapaya@4ungli 6 w )alingugon@Buyong. 3( Buyong

They are lanete , maka asim.

4atin o and malap apaya . The first three 9! are excell ent mater ial for furnit ures and novelt ies and the last which is the malap apaya locally know n as bungli w is widely used for the manufacture of chopsticks, matchsticks, matchbox and toothpicks

Table * " +ther species in the area3


Co%%on5Loca l 0a%e

#cientifi c 0a%e

Fa%i ly

0hilippine 3 Oak@:alagasantol 8 9 ' ; 7 5 > 6 3( 33 38 39 3' 3; :alinawin 4anilad :alapingan MalASAGING Anang =alumpang 0uso.puso 4una Apanang 4anai.banai =anapai@*ampol Anubing *ita $angka )terculia philippinensis Trichadenia philippinensis Aglaia diffusa usa

*iospyrus malayana )terculia foetida $eolitsea vidalii $eotriwia cumingii -adermanchera pinnata %icus magnoliifolia Artocarpus ovata Alstonia scholaris Antiaris heterophyllus :itrephora lanutan /vhisoketon pentandrus =oordersiodendrumpinnatum 0arartocarpus venenosus

Lanutan@4ahinsasa 37 yaw 35 3> 36 =atong matsin Amugis :alanangka

8( 83 88 89 8' 8;

=alokoi 0utatan =asau.kasau Iba.ibaan =alasgas

%icus callosa 4aringtonia racemosa Bonrospermum philippinense Blochidion philippinense :emecylon elliptifolium :urraya paniculata 0alagium philippinenses *ecaspermum fruticusum :allotus mult6iglandulosus *illena philippinenses 0terocarpus indicus )andoricum koe ape Antiaris blancoi Alangium meyeri /leistocalyx operculatus )y2ygium calcicola +picharis comingianum +rythrina orientalis *yso2ylum decandrum #oacanga globosa Tristania littoralis Aeltophorum pterucarpum /oppea arabica 0sidium guayava Cy2ygium nitidum )wietinia macrophylla /anarium asperum

:atang.araw :alak. 87 malak@palak.palak 85 8> 9( 93 98 99 9' 9; 97 95 9> 96 '( 0atalsik Alim@/ola =atmon $arra@Asana )antol Antipolo 0utian :alaruhat =aloikoy Tara.tara *ap.dap Igyo

4ayag.usa Taba@=alang. '3 kalang '8 '9 '' )iar =ape 4ayabas

lipote@balaigang@a '; mhi '7 '5 :ahogany 0agsahingin

'> '6


-auvolfia loheri Adenanthwera pavonina %agreae racemosa %icus minahassae Aleoretis molocana Leea parvifolia /eltisphilippinenses Octomeles sumatrana %icus ampelas Bliricidia sepium

:alatanglin 4alat ;( buaia@kabal ;3 ;8 ;9 ;' ;; ;7 ?agimit Lumbang :amalig :ala.ikmo 4inuang

Apling gubat =akauate@:adre ;5 de cacao

Table , " #pecies introduced in the area


Co%%on5Local 0a%e

#cientific 0a%e *urion zibethinus Barcinia mangostana

Fa%il y

3 8

*urian :angosteen

9 '


:orus alba *racontamelon edule %lamengia congesta Intsia bi uga 4ixa orellana Theobroma cacao )horea contorta )horea negrosenses *yospyrus philippinenses

Lamio %laminga@:ala. ; balatong 7 5 > 6 3( 33 Ipil Dellow asuete =akao@cacao ,hite lauan -ed lauan =amagong@mabola

Table / " 0on"ti%ber species in the area


Co%%on5Local 0a%e

#cientific 0a%e

Fa%il y

3 8 9 ' ; 7 5

/oconut@$iyogt@Lubi Anahaw =aong =auayan@4amboo Biant fern )apinit Osiw vine!

/ocos nicifera Livistona rotundifolia Aranga pinnata 4ambosa, *endrocalamus Angiopteris palmiformis

0alma e 0alma e 0alma e

Table 1 " Tree in$entory *iameter at breast height *bh! in cm. 9( 8; 8( 9( 8( 8( 3; 38 37 38 3; '( 89 9( 35 8( 3' 38 35 89 3; 8( 3; 8; 88

Tree $o. 3 8

/ommon@Local $ame Anang Anang

9 =alumpang ' =ulis ; Lanete 7 =ulis 5 =ulis > )alab :alinawin )alingugon@Buyong. 3( guyong 33 Lamog 38 :ahogany 6

39 :alinawin 3' 3; 37 35 3> 36 8( 83 88 89 8' :akaasim :aslinawin 4atino :ahogany Lamog Lamog :alapingan Lamog 0uso.puso :ahogany

:ahogany =atong 8; matsin

87 85 87 86 9( 93 98 99 9' 9; 97 95 9> 96 '( '3 '8 '9 '' '; '7 '5 '> '6 ;( ;3 ;8 ;9 ;' ;; ;7 ;5 ;> ;6 7( 73

Takip asin Takip asin )alab $arra )alab 0agsahingin Lanete Lanete Amugis :akaasim :akaasim 4anilad Takip asin Takip asin :alapapaya )alab )alab Tibig Tibig $arra )alab :akaasim Takip asin Takip asin Lamog )alab Tibig Tibig Amugis 4atino 4atino Lamog =ulis Tibig :alapapaya =ulis

88 8( 9( 9; 9( 9; 3; 9; 8( 8( 3; 3' 8( 89 8( 3> 88 3; 39 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 38 3; 3> 3( 8( 8( 8; 9; '( 8( 8> 8(


Takip asin

8; 3; 8; 3; 3; 9( 3; 3; 3; 8( 3; 9( 3; 3> guyong. guyong 3; 3; 8( 8( ;( 3( ; ; 8( ; ; 8; 3( 3; ; 8; 3; 3; 8; 9; 9( 3;

Lamog@asinto 79 nas 7' )alab 7; Lamog 77 Lamog 75 7> 76 5( 53 58 59 5' 5; 57 55 5> 56 >( >3 >8 >9 >' >; >7 >5 >> >6 6( 63 68 69 6' 6; 67 65 Takip asin 4atino Lamog Lamog Lamog Lamog Lamog =ulis Lanete )alingugon@Buyong. guyong )alab Lamog 4atino =ulis Apanang *ampol *ampol Lanete Anubing *ampol Lamog )alingugom Lamog Lamog :alapapaya )iar Taba@=alang.kalang :arang *ita :alagasan 0hil. Oak tol Takip asin

6> 66 3(( 3(3 3(8 3(9 3('

$angka 0hil Oak Anahaw Lamog 4una Lanutan :alanangka 4alinsasay aw

8; 8( 8; 8; 3; 3; 8; 3( 3; 3( 3; 8( 3( 3; 3( 3; 3( ; 3( 8( 3; 9( ; 8( 3; 3( 3( 3( 3( 3( 3( 3; 3( '( 3(

3(; Takip asin 3(7 4una 3(5 Lamog 3(> =ulis 3(6 Tibig 33( =alokoi 333 0utotan 338 :arang 339 33' 33; 337 335 33> 336 38( 383 388 389 38' 38; 387 385 38> 386 39( 393 398 399 39' :aloinawin Lamog :arang :akaasim unidentified 4atino =asao.kasao Iba.iba :alinawin =alasgas =alokoi =ape =ulis =alokoi 0atalsik Tibig )alab :atang.araw =aong Iba.iba 4anilad :alak.malak

39; 397 395 39>

Alim@cola :akaasim 4anai.banai =atmon

3; '( 9( 8( '; 9( 8; 9( 8; 9( 9( '( 8; 3( ;( 7; 6( 9; '; >( 5( 7( '( 7; '; 5; 8; '; 9; 9;

396 :atang araw )alingugon@Buyong. 3'( guyong 3'3 Lanete 3'8 3'9 3'' 3'; 3'7 3'5 3'> 3'6 3;( 3;3 3;8 3;9 3;' 3;; 4anai.banai 4atino =ulis =ulis 4anilad :arang =ulis 4anilad :akaasim :akaasim Lanete :akaasim :akaasim

:akaasim 3.3 3;7 :akaasim 3.8 4una 3.3 3;5 :akaasim 3.8 $arra@Asana 3.3 3;> :akaasim 3.8 )ibacong 3.3 3;6 :akaasim 3.8 :alatanglin 37( :akaasim

373 378

3.3 =ulis 3.8 Igyo 3.3 =ulis 3.8 =asao. kasao 3.3 )antol 3.8 )alab

;( 8( 9( 8( 9( 3; ;( 38 9( 38 9( 8( ;( '( 7; 3( '; '( 3(( 3( '; '; '( ;( '( 9; 8; 9( 9( 9;



3.3 =ulis

3.8 0atalsik 3.3 37; :akaasim 3.8 0atalsik 3.3 37; :akaasim 3.8 4atino 3.3 377 :akaasim 3.8 )antolk 3.3 375 )alingugon 3.8 4ayag. usa 3.3 37> )alingugon 3.8 :alasaging 3.3 376 :akaasim 35( 353 358 359 35' 35; 357 355 35> 356 3.8 Antipolo :arang =ulis )antol Lanete 0hil Oak Lipote =ulis Antipolo :akaasim $arra

3>( 3>3 3>8 3>9 3>' 3>; 3>7 3>5 3>> 3>6 36( 363 368 369

=ulis =ulis :akaasim Lanete =ulis =ulis 4atino 4anai.banai =ulis )alab )antol

'( 9( 8> 89 8( 8; 9( 8( 3; 8> 8> '; '( 8( 8; 8; ;( 3; '; 8; '( 9( 8( 9( '( 8; 9; 9( 3; 8( ;( ;( 8( 3;

:alaruhat =ulis 0utian )alingugon@Buyong. 36' guyong 36; 367 365 36> 366 8(( 8(3 8(8 8(9 8(' 8(; 8(7 8(5 8(> 8(6 83( 833 838 Tara.tara =alutkot :alasaging :alasaging 0hil Oak Tara.tara :akaasim 0uso.puso :alasaging =ulis Takip asin :atang araw Lanete *apdap :alak malak

Antipolo 0atalsik 0hil Oak 4alat 839 buwaya

83' 83; 837 835 83>

Lumbang :amali :ala.ikmo 4inuang Apling Bubat

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