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Breathing Life You CAN Heal Yourself Spiritual Birth News & Updates Spotlight on Awakening (Whats Missing) Breath of Ease & Grace

Golden Grove Psychic Expo November 17th

In the May 2013 edition of this news letter I spoke about how we have gone beyond what you might call the original plan for earth and humanity. I spoke about the dying out of many species and the destruction of rainfor ests and many other events that are indicative of a dying planet. And I mentioned the shift in consciousness that has enabled us to go beyond past prophecies and into a new era which is now bringing about a total rebirth.
The period between December 21st (end of the Mayan calendar) and March 21st (equinox) was referred to as a portal into this new era. It created a type of void, much like a birthing canal and now we are be ginning to discover what it is like on the other side. Many of us have noticed changes in energy and circumstances in our own lives, how ever we are also experiencing global phenomenon like meteor show ers and solar flares. One such event will occur towards the end of November when the ISON comet will graze the Suns atmosphere and according to current scientific estimations will be big enough to survive this interaction while providing a us with a spectacular sky show, particularly for those in the northern hemisphere. If we go beyond the scientific aspect of this and what may become somewhat of a media frenzy as this event nears, there is much more going on here that the general population will not be aware of. The ISON comet is basically a massive ENERGY delivery system for earth. It will also scatter minute particles of dust across our planet that will hold new potentials for humanity and contribute to the re seeding of our planet. While this promises to be a monumental experience with farreaching implications for earth I remind you to be aware of societys propensity
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0408 857 620

Newsletter written and designed by Keryn Lee

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for drama. We will no doubt see fear based scenarios in our media, as well as various conspiracies and controversies that may arise. These are nothing but distractions, they are a reaction from mass consciousness in response to some thing they dont fully understand. In the past, as the consciousness of hu manity shifted and we chose to rebirth into a new era WHILE REMAINING INCAR NATE we set up the energy dynamics for changes that would go beyond anything humanity has ever seen before. The layer or protective shield that once kept earth separate from such atmospheric phe nomenon was released because we are now ready to take responsibility for our selves and allow these energy systems to bring in the new seeds of life for our future.

I invite you to breathe in the magnificence of this event with the understanding that we are truly creating something quite amazing, something entirely unique and something that is allowing usdare I say itto boldly go where no man (or woman) has ever gone before. During this time, stay out of the drama and distractions of others and feel into the energies that we as a race of beings have chosen to experience and recog nise the potentials for the future of earth and humanity. We are part of this, every single one of us, our energy, our consciousness and our desire has cre ated the birth of this new era. Why not enjoy it? Many blessings, Keryn Lee

Private Sessions
with Keryn Lee
These sessions assist you to release anything that no longer serves you and empower you to transform your life with ease and grace. They provide a safe space for change as you gain insights, inspirations and guidance without the need for processing old traumas and past events. Sessions available by phone & Skype.

0408 857 620

Self healing simply means bringing the body back into balance and harmony. The key is to do this without forcing and ma nipulating energy as we humans have learned to do in the past. Wearenottaughtthatourbodiesareself healingorganismsthatalreadyknowhow torebalance.Forexample,wedonotneed totellourbodieshowtodothingslikedi gestingfoodorcarryingoxygenthrough theblood.Thesethingstakeplacenaturally andeasily,andsoitshouldalsobewhenit comestohealinganailmentordisease. Inthisonedayworkshopyouwilllearn howtoconnectwithyourbodyinsucha wayastobasicallyinviteittodowhatit

alreadyknowshowtodo.Youwilllearn aboutblockedenergyandhowweresist healingandhowyoucanassistthebody withoutgettingintheway. Thistechniqueissomethingyoucanusefor therestofyourlifetomaintainbalance andharmony.Itisnotsomethingthatyou useonotherpeople.Itempowersyouto takeresponsibilityforyourownhealthand teachesyouhowtoworkwithyourbody insteadofagainstit. Theknowledgeandunderstandingofthis selfhealingtechniqueassistsyoutore memberhowtotrustyourselfandyour ownwisdomwhilecomingintoalignment withanewlevelofconsciousness.

Our bodies have the ability to heal themselves, yet through life's many ups and downs, we lose trust in ourselves and our bodies. We carry old beliefs, past lives, ancestral karma and so on, and we forget that we have the ability to naturally and effortlessly come back into balance.

During this one-day workshop you will learn a simple, but profoundly effective technique for self-healing. You will gain a greater understanding of how energy works, the main causes of dis-ease and youll develop a deeper relationship with your body.

Saturday 7th December

10am - 4.30pm Held at Wynn Vale $125
($60 non-refundable deposit required)

0408 857 620 3

A huge thank you to everyone who vis ited Doug and myself at the Mind Body Spirit festival over the October long weekend. ItwasawonderfuleventandIreceiveda lot of positive comments about the use of the alternative hall (Goyder Pavilion) as well as the very balanced energy this year.Thisis,ofcourse,contributedtoby the organisers, the exhibitors and every single person who chose to come along and participate in any way, shape or form as the addition of your personal energyhelpstomakeagreatexpo. It is also fantastic for Adelaide to now have two large yearly expos which just goes to show that more and more peo ple are awakening and seeking answers, andAdelaideisrespondingtothatcall. Thank you also to my Ascension work shop attendeesforyourgraceandallow ing during out time together. I thor oughlyenjoyeditandhopethatyou did also. ***

effective selfhealing technique and dis coveringhowtoassistthebodytocome backintobalancenaturallythenImsure youwilllovethisworkshop. Also take advantage of the mistake I made when advertising this for$125 in steadof$145inthelastissue.Ofcourse, Iwillhonourthatpriceandhavetolaugh as my mind was obviously elsewhere thatday! ***

Ascension and Abundance

I am currently in the process of putting together some new workshops and classesfor nextyear. One will be an as cension workshop in which attendees willhavetheopportunitytomakeacon sciouschoiceforascensionandbeginthe integration process in a supportive and safespaceaveryprofoundexperience. There will also be an abundance work shop that focuseson allowing energyto serve you, the creator, and also how to really receivebig timebecause hu mansarenotsogoodatreceiving. Staytunedalsoforsomeoccasional spe cial topic evening classes forthosewho findweekendsdifficulttoattend.

Healing You
Please note that the Healing You work shop date has changed fromNov2ndto December 7th. If you are interested in learning a very simple but profoundly

Theentranceofabeautifulsoulintotheearth realmsistrulyamagicalexperience.Forsomeitis anotherlifetimeoneofacycleofmanyforsome itwillbethelifetimeofascensionandthefinallife timeonearth,andforothersitistheirfirstexperi enceinhumanform. Myoldestsoncarriestheenergyofanexperienced soul,heknowstheropesandfitsintolifeveryeas ily,andhehasawisdombeyondhisyears.My youngestsonisnewertothisrealm.Asayoung childhewasconstantlybumpingintothingsasifhe hadtroubledistinguishingbetweenwhatwassolid andwhatwasnot.Hedidntunderstandhumour andwouldpuzzleatwhywewouldalllaughata joke.Thenpuzzledevermorewhenhewouldrepeat thejokeandnotreceivethesamereaction.Theun derstandingofthesethingscomesnaturallytous afterlifetimesofbeinginhumanbodies,wehave learnedtofocusourenergy,wehavelearnedhu mourthroughtheabilitytolaughatourselves,our misfortunesandoursocietyasawhole. Earthisagrandplaygroundandmanysoulsareliter allywaitinganopportunitytocomeandbepartof thefun.Somearedrawnherethroughkarmicener giesthatseekresolutionandothersthroughthe desiretoexperienceallthathumanlifeoffers. Forthoseconsideringhavingchildrenorlearning moreaboutassistingsoulstobirthwitheaseand graceintothisearthrealm,thereisaspecialwork shopavailable.ItisfacilitatedbyDouglasEdgarand iscalledtheDreamWalkerBirthSchool. Doug: DWBisa21/2dayexperiencediscussingthe birthprocessfromaspiritualaswellasaphysical perspective.Muchcanbedonetoassistcouplesto conceive,andhaveasmoothandeasypregnancyas wellasaneasybirth.Thisisdonebymakinganen ergeticconnectionbetweenbothparentsandthe incomingsoul.

AnAdoulaisathirdper sonwhoactsasaspiritual midwife,facilitatingthis specialconnection. Thisschoolgentlyguidesstudentsinopeningtheir awarenessoftheseenergies,andhowtoworkwith bothparentsonthislevel. Dreamwalker Birth will be held on December 6th 8th 2013. Doug can be contacted via his website where you will also find more information about this school.

& Energy Balancing



Bring your Mind, Body & Spirit back into Balance with this unique form of Intuitive Healing
Offers Deep Healing Release of old habit patterns/fears Energy Balancing & Clearing Past Life Release Clearing old vows, oaths, spells etc Clearing Atlantean Overlays Integrating Soul Fragments Clearing Ancestral Biology Spiritual Guidance and more

Give yourself the Gift of Healing

Also available by Phone/Skype

0408 857 620


Master Class

Remember to take time for yourself. Take time to be still and breathe. Take time to allow your body to rebalance. It is so important right now.

Evening Master Class


Mastery of Life

Healing You
December7th Events

Golden Grove Psychic Expo


with Keryn Lee

Empowering you to discover your own wisdom

Interactivesessionsthatprovideinsightsand inspirationsasweobservetheflowofener giesandcurrentchallengesinyourlife.Pro vidingclear,practicalguidanceandintuitive insights.


Golden Grove Psychic Expo

Sunday, 17th November

Tarot Readings Intuitive Healing Golden Grove Arts Centre

The Golden Way, Golden Grove Entry $5 Kids FREE

0408 857 620

Part Two

This feature focuses on awakening and some of the issues and challenges that are often experienced. For those who missed Part One, you can find it in the August newsletter.

Feeling that there must be more to life IrememberaspecificmomentwhenIwasabout25, standinglookingoutofthewindowofthemultistory buildinginwhichIwasemployed.Ihadastablejob, asteady4yearrelationshiplivingwithawonderful manandhadbeendabblinginspiritualbooksand workshopsforafewyears.Lifeshouldhavebeen great.Instead,asIgazedskywardIfelttrapped,re stricted,unhappyandcompletelystuck.Ifeltlikea butterflywhosecocoonhadbecomejammedand therewasnowayout.SomewheredeepwithinI sensedthattherewasmoretolife,butIdidn'tknow whatwasmissing,howtofinditorevenwhereto startlooking. EventuallyIwalkedawayfrommyrelationship,not quiteknowingwhybutknowingthatIcouldntstay. Thingsseemedtogetworseandlifebegantospiral downhill,workbecameunbearableandIstartedto getsick.Ileftmyjobandfacedacoupleofdifficult years.Toothers,mylifelookedlikeamess.Tolittle humanme,mylifewas amessandIfeltcompletely overwhelmed.ButdeepbelowthesurfaceIwasgo ingthroughanamazingtransformation. Awakeningis messybecausewenolongerfitinto lifeinmassconsciousnessanymore,andafterhun dreds,eventhousandsoflifetimeswherewehave immersedourselvesintothirddimensionalrealityit becomessointimatelyfamiliartousthatitsdifficult toperceiveoflivinganyotherway.

Awakeningbringupfeelingsofdissatisfaction, overwhelmandfrustrationbecauseyouarebegin ningtooutgrowthislimitedreality.Youmayfeel thatyoujustdontbelonginyourskinanymore, otherpeoplemayannoyyoueventhoughtheyare actingnodifferentlythanusualandtheresasense ofsearchingforsomething,butyoudontknow whatitisorwheretofindit. Thesefeelingsareallverynormalasahumanbeing beginstoawaken,andwhileitcanbeuncomfort ableandchallengingknowthatyouarebeginning tosetyourselffree.Youarebeginningtoemerge fromadreamandseelifeinanentirelynewway. Youwillstarttoseethattherewas somethingmiss inginyourlife,andthatsomethingwasYOUthe trueessenceofwhoyouare,thespiritualbeing, thedivineangel. Youarebeginningtoreleasealltheoldstories,ex pectationsofothers,societalconditioning,beliefs andtraditionsanddevelopanintimaterelationship withself. Theinitialstagesofthisjourneyareawkwardand ungainly,muchlikeanewbornfoal.Butjustasthe foalsoonfindsitsfeetanditsnottoolongbefore itcangallopacrossthepaddock,sotoowillyou. Thefreedomthatyouwillexperiencecannotbe describedbutitwillchangeyourlifeforever.And onceyoubeginthisjourney,theresreallynoturn ingback.Keryn Lee

Evening Class Only now available

Starts Thursday Nov 21st 7-9.30pm $49 per month
($98 non-refundable deposit)

Feel the gentle flow of air moving into your body as you breathe in, then breathe out. Life can be so simple. One breath in, one breath out. A gentle, graceful flow as energy responds to you. Each breath creating life in each now moment. Each breath bringing in new potentials, new energy, new creations. Allowing each breath to serve you. Gently in, gently out. Keeping it simple.

Have the newsletter link emailed to you each month and be the first to read about special offers, workshops, articles and information.


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