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Also / Too / Either

The following is a mini-tutorial on the use of the words "also," "too" and "either." After you have studied the tutorial, complete the associated exercises. If you already know how to use these words, you can skip the explanation and go directly to the exercises.

"Also" is used in positive sentences to add an agreeing thought. Examples:

Jane speaks French. Sam also speaks French. I love chocolate. I also love pizza. Frank can come with us. Nancy can also come with us.

"Also" comes after "to be." Examples:

I am also Canadian. I was also there. With verbs other than "to be," "also" comes before single verb forms. Examples:

I also sing. He also helped us. In verb tenses with many parts, "also" comes after the first part and before the second. Examples:

I have also been to Hong Kong. I am also studying economics. Similarly, since modal verbs are usually followed by a second verb, "also" comes after modal verbs. Examples:

I can also speak French. I should also be there.

"Too" is used in positive sentences to add an agreeing thought. It has the same meaning as "also," but its placement within the sentence is different. Examples:

Jane speaks French. Sam speaks French too. I love chocolate. I love pizza too. Frank can come with us. Nancy can come with us too.

"Too" usually comes at the end of a clause. Examples:

I am Canadian too. I can speak French too. I am studying economics too. If he wants to go too, he should meet us at 8:00.

Although "too" is usually placed at the end of a clause, it can sometimes be used with commas after the subject of the sentence. This is usually only done in formal speech. Examples:

Mr. Jones wanted the contract. Ms. Jackson, too, thought it was necessary. Donna is working on a solution to the problem. I, too, am trying to find a way to resolve the conflict.

"Either" is used in negative sentences to add an agreeing thought. Examples:

Jane doesn't speak French. Sam doesn't speak French either. I don't love chocolate. I don't love pizza either. Frank cannot come with us. Nancy cannot come with us either.

"Either" usually comes at the end of a clause. Examples:

I cannot speak French either. I am not studying economics either. I don't want to eat either. I didn't like the movie either.

Confusing Sentences
Sometimes the first sentence is negative and the agreeing idea is positive. Examples:

The weather wasn't very appealing. I also wanted to stay home and finish my book. That's why I didn't go to the beach. The car wasn't expensive, and I needed a way to get around town too. That's why I bought it. Sometimes the first sentence is positive and the agreeing idea is negative. Examples:

Jane is too short. She is not a good athlete either. I don't think she would make a good basketball player. He is lazy. He doesn't study either. That's why he doesn't do well in school.

Expresando acuerdo
Con oraciones afirmativas - Affirmative (too/so)

A: "I'm afraid of spiders." - Le tengo miedo a las araas B: "So am I." or "Me too." - Yo tambin A: "I must hurry, it's late already" - Debo apurarme, ya es tarde B: "Oh, Gosh! So must I." - Oh, Dios mo! Yo tambin.

A: "You look good." - Te ves bien. B: "So do you." or "You too." - T tambin. A: "Mark lives in the suburbs." - Mark vive en los suburbios. B: "So does Jane." - Jane tambin. A: "We forgot to bring our umbrellas." - Olvidamos traer los paraguas. B: "So did we." - Nosotros tambin. A: "My child was sick yesterday." - Mi hijo estuvo enfermo ayer. B: "So was mine." - El mo tambin.

Ms ejemplos con oraciones afirmativas:

I am hungry, and so are you. / you are too. Tengo hambre y t tambin. My wife is a lawyer, and so am I. / I am too. Mi esposa es abogada y yo tambin. She was here yesterday, and so was he. / he was too. Ella estuvo aqu ayer y l tambin. I can swim, and so can my brother. / my brother can too. Puedo nadar y mi hermano tambin. I should study more, and so should you. / you should too. Yo debera estudiar ms y t tambin. They will go to the movies, and so will I. / I will too. Ellos irn al cine y yo tambin. Susan studies German, and so does Mary. / Mary does too. Susan estudia alemn y Mary tambin. John cleaned the house, and so did his wife. / his wife did too. John limpi la casa y su esposa tambin. They have gone out, and so has their son. / their son has too. Ellos han salido y su hijo tambin.

Con oraciones negativas - Tampoco (either/neither)

A: "I don't have any free time." - No tengo tiempo libre. B: "Neither do I." or "Nor do I." or "I don't either." or "Me neither." - Yo tampoco.

A: "We don't smoke." - No fumamos. B: "Neither does he." or "Nor does he." - l tampoco. A: "My husband wasn't very happy when I went shopping." - Mi marido no estuvo muy contento cuando fui de compras. B: "Neither was mine." - El mo tampoco.

A: "They couldn't sleep last night." - No pudieron dormir anoche. B: "Neither could I." - Yo tampoco. A: "I can't speak French." - No hablo francs. B: "Nor can we. Nosotros tampoco. A: "David won't come to the party." - David no vendr a la fiesta. B: "Neither will John." - John tampoco.

Ms ejemplos con oraciones negativas:

I am not tired, and neither are my friends. / my friends are not either. No estoy cansado y mis amigos tampoco. I can't play chess, and neither can you. / you can't either. No s jugar al ajedrez y t tampoco. They won't attend the concert, and neither will I. / I won't either. No irn al recital y yo tampoco. I don't like novels, and neither does my girlfriend. / my girlfriend doesn't either. No me gustan las novelas y a mi novia tampoco. Jack didn't bring anything, and neither did his sister. / his sister didn't either. Jack no trajo nada y su hermana tampoco. She has not seen that film yet, and neither has her boyfriend. / her boyfriend hasn't either. Ella no ha visto la pelcula an y su novio tampoco. They don't have money, and neither do we. / we don't either. No tienen dinero y nosotros tampoco. Bill hadn't been there, and neither had his family. / his family hadn't either. Bill no haba estado all y su familia tampoco.



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