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Chapter 5 System Success and Failure: Implementation

The alteration or change o! an in!or"ation # te" ha a great an$ %o&er!'l i"%act to&ar$ an organi(ational) It tran !or" the interaction a"ong in$i*i$'al an$ gro'% ) Change in the &a# that in!or"ation i $e!ine$+ acce e$ an$ ' e$ to "anage the organi(ation, re o'rce o!ten lea$ to ne& $i tri-'tion o! a'thorit# an$ %o&er) .ene!it !ro" in!or"ation technolog# in*e t"ent &ill -e re$'ce$ i! !ir" $o not con i$er the co t o! organi(ational change a ociate$ &ith a ne& # te" o! "a/e the e change e!!ecti*el# 0R#an an$ Harri on+ 12223 Irani an$ 4o*e+ 1222512267) S'cce !'l # te"5-'il$ing re8'ire care!'l change "anage"ent)


Information System Problem Areas There are %lent# o! %ro-le" ca' ing in!or"ation # te" !ail're+ an$ tho e %ro-le" categori(e$ into "'lti%le categorie 'ch a in ter" o! $e ign+ $ata+ co t an$ o%eration )



Info. Info. System System



Figure 5.1

Pro-le" &ith an in!or"ation # te", $e ign+ $ata+ co t or o%eration can -e e*i$ence o! a # te" !ail're)

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9e ign The act'al $e ign o! the # te" "a# !ail to ca%t're e ential -' ine re8'ire"ent o! i"%ro*e organi(ational %er!or"ance) It co*er o! in!or"ation "a# not -e %ro*i$e$+ i"%o i-le $ata ' e$+ inacc'rate $ata re%re ente$+ etc) A # te" "a# -e $e igne$ &ith a %oor ' er inter!ace) For in tance+ the %roce$'re to re8'e t online in!or"ation retrie*al "a# -e 'nintelligent that ' er are too !r' trate$ to "a/e re8'e t + ' er ta/e too long to 'n$er tan$ an$ acce :e- %age or too "'ch o! the ti"e %ent to $i %la# the :e%age on the ' er, co"%'ter) 9e ign ; tr'ct're+ c'lt're an$ goal ; # te" !ail're 9ata The in!or"ation in certain !iel$ "a# -e erroneo' or a"-ig'o' + or it "a# not -e organi(e$ %ro%erl# !or -' ine %'r%o e ) In!or"ation re8'ire$ "a# -e inacce i-le -eca' e the $ata are inco"%lete) Co t Co t to i"%le"ent an$ e<ec'te on a %ro$'ction "a# -e o*er -'$get) S# te" %ro=ect "a# -e too co tl# to co"%lete) High "aintenance co t)

O%eration In!or"ation i not %ro*i$e$ in a ti"el# an$ e!!icient "anner an$ ca' e o! the co"%'ter o%eration -rea/ $o&n) O%eration that a-ort too o!ten lea$ to 'nnece ar# rer'n an$ $ela#e$ or "i e$ che$'le$ !or $eli*er# o! in!or"ation)

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Causes of Implementation Success and Failure I"%le"entation o'tco"e can -e $eter"ine$ -# the !ollo&ing !actor > The role o! ' er in the i"%le"entation %roce The $egree o! "anage"ent '%%ort !or the i"%le"entation e!!ort The le*el o! co"%le<it# an$ ri / o! the i"%le"entation %ro=ect The 8'alit# o! "anage"ent o! the i"%le"entation %roce

$ser in%ol%ement and influence &anagement Support 'e%el of comple(ity)ris* &anagement of implementation process

I&P'+&+,-A-I , $-C &+ Design Cost Operations Data

Figure 5.!

Factor in in!or"ation # te" 'cce

or !ail're

"i#. $ser in%ol%ement and Influence ? er in*ol*e"ent i e ential in the $e ign an$ o%eration o! in!or"ation # te"+ 'ch a> ? er in*ol*e"ent in # te" $e ign+ change ea e to control the o'tco"e Incor%orate ' er, re8'ire"ent @ e<%erti e /no&le$ge A lea$ -etter ol'tion ) :i$e %rea$ ' e o! Internet an$ 4th generation tool To$a#, ' er are a '"ing "ore o! a lea$er hi% role in coherent the a$o%tion+ $e*elo%"ent an$ i"%le"entation o! in!or"ation technolog# inno*ation 0Bettinger an$ 4ee+ 12217 The relation hi% -et&een con 'ltant an$ client ha tra$itionall# -een a %ro-le" area !or IS i"%le"entation e!!ort ) ? er an$ IS %eciali t ha*e $i!!erent -ac/gro'n$ + 8'ali!ication + co""'nication channel + intere t + %rioritie + etc user-designer communications gap) Page C o! 7



The e $i!!erence lea$ to $i!!erent organi(ational lo#altie + a%%roache to %ro-le" ol*ing an$ *oca-'larie ) IS %eciali t o!ten loo/ !or elegant an$ o%hi ticate$ technical ol'tion to en 're har$&are an$ o!t&are e!!icienc# o%ti"i(e$) ? er o!ten oriente$ to ol*ing -' ine %ro-le" or !acilitating organi(ational ta / ) $ser Concerns Designer Concerns :ill the # te" $eli*er the in!or"ation I Ho& "'ch $i / torage &ill the !ile nee$H con '"eH Ho& 8'ic/l# can I acce I retrie*e the Ho& can &e c't $o&n on CP? ti"e $ataH &hen &e r'n the # te"H Ho& &ill the o%eration o! the # te" !it :hat i the "o t e!!icient &a# o! toring into "# $ail# -' ine che$'leH $ataH -able 5.1 The ' er5$e igner co""'nication ga%

Ga% -et&een ' er an$ IS %eciali t $i!!erent goal to %'r 'e

ri / o! !ail're)


&anagement Support and Commitment Co""it"ent o! "anage"ent at *ario' le*el &ill -e %ercei*e$ %o iti*el# -# -oth ' er an$ IS ta!!) .oth gro'% &ill recei*e higher5le*el attention an$ %riorit#) Thi en 're that a # te" %ro=ect &ith '!!icient !'n$ing an$ re o'rce ) Mo t o! the change in &or/ an$ %roce$'re $e%en$ on "anage"ent) I! a "anager con i$er a ne& # te" a %riorit#+ the # te" &ill "ore li/el# to -e treate$ that &a# -# hi or her '-or$inate ) 09oll+ 69D53 Ein59or an$ Sege*+ 697D7

"iii#. 'e%el of Comple(ity and .is* Generall#+ # te" $i!!er in their i(e+ co%e+ le*el o! co"%le<it#+ organi(ational+ technical co"%onent + etc) 4e*el o! ri /+ %ro=ect $ela# or !ail're The le*el o! %ro=ect ri / i in!l'ence$ -# %ro=ect i(e+ tr'ct're+ le*el o! technical e<%erti e o! IS tea" an$ ta!!) Project size 5 larger %ro=ect+ E %ent+ no) o! organi(ational 'nit a!!ecte$ a"o'nt o! i"%le"entation ta!!+ ri /) ti"e ' e$+

A-o't F 52G 5 75G # te" %ro=ect !ail -eca' e o! it co"%le<it# an$ $i!!ic'lt to control) Page 4 o! 7



Project structure 5 tr'ct're$ %ro=ect their re8'ire"ent are clear an$ traight!or&ar$ 0 o that the o't%'t an$ %roce e are ea il# $e!ine$)7 E<%erience &ith technolog# J lac/ o! re8'ire$ technical e<%erience %ro=ect ri /) I! tea" "e"-er i 'n!a"iliar &ith the har$&are+ o!t&are+ $ata-a e "anage"ent # te" %ro%o e$ !or the %ro=ect ti"e 0ti"e nee$e$ to "a ter ne& /ill 7)

"i%#. &anagement the Implementation Process The con!lict an$ 'ncertaintie inherent in an# i"%le"entation e!!ort &ill -e "agni!ie$ &hen an i"%le"entation %ro=ect i %oorl# "anage$ an$ organi(e$) A # te" $e*elo%"ent %ro=ect &itho't %ro%er "anage"ent &ill "o t li/el# '!!er the !ollo&ing con e8'ence > Co t that greatl# e<cee$ -'$get ?ne<%ecte$ ti"e li%%age Technical hort!all re 'lting %er!or"ance Fail're to o-tain antici%ate$ -ene!it

Generall#+ %ri*ate ector %ro=ect are 'n$ere ti"ate$ -# one5hal! in ter" o! -'$get an$ ti"e re8'ire$ to co"%lete the # te") Mo t o! the %ro=ect are $eli*ere$ &ith "i ing !'nctionalit#) Other %ro=ect that !ail're are e<cee$ the their -'$get an$ che$'le) Rea on o! %ro=ect "anage$ %oorl#> 0i7) Ignorance an$ o%ti"i " %oor techni8'e ' e$ !or e ti"ating the ti"e re8'ire$ to anal#(e an$ $e ign the # te") Mo tl# are K!ir t ti"eL a%%lication) O%ti"i t thin/er 0ii7) The "#thical "an5"onth The tra$itional 'nit o! "ea 're"ent ' e$ -# # te" $e igner to %ro=ect co t i the man-month) Pro=ect are e ti"ate$ in ter" o! the a"o'nt o! &or/ a %er on can -e e<%ecte$ to co"%lete in a "onth) Ho&e*er+ a$$ing "ore &or/er to %ro=ect $oe not nece aril# re$'ce the ela% e ti"e nee$e$ to co"%lete a # te" %ro=ect 0.roo/ + 69747) 0iii7) Falling -ehin$> -a$ ne& tra*el lo&l# '%&ar$ A"ong %ro=ect in all !iel$ + li%%age in %ro=ect + !ail're an$ $o'-t are o!ten not re%orte$ to enior "anage"ent 'ntil it i too late 0S"ith+ Beil an$ 9e%le$ge+ 1226+ Beil an$ Ro-e#+ 12267)

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Controlling .is* Factors

The !ir t te% in "anaging %ro=ect ri / i to i$enti!# the nat're an$ le*el o! ri / con!ronting the %ro=ect 0Sch"i$th+ 4##tinen+ /eil an$ C'le+ 12267) Managing technical co"%le<it# Pro=ect &ith challenging an$ co"%le< technolog# ha*e to "a ter -ene!it !ro" internal integration tool 0%ro=ect "anage"ent techni8'e that en 're that the i"%le"entation tea" o%erate a a cohe i*e 'nit7) The 'cce o! 'ch %ro=ect $e%en$ on technical an$ a$"ini trati*e e<%erience+ lea$er hi% o! a "anager+ &or/ing relation hi% a"ong tea" "e"-er + con$'cting tea" "eeting + etc) For"al %lanning an$ control tool 4arge %ro=ect &ill -ene!it !ro" a%%ro%riate ' e o! !or"al %lanning 0%ro=ect "anage"ent techni8'e that tr'ct're an$ e8'ence ta / + -'$geting ti"e+ "one# an$ technical re o'rce re8'ire$ to co"%lete the ta / 7 an$ !or"al control tool 0%ro=ect "anage"ent techni8'e that hel% "onitor the %rogre to&ar$ co"%letion o! a ta / an$ !'l!ill"ent o! goal 7) Eg) Gantt chart an$ Progra" E*al'ation an$ Re*ie& Techni8'e 0PERT7) Gantt chart J re%re ent the e8'ence an$ ti"ing o! $i!!erent ta / in a $e*elo%"ent %ro=ect a &ell a their re o'rce re8'ire"ent ) PERT J li t the %eci!ic acti*itie that "a/e '% a %ro=ect+ their $'ration an$ the acti*itie that "' t -e co"%lete$ -e!ore a %eci!ic acti*it# can tart) The e techni8'e hel% "anager i$enti!# an$ $eter"ine the i"%act o! the %ro-le" an$ it co"%letion ti"e ) The# can al o hel% # te" $e*elo%er %artition i"%le"entation into "aller+ "ore "anagea-le eg"ent &ith $e!ine$+ "ea 'ra-le -' ine re 'lt 0Fich"an an$ Mo e + 69997) Increa ing ' er in*ol*e"ent an$ o*erco"ing ' er re i tance Pro=ect &ith relati*el# little tr'ct're an$ "an# 'n$e!ine$ re8'ire"ent "' t in*ol*e ' er !'ll# at all tage ) The i"%le"entation tea" can $e"on trate it re %on i*ene to ' er + an &ering 8'e tion + incor%orating ' er !ee$-ac/ an$ ho&ing their &illingne to hel% 0Ge!en an$ Ri$ing + 12217) ?n!ort'natel#+ ' er "a# not al&a# -e in*ol*e$ in # te" %ro=ect in a %ro$'cti*e &a#) So"eti"e+ ' er %artici%ation "a# not -e eno'gh to o*erco"e the %ro-le" o! ' er re i tance) I! the ' e o! a # te" i *ol'ntar#+ ' er "a# choo e to a*oi$ it3 i! ' e i "an$ator#+ re i tance &ill ta/e the !or" o! increa e$ error rate + $i r'%tion + t'rno*er an$ a-otage)

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There!ore+ the i"%le"entation trateg# "' t not onl# enco'rage ' er %artici%ation an$ in*ol*e"ent+ it "' t al o a$$re the i 'e o! Kco'nteri"%le"entationL 0Been+ 69D67) It i a $eli-erate trateg# to to% the i"%le"entation o! an in!or"ation # te" or an inno*ation in an organi(ation) Strategie to o*erco"e ' er re i tance incl'$e ' er %artici%ation+ ' er e$'cation an$ training+ "anage"ent e$ict an$ %olicie an$ %ro*i$ing -etter incenti*e !or ' er &ho coo%erate) The ne& # te" can -e "a$e "ore ' er !rien$l# -# i"%ro*ing the en$5' er inter!ace) &anaging Implementation Not all the a %ect o! the i"%le"entation %roce can -e ea il# controlle$ or %lanne$) S# te" 'cce can -e increa e$ -# antici%ating %otential i"%le"entation %ro-le" an$ a%%l#ing a%%ro%riate correcti*e trategie ) Re8'ire"ent gathering an$ %lanning "etho$ologie ha*e -een $e*elo%e$ !or %eci!ic categorie o! %ro-le" ) There!ore+ it i e ential to en 're ' er in*ol*e"ent thro'gho't the i"%le"entation %roce an$ "anaging the organi(ational change %roce )

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