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A Guide to A Guide to

Operating Oily Water Separator on Ships Oily Water Separator

Effective & Efficient Operation of


Marine Insight A Guide to Operating Oily Water Separator on Ships Publication date: May 2013 Aut or: Mo it San!uri Editor : "aune# $ant aria Publi% ed by: Marine &n%i! t '''()arinein%i! t(co)

Grap ic *e%i!n: Ani% Wan# ede+ &)a!e ,redit: -autice.po

/copyri! t %y)bol0 ,opyri! t 2013 Marine &n%i! t

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About The Author

Chief Engineer Mohit Sanguri

Mohit Sanguri is a Marine Chief Engineer (Class I Unlimited Power).

He has worked as a marine engineer on various types of ships in some of the est shipping !ompanies. He is also the "uthor of two other e ooks # $%he &asi!s of Pipes and &ends on 'hips( ) $ " *uide to 'low 'teaming of 'hips(

Considering the introduction of various stringent regulations related to marine pollution, efficient operation and maintenance of oily water separators on board ships is a must. This guide explains a normal Two-Stage Oily Water Separator OWS! as it"s the most widely used one on ships. #t is to note that except the constructional and design factors, OWS of different types have almost the same functional and operational characteristics. Other Free e-Books from Marine Insight

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1 Construction & Working 2 Operating Procedure 3 Design Factors 4 Operational Factors 5 Bilge Management Care & Maintenance ! "ttitude# "ptitude & $ousekeeping

1 ..............................

Oily Water Separator: Construction and Working

Oily 'ater %eparator or OWS a% it i% co))only #no'n i% an i)portant )ac inery on % ip%( &t i% u%ed to %eparate )a.i)u) a)ount of oil particle% fro) t e bil!e 'ater+ ' ic i% to be di%c ar!ed overboard fro) t e en!ine roo)+ car!o old bil!e%+ oil tan#% and oil conta)inated %pace%(

1o )ini)i8e t e oily content in t e bil!e 'ater+ MA"PO4 a% a re!ulation under 9A--E: &; ' ic li)it% t e oil content in t e bil!e 'ater t at ve%%el% can le!iti)ately di%c ar!e into t e %ea( &t i% no' a co)pul%ory re7uire)ent for all ve%%el% to ave an oil di%c ar!e )onitorin! and control %y%te) alon! 'it an Oily Water Separator( 1 ere are nu)erou% varietie% of OWS in t e )ar#et and eac a% it% o'n peculiaritie% and proble)%( 1 e popular type of bil!e %eparator ' ic are available in t e )ar#et are: Sin!le %ta!e OWS /old type0 1'o Sta!e OWS /,ar!o % ip%0 1 ree %ta!e 1pp) %eparator /,rui%e % ip%+ ferrie%0 4i! t 'ei! t <pp) %eparator% /Military Patrol =e%%el%0 ,entrifu!al Oily Water Separator%

>nder%tandin! t e "e!ulation
Any di%c ar!e into t e %ea of oil or oily )i.ture% fro) % ip% of ?00 !ro%% tonna!e and above % all be pro ibited e.cept ' en all t e follo'in! condition% are %ati%fied: 1 e % ip i% proceedin! en route 1 e oily )i.ture i% proce%%ed t rou! an oil filterin! e7uip)ent 1 e oil content of t e effluent 'it out dilution doe% not e.ceed 1< part% per )illion 1 e oily )i.ture doe% not ori!inate fro) car!o pu)p@roo) bil!e% on oil tan#er% 1 e oily )i.ture+ in ca%e of oil tan#er%+ i% not )i.ed 'it oil car!o re%idue%

&n Antarctic and ot er environ)entally %en%itive area%+ any di%c ar!e into t e %ea of oil or oily )i.ture% fro) any % ip % all be pro ibited(

,on%truction and Wor#in! of OWS

OWS con%i%t% of )ainly t ree %e!)ent%:

A(((((((((((((Separator >nit
1 i% unit con%i%t% of catc plate% in%ide a coar%e %eparatin! co)part)ent and an oil collectin! c a)ber( 1 e oil avin! a den%ity lo'er t an t at of t e 'ater+ ri%e% into t e oil collectin! co)part)ent( 1 e re%t of t e non@flo'in! oil )i.ture %ettle% do'n into fine %ettlin! co)part)ent after pa%%in! bet'een t e catc plate%( After a period of ti)e+ oil 'ill %eparate and collect in t e oil collectin! c a)ber( 1 e oil content of 'ater ' ic pa%%e% t rou! t i% unit i% around 100 part% per )illion of oil(
Stage 1

A control valve /pneu)atic or electronic0 relea%e% t e %eparated oil in to t e de%i!nated OWS %lud!e tan#( 3eater )ay be incorporated in t i% unit for %)oot flo' and %eparation of oil and 'ater( 2ir%t %ta!e of OWS elp% in re)ovin! %o)e p y%ical i)puritie% to ac ieve fine filtration in t e later %ta!e(

A(((((((((((((1 e 2ilter >nit

1 i% i% a %eparate unit 'it it% input co)in! fro) t e di%c ar!e of t e fir%t unit( 1 i% unit con%i%t% of t ree %ta!e% B filter %ta!e+ coale%cer %ta!e and collectin! c a)ber( 1 e i)puritie% and particle% are %eparated by t e filter and t ey %ettle at t e botto) for re)oval( In the second stage, the coalescer induces coalescence process in which oil droplets are joined to increase the size by breaking down the surface tension between oil droplets in the mixture.
Stage 2 (image Credit- Nauticaexpo

1 e%e lar!e oil )olecule% ri%e above t e )i.ture in t e collectin! c a)ber and are re)oved ' en re7uired( 1 e output fro) t i% unit % ould be le%% t an 1< pp) to fulfill t e le!al di%c ar!e criteria( &f t e oil content in 'ater i% )ore t an 1< pp) t en )aintenance 'or# %uc a% filter cleanin! or rene'al of filter% i% to be done a% re7uired(

A(((((((((((((Oil ,ontent Monitor & ,ontrol >nit

1 i% unit function% to!et er in t'o part% B )onitorin! and controllin!( 1 e pp) of oil i% continuou%ly )onitored by Oil ,ontent Monitor /O,M0C if t e pp) i% i! er t an t e pre@ deter)ined unit+ it 'ill !ive an alar) and feed data to t e control unit( 1 e control unit continuou%ly )onitor% t e output %i!nal of O,M and in ca%e of alar)+ it 'ill prevent oily 'ater to !o overboard by )ean% of operatin! 3 'ay %olenoid valve(

1 ere are nor)ally 3 %olenoid valve% co))anded by t e control unit( 1 e%e are located in t e fir%t unit oil collectin! c a)ber+ %econd unit oil collectin! c a)ber and one in di%c ar!e %ide of t e oily 'ater %eparator ' ic i% a 3 'ay valve( 1 e 3 'ay valve inlet i% fro) t e OWS di%c ar!e+ ' ere one outlet i% to overboard and %econd outlet i% to OWS %lud!e tan#( W en O,M !ive% alar)+ 3 'ay valve di%c ar!e% oily )i.ture in t e %lud!e tan#( An oily 'ater %eparator clear% t e bil!e 'ater of oily content to brin! it in%ide t e acceptable ran!e to di%c ar!e it overboard( An oily 'ater %eparator i% a )ac inery of %uc i)portance t at it i% andled only by t e 2nd or c ief en!ineer( /3o'ever+ t e duty en!ineer )i! t al%o be a%#ed to operate under %upervi%ion(0

2 ..............................

Oily Water Separator: Operating Procedure

An oily 'ater %eparator can only be operated ' en t e % ip i% %ailin! and en route( Accordin! to MA"PO4+ t e oil content of t e effluent )u%t be le%% t an 1< pp) and t e % ip a% in operation an oil di%c ar!e )onitorin! and control %y%te) and oily@'ater %eparatin!Dfilterin! e7uip)ent( &n ca%e of failure to follo' any of t e above )entioned rule%+ t e % ip 'ill be fined and %topped+ and t e c ief or 2nd en!ineer can be i)pri%oned( 5ecau%e of %uc i! ri%#%+ operatin! an oily 'ater %eparator % ould be done 'it ut)o%t preci%ion to )ini)i8e t e ri%#% of )arine pollution( 1 ou! a E3o' to OperateF; !uide i% al'ay% po%ted near t e oily 'ater %eparator+ t ere are fe' point% to be #ept in )ind and follo'ed to prevent any )i%ta#e(

Operatin! Procedure
1 e follo'in! point% are to be follo'ed ' ile operatin! OWS( OWS overboard )anual di%c ar!e valve i% to be #ept loc#ed and #ey% are to be #ept 'it t e c ief en!ineer( Open t e loc# and overboard valve( Open all t e ot er valve% of t e %y%te) Open t e de%ired bil!e tan# valve fro) ' ic t e oily 'ater )i.ture i% to be di%c ar!ed fro) t e OWS Open air if t e control valve% are air operated S'itc on t e po'er %upply of t e control panel and O,M unit 2ill t e %eparator and filter unit 'it fre% or %ea 'ater to clean up and pri)e t e %y%te) till t e 'ater co)e% out fro) vent of %econd %ta!e Start t e OWS %upply pu)p ' ic i% a la)inar flo' pu)p and one t at 'ill %upply t e oily 'ater )i.ture to OWS

Ob%erve t e O,M for pp) value and #eep c ec#in! %oundin! of bil!e tan# fro) ' ere OWS i% ta#in! %uction and al%o of t e OWS %lud!e tan# A %#in valveD%a)ple valve i% provided Gu%t before overboard valve and after t e 3@'ay valve( $eep a c ec# on t e %a)ple for any effluent and clarity $eep a 'atc on t e % ip %ide at t e overboard di%c ar!e valve After t e operation+ S'itc off t e po'er and % ut and loc# t e overboard valve $ey% to be anded over to t e c ief en!ineer Entry to be )ade by c ief en!ineer in t e Oil "ecord 5oo# /O"50 'it %i!nature of operatin! officer+ c ief en!ineer and t e )a%ter

*o read our eboo# on Operatin! procedure% of all en!ine roo) Mac inery(

3 ..............................

Oily Water Separator: he !esign Factors

Oily Water Separator% are one of t e )o%t i)portant yet ne!lected e7uip)ent on board % ip%( "evered and feared ali#e+ )arine en!ineer% are often afraid to u%e it+ and 'ant to #eep it unu%ed and 'or#in! %o t at t ey can % o' it to t e Port State ,ontrol Officer /PS,O0 and %tay on t e %afer %ide(

5a%ed on %i)ple 'or#in! principle% and de%i!ned to be reliable and le%% labor inten%ive+ oil 'ater %eparator% are o'ever trouble%o)e and de)andin! to en!ineer% due to laterH% lac# of #no'led!e+ proper trainin!+ operational ne!li!ence and %o)eti)e% apat y( 3o'ever proper care+ )aintenance+ correct trouble% ootin! and efficient %tartin!D%toppin! can #eep it 'or#in! properly and )a#in! life ea%ier and %afer( Wit %tricter control and PS, in%pection% co)bined 'it %trin!ent penaltie% includin! cri)inal action a!ain%t t e operatin! cre'+ itI% in t e intere%t of )arine en!ineer% to #eep t e OWS 'or#in! properly( A lot a% been %aid and 'ritten about t e inade7uacy of %o)e of t e )ar#et e7uip)ent and e%pecially t o%e t at ave been retrofitted in old % ip% in %e)inar% and foru)%( 3o'ever+ t e %ea!oin! )arine en!ineer% do not ave acce%% to t e%e %e)inar% and t eir voice% are often un eard( &n t e ab%ence of a %y)pat etic ear+ )arine en!ineer% Gu%t endeavor to #eep t e e7uip)ent runnin! durin! t eir Econtract ti)e; and ab%tain fro) co)plainin! for t e fear of victi)i8in!(

2actor% affectin! %eparation in OWS

1 e oil 'ater %eparator /OWS0 i% de%i!ned to 'or# properly under ideal condition%C o'ever t e % ip i% never under ideal condition and t ere are variou% %ource% of conta)ination in t e bil!e 'ater( 1 e bil!e 'ater i% a )i.ture of variou% !rade% of oil in 'ater+ alon! 'it %u%pended %olid%+ ru%t+ c e)ical%+ deter!ent%+ %oot+ paint c ip% and car!o du%t etc( &n vie' of %uc a co)ple. %cenario it i% nece%%ary to ave t e #no'led!e of variou% para)eter% and factor% t at influence t e %ati%factory operation of OWS(
Operational Design House Keeping

Bilge management

$re" Attitu#e

!uipment Kno"le#ge $are an# Maintenance

4etI% ta#e a loo# a% to o' t e de%i!n factor% affect t e OWS perfor)ance( 1 i% include% t e ba%ic 'or#in! principle of t e OWS and t e en ance)ent% )ade for )arine conte.t( 1 e Oily Water Separator i% u%ed to re)ove oil fro) t e bil!e 'ater prior to di%c ar!in! it overboard( &t 'or#% on t e principle of Sto#e% la' and ba%ically %eparate% t e t'o co)ponent% utili8in! t eir difference in %pecific !ravitie%( 1 e OWS for )arine u%e are opti)i8ed to )a#e t e) %)aller in %i8e due to %pace con%traint%( Additional co)ponent% are fitted to elp 'it t e %eparation proce%% but t e #no'led!e of t e ba%ic de%i!n factor% i% beneficial(

1 e rate of ri%e a% per %tro#eH% la' i% a% follo'%: 1 e Sto#eH% 4a' !enerally %tate% t at t e velocity or ri%e and ence t e %eparation rate i% directly proportional to t e difference in den%ity of t e oil and t e continuou% fluid+ and t e %i8e of t e droplet% of oil(

Vt = [(g)( w o )(d2)] / [(18 x w )]

Vt = the rise rate of the oil droplet (cm/s or ft/sec) g = acceleration due to gravity (cm/s2 or ft/s2) w = density of water at the design temperature (g/cm3 or lbm/ft3) o = density of oil at the design temperature (g/cm3 or lbm/ft3) d = oil droplet diameter (cm or ft) w = absolute viscosity of the water (g/cm s or lbm/ft s)

&t al%o %tate% t at rate of ri%e i% inver%ely proportional to t e vi%co%ity of t e %urroundin! fluid( We infer t e follo'in! fro) t e fa)ou% la' :

*en%ity of Oil: 4i! t oil i% avin! i! er rate of ri%e t an eavier oil and t erefore it i% ea%ier to %eparate( 1 i% infor)ation i% u%eful to adGu%t and lo'er t e flo' rate ' en eavier oil conta)ination i% %u%pected( *en%ity of ,ontinuou% 2luid: "ate of ri%e 'ill be i! er ' en continuou% fluid i% %ea 'ater in%tead of fre% 'ater or conden%ate( 1 i% infor)ation i% u%eful and 'e can di%c ar!e t e conden%ate drain% into dedicated clean drain tan#% in%tead of bil!e%( =i%co%ity of ,ontinuou% 2luid: A% rate of ri%e i% inver%ely proportional to t e vi%co%ity of t e continuou% fluid+ t e OWS perfor)ance i% better ' en continuou% fluid i% fre% 'ater( A% t i% deduction i% contrary to t e above one it i% a co)pro)i%e bet'een t e t'o but it doe% not concern u% )uc a% 'e donHt really ave )uc control on ' at !oe% to t e bil!e% a% per t e ori!inal de%i!n(

Si8e of Oil *roplet%: 1 e lar!er t e dia)eter of t e oil droplet% t e better i% t e rate of %eparation( 1 i% infor)ation i% very elpful and 'e can a%%i%t t e OWS by avoidin! %)all drop% of oil by )ec anical a!itation and e)ul%ification( 1e)perature: 1 i% i% anot er factor ' ic i% i)portant a% it affect% t e den%ity and vi%co%ity directly( 4o' te)perature of t e continuou% fluid inder% t e %eparation of oil due to additional vi%cou% dra! in vie' of t e increa%ed vi%co%ity of continuou% fluid in cold te)perature( Oil %eparation i% better in 'ar)er te)perature% and %li! tly increa%in! t e te)perature of t e bil!e 'ater 'ould !ive better %eparation( 1 i% infor)ation i% i)portant a% 'e can increa%e %eparation rate by 'ar)in! t e bil!e 'ater in t e oldin! tan#% or eatin! inco)in! fluid by %tea) coil% fitted in %o)e of t e OWS( 3i! te)perature re%ult in t e for)ation of e)ul%ion by )ec anical a!itation ' ic i% )ore t an in lo'er te)perature( 1 i% infor)ation i% i)portant a% 'e % ould not eat t e bil!e oldin! tan# ' en t e % ip i% rollin! e.ce%%ively or ' ere 'e %u%pect )ec anical a!itation(

4 ..............................

Oily Water Separator: he Operational Factors

Operational $no'led!e and correct operational procedure% are !eneric and not e7uip)ent %pecific( ,orrect operational #no'led!e i% re7uired for all )ac inery on % ip% to run properly and t e Oily Water Separator i% no e.ception( Marine en!ineer% 'or# 'it different type% of Oily Water Separator% t rou! t eir %ea career and eac type a% it% o'n uni7ue feature%( E7uip)ent %pecific #no'led!e i% e%%ential for t e correct operation of oily 'ater %eparator and can be learnt fro) t e operational )anual on board( 3o'ever a !eneric #no'led!e i% al%o re7uired a% t e ba%ic 'or#in! principle i% e%%entially t e %a)e( An idea borro'ed fro) e.i%tin! % ore tec nolo!y+ t e Oily Water Separator% for % ip% are de%i!ned to 'or# properly under ideal condition%( 3o'ever % ip% do not ave ideal condition%+ and t erefore % ipH% %taff % ould con%ider t e follo'in! operational factor% ' ic affect t e perfor)ance of Oily Water Separator on % ip%:

Avoid E)ul%ion%: E)ul%ion% are for)ed ' en t e inter@ facial ten%ion bet'een t'o li7uid% i% reduced by certain )ean% %ufficiently to allo' droplet% of one li7uid to di%per%e in anot er( Mec anical a!itation+ % earin! force%+ %olvent%+ c e)ical%+ %urfactant% and t e pre%ence of particulate )atter can all reduce inter@ facial ten%ion and re%ult in for)ation of e)ul%ion( Avoid , e)ical e)ul%ion%: 1 e c e)ical e)ul%ion i% for)ed by t e addition of %o)e c e)ical% in t e 'ater( 1 e%e c e)ical% act a% %urfactant% and t ey old t e oil drop% to!et er in e)ul%ified %tate( 1 e %urfactant% )ay be t e deter!ent% u%ed for cleanin!+ al#aline c e)ical% u%ed for boiler cleanin! and conditionin! etc( Avoid %econdary di%per%ion: Mec anical e)ul%ion% are of pri)ary and %econdary type%( 1 e pri)ary e)ul%ion% are lar!er drop% of oil di%per%ed in 'ater and !enerally %eparated 'it in 2? our%( 1 e %econdary e)ul%ion%


are fine droplet% of oil t at are t er)odyna)ically %table and do not %eparate( 1 e %econdary di%per%ion i% cau%ed by turbulent condition%(

Avoid %u%pended %olid%: Su%pended %olid% cau%e %tabili8ation of e)ul%ion and cau%e proble)% in %eparation of t e oil fro) t e bil!e 'ater( Su%pended %olid% can be )ud+ boiler %oot and car!o re%idue% %uc#ed fro) t e blo'er%( 1 e %u%pended %olid% !et coated 'it oil and %tabili8e t e e)ul%ion( -eutrally buoyant %olid% t at neit er ri%e nor fall are )o%t trouble%o)e a% it i% difficult to re)ove t e)( 1 ey al%o !enerate t e i! pp) alar)( Avoid 1urbulence: OWS need% la)inar flo' to operate opti)ally a% per it% de%i!n( Avoid u%in! OWS in ti)e% of eavy rollin! and #eep all line valve% fully open to avoid !eneratin! turbulence( "ollin! )otion+ retrofittin! on old pipeline% and inade7uate openin! of t e %uction line valve% can lead to turbulent flo' in%ide t e OWS 'it re%ultin! fall in OWS capacity due to for)ation of e)ul%ion( So)eti)e% due to turbulence %o)e of t e oil droplet% beco)e le%% t an J )icron% and are affected by t e rando) )otion of t e 'ater particle%( 1 i% rando) )otion i% called a% 5ro'nanian )otion and it nullifie% t e force% of buoyancy and t e oil drop% fail to ri%e(

Avoid Particulate Matter: 2ine particulate )atter li#e %oot+ ru%t+ )icrobial conta)ination of bil!e 'ater etc( al%o act a% e)ul%ifyin! a!ent( Alt ou! )o%t of t e %oot of t e boiler 'a% in! %ettle% do'n in t e bil!e oldin! tan#+ fine %oot particle% /1) or le%%0 'ill !ive t e bil!e 'ater a blac#i% appearance( 1 e%e particulate )atter 'ill not only fool t e pp) )eter into activatin! t e i! pp) alar) but 'ill al%o p y%ically act a% e)ul%ifyin! a!ent(


Opti)al u%e of , e)ical%: So)eti)e% it i% re7uired to u%e %pecial c e)ical% called e)ul%ion brea#er% to %eparate t e oil fro) t e 'ater and relea%e free oil( &f e)ul%ion brea#er c e)ical i% u%ed+ care % ould be ta#en t at it i% u%ed a% per t e in%truction% !iven by t e )anufacturer %o t at t e e)ul%ion doe%Ht !o 'or%e( So)eti)e% puttin! )ore t an t e reco))ended a)ount can 'or%en t e proble)( *o Proper 2iltration: &f t ere i% lar!e a)ount of %olid particle%+ floatin! )edia+ Gute etc( in t e bil!e 'ater+ it % ould be properly re)oved u%in! %trainer% to avoid foulin! of t e filter )edia( 3eat t e influent: 3eatin! t e influent reduce% t e vi%co%ity of t e continuou% )edia cau%in! better %eparation( 2ill up OWS prior u%e: Prior to operatin! t e OWS and allo'in! t e bil!e 'ater to enter al'ay% en%ure t at it i% filled up 'it clean 'ater and all air poc#et% ave been re)oved( 1 i% i% i)portant a% air poc#et% can confu%e t e capacitive %en%or% and can )a#e auto)ation !o ay'ire( 5ac# 2lu% : 5ac# flu% in! of t e OWS % ould be done a% per t e reco))ended fre7uency !iven by t e )anufacturer if t ere i% a provi%ion for doin! %o a% it increa%e% t e life of t e filter )edia( ,lean Sen%or%: 2re7uent cleanin! of t e electronic interface %en%or% 'ould en%ure t e correct operation+ proper oil re)oval and % arp cuttin! off en%urin! le%% di%c ar!e of 'ater to %eparated oil tan#(





"e)ove Accu)ulated Oil: Apart fro) t e auto)ated oil re)oval any ot er accu)ulated oil % ould be re)oved fro) t e OWS c a)ber% re!ularly( Proper Operatin! Procedure: Ma#e %ure t at t e operatin! procedure of OWS i% follo'ed in a proper %tep@by@%tep and %y%te)atic procedure( Proper OWS Maintenance: -eedle%% to %ay+ proper )aintenance of t e OWS a% per t e in%truction% of t e )anufacturer 'ould #eep it in % ip % ape condition(



Get our eboo# on Operatin! procedure% of all *ec# Mac inery and 1an#er E7uip)ent


5 ..............................

Oily Water Separator: Bilge Management

-o )atter ' at e7uip)ent i% in%talled onboard % ip%+ if t e bil!e )ana!e)ent i% not proper t e Oily Water Separator /OWS0 i% bound to )alfunction( Good bil!e )ana!e)ent practice% elp% in opti)i8in! t e perfor)ance of t e Oily Water Separator( &n t e en!ine roo) t e bil!e% and bil!e 'ell% are located at t e very botto) of t e en!ine roo) for collectin! oil and 'ater fro) lea#a!e%+ conden%ate and 'a%te% %o t at t ey can be pu)ped to t e bil!e oldin! tan#( ,lean bil!e% are t e fir%t line of defen%e a!ain%t )arine pollution( All %ea%oned )arine en!ineer% #no' t at if t e bil!e% are clean and dry+ al)o%t all t e )aGor 'orrie% concernin! Port State in%pection% are al)o%t over( *irty en!ine roo) bil!e% are one of t e bi!!e%t detainable deficiencie% in port %tate in%pection%( Mentioned belo' are %o)e of t e !ood practice% and tip% for efficient bil!e )ana!e)ent: >%ed or 'a%te oil % ould not be intentionally put in t e bil!e% or bil!e tan#( All oil % ould be collected and put in t e %eparated oil tan# or dirty oil tan#( 1 ereafter it can eit er be burnt in t e incinerator or landed a% ore( *i%carded c e)ical% % ould not be di%po%ed off in t e 5il!e tan# a% p3 of 'ater above 10 and belo' ? can cau%e c e)ical e)ul%ification of t e bil!e 'ater and lead to difficulty in %eparation( Put drip tray% ' ere t ere are lea#a!e% and t ereafter rectify and %top t e lea#a!e%( Pri)ary bil!e tan# i% provided in ne' % ip% and t i% % ould be u%ed properly and not bypa%%ed( >%e of t e pri)ary bil!e tan# increa%e% t e effectivene%% of t e Oily Water Separator a% )o%t of t e oil i% re)oved ere( 1 e pri)ary bil!e tan# elp% in %eparation of t e oil fro) t e 'ater and t e oil can

be vi%ually %een and put in dirty oil tan# and t e cleaner bil!e 'ater can be put to t e bil!e tan#( Stea) coil% are provided in t e pri)ary bil!e tan# and t ey can be u%ed for effective %eparation( >%e clean drain tan# effectively( &n tropical cli)ate% t ere i% conden%ation of )ore t an 1@2 cubic )eter% per day and t i% 'ater if allo'ed to !o to t e bil!e tan# 'ill increa%e t e load of t e oily 'ater %eparator( A% t i% i% )o%tly clean 'ater+ it % ould not be allo'ed to !o to t e bil!e tan#C in%tead it % ould be put to t e clean drain tan# and t ereafter properly di%po%ed( 1 e lea#a!e% fro) t e fre% 'ater and %ea 'ater pu)p% % ould al%o be put in t e clean drain tan#( =ertical pipeline% cau%e t e % earin! of t e upco)in! 'ater and % ould be avoided a% )uc a% po%%ible( >%e )ec anical %eal% ' ere po%%ible( Mec anical %eal% t ou! e.pen%ive lead to cleaner en!ine roo)% a% t ere i% )ini)al or no lea#a!e% fro) t e !land%( &n conventional !land type pu)p% t ou! t e drippin! 'ater )ay appear in%i!nificant+ t e %)all lea#a!e% can lead to buildin! up of lar!e a)ount of 'ater( *urin! ne' buildin!+ repair and retrofittin! it )u%t be re)e)bered t at+ inlet pipin! % ould be %)oot and 'it out )uc undue bend% to cau%e turbulence( ,onden%ate fro) acco))odation A, and E," A, % ould not be put in t e bil!e%+ but % ould be put in %eparate tan# or directly overboard( &nlet pipin! % ould ave t e lea%t a)ount of valve%+ bend% and ot er fittin!%( W ere po%%ible %trai! t line valve% li#e !ate valve% % ould be u%ed over an!le valve% and !lobe valve% to avoid turbulence(


1 e inlet pipin! Gu%t before t e entry to t e Oily Water Separator % ould be %trai! t for a len!t e7ual to ten ti)e% t e dia)eter of t e pipin! and % ould be %ufficiently %i8ed to avoid pre%%ure drop( S)all dia)eter inlet pipeline% cau%e % earin! of 'ater and )a#e t e oil droplet% %)aller( 1 e%e droplet% are difficult to re)ove later t erefore t e inlet pipeline % ould be of proper dia)eter( 1 e boiler blo' do'n % ould not be done in t e bil!e% but to be done overboard a% t e conditionin! c e)ical% can cau%e c e)ical e)ul%ion%( So)eti)e% t ere i% %o)e in!re%% of air ' ic i% !enerally unnoticed a% t e po%itive di%place)ent pu)p% can andle %o)e a)ount of air( Any fall in vacuu) % ould be inve%ti!ated a% t e%e air poc#et% can )a#e t e capacitance oil probe% !ive 'ron! feedbac# and fal%ely activate t e oil relea%e valve%( 5il!e cleanin! c e)ical% )u%t be oily 'ater %eparator co)patible( Wron! c e)ical% 'ill )a#e t e oil %oluble in 'ater and could never be %eparated( *u%t and car!o re%idue % ould not be drained to t e bil!e%( 1 ey % ould be pic#ed up 'it a broo) and %cooped and not blo'n by air into t e bil!e%( 1 e%e particulate )atter% can cau%e %tabili8ation of t e e)ul%ion%( Soot fro) t e boiler% and econo)i8er% % ould be put in a %eparate tan# and di%po%ed off( Moppin! 'ater containin! deter!ent% a% 'ell a% and 'a% 'ater % ould not be put in t e bil!e tan#%( &f care i% ta#en in controllin! entry of 'ater and 'a%te in t e bil!e% t ere 'ill not be any proble) in runnin! t e Oily Water Separator a% t e later operate% in it% de%i!ned ran!e(


6 ..............................

Oily Water Separator: Care and Maintenance

1 e !eneral care and )aintenance re7uired to #eep t e OWS runnin! %)oot ly i% a% follo'ed: Avoid vibration /%elf or % ip !enerated0 by u%in! %teady brace%( E.ce%%ive vibration% )ay lead to da)a!e to pipe% and OWS %tructure( W ile )aintenance i% bein! perfor)ed in%ide t e OWS+ do not da)a!e t e anti@corro%ive %urface /nor)ally provided ' ere t e li7uid i% in contact 'it t e body0 by doin! 'eldin! or bru% in!( $eep c ec#in! t e bac# pre%%ure for t e coale%cer% and if t e pre%%ure e.ceed% t e rated pre%%ure+ rene' t e %a)e( Periodic cleanin! of OWS to be perfor)ed by re)ovin! any 'ater %cale+ %lud!e+ du%t+ bacteria etc( fro) t e internal %urface%( *onIt avoid )aintenance routine% on t e bil!e pu)p a% increa%e in t e 'ear of t e pu)p 'ill re%ult in lea#a!e of fine !rain% ' ic are difficult to be %eparated by filter% and ' ic 'ill later affect t e %eparatorI% perfor)ance( ,lean t e oil level %en%or electrode at re!ular interval( A filter i% in%talled on t e %a)ple 'ater inlet to prevent foulin! by forei!n obGect% ' ic )ay cau%e )ea%urin! error( &f t e flo' of %a)ple 'ater i% in%ufficient+ re)ove and clean t e filter( 1 e %olenoid valve )ay )alfunction due to foulin!+' ic )ay occur after a lon! period of operation( 1 e %olenoid valve )u%t be cleaned at re!ular interval( 1 e outlet pipe of t e OWS /di%tance pipe bet'een OWS and overboard di%c ar!e valve0 % ould be opened up once a )ont to c ec# for trace% of oil( &f found+ it can be becau%e

O,M i% )alfunctionin! or )i%operation of OWS i% bein! perfor)ed( 1 e alar) and function of t e t ree 'ay valve and ot er %olenoid valve% )u%t be c ec#ed every 'ee#( OWS perfor)ance te%t )u%t be carried out at lea%t once a )ont ( *o not for!et to record eac operation or )aintenance perfor)ed on OWS in t e Oil "ecord 5oo# /O"50(

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7 ..............................

Oily Water Separator: "ttitude# "ptitude $ %ousekeeping

-o )atter ' at #ind of e7uip)ent u%ed on board % ip%+ it need% correct operation and trainin! to run it opti)ally+ alon! 'it a cre'I% po%itive attitude to'ard% t e )arine environ)ent( A re%pon%ible cre'+ ' ic include% !ood ou%e#eepin! for a cleaner en!ine roo)+ i% a )u%t to reduce production of oily 'ater(

Se!re!ation of Wa%te%: *o not )i. %lud!e and

bil!e%( Even a bit of %lud!e can conta)inate lar!e a)ount of bil!e 'ater( &n %o)e port% even di%c ar!e of treated %e'a!e i% not per)itted due to local re!ulation and t erefore in ab%ence of dedicated %e'a!e oldin! tan#+ treated %e'a!e i% put in bil!e oldin! tan#( 1 i% % ould be avoided a% it 'ould be i)po%%ible to run t e Oily Water Separator t ereafter 'it out cleanin! t e tan#(

"e%trict *raina!e of , e)ical%: 4ot )any c e)ical%

are u%ed in en!ine roo) for %pecial purpo%e% %uc a% 'ater conditionin!+ corro%ion in ibition+ ru%t re)oval+ cleanin!+ de!rea%in! etc( 3o'ever care % ould be ta#en to collect t e%e c e)ical% and di%po%in! t e) properly( Allo'in! all #ind of c e)ical% to run free into t e bil!e% i% not !ood ou%e#eepin!( More over t e p3 of 'ater above 10 and belo' ? can cau%e c e)ical e)ul%ification(

*eter!ent *i%po%al: *eter!ent% are u%ed for

)oppin! and %oap 'a% in! of bul# ead% and %uc area%( Generally t e%e are t e %a)e deter!ent% 'e u%e at o)e or a% ore( 1 e%e deter!ent% act a% %urfactant% and cau%e e)ul%ion of oil in 'ater( *i%po%in! )op 'ater

%eparately or u%in! 7uic# brea# deter!ent% 'ould elp %i!nificantly to'ard% better %eparation(

Avoid prolon!ed %tora!e: Prolon!ed %tora!e of t e

bil!e 'ater cau%e% )odification in t e nature of free oil( -or)ally oil 'ater )i.ture ' en allo'ed to %tand for %o)eti)e /%ay 2? our%0 %eparate% into a layer of oil on top of 'ater called a% free oil( 1 i% free oil i% ea%y to re)ove but lon! retention of t e bil!e 'ater can cau%e )odification in t e propertie% of free oil due to o.idation and )icrobial action( &f t i% )odification occur% t en it i% difficult to re)ove t e oil(

,ollect lea#a!e%: En%ure t at )ini)u) of oil reac e%

t e bil!e 'ell% and if t e oil 7uantity i% )ore in a )i.ture /of oil and 'ater0 put it in %eparated oil tan#( Al'ay% re)e)ber t at t e Oily Water Separator i% not a purifier(

Special Precaution%: *rain% of Air bottle ' ic

contain% %o)e a)ount of oil % ould not be directed to bil!e% /a% co))only con%tructed0( Arran!e)ent can be )ade to divert or collect t i% oily 'ater )i.ture in t e %lud!e tan#(

En!ine Wa% roo): Ma.i)u) nu)ber of % ip% are

provided 'it a %eparate 'a% area in t e en!ine roo)( Since en!ine cre' Gob involve% !rea%e and oil+ t e 'a% ba%in drain of %uc area to be connected to t e %lud!e tan# rat er t an bil!e%(

$eep 6our%elf >pdated : &t i% very i)portant for

%eafarer% to #eep t e)%elve% updated 'it all t e late%t infor)ation related to MA"PO4 "e!ulation% and develop)ent% in tec nolo!y of e7uip)ent %uc a% OWS(

MA"PO4 Pled!e : Mo%t of t e co)panie% ave

introduced a MA"PO4 pled!e for) ' ic %i!ned by t e cre' )e)ber%( a% to be

1 e pled!e %tate% t at t e t e cre' 'ill not violate any )ariti)e re!ulation% under any circu)%tance%( &n ca%e t e cre' i% eld re%pon%ible for t e %a)e+ %trict action% 'ill be ta#en a!ain%t t e)( &tI% t erefore very i)portant for t e cre' to re%pect and follo' t e pled!e t rou! out t e entire period of t eir e)ploy)ent(

A% de%cribed in t i% !uide+ a variety of factor% need to be ta#en into con%ideration for %)oot and efficient operation of oily 'ater %eparator% on % ip%( Mariti)e profe%%ional% 'or#in! on % ip% )u%t ta#e %pecial care and re%pon%ibility ' ile andlin! t i% i)portant en!ine roo) )ac inery( &f you ave any 7ue%tion% re!ardin! OWS+ feel free to contact u% at infoK)arinein%i! t(co)

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