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Sixty Akhlaq Tips from the Holy Quran May Allah (swt) reward the brs who complied

this ! "espect and honour all human bein#s irrespecti$e of their reli#ion% colour% race% sex% lan#ua#e% status% property% birth% profession&'ob and so on (!)&)*+ , Talk strai#ht% to the point% without any ambi#uity or deception (--&)*+ - .hoose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way (!)&/-% ,&0-+ 1 2o not shout Speak politely keepin# your $oice low (-!&!3+ / Always speak the truth Shun words that are deceitful and ostentatious (,,&-*+ 4 2o not confound truth with falsehood (,&1,+ ) Say with your mouth what is in your heart (-&!4)+ 0 Speak in a ci$ilised manner in a lan#ua#e that is reco#ni5ed by the society and is commonly used (1&/+ 3 6hen you $oice an opinion% be 'ust% e$en if it is a#ainst a relati$e (4&!/,+ !* 2o not bra# (-!&!0+ !! 2o not talk% listen or do anythin# $ain (,-&-% ,0&//+ !, 2o not participate in any paltry 7f you pass by futile play% then pass with di#nity (,/&),+ !- 2o not $er#e upon any immodesty or lewdness whether surreptitious or o$ert (4&!/!+ !1 7f% unintentionally% any misconduct occurs by you% then correct yourself expeditiously (-&!-1+ !/ 2o not be contemptuous or arro#ant with people (-!&!0+ !4 2o not walk hau#htily or with conceit (!)&-)% -!&!0+ !) 8e moderate in thy pace (-!&!3+ !0 6alk with humility and sedateness (,/&4-+ !3 9eep your #a5es lowered de$oid of any lecherous leers and salacious stares (,1&-*: -!% 1*&!3+ ,* 7f you do not ha$e complete knowled#e e about anythin#% better keep your mouth shut ;ou mi#ht think that speakin# about somethin# without full knowled#e is a tri$ial matter 8ut it mi#ht ha$e #ra$e consequences (,1&!/:!4+ ,! 6hen you hear somethin# malicious about someone% keep a fa$ourable $iew about him&her until you attain full knowled#e about the matter .onsider others innocent until they are pro$en #uilty with solid and truthful e$idence (,1&!,:!-+ ,, Ascertain the truth of any news% lest you smite someone in i#norance and afterwards repent of what you did (13&4+ ,- 2o not follow blindly any information of which you ha$e no direct knowled#e (<sin# your faculties of perception and conception) you must $erify it for yourself 7n the .ourt of your =ord% you will be held accountable for your hearin#% si#ht% and the faculty of reasonin# (!)&-4+ ,1 >e$er think that you ha$e reached the final sta#e of knowled#e and nobody knows more than yourself "emember? Abo$e e$eryone endowed with knowled#e is another endowed with more knowled#e (!,&)4+ @$en the Arophet (sawa) was asked to keep prayin#% BC My Sustainer? Ad$ance me in knowled#e B (,*&!!1+ ,/ The belie$ers are but a sin#le 8rotherhood =i$e like members of one family% brothers and sisters unto one another (13&!*+ ,4 2o not mock or ridicule others (13&!!+ ,) 2o not defame others (13&!!+ ,0 2o not insult others by nicknames (13&!!+ ,3 A$oid suspicion and #uesswork Suspicion and #uesswork mi#ht deplete your communal ener#y (13&!,+ -* Spy not upon one another (13&!,+

-! 2o not backbite one another (13&!,+ -, 6hen you meet each other% offer #ood wishes and blessin#s for safety Cne who con$eys to you a messa#e of safety and security and also when a courteous #reetin# is offered to you% meet it with a #reetin# still more courteous or (at least) of equal courtesy (1&04+ -- 6hen you enter your own home or the home of somebody else% compliment the inmates (,1&4!+ -1 2o not enter houses other than your own until you ha$e sou#ht permissionD and then #reet the inmates and wish them a life of blessin#% purity and pleasure (,1&,)+ -/ Treat your parents% relati$es% orphans and those who ha$e been left alone in society with kindness (1&-4+ -4 Take care of the needy% the disabled% those whose hard earned income is insufficient to meet their needs% those whose businesses ha$e stalled% and those who ha$e lost their 'obs (1&-4+ -) 8e kind to your related and unrelated nei#hbours% companions by your side in public #atherin#s and while tra$ellin# (1&-4+ -0 8e #enerous to the needy wayfarer% the homeless son of the street% and the one who reaches you in a destitute condition (1&-4+ -3 8e nice to people who work under your care (1&-4+ 1* 2o not follow up what you ha$e #i$en to others to afflict them with reminders of your #enerosity (,&,4,+ 1! 2o not expect a return for your #ood beha$iour% not e$en thanks ()4&3+ 1, .ooperate with one another in #ood deeds and do not cooperate with others in e$il and bad matters (/&,+ 1- 2o not try to impress people on account of self:proclaimed $irtues (/-&-,+ 11 ;ou should en'oin ri#ht conduct on others but mend your own ways first Actions speak louder than words ;ou must first practice #ood deeds yourself% then preach (,&11+ 1/ .orrect yourself and your families first (before tryin# to correct others+ (44&4+ 14 Aardon #racefully if anyone amon# you who commits a bad deed out of i#norance% and then repents and amends (4&/1% -&!-1+ 1) 2i$ert and sublimate your an#er and potentially $irulent emotions to creati$e ener#y% and become a source of tranquillity and comfort to people (-&!-1+ 10 .all people to the 6ay of your =ord with wisdom and beautiful exhortation "eason with them most decently (!4&!,/+ 13 =ea$e to themsel$es those who do not #i$e any importance to the 2i$ine code and ha$e adopted and consider it as mere play and amusement (4&)*+ /* Sit not in the company of those who ridicule the 2i$ine =aw unless they en#a#e in some other con$ersation (1&!1*+ /! 2o not be 'ealous of those who are blessed (1&/1+ /, 7n your collecti$e life% make room for others (/0&!!+ /- 6hen in$ited to dine% #o at the appointed time 2o not arri$e too early to wait for the preparation of meal or lin#er after eatin# to en#a#e in bootless babble Such thin#s may cause incon$enience to the host (--&/-+ /1 @at and drink (what is lawful+ in moderation ()&-!+ // 2o not squander your wealth senselessly (!)&,4+ /4 Eulfil your promises and commitments (!)&-1+ /) 9eep yourself clean and pure (3&!*0% 1&1-% /&4+ /0 2ress:up in a#reeable attire and adorn yourself with exquisite character from inside out ()&,4+ /3 Seek your pro$ision only by fair endea$our (,3&!)% ,&!00+ 4* 2o not de$our the wealth and property of others un'ustly% nor bribe the officials or the 'ud#es to depri$e others of their possessions (,&!00+

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