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On "It's Supernatural," a truck and horse trailer passed directly through a car full of passengers.

They watched it pass through, piece by piece and a police officer witnesses the entire miracle. Plus, instant weight loss, see how nothing is impossible in the realm of the supernatural. Do angels exist? Are healing miracles real? Is there life after death? Can people get supernatural help from another dimension? Has the future been written in advance? Sid Roth has spent twenty-five years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid on this edition of "It's Supernatural." These are about to This is wild, this miracles, I'm just wonderful; this is This is wild fall off of my body, look at this. is wild, oh everybody else gets the the pastor's wife, you know, this is wonderful, I just don't believe it.

They are going to fall right off; you are shrinking. I can't believe it, I can't believe it, this is wild. This is wild; look at that. Have you ever seen this, ever seen weight loss? Have you ever seen it before? This morning I hardly could get in them and I thought well I'll suck it in you know; look at this. All right what happened to you tonight? Well I started running around the room in faith for my wife and I got healed. Where's your wife? My wife, where are you baby? Next time she is going to run around. But I was running in faith for her, I hurt my neck in 1991 and every time I sleep wrong I wake up hurting, burning, I got absolutely no pain. He broke his neck and has had pain ever since and tonight the pain is completely gone. He's crying because it's real folks. So God has just shown up here folks. Well tonight David was calling out different things that he was getting regarding weight loss or whatever, and I chose to begin to run around the auditorium in faith for my wife for weight loss, and as I was running I got healed, my neck that I broke in 1991 and I suffer with a lot of pain in my neck and my arms would go numb at night, but the Lord healed me and I just give him all the glory. It's powerful. Now what is happening to you? I'm shrinking. Losing weight instantly?

Disappearing. Right here in Jerusalem? What is happening? I am getting smaller; I think these are going to fall down. If you don't hold your pants up do you think they are going to fall? Definitely. How much do you think you lost, dress sizes maybe? I don't know, thank you Lord. Now that is awesome, weight loss? Weight loss. How many is this the first time you have seen instant weight loss in your life? So what it means is that there is a newer glory than you have known before so there is newer miracles, new glory, new miracles. Now others of you I would check your waist, because others of you might get it just like she is testifying. It's powerful, how many can see obviously something is happening here. We had in St. Marks a woman the same thing happened. She was holding her pants down here and I said, "Why?" And she said, "My underwear went." And I don't know, it was embarrassing. I think the Lord has a sense of humor. Maybe it's not very orderly to you, but God loves it. Praise God. Lord more. Let her loose so much weight that they won't recognize her when she gets back. I have not been able to see very well for most of my life. I have a stigmatism in my left eye that allows me to see almost nothing out of it, and while we were running my eyes starting watering really, really bad and I took my glasses off and I heard God just say, "pray for them, pray for them." And I can read those exit signs, I can see so much than I never have seen, Thank you Lord. Sid: Hello Sid Roth, welcome to my world where it is naturally supernatural. I just love the rarified air of heaven; I mean who would want to breathe the polluted air when you can have the pure oxygen of God? My guest David Herzog, you have just seen some of these outrageous signs and wonders David, the thing that overwhelms me, of course a blind person getting their sight, but this instant weight loss, where did this come from? David: Well, it comes from God of course, supernatural. Sid: I know, but not every minister you see has people having instant weight loss. David: Well I think it is a need in our day and age especially in North America, I don't see as many weight loss miracles when I go to Africa for some reason but I see a lot more in the western world. Sid: We are fatter.

David: Yeah, I didn't want to say it but you said it. But basically if you went to heaven right now and you had cancer or you are overweight you would be healed pretty quick, the moment you got to heaven, boom you'd be healed, you would have a new body. If that glory comes right now on this set as people are watching TV they can also have instant weight loss. Sid: Well not only that, I had David at one of my conferences and someone got a gold tooth, the next night they testified of it and as they testified of it, about a dozen other people instantly got gold teeth. There's a power in the testimony I believe. David: Yeah, when you talk about something it opens up the framework in the sphere for it to reoccur. When you talk about some thing, that presence, or that which you talk about begins to manifest, it is an amazing thing, if you talk about love, you start feeling love, if you talk about the Holy Spirit you start sensing the Holy Spirit, if you talk about miracles or testify, those miracles seem to multiply, the more you honor and talk about those things. Well I can tell you right now David, and I can tell you right now that anyone that has a pain in their neck or their back if you will move you will be healed, I can also tell you if you are deaf in your left ear watch what has happened, you can hear clearer than ever before. David, what are some of the more outrageous signs and wonders you have seen? David: I have seen a lot of things; recently I was in Dubai, in a Muslim country, and people Sid: I know, I accidentally called you and you answered the phone. David: Yeah you called me and I was eating dinner with some friends. Sid: I wish I had been there. David: It was interesting. Sid: I know than I would be the instant weight loss. David: Yeah, we had several people that were bald or balding and hair began to grow on their bald heads in a Muslim country and imagine the souls that were saved as a result. We had people's hair who were gray or white, and their hair color came back. Now this is besides tumors disappearing, and all the other miracles we see but these are like signs and wonders, not just miracles. And the Muslims look for that, when they see a sign or the Arab people, or the Middle East people, most nations respond to signs and wonders. And so you can talk about whatever you want, but when there is a sign and a wonder like that even if they don't agree they will bring more people just to check it out. Sid: Now you moved in signs and wonders for many years but you still had it in your heart there must be something more and then you were introduced to the realm called the glory, and when he was introduced to the realm called the glory everything speeds up, we will be right back for the realm called the glory, don't go away.

We'll be right back to, "It's Supernatural." In the midst of God's glory, David Herzog has witnessed instant weight loss. Look at this; this is wild. Supernatural healing, I can read those exit signs: Gold fillings in teeth: Gemstones from heaven: Miracles from God that can't be denied: Call now to get your copy of "Glory Invasion, Walking Under An Open Heaven." Through this book David will mentor you to get to the next level of God's glory. Through scripture and first-hand experience David unwraps the mysteries of: Don't miss out on getting your copy of David Herzog's anointed book, "Glory Invasion, Walking Under An Open Heaven." Allow God to activate your dream, your prophecy and the miracle you have long desired. This book will help you begin your journey into the supernatural. Call or write today. We now return to, "It's Supernatural." Sid: Hello Sid Roth here with David Herzog and David, how did you understand the difference between moving in the anointing and moving in the glory? How did you make this transition? David: Well for years I would minister in the anointing, I would pray for the sick and things would happen, but I would sense, God there has got to be much more, because I would be tired you know, after praying for hundreds of people you know, one on one, something comes out of you and you feel like a weakness, or a tiredness. I said God how am I going to reach thousands of people at one time, or millions, and I began to ask the Lord and He introduced me to the glory of God, and I realized that one moment in His glory can reach a thousand times more than me in my own gifting and anointing trying to do something. So I was in Africa one time, and I saw this with deliverance, masses of people getting delivered of demons in a couple of minutes that normally would take days and weeks to get all those people delivered of witchcraft. And the glory came down from heaven, covered the entire stadium where we were ministering, and God said to me, "Now what do you see?" And I could see angles coming down and touching the

people and I would speak that, I would say, "I see angels over there, I see angels over here." And masses of people fell to the ground and was instantly delivered of demonic influence, and it was so easy, I felt so light, it was so easy, and then I used that for healings and miracles as well, I will get a word of knowledge for weight loss, or for tumors, or for whatever, and I will see not just one person, but thousands. You know normally we pray for someone, we lay hands on them, oh God please touch them, and we are praying, we are, but there is another realm of the glory that just comes over the entire crowd and you just speak one word and it is happening instantly and not just for one person but for maybe even thousands of people. Sid: You know these signs and wonders are signs and wonders to grab the unbeliever's attention to hear the gospel, it is that simple. But what I am about ready to show our people is so amazing, there was a woman that went to one of your meetings and sat under the glory and when she sat under the glory for hours and hours she was praying in the Spirit, and she was so in the glory that she literally, as a police officer said, went through a gigantic truck. Let's take a look at this right now. Two weeks later I was driving home with a gentleman from the jail with me and our two daughters from our Saturday night service, and as I was heading home to take him home, I appeared into an intersection as I was driving and the light for me was green and I was following another car through that intersection when my daughter yelled in the back stop, and I looked to my left and coming down a large hill was a big two-door truck with an eight-horse trailer attached to it and he comes through the intersection and I am stopped and he is not swerving, I can't do anything and within seconds I feel him hit my car, everybody in the car felt the impact, just the movement of the car inside and then all of a sudden it was like we were separated from this world, it was like almost dreamy, and then all of a sudden after that happened I started seeing along with everyone else his truck, piece by piece, pass through my car. Sections of it, I mean I remember sections of it, and thinking in my mind he hit my car, I know that we just had an accident but I don't feel any of the trauma of this accident. He passes all the way through with all of the horse trailer and I looked to the right on the on the final path in following his car, and there is a police officer there, he was one of our undercover officers, he is not in an actual vehicle but he goes up and puts a red light on and follows it, I completed the intersection and my youngest daughter got out, she was a little disturbed and we were all shaky inside, and I drove the young gentleman home, I called my husband and told him what had happened to us and he said, "You know there was an officer there, let's get a hold of him and see what he saw." And so the next day we found the officer who had

witnessed it and he did not want to talk about it, he said I will only tell you this, he said I reached down to grab the radio to call in the accident, I saw him hit you, and when I pulled up my radio to bring it to my mouth to call in the accident he was passing through your car. Sid: That is outrageous, it is wonderful. David, how did she get into that realm? David: Well it is funny because that last night in those meetings, she was there with her church group and I actually talked about how in the glory the sound waves in your body, because we are made of sound, expand when you are in the glory, when you are in the presence of God you feel like you are getting lighter and things are just, like you are floating almost. So I was actually teaching on that realm, how it happens. And when you talk about something it opens up the realm for it to happen. Then they drive home, a fifteen hour trip, for fifteen hours or so, twelve hours or whatever it was, it was non-stop worshipping, praising God for the miracles, some of them in that van were healed of asthma, you know like they had insulin, and you know that's when it happened and they were in such a realm of glory the molecules in their body, even on the vehicle just began to expand, like a cell phone, sound waves go through walls, Jesus went through walls when he was in his glorified state when he came back from being resurrected, so when you are in that heavy glory, the molecular structure of your body literally changes, your spirit man starts to take over your physical man and you can go through objects, you can go through walls, you can be transported and that is pretty much what happened, that glory got to such a degree their spirit man took over the physical man and even the vehicle went right through the other vehicle. Sid: Just out of curiosity David, have you or your wife Stephanie ever been transported in the Spirit? David: Yes we have. Sid: Tell me one quick. David: Okay, I was on my way I was driving from Paris, France to Brussels, Belgium, or a town near Brussels, three hour trip, I was late, my car broke down, I got it fixed, 7:30 I am on the road, my meeting is at seven, so I am half an hour late and I have a three hour drive in heavy traffic, I am not going to make it, I called the pastor, "Pastor I am going to be there at 10:30, in three hours, hopefully, I am going to miss the meeting, I am sorry, why don't you preach and I will just come at the end to greet the people." I get in the car and now I am just worshipping Jesus because I know I am not going to preach anyway so I am just enjoying Jesus for me, I am not trying to get a word, I am not trying to, I am just enjoying the presence of God for as long as I can, 45 minutes in to it, suddenly all the signs change and I am in Belgium, and I look and that is my next exit and I pull up to the church at 8:15. Sid: How long should it have taken? David: At least three hours.

Sid: And how long did it take? David: 45 minutes I was there. Sid: I like this glory business, don't go away because you are going to be invaded by the glory. We'll be right back to, "It's Supernatural." Sid Roth has found the key to worldwide revival This is God's time to reach the Jewish people with his love. Messiah Jesus has torn down the wall dividing Jew and Gentile, the two together form one new man to reach the world. God's method to reach the Jewish people is through signs and wonders. This is why our website, is jam-packed with tools to equip you to move in signs and wonders, understand Israel and the Jewish roots of the church. Log on to: We now return to, "It's Supernatural." Sid: Hello, Sid Roth here with David Herzog, and we are being invaded, I guess I should be the first one to tell you, we are being invaded with the glory of God, the presence of God, the tangible presence of the Living God, and David's book, I am so glad that he wrote it, because his book, "Glory Invasion," and I love the subtitle, "Walking Under An Open Heaven," when people read this they don't have to go to a David Herzog meeting, they start operating in the glory, tell me what response you are getting. David: Yeah people read the book and that's why it was written, to get others to actually live and operate in this glory, instead of just me having fun with it, they read the book, they get an understanding, a revelation, the glory comes on their life, and they start operating in the signs and wonders, the glory, the open heavens, encounters, angelic visitations. One lady in California came down, reading the book as she was coming down, I think someone drove her, and when she got to her mothers place, her mother had some kind of major physical injury, she had to help her mother, change her, help her walk, do all kind of things for her mother, and she read the book and realized, wow, the body parts can hear me, they understand when I speak to them as I wrote in the book, so she commanded the body parts to begin moving, first Sid: That's what Jesus said; you are just quoting our Master Rabbi. David: Yeah, yeah, at first she did it in the regular, okay Lord, I pray for her, I hope you do this, please do a miracle, nothing happened. Then she read the book with the revelation, then she said bones, I know you can hear me now because I read this book, and the Bible explains this, in Jesus name, bones come back into place.

And the mother said she felt like a semi truck was rammed into her side and her entire hips and bone structure shifted into place and she could walk. And she was so excited she shared in the meeting and said I read the book and God used me to do a miracle and that was more exciting for me than me seeing a miracle in my meetings, someone else getting to have the joy of operating in the supernatural. Sid: David do you ever know before a meeting what God wants to do when the glory shows up? David: Yeah in the glory as I said there is no time, so because there is no time you can go in the future, so I will be in a meeting, or I will be in my room praying before a meeting, it may be twelve hours before, and in the Spirit I will see myself in the future, twelve hours in the future doing the meeting. Sid: So you become an actor on a stage. Davie: Exactly, I just write down like a script of a movie. And one time I saw a woman with crutches and she had a cast on her leg in the Spirit, and I was going to preach that night, and as I was in the Spirit seeing myself preach, I kicked the crutches and said you know, this one and this one, I said now walk. Sid: I hope she didn't fall on her nose. David: Well when the meeting came I looked for this lady; I said there is somebody here in crutches come up here right now. And at first nobody would come up, and then finally she came up, and I didn't know what was wrong with her and I said, "In Jesus Name, walk." And I kicked one crutch, I kicked the other, and she had the look of fear on her face, and she took a step screaming and then she was amazed that she could walk. I found out later that the doctors had not yet connected her foot to her leg, they needed to put a metal rod in there to connect it all, if she put any weight on that foot where the cast was, it would completely rip apart the bone, so I would have gone to jail. Sid: You never would have kicked those crutches out if you knew that. David, I feel the presence of God is so strong, did God show you anything for the people watching now? David: Yeah there is going to be a lot of miracles right now. Sid: Pray right now. David: Okay Lord I just pray for those watching right now, and if you are watching right now I want you just to close your eyes if you want, just focus right now and even lay hands on your body part right now and do something you couldn't do before as I begin to pray. If I don't call out your sickness you can still be healed, the glory knows, God knows what the problem is, but in Jesus Name I see people sitting in their living room and the first things I see is many people, scores of people that are overweight sitting on their couch depressed about it, in Jesus Name I command weight, miracles, weight loss miracles to occur right now, I command your metabolism to accelerate supernaturally right now in Jesus Name.

Five, six seven dress sizes, just stand up right now and check your waistline and right now by faith just keep checking, someone else here is missing teeth you are actually missing teeth in your mouth and I command teeth to be recreated now in Jesus Name, where there was no teeth before, I see lots of tumors and cancers, I curse every tumor, every growth, every cancer, I command it to die right now, someone here is bald, you are balding on our head, either you are completely bald or balding, or bald spots, and thinning of the hair, I command hair, grow right now, in Jesus Name, in Yeshua's Name, and I see hair starting to grow as you feel your scalp you just start noticing little hairs starting to come in, just keep moving that head and feeling it like in circular motion just move those follicle hairs right there, God is healing hair right now. And I just see any kind of, oh I see paralysis right now, somebody is paralyzed on the right side of your body and you cannot walk, your arm and your leg, the entire right side of your body is paralyzed, in the Name of Yeshua Jesus, I command the body to be healed now, paralysis go, strength and feeling come back into the right side of your body in Jesus Name, and just stand up and begin to move that part of the body. There are so many more, I just see like a leukemia, a lot of blood diseases are being healed right now, I command leukemia to be healed now, my wife is healed of leukemia, and I speak healing over your body, blood cells be healed supernaturally. People are in hospitals right now watching on their death bed, you are in the hospital, you have got the remote control, and you are watching right now, doctor's have given you maybe a day, two days, three days to live, in the Name of Jesus I command life come back in your body, I see livers being recreated right now as you are in the hospital room, I curse the spirit of death in Jesus mighty name. People are being healed right now in the Middle East; there are people, Muslims, Jewish people, Persian people, even in Iran there are miracles happening right now as we speak in your home, I see all kind of things are happening in different countries, in the USA there are Buddhists being healed, a Buddhist monk is watching, you are wearing orange, a Buddhist monk, you are bald but not because you have a problem with your hair, you shaved your head, but that is not a problem but you have a physical problem in your body in your stomach, and God is healing that thing in your stomach right now in Jesus Name, and he is going to show you that he is the way, the truth and the life, Jesus, Yeshua, the Son of God he will lead you to everlasting life and peace. Sid: And Jesus Yeshua the Son of God wants you to know the Creator of the universe, you know about him, now he wants you to know him. You see evidence that that there is a creator; anyone can see evidence of creator, but God wants you now to know him, why?

Because he loves you, he wants you to have intimacy with him and there is no other name given under heaven in which we must be saved but the Name of Yeshua, the Name of Jesus. And if you would cry out and say God have mercy, I have made a lot of mistakes; please forgive me, with your help I turn from there, I believe that Jesus died for my mistakes and now that I am clean Jesus come inside of me, become my Lord, I want to know you, I have prayed there must be something more. Now I know that you are that something more and now I pray that I know you God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is only one God and there is only one Messiah, the Jew, Yeshua, Jesus the Anointed One. God is so good; he really loves you. It is not an accident you are watching this right now. Wow. In the midst of God's glory, David Herzog has witnessed instant weight loss. Look at this; this is wild. Supernatural healing, I can read those exit signs: Gold fillings in teeth: Gemstones from heaven: Miracles from God that can't be denied: Call now to get your copy of "Glory Invasion, Walking Under An Open Heaven." Through this book David will mentor you to get to the next level of God's glory. Through scripture and first-hand experience David unwraps the mysteries of: Don't miss out on getting your copy of David Herzog's anointed book, "Glory Invasion, Walking Under An Open Heaven." Allow God to activate your dream, your prophecy and the miracle you have long desired. This book will help you begin your journey into the supernatural. Call or write today. If you're encouraged and helped by these television programs please consider assisting us with future productions. Send your tax-deductible gift to:

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