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Page 2 Iron Warrior Thursday, 9 July, 1992

Candidates for President:
Amy Alfred
by Amy Alfred
The President is the fearless leader
of the society. It is the president's job
to coordinate the activities of the
society, and to act as liaison with
other student societies and the outside
world. I'd like to bring five terms of
Eng Soc experience to the president's
job. During my last two terms as
treasurer I've gained a real
understanding of how Eng Soc works
and how to make it run smoothly. I've
dealt with everything from fixing the
photocopier to bringing Eng Soc out
of its $ 10000 debt. Prior to being
treasurer I worked as the C&D
Manager for two terms and at the
same time I was class rep for Hammer
and Screw. And it all started in 1A
when I was Academic Rep. I have
been involved with the Engineering
High School Liaison Committee, with
the Eng Soc ~ u i l i n g committee, and
in planning Engweekend. I have also
worked on improving Eng Soc's
business practices, and on bringing
draft to POETS. It's all been a lot of
fun especially Edcom for Frosh '92,
judging scunt last term, and playing
with the kids at the Canada Day Mini-
I believe Eng Soc has something to
offer for everyone, so I'd like to
ncourage you a 0 actively
participate. Why not drop by the
Orifi ce and find out about the
services, social events, and other
activities that Eng Soc supports. I
think it's important to have good
communication between students,
class reps, directors, and the exec, so
I'll continue to be there to hear your
concerns, to answer your questions, or
just to talk. I wanted to start
improving communication this term,
so I put photos of all the directors in
the display case in CPH. I'd like to do
this again for all class reps and
directors next term. Eng Soc is a
friendly place where students should
feel at home and as they say, where
everybody knows your name. I'll
work hard to include you in the Eng
Soc family.
During the winter and fall of 1993
we'll have the Bus Push, Orientation,
two Engweeks, Oktoberfest,
beginning/ end of term parties, grad
activities, pubs, Iron Warriors, semi-
formals, Jays games, sports,
tournaments, and a million other fun
activities. Eng Soc events and
activities are open to everyone and if
you want help with the organization
then apply to be a director today.
Eng Soc as an establishment is in the
process of changing, driven by our
high growth rate. My experience as
Treasurer has prepared me to
improve the business side of our
society. urrent y, ' m w rking to
resolve the problem with the
copyright and trademark of our logo,
Stephen Codrington
by Stephen Codrington
If I were elected President: exams
would not be abolished, project
courses would not be banned, the tow
trucks and parking staff would not
disappear, the economy would not
immediately improve, you wouldn't
lose 20 lbs, and Elvis would not come
back to life and no I cannot guarantee
you a job through Co-op
However, if elected President I
would try to make your life here in
Engineering a little less stressful.
Whether you are trying to access
information such as old exams and
course critiques or looking for social
activities to fill the voids, I will serve
you as best as possible as President.
If you agree that the outdated 'art'
of the Engineering buildings needs
replacement or if you are looking for
Co-op advice and guidance from
someone you trust I will serve you as
best as I can.
If you would like to hear more from
industry leaders and past graduates
about choices and careers in
Engineering I promise to work closely
with the VP External to bring these
people to us as well as strengthening
relations with the local APEO chapter.
If you are an active member of the
engineering society as a director or
class representative I promise to do
my best to dissolve inter Society
squabbles and make your
involvement as enjoyable as it should
If you would like to take part as an
active member of the Engineering
Society I can promise to find you a
place in the Society. I personally feel
that there is a vast wealth of talents
and resources we can draw upon
within the Society. There must be
countless Disk Jockeys,
photographers, video editors, athletes,
writers and cartoonists etc., all
searching for an outlet for their
talents. As President, I would make
every effort to reach as many people
as possible and encourage greater
involvement with the Society.
For those who do not have the
desire to socialize within the
Engineering, all the power to you!
However you should at least
familiarize yourself with the services
the society offers you. Aside from the
popular collections of old exams,
midterms, and course critiques there
are unwant ads, darkroom facilities,
humanities lectures and the cheapest
photocopying on campus.
As President, maintaining proper
relations with the Dean, his assistants
and other Faculty members are vital.
Such issues as funding, policy and
space concerns demand great
attention and these concerns are dealt
with through the Dean. The Deans
on finding an accountant to care for
the C&D, on incorporating the society,
and on recording procedures and
recommendations to help future
Engineering tradition and history is
colourful and interesting. I would like
to share some of these stories with
you through articles and displays. On
the subject of displays, Sean and Serge
came up with an idea for PRIDE
(People Really Interested in the
Discipline of Engineering). I would
like to develop that idea by placing
displays throughout the halls of
Engineering that celebrate the history
and accomplishments which surround
our discipline.
If Eng Soc is to continue to grow
and evolve, we must emphasize high
school iaison and the Engineering
image. I support both of these
programs with my involvement in the
Assistant is the liaison between the
Dean and the Engineering Society. I
have only met Dean Burns once or
twice and I have not yet made
acquaintance with his Assistant,
Elaine Thorne. I understand that both
Individuals have great respect for the
work of the Society and I would enjoy
the opportunity to fulfil a Professional
relationship with them.
A great deal of the Presidents time
is spent on the Examinations and
Promotions committee. When a
student is not promoted the President
must serve as their lawyer, ensuring
that a student understands the
workings of the committee and the
options they may pursue. During the
E and P meetings the President must
serve the student as their
representative. I would take great
pride in helping any fellow student in
high school visits program, the "Day
in the Life of an Engineering Student"
photo essay, and the shadowing
program. I will continue to work with
UW Liaison in a joint effort to
improve our school's image and the"
Engineering image. Waterloo
Engineering continually attracts a
high percentage of Ontario Scholars
and this indicates that we draw some
of the best students in the province.
But how many of us knew what to
expect from a life at Waterloo before
Frosh Week?
Take the opportunity to attend the
forums, read the posters and meet the
candidates, then plan to come out and
vote on July 16. A vote for Action,
Leadership and Accomplishment is a
vote for Amy L. Alfred.
Vote Amy for President.
such a position and I would do my
best to ensure that they received fair
treatment and all considerations were
taken into account. As a student who
has had some academic difficulties in
the past I understand the sensitivity of
the entire situation.
I have enjoyed Sean Murphys past
two terms as President and I have
appreciated his efforts encourage a
'Social' atmosphere. I wish to
continue this effort and do my part to
ensure that the five years that our
Undergraduate Degree requires are as
rewarding as they can be.
For those of you who have not met
me please do! I enjoy meeting new
people and gaining fresh perspectives
on all topics (campaign related or
Thursday, 9 July, 1992 Iron Warrior Page 5
Candidates for VP External: - 0 :
Kim Jones
by Kim Jones
Engineering is without contest the
best faculty at Waterloo, and Waterloo
has the best Engineering school is the
country. Why else would you be
here? Being the best, however,
doesn't mean we can't improve
ourselves. Engineering is much more
than just classes, labs, tutorials and
exams - arguably the most important
part of our time here is our
participation in extra-curricular
activities in which Eng Soc plays a
crucial role. Not only is it responsible
for numerous exciting events like
Eng-weekend and raft races, it acts as
a liaison between you - Waterloo
Engineering students as a whole - and
many outside organisations and
associations. We must ensure that we
increase our profile in the outside
world, guaranteeing that Waterloo
Engineering is universally recognised
to be the best.
As your VP External there are many
ways I would like to improve
Engineering's position. First I would
like to promote a closer relationship
with engineering societies at other
universities both to gain new ideas
and to learn from their mistakes. I
plan also to work hard at bettering the
reputation of both engineering and
Waterloo in high schools. More of
these students must be encouraged to
stick with math and science, and to
pursue those studies to engineering.
A final initiative I plan to undertake
concerns bringing more conferences
to Waterloo. This would get more
Waterloo students involved, and
would allow us to participate first
hand in the conferences. Eng Soc, and
with it the position of VP External
have enormous potential, and I would
like to fulfil it in as many ways as
My first issue concerns the
development of a closer association
with other engineering societies. We
have a great deal in common with
these societies - common goals and
common obstacles. By seeing their
new ideas, we can make our society
function more effectively and by
learning from their mistakes, we can
avoid them ourselves. Increasingly,
also, issues such as high school
interest in our . field, and
misconceptions about our attitudes,
are emerging that concern all
engineers, and may possibly be best
addressed communally. Besides,
everyone knows engineers are great
partiers no matter what school they're
from. The more, the merrier!
Secondly, the reputation of
engineering both in high schools and
the general populace is of crucial
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importance. Initiatives like the
Frontrunner and Shadow programs
and Engineering Science Quest are
very worthwhile, and must be
actively pursued. I plan to develop
further programs to encourage high
school students (male AND female) in
technical fields. Canada will soon be
suffering a shortage of engineers, and
it is up to us to perpetuate this fine
profession. We must work also to
ttract the est students to Waterloo
making our university known for
more than just co-op and academics,
but also known for its excellent extra-
curricular activities. We mu ' l work
also to improve our reputation among
the community, ensuring myths about
neolithic engineering b haviour arc
dispelled. Everyone should r cogni
how great we really are!
Finally, [ feel it is important to bring
more conferences to Waterloo. These
forums are key in the development of
new ideas and new solutions to
problems facing the engineering
profession today. Having lhe
conferences physically at Waterloo
not only improves our reputation in
the business community, but allows a
broader cross section of our
engineering faculty to benefit from
them. In general, a select few
informed students attend such
conferences, and while they gain from
them, the rest of the faculty is little
improved. Many engineering
students would benefit from
attending such a forum. Possibilities
for the near future include the APEO
conference or the ESSCO conference.
Both are regional conferences that
would bring stimulating industry
speakers and innovative panel
discussions to us. Other prospects
worthy of consideration include
bringing a national conference to
Waterloo (a longer term initiative) or
the developmen t of our own
conference on a subject such as
endowment funds. Our faculty
would profit greatly by hosting more
I'm in 2B Chemical and I have been
involved in Eng Soc since 1B as a class
rep, and in two directorship positionS'.
Last term, 1 was director of SFF
Debates, and through that became
involved in the Sandford Fleming
Foundation (SFF), an inter-university
charitilblt. org.tnizi\l1on tryil1g 10
improv' \l\gilH'l'ring 'duciltion
through grants, ,wards, tud 'nt
10 ns, and book publishing. I now sit
on the Board of Dire tors, the Finance
Committee, and various sub-
committe s of this organization. This
term, as well, J am 1\ Special Events
Director for Eng Soc, bringing you
such things as Eng-Week and
Weekend, Diue Jays road trips, raft
races, and more.
I beli ve I am well qualified for the
position of VP External, and I am
certainly enthusiastic and motivated.
There is huge potential in the position,
and I would love the chance to live up
to it. A closer relationship with other
engineering societies, a better
reputation among high schools and
the community, and more conferences
to Waterloo are all directions I plan to
follow. If you have any other ideas,
I'd love to hear them - feel free to stop
me in the hallways and tell me about
them. Above aU, come out and vote
on July 16th, and cast your ballot for
Kim Jones for VP Ex!
Make an Informed Choice.
Get out and see the All-Candidates
Debate Tuesday. July 14
at Noon. CPR Foyer!
Page 6 Iron Warrior
Irit Uzan
by frit Uzan
Let's start with an introduction: my
name is Irit Uzan and I am running
for the position of External Vice
President. I am currently in my 2B
term of mechanical engineering. My
involvement with the Engineering
Society started back in 1 B when I was
a class rep and has continued since.
Since then I have organized the
Shadow Program for high school
students, been a r epresentative
delegate at the Congress of Canadian
Engineering Students, and am
currently involved in starting up the
Frontrunners program. My
involvement in all of these projects
has made the importance of the image
we project as a student body obvious
to me. Going into high schools and
talking to the students about
engineering or bringing the students
here to show them the daily activities
is important if we are to keep
enrolments increasing with the
increasing demand for engineers in
the workforce. There is also the matter
of communication with other
Engineering Societies around the
country. Our increased awareness of
their activities not only keeps us
informed of how we are functioning
with respect to the others but also
gives us a chance to get new ideas for
future events and projects. The
position of VP External is a liaison
position set up to ensure that these
lines of communication remain open
and available to all at all times.
Then there is the social side of
things. As the current P"'S director I
am completely aware of the amount
of class participation in Engsoc
activities. I would like to see an
increased level of enthusiasm within
engineering which will uphold our
image in the eyes of others. We are
currently one of the most active
faculties and certainly the most
envied for our tremendous levels of
participation in university events.
Increased communication within the
society will increase the awareness
levels of events, academic or social,
and consequently increase
participation. Our reputation precedes
us - our task is merely to uphold its
Jason Wood
by Jason Wood
What is it that makes the
Engineering Society at the
.bes t student society in the world? I
think the two key ingredients are full
involvement and effective teamwork.
We currently have the largest
faculty society on campus and things
are only getting better. As Eng Soc
grows in size and power, it is
increasingly important to have an
executive staff that can work
smoothly and confidently together.
An executive must provide direction
for the society and support Hs
directors who are working hard to
make things happen.
I have been involved with Eng Soc
now for four terms. I have served as
class rep, Director of Special Events,
and I'm currently working as POETS
manager. Through my involvement I
have learned how and why this
society functions well and the
importance of each person who is
involved. 1 have worked well in the
past with most of the candidates for
executive positions and I'm confident
that we would make a great team. It
is for this reason that I feel I could be
an effective member on our next Eng
Soc executive. After much
consideration I have decided that I
could best serve our society in the
position of VP-External.
As Vice-President, External Affairs,
I would like to increase the amount of
contact with other student societies
across our country and possibly
around the world. There are many
great ideas out there that we could
use to become 'l more effective
In particular I would initially focus
on how other campuses run their co-
op work programs. I feel that our
society currently has the ability to
create many improvements for our co-
op system and the power to bring
these into effect. We've recently seen
how simple it is to find problems with
co-op but we need to be a little more
constructive and become part of the
As VP-Ext I would be responsible
for assisting with several
directorships in Eng Soc. With the
right people to fill them I feel that
these positions have great potential to
provide a lot of fun and also help
improve our image in the community.
The Bus Push will be happening
next term and we'll need several
energetic and organized people to
make this event run smoothly. This is
a much publicized event around K-W
and how we are seen at this
fund raiser will influence how we are
perceived in general. I will spend
time working with these directors and
with Big Sisters of K-W to ensure that
this event is run better than ever
1 would like to spend time next term
working with the Charities directors.
This position can go far in promoting
Waterloo Engineering around K-W
and even across the country. In
addition to the Bus Push I would like
to see a large fundraising event that
involves a competition between
oursel ves and other facul ties on
campus or perhaps other Engineering
faculties in Ontario.(Gee, I wonder
who would win ... )
The Public Relations directorship
will be very important to us next
term. It is evident from reading
several articles in the Imprint this
term that we have an image problem
on campus as well as off. I would be
high standards.
So basically that's what it's all
about. A liaison position that will help
lead the society through informative,
enthusiastic, and eventful terms. The
most important thing to remember is
that as a student society we are here
working with this director to solve
this problem by submitting articles to
the Imprint and press statements to
local papers and other media. 1 know
that we're the best society around and
deserve to be recognized as such.
I have spent some time discussing
the PRIDE program with Steve (Prez
candidate) and I think it has great
potential. Basically, it would involve
locating Waterloo Engineering
graduates who have gone on to do
great things or work on important
projects. These individuals would
then be recognized with photographs
and plaques hung around our
engineering buildings. Another
aspect of the project would be to
replace the horrid art work in EL and
elsewhere with large pictures of great
engineering accomplishments. We
should be proud to be students at the
best engineering school there is.
If you nave any ideas for Eng Soc or
Thursday, 9 July, 1992
to represent and serve the needs of
you, the students. If there are any
matters which you feel need to be
addressed, any issues that need to be
discussed, or any parties that need to
be thrown we are open to your
would just like to chat about mine, 1
would really enjoy meeting you. Eng
Soc is always looking for new people
to become involved. Just ask around
POETS on Thursday or Friday and
someone can point me out.
I know that all ten of the candidates
have put a lot of time and effort into
the Engineering Society in the past
and their dedication is shown in the
commitment they are willing to make
by becoming a member of the
executive. I think the least these
people deserve is for you to consider
all the candidates and let us know
who you want to be leading your
society for the next eight months.
Your concerns are important so please
don't forget to vote on July 16.
Thursday, 9 July, 1992 Iron Warrior
Robert McGeachy
by Robert McGeachy
Hello. My name is Rob McGeachy,
and I am running for the position of
President, EngSoc B.
Lately there has been a lot of
discussion about the work-load and
hassles the EngSoc executive is put
through, and why anyone in their
right mind would subject themselves
to that kind of additional stress.
However, the very reason I feel so
strongly compelled to run for
President is because I am excited and
enthusiastic about the role of EngSoc
now, and its future at this University.
What EngSoc needs is a solid
understanding of its present and a
strong vision for its future. I feel I
have the right combination of
experience and enthusiasm for that
EngSoc can be basically described as
a business, which provides services to
its customers (all students in the
Faculty of Engineering) who pay
$10.50 a term to have access to these
services. These services include the
ongoing ones like the Orifice, POETS,
the C&D, the garage, the darkroom,
UnwantAds, Old Midterms, and so
on, and the special events like Eng
Week and Eng Weekend, Semi-formal
and Eng Ball, Bus Push, Orientation,
Blue Jays road trips and many more.
Though $10.50 is a great bargain, I still
want to see a better deal for the
customer. This requires that the
regular services are better maintained
and more accessible, and that the
special events are well planned and
promoted to reach the largest number
of students as possible.
One of the lesser known roles of the
president is that of the representative
of the Engineering Society to the
different student organizations across
campus, and to the administration of
this University. In my involvement
with different events across campus, I
find that the chief problems the
Engineering Society encounters is a
lack of awareness of what it is we do
over here, and a different perception
of Engineers than we might feel is
accurate. I want to work to improve
this apparent image problem by better
representation on these various
committees, and by more cooperation
with other faculties by organizing
some events in conjunction with other
societies. Image problems are
generally based 01\ lack of
information; if the rest of the
University can get to know us a little
better, we can work to improve this
One of the more pressing issues for
me is the evolution of the Engineering
Society: Each term I have been here, I
have seen the Society grow. There are
several more directorships now, three
full time employees (possible four in
the near future), and bigger and better
activities. Along with this growth is
added responsibility, and added
FOR $19:
C AMPU 5 CE.N T R E .' .J!
hassles, and the Society is reaching a
point where some fundamental
choices about its structure have to be
taken into consideration. Although
discussion is just beginning, I want to
work with this Society and A-Soc to
ensure that any decision process is
thorough and that the best interests of
the members of the Engineering
Society (YOU!!) are taken into
The last issue that I want to raise is
that of accessibility. As President, I
would have an open-door policy that I
would make widely known. I want to
not only help straighten out problems
that students run into, but also to
gather feedback from students and
directors on how the Society has been
doing, and what steps can be taken to
improve it.
I have been involved in EngSoc for
four years now, as I have been
pursuing a double degree in Systems
. . e' and a Bachelor of
Arts. Two of those years I spent with
EngSoc A (before I saw the light).
With this additional experience, I feel
I have a unique perspectiv) on th
Engineering Society B; how the two
streams interact, and how the So iety
interacts with the rest of the
Over the past four years, J have
been involved in organizing many
different activities in Engineering. I
have a few different events that were
particularly enjoyable for me to
organize. The first was being involved
in the creation of TAL-ENG ( Winter
'91 ), and the organization and
direction of the second and third B-
Soc shows in Fall '91 and the
upcoming show July 19 (blatant plug),
to make TAL-ENG one of EngSoc's
biggest single event ou tside of
orientation. As Arts director for the
past two terms I have also had the
pleasure of directing the BNAD
special edition last fall.
The most important Engineering
event I was involved with was
Page 3
Orientation week '91. As co-chair with
Marty and Dave, we planned and
organized the week's activities. This
event is the frosh's first encounter
with EngSoc; it helps establish the
spirit and pride that this faculty has
and is the source of energy and
enthusiasm for the rest of EngSoc's
events. To see the level of
involvement from the first year
students over the past year with
EngSoc makes me believe we did
something right last September.
However, the event that has meant
the most to me, and that helped me
decide to run for President was not an
Engineering event, but the past
Canada Day celebrations that I helped
organized for the Federation of
students. The operations committee
(Dave Kruis and 1) laid out the
activities, ordered and set-up all the
equipment, ran the events during the
day, and cleaned up the next day
alon with our dedicated team of
volunteers). It was thrilling to see
sixty-five thousand people on
Columbia Fields enjoying the
fir works at tlH.' 'nd of the d,1Y, but
th grentc t source of pride (or nw s
an Engineer w.\S to Sll' how our
volunteers (who made lip h.:lIf of the
300 volunteers) totally out 1.155 'd the
other faculties . They not only helped
Dragana and Alison run the
Children's Olympics, but pitched in at
cone ssions, candle sales, and tayed
through to clean up nnd take down
the stage aft r everyoM had gone
home. That is what Engineering spirit
is all about.
To dos I just want to say that,
regardless of your choice for president
or any of the other positions, the most
important thing is that you exercise
your right to vote on July 16. Elections
will be taking place from 8:30 am to
4:30 pm in CPH foyer. Don't forget
your student card!
Thank-you for your time,
July 13
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Page 4 Iron Warrior
, Andrew Hightower
by Andrew Hightower
When I first came to Waterloo
Engineering I was greeted by a well
organized and well run frosh week
that has left a lasting impression of
what engineering attitude and energy
is all about. It is this same enthusiasm
that I wish to bring to the position of
V.P. Internal.
I will be going into my 2A term in
January. Since starting here I have
won a Psycho Frosh award, held the
position of Co-Social director, become
involved in the Frontrunners
Engineering Awareness Program and
in the process learned about how the
society works and what it stands for.
The regular responsibilities of
Internal Vice President include
keeping minutes at Engineering
Society meetings and interfacing with
other faculties in order to plan and
organize events or handle problems
that may arise. The third requirement
is to aid the Engineering Society
Directors in any way necessary, (ie.
finding information or resources), to
ensure job completion and quality. I
hope to bring increased co-operation
and communication between the
Directors at the planning stage of
events. This would result in a more
organized society that can, in turn,
present high quality events for all
engineering society members. That
includes You!
I also believe that this approach can
result in increased society integrity
and spirit. These qualities, combined
with a positive view of what our
society represents will ensure that the
University of Waterloo Engineering
Society will remain something to be
proud of.
Michael D. Popik
by Michael D. Popik
Hey all you crazy wild engineers,
and you quiet ones too. My name is
Michael D. Popik, and I am running
for the position of V.P. Internal at the
Eng?oc elections taking place July 16,
First a little about myself. I grow up
in Mississauga and went the school in
Malton, Mississauga. I came to the
University of Waterloo to study
Engineering in 1989 (because I wanted
a future). Since then I have been
involved in the Engineering SOciety. I
even held the pOSition of p .... S director
last term. During my time here at
Waterloo, I have been acquainted
with many people including Dave
Martin, the president of the
Federation of Students. I have also
been present at most EngSoc
meetings, Joint Council meetings and
this weekend I am even attending the
Annual General Meeting of the
Engineering Student Societies of
My father use to tell me and my
brothers that, 1t is very easy to break
one twig, but it is much harder to
break four.' and I say that it is even
harder to break a thousand twigs. If
any group of people, be it four
brothers or thousands of engineers,
work together and support each other,
there is no way anybody can destroy
I would like to take my hat off to
Sean Murphy. He has held this
SOciety together that anyone can
imagine. However this is not the
main job of the president, it is the
main job of the V.P. Internal. At times
there are more pressing issues for the
president to attend to, and that is why
the position of V.P. Internal exists.
Presently there is tension between
certain members of the society. The
V.P. Internal in this case should sit
down with these members and work
out their differences. I can not stress
enough how important it is to keep not want the responsibilities of a
the society working together in director, I encourage you to come to
harmony. meetings, and tell us you views, and
For the society to function smoothly just become involved in the
it needs many volunteers. These Engineering Society.
volunteers work as directors under I welcome any questions that
the executives. I want to encourage anybody would have. If you do not
all of you to do your part in EngSoc, know me yet, please don't be shy, and
and sign yourselves and your friends introduce yourself to me. I love
to a directors position. You meet meeting new people, and I usually
many, many, many people, and it is don't bite (but I can if you want).
Thursday, 9 July, 1992
have to say about themselves, not
what others have to say about them.
Please come out on July 16, and cast
your vote.
And remember:
I always go the distance, right up to
the ball, there's nothing half way
about your ballot, your 'X' says it all!
I am not a person that spreads
rumours but this one was too good to
give up. It has been said that Feds are
afraid of us. They fear that the
Engineering Society is becoming more
and more powerful. The reason that
we are becoming so powerful is
because we learned to work together,
and stick by each other.
__ __ ___________

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Flowers at
Over 300 Stuffed Animals
411: Corsages & ..eoutonOiers .11V
Graduation GiftS Balloons
D'if 000 NEW L :-...< \
FCJN II ! ""OobE.l> ,
Thursday, 9 July, 1992
Iron Warrior Page 7
Candidates for Treasurer:
Colin Hung
undergrad Engineering. By this I
mean, that as Treasurer, I would make
myself available to assist any group in
fund-raising activities. ie: Concrete
Toboggan, 4th year projects, Scunt,
Charities, etc. I would also like to see
the Treasurer become more involved
in finances outside of Eng Soc like
WEEF, FED endowment, Co-op fees,
CKMS radio, and Imprint. Not to
keep strict tabs on them, but to
investigate where and how your
money is being spent. I believe Eng
Soc is a continuously growing and
changing entity and in order to keep it
going forward, the roles of those
involved must change with it.
by Colin Hung
Hi! My name is Colin Hung and
I'm one of the candidates running for
the position of Treasurer. I'm sure
most of you don't know who I am
(unless you've read my IW articles) so
I am writing this article to tell you a
little about myself and about why I'd
make a good Treasurer.
Who am I? That's a good
question (and a great song from Les
Miz). But let's see ... who I
am ... hmmmmmm. Well, currently
I'm a C&D manager (3rd term) and
I'm also the Eng Soc representative on
the FED Student Life Fund
Committee. In the past, I've been a
class treasurer (2 terms), a floor rep, a
house treasurer and an assistant to the
FED Prez. Oh yeah, I'm also a 3A
Mechanical student.
What am I? - A Scorpio
Why am I? -Please ask the big
guy in heaven
Why Me? An excellent
question and one that requires a
serious answer. I am a dedicated,
trustworthy, honest individual who is
not afraid of hard work to get a job
done. I'm also dependable, organized
and I get along with everyone;
qualities that a good Treasurer must
possess. Having been a C&D
manager for the past 3 terms, I have
become very familiar with the
financial operations of Eng Soc and I
believe that I can apply what I've
learned to the position of Treasurer. If
I am elected, I will bring with me, a
wealth of experience ... experience that
will most certainly be put to use for
How am I? - Fine. Thanks for
When am I? - Check your
What is my vision for the future?
- For the future, I see the
responsibilities of the Treasurer
expanding beyond just balancing the
Eng Soc budget. I intend to make the
Treasurer's position more
approachable and accessible to
Who did the IW mean they alleged
that I was involved with a former Fed
- The IW was referring to my
assistance to former FED president
John Leddy who was my Don at the
time of his election. So I did in fact
spend a few nights with him in the
same house (in VI). Thanks a lot
In closing I'd like urge everyone to
come out and vote on July 16 as this
term we actually going have more
Dave Jarvis
Chemical Engineering Students, to be
held on campus in February.
by Dave Jarvis
If there is any similar information
usually a good place to look.) This you would like to know and Needles
article contains some basic ve
than one candidate to vote for. All of
the candidates are excellent and it
would be a shame not to come out
and listen or talk to them before
voting. On a personal note, I believe
that I can work well with any of the
other candidates and I wish them all
good luck. So on July 16 PLEASE
come out and vote because no matter
who you support, your participation
is what is important.
On July 16 - Vote Experience. Vote
Trust. Vote Colin Hung.
So lere 1 am, writftig an u 0 your ............... ..... -
the Iron Warrior. I'm not exactly sure probably won't be answered, so come convince you that I am responsible
what to say, except that I'm running talk to me and I'll fill you in on enough to handle the position. I
for Treasurer and I would appreciate whatever pertinent information I can. would like to prov that to you, and
having your vote. I was psycho frosh and I have been there's really only one way that an
If you are going to vote for me, it CHUG's elected class rep for the past happen: elect David Jarvis for
would be in your best interest to find two terms. This term I am one of the Treasurer.
out what type of person I am. To do three C+D managers. I am also the
that, just ask anyone in IB Chem, director of accommodations for the
including myself. (P.O.E.T.S. is National CSChE Conference for
Acclaimed as WEEF Director:
Dave Morton
by Dave Morton
The position of Endowment Director
is one of responsibility, management
and diplo.macy. The director is
entrusted with carrying out the wishes
of the Board of Directors and of the
Engineering membership as a whole.
This calls for a sense of commitment,
effective time management and a good
deal of people skills. The Endowment
Director is responsible for administering
Voluntary Student Contribution
refunds, chairing Funding Council and
Board of Directors meetings, soliciting
funding proposals, running the funds
allocation votes, and distributing the
money to the various projects.
Advertising, fund raising and public
relations are also part of the endowment
director's role, as well all the special
activities he/she may be involved in.
For this reason time management and
the ability to delegate are very
Over the past year, I have tried to
expand and fill out the role of
Endowment Director. Of necessity, the
first directors were primarily concerned
with legal issues, getting constitutional
approval by both student bodies and
the UW Board of Directors, ensuring
charitable organization status, and so
on. As the Endowment grew under my
tenure, I have attempted to increase our
involvement in other sectors. In
conjunction with the Office of
Development and the Science
Endowment, we have conducted a fund
raising campaign towards the co-op
employers, known as the Employer
Matching Contribution program. As
part of this campaign I have been
writing letters, talking to companies and
making presentations. That campaign
has yielded 3 definite donors, meaning
companies who have agreed to make an
ongoing contribution, year after year.
Other special projects I have been
involved in include an investigation into
how the university invests our money
and alternate methods of investing it,
and finally advertising and public
relations have been an important
priority of my administration. During
my first on stream semester I
concentrated on external pUblicity and
general awareness. As part of this
focus, I met with the Federation of
Students, the Dean of Engineering and
the Science Endowment Foundation.
During my second term I have
concentrated on advertising and
accesibility within the engineering
facul'ty. As part of this focus, I have
published consistently within the Iron
Warrior, appointed an advertising
director, and sought input regarding the
endowment and my performance at
every opportunity. Over the next year, I
see tremendous opportunities for
growth within the Endowment. The
Employer Matching Contribution
campaign will be continued,
streamlined and increased to take in
more corporations. The Endowment
receives roughly $350 000 a year
through the Voluntary Student
Contributions. If we can get co-op
employers to match even a part of that,
we will increase our revenue
substantially. Advertismg and public
relations will be another high priority,
which cannot be understated. If you are
unaware of the bene fils of the
endowment to you, they lose all their
significance. The past performance of
the WEEF and its power to help your
education must be demonstrated to the
engineering population. The
endowment is currently pooling its
investment income over the period of
one year, and the combined funds will
give us the leverage to fund even larger
and more important projects.
Let me know what you want and let
me put it into action.
.... '"t ..
' . .
Grap c ServIces
General Services Complex
Photocopying, Bindery and Typesetting facilities
Cash Copy Centre Locations
Engineering - E2 2353
Math and Computer - MC 5182
Both Libraries - LIB 218 and DC 1501
PLUS colour copying in Dana Porter Library - LIB 218
We serve at 7 per copy (plus PST),
discount on volume copying. Collating,
stapling and a variety of paper colours ~ ~ ~
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locations below)
Self serve copying at 10 per copy
(available in the libraries and various
locations on campus)
Venda card copiers at 6 per copy are
located in the Dana Porter and
Davis Centre Libraries
Plastic Ring Binding
Same day service available at Graphic
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Copy Centre Locations
Dana Porter Library - LIB 218, ext. 2956
Math Centre - MC 5182, ext. 2335
Engineering - E2 2353, ext. 2334
Arts Centre - HH 370, ext. 2336
Davis Centre Library - DC 1501 , ext. 3878
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For high quality output try our Linotronic
300 Imagesetter (1270 dpi) or our ~ ~ ; ; ; ;
VT600W Laser Printer (600 dpi).
We can typeset any computer file in
PostScript format from a
Mac diskette
5.25 inch PC diskette (low density only)
3.5 inch PC disk'ette
We can translate your PC file to our Mac
and format into brochures, books, reports
and flyers, etc.
For more information about typesetting
located in GSC, call ext. 6324 or 5169.
Offset Printing
Graphic Services, hours 8:00 am-4:30 pm
General information, call ext. 3451.

Graphic ServIces
General Services Complex

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