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So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily.

Acts 16:5

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Dennis and Valerie Rew 1808 Pioneer Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15226 412-922-7183

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News and Prayer Letter November 2013

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Moving forward Over the last couple months, we have been talking with more and more people in the community and sharing with them what we are doing. The more we interacted with people, the more we realized that we needed to begin transitioning ourselves from the concept phase to reality. For so long, we have been talking about what we will be doing and now we are talking about what we ARE doing. This has generated a lot of questions from people. This means that we have started creating literature that will inform the community of who we are and how they can be connected to what we are doing. Our website, as well, has undergone some adjustments to be more of an information website for interested people and less about the pre-planning phase. It is amazing how quickly things are progressing!
Bible Studies October 30th, 2013- Our first Bible Study was held! We had one man come and had a great time discussing truths of the Bible. Our next Bible study meets this Wednesday and we are looking forward to what God has for that evening. Pray for these studies. Pray for others to hear about them and join us. Pray that the Scriptures would be clear and the Spirit would be working in hearts. Spiritual Lessons Every step we have taken has been one of faith. At times, our faith has been stronger than others. We have become more aware throughout this journey that we are weak and frail humans. We have so little to offer God that it makes us wonder why He chooses to use people to carry further His Gospel into the world! As we recognize our weaknesses, we are learning to depend more on Him. We are realizing more and more the importance of prayer in our lives. Too often, we organize and plan in our human abilities and prayer gets thrown in at the last minute. Its like we throw up a Hail Mary (football term for you non-sports people) and hope that something happens with it. Prayer is not a last ditch effort, but the ONLY effort worth persisting in. Many church planters have quit because they were burnt out by exhaustion. We dont want this to be us. While we want to be busy ministering to others, we want to daily cast our burdens and cares on the Lord. This means sometimes things dont get done immediately or we have to say NO to something (this is so hard for Dennis), but we arent superhuman. This is why we are so thankful for our partners, Pete and Elisabeth, as they share the load with us. Keep us before the Lord in this area. We want to stay God-dependent each day. Attached on the 2nd page is a list of items we will need as we move forward. Several have provided money and items already. Thank you! The Rews

Sending Church
Middletown Road Baptist Church 2660 Middletown Rd Pittsburgh, PA 15205

Dennis Valerie Avalon Emily 5/28/81 8/15/81 5/13/09 10/26/11

June 19, 2004

Prayer Needs

1. Bible Studies 2. Evangelism Efforts 3. Strength both physical and spiritual 4. Monthly support

First Baptist-Ogden, PA- one of our supporters

Needs for Church Plant:

Needs Gospel Tracts Sound Equipment Digital Recorder (sermon recording) Digital Piano Whiteboard Adding Machine New Believers Booklets Heavy Duty Paper Cutter Heavy Duty Multi-hole punch Visitor packets Nursery Equipment CCLI License for song projection

Cost $300 $500 $200 $625 $120 $20 $30 $145 $28 $250 $116

Provided $50

Provided Provided Provided Provided

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