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Analyzing Marshall Test Results for Optimum Asphalt-Concrete Mixes

Ahmad H. Aljassar Department of Civil Engineering Kuwait University PO Box 5969, afat !"#6#, Kuwait Fax: (+965) 481-7524 Tel: (+965) 481-7240 E-mail: aljassar ci!il."uni!.edu."# A$%TRACT This paper presents the results ! a resear"h that #as " n$u"te$ usin% stan$ar$ &arshall test results ! asphalt-" n"rete ('() mixes) 'll ! the teste$ mixes #ere prepare$ ! r pa*ement " nstru"ti n in +u#ait) ', ut 250 a"tual &arshall test results (!r m the &inistr- ! .u,li" / r0s) #ere " mpile$ an$ pr "esse$ t ,uil$ a m $el relatin% the ptimum asphalt "ement (,in$er) " ntent t the parti"le si1e-%ra$ati n ! the a%%re%ate ,len$ in an '( mix) The i$ea is ,ase$ n the !a"t that the !un"ti n ! ,in$er in an '( mix is t " at the sur!a"es ! the a%%re%ate parti"les an$ !ill the * i$s ,et#een them) 2 th the spe"i!i" sur!a"e area (sur!a"e area per unit #ei%ht ! the a%%re%ate ,len$) an$ the * i$s ,et#een a%%re%ate parti"les are $epen$ent up n the parti"le si1e-%ra$ati n ! the a%%re%ate ,len$) &ulti*ariate re%ressi n m $els #ere $e*el pe$ relatin% the re3uire$ ,in$er " ntent an$ the parti"le si1e-%ra$ati n ! the a%%re%ate ,len$ in an '( mix) This paper re*ie#s the &arshall meth $ ! mix $esi%n an$ t-pes ! '( mixes use$ in +u#ait) Then it $is"usses the e!!e"t ! a%%re%ate si1e %ra$ati n n ptimum ,in$er " ntent) The paper presents the results ! "ali,ratin% an$ *ali$atin% mathemati"al m $els relatin% the a%%re%ate %ra$ati n t the ptimum ,in$er " ntent) &'TRO()CT&O' The &arshall meth $ ! asphalt-" n"rete ('() mix $esi%n is a #ell esta,lishe$ stan$ar$i1e$ meth $ (''45T6 19907 '8 19847 '4T& 19917 24 1990) that is use$ ,- hi%h#a- a%en"ies in man- parts ! the # rl$ (in"lu$in% +u#ait (&./ 1987)) t $esi%n '( mixes ! r hi%h#a" nstru"ti n) The stan$ar$ meth $ ! &arshall mix $esi%n re3uires the preparati n an$ testin% ! at least 15 spe"imens ! '( mixes) The mixes are prepare$ ,- mixin% $i!!erent am unts ! asphalt "ement #ith an appr *e$ a%%re%ate ,len$) The spe"imens are then teste$ in the &arshall testin% ma"hine an$ the results are represente$ %raphi"all-) Fr m the %raphs7 an optimum ,in$er " ntent is $etermine$ an$ the " rresp n$in% pr perties ! the ptimum mix are "he"0e$ a%ainst spe"i!i"ati ns) 's n te$7 the &arshall meth $ ! mix $esi%n starts #ith a 0n #n parti"le si1e-%ra$ati n ! an a%%re%ate ,len$) 'n$ the t tal sur!a"e area ! an a%%re%ate ,len$ is $ire"tl- relate$ t its parti"le si1e-$istri,uti n) 8n !a"t7 the t tal sur!a"e area "an ,e "al"ulate$ usin% the sie*e anal-sis results ! an a%%re%ate ,len$ (9 ,erts 1991)) The !inishe$ (har$ene$) '( mix $e*el ps its stren%th (" mpressi*e7 tensile7 an$ shear) mainl- !r m the , n$ ,et#een a%%re%ate parti"les an$ the asphalt "ement) There! re7 the

ptimum ,in$er " ntent re3uire$ ! r an '( mix is that #hi"h # ul$ ,e :ust su!!i"ient t " at all sur!a"e areas ! the a%%re%ate parti"les plus an am unt ne"essar- t !ill the * i$s in the a%%re%ate matrix (su"h * i$s are name$ ;* i$s in the mineral a%%re%ate7< =&')) 'n$ , th the sur!a"e area an$ =&' ! an a%%re%ate ,len$ are $epen$ent up n its parti"le si1e $istri,uti n) 8n this resear"h7 a"tual &arshall test results #ere use$ t $e*el p a m $el that # ul$ estimate the ptimum ,in$er " ntent ! r a %i*en a%%re%ate ,len$) ', ut 250 a"tual &arshall test results (!r m the &inistr- ! .u,li" / r0s7 &./) #ere use$ t "ali,rate the pr p se$ m $el) The results are !r m &arshall tests per! rme$ t $esi%n a"tual '( mixes use$ t ,uil$ pa*ements in +u#ait) 6,*i usl-7 all a%%re%ates use$ in su"h tests satis!- the 3ualit-7 $ura,ilit-7 "hemi"al " mp siti n7 an$ ther re3uirements stipulate$ ,- the &./ spe"i!i"ati ns (&./ 1987)) $ac"ground The &arshall meth $ has ,een use$ ! r asphalt-" n"rete ('() mix $esi%n ! r a l n% time) 8t is #i$el- use$ an$ 0n #n ! r its time an$ la, r $eman$) The meth $ is stan$ar$i1e$ ,man- a%en"ies (meth $ (''45T6 199077 '4T& 19917 24 19907 &./ 1987)) The meth $ in* l*es la, rat r- trials n '( mixes #ith $i!!erent *alues ! asphalt "ement " ntent) The stan$ar$ meth $ states that at least 15 '( spe"imens must ,e teste$) The results ,taine$ !r m measurin% $i!!erent pr perties ! su"h spe"imens are use$ t i$enti!- an ptimum *alue ! r asphalt "ement (,in$er) " ntent) O*jecti!es The *erall ,:e"ti*e ! the stu$- #as t $e*el p a mathemati"al m $el that "an ,e use$ t pre$i"t the ptimum am unt ! asphalt "ement re3uire$ ! r an asphalt " n"rete mix %i*en the parti"le si1e-%ra$ati n ! its a%%re%ate ,len$) & re spe"i!i"all- the ,:e"ti*es ! the stu$- #ere t : 1) Test the e!!e"t ! si1e-%ra$ati n ! a%%re%ate ,len$s n the ptimum ,in$er " ntent in a mix $esi%n) 2) (ali,rate7 e*aluate7 an$ *ali$ate a mathemati"al m $el ! r the pre$i"ti n ! ptimum ,in$er " ntent in a mix $esi%n7 ,ase$ n parti"le si1e-%ra$ati n) >) Test the e!!e"t ! asphalt-" n"rete mix t-pe n the $e*el pe$ m $el) TH+ MAR%HA,, M+THO( O- M&. (+%&/' The &arshall meth $ is a #i$el- use$ la, rat r- pr "e$ure ! r the $eterminati n ! the ptimum am unt ! asphalt "ement (terme$ ptimum ,in$er " ntent7 62() re3uire$ t ,e mixe$ #ith a %i*en a%%re%ate ,len$ t pr $u"e an asphalt-" n"rete mix ! #hi"h pr perties " n! rm t "ertain spe"i!i"ati ns re%ar$in% su"h *alues as sta,ilit-7 !l #7 air * i$s7 =&'7 an$ $ensit-) The pr "e$ure is $es"ri,e$ in $etails ,- the 'sphalt 8nstitute?s &anual 4eries @ ) 2 ('8 1984)) The meth $ is time an$ e!! rt " nsumin% an$ re3uires s0ille$ la, r ! r spe"imen preparati n7 testin%7 an$ anal-sis ! results) Asuall-7 15 spe"imens are prepare$ an$ teste$ t $e*el p relati nships ! the a! rementi ne$ !i*e &arshall parameters #ith the am unt ! a$$e$ ,in$er) 'n example sh #in% su"h relati nships is sh #n in Fi%ure 1) Fr m these

relati nships7 the 62( is $etermine$ as ,ein% the a*era%e ! the asphalt "ement " ntent *alues " rresp n$in% t maximum $ensit-7 maximum sta,ilit-7 an$ %i*en air * i$s) 9esults ! &arshall mixes #ere ,taine$ !r m the &inistr- ! .u,li" / r0s) These results represent the asphalt-" n"rete mixes use$ in +u#ait (as $es"ri,e$ in the ! ll #in% se"ti n) an$ are use$ ! r the anal-sis $es"ri,e$ in this paper) A%0HA,T-CO'CR+T+ M&.+% )%+( &' 1)2A&T 9 a$s in +u#ait are "lassi!ie$ ,- +u#ait &uni"ipalit- int ! ur main "ate% ries: 4pe"ial 9 a$ @et# r0 (49@)7 .rimar- 9 a$ @et# r0 (.9@)7 4e" n$ar- 9 a$s (49)7 an$ B "al 9 a$s (B9) (&./ 1987)) The &inistr- ! .u,li" / r0s (&./) !urther "lassi!ie$ the r a$s in +u#ait int su,-"ate% ries a"" r$in% t spe"i!i" !un"ti ns (in$ustrialCresi$ential7 $i*i$e$Cun$i*i$e$)) These su,-"ate% ries are sh #n in Ta,le 1) The materials use$ ! r $i!!erent la-ers (T-pe 87 T-pe 887 T-pe 8887 an$ .&4) are a"" r$in% t &./ stan$ar$s (&./ 1987) that spe"i!- their re3uire$ pr perties (su"h as a%%re%ate %ra$ati n7 %ra$e ! asphalt "ement7 &arshall *alues7 et")) Fi%ure 2 sh #s a t-pi"al pa*ement se"ti n use$ in +u#ait) The su,%ra$e material is sele"te$ t meet "ertain stan$ar$s " n"ernin% $ensit- an$ stren%th ((29)) T-pi"al thi"0ness ! $i!!erent la-ers are sh #n in Ta,le 17 ,ase$ n the "lass ! the r a$ ! r #hi"h the pa*ement is " nstru"te$) 4tru"tural (thi"0ness) $esi%n is per! rme$ usin% the +u#ait Desi%n &anual (&./ 1987)) +--+CT O- 0ART&C,+ %&3+ /RA(AT&O' O' O0T&M)M $&'(+R CO'T+'T The ,:e"ti*es ! the &arshall meth $ ! mix $esi%n is t $etermine (am n% ther parameters) the ptimum am unt ! asphalt "ement t ,e a$$e$ t an a%%re%ate ,len$) The ,:e"ti*e ! asphalt "ement in asphalt-" n"rete mixes is t ,in$ (%lue) the a%%re%ate parti"les t %ether) There! re7 the e!!e"ti*e ,in$er " ntent is the p rti n that " ats the parti"le sur!a"es) 'n$ sin"e smaller parti"les ha*e %reater spe"i!i" sur!a"e area (sur!a"e area per unit #ei%ht ! a%%re%ate ,len$)7 !iner a%%re%ate ,len$s re3uire m re ,itumen " ntents) There! re7 the ptimum ,in$er " ntent ! ,len$ 1 in Fi%ure > # ul$ ,e %reater than that ! ,len$ 2) F r a %i*en mass ! ne-si1e spheri"al parti"les7 all ha*in% a $iameter $7 the t tal sur!a"e area "an ,e $etermine$ usin% the ! ll #in% e3uati n:
's = 6& E s # 1 $


#here7 's F t tal sur!a"e area ! all parti"lesG & F t tal mass ! parti"lesG Es F spe"i!i" %ra*it- ! parti"lesG # F $ensit- ! #aterG $ F $iameter ! parti"les) E3uati n 1 sh #s that the t tal sur!a"e area ! a %i*en mass ! parti"les is in*erselpr p rti nal t the parti"le si1e) F r example7 assumin% the ! ll #in% *alues: E s F 2)67 an$ # F 1000 0%Cm>7

a 1-0% sample ! 10-mm parti"les has a t tal sur!a"e area ! 0)2 m 27 #hereas a 1-0% sample ! 74-m parti"les has a t tal sur!a"e area ! >0 m2) Asin% this prin"iple7 a%%re%ate parti"le-si1e %ra$ati ns "an ,e use$ t "al"ulate the t tal sur!a"e area per unit mass ! an a%%re%ate ,len$) Ta,le 27 ! r example7 is use$ t "al"ulate the t tal sur!a"e area ! an a%%re%ate ,len$ ,- multipl-in% the !a"t r ,- the "umulati*e per"enta%e passin% ! r ea"h sie*e si1e an$ t talin% ! r all sie*e si1es) The units ! su"h "al"ulati ns # ul$ ,e s3uare meters per 0il %ram) The !a"t rs in Ta,le 2 sh # that smaller parti"les ha*e su,stantiall- m re " ntri,uti n t the t tal sur!a"e area ! an a%%re%ate ,len$ than " arser parti"les) ( nse3uentl-7 the- ha*e m re e!!e"t n the ptimum ,in$er " ntent re3uire$ ! r an asphalt " n"rete mix (re!er t Fi%ure >)) Ta,le 2 sh #s that there is a relati nship ,et#een parti"le si1e %ra$ati n ! an a%%re%ate ,len$ an$ the ptimum ,in$er " ntent re3uire$ t ma0e an ptimum asphalt-" n"rete mix) This relati nship is ,:e"ti*el- $etermine$ in the ! ll #in% se"ti n) MO(+, (+4+,O0M+'T The relati nship ,et#een a%%re%ate %ra$ati n an$ their ass "iate$ ptimum ,in$er " ntent (62() #as teste$ usin% the &arshall mix $esi%n parameters ! a, ut 250 spe"imens) Therepresent $i!!erent asphalt-" n"rete mixes use$ in +u#ait7 as $es"ri,e$ pre*i usl- in this paper) The %ra$ati n-62( relati nship is "ali,rate$ usin% multi*ariate linear re%ressi n anal-sis #ith 62( as the $epen$ent *aria,le an$ the "umulati*e per"ent passin% ea"h sie*e si1e as the in$epen$ent *aria,les) The m $el has the ! rm
62( = a +

i= 1



#here7 62( a ai .i n

F ptimum ,in$er " ntentG F re%ressi n " nstants (Ta,le >)G F re%ressi n " e!!i"ients (Ta,le >)G F "umulati*e per"ent passin% sie*e iG F num,er ! sie*es in the %ra$ati n ta,le)

The m $el ! E3uati n 2 #as "ali,rate$ ! r ea"h mix usin% the a*aila,le $ata ! $i!!erent mix $esi%ns ! r the !i*e asphalt-" n"rete mix t-pes use$ in +u#aitG namel-7 T-pe 87 T-pe 887 T-pe 8887 T-pe 8=7 an$ .&4) The re%ressi n anal-sis results are sh #n in Ta,le >) ' " m,ine$ m $el ! r mix t-pes 87 887 8887 an$ 8= #as als "ali,rate$ as sh #n in the same ta,le) The 92 *alues in Ta,le > sh # that there is a str n% relati nship ,et#een the a%%re%ate %ra$ati n an$ the re3uire$ ,in$er " ntent t ma0e an ptimum asphalt-" n"rete &arshall mix) This #as expe"te$ sin"e the am unt ! ,in$er $epen$s n the t tal sur!a"e area ! the a%%re%ate parti"les #hi"h has a relati nship #ith its si1e %ra$ati n as sh #n in Ta,le 2) The m $els ! Ta,le > "an ,e use$ t estimate the re3uire$ ptimum ,in$er " ntent ,multipl-in% the "umulati*e per"ent passin% ea"h sie*e si1e ,- the " rresp n$in% " e!!i"ient an$ t talin% ! r all sie*es plus the " nstant)

MO(+, +4A,)AT&O' A'( 4A,&(AT&O' The m $els ! Ta,le > #ere e*aluate$ usin% the a*aila,le &arshall mix results ! r the teste$ mix t-pes) E3uati n 2 #as applie$ n ea"h a%%re%ate ,len$ t pre$i"t the ptimum ,in$er " ntent (62()) Ea"h pre$i"te$ 62( *alue #as pl tte$ a%ainst its " rresp n$in% ,ser*e$ 62() The " rrelati ns ! pre$i"te$ an$ ,ser*e$ 62( are sh #n %raphi"all- in Fi%ures 4 t 9) 92-*alues n the %raphs ! Fi%ures 4 t 9 represent the % $ness ! !it ! the e3ualit- line (45-line) #ith respe"t t the pl tte$ p ints) '$$iti nal &arshall mix results #ere ,taine$ !r m a $i!!erent a%en"- (&ilitar- En%ineerin% .r :e"ts7 &inistr- ! De!ense)) These results represent mixes ! T-pes 87 887 8887 an$ 8=) There! re7 the- #ere use$ t *ali$ate the " m,ine$ m $el ! Ta,le >) The results ! appl-in% the $e*el pe$ m $el t su"h mixes are sh #n in Fi%ure 107 #hi"h in$i"ate$ that the $e*el pe$ m $el #as su""ess!ul in pre$i"tin% the a"tual 62( *alues #ith an *erall 9 2-*alue ! 0)7>) CO'C,)%&O'% This paper presents the results ! a stu$- attemptin% t $etermine the relati nship ,et#een the parti"le si1e-%ra$ati n an$ the ptimum ,in$er " ntent (62() in a &arshall asphalt-" n"rete mix) The anal-sis #as ,ase$ n &arshall results ! m re than 250 mixes7 all ! #hi"h " n! rm t the &inistr- ! .u,li" / r0s? spe"i!i"ati ns) &ulti*ariate linear re%ressi n anal-sis #as use$ t "ali,rate the m $el sh #n in E3uati n 2) The anal-sis ! results sh #e$ a hi%h " rrelati n ,et#een the 62( an$ the parti"le si1e $istri,uti n) The "umulati*e per"ent passin% *alues #ere use$ t $es"ri,e the parti"le si1e $istri,uti n) ' separate m $el #as "ali,rate$ ! r ea"h ! the asphalt-" n"rete mixes: T-pe 87 T-pe 887 T-pe 8887 T-pe 8= an$ .&4) ' " m,ine$ (a%%re%ate$) m $el #as $e*el pe$ ! r mix t-pes 87 887 888 an$ 8= $ue t the similarit- ! sie*e si1es use$ t $es"ri,e their a%%re%ate,len$s? si1e %ra$ati ns) The $e*el pe$ m $els ! Ta,le > #ere e*aluate$ usin% the same $ata !r m #hi"h the- #ere $e*el pe$ an$ the "al"ulate$ (pre$i"te$) 62( sh #e$ hi%h " rrelati ns #ith a"tual ( ,ser*e$) 62( ! r all m $els) '$$iti nal $ata #ere use$ t *ali$ate the a%%re%ate$ m $el ! r mix t-pes 87 887 8887 an$ 8=) This resulte$ in a " rrelati n ,et#een the pre$i"te$ an$ ,ser*e$ 62( #ith an 92 ! 0)7>) The $e*el pe$ m $els "an ,e use$ t estimate the re3uire$ 62( ! r a %i*en a%%re%ate ,len$) Asin% this "al"ulate$ 62(7 three i$enti"al spe"imens ! a &arshall mix ma- ,e prepare$7 teste$7 an$ "he"0e$ ! r " mplian"e t spe"i!i"ati ns ! r air * i$s7 sta,ilit-7 $ensit-7 !l #7 an$ =&') This results in ma: r time an$ e!! rt sa*in%s ! la, rat r- # r0) '$$iti nal results ! ther mixes are nee$e$ t !urther *ali$ate the use ! the $e*el pe$ m $els) This "an ,e a"" mplishe$ ,- "al"ulatin% 62( *alues usin% the m $els ! Ta,le >7 an$ " mparin% the results #ith the a"tual 62( *alues ,taine$ ,- " n$u"tin% a " n*enti nal &arshall test) 4imilar anal-sis "an ,e per! rme$ n an- asphalt-" n"rete mix $esi%n results (su"h as th se ! 4uperpa*e mixes)G ,ut this remains t ,e $etermine$) 5 #e*er7 hi%h " rrelati ns are al#a-s expe"te$ ,e"ause ! the hi%h $epen$en"- ! 62( n the parti"le si1e $istri,uti n !

the use$ a%%re%ate ,len$7 #hi"h is $es"ri,e$ ,- the "umulati*e per"ent passin% ! the sie*e anal-sis results) AC1'O2,+(/+M+'T% The auth rs # ul$ li0e t a"0n #le$%e the supp rt ! the 9esear"h '$ministrati n ! +u#ait Ani*ersit- thr u%h .r :e"t @ ) E=-091) The auth rs # ul$ als li0e t a"0n #le$%e the assistan"e ! &r) & h$ 9a,i & rell- ((i*il En%ineerin% Department7 +u#ait Ani*ersit-) in " $in% an$ pr "essin% the ra# $ata) Than0s are als $ue t &rs) Tahani 'l-2e$ai#i !r m the E *ernment (enter ! r 9 a$ 9esear"h (&inistr- ! .u,li" / r0s) ! r pr *i$in% the ra# $ata7 an$ t &r) Ema$ 'l-4hatti !r m the &ilitar- En%ineerin% .r :e"ts (&inistr- ! De!ense) ! r pr *i$in% &arshall mix $esi%n $ata use$ ! r m $el *ali$ati n) R+-+R+'C+% American Association of %tate High#ay and Transportation Officials5 6778. 4tan$ar$ 4pe"i!i"ati ns ! r Transp rtati n &aterials an$ &eth $s ! 4amplin% an$ Testin%7 .art 2: Tests7 15th E$iti n7 /ashin%t n7 D)()7 A4') Asphalt &nstitute5679:) &ix Desi%n &eth $s ! r 'sphalt ( n"rete an$ 6ther 5 t &ix T-pes7 &anual 4eries @ ) 2 (&4-2)7 ( lle%e .ar07 +entu"0-7 A4') American %ociety for Testing and Materials56776) 'nnual 2 0 ! '4T& 4tan$ar$s7 4e"ti n 47 = lume 4)0>7 .hila$elphia7 .'7 A4') Technical &ndexes ,imited5 6778. &eth $ ! Test ! r the Determinati n ! the ( mp siti n ! Desi%n /earin% ( urse ! 9 lle$ 'sphalt7 2ritish 4tan$ar$s &i"r !ile7 24 598: .art 1077 2er0shire7 En%lan$) Ministry of 0u*lic 2or"s5 679; Eeneral 4pe"i!i"ati ns ! r +u#ait & t r#a-CExpress#a4-stem7 9 a$s '$ministrati n7 +u#ait) Ro*erts5 -.,.5 0.%. 1andhal5 +.R. $ro#n5 (.<. ,ee5 and T.2. 1ennedy56776 5 t &ix 'sphalt &aterials7 &ixture Desi%n7 an$ ( nstru"ti n7 @'.' E$u"ati n F un$ati n7 Banham7 &ar-lan$7 A4') 1u#ait Municipality5 Ministry of &nterior5 and Ministry of 0u*lic 2or"s5 6799. Tra!!i" 4i%ns &anual H = lume 17 +u#ait) Ministry of 0u*lic 2or"s5679;. +u#ait Desi%n &anual ! r asphalt .a*ements in 'ri$ an$ 5 t (limates7 9 a$s '$ministrati n7 9 a$ 9esear"h (enter7 2n$ e$iti n7 +u#ait)

TA$,+ 6 Typical 0a!ement ,ayer Thic"ness for (ifferent Road Classes in 1u#ait Fun"ti nal (lass 49@ .9@ 1 .9@ 2 49 1 49 2 49 > B9 1 49 4 49 5 B9 2

Ba-er thi"0ness ("m) Des"ripti n Free#a-s 2 r$er 9 a$s Ar,an 'rterials ( mmer"ial Di*i$e$ 9esi$ential H Di*i$e$ 9esi$ential An$i*i$e$ 9esi$ential Dri*e#a-s 8n$ustrial H Di*i$e$ 8n$ustrial H An$i*i$e$ 8n$ustrial Dri*e#a-s T-pe 8 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 10 10 8 T-pe 88 8 6 6 6 0 0 0 6 4 4 T-pe 888 0 0 0 0 4 5 4 0 0 0 .&4a 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Desi%n E4'B 1 x 109 6 x 108 6 x 108 6 x 108 > x 108 > x 108 1 x 108 6 x 108 > x 108 1 x 108

.&4: .lant &ix 4eal: a #earin% " urse ! #hi"h the spe"i!i"ati ns ma- ,e ! un$ in (5))

TA$,+ = -actors for Calculating Total %urface Area of an Aggregate $lend >After Ro*erts 6776? 4ie*e 4i1e (mm) &aximum sie*e si1e 4)75 (I4) 2)>6 (I8) 1)18 (I16) 0)600 (I>0) 0)>00 (I50) 0)150 (I100) 0)075 (I200) 4ur!a"e 'rea Fa"t r 0)41 0)41 0)82 1)64 2)87 6)14 12)29 >2)77

TA$,+ @ ,inear Regression Coefficients for +Auation = ( m,ine$ ! r T-pes 87 887 888 J 8= -5)8 E-02 87)26 E-02 50)41 E-02 >)779 E-02 ->)2 E-02 4)584 E-02 -1)> E-02 -0)88 E-02 2)8>4 E-02 -2)4 E-02 1)008 E-02 9)599 E-02 0)912 2)0 (>)5 H 5)5)

4ie*e 4i1e ( nstant 1K 1 L K

> 8

T-pe 8 -6)810 7)49> E-02 2)514 E-02

T-pe 88 4)115 -

T-pe 888 45)869 -41)2 E-02 -9)800 E-02 10)8 E-02 >)9 E-02 -8)> E-02 5)714 E-02 -10)6 E-02 14)8 E-02 -17)9 E-02 1>)1 E-02 0)87> 0)7 (4)> H 5)0)

T-pe 8= 7)566 -1)4 E-02 -1)2 E-0> -6)4 E-0> 6)26 E-04 -1)2 E-02 -2)5 E-02 1)000 0)1 (5)4 H 5)5)

.&4 -0)8>6 5)>71 E-02 2)717 E-02 >5)1 E-02 -95)7 E-02 0)997 1)0 (5)0 H 6)0)

0)0659 E-02 ->)400 E-02 2)>49 E-02 -4)9 E-02 1)66 E-02 11)> E-02 -5)5 E-02 ->)0 E-02 -6)7 E-02 -11)4 E-02 28)8 E-02 0)9>9 2)>67 E-02 -0)670 E-02 >)097 E-02 -0)9> E-02 -1)5 E-02 7)245 E-02 -5)2 E-02 1)118 E-02 9)598 E-02 0)745 0)5 (4)0 H 4)5)

@ )4 @ )8 @ ) 16 @ ) >0 @ ) 50 @ ) 100 @ ) 200 92

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-igure 6 T-pi"al &arshall 9esults ('8 1988)

T-pe 888 r .&4

T-pe 88

T-pe 8

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-igure = ' T-pi"al .a*ement 4e"ti n in +u#ait

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-igure @ 4i1e Era$ati n ! T# '%%re%ate 2len$s

-igure : The ( rrelati n ! .re$i"te$ t 6,ser*e$ 62( ! r 'sphalt-( n"rete T-pe 8

-igure B The ( rrelati n ! .re$i"te$ t 6,ser*e$ 62( ! r 'sphalt-( n"rete T-pe 88

-igure C The ( rrelati n ! .re$i"te$ t 6,ser*e$ 62( ! r 'sphalt-( n"rete T-pe 888

-igure ; The ( rrelati n ! .re$i"te$ t 6,ser*e$ 62( ! r 'sphalt-( n"rete T-pe 8=

-igure 9 The ( rrelati n ! .re$i"te$ t 6,ser*e$ 62( ! r 'sphalt-( n"rete T-pe .&4

-igure 7 The ( rrelati n ! .re$i"te$ t 6,ser*e$ 62( ! r ( m,ine$ 'sphalt-( n"rete T-pes 87 887 8887 an$ 8=

-igure 68

9esults ! & $el =ali$ati n ! r ( m,ine$ 'sphalt-( n"rete &ix T-pes 87 887 8887 an$ 8=

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