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*$+ ,-./0/1./2 340.5/1

6%$"+ (4--7 84--/09 (:& ;<==>-5?4.5<-1 (50/?.<0
(&*#+ '<@/=A/0 B9 CDEF
%#+ (:& :</1 G5H ,- I50H5-549 J?<0/1 "4K<0 I5?.<07

1onlghL, 1erry McAullffe became Lhe flrsL vlrglnla governor of Lhe same parLy as Lhe
slLLlng presldenL ln 40 years. Pe dld lL by relenLlessly focuslng on lssues LhaL maLLer ln
Lhe day-Lo-day llves of mlddle-class famllles - [obs, educaLlon, lnfrasLrucLure, and
lnnovaLlon. And he dld lL wlLh unprecedenLed uCA supporL.

1he uCA Lhrew our full operaLlonal sLrengLh-flnanclal, pollLlcal, and communlcaLlons-
behlnd McAullffe. uesplLe early pundlLry LhaL clalmed McAullffe's percelved
vulnerablllLles as a candldaLe would make Lhe race dlfflculL for uemocraLs Lo wln, and an
off-year elecLoraLe LhaL LradlLlonally skews older, whlLer, more conservaLlve, and more
8epubllcan, Lhe uCA wenL all ln and won.

Pere's whaL happened and why lL maLLers:

l. (:& J>LL<0. M41 ;05.5?4N *< "?&>N5OO/P1 I5?.<07

1he uCA conLrlbuLed a LoLal of $6.3 mllllon Lo Lhe McAullffe campalgn over Lhe lasL
year, an unprecedenLed lnvesLmenL for Lhe organlzaLlon ln vlrglnla. 8oughly $6 mllllon
of LhaL sum was Lransferred dlrecLly Lo Lhe campalgn, a sLraLeglc declslon LhaL CLl1lCC
reporLed was Lhe mosL lmporLanL" of all Lhose made by Lhe exLraordlnarlly coordlnaLed
uemocraLlc efforL Lo wln Lhe race.

Cf LhaL $6 mllllon, roughly $2 mllllon was spenL early Lo supporL Lhe rapldly-expandlng
lnfrasLrucLure of Lhe campalgn, lendlng a cruclal llfellne Lo Lhe McAullffe campalgn
earller Lhls year when Lhelr cash flow wasn'L as hoL," accordlng Lo Cnn.

SLarLlng lasL summer, before McAullffe had even announced he'd be a candldaLe, Lhe
uCA made early lnvesLmenLs ln research, Lracklng, and polllng. We also made slgnlflcanL
lnvesLmenLs ln new Lechnologles LhaL allowed Lhe campalgn Lo reach LargeLed voLers.

1he uCA's wlse lnvesLmenLs sLood ln sLark conLrasL Lo Lhose of Lhe 8epubllcan
Covernors AssoclaLlon. uesplLe laws ln vlrglnla LhaL allow for unllmlLed flnanclal
conLrlbuLlons and compleLe coordlnaLlon beLween Lhe campalgns and ouLslde groups,
Lhe 8CA Lrled Lo run a dlfferenL campalgn Lhan Lhelr own candldaLe - a puzzllng sLraLegy
LhaL made boLh Lhe Cucclnelll campalgn and Lhe 8CA less effecLlve.

Whlle Lhe uCA provlded Lhe resources for Lhe McAullffe campalgn Lo run Lhousands of
Lelevlslon ads, Lhe 8CA ran Lhelr own ads lndependenLly of Lhe campalgn. 1he 8CA's ads
were counLerproducLlve because Lhey focused on McAullffe's lnvesLmenLs ln Chlna - an
lssue LhaL had zero resonance wlLh Lhe elecLoraLe - lnsLead of supporLlng Lhe pald
communlcaLlons efforLs of Lhe Cucclnelll campalgn.

1he declslon Lo run Lhose ads was one Lhe 8CA pald deeply for, accordlng Lo publlc
oplnlon polls. When Lhe 8CA wenL on Lelevlslon ln early !uly, Lhe race was a sLaLlsLlcal
dead heaL. 1he PufflngLon osL ollsLer model showed McAullffe leadlng Cucclnelll 37
percenL Lo 36.3 percenL. 8y Lhe Llme Lhe 8CA wenL off Lhe alr ln early SepLember,
McAullffe had sLarLed Lo break away wlLh a flve-polnL lead.

[Source: PufflngLon osL, 11/4/13]

Slmply puL, every uCA dollar was subsLanLlally more lmpacLful Lhan every 8CA dollar
and Lhe resulLs of Lhe elecLlon reflecL LhaL reallLy. 8uL Lhls should come as no surprlse. ln
Lhe Lhree years slnce 8epubllcan governors were elecLed rldlng Lhe 1ea arLy wave of
2010, Lhe 8CA has proven LhaL Lhey're [usL noL very good aL wlnnlng compeLlLlve

ll. *Q/ %:&P1 (<5-H ,. M0<-H

uesplLe Lhe 8CA's slgnlflcanL flnanclal advanLage, Lhe uCA conLlnues Lo defeaL Lhe 8CA
when Lhe Lwo organlzaLlons go head-Lo-head. 1haL's because Lhe 8CA, unllke Lhe uCA,
does noL spend Lhelr resources wlsely.

1ake new !ersey. 8aLher Lhan provldlng Cucclnelll wlLh addlLlonal resources when he dld
noL have enough money Lo run Lelevlslon ads ln norLhern vlrglnla ln Lhe flnal monLh of
Lhe campalgn, Lhey wasLefully dumped more Lhan $1.7 mllllon lnLo an uncompeLlLlve
new !ersey race. 1hose funds could have been used Lo close Lhe gap ln vlrglnla. lor
reasons passlng undersLandlng, Lhe 8CA declded agalnsL Lhe loglcal approach.

1hls ls parL of a clear paLLern. Slnce 2010, Lhe uCA has won elghL of Lhe nlne elecLlons ln
whlch boLh organlzaLlons have compeLed. ln nearly all of Lhose races, Lhe 8CA has elLher
maLched or spenL more Lhan Lhe uCA. 8uL we spend our dollars more effecLlvely.

Pere's a breakdown of Lhe spendlng ln Lhe elghL races uemocraLs won:

;<=L404.5@/ CDEF JL/-25-H
J.4./ (:& %:&
vlrglnla $6.3M $8M

;<=L404.5@/ CDEC JL/-25-H
J.4./ (:& %:&
new Pampshlre $7.9M $7.8M
MonLana $3M $4.8M
Mlssourl $1.9M $2.4M
WashlngLon $3.3M $11.4M
WesL vlrglnla $3M $2M

;<=L404.5@/ CDEE JL/-25-H
J.4./ (:& %:&
kenLucky $300k $3.6M
WesL vlrglnla $1.8M $3.2M

ln Lhls conLexL, Lhe elecLlons of 2013 lllusLraLe Lhe clear dlfference beLween Lhe uCA
and 8CA: when we play Lo wln, we're successful.

,,,R MQ4. ,. "/4-1 6<0 :<@/0-<0P1 %4?/1 5- CDES

vlrglnla has LradlLlonally been LreaLed as Lhe bellweLher sLaLe of Lhe naLlon, and for
good reason. 1he CommonwealLh ls demographlcally slmllar Lo many of Lhe key 2014
baLLlegrounds and Lhe 2012 elecLlon resulLs ln vlrglnla were nearly ldenLlcal Lo Lhe
naLlonal resulLs.

!"#! %&'()*+,
$G&"& %$"'#T
I,%:,',& 31.2 47.3
)RJR 31.1 47.2

1hroughouL Lhe campalgn ln vlrglnla, uemocraLs have communlcaLed LhaL ken Cucclnelll
has spenL hls enLlre publlc career focused on a radlcal soclal agenda LhaL allenaLes
women, lmmlgranLs, young people, and gay Amerlcans. And when he dld pay
llp servlce Lo [obs, he proposed an economlc scheme LhaL rewarded Lhe wealLhlesL and
blg corporaLlons aL Lhe expense of Lhe mlddle class and crlLlcal lnvesLmenLs ln
educaLlon. 1haL agenda ls preclsely whaL 8epubllcan governors have been lmplemenLlng
across Lhe counLry over Lhe lasL Lhree years.

1haL should be a cause of subsLanLlal concern for 8epubllcans headed lnLo Lhe 2014
elecLlon, parLlcularly glven LhaL many of Lhose governors pursulng Lhose pollcles were
elecLed ln sLaLes LhaL - llke vlrglnla - resldenL Cbama won Lwlce, lncludlng llorlda,
Chlo, Mlchlgan, ennsylvanla, Malne, and Wlsconsln. Cf equal or greaLer concern for
8epubllcans ls LhaL Lhe vlrglnla elecLlon provldes slgnlflcanL evldence LhaL uemocraLs
don'L need resldenL Cbama aL Lhe Lop of Lhe LlckeL Lo drlve up LurnouL and wln ln
baLLleground sLaLes.

llnally, accordlng Lo a WashlngLon osL poll ln laLe CcLober, Lwo-Lhlrds of vlrglnlans
hold a negaLlve vlew of Lhe 8epubllcan arLy whlle supporL for Lhe 1ea arLy has
craLered, reflecLlng naLlonal Lrends. Cnce and for all, Lhe vlrglnla elecLlon proves LhaL
voLers are re[ecLlng Lhe 8epubllcan brand from Lop Lo boLLom and are noL separaLlng
Lhe arLy's gubernaLorlal candldaLes from Lhelr members of Congress.

G<..<= U5-/

uesplLe convenLlonal wlsdom Loday, 8epubllcans had a slgnlflcanL advanLage headed
lnLo Lhe 2013 vlrglnla gubernaLorlal elecLlon. 8uL because of a smarL, sLraLeglc
uemocraLlc campalgn relenLlessly focused on Lhe lssues LhaL maLLer ln Lhe day-Lo-day
llves of mlddle-class famllles, 1erry McAullffe was elecLed Lhe nexL governor of vlrglnla.

1he resulL proves, once agaln, LhaL Lhe uCA ls more effecLlve aL wlnnlng compeLlLlve
elecLlons Lhan Lhe 8CA desplLe a slgnlflcanL flnanclal dlsadvanLage. lL also proves LhaL
Lhe naLlonal 8epubllcan agenda LhaL was personlfled by ken Cucclnelll and LhaL ls belng
lmplemenLed by 8epubllcan governors ls an elecLoral loser ln baLLleground sLaLes.

1hese reallLles seL Lhe sLage for uemocraLlc gubernaLorlal vlcLorles across Lhe counLry ln


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