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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) e-ISSN: 2250-3021, p-ISSN: 2278-8719 Vol. 3, Issue 10 (October.

2013), ||V5|| PP 07-13

Detection of Hooking By Using Energy Harvesting Powered Sensors

Fayaz A. Mir, Mohd Rafi, Sajad A. Bhat, Er. Manzoor
(Student member: American Physical Society) (Student, Department Of Electronics And Communications Engineering SSM College Of Engineering And Technology, University of Kashmir, India, 3 (Department Of Computer Sciences, North Campus, University Of Kashmir, India, 4 (Head of Electronics and Communications Engineering Department, SSM College Of Engineering, Kashmir,
1, 2, 1

Abstract: - The main purpose of this paper is to devise a technique through which we can detect the illegal hooking in the power distribution lines by using energy harvesting powered sensors. Stray electric field energy harvesters and electromagnetic energy harvesters are discussed in detail along with their typical power requirements. Keywords: - energy harvesting, energy scavenging, stray electric field, wireless sensor networks,



An electric power system can never be 100% secure from theft. In many systems the amount of theft is small (12%) in terms of the electricity generated. But , the financial loss is high due to the large amount of electricity distributed.Some power systems may forfeit more than 15% of power generated to various types of theft[1]. But here we are going to discuss only one type of theft that is, hooking- rigging the line by bypassing the meter. Menace of hooking is difficult to control in the areas that are congested as anybody can bypass the meter and draw unaccounted amount of energy from the distribution lines at will. This type of theft is a global phenomenon but the main motivation to carry this research was to find the solution to hooking in state of Jammu and Kashmir, India where during cold winters people illegally steal a large chunk of electricity , leading to huge power cuts and outages. Throughout this paper we will try to answer the question how we can detect the hooking without much human interference. As shown in figure [1] below Red lines show an illegal hook and blue lines show legal connections to a meter. Thus in a bare distribution line it is very easy to bypass the meter and draw energy illegally at will.

Now the solution to the above problem is to retrofit the distribution line so that different sensors are attached that can measure current passing through them and compare the difference with all the nearest sensors in the direction of current flow. the comparison is made after every duty cycle typically chosen as 10-15 minutes depending on the need and energy saving requirements. If the difference is zero or within predefined tolerable limits, The system will work as normal but if the difference is out of tolerable limits( which will be the case because power is stolen only for high loads) an alarm is sent to the utility regarding the same. Thus illegal hooking can be detected.


Detection Of Hooking By Using Energy Harvesting Powered Sensors

FIGURE [2] HOW SENSORS MEASURE THE DIFFERENCE The sensors are to be so programmed that there is one -to-one communicate with all the nearest sensors in the direction of flow of current and to each nearest sensor they send their value of measured current. The sensors then compare the received value and their own measured value, if the difference is within the tolerable limits, network works normally but if any unwanted changes are observed in the current measurement. The sensor sends an alarm signal to the substation.



The development of WSNs is motivated by the need to coordinate a large number of sensors into a higher-level sensing task (e.g., reporting with greater accuracy and more information than possible with a single sensor). Research on WSNs was originally driven by military applications. However, the availability of low-cost sensors and communication networks has resulted in the development of many other potential applications, such as infrastructure security [2], environment and habitat monitoring [3] and industrial sensing. Because of potentially harsh, uncertain, and dynamic environments, along with energy and bandwidth constraints, WSNs pose many technical challenges [4]. Even though WSNs are different for different applications, they share several common features and requirements, as summarized in Table 1. Much research has been conducted to develop schemes that fulfill the requirements as listed in Table 1. The technologies generally originate from three different research areas: sensor node hardware; networking and communications; networked information processing.



4.1 Energy Scavenging Technologies The implementation of a distributed sensor network for power grid monitoring should require the minimum of maintenance from the utility because it would be impossible or impractical to frequently replace batteries especially in a high-voltage area. Therefore, exploring practical and useful energy scavenging technologies is critical in electric power utility applications for powering distributed sensor devices. The existing energy scavenging technologies can be categorized depending on the energy sources utilized: solar energy, mechanical/kinetic energy, thermal energy, and electromagnetic energy, as summarized in Table[1]


Detection Of Hooking By Using Energy Harvesting Powered Sensors


Table [1] The power requirement of most of the wireless sensors available in the market is of the order of a few milIiwatts during transmit/receive operation and a few microwatts during sleep mode. The power required for communications varies depending on the distance of communication and the noise present in the environment, and is governed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules [16] Typical power requirements of the targeted utility sensors are on the order of 10s of mW during sensing, 100s of mW during transmission of sensed data, and 100s of W during sleep mode. These sensors are operated with a very low duty cycle, typically once every 15-30 min and therefore, their average power requirement is very low. Nonetheless, a typical sensor requiring 25 mA active mode current for 1 sec, 100 A sleep mode current for 10 min and a 3.7 V, 1200 mAh battery would last for not more than a year. Therefore, relying on batteries for powering these sensors is clearly not a feasible solution for implementing a distributed sensor network on the power grid. Battery dependence of the utility sensors can be removed by harvesting energy from the ambient sources. Two major sources of energy for powering utility sensors are electric and H-fields which are present in abundance near most of the utility assets. Technological advances in the electronics industry during the last decade have made it possible to reduce many electronic devices size as well as the power required for them to operate. This power reduction has created an interest in developing new methods of scavenging ambient energy sources, i.e. mechanical energy and/or thermal energy, and converting it into electric energy [17] [18] [19]. However, as indicated in Table [1], these energy sources do not appear to provide sufficient energy for the sensor devices in power system applications with reasonable scale of device size. We have discussed here few energy harvesting techniques. 1.2 Powering By Stray Electric Field


Detection Of Hooking By Using Energy Harvesting Powered Sensors

Figure[3] Circuit diagram for wireless node and receiver module

Figure [4] Generic architecture of energy harvesting power supply Generally, the energy that can be collected by energy harvesting is very small. Therefore, energy for wireless sensor operation must be collected until the stored energy is enough to drive the wireless sensor node and used at once. For this operation, an autonomous connection circuit (ACC) is required which can autonomously connect the sensor node when the harvested energy is high enough to operate the sensor node, and autonomously disconnect the sensor node for the next harvesting stage [20]. Fig. [3] shows the circuit diagram for wireless node and receiver module. Because Q2 is off at first, energy is stored in C1 by the stray electric field energy harvester. When the charged voltage exceeds the breakdown voltage of Zener diode (D1), Q1 is turned on to make the current flow. As a result, voltage is applied to Q2 gate and Q2 is turned on. At this moment, previously disconnected ground path of the circuit is connected, which makes the storage capacitor to discharge and the following circuit to perform wireless data transmission. When voltage of the storage capacitor drops below say 5.9 V due to the power consumption, low battery out(LBout) terminal of voltage regulator is grounded, then Q1 and Q2 are turned off automatically, and storage capacitor is again charged. This prevents unnecessary discharge of the storage capacitor to 0 V.[21] 4.3. Energy Harvesting By From H-Fields With the use of an x-shaped open core (XFC) depicted in Fig. [5], it is possible to harvest hundreds of mWs from the H- field when sufficient current is flowing in the utility asset (90 mW at 800A conductor current). However, in the case of electric field energy harvesting, the size of the harvester needs to be increased significantly to harvest similar amount of power, 95 mW for a 225 cm2 plate capacitor [22]. Therefore, the energy density attained from H-field is considerably high as compared to electric field. In addition, due to high voltages involved with electric field energy harvesting the feasibility of implementation decreases and cost increases. In essence, H field emerges as the clear winner over electric field for harvesting energy. Thickness = 18mm, Winding Turns = 300

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Detection Of Hooking By Using Energy Harvesting Powered Sensors

a) Magnetic field EH b) XFC stuck-on to a utility conductor Figure [5]: Magnetic field energy harvester (EH) [POWERING LOW COST]; source [23] Nevertheless, due to the small size and open core configuration of a Stick-on utility sensor, it faces a major challenge related to self powering. It has been observed that as the primary current magnitude reduces or as the distance of the XFC from the conductor increases, the maximum energy harvested by the XFC goes down exponentially. For instance, when the XFC is kept at a distance of 9 inches from the conductor it can harvest no more than 5 mW even in the presence of 900A of conductor current. Therefore, it becomes critical to efficiently convert the available magnetic field energy to electrical energy at these operating conditions. Furthermore, the power circuit has to be designed in a way that ensures low power consumption, low component count, minimal active circuitry, and effective use of sleep modes.[23] 4.4. Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting The main objective of this is to design an electromagnetic harvesting device that will draw energy from available electromagnetic field around current carrying conductors at electrical nodes to generate power for energy management sensors. The size of this harvesting device is also a key objective as the device should fit into boxes at the electrical nodes without affecting the form factor of the boxes. To achieve these goals, it is very important to estimate the electromagnetic energy around typical current conductors in the built environment. With estimates of magnetic fields available, further estimates of equivalent voltage to be induced can be successfully done in relation to the size of the energy harvesting device core.[24]



Implementation of a PLSN across the power grid can have a significant beneficial impact for the utility industry. Most of utility assets are aging and do not have any online monitoring. Coupled with the inability to control power flows on the network and the inability to store electricity, the power grid is congested, poorly utilized and has significant reliability problems. Uncertainties in T&D investment recovery delays the high cost of new lines and a regulated utility industry have exacerbated the problems. The most significant issues of the existing system are asset utilization, reliability, theft detection, security and continued operation under contingency conditions. Improved real-time situational awareness of the power grid will allow improvement of grid operations against all the metrics listed above, resulting in higher reliability and lower cost of electricity. Accurate real-time information on dynamic capacity of lines will allow safe operation at higher capacity, thereby reducing brownouts and transmission loading relief calls. Information on the location and timing of incipient hooking, will allow corrective action in a timely manner. Implementation of the proposed PLSN would address all these issues.[24]



in order to power other low powered devices that are not necessarily located at the electrical nodes, access to current carrying conductors in the conduits will be a limitation to scavenging magnetic flux density. Another limitation is mounting of harvesting device on current carrying conductors. That is, in order to scavenge for magnetic flux, the current carrying conductor must be mounted through the opening in the harvesting device (unlike other current transformers which can be clipped on to the conductor). In applications where the energy demand of the sensors is less than the quantity generated, energy storage devices (chargeable batteries) have to be incorporated in the installation setup. If the energy scavenged is of an amount lower than the required power, then a back-up chargeable battery must be added to supplement the power requirement. This battery can be recharged with scavenged power during periods in which the energy management sensor is idle.

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Detection Of Hooking By Using Energy Harvesting Powered Sensors VI. ADVANTAGES

This research has the potential to create a much more sustainable distribution networks. Because the energy source is in close proximity to the energy management sensor, generated power can be directly applied to the sensor at its location. The ultimate goal of replacing batteries or supplying power to the hardwired energy management sensors with free perpetual energy can be achieved. This will save money in terms of the cost of batteries and all but eliminate the labor costs associated with battery replacement. Even with the limited amount of energy harvested, rechargeable batteries can be used in place of conventional batteries. Power generated by the energy harvesting device will continuously replenish used up energy from the batteries and thus prolong life of batteries. Furthermore, electricity usage is ultimately maximized since there is additional capture when current is drawn through existing conductors. Thus, the magnetic field located around the current carrying conductors is put to efficient use.



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Detection Of Hooking By Using Energy Harvesting Powered Sensors

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