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Java is a object oriented programming and to understand the functionality of OO P in Java, we first need to understand several fundamentals related

to objects. These include class, method, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphi sm etc. Class - It is the central point of OOP and that contains data and codes with beh avior. In Java everything happens within class and it describes a set of objects with common behavior. The class definition describes all the properties, behavi or, and identity of objects present within that class. As far as types of classe s are concerned, there are predefined classes in languages like C++ and Pascal. But in Java one can define his/her own types with data and code. Object - Objects are the basic unit of object orientation with behavior, identit y. As we mentioned above, these are part of a class but are not the same. An obj ect is expressed by the variable and methods within the objects. Again these var iables and methods are distinguished from each other as instant variables, insta nt methods and class variable and class methods. Methods - We know that a class can define both attributes and behaviors. Again attributes are defined by variables and behaviors are represented by methods. In other words, methods define the abilities of an object. Inheritance - This is the mechanism of organizing and structuring software progr am. Though objects are distinguished from each other by some additional features but there are objects that share certain things common. In object oriented prog ramming classes can inherit some common behavior and state from others. Inherita nce in OOP allows to define a general class and later to organize some other cla sses simply adding some details with the old class definition. This saves work a s the special class inherits all the properties of the old general class and as a programmer you only require the new features. This helps in a better data anal ysis, accurate coding and reduces development time. Abstraction - The process of abstraction in Java is used to hide certain details and only show the essential features of the object. In other words, it deals wi th the outside view of an object (interface). Encapsulation - This is an important programming concept that assists in separat ing an object's state from its behavior. This helps in hiding an object's data d escribing its state from any further modification by external component. In Java there are four different terms used for hiding data constructs and these are pu blic, private, protected and package. As we know an object can associated with d ata with predefined classes and in any application an object can know about the data it needs to know about. So any unnecessary data are not required by an obje ct can be hidden by this process. It can also be termed as information hiding th at prohibits outsiders in seeing the inside of an object in which abstraction is implemented. Polymorphism - It describes the ability of the object in belonging to different types with specific behavior of each type. So by using this, one object can be t reated like another and in this way it can create and define multiple level of i nterface. Here the programmers need not have to know the exact type of object in advance and this is being implemented at runtime.

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