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Miten D Dabhi



Finance, I.T. & Marketing

Assignments in Operations, I.T., Process and (/or) Relationship Management with organisation(s) of repute.

Ease Contact Address

Emai ! miten da!hi"

M"bi e! #$% $&'(&)&)&* /#$% ''+'$,)%)-,

)(./*%, /MRI01, 2rishti 2ector 3 ), Mira Road (4), 5istrict6 Thane. PI76 ,(%%(,. Nea#in$ 9 8ears in the financial sector with aptitude in Process Impro9ement, Operations Management, Team Management and :ualit8 Management. ;ommerce graduate with Master<s degree in ;omputers and Mar=eting. % m"nth& &e'"n(ment in )*+ gaining a profound understanding of Relationship Management > MI2. Proficient and resourceful in managing > leading teams for smooth process operations with e?perience of de9eloping procedures, ser9ice standards for !usiness e?cellence. Admira!le interpersonal, communication and organi@ational s=ills with pro9en a!ilities in I.T., Training > 5e9elopment, Relationship Management and Planning.

Professional Synopsis

Process Improvement:
Mapping sta=eholder reAuirements and coordinating in de9eloping and implementing processes in line with pre+set guidelines. Monitoring the o9erall functioning of processes, identif8ing impro9ement areas and implementing adeAuate measures to ma?imi@e efficienc8. 7um!er crunching and reparing 9arious reports with a 9iew to apprise management of the process and assist in critical decision+ma=ing process.

Operations & Project Management:

ProDect planning, e?ecution and monitoring s=ills with a!ilit8 to support multiple simultaneous proDects. Managing relationships internall8 and e?ternall8 for rendering and achie9ing Aualit8 outputsC ensuring minimum TAT. Assessing the sta=eholder feed!ac=, e9aluating areas of impro9ements, pro9iding critical feed!ac= on impro9ements and achie9ing higher customer satisfaction matrices.

Proficiency Forte

Quality Compliance:
2etting out Aualit8 standards for 9arious operational areas, ensuring a high+Aualit8 customer e?perience, while adhering to the 2BA<s and wor= processes. ;reating awareness for dri9ing the process impro9ement strateg8 > methodolog8C ensuring ma?imum operational efficienc8.

Team Management:
Beading, training > monitoring performance of the team mem!ers for maintaining e?cellence in the ser9ice operations. ;reating and fostering a health8 en9ironment that facilitates high team performance and accomplishments of organi@ational goals. Pe#0"#man' e Ist ;lass Ist ;lass IInd ;lass IInd ;lass IInd ;lass

,ea# '((&

De$#ee-Di. "ma M.E.A. M.;.M. E. ;om H.2.;. 2.2.;.

In&tit/te 7.B. 5almia (Mum!ai Fni9ersit8) IEMR (Pune Fni9ersit8) G.4.2 ;ollege 2t. Irancis 5<Assissi 2.J.P Jid8ala8a

Education Qualification

'((* '((% %$$& %$$-

Additional Qualification

' 8ear Higher 5iploma in 2oftware 4ngineering (H524) form Aptech. * months !asic Ms+Office ;ourse from ;AT ;omputers. O.e#atin$ S1&tem 6 Kindows+ $L ,Kindows 7T, Kindows '((( 2#"nt En( 6 Jisual Easic, Ma9a 3a'4 En(- D3 6 M2+ Access, Oracle+&. I* T* 6 HTMB, 5HTMB, M2P, A2P

Technical Skills

Personal Details

Date "0 3i#th Lan$/a$e&

! !

April %)th %$&%. 4nglish / Hindi / 0uaDarati / Marathi.

Professional Experience (exceeding 7 !rs"

NOM)RA5 In(ia

6A&&i&tant Mana$e# 6

7an807 ti


Net9"#4 :"# Re ati"n&hi.; Mana$ement! (Accounta!ilit8) Beading and running 4M4A<s e?ternal !an=ing relationships for the firm with a team of Anal8sts. 7egotiate fee arrangements and trac= fees paid to the IirmNs securities and cash clearing ser9ice pro9idersC ensure that the Iirm recei9es the highest Aualit8 ser9ice at the most competiti9e price. Perform 5ue 5iligence > RIP<s (ReAuest for Proposal). Attending !an= meetings to discuss ser9ice le9el issues. 4sta!lish clearance and custod8 arrangements and ser9ice le9el agreements to support the IirmNs glo!al !usiness needs. Fphold documentation associated with mar=et profiles and !an= ser9ices. Act as a central point of escalation for the firm to resol9e issues with custodian !an=s. 4nsure all ser9ices and accounts are documented in accordance with regulator8 and ta? reAuirements. Handle all facets of !an= account administration including dialogue with funding, operations, accounting, ta?, regulator8 groups and others depending on the nature of the !usiness.


> circulate monthl8, wee=l8 and Auarterl8 MI2 and Reconciliation reports to sta=eholders and !usinesses depicting the general health of the firm (Achie9ement, 2a9es > Total 2pend).

;ontri!ute to process re9iews, documents and / or assist in the documentation of an8 reAuired alterations or additions to current procedures. P/#'ha&e Re<ie9 P#"'e&& :E=5Lehman;! (Accounta!ilit8) Ris= Anal8sis and Auditing of mortgage loan files in the Mortgage ;orrespondent ;hannel for appro9ing mortgage loans in purchase and funding to the !orrowers. Mentoring new Doiners in the team and performing :ualitati9e chec=s on their dail8 acti9ities. S.e'ia A&&i$nment&! :MS5A''e&& Databa&e 0"# 2#"nt5En( an( 3a'45En(;

One was solel8 responsi!le for programming, software development & analysis as per user specification with normali@ation of the fields for the s8stems mentioned !elow. Iollowed !8 flow chart designing and appro9al from the end user !efore software de9elopment6 Knowledge Management System: O ! System" #M $ & Pricing System:

Archi9ing a process/procedure update ;oordinating with Top Management across wor=+ recei9ed for future references. streams of Transitions, Operations and Mortgage ;apital for de9eloping an automated s8stem. The s8stem also allows users to search the updates archi9ed, !ased Automate s8stems to deri9e accurate results with on a =e8word. respect to audits performed under the Home Mortgage 5isclosure Act reAuirement of the F.2. 0o9ernment. The s8stem was programmed to auto generate e+mails for sign+offs to the Eeing in s8nc with the team and 2uper9isors (on+shore !usiness. and off+shore) for s8stem reAuirements to simplif8 EAF, which aids in getting accurate and timel8 reports. Implementation, Iollow+up and 4nhancement Anal8sis of the a!o9e mentioned software s8stems.

Citi$#"/. > "ba Se#<i'e& Lt(

6P#"'e&&in$ O00i'e#?

7/ 803 @ 7anA07
Ten/#e6 * Ors -months.

PPR P#"'e&&! Kor=ing in Pre+Purchase Re9iew process, which in9ol9es auditing and processing of loan files, appro9ing loans for purchase and funding as appropriate.

S/&.en&e B P/#'ha&e A/(it&! Trac=ing loan files audited from the PPR wor= stream, and decisioning the mortgage loan<s status !ased on feed!ac= from correspondent. CMDA A/(it&! 4?amination of a !orrower and/or co+!orrower<s critical information under the Home Mortgage 5isclosure Act of the F.2 0o9ernment. E=.i#e( L"an Maintenan'e! ;ustomer<s Boan Maintenance > 4?piring from 5ata!ase. 1; St"#e Mana$ement S1&tem! C"m.an1 6 2ampat Infotech + Par=ruti Eldg 2rishti 2ector+), Mira Road (4), Thane, PI7+,(%%(.. D/#ati"n 6 5ec '((' to Mar '((*.

Pro#ects in $%C%$%

2; A&&et Mana$ement S1&tem! C"m.an1 6 4psilon Technologies + Hemendra Eldg, ;hendani Goliwada, 5atta Mandir Rd, Thane ('. D/#ati"n 6 Ma8 '((' to Mul8 '((' Tools used for !oth the a!o9e proDects are6 P P at0"#m! Kindows+$&. P 2#"nt En(! Jisual Easic. P 3a'4 En(! M2+ Access.

Pro#ect in $%&%A%

/Off shoring/ Outsourcing A Ka8 Ahead1 3 Anal8sis of outsourcing segment EPO/ GPO/ TPO. /2KOT Anal8sis1 and /Porter<s ) force Model1 Anal8sis on the EPO industr8. Iuture of the Outsourcing Industr8. E(/'ati"na ! &th ran= holder at the institute in Masters 5egree in ;omputer Management. *rd ran= holder at the institute in Master 5egree in Eusiness Administration. P#"0e&&i"na ! I; NOM)RA! A /2econdment1 to Bondon, Fnited Gingdom. Re9iewed > Implemented new reporting methods that impro9ed functional efficienc8.

Achie'e(ent s and A)ards

II; Lehman 3#"the#&!

Awarded as the Eest Performer of the :uarter for Mune 3 August< (., for software de9elopment in M2+Access which was highl8 regarded !8 the 4?ecuti9e Management ;ommittee. Awarded the Eest Performer of the Month for Mar< (. for automation in M2+4?cel. Awarded the Eest Performer of the Month for Ma8< (& for automation that lead to a time and headcount sa9e largel8.
III; Citi$#"/. > "ba Se#<i'e& Lt(! Awarded thrice as the Eest Performer of the Month. Awarded once as the Eest Performer of the :uarter. Awarded as the Team of the :uarter at an annual town hall.

*o++y,-ntere sts .eferences

Reading, Music > 2noo=er. Mr. An=it 5i?it 3 Manager (Treasur8) Ms. Eernadette Rodrigues 3 Manager (Operations). Prof. P. B. Ar8a, 5irector + 7.B. 5almia Institute of Management 2tudies > Research.

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