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Part 1: Play Licensing

MTI Shows is a publishing company that owns the rights to many popular plays. Visit their website at and answer the following questions: 1. What are the seven steps you need to follow if youd like permission to perform one of the shows? First you have to submit a an application to Mti. Name and Address of Producing Organization Phone and Fax numbers Name of Show Dates of Desired Performance(s) Number of Performances Name of Theatre/Auditorium Seating a!acit" of Theatre/Auditorium Tic#et Prices (be s!ecific$ inc%ude a%% discounts)

2. What information is required on the license application form? The show youre interested in performing (you can pick up to three)

Part 2: Copyright Myths

Go to the website and answer the following questions: 1. Write a 2-3 sentence summary of each of the myths about copyrighting.

Myths 1, everything that has been created after April 1 1989 is copyrighted and protected whether it has a notice or not. You should not risk copying others work weather it has a copyright sign or not. Myth 2, ust because you don!t charge for the copyright does "#$ %ean it is not a violation. $here is a &nited 'tates e(ception for copywriting %usic it is not a violation. Myth ), when it comes to the law, computers never make copies, only human beings make copies. Computers are given commands, not permission. Only people can give permission Myth 4, most inclusion of text in follow-ups and replies is for commentary. t doesn!t damage the commercial value of the original posting if there is any. t is almost surely fair use. "air use isn!t always exact though Myth #, you can!t $copyright a name$ or anything short. % company doesn&t own the title to their company name. Only in context, and owning a mark doesn!t mean they have complete power. Myth ', you can&t base your work on someone else&s work weather you make up your stories. f you write a story using settings or characters from somebody else!s work, you need that author!s permission. Myth (, Copyright law is one of the most important laws a defendant can&t help you. )ou will most likely get sued. Myth *, in the +,s in the -.% commercial copyright violation involving more than /, copies and value over 01#,, was made a felony. )ou won&t get thrown in 2ail though Myth +, if you can!t think of how the author or owner gets hurt, think about the fact that piracy on the net hurts everybody who wants a chance to use this wonderful new technology. t&s up to the owner to decide if they want freed ads

Myth /,, 2ust because you have a copy of the document does not mean you can copyright it. .omebody who sues over an ordinary message not get any damages. Myth //, copyright law makes it technically illegal to reproduce almost any new creative work other than under fair use 3without permission4. f the work is unregistered and has no real commercial value it doesn&t get barley any protection. 5he author in this case can sue for an in2unction against the publication

Part 3: Creative Commons License

Visit the website This is the actual text of the Creative Commons license. 1. In your own words, what are people allowed to do and not allowed to do under the creative commons license? People can show their publicly display, publicly perfor%, or publicly digitally perfor% *ork. $hat they have done but only under the certain circu%stances of the ter%s of this +icense. ,f you do this than you %ust include a copy of the &nifor% -esource ,dentifier. You can!t offer or force any ter%s on the *ork that restricts the ter%s of this +icense. #r the ability of a recipient of the *ork. $o e(ercise the rights granted to that recipient under the rules of the +icense. You %ay not sublicense the *ork. You %ust keep co%plete all notices that refer to this +icense and to the disclai%er of warranties. *ith every copy or phonorecord of the *ork you distribute, publicly display, publicly perfor%, or publicly digitally perfor%. Part 4: In Your Own Words In your own words:

1. How has the copyright law benefited society and the economy? What would you change about the copyright law, given the rapid growth of the internet?
The co!"right %aws ha&e benefited the econom" through a number of wa"s' some of them inc%ude increased business securit" ( !ros!erit" of business b" getting authorit" rights on "our !roducts which e%iminates com!etition) * wou%d ma#e it %ega% to down%oad music if * cou%d change the co!"right %aw)

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