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Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Commission on Elections, 244 SCRA 272 , May 22, 1 !

Case "itle : PHILIPPINE PRESS INSTITUTE, INC., for and in behalf of 139 members, re resen!ed b" i!s Presiden!, #mado P. $a%asae! and i!s E&e%'!i(e )ire%!or Ermin *. +ar%ia, ,r., e!i!ioner, (s. C-$$ISSI-N -N ELECTI-NS, res onden!.Case #ature : SPECI#L CI.IL #CTI-N in !he S' reme Co'r!. Cer!iorari and Prohibi!ion. Sylla$i Class : Ele%!ion La/0Commission on Ele%!ions Syllabi: 1. Election Law; Commission on Elections; A written communication officially directing a print media company to supply free print space, dispatched by a government agency and signed by a member of the Commission presumably legally authorized to do so, is bound to produce a coercive effect upon the company so addressed.+ 2. Election Law; Commission on Elections; To compel print media companies to donate Comelec space of the dimensions specified in !ection " of #esolution $o. "%%", amounts to ta&ing of private personal property for public use or purposes.+ %. Election Law; Commission on Elections; The element of necessity for the ta&ing has not been shown by respondent Comelec.+ 4. Election Law; Commission on Elections; The ta&ing of private property for public use is authorized by the Constitution, but not without payment of 'ust compensation. + !. Election Law; Commission on Elections; !ection " of #esolution $o. "%%" does not constitute a valid e(ercise of the power of eminent domain.+ &. Election Law; Commission on Elections; !ection " of #esolution $o. "%%" does not constitute a valid e(ercise of the police power of the state.+ 'ivision: EN 1#NC

'oc(et #um$er: +.R. No. 119293 Counsel: Teodoro 1. Cr'4, ,r., ,'li's N. Rabo%a Ponente: *ELICI#N'ispositive Portion: 5HERE*-RE, for all !he fore6oin6, !he Pe!i!ion for Cer!iorari and Prohibi!ion is +R#NTE) in ar! and Se%!ion 7 of Resol'!ion No. 7887 in i!s resen! form and !he rela!ed le!!er9dire%!i(es da!ed 77 $ar%h 199: are hereb" SET #SI)E as n'll and (oid, and !he Tem orar" Res!rainin6 -rder is hereb" $#)E PER$#NENT. The Pe!i!ion is )IS$ISSE) in ar!, !o !he e&!en! i! rela!es !o Se%!ion ; of Resol'!ion No. 7887. No rono'n%emen! as !o %os!s. 272 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections !.R. No. ""#$#%. M&' 22, "##(.) P*I+IPPINE PRESS INSTITUTE, INC., ,or &n- in .eh&l, o, "/# e .ers, represente- .' its Presi-ent, A &-o P. M&c&s&et &n- its E0ecutive Director Er in 1. !&rci&, 2r., petitioner, vs. COMMISSION ON E+ECTIONS, respon-ent. Election +&34 Co ission on Elections4 A 3ritten co unic&tion o,,ici&ll' -irectin5 & print e-i& co p&n' to suppl' ,ree print sp&ce, -isp&tche- .' & 5overn ent &5enc' &n- si5ne- .' & e .er o, the Co ission presu &.l' le5&ll' &uthori6e- to -o so, is .oun- to pro-uce & coercive e,,ect upon the co p&n' so &--resse-.7Th&t Resolution No. 2772 -oes not, in e0press ter s, thre&ten pu.lishers 3ho 3oul- -isre5&r- it or its i ple entin5 letters 3ith so e cri in&l or other s&nction, -oes not .' itsel, -e onstr&te th&t the Co elec8s ori5in&l intention 3&s si pl' to solicit or re9uest volunt&r' -on&tions o, print sp&ce ,ro pu.lishers. A 3ritten co unic&tion o,,ici&ll' -irectin5 & print e-i& co p&n' to suppl' ,ree print sp&ce, -isp&tche- .' & 5overn ent :here & constitution&l; &5enc' &nsi5ne- .' & e .er o, the Co ission presu &.l' le5&ll' &uthori6e- to -o so, is .oun- to pro-uce & coercive e,,ect upon the co p&n' so &--resse-. Th&t the &5enc' &' not .e le5&ll' &uthori6e- to i pose, or c&use the

i position o,, cri in&l or other s&nctions ,or -isre5&r- o, such -irections, onl' &55r&v&tes the constitution&l -i,,iculties inherin5 in the present situ&tion. The en&ct ent or &--ition o, such s&nctions .' the le5isl&tive &uthorit' itsel, 3oul- .e open to serious constitution&l o.<ection. S& e4 S& e4 To co pel print e-i& co p&nies to -on&te =Co elec sp&ce> o, the -i ensions speci,ie- in Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772, & ounts to =t&?in5> o, priv&te person&l propert' ,or pu.lic use or purposes.7To co pel print e-i& co p&nies to -on&te =Co elec sp&ce> o, the -i ensions speci,ie- in Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 :not less th&n one@h&l, p&5e;, & ounts to =t&?in5> o, priv&te person&l propert' ,or pu.lic use or purposes. Section 2 ,&ile- to speci,' the inten-e- ,re9uenc' o, such co pulsor' =-on&tionA> onl' once -urin5 the perio- ,ro $ M&rch "##( :or 2" M&rch "##(; until "2 M&' "##(B or ever'-&' or once & 3ee?B or &s o,ten &s Co elec &' -irect -urin5 the s& e perio-B The e0tent o, the t&?in5 or -epriv&tion is not this is not & c&se o, & -e ini is te por&r' li it&tion or restr&int upon the use o, priv&te propert'. The onet&r' v&lue o, the co pulsor' =-on&@ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ) EN DANC. 27/ EO+. 2%%, MAF 22, "##( 27/ Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections tion,> e&sure- .' the &-vertisin5 r&tes or-in&ril' ch&r5e- .' ne3sp&per pu.lishers 3hether in cities or in non@ur.&n &re&s, &' .e ver' in-ee-. S& e4 S& e4 The ele ent o, necessit' ,or the t&?in5 h&s not .een sho3n .' respon-ent Co elec.7The threshol- re9uisites ,or & l&3,ul t&?in5 o, priv&te propert' ,or pu.lic use nee- to .e e0& ine- hereA one is the necessit' ,or the t&?in54 &nother is the le5&l &uthorit' to e,,ect the t&?in5. The ele ent o, necessit' ,or the t&?in5 h&s not .een sho3n .' respon-ent Co elec. It h&s not .een su55este- th&t the e .ers o, PPI &re un3illin5 to sell print sp&ce &t their nor &l r&tes to Co elec ,or election purposes. In-ee-, the un3illin5ness or reluct&nce o, Co elec to .u' print sp&ce lies &t the he&rt o, the pro.le . Si il&rl', it h&s not .een su55este-, let &lone -e onstr&te-, th&t Co elec h&s .een 5r&nte- the po3er o, e inent -o &in either .' the Constitution or .' the le5isl&tive &uthorit'. A re&son&.le rel&tionship

.et3een th&t po3er &n- the en,orce ent &n- &- inistr&tion o, election l&3s .' Co elec ust .e sho3n4 it is not c&su&ll' to .e &ssu e-. S& e4 S& e4 The t&?in5 o, priv&te propert' ,or pu.lic use is &uthori6e- .' the Constitution, .ut not 3ithout p&' ent o, =<ust co pens&tion.>7The t&?in5 o, priv&te propert' ,or pu.lic use is, o, course, &uthori6e- .' the Constitution, .ut not 3ithout p&' ent o, =<ust co pens&tion> :Article III, Section #;. An- &pp&rentl' the necessit' o, p&'in5 co pens&tion ,or =Co elec sp&ce> is precisel' 3h&t is sou5ht to .e &voi-e- .' respon-ent Co ission, 3hether Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 is re&- &s petitioner PPI re&-s it, &s &n &ssertion o, &uthorit' to re9uire ne3sp&per pu.lishers to =-on&te> ,ree print sp&ce ,or Co elec purposes, or &s &n e0hort&tion, or perh&ps &n &ppe&l, to pu.lishers to -on&te ,ree print sp&ce, &s Section " o, Resolution No. 2772@A &tte pts to su55est. S& e4 S& e4 Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 -oes not constitute & v&lie0ercise o, the po3er o, e inent -o &in.7There is nothin5 &t &ll to prevent ne3sp&per &n- &5&6ine pu.lishers ,ro volunt&ril' 5ivin5 ,ree print sp&ce to Co elec ,or the purposes conte pl&te- in Resolution No. 2772. Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 -oes not, ho3ever, provi-e & constitution&l .&sis ,or co pellin5 pu.lishers, &5&inst their 3ill, in the ?in- o, ,&ctu&l conte0t here present, to provi-e ,ree print sp&ce ,or Co elec purposes. Section 2 -oes not constitute & v&li- e0ercise o, the po3er o, e inent -o &in. S& e4 S& e4 Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 -oes not constitute & v&lie0ercise o, the police po3er o, the st&te.7Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 is & .lunt &n- he&v' instru ent th&t purports, 3ithout & 27% 27% SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections sho3in5 o, e0istence o, & n&tion&l e er5enc' or other i perious pu.lic necessit', in-iscri in&tel' &n- 3ithout re5&r- to the in-ivi-u&l .usiness con-ition o, p&rticul&r ne3sp&pers or &5&6ines loc&te- in -i,,erin5 p&rts o, the countr', to t&?e priv&te propert' o, ne3sp&per or &5&6ine pu.lishers. No &tte pt 3&s &-e to -e onstr&te th&t & re&l &n- p&lp&.le or ur5ent necessit' ,or the t&?in5 o, print sp&ce con,ronte- the Co elec &n- th&t Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 3&s itsel, the onl' re&son&.le &nc&li.r&te- response to such necessit' &v&il&.le to the Co elec. Section 2 -oes not constitute & v&li- e0ercise o, the police po3er o, the St&te. SPECIA+ CIEI+ ACTION in the Supre e Court. Certior&ri &nProhi.ition.

The ,&cts &re st&te- in the resolution o, the Court. Teo-oro D. Cru6, 2r. &n- 2ulius N. R&.oc& ,or petitioner. RESO+UTION 1E+ICIANO, 2.A The Philippine Press Institute, Inc. :=PPI>; is .e,ore this Court &ss&ilin5 the constitution&l v&li-it' o, Resolution No. 2772 issue- .' respon-ent Co ission on Elections :=Co elec>; &n- its correspon-in5 Co elec -irective -&te- 22 M&rch "##(, throu5h & Petition ,or Certior&ri &nProhi.ition. Petitioner PPI is & non@stoc?, non@pro,it or5&ni6&tion o, ne3sp&per &n- &5&6ine pu.lishers. On 2 M&rch "##(, Co elec pro ul5&te- Resolution No. 2772, 3hich re&-s in p&rtA =0 0 0 0 0 0 000 Sec. 2. Co elec Sp&ce.7The Co ission sh&ll procure ,ree print sp&ce o, not less th&n one h&l, :"G2; p&5e in &t le&st one ne3sp&per o, 5ener&l circul&tion in ever' province or cit' ,or use &s HCo elec Sp&ce8 ,ro M&rch $, "##( in the c&se o, c&n-i-&tes ,or sen&tor &n- ,ro M&rch 2", "##( until M&' "2, "##(. In the &.sence o, s&i- ne3sp&per, HCo elec Sp&ce8 sh&ll .e o.t&ine- ,ro &n' &5&6ine or perio-ic&l o, s&i- province or cit'. Sec. /. Uses o, Co elec Sp&ce.7HCo elec Sp&ce8 sh&ll .e &lloc&te- .' the Co ission, ,ree o, ch&r5e, & on5 &ll c&n-i-&tes 3ithin the &re& in 3hich the ne3sp&per, &5&6ine or perio-ic&l is circul&te27( EO+. 2%%, MAF 22, "##( 27( Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections to en&.le the c&n-i-&tes to &?e ?no3n their 9u&li,ic&tions, their st&n- on pu.lic issues &n- their pl&t,or s &n- pro5r& s o, 5overn ent. HCo elec Sp&ce8 sh&ll &lso .e use- .' the Co ission ,or -isse in&tion o, vit&l election in,or &tion. Sec. %. Alloc&tion o, Co elec Sp&ce.7:&; HCo elec Sp&ce8 sh&ll .e &v&il&.le to &ll c&n-i-&tes -urin5 the perio-s st&te- in Section 2 hereo,. Its &lloc&tion sh&ll .e e9u&l &n- i p&rti&l & on5 &ll c&n-i-&tes ,or the s& e o,,ice. All c&n-i-&tes concerne- sh&ll .e ,urnishe- & cop' o, the &lloc&tion o, HCo elec Sp&ce8 ,or their in,or &tion, 5ui-&nce &n- co pli&nce. :.; An' c&n-i-&te -esirin5 to &v&il hi sel, o, HCo elec Sp&ce8 ,ro ne3sp&pers or pu.lic&tions .&se- in the Metropolit&n M&nil& Are& sh&ll

su. it &n &pplic&tion there,or, in 3ritin5, to the Co ittee on M&ss Me-i& o, the Co ission. An' c&n-i-&te -esirin5 to &v&il hi sel, o, HCo elec Sp&ce8 in ne3sp&pers or pu.lic&tions .&se- in the provinces sh&ll su. it his &pplic&tion there,or, in 3ritin5, to the Provinci&l Election Supervisor concerne-. Applic&tions ,or &v&il ent o, HCo elec Sp&ce8 &' .e ,ile- &t &n' ti e ,ro the -&te o, e,,ectivit' o, this Resolution. :c; The Co ittee on M&ss Me-i& &n- the Provinci&l Election Supervisors sh&ll &lloc&te &v&il&.le HCo elec Sp&ce8 & on5 the c&n-i-&tes concerne- .' lotter' o, 3hich s&i- c&n-i-&tes sh&ll .e noti,ie- in &-v&nce, in 3ritin5, to .e present person&ll' or .' represent&tive to 3itness the lotter' &t the -&te, ti e &n- pl&ce speci,ie- in the notice. An' p&rt' o.<ectin5 to the result o, the lotter' &' &ppe&l to the Co ission. :-; The c&n-i-&tes concerne- sh&ll .e noti,ie- .' the Co ittee on M&ss Me-i& or the Provinci&l Election Supervisor, &s the c&se &' .e, su,,icientl' in &-v&nce &n- in 3ritin5 o, the -&te o, issue &n- the ne3sp&per or pu.lic&tion &lloc&te- to hi , &n- the ti e 3ithin 3hich he ust su. it the 3ritten &teri&l ,or pu.lic&tion in the HCo elec Sp&ce.8 000 000 000 Sec. I. Un-ue Re,erence to C&n-i-&tesGPolitic&l P&rties in Ne3sp&pers.CCCNo ne3sp&per or pu.lic&tion sh&ll &llo3 to .e printe- or pu.lishe- in the ne3s, opinion, ,e&tures, or other sections o, the ne3sp&per or pu.lic&tion &ccounts or co ents 3hich &ni,estl' ,&vor or oppose &n' c&n-i-&te or politic&l p&rt' .' un-ul' or repe&te-l' re,errin5 to or inclu-in5 therein s&i- c&n-i-&te or politic&l p&rt'. *o3ever, unless the ,&cts &ncircu st&nces cle&rl' in-ic&te other3ise, the Co ission 3ill respect the -eter in&tion .' the pu.lisher &n-Gor e-itors o, the ne3sp&pers or pu.lic&tions th&t the &ccounts or vie3s pu.lishe- &re si5ni,ic&nt, ne3s3orth' &n- o, pu.lic interest.> :It&lics supplie-; 27$ 27$ SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections App&rentl' in i ple ent&tion o, this Resolution, Co elec throu5h Co issioner Re5&l&-o E. M&& .on5 sent i-entic&l letters, -&te- 22 M&rch "##(, to v&rious pu.lishers o, ne3sp&pers li?e the Dusiness Jorl-, the Philippine St&r, the M&l&'& &n- the Philippine Ti es 2ourn&l, &ll e .ers o, PPI. These letters re&- &s ,ollo3sA =This is to &-vise 'ou th&t pursu&nt to Resolution No. 2772 o, the Co ission on Elections, 'ou &re -irecte- to provi-e ,ree print sp&ce o, not

less th&n one h&l, :"G2; p&5e ,or use &s HCo elec Sp&ce8 or si il&r to the print support 3hich 'ou h&ve e0ten-e- -urin5 the M&' "", "##2 s'nchroni6e- elections 3hich 3&s 2 ,ull p&5es ,or e&ch politic&l p&rt' ,iel-in5 sen&tori&l c&n-i-&tes, ,ro M&rch $, "##( to M&' $, "##(, to &?e ?no3n their 9u&li,ic&tions, their st&n- on pu.lic issues &n- their pl&t,or s &n- pro5r& s o, 5overn ent. Je sh&ll .e in,or in5 the politic&l p&rties &n- c&n-i-&tes to su. it -irectl' to 'ou their pictures, .io5r&phic&l -&t&, st&n- on ?e' pu.lic issues &npl&t,or s o, 5overn ent, either &s r&3 -&t& or in the ,or o, positives or c& er&@re&-' &teri&ls. Ple&se .e re in-e- th&t the politic&l p&rtiesGc&n-i-&tes &' .e &cco o-&te- in 'our pu.lic&tion &n' -&' upon receipt o, their &teri&ls until M&' $, "##( 3hich is the l&st -&' ,or c& p&i5nin5. Je trust 'ou to e0ten- 'our ,ull support &n- cooper&tion in this re5&r-.> :It&lics supplie-; In this Petition ,or Certior&ri &n- Prohi.ition 3ith pr&'er ,or the issu&nce o, & Te por&r' Restr&inin5 Or-er, PPI &s?s us to -ecl&re Co elec Resolution No. 2772 unconstitution&l &n- voi- on the 5roun- th&t it viol&tes the prohi.ition i pose- .' the Constitution upon the 5overn ent, &n- &n' o, its &5encies, &5&inst the t&?in5 o, priv&te propert' ,or pu.lic use 3ithout <ust co pens&tion. Petitioner &lso conten-s th&t the 22 M&rch "##( letter -irectives o, Co elec re9uirin5 pu.lishers to 5ive ,ree =Co elec Sp&ce> &n- &t the s& e ti e process r&3 -&t& to &?e it c& er&@re&-', constitute i positions o, involunt&r' servitu-e, contr&r' to the provisions o, Section "I :2;, Article III o, the "#I7 Constitution. 1in&ll', PPI &r5ues th&t Section I o, Co elec Resolution No. 2772 is viol&tive o, the constitution&ll' 5u&r&ntee- ,ree-o o, speech, o, the press &n- o, e0pression." CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC " Petition, pp. $@""4 Rollo, pp. 7@"2. 277 EO+. 2%%, MAF 22, "##( 277 Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections On 2K April "##(, this Court issue- & Te por&r' Restr&inin5 Or-er en<oinin5 Co elec ,ro en,orcin5 &n- i ple entin5 Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772, &s 3ell &s the Co elec -irectives &--resse- to v&rious print e-i& enterprises &ll -&te- 22 M&rch "##(. The Court &lso re9uire- the respon-ent to ,ile & Co ent on the Petition.

The O,,ice o, the Solicitor !ener&l ,ile- its Co ent on .eh&l, o, respon-ent Co elec &lle5in5 th&t Co elec Resolution No. 2772 -oes not i pose upon the pu.lishers &n' o.li5&tion to provi-e ,ree print sp&ce in the ne3sp&pers &s it -oes not provi-e &n' cri in&l or &- inistr&tive s&nction ,or non@co pli&nce 3ith th&t Resolution. Accor-in5 to the Solicitor !ener&l, the 9uestione- Resolution erel' est&.lishe- 5ui-elines to .e ,ollo3e- in connection 3ith the procure ent o, =Co elec sp&ce,> the proce-ure ,or &no-e o, &lloc&tion o, such sp&ce to c&n-i-&tes &n- the con-itions or re9uire ents ,or the c&n-i-&te8s utili6&tion o, the =Co elec sp&ce> procure-. At the s& e ti e, ho3ever, the Solicitor !ener&l &r5ues th&t even i, the 9uestione- Resolution &n- its i ple entin5 letter -irectives &re vie3e- &s &n-&tor', the s& e 3oul- nevertheless .e v&li- &s &n e0ercise o, the police po3er o, the St&te. The Solicitor !ener&l &lso &int&ins th&t Section I o, Resolution No. 2772 is & per issi.le e0ercise o, the po3er o, supervision or re5ul&tion o, the Co elec over the co unic&tion &nin,or &tion oper&tions o, print e-i& enterprises -urin5 the election perioto s&,e5u&r- &n- ensure & ,&ir, i p&rti&l &n- cre-i.le election.2 At the or&l he&rin5 o, this c&se hel- on 2I April "##(, respon-ent Co elec throu5h its Ch&ir &n, *on. Dern&r-o P&r-o, in response to in9uiries ,ro the Chie, 2ustice &n- other Me .ers o, the Court, st&te- th&t Resolution No. 2772, p&rticul&rl' Section 2 thereo, &n- the 22 M&rch "##( letters -isp&tche- to v&rious e .ers o, petitioner PPI, 3ere not inten-e- to co pel those e .ers to suppl' Co elec 3ith ,ree print sp&ce. Ch&ir &n P&r-o represente- to the Court th&t th&t Resolution &n- the rel&te- letter@ -irectives 3ere erel' -esi5ne- to solicit ,ro the pu.lishers the s& e ,ree print sp&ce 3hich &n' pu.lishers h&- volunt&ril' 5iven to Co elec -urin5 the election perio- rel&tin5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 2 Co 27I ent, pp. (@"(4 Rollo, pp. 7K@IK.

27I SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections to the "" M&' "##2 elections. In-ee-, the Ch&ir &n st&te- th&t the Co elec 3oul-, th&t ver' &,ternoon, eet &n- &-opt &n &ppropri&te & en-in5 or cl&ri,'in5 resolution, & certi,ie- true cop' o, 3hich 3oul- ,orth3ith .e ,ile3ith the Court.

On ( M&' "##(, the Court receive- ,ro the O,,ice o, the Solicitor !ener&l & &ni,est&tion 3hich &tt&che- & cop' o, Co elec Resolution No. 2772@A -&te- % M&' "##(. The oper&tive portion o, this Resolution ,ollo3sA =NOJ T*ERE1ORE, pursu&nt to the po3ers veste- in it .' the Constitution, the O Election Co-e, Repu.lic Acts No. $$%$ &n- 7"$$ &n- other election l&3s, the Co ission on Elections RESO+EED to cl&ri,' Sections 2 &n- I o, Res. No. 2772 &s ,ollo3sA ". Section 2 o, Res. No. 2772 sh&ll not .e construe- to e&n &s re9uirin5 pu.lishers o, the -i,,erent &ss e-i& print pu.lic&tions to provi-e print sp&ce un-er p&in o, prosecution, 3hether &- inistr&tive, civil or cri in&l, there .ein5 no s&nction or pen&lt' ,or viol&tion o, s&i- Section provi-e- ,or either in s&i- Resolution or in Section #K o, D&t&s P& .&ns& Dl5. II", other3ise ?no3n &s the O Election Co-e, on the 5r&nt o, HCo elec sp&ce.8 2. Section I o, Res. No. 2772 sh&ll not .e construe- to e&n &s constitutin5 prior restr&int on the p&rt o, pu.lishers 3ith respect to the printin5 or pu.lic&tion o, &teri&ls in the ne3s, opinion, ,e&tures or other sections o, their respective pu.lic&tions or other &ccounts or co ents, it .ein5 cle&r ,ro the l&st sentence o, s&i- Section I th&t the Co ission sh&ll, Hunless the ,&cts &n- circu st&nces cle&rl' in-ic&te other3ise 0 0 0 respect the -eter in&tion .' the pu.lisher &n-Gor e-itors o, the ne3sp&pers or pu.lic&tions th&t the &ccounts or vie3s pu.lishe- &re si5ni,ic&nt, ne3s3orth' &n- o, pu.lic interest.8 This Resolution sh&ll t&?e e,,ect upon &pprov&l.> :It&lics in the ori5in&l; Jhile, &t this point, the Court coul- perh&ps si pl' -is iss the Petition ,or Certior&ri &n- Prohi.ition &s h&vin5 .eco e oot &n- &c&-e ic, 3e consi-er it not in&ppropri&te to p&ss upon the ,irst constitution&l issue r&isein this c&se. Our hope is to put this issue to rest &n- prevent its resurrection. Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 is not & o-el o, cl&rit' in e0pression. Section " o, Resolution No. 2772@A -i- not tr' to 27# EO+. 2%%, MAF 22, "##( 27# Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections re-r&,t Section 24 &ccor-in5l', Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 persists in its ori5in&l ,or . Thus, 3e ust point out th&t, &s presentl' 3or-e-, &n- in p&rticul&r &s interprete- &n- &pplie- .' the Co elec itsel, in its 22 M&rch "##( letter@-irectives to ne3sp&per pu.lishers, Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 is cle&rl' suscepti.le o, the re&-in5 th&t petitioner PPI h&s 5iven it.

Th&t Resolution No. 2772 -oes not, in e0press ter s, thre&ten pu.lishers 3ho 3oul- -isre5&r- it or its i ple entin5 letters 3ith so e cri in&l or other s&nction, -oes not .' itsel, -e onstr&te th&t the Co elec8s ori5in&l intention 3&s si pl' to solicit or re9uest volunt&r' -on&tions o, print sp&ce ,ro pu.lishers. A 3ritten co unic&tion o,,ici&ll' -irectin5 & print e-i& co p&n' to suppl' ,ree print sp&ce, -isp&tche- .' & 5overn ent :here & constitution&l; &5enc' &n- si5ne- .' & e .er o, the Co ission presu &.l' le5&ll' &uthori6e- to -o so, is .oun- to pro-uce & coercive e,,ect upon the co p&n' so &--resse-. Th&t the &5enc' &' not .e le5&ll' &uthori6e- to i pose, or c&use the i position o,, cri in&l or other s&nctions ,or -isre5&r- o, such -irections, onl' &55r&v&tes the constitution&l -i,,iculties inherin5 in the present situ&tion. The en&ct ent or &--ition o, such s&nctions .' the le5isl&tive &uthorit' itsel, 3oul- .e open to serious constitution&l o.<ection. To co pel print e-i& co p&nies to -on&te =Co elec sp&ce> o, the -i ensions speci,ie- in Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 :not less th&n one@ h&l, p&5e;, & ounts to =t&?in5> o, priv&te person&l propert' ,or pu.lic use or purposes. Section 2 ,&ile- to speci,' the inten-e- ,re9uenc' o, such co pulsor' =-on&tionA> onl' once -urin5 the perio- ,ro $ M&rch "##( :or 2" M&rch "##(; until "2 M&' "##(B or ever'-&' or once & 3ee?B or &s o,ten &s Co elec &' -irect -urin5 the s& e perio-B The e0tent o, the t&?in5 or -epriv&tion is not this is not & c&se o, & -e ini is te por&r' li it&tion or restr&int upon the use o, priv&te propert'. The onet&r' v&lue o, the co pulsor' =-on&tion,> e&sure- .' the &-vertisin5 r&tes or-in&ril' ch&r5e- .' ne3sp&per pu.lishers 3hether in cities or in non@ur.&n &re&s, &' .e ver' in-ee-. The t&?in5 o, print sp&ce here sou5ht to .e e,,ecte- &' ,irst .e &ppr&iseun-er the ru.ric o, e0propri&tion o, priv&te person&l propert' ,or pu.lic use. The threshol- re9uisites ,or & l&3,ul t&?in5 o, priv&te propert' ,or pu.lic use nee- to .e 2IK 2IK SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections e0& ine- hereA one is the necessit' ,or the t&?in54 &nother is the le5&l &uthorit' to e,,ect the t&?in5. The ele ent o, necessit' ,or the t&?in5 h&s not .een sho3n .' respon-ent Co elec. It h&s not .een su55este- th&t the e .ers o, PPI &re un3illin5 to sell print sp&ce &t their nor &l r&tes to Co elec ,or election purposes. In-ee-, the un3illin5ness or reluct&nce o,

Co elec to .u' print sp&ce lies &t the he&rt o, the pro.le ./ Si il&rl', it h&s not .een su55este-, let &lone -e onstr&te-, th&t Co elec h&s .een 5r&ntethe po3er o, e inent -o &in either .' the Constitution or .' the le5isl&tive &uthorit'. A re&son&.le rel&tionship .et3een th&t po3er &n- the en,orce ent &n- &- inistr&tion o, election l&3s .' Co elec ust .e sho3n4 it is not c&su&ll' to .e &ssu e-. Th&t the t&?in5 is -esi5ne- to su.serve =pu.lic use> is not conteste- .' petitioner PPI. Je note onl' th&t, un-er Section / o, Resolution No. 2772, the ,ree =Co elec sp&ce> sou5ht .' the respon-ent Co ission 3oul- .e use- not onl' ,or in,or in5 the pu.lic &.out the i-entities, 9u&li,ic&tions &npro5r& s o, 5overn ent o, c&n-i-&tes ,or elective o,,ice .ut &lso ,or =-isse in&tion o, vit&l election in,or &tion> :inclu-in5, presu &.l', circul&rs, re5ul&tions, notices, -irectives, etc. issue- .' Co elec;. It see s to the Court & &tter o, <u-ici&l notice th&t 5overn ent o,,ices &n- &5encies :inclu-in5 the Supre e Court; si pl' purch&se print sp&ce, in the or-in&r' course o, events, 3hen their rules CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC / As I.A. Cru6, Constitution&l +&3, p. (# :"##" e-.;, citin5 No.le v. Cit' o, M&nil&, $7 Phil. " :"#/I;, stresse-A =L3Mhere priv&te propert' is nee-e- ,or conversion to so e pu.lic use, the ,irst thin5 o.viousl' th&t the 5overn ent shoul- -o is to o,,er to .u' it. I, the o3ner is 3illin5 to sell &n- the p&rties c&n &5ree on the price &n- the other con-itions o, the s&le, & volunt&r' tr&ns&ction c&n then .e conclu-e&n- the tr&ns,er e,,ecte- 3ithout the necessit' o, <u-ici&l &ction. Dut i, the o3ner o, the priv&te propert' is un3illin5 to p&rt 3ith it, or, .ein5 3illin5, c&nnot &5ree to the con-itions o, the tr&ns,er, then it 3ill .e necess&r' ,or the 5overn ent to use its coercive &uthorit'. D' its po3er o, e inent -o &in, it c&n then, upon p&' ent o, <ust co pens&tion, ,orci.l' &c9uire the nee-e- propert' in or-er to -evote it to the inten-e- pu.lic use.> :E ph&ses supplie-; 2I" EO+. 2%%, MAF 22, "##( 2I" Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections &n- re5ul&tions, circul&rs, notices &n- so ,orth nee- o,,ici&ll' to .e .rou5ht to the &ttention o, the 5ener&l pu.lic. The t&?in5 o, priv&te propert' ,or pu.lic use is, o, course, &uthori6e- .' the Constitution, .ut not 3ithout p&' ent o, =<ust co pens&tion> :Article III,

Section #;. An- &pp&rentl' the necessit' o, p&'in5 co pens&tion ,or =Co elec sp&ce> is precisel' 3h&t is sou5ht to .e &voi-e- .' respon-ent Co ission, 3hether Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 is re&- &s petitioner PPI re&-s it, &s &n &ssertion o, &uthorit' to re9uire ne3sp&per pu.lishers to =-on&te> ,ree print sp&ce ,or Co elec purposes, or &s &n e0hort&tion, or perh&ps &n &ppe&l, to pu.lishers to -on&te ,ree print sp&ce, &s Section " o, Resolution No. 2772@A &tte pts to su55est. There is nothin5 &t &ll to prevent ne3sp&per &n- &5&6ine pu.lishers ,ro volunt&ril' 5ivin5 ,ree print sp&ce to Co elec ,or the purposes conte pl&te- in Resolution No. 2772. Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 -oes not, ho3ever, provi-e & constitution&l .&sis ,or co pellin5 pu.lishers, &5&inst their 3ill, in the ?in- o, ,&ctu&l conte0t here present, to provi-e ,ree print sp&ce ,or Co elec purposes. Section 2 -oes not constitute & v&li- e0ercise o, the po3er o, e inent -o &in. Je 3oul- note th&t the rulin5 here l&i- -o3n .' the Court is entirel' in line 3ith the theor' o, -e ocr&tic represent&tive 5overn ent. The econo ic costs o, in,or in5 the 5ener&l pu.lic &.out the 9u&li,ic&tions &n- pro5r& s o, those see?in5 elective o,,ice &re ost &ppropri&tel' -istri.ute- &s 3i-el' &s possi.le throu5hout our societ' .' the utili6&tion o, pu.lic ,un-s, especi&ll' ,un-s r&ise- .' t&0&tion, r&ther th&n c&st solel' on one s &ll sector o, societ', i.e., print e-i& enterprises. The .ene,its 3hich ,lo3 ,ro & hei5htene- level o, in,or &tion on &n- the &3&reness o, the elector&l process &re co onl' thou5ht to .e co unit'@3i-e4 the .ur-ens shoul.e &lloc&te- on the s& e .&sis. As e&rlier note-, the Solicitor !ener&l &lso conten-e- th&t Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772, even i, re&- &s co pellin5 pu.lishers to =-on&te> =Co elec sp&ce,> &' .e sust&ine- &s & v&li- e0ercise o, the police po3er o, the st&te. This &r5u ent 3&s, ho3ever, &-e too c&su&ll' to re9uire prolon5e- consi-er&tion on our p&rt. 1irstl', there 3&s no e,,ort :&n&pp&rentl' no inclin&tion on the p&rt o, Co elec; to sho3 th&t the police po3er7essenti&ll' & po3er o, le5isl&tion7h&s .een constitution@ 2I2 2I2 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections &ll' -ele5&te- to respon-ent Co ission.% Secon-l', 3hile priv&te propert' &' in-ee- .e v&li-l' t&?en in the le5iti &te e0ercise o, the police po3er o, the st&te, there 3&s no &tte pt to sho3 co pli&nce in the inst&nt c&se 3ith the re9uisites o, & l&3,ul t&?in5 un-er the police po3er.(

Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 is & .lunt &n- he&v' instru ent th&t purports, 3ithout & sho3in5 o, e0istence o, & n&tion&l e er5enc' or other i perious pu.lic necessit', in-iscri in&tel' &n- 3ithout re5&r- to the in-ivi-u&l .usiness con-ition o, p&rticul&r ne3sp&pers or &5&6ines loc&tein -i,,erin5 p&rts o, the countr', to t&?e priv&te propert' o, ne3sp&per or &5&6ine pu.lishers. No &tte pt 3&s &-e to -e onstr&te th&t & re&l &np&lp&.le or ur5ent necessit' ,or the t&?in5 o, print sp&ce con,ronte- the Co elec &n- th&t Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 3&s itsel, the onl' re&son&.le &n- c&li.r&te- response to such necessit' &v&il&.le to the Co elec. Section 2 -oes not constitute & v&li- e0ercise o, the police po3er o, the St&te. Je turn to Section I o, Resolution No. 2772, 3hich nee-s to .e 9uote- in ,ull &5&inA =Sec. I. Un-ue Re,erence to C&n-i-&tesGPolitic&l P&rties in Ne3sp&pers.7 No ne3sp&per or pu.lic&tion sh&ll &llo3 to .e printe- or pu.lishe- in the ne3s, opinion, ,e&tures, or other sections o, the ne3sp&per or pu.lic&tion &ccounts or co ents 3hich &ni,estl' ,&vor or oppose &n' c&n-i-&te or politic&l p&rt' .' un-ul' or repe&te-l' re,errin5 to or inclu-in5 therein s&ic&n-i-&te or politic&l p&rt'. *o3ever, unless the ,&cts &n- circu st&nces cle&rl' in-ic&te other3ise, the Co ission 3ill respect the -eter in&tion .' the pu.lisher CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC % See, in this connection, Cru6, supr&, note / &t pp. %%@%(. The police po3er &' .e -ele5&te- .' the le5isl&tive &uthorit' to loc&l 5overn ents un-er the 5ener&l 3el,&re cl&use :Section "$, R.A. No. 7"$K, =+oc&l !overn ent Co-e o, "##">;, to the Presi-ent &n- &- inistr&tive &5encies. See &lso Din&' v. Do in5o, 2K" SCRA (KI :"##";4 Philippine Associ&tion o, Service E0porters, Inc. v. Drilon, "$/ SCRA /I$ :"#II;4 Eill&cost& v. Dern&r-o, "%/ SCRA %IK :"#I$;. ( See N&tion&l Develop ent Co p&n' v. Philippine Eeter&ns D&n?, "#2 SCRA 2(7 :"##K;4 Associ&tion o, S &ll +&n-o3ners in the Philippines, Inc. vs. Secret&r' o, A5r&ri&n Re,or , "7( SCRA /%/ :"#I#;. 2I/ EO+. 2%%, MAF 22, "##( 2I/ Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections &n-Gor e-itors o, the ne3sp&pers or pu.lic&tions th&t the &ccounts or vie3s pu.lishe- &re si5ni,ic&nt, ne3s3orth' &n- o, pu.lic interest.>

It is not e&s' to un-erst&n- 3h' Section I 3&s inclu-e- &t &ll in Resolution No. 2772. In &n' c&se, Section I shoul- .e vie3e- in the conte0t o, our -ecision in N&tion&l Press Clu. v. Co ission on Elections.$ There the Court sust&ine- the constitution&lit' o, Section "" :.; o, R.A. No. $$%$, ?no3n &s the Elector&l Re,or s +&3 o, "#I7, 3hich prohi.its the s&le or -on&tion o, print sp&ce &n- &irti e ,or c& p&i5n or other politic&l purposes, e0cept to the Co elec. In -oin5 so, the Court c&re,ull' -istin5uishe- :&; p&i- politic&l &-vertise ents 3hich &re re&che- .' the prohi.ition o, Section "" :.;, ,ro :.; the reportin5 o, ne3s, co ent&ries &n- e0pressions o, .elie, or opinion .' reporters, .ro&-c&sters, e-itors, co ent&tors or colu nists 3hich ,&ll outsi-e the scope o, Section "" :.; &n- 3hich &re protecte- .' the constitution&l 5u&r&ntees o, ,ree-o o, speech &n- o, the pressA =Secon-l', &n- ore i port&ntl', Section "" :.; is li ite- in its scope o, &pplic&tion. An&l'sis o, Section "" :.; sho3s th&t it purports to &ppl' onl' to the purch&se &n- s&le, inclu-in5 purch&se &n- s&le -is5uise- &s & -on&tion, o, print sp&ce &n- &ir ti e ,or c& p&i5n or other politic&l purposes. Section "" :.; -oes not purport in &n' 3&' to restrict the reportin5 .' ne3sp&pers or r&-io or television st&tions o, ne3s or ne3s@3orth' events rel&tin5 to c&n-i-&tes, their 9u&li,ic&tions, politic&l p&rties &n- pro5r& s o, 5overn ent. Moreover, Section "" :.; -oes not re&ch co ent&ries &ne0pressions o, .elie, or opinion .' reporters or .ro&-c&sters or e-itors or co ent&tors or colu nists in respect o, c&n-i-&tes, their 9u&li,ic&tions, &n- pro5r& s &n- so ,orth, so lon5 &t le&st &s such co ents, opinions &n.elie,s &re not in ,&ct &-vertise ents ,or p&rticul&r c&n-i-&tes covertl' p&i,or. In su , Section "" :.; is not to .e re&- &s re&chin5 &n' report or co ent&r' or other cover&5e th&t, in responsi.le e-i&, is not p&i- ,or .' c&n-i-&tes ,or politic&l o,,ice. Je re&- Section "" :.; &s -esi5ne- to cover onl' p&i- politic&l &-vertise ents o, p&rticul&r c&n-i-&tes. The &.ove li it&tion in scope o, &pplic&tion o, Section "" :.;7th&t it -oes not restrict either the reportin5 o, or the e0pression o, .elie, or opinion or co ent upon the 9u&li,ic&tions &n- pro5r& s &n- &ctivities o, &n' &n- &ll c&n-i-&tes ,or o,,ice7constitutes the critic&l -istinc@ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC $ 2K7 SCRA " :"##2;. 2I% 2I% SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED

Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections tion 3hich ust .e &-e .et3een the inst&nt c&se &n- th&t o, S&ni-&- v. Co ission on Elections. 0 0 0>7 :Cit&tions o itte-4 it&lics supplie-; Section I o, Resolution No. 2772 &ppe&rs to represent the e,,ort o, the Co elec to est&.lish & 5ui-eline ,or i ple ent&tion o, the &.ove@9uote-istinction &n- -octrine in N&tion&l Press Clu., &n e,,ort not .lesse- 3ith evi-ent success. Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772@A 3hile possi.l' help,ul, -oes not &--' to the utilit' o, Section I o, Resolution No. 2772. The -istinction .et3een p&i- politic&l &-vertise ents on the one h&n- &nne3s reports, co ent&ries &n- e0pressions o, .elie, or opinion .' reporters, .ro&-c&sters, e-itors, etc. on the other h&n-, c&n re&listic&ll' .e 5iven oper&tive e&nin5 onl' in &ctu&l c&ses or controversies, on & c&se@to@ c&se .&sis, in ter s o, ver' speci,ic sets o, ,&cts. At &ll events, the Court is .oun- to note th&t PPI h&s ,&ile- to &lle5e &n' speci,ic &,,ir &tive &ction on the p&rt o, Co elec -esi5ne- to en,orce or i ple ent Section I. PPI h&s not cl&i e- th&t it or &n' o, its e .ers h&s sust&ine- &ctu&l or i inent in<ur' .' re&son o, Co elec &ction un-er Section I. Put & little -i,,erentl', the Court consi-ers th&t the precise constitution&l issue here sou5ht to .e r&ise-73hether or not Section I o, Resolution No. 2772 constitutes & per issi.le e0ercise o, the Co elec8s po3er un-er Article IN, Section % o, the Constitution to =supervise or re5ul&te the en<o' ent or utili6&tion o, &ll ,r&nchise or per its ,or the oper&tion o,7 e-i& o, co unic&tion or in,or &tion7L,or the purpose o, ensurin5M e9u&l opportunit', ti e &n- sp&ce, &n- the ri5ht o, repl', inclu-in5 re&son&.le, e9u&l r&tes there,ore, ,or pu.lic in,or &tion c& p&i5ns &n- ,oru s & on5 c&n-i-&tes in connection 3ith the o.<ective o, hol-in5 ,ree, or-erl', honest, pe&ce,ul &n- cre-i.le elections7> is not ripe ,or <u-ici&l revie3 ,or l&c? o, &n &ctu&l c&se or controvers' involvin5, &s the ver' lis ot& thereo,, the constitu@tion&lit' o, Section I. Su &ri6in5 our conclusionsA CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 7 2K7 SCRA &t "K@"". 2I( EO+. 2%%, MAF 22, "##( 2I( Philippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections ". Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772, in its present ,or &n- &s interprete- .' Co elec in its 22 M&rch "##( letter -irectives, purports to re9uire print

e-i& enterprises to =-on&te> ,ree print sp&ce to Co elec. As such, Section 2 su,,ers ,ro & ,&t&l constitution&l vice &n- ust .e set &si-e &n- nulli,ie-. 2. To the e0tent it pert&ins to Section I o, Resolution No. 2772, the Petition ,or Certior&ri &n- Prohi.ition ust .e -is isse- ,or l&c? o, &n &ctu&l, <ustici&.le c&se or controvers'. J*ERE1ORE, ,or &ll the ,ore5oin5, the Petition ,or Certior&ri &nProhi.ition is !RANTED in p&rt &n- Section 2 o, Resolution No. 2772 in its present ,or &n- the rel&te- letter@-irectives -&te- 22 M&rch "##( &re here.' SET ASIDE &s null &n- voi-, &n- the Te por&r' Restr&inin5 Or-er is here.' MADE PERMANENT. The Petition is DISMISSED in p&rt, to the e0tent it rel&tes to Section I o, Resolution No. 2772. No pronounce ent &s to costs. N&rv&s& :C.2.;, P&-ill&, Re5&l&-o, D&vi-e, 2r., Ro ero, Dellosillo, Melo, Puno, Eitu5, O&pun&n, Men-o6& &n- 1r&ncisco, 22., concur. Pui&son, 2., On le&ve. Petition 5r&nte- in p&rt &n- -is isse- in p&rt. Note.7The Co ission on Elections h&s po3er to pro ul5&te rules &nre5ul&tions. :!&ll&r-o vs. T&.& o, 2r., 2"I SCRA 2(/ L"##/M; LPhilippine Press Institute, Inc. vs. Co ission on Elections, 2%% SCRA 272:"##(;M

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