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Population Geography Case Study: Demographic Changes in Singapore Experienced all 4 stages of DTM in 30 years could be because it is a former

er British territory share common characteristics of population growth tage !" !#!$ !$4%" B& 44'() D& *0'# tage *" !$4( !$+%" B& 44'4) D& ('+ ,atural increase and migration -igh B&" post.war baby boom / huge increase in number of females in child.bearing years 0attern of migration changed" mo1ement of persons between ingapore and 2est Malaysia not regulated migrational surplus rural.urban drift Declining D&" de1eloped health ser1ices and impro1ed sanitation le1els under British influence) impro1ed transport for distribution of resources tage 3" !$+( !$(4" B& !$'4) D& +'* Migration no longer that important Declining B& But increase in number of women of child.bearing age fundamental change in fertility patterns of population 31erage si4e of family from ( to 3) changes in age of marriage from *0'3 to *4'3 Decline in proportion of women being married 5rowth of labour force greater female participation 31ailability of more comprehensi1e facilities for education) healthcare and social ser1ices more liberal and modern attitude Brea6down of traditional family systems and attitudes towards 7oint.families and family.li1ing 8ow D& 9ndependent status paid more attention to pro1iding total healthcare :pre1enti1e and curati1e; 0olicies !$%%" <i1e.=ear ,ational 0rogramme to females of child.bearing age to reduce B& saw rapid population growth as threat to li1ing standards and political stability) o1erwhelm schools and employment 1acancies uccessful determined effort s of the Board / general desire and willingness to accept modern family planning techni>ues / greater accessibility to information through mass media

Population Geography !$%$ !$(*" post.war baby boom women reached child.bearing years legali4ing abortion) 1oluntary sterili4ation) population disincenti1es to raise cost of bearing 3rd and subse>uent children :hospital charges) income tax deductions not a1ailable for 3 rd and subse>uent children;) top priority in enrolment for reputed primary schools gi1en to children whose parents sterili4ed before 40) 1oluntary sterili4ation" ( days of paid medical lea1e) pri1ileges in allocation of housing and education 0ublicity campaigns" ? top 3t Two@" penalties weighed more hea1ily on the poor limited resources to ade>uately bring up children to rise from po1erty and be producti1e citi4ens tage 4" !$(+ now" B& !0'!) D& 4'3 8ow B&" men no childcare benefits women feel more strain) ageing population 0olicies !$#4" preferential school admission to children whose mothers were uni1ersity graduates) offering grants to less educated women who agreed to be sterili4ed after birth of *nd child) DA 0olicies generally unpopular abandoned or modified in !$#+ due to ineffecti1eness !$#%" B-a1e Three or More) 9f =ou Can 3fford 9t@ tax rebates for 3rd children) subsidies for daycare) priority in allocation of education and housing *00!" baby bonus scheme which was enhanced in *004" extend maternity lea1e) cash gifts) monetary contributions in children@s ban6 accounts 2omen no longer moti1ated by monetary incenti1es dri1en by success of their career need policies to help women 7uggle between family life and wor6

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