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What is Data Synchronization ? Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in oracle application development/implementation project? The equally important that !" data #igration takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during $nstallations %&ew desc' (le) (ield creations etc* +pgrades % pps upgrade etc* #aintenance %,alue set changes etc*

Then What.. FNDLOAD -es, that is one and only oracle solution' $t can be de(ined as a concurrent program that can move !racle pplications data between database and te)t (ile representations' !r this can be de(ined as .&D"! D can download data (rom an application entity into an editable te)t (ile, which can be uploaded to another database' How it works /onversion between database (ormat and te)t (ile (ormat is speci(ied by a con(iguration (ile' !racle does provide con(irmation (ile and it is important to just pass the con(iguration (ile name and then just call the loader and leave everything 'The schematic visual representation o( the loader is like0 What can be one? These are the e)tensive list which can be done through .&D"! D /oncurrent 1rograms, 2)ecutables 3equest 4roups, 3equest Sets 1ro(ile !ptions 5ey and Descriptive .le)(ields #enus and 3esponsibilities .orms and .orm .unctions ttachments #essages ,alue Sets and ,alues "ookup Types +ser 3esponsibilities 1rinter De(initions .&D Dictionary 6elp /on(iguration Document Sequences

/oncurrent #anager Schedules

Thenwhat are a !anta"es when #sin" FNDLOAD are $ 7' 8ecause downloaded data is stored in a te)t (ile, version administration is possible 9' There is nothing to worry to go to purchase because''$nvestment : ;< =' &o learning curve' this is relie( (or developer/dba>?@s A' .ully supported and recommended by !racle B' /apture the migrations in a (ile and use it during installations, clones etc' to migrate in batch C' 1inDpoint when something happened and where %database* easily E' -our !" data migration process is now simpli(ied and streamlined >?F goal attainedGG An these are so%e Disa !anta"es a&so $ H' pplications patching mechanisms use .&D"! D heavily >?F possibility o( negative impact is not zero

I' +1"! DJ#!D2:321" /2 only (or menus 7;' &o validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data The Synta' To use .&D"! D, the (ollowing synta) is needed' FNDLOAD a((s)a((s(w * + %o e con,i",i&e ata,i&e entity -(ara%eter.../ s you can see, some in(o is needed'D .irst you will need to know the pps password' The mode is either D!K&"! D or +1"! D' The con(ig(ile is the (ile that .ndload needs to download on upload data' T he data (ile is the output (ile, in which the downloaded data is written The entity is the entity you want to download, 1arameters van is passed to download a certain lert

0o es o, O(eration This is important because it would drive the whole (low, and it always be two mode '' +pload and Download>?L 1'a%(&e o, own&oa $ .&D"! Dapps/pwd ; - D!K&"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt O 13!43 # /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2: concurrentJprogramJshortJnameP 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:QapplicationJshortJnameP 1'a%(&e o, 2(&oa .&D"! D apps/pwd ; - +1"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt R

/+ST!#J#!D2:.!3/2 undocumented parameter WHAT 3S FNDLOADLoa O(tions$ pplication level !3 single entity level download %2)ample* Download all the pro(ile options o( $nventory or just the $&,0 De(ault 1rimary +!# %2)ample* +pload the entire my(ile'ldt or just a single enity indicated by R and mode +1"! D or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " 2ntity name required (or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " mode To override !racleSs upload algorithm and update the custom !" data regardless, use /+ST!#J#!D2: .!3/2 +1"! DJ#!D2: 321" /2 %only (or menus* &"S data uploads (or translated columns are supported, use +1"! DJ#!D2: &"S

2ntire !3 1artial upload o( a data (ile

/ustom mode (orce update

Support (or &"S uploads

Then ..Where is 4on,i" Fi&e Locate 8y de(ault !racle delivers most o( con(iguration (iles you can use to download certain entities' /on(iguration (iles with e)tension 'lct !n +ni) R all the con(iguration (iles are in <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import directory !n +ni) >?F !racle also places the original con(iguration (iles in <.&DJT!1/admin/import directory

Data (iles with e)tension 'ldt The con(ig (iles %'lct* are delivered and maintained by !racle $t has entity de(initions, parentDchild relationships and user input parameters identi(ied by 0& #2 Downloading a parent automatically downloads all children R %2)ample* /oncurrent 1rogram download

an ..FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res is

Take a note FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res The data (iles %'ldt* have both entity de(inition and the data $t also shows the version and the location o( the con(ig (ile %'lct* that was used Kithout the con(ig (ile, data (ile is useless

Kithout the data (ile, con(ig (ile is meaningless 5ey (iles0 'lct and 'ldt -ou must run the .&D"! Das a((s user not as applsys or any other, otherwise you will receive !raDCBB; 8oth are easily readable, editable and portable DO NOT 0OD3F+ !racle>?@s 'lct (iles +se your (avorite editor %$ would suggest Te)tpad or 2ditplus* to manipulate only the 'ldt (iles but be cautious about data type, length, delimiter placements etc' +se the log (ile outputs or 'ldt (ile contents creatively (or quick (ile comparisons and answer questions (aster %Khy can>?@t $ access that? Khat is that pro(ile option name, value and level? Khat is the value set used (or that D.. segment attribute7; etc'* 1artial string searches %which value set has 1riority >?Tsomething>? in its where clause? etc*

..5e%e%ber re"ar in" FNDLOAD Fi&es

Sa%(&e Scri(t 4o e ,or these Ob6ects $ . 7 8rinter Sty&es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cppstl'lct (ileJname'ldt ST-"2 13$&T23JST-"2J& #2:Vprinter style nameV 9 7 Look#(s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(lvmlu'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ"!!5+1JT-12 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV "!!5+1JT-12:Vlookup nameV : 7 Descri(ti!e F&e',ie& with a&& o, s(eci,ic 4onte'ts .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt D2S/J."2W 1J"2,2":?/!"J ""032.J ""0/TWJ!&20S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV D2S/3$1T$,2J."2W.$2"DJ& #2:Vdesc (le) nameV 1J/!&T2WTJ/!D2:Vconte)t nameV ; 7 <ey F&e',ie& Str#ct#res .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt 52-J."2W 1J"2,2":? /!"J ""0.X"J ""0SX"J ""0ST3J!&20K.1J ""0S6 J ""0/,3J ""0 S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV $DJ."2WJ/!D2:Vkey (le) codeV 1JST3+/T+32J/!D2:Vstructure nameV = 7 4onc#rrent 8ro"ra%s

.&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct (ileJname'ldt 13!43 # 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2:Vconcurrent nameV > 7 ?a&#e Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2T ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV @ 7 ?a&#e Sets with !a&#es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2TJ, "+2 ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV A 7 8ro,i&e O(tions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scpro('lct (ileJname'ldt 13!.$"2 13!.$"2J& #2:Vpro(ile optionV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV B 7 5eC#set Dro#( .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpreqg'lct (ileJname'ldt 32X+2STJ43!+1 32X+2STJ43!+1J& #2:Vrequest groupV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV .* 7 5eC#est Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cprset'lct (ileJname'ldt 32XJS2T 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV 32X+2STJS2TJ& #2:Vrequest setV .. 7 5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ32S1!&S$8$"$T- 32S1J52-:Vresponsibility .9 7 0en#s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(sload'lct (ileJname'ldt #2&+ #2&+J& #2:VmenuJnameV .: E For%s)F#nctions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D FNDLOAD What is Data Synchronization ? Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in oracle application development/implementation project? The equally important that !" data #igration

takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during $nstallations %&ew desc' (le) (ield creations etc* +pgrades % pps upgrade etc* #aintenance %,alue set changes etc*

Then What.. FNDLOAD -es, that is one and only oracle solution' $t can be de(ined as a concurrent program that can move !racle pplications data between database and te)t (ile representations' !r this can be de(ined as .&D"! D can download data (rom an application entity into an editable te)t (ile, which can be uploaded to another database' How it works /onversion between database (ormat and te)t (ile (ormat is speci(ied by a con(iguration (ile' !racle does provide con(irmation (ile and it is important to just pass the con(iguration (ile name and then just call the loader and leave everything 'The schematic visual representation o( the loader is like0 What can be one? These are the e)tensive list which can be done through .&D"! D /oncurrent 1rograms, 2)ecutables 3equest 4roups, 3equest Sets 1ro(ile !ptions 5ey and Descriptive .le)(ields #enus and 3esponsibilities .orms and .orm .unctions ttachments #essages ,alue Sets and ,alues "ookup Types +ser 3esponsibilities 1rinter De(initions .&D Dictionary 6elp /on(iguration Document Sequences /oncurrent #anager Schedules

Thenwhat are a !anta"es when #sin" FNDLOAD are $ 77' 8ecause downloaded data is stored in a te)t (ile, version administration is possible 79' There is nothing to worry to go to purchase because''$nvestment : ;<

7=' &o learning curve' this is relie( (or developer/dba>?@s 7A' .ully supported and recommended by !racle 7B' /apture the migrations in a (ile and use it during installations, clones etc' to migrate in batch 7C' 1inDpoint when something happened and where %database* easily 7E' -our !" data migration process is now simpli(ied and streamlined >?F goal attainedGG An these are so%e Disa !anta"es a&so $ 7H' pplications patching mechanisms use .&D"! D heavily >?F possibility o( negative impact is not zero 7I' +1"! DJ#!D2:321" /2 only (or menus 9;' &o validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data The Synta' To use .&D"! D, the (ollowing synta) is needed' FNDLOAD a((s)a((s(w * + %o e con,i",i&e ata,i&e entity -(ara%eter.../ s you can see, some in(o is needed'D .irst you will need to know the pps password' The mode is either D!K&"! D or +1"! D' The con(ig(ile is the (ile that .ndload needs to download on upload data' T he data (ile is the output (ile, in which the downloaded data is written The entity is the entity you want to download, 1arameters van is passed to download a certain lert

0o es o, O(eration This is important because it would drive the whole (low, and it always be two mode '' +pload and Download>?L 1'a%(&e o, own&oa $ .&D"! Dapps/pwd ; - D!K&"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt O 13!43 # /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2: concurrentJprogramJshortJnameP 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:QapplicationJshortJnameP 1'a%(&e o, 2(&oa .&D"! D apps/pwd ; - +1"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt R /+ST!#J#!D2:.!3/2 undocumented parameter WHAT 3S FNDLOADLoa O(tions$ pplication level !3 single entity level download %2)ample* Download all the pro(ile options o( $nventory or just the $&,0

De(ault 1rimary +!# 2ntire !3 1artial upload o( a data (ile %2)ample* +pload the entire my(ile'ldt or just a single enity indicated by R and mode +1"! D or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " 2ntity name required (or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " mode To override !racleSs upload algorithm and update the custom !" data regardless, use /+ST!#J#!D2: .!3/2 +1"! DJ#!D2: 321" /2 %only (or menus* &"S data uploads (or translated columns are supported, use +1"! DJ#!D2: &"S

/ustom mode (orce update

Support (or &"S uploads

Then ..Where is 4on,i" Fi&e Locate 8y de(ault !racle delivers most o( con(iguration (iles you can use to download certain entities' /on(iguration (iles with e)tension 'lct !n +ni) R all the con(iguration (iles are in <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import directory !n +ni) >?F !racle also places the original con(iguration (iles in <.&DJT!1/admin/import directory

Data (iles with e)tension 'ldt The con(ig (iles %'lct* are delivered and maintained by !racle $t has entity de(initions, parentDchild relationships and user input parameters identi(ied by 0& #2 Downloading a parent automatically downloads all children R %2)ample* /oncurrent 1rogram download

an ..FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res is

Take a note FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res The data (iles %'ldt* have both entity de(inition and the data $t also shows the version and the location o( the con(ig (ile %'lct* that was used Kithout the con(ig (ile, data (ile is useless Kithout the data (ile, con(ig (ile is meaningless 5ey (iles0 'lct and 'ldt -ou must run the .&D"! Das a((s user not as applsys or any other, otherwise

..5e%e%ber re"ar in" FNDLOAD Fi&es

you will receive !raDCBB; 8oth are easily readable, editable and portable DO NOT 0OD3F+ !racle>?@s 'lct (iles +se your (avorite editor %$ would suggest Te)tpad or 2ditplus* to manipulate only the 'ldt (iles but be cautious about data type, length, delimiter placements etc' +se the log (ile outputs or 'ldt (ile contents creatively (or quick (ile comparisons and answer questions (aster %Khy can>?@t $ access that? Khat is that pro(ile option name, value and level? Khat is the value set used (or that D.. segment attribute7; etc'* 1artial string searches %which value set has 1riority >?Tsomething>? in its where clause? etc*

Sa%(&e Scri(t 4o e ,or these Ob6ects $ . 7 8rinter Sty&es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cppstl'lct (ileJname'ldt ST-"2 13$&T23JST-"2J& #2:Vprinter style nameV 9 7 Look#(s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(lvmlu'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ"!!5+1JT-12 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV "!!5+1JT-12:Vlookup nameV : 7 Descri(ti!e F&e',ie& with a&& o, s(eci,ic 4onte'ts .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt D2S/J."2W 1J"2,2":?/!"J ""032.J ""0/TWJ!&20S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV D2S/3$1T$,2J."2W.$2"DJ& #2:Vdesc (le) nameV 1J/!&T2WTJ/!D2:Vconte)t nameV ; 7 <ey F&e',ie& Str#ct#res .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt 52-J."2W 1J"2,2":? /!"J ""0.X"J ""0SX"J ""0ST3J!&20K.1J ""0S6 J ""0/,3J ""0 S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV $DJ."2WJ/!D2:Vkey (le) codeV 1JST3+/T+32J/!D2:Vstructure nameV = 7 4onc#rrent 8ro"ra%s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct (ileJname'ldt 13!43 # 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2:Vconcurrent nameV > 7 ?a&#e Sets

.&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2T ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV @ 7 ?a&#e Sets with !a&#es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2TJ, "+2 ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV A 7 8ro,i&e O(tions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scpro('lct (ileJname'ldt 13!.$"2 13!.$"2J& #2:Vpro(ile optionV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV B 7 5eC#set Dro#( .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpreqg'lct (ileJname'ldt 32X+2STJ43!+1 32X+2STJ43!+1J& #2:Vrequest groupV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV .* 7 5eC#est Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cprset'lct (ileJname'ldt 32XJS2T 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV 32X+2STJS2TJ& #2:Vrequest setV .. 7 5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ32S1!&S$8$"$T- 32S1J52-:Vresponsibility .9 7 0en#s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(sload'lct (ileJname'ldt #2&+ #2&+J& #2:VmenuJnameV .: E For%s)F#nctions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ.!3#J/+ST!#J3+"2S The +pload synta) (or all styles0 .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .;. 2ser)5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 Then +1"! D .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D Y+1"! DJ1 3T$ "Z U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 YQ+S23PZ

5e,erences$ !racle pplications Systems dministrator>?@s 4uide #etalink &otes0 77E;HA'7, 99HC7A'7 9=9;9I'7 , 9EACCE'7

Here is the scri(t ,or own&oa an #(&oa o, Data e,initions an te%(&ate .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ! - D!K&"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt WD!JDSJD2.$&$T$!&S 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VWW S&V D T JS!+3/2J/!D2:VWWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2V .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ; - +1"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt

What is Data Synchronization ? Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in oracle application development/implementation project? The equally important that !" data #igration takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during $nstallations %&ew desc' (le) (ield creations etc* +pgrades % pps upgrade etc* #aintenance %,alue set changes etc*

Then What.. FNDLOAD -es, that is one and only oracle solution' $t can be de(ined as a concurrent program that can move !racle pplications data between database and te)t (ile representations' !r this can be de(ined as .&D"! D can download data (rom an application entity into an editable te)t (ile, which can be uploaded to another database' How it works /onversion between database (ormat and te)t (ile (ormat is speci(ied by a con(iguration (ile' !racle does provide con(irmation (ile and it is important to just pass the con(iguration (ile name and then just call the loader and leave everything 'The schematic visual representation o( the loader is like0 What can be one? These are the e)tensive list which can be done through .&D"! D /oncurrent 1rograms, 2)ecutables 3equest 4roups, 3equest Sets 1ro(ile !ptions 5ey and Descriptive .le)(ields #enus and 3esponsibilities .orms and .orm .unctions ttachments

#essages ,alue Sets and ,alues "ookup Types +ser 3esponsibilities 1rinter De(initions .&D Dictionary 6elp /on(iguration Document Sequences /oncurrent #anager Schedules

Thenwhat are a !anta"es when #sin" FNDLOAD are $ 97' 8ecause downloaded data is stored in a te)t (ile, version administration is possible 99' There is nothing to worry to go to purchase because''$nvestment : ;< 9=' &o learning curve' this is relie( (or developer/dba>?@s 9A' .ully supported and recommended by !racle 9B' /apture the migrations in a (ile and use it during installations, clones etc' to migrate in batch 9C' 1inDpoint when something happened and where %database* easily 9E' -our !" data migration process is now simpli(ied and streamlined >?F goal attainedGG An these are so%e Disa !anta"es a&so $ 9H' pplications patching mechanisms use .&D"! D heavily >?F possibility o( negative impact is not zero 9I' +1"! DJ#!D2:321" /2 only (or menus =;' &o validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data The Synta' To use .&D"! D, the (ollowing synta) is needed' FNDLOAD a((s)a((s(w * + %o e con,i",i&e ata,i&e entity -(ara%eter.../ s you can see, some in(o is needed'D .irst you will need to know the pps password' The mode is either D!K&"! D or +1"! D' The con(ig(ile is the (ile that .ndload needs to download on upload data' T he data (ile is the output (ile, in which the downloaded data is written The entity is the entity you want to download, 1arameters van is passed to download a certain lert

0o es o, O(eration This is important because it would drive the whole (low, and it always be two mode '' +pload and Download>?L 1'a%(&e o, own&oa $ .&D"! Dapps/pwd ; - D!K&"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt O 13!43 # /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2: concurrentJprogramJshortJnameP 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:QapplicationJshortJnameP 1'a%(&e o, 2(&oa .&D"! D apps/pwd ; - +1"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt R /+ST!#J#!D2:.!3/2 undocumented parameter WHAT 3S FNDLOADLoa O(tions$ pplication level !3 single entity level download %2)ample* Download all the pro(ile options o( $nventory or just the $&,0 De(ault 1rimary +!# %2)ample* +pload the entire my(ile'ldt or just a single enity indicated by R and mode +1"! D or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " 2ntity name required (or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " mode To override !racleSs upload algorithm and update the custom !" data regardless, use /+ST!#J#!D2: .!3/2 +1"! DJ#!D2: 321" /2 %only (or menus* &"S data uploads (or translated columns are supported, use +1"! DJ#!D2: &"S

2ntire !3 1artial upload o( a data (ile

/ustom mode (orce update

Support (or &"S uploads

Then ..Where is 4on,i" Fi&e Locate 8y de(ault !racle delivers most o( con(iguration (iles you can use to download certain entities' /on(iguration (iles with e)tension 'lct !n +ni) R all the con(iguration (iles are in <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import directory !n +ni) >?F !racle also places the original con(iguration (iles in <.&DJT!1/admin/import directory

Data (iles with e)tension 'ldt

an ..FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res is

The con(ig (iles %'lct* are delivered and maintained by !racle $t has entity de(initions, parentDchild relationships and user input parameters identi(ied by 0& #2 Downloading a parent automatically downloads all children R %2)ample* /oncurrent 1rogram download

Take a note FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res The data (iles %'ldt* have both entity de(inition and the data $t also shows the version and the location o( the con(ig (ile %'lct* that was used Kithout the con(ig (ile, data (ile is useless Kithout the data (ile, con(ig (ile is meaningless 5ey (iles0 'lct and 'ldt -ou must run the .&D"! Das a((s user not as applsys or any other, otherwise you will receive !raDCBB; 8oth are easily readable, editable and portable DO NOT 0OD3F+ !racle>?@s 'lct (iles +se your (avorite editor %$ would suggest Te)tpad or 2ditplus* to manipulate only the 'ldt (iles but be cautious about data type, length, delimiter placements etc' +se the log (ile outputs or 'ldt (ile contents creatively (or quick (ile comparisons and answer questions (aster %Khy can>?@t $ access that? Khat is that pro(ile option name, value and level? Khat is the value set used (or that D.. segment attribute7; etc'* 1artial string searches %which value set has 1riority >?Tsomething>? in its where clause? etc*

..5e%e%ber re"ar in" FNDLOAD Fi&es

Sa%(&e Scri(t 4o e ,or these Ob6ects $ . 7 8rinter Sty&es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cppstl'lct (ileJname'ldt ST-"2 13$&T23JST-"2J& #2:Vprinter style nameV 9 7 Look#(s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(lvmlu'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ"!!5+1JT-12 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV "!!5+1JT-12:Vlookup nameV : 7 Descri(ti!e F&e',ie& with a&& o, s(eci,ic 4onte'ts .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt D2S/J."2W

1J"2,2":?/!"J ""032.J ""0/TWJ!&20S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV D2S/3$1T$,2J."2W.$2"DJ& #2:Vdesc (le) nameV 1J/!&T2WTJ/!D2:Vconte)t nameV ; 7 <ey F&e',ie& Str#ct#res .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt 52-J."2W 1J"2,2":? /!"J ""0.X"J ""0SX"J ""0ST3J!&20K.1J ""0S6 J ""0/,3J ""0 S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV $DJ."2WJ/!D2:Vkey (le) codeV 1JST3+/T+32J/!D2:Vstructure nameV = 7 4onc#rrent 8ro"ra%s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct (ileJname'ldt 13!43 # 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2:Vconcurrent nameV > 7 ?a&#e Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2T ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV @ 7 ?a&#e Sets with !a&#es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2TJ, "+2 ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV A 7 8ro,i&e O(tions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scpro('lct (ileJname'ldt 13!.$"2 13!.$"2J& #2:Vpro(ile optionV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV B 7 5eC#set Dro#( .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpreqg'lct (ileJname'ldt 32X+2STJ43!+1 32X+2STJ43!+1J& #2:Vrequest groupV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV .* 7 5eC#est Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cprset'lct (ileJname'ldt 32XJS2T 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV 32X+2STJS2TJ& #2:Vrequest setV .. 7 5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ32S1!&S$8$"$T- 32S1J52-:Vresponsibility

.9 7 0en#s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(sload'lct (ileJname'ldt #2&+ #2&+J& #2:VmenuJnameV .: E For%s)F#nctions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ.!3#J/+ST!#J3+"2S The +pload synta) (or all styles0 .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .;. 2ser)5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 Then +1"! D .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D Y+1"! DJ1 3T$ "Z U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 YQ+S23PZ 5e,erences$ !racle pplications Systems dministrator>?@s 4uide #etalink &otes0 77E;HA'7, 99HC7A'7 9=9;9I'7 , 9EACCE'7

Here is the scri(t ,or own&oa an #(&oa o, Data e,initions an te%(&ate .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ! - D!K&"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt WD!JDSJD2.$&$T$!&S 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VWW S&V D T JS!+3/2J/!D2:VWWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2V .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ; - +1"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt

What is Data Synchronization ? Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in oracle application development/implementation project? The equally important that !" data #igration takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during $nstallations %&ew desc' (le) (ield creations etc* +pgrades % pps upgrade etc* #aintenance %,alue set changes etc*

Then What.. FNDLOAD -es, that is one and only oracle solution' $t can be de(ined as a concurrent program that can move !racle pplications data between database and te)t (ile representations' !r this can be de(ined as .&D"! D can download data (rom an application entity into an editable te)t (ile, which can be uploaded to another database' How it works

/onversion between database (ormat and te)t (ile (ormat is speci(ied by a con(iguration (ile' !racle does provide con(irmation (ile and it is important to just pass the con(iguration (ile name and then just call the loader and leave everything 'The schematic visual representation o( the loader is like0 What can be one? These are the e)tensive list which can be done through .&D"! D /oncurrent 1rograms, 2)ecutables 3equest 4roups, 3equest Sets 1ro(ile !ptions 5ey and Descriptive .le)(ields #enus and 3esponsibilities .orms and .orm .unctions ttachments #essages ,alue Sets and ,alues "ookup Types +ser 3esponsibilities 1rinter De(initions .&D Dictionary 6elp /on(iguration Document Sequences /oncurrent #anager Schedules

Thenwhat are a !anta"es when #sin" FNDLOAD are $ =7' 8ecause downloaded data is stored in a te)t (ile, version administration is possible =9' There is nothing to worry to go to purchase because''$nvestment : ;< ==' &o learning curve' this is relie( (or developer/dba>?@s =A' .ully supported and recommended by !racle =B' /apture the migrations in a (ile and use it during installations, clones etc' to migrate in batch =C' 1inDpoint when something happened and where %database* easily =E' -our !" data migration process is now simpli(ied and streamlined >?F goal attainedGG An these are so%e Disa !anta"es a&so $ =H' pplications patching mechanisms use .&D"! D heavily >?F possibility o( negative impact is not zero

=I' +1"! DJ#!D2:321" /2 only (or menus A;' &o validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data The Synta' To use .&D"! D, the (ollowing synta) is needed' FNDLOAD a((s)a((s(w * + %o e con,i",i&e ata,i&e entity -(ara%eter.../ s you can see, some in(o is needed'D .irst you will need to know the pps password' The mode is either D!K&"! D or +1"! D' The con(ig(ile is the (ile that .ndload needs to download on upload data' T he data (ile is the output (ile, in which the downloaded data is written The entity is the entity you want to download, 1arameters van is passed to download a certain lert

0o es o, O(eration This is important because it would drive the whole (low, and it always be two mode '' +pload and Download>?L 1'a%(&e o, own&oa $ .&D"! Dapps/pwd ; - D!K&"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt O 13!43 # /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2: concurrentJprogramJshortJnameP 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:QapplicationJshortJnameP 1'a%(&e o, 2(&oa .&D"! D apps/pwd ; - +1"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt R /+ST!#J#!D2:.!3/2 undocumented parameter WHAT 3S FNDLOADLoa O(tions$ pplication level !3 single entity level download %2)ample* Download all the pro(ile options o( $nventory or just the $&,0 De(ault 1rimary +!# %2)ample* +pload the entire my(ile'ldt or just a single enity indicated by R and mode +1"! D or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " 2ntity name required (or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " mode To override !racleSs upload algorithm and update the custom !" data regardless, use /+ST!#J#!D2: .!3/2 +1"! DJ#!D2: 321" /2 %only (or menus*

2ntire !3 1artial upload o( a data (ile

/ustom mode (orce update

Support (or &"S uploads &"S data uploads (or translated columns are supported, use +1"! DJ#!D2: &"S

Then ..Where is 4on,i" Fi&e Locate 8y de(ault !racle delivers most o( con(iguration (iles you can use to download certain entities' /on(iguration (iles with e)tension 'lct !n +ni) R all the con(iguration (iles are in <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import directory !n +ni) >?F !racle also places the original con(iguration (iles in <.&DJT!1/admin/import directory

Data (iles with e)tension 'ldt The con(ig (iles %'lct* are delivered and maintained by !racle $t has entity de(initions, parentDchild relationships and user input parameters identi(ied by 0& #2 Downloading a parent automatically downloads all children R %2)ample* /oncurrent 1rogram download

an ..FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res is

Take a note FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res The data (iles %'ldt* have both entity de(inition and the data $t also shows the version and the location o( the con(ig (ile %'lct* that was used Kithout the con(ig (ile, data (ile is useless Kithout the data (ile, con(ig (ile is meaningless 5ey (iles0 'lct and 'ldt -ou must run the .&D"! Das a((s user not as applsys or any other, otherwise you will receive !raDCBB; 8oth are easily readable, editable and portable DO NOT 0OD3F+ !racle>?@s 'lct (iles +se your (avorite editor %$ would suggest Te)tpad or 2ditplus* to manipulate only the 'ldt (iles but be cautious about data type, length, delimiter placements etc' +se the log (ile outputs or 'ldt (ile contents creatively (or quick (ile comparisons and answer questions (aster %Khy can>?@t $ access that? Khat is that pro(ile option name, value and level? Khat is the value set used (or that D.. segment attribute7; etc'*

..5e%e%ber re"ar in" FNDLOAD Fi&es

1artial string searches %which value set has 1riority >?Tsomething>? in its where clause? etc*

Sa%(&e Scri(t 4o e ,or these Ob6ects $ . 7 8rinter Sty&es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cppstl'lct (ileJname'ldt ST-"2 13$&T23JST-"2J& #2:Vprinter style nameV 9 7 Look#(s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(lvmlu'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ"!!5+1JT-12 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV "!!5+1JT-12:Vlookup nameV : 7 Descri(ti!e F&e',ie& with a&& o, s(eci,ic 4onte'ts .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt D2S/J."2W 1J"2,2":?/!"J ""032.J ""0/TWJ!&20S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV D2S/3$1T$,2J."2W.$2"DJ& #2:Vdesc (le) nameV 1J/!&T2WTJ/!D2:Vconte)t nameV ; 7 <ey F&e',ie& Str#ct#res .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt 52-J."2W 1J"2,2":? /!"J ""0.X"J ""0SX"J ""0ST3J!&20K.1J ""0S6 J ""0/,3J ""0 S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV $DJ."2WJ/!D2:Vkey (le) codeV 1JST3+/T+32J/!D2:Vstructure nameV = 7 4onc#rrent 8ro"ra%s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct (ileJname'ldt 13!43 # 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2:Vconcurrent nameV > 7 ?a&#e Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2T ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV @ 7 ?a&#e Sets with !a&#es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2TJ, "+2 ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV A 7 8ro,i&e O(tions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scpro('lct (ileJname'ldt 13!.$"2

13!.$"2J& #2:Vpro(ile optionV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV B 7 5eC#set Dro#( .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpreqg'lct (ileJname'ldt 32X+2STJ43!+1 32X+2STJ43!+1J& #2:Vrequest groupV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV .* 7 5eC#est Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cprset'lct (ileJname'ldt 32XJS2T 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV 32X+2STJS2TJ& #2:Vrequest setV .. 7 5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ32S1!&S$8$"$T- 32S1J52-:Vresponsibility .9 7 0en#s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(sload'lct (ileJname'ldt #2&+ #2&+J& #2:VmenuJnameV .: E For%s)F#nctions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ.!3#J/+ST!#J3+"2S The +pload synta) (or all styles0 .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .;. 2ser)5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 Then +1"! D .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D Y+1"! DJ1 3T$ "Z U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 YQ+S23PZ 5e,erences$ !racle pplications Systems dministrator>?@s 4uide #etalink &otes0 77E;HA'7, 99HC7A'7 9=9;9I'7 , 9EACCE'7

Here is the scri(t ,or own&oa an #(&oa o, Data e,initions an te%(&ate .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ! - D!K&"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt WD!JDSJD2.$&$T$!&S 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VWW S&V D T JS!+3/2J/!D2:VWWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2V .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ; - +1"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt

What is Data Synchronization ? Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in oracle application development/implementation project? The equally important that !" data #igration takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during $nstallations %&ew desc' (le) (ield creations etc* +pgrades % pps upgrade etc* #aintenance %,alue set changes etc*

Then What.. FNDLOAD -es, that is one and only oracle solution' $t can be de(ined as a concurrent program that can move !racle pplications data between database and te)t (ile representations' !r this can be de(ined as .&D"! D can download data (rom an application entity into an editable te)t (ile, which can be uploaded to another database' How it works /onversion between database (ormat and te)t (ile (ormat is speci(ied by a con(iguration (ile' !racle does provide con(irmation (ile and it is important to just pass the con(iguration (ile name and then just call the loader and leave everything 'The schematic visual representation o( the loader is like0 What can be one? These are the e)tensive list which can be done through .&D"! D /oncurrent 1rograms, 2)ecutables 3equest 4roups, 3equest Sets 1ro(ile !ptions 5ey and Descriptive .le)(ields #enus and 3esponsibilities .orms and .orm .unctions ttachments #essages ,alue Sets and ,alues "ookup Types +ser 3esponsibilities 1rinter De(initions .&D Dictionary 6elp /on(iguration Document Sequences

/oncurrent #anager Schedules

Thenwhat are a !anta"es when #sin" FNDLOAD are $ A7' 8ecause downloaded data is stored in a te)t (ile, version administration is possible A9' There is nothing to worry to go to purchase because''$nvestment : ;< A=' &o learning curve' this is relie( (or developer/dba>?@s AA' .ully supported and recommended by !racle AB' /apture the migrations in a (ile and use it during installations, clones etc' to migrate in batch AC' 1inDpoint when something happened and where %database* easily AE' -our !" data migration process is now simpli(ied and streamlined >?F goal attainedGG An these are so%e Disa !anta"es a&so $ AH' pplications patching mechanisms use .&D"! D heavily >?F possibility o( negative impact is not zero AI' +1"! DJ#!D2:321" /2 only (or menus B;' &o validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data The Synta' To use .&D"! D, the (ollowing synta) is needed' FNDLOAD a((s)a((s(w * + %o e con,i",i&e ata,i&e entity -(ara%eter.../ s you can see, some in(o is needed'D .irst you will need to know the pps password' The mode is either D!K&"! D or +1"! D' The con(ig(ile is the (ile that .ndload needs to download on upload data' T he data (ile is the output (ile, in which the downloaded data is written The entity is the entity you want to download, 1arameters van is passed to download a certain lert

0o es o, O(eration This is important because it would drive the whole (low, and it always be two mode '' +pload and Download>?L 1'a%(&e o, own&oa $ .&D"! Dapps/pwd ; - D!K&"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt O 13!43 # /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2: concurrentJprogramJshortJnameP 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:QapplicationJshortJnameP 1'a%(&e o, 2(&oa .&D"! D apps/pwd ; - +1"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt R

/+ST!#J#!D2:.!3/2 undocumented parameter WHAT 3S FNDLOADLoa O(tions$ pplication level !3 single entity level download %2)ample* Download all the pro(ile options o( $nventory or just the $&,0 De(ault 1rimary +!# %2)ample* +pload the entire my(ile'ldt or just a single enity indicated by R and mode +1"! D or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " 2ntity name required (or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " mode To override !racleSs upload algorithm and update the custom !" data regardless, use /+ST!#J#!D2: .!3/2 +1"! DJ#!D2: 321" /2 %only (or menus* &"S data uploads (or translated columns are supported, use +1"! DJ#!D2: &"S

2ntire !3 1artial upload o( a data (ile

/ustom mode (orce update

Support (or &"S uploads

Then ..Where is 4on,i" Fi&e Locate 8y de(ault !racle delivers most o( con(iguration (iles you can use to download certain entities' /on(iguration (iles with e)tension 'lct !n +ni) R all the con(iguration (iles are in <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import directory !n +ni) >?F !racle also places the original con(iguration (iles in <.&DJT!1/admin/import directory

Data (iles with e)tension 'ldt The con(ig (iles %'lct* are delivered and maintained by !racle $t has entity de(initions, parentDchild relationships and user input parameters identi(ied by 0& #2 Downloading a parent automatically downloads all children R %2)ample* /oncurrent 1rogram download

an ..FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res is

Take a note FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res The data (iles %'ldt* have both entity de(inition and the data $t also shows the version and the location o( the con(ig (ile %'lct* that was used Kithout the con(ig (ile, data (ile is useless

Kithout the data (ile, con(ig (ile is meaningless 5ey (iles0 'lct and 'ldt -ou must run the .&D"! Das a((s user not as applsys or any other, otherwise you will receive !raDCBB; 8oth are easily readable, editable and portable DO NOT 0OD3F+ !racle>?@s 'lct (iles +se your (avorite editor %$ would suggest Te)tpad or 2ditplus* to manipulate only the 'ldt (iles but be cautious about data type, length, delimiter placements etc' +se the log (ile outputs or 'ldt (ile contents creatively (or quick (ile comparisons and answer questions (aster %Khy can>?@t $ access that? Khat is that pro(ile option name, value and level? Khat is the value set used (or that D.. segment attribute7; etc'* 1artial string searches %which value set has 1riority >?Tsomething>? in its where clause? etc*

..5e%e%ber re"ar in" FNDLOAD Fi&es

Sa%(&e Scri(t 4o e ,or these Ob6ects $ . 7 8rinter Sty&es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cppstl'lct (ileJname'ldt ST-"2 13$&T23JST-"2J& #2:Vprinter style nameV 9 7 Look#(s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(lvmlu'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ"!!5+1JT-12 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV "!!5+1JT-12:Vlookup nameV : 7 Descri(ti!e F&e',ie& with a&& o, s(eci,ic 4onte'ts .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt D2S/J."2W 1J"2,2":?/!"J ""032.J ""0/TWJ!&20S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV D2S/3$1T$,2J."2W.$2"DJ& #2:Vdesc (le) nameV 1J/!&T2WTJ/!D2:Vconte)t nameV ; 7 <ey F&e',ie& Str#ct#res .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt 52-J."2W 1J"2,2":? /!"J ""0.X"J ""0SX"J ""0ST3J!&20K.1J ""0S6 J ""0/,3J ""0 S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV $DJ."2WJ/!D2:Vkey (le) codeV 1JST3+/T+32J/!D2:Vstructure nameV = 7 4onc#rrent 8ro"ra%s

.&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct (ileJname'ldt 13!43 # 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2:Vconcurrent nameV > 7 ?a&#e Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2T ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV @ 7 ?a&#e Sets with !a&#es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2TJ, "+2 ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV A 7 8ro,i&e O(tions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scpro('lct (ileJname'ldt 13!.$"2 13!.$"2J& #2:Vpro(ile optionV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV B 7 5eC#set Dro#( .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpreqg'lct (ileJname'ldt 32X+2STJ43!+1 32X+2STJ43!+1J& #2:Vrequest groupV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV .* 7 5eC#est Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cprset'lct (ileJname'ldt 32XJS2T 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV 32X+2STJS2TJ& #2:Vrequest setV .. 7 5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ32S1!&S$8$"$T- 32S1J52-:Vresponsibility .9 7 0en#s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(sload'lct (ileJname'ldt #2&+ #2&+J& #2:VmenuJnameV .: E For%s)F#nctions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ.!3#J/+ST!#J3+"2S The +pload synta) (or all styles0 .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt

.;. 2ser)5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 Then +1"! D .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D Y+1"! DJ1 3T$ "Z U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 YQ+S23PZ 5e,erences$ !racle pplications Systems dministrator>?@s 4uide #etalink &otes0 77E;HA'7, 99HC7A'7 9=9;9I'7 , 9EACCE'7

Here is the scri(t ,or own&oa an #(&oa o, Data e,initions an te%(&ate .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ! - D!K&"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt WD!JDSJD2.$&$T$!&S 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VWW S&V D T JS!+3/2J/!D2:VWWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2V .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ; - +1"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt

What is Data Synchronization ? Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in oracle application development/implementation project? The equally important that !" data #igration takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during $nstallations %&ew desc' (le) (ield creations etc* +pgrades % pps upgrade etc* #aintenance %,alue set changes etc*

Then What.. FNDLOAD -es, that is one and only oracle solution' $t can be de(ined as a concurrent program that can move !racle pplications data between database and te)t (ile representations' !r this can be de(ined as .&D"! D can download data (rom an application entity into an editable te)t (ile, which can be uploaded to another database' How it works /onversion between database (ormat and te)t (ile (ormat is speci(ied by a con(iguration (ile' !racle does provide con(irmation (ile and it is important to just pass the con(iguration (ile name and then just call the loader and leave everything 'The schematic visual representation o( the loader is like0 What can be one? These are the e)tensive list which can be done through .&D"! D /oncurrent 1rograms, 2)ecutables 3equest 4roups, 3equest Sets 1ro(ile !ptions 5ey and Descriptive .le)(ields

#enus and 3esponsibilities .orms and .orm .unctions ttachments #essages ,alue Sets and ,alues "ookup Types +ser 3esponsibilities 1rinter De(initions .&D Dictionary 6elp /on(iguration Document Sequences /oncurrent #anager Schedules

Thenwhat are a !anta"es when #sin" FNDLOAD are $ B7' 8ecause downloaded data is stored in a te)t (ile, version administration is possible B9' There is nothing to worry to go to purchase because''$nvestment : ;< B=' &o learning curve' this is relie( (or developer/dba>?@s BA' .ully supported and recommended by !racle BB' /apture the migrations in a (ile and use it during installations, clones etc' to migrate in batch BC' 1inDpoint when something happened and where %database* easily BE' -our !" data migration process is now simpli(ied and streamlined >?F goal attainedGG An these are so%e Disa !anta"es a&so $ BH' pplications patching mechanisms use .&D"! D heavily >?F possibility o( negative impact is not zero BI' +1"! DJ#!D2:321" /2 only (or menus C;' &o validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data The Synta' To use .&D"! D, the (ollowing synta) is needed' FNDLOAD a((s)a((s(w * + %o e con,i",i&e ata,i&e entity -(ara%eter.../ s you can see, some in(o is needed'D .irst you will need to know the pps password' The mode is either D!K&"! D or +1"! D' The con(ig(ile is the (ile that .ndload needs to download on upload data'

T he data (ile is the output (ile, in which the downloaded data is written The entity is the entity you want to download, 1arameters van is passed to download a certain lert

0o es o, O(eration This is important because it would drive the whole (low, and it always be two mode '' +pload and Download>?L 1'a%(&e o, own&oa $ .&D"! Dapps/pwd ; - D!K&"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt O 13!43 # /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2: concurrentJprogramJshortJnameP 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:QapplicationJshortJnameP 1'a%(&e o, 2(&oa .&D"! D apps/pwd ; - +1"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt R /+ST!#J#!D2:.!3/2 undocumented parameter WHAT 3S FNDLOADLoa O(tions$ pplication level !3 single entity level download %2)ample* Download all the pro(ile options o( $nventory or just the $&,0 De(ault 1rimary +!# %2)ample* +pload the entire my(ile'ldt or just a single enity indicated by R and mode +1"! D or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " 2ntity name required (or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " mode To override !racleSs upload algorithm and update the custom !" data regardless, use /+ST!#J#!D2: .!3/2 +1"! DJ#!D2: 321" /2 %only (or menus* &"S data uploads (or translated columns are supported, use +1"! DJ#!D2: &"S

2ntire !3 1artial upload o( a data (ile

/ustom mode (orce update

Support (or &"S uploads

Then ..Where is 4on,i" Fi&e Locate 8y de(ault !racle delivers most o( con(iguration (iles you can use to download certain entities' /on(iguration (iles with e)tension 'lct !n +ni) R all the con(iguration (iles are in <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import directory

!n +ni) >?F !racle also places the original con(iguration (iles in <.&DJT!1/admin/import directory

Data (iles with e)tension 'ldt The con(ig (iles %'lct* are delivered and maintained by !racle $t has entity de(initions, parentDchild relationships and user input parameters identi(ied by 0& #2 Downloading a parent automatically downloads all children R %2)ample* /oncurrent 1rogram download

an ..FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res is

Take a note FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res The data (iles %'ldt* have both entity de(inition and the data $t also shows the version and the location o( the con(ig (ile %'lct* that was used Kithout the con(ig (ile, data (ile is useless Kithout the data (ile, con(ig (ile is meaningless 5ey (iles0 'lct and 'ldt -ou must run the .&D"! Das a((s user not as applsys or any other, otherwise you will receive !raDCBB; 8oth are easily readable, editable and portable DO NOT 0OD3F+ !racle>?@s 'lct (iles +se your (avorite editor %$ would suggest Te)tpad or 2ditplus* to manipulate only the 'ldt (iles but be cautious about data type, length, delimiter placements etc' +se the log (ile outputs or 'ldt (ile contents creatively (or quick (ile comparisons and answer questions (aster %Khy can>?@t $ access that? Khat is that pro(ile option name, value and level? Khat is the value set used (or that D.. segment attribute7; etc'* 1artial string searches %which value set has 1riority >?Tsomething>? in its where clause? etc*

..5e%e%ber re"ar in" FNDLOAD Fi&es

Sa%(&e Scri(t 4o e ,or these Ob6ects $ . 7 8rinter Sty&es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cppstl'lct (ileJname'ldt ST-"2 13$&T23JST-"2J& #2:Vprinter style nameV 9 7 Look#(s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D

<.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(lvmlu'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ"!!5+1JT-12 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV "!!5+1JT-12:Vlookup nameV : 7 Descri(ti!e F&e',ie& with a&& o, s(eci,ic 4onte'ts .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt D2S/J."2W 1J"2,2":?/!"J ""032.J ""0/TWJ!&20S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV D2S/3$1T$,2J."2W.$2"DJ& #2:Vdesc (le) nameV 1J/!&T2WTJ/!D2:Vconte)t nameV ; 7 <ey F&e',ie& Str#ct#res .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt 52-J."2W 1J"2,2":? /!"J ""0.X"J ""0SX"J ""0ST3J!&20K.1J ""0S6 J ""0/,3J ""0 S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV $DJ."2WJ/!D2:Vkey (le) codeV 1JST3+/T+32J/!D2:Vstructure nameV = 7 4onc#rrent 8ro"ra%s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct (ileJname'ldt 13!43 # 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2:Vconcurrent nameV > 7 ?a&#e Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2T ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV @ 7 ?a&#e Sets with !a&#es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2TJ, "+2 ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV A 7 8ro,i&e O(tions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scpro('lct (ileJname'ldt 13!.$"2 13!.$"2J& #2:Vpro(ile optionV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV B 7 5eC#set Dro#( .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpreqg'lct (ileJname'ldt 32X+2STJ43!+1 32X+2STJ43!+1J& #2:Vrequest groupV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV .* 7 5eC#est Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cprset'lct (ileJname'ldt 32XJS2T 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV 32X+2STJS2TJ& #2:Vrequest

setV .. 7 5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ32S1!&S$8$"$T- 32S1J52-:Vresponsibility .9 7 0en#s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(sload'lct (ileJname'ldt #2&+ #2&+J& #2:VmenuJnameV .: E For%s)F#nctions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ.!3#J/+ST!#J3+"2S The +pload synta) (or all styles0 .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .;. 2ser)5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 Then +1"! D .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D Y+1"! DJ1 3T$ "Z U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 YQ+S23PZ 5e,erences$ !racle pplications Systems dministrator>?@s 4uide #etalink &otes0 77E;HA'7, 99HC7A'7 9=9;9I'7 , 9EACCE'7

Here is the scri(t ,or own&oa an #(&oa o, Data e,initions an te%(&ate .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ! - D!K&"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt WD!JDSJD2.$&$T$!&S 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VWW S&V D T JS!+3/2J/!D2:VWWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2V .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ; - +1"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt

What is Data Synchronization ? Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in oracle application development/implementation project? The equally important that !" data #igration takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during $nstallations %&ew desc' (le) (ield creations etc* +pgrades % pps upgrade etc* #aintenance %,alue set changes etc*

Then What.. FNDLOAD -es, that is one and only oracle solution' $t can be de(ined as a concurrent program that can move !racle pplications data between database and te)t (ile representations' !r this can be de(ined as .&D"! D can download data (rom an application entity into an editable te)t (ile, which can be uploaded to another database' How it works /onversion between database (ormat and te)t (ile (ormat is speci(ied by a con(iguration (ile' !racle does provide con(irmation (ile and it is important to just pass the con(iguration (ile name and then just call the loader and leave everything 'The schematic visual representation o( the loader is like0 What can be one? These are the e)tensive list which can be done through .&D"! D /oncurrent 1rograms, 2)ecutables 3equest 4roups, 3equest Sets 1ro(ile !ptions 5ey and Descriptive .le)(ields #enus and 3esponsibilities .orms and .orm .unctions ttachments #essages ,alue Sets and ,alues "ookup Types +ser 3esponsibilities 1rinter De(initions .&D Dictionary 6elp /on(iguration Document Sequences /oncurrent #anager Schedules

Thenwhat are a !anta"es when #sin" FNDLOAD are $ C7' 8ecause downloaded data is stored in a te)t (ile, version administration is possible C9' There is nothing to worry to go to purchase because''$nvestment : ;< C=' &o learning curve' this is relie( (or developer/dba>?@s CA' .ully supported and recommended by !racle CB' /apture the migrations in a (ile and use it during installations, clones etc' to migrate in batch CC' 1inDpoint when something happened and where %database* easily

CE' -our !" data migration process is now simpli(ied and streamlined >?F goal attainedGG An these are so%e Disa !anta"es a&so $ CH' pplications patching mechanisms use .&D"! D heavily >?F possibility o( negative impact is not zero CI' +1"! DJ#!D2:321" /2 only (or menus E;' &o validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data The Synta' To use .&D"! D, the (ollowing synta) is needed' FNDLOAD a((s)a((s(w * + %o e con,i",i&e ata,i&e entity -(ara%eter.../ s you can see, some in(o is needed'D .irst you will need to know the pps password' The mode is either D!K&"! D or +1"! D' The con(ig(ile is the (ile that .ndload needs to download on upload data' T he data (ile is the output (ile, in which the downloaded data is written The entity is the entity you want to download, 1arameters van is passed to download a certain lert

0o es o, O(eration This is important because it would drive the whole (low, and it always be two mode '' +pload and Download>?L 1'a%(&e o, own&oa $ .&D"! Dapps/pwd ; - D!K&"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt O 13!43 # /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2: concurrentJprogramJshortJnameP 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:QapplicationJshortJnameP 1'a%(&e o, 2(&oa .&D"! D apps/pwd ; - +1"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt R /+ST!#J#!D2:.!3/2 undocumented parameter WHAT 3S FNDLOADLoa O(tions$ pplication level !3 single entity level download %2)ample* Download all the pro(ile options o( $nventory or just the $&,0 De(ault 1rimary +!# %2)ample* +pload the entire my(ile'ldt or just a single enity indicated by R and mode +1"! D or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " 2ntity name required (or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " mode

2ntire !3 1artial upload o( a data (ile

/ustom mode (orce update To override !racleSs upload algorithm and update the custom !" data regardless, use /+ST!#J#!D2: .!3/2 +1"! DJ#!D2: 321" /2 %only (or menus* &"S data uploads (or translated columns are supported, use +1"! DJ#!D2: &"S

Support (or &"S uploads

Then ..Where is 4on,i" Fi&e Locate 8y de(ault !racle delivers most o( con(iguration (iles you can use to download certain entities' /on(iguration (iles with e)tension 'lct !n +ni) R all the con(iguration (iles are in <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import directory !n +ni) >?F !racle also places the original con(iguration (iles in <.&DJT!1/admin/import directory

Data (iles with e)tension 'ldt The con(ig (iles %'lct* are delivered and maintained by !racle $t has entity de(initions, parentDchild relationships and user input parameters identi(ied by 0& #2 Downloading a parent automatically downloads all children R %2)ample* /oncurrent 1rogram download

an ..FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res is

Take a note FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res The data (iles %'ldt* have both entity de(inition and the data $t also shows the version and the location o( the con(ig (ile %'lct* that was used Kithout the con(ig (ile, data (ile is useless Kithout the data (ile, con(ig (ile is meaningless 5ey (iles0 'lct and 'ldt -ou must run the .&D"! Das a((s user not as applsys or any other, otherwise you will receive !raDCBB; 8oth are easily readable, editable and portable DO NOT 0OD3F+ !racle>?@s 'lct (iles +se your (avorite editor %$ would suggest Te)tpad or 2ditplus* to manipulate only the 'ldt (iles but be cautious about data type, length, delimiter placements etc'

..5e%e%ber re"ar in" FNDLOAD Fi&es

+se the log (ile outputs or 'ldt (ile contents creatively (or quick (ile comparisons and answer questions (aster %Khy can>?@t $ access that? Khat is that pro(ile option name, value and level? Khat is the value set used (or that D.. segment attribute7; etc'* 1artial string searches %which value set has 1riority >?Tsomething>? in its where clause? etc*

Sa%(&e Scri(t 4o e ,or these Ob6ects $ . 7 8rinter Sty&es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cppstl'lct (ileJname'ldt ST-"2 13$&T23JST-"2J& #2:Vprinter style nameV 9 7 Look#(s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(lvmlu'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ"!!5+1JT-12 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV "!!5+1JT-12:Vlookup nameV : 7 Descri(ti!e F&e',ie& with a&& o, s(eci,ic 4onte'ts .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt D2S/J."2W 1J"2,2":?/!"J ""032.J ""0/TWJ!&20S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV D2S/3$1T$,2J."2W.$2"DJ& #2:Vdesc (le) nameV 1J/!&T2WTJ/!D2:Vconte)t nameV ; 7 <ey F&e',ie& Str#ct#res .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt 52-J."2W 1J"2,2":? /!"J ""0.X"J ""0SX"J ""0ST3J!&20K.1J ""0S6 J ""0/,3J ""0 S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV $DJ."2WJ/!D2:Vkey (le) codeV 1JST3+/T+32J/!D2:Vstructure nameV = 7 4onc#rrent 8ro"ra%s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct (ileJname'ldt 13!43 # 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2:Vconcurrent nameV > 7 ?a&#e Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2T ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV @ 7 ?a&#e Sets with !a&#es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2TJ, "+2

."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV A 7 8ro,i&e O(tions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scpro('lct (ileJname'ldt 13!.$"2 13!.$"2J& #2:Vpro(ile optionV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV B 7 5eC#set Dro#( .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpreqg'lct (ileJname'ldt 32X+2STJ43!+1 32X+2STJ43!+1J& #2:Vrequest groupV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV .* 7 5eC#est Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cprset'lct (ileJname'ldt 32XJS2T 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV 32X+2STJS2TJ& #2:Vrequest setV .. 7 5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ32S1!&S$8$"$T- 32S1J52-:Vresponsibility .9 7 0en#s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(sload'lct (ileJname'ldt #2&+ #2&+J& #2:VmenuJnameV .: E For%s)F#nctions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ.!3#J/+ST!#J3+"2S The +pload synta) (or all styles0 .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .;. 2ser)5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 Then +1"! D .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D Y+1"! DJ1 3T$ "Z U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 YQ+S23PZ 5e,erences$ !racle pplications Systems dministrator>?@s 4uide #etalink &otes0 77E;HA'7, 99HC7A'7 9=9;9I'7 , 9EACCE'7

Here is the scri(t ,or own&oa an #(&oa o, Data e,initions an te%(&ate .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ! - D!K&"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt

WD!JDSJD2.$&$T$!&S 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VWW S&V D T JS!+3/2J/!D2:VWWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2V .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ; - +1"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt

What is Data Synchronization ? Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in oracle application development/implementation project? The equally important that !" data #igration takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during $nstallations %&ew desc' (le) (ield creations etc* +pgrades % pps upgrade etc* #aintenance %,alue set changes etc*

Then What.. FNDLOAD -es, that is one and only oracle solution' $t can be de(ined as a concurrent program that can move !racle pplications data between database and te)t (ile representations' !r this can be de(ined as .&D"! D can download data (rom an application entity into an editable te)t (ile, which can be uploaded to another database' How it works /onversion between database (ormat and te)t (ile (ormat is speci(ied by a con(iguration (ile' !racle does provide con(irmation (ile and it is important to just pass the con(iguration (ile name and then just call the loader and leave everything 'The schematic visual representation o( the loader is like0 What can be one? These are the e)tensive list which can be done through .&D"! D /oncurrent 1rograms, 2)ecutables 3equest 4roups, 3equest Sets 1ro(ile !ptions 5ey and Descriptive .le)(ields #enus and 3esponsibilities .orms and .orm .unctions ttachments #essages ,alue Sets and ,alues "ookup Types +ser 3esponsibilities 1rinter De(initions

.&D Dictionary 6elp /on(iguration Document Sequences /oncurrent #anager Schedules

Thenwhat are a !anta"es when #sin" FNDLOAD are $ E7' 8ecause downloaded data is stored in a te)t (ile, version administration is possible E9' There is nothing to worry to go to purchase because''$nvestment : ;< E=' &o learning curve' this is relie( (or developer/dba>?@s EA' .ully supported and recommended by !racle EB' /apture the migrations in a (ile and use it during installations, clones etc' to migrate in batch EC' 1inDpoint when something happened and where %database* easily EE' -our !" data migration process is now simpli(ied and streamlined >?F goal attainedGG An these are so%e Disa !anta"es a&so $ EH' pplications patching mechanisms use .&D"! D heavily >?F possibility o( negative impact is not zero EI' +1"! DJ#!D2:321" /2 only (or menus H;' &o validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data The Synta' To use .&D"! D, the (ollowing synta) is needed' FNDLOAD a((s)a((s(w * + %o e con,i",i&e ata,i&e entity -(ara%eter.../ s you can see, some in(o is needed'D .irst you will need to know the pps password' The mode is either D!K&"! D or +1"! D' The con(ig(ile is the (ile that .ndload needs to download on upload data' T he data (ile is the output (ile, in which the downloaded data is written The entity is the entity you want to download, 1arameters van is passed to download a certain lert

0o es o, O(eration This is important because it would drive the whole (low, and it always be two mode '' +pload and Download>?L 1'a%(&e o, own&oa $ .&D"! Dapps/pwd ; - D!K&"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt O 13!43 #

/!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2: concurrentJprogramJshortJnameP 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:QapplicationJshortJnameP 1'a%(&e o, 2(&oa .&D"! D apps/pwd ; - +1"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt R /+ST!#J#!D2:.!3/2 undocumented parameter WHAT 3S FNDLOADLoa O(tions$ pplication level !3 single entity level download %2)ample* Download all the pro(ile options o( $nventory or just the $&,0 De(ault 1rimary +!# %2)ample* +pload the entire my(ile'ldt or just a single enity indicated by R and mode +1"! D or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " 2ntity name required (or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " mode To override !racleSs upload algorithm and update the custom !" data regardless, use /+ST!#J#!D2: .!3/2 +1"! DJ#!D2: 321" /2 %only (or menus* &"S data uploads (or translated columns are supported, use +1"! DJ#!D2: &"S

2ntire !3 1artial upload o( a data (ile

/ustom mode (orce update

Support (or &"S uploads

Then ..Where is 4on,i" Fi&e Locate 8y de(ault !racle delivers most o( con(iguration (iles you can use to download certain entities' /on(iguration (iles with e)tension 'lct !n +ni) R all the con(iguration (iles are in <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import directory !n +ni) >?F !racle also places the original con(iguration (iles in <.&DJT!1/admin/import directory

Data (iles with e)tension 'ldt The con(ig (iles %'lct* are delivered and maintained by !racle $t has entity de(initions, parentDchild relationships and user input parameters identi(ied by 0& #2 Downloading a parent automatically downloads all children R %2)ample* /oncurrent 1rogram download

an ..FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res is

Take a note FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res

The data (iles %'ldt* have both entity de(inition and the data $t also shows the version and the location o( the con(ig (ile %'lct* that was used Kithout the con(ig (ile, data (ile is useless Kithout the data (ile, con(ig (ile is meaningless 5ey (iles0 'lct and 'ldt -ou must run the .&D"! Das a((s user not as applsys or any other, otherwise you will receive !raDCBB; 8oth are easily readable, editable and portable DO NOT 0OD3F+ !racle>?@s 'lct (iles +se your (avorite editor %$ would suggest Te)tpad or 2ditplus* to manipulate only the 'ldt (iles but be cautious about data type, length, delimiter placements etc' +se the log (ile outputs or 'ldt (ile contents creatively (or quick (ile comparisons and answer questions (aster %Khy can>?@t $ access that? Khat is that pro(ile option name, value and level? Khat is the value set used (or that D.. segment attribute7; etc'* 1artial string searches %which value set has 1riority >?Tsomething>? in its where clause? etc*

..5e%e%ber re"ar in" FNDLOAD Fi&es

Sa%(&e Scri(t 4o e ,or these Ob6ects $ . 7 8rinter Sty&es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cppstl'lct (ileJname'ldt ST-"2 13$&T23JST-"2J& #2:Vprinter style nameV 9 7 Look#(s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(lvmlu'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ"!!5+1JT-12 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV "!!5+1JT-12:Vlookup nameV : 7 Descri(ti!e F&e',ie& with a&& o, s(eci,ic 4onte'ts .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt D2S/J."2W 1J"2,2":?/!"J ""032.J ""0/TWJ!&20S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV D2S/3$1T$,2J."2W.$2"DJ& #2:Vdesc (le) nameV 1J/!&T2WTJ/!D2:Vconte)t nameV ; 7 <ey F&e',ie& Str#ct#res .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt 52-J."2W 1J"2,2":?

/!"J ""0.X"J ""0SX"J ""0ST3J!&20K.1J ""0S6 J ""0/,3J ""0 S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV $DJ."2WJ/!D2:Vkey (le) codeV 1JST3+/T+32J/!D2:Vstructure nameV = 7 4onc#rrent 8ro"ra%s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct (ileJname'ldt 13!43 # 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2:Vconcurrent nameV > 7 ?a&#e Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2T ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV @ 7 ?a&#e Sets with !a&#es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2TJ, "+2 ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV A 7 8ro,i&e O(tions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scpro('lct (ileJname'ldt 13!.$"2 13!.$"2J& #2:Vpro(ile optionV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV B 7 5eC#set Dro#( .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpreqg'lct (ileJname'ldt 32X+2STJ43!+1 32X+2STJ43!+1J& #2:Vrequest groupV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV .* 7 5eC#est Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cprset'lct (ileJname'ldt 32XJS2T 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV 32X+2STJS2TJ& #2:Vrequest setV .. 7 5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ32S1!&S$8$"$T- 32S1J52-:Vresponsibility .9 7 0en#s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(sload'lct (ileJname'ldt #2&+ #2&+J& #2:VmenuJnameV .: E For%s)F#nctions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D

<.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ.!3#J/+ST!#J3+"2S The +pload synta) (or all styles0 .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .;. 2ser)5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 Then +1"! D .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D Y+1"! DJ1 3T$ "Z U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 YQ+S23PZ 5e,erences$ !racle pplications Systems dministrator>?@s 4uide #etalink &otes0 77E;HA'7, 99HC7A'7 9=9;9I'7 , 9EACCE'7

Here is the scri(t ,or own&oa an #(&oa o, Data e,initions an te%(&ate .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ! - D!K&"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt WD!JDSJD2.$&$T$!&S 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VWW S&V D T JS!+3/2J/!D2:VWWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2V .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ; - +1"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt

What is Data Synchronization ? Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in oracle application development/implementation project? The equally important that !" data #igration takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during $nstallations %&ew desc' (le) (ield creations etc* +pgrades % pps upgrade etc* #aintenance %,alue set changes etc*

Then What.. FNDLOAD -es, that is one and only oracle solution' $t can be de(ined as a concurrent program that can move !racle pplications data between database and te)t (ile representations' !r this can be de(ined as .&D"! D can download data (rom an application entity into an editable te)t (ile, which can be uploaded to another database' How it works /onversion between database (ormat and te)t (ile (ormat is speci(ied by a con(iguration (ile' !racle does provide con(irmation (ile and it is important to just pass the con(iguration (ile name and then just call the loader and leave everything 'The schematic visual representation o( the loader is like0 What can be one? These are the e)tensive list which can be done through .&D"! D /oncurrent 1rograms, 2)ecutables

3equest 4roups, 3equest Sets 1ro(ile !ptions 5ey and Descriptive .le)(ields #enus and 3esponsibilities .orms and .orm .unctions ttachments #essages ,alue Sets and ,alues "ookup Types +ser 3esponsibilities 1rinter De(initions .&D Dictionary 6elp /on(iguration Document Sequences /oncurrent #anager Schedules

Thenwhat are a !anta"es when #sin" FNDLOAD are $ H7' 8ecause downloaded data is stored in a te)t (ile, version administration is possible H9' There is nothing to worry to go to purchase because''$nvestment : ;< H=' &o learning curve' this is relie( (or developer/dba>?@s HA' .ully supported and recommended by !racle HB' /apture the migrations in a (ile and use it during installations, clones etc' to migrate in batch HC' 1inDpoint when something happened and where %database* easily HE' -our !" data migration process is now simpli(ied and streamlined >?F goal attainedGG An these are so%e Disa !anta"es a&so $ HH' pplications patching mechanisms use .&D"! D heavily >?F possibility o( negative impact is not zero HI' +1"! DJ#!D2:321" /2 only (or menus I;' &o validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data The Synta' To use .&D"! D, the (ollowing synta) is needed' FNDLOAD a((s)a((s(w * + %o e con,i",i&e ata,i&e entity -(ara%eter.../

s you can see, some in(o is needed'D .irst you will need to know the pps password' The mode is either D!K&"! D or +1"! D' The con(ig(ile is the (ile that .ndload needs to download on upload data' T he data (ile is the output (ile, in which the downloaded data is written The entity is the entity you want to download, 1arameters van is passed to download a certain lert

0o es o, O(eration This is important because it would drive the whole (low, and it always be two mode '' +pload and Download>?L 1'a%(&e o, own&oa $ .&D"! Dapps/pwd ; - D!K&"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt O 13!43 # /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2: concurrentJprogramJshortJnameP 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:QapplicationJshortJnameP 1'a%(&e o, 2(&oa .&D"! D apps/pwd ; - +1"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt R /+ST!#J#!D2:.!3/2 undocumented parameter WHAT 3S FNDLOADLoa O(tions$ pplication level !3 single entity level download %2)ample* Download all the pro(ile options o( $nventory or just the $&,0 De(ault 1rimary +!# %2)ample* +pload the entire my(ile'ldt or just a single enity indicated by R and mode +1"! D or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " 2ntity name required (or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " mode To override !racleSs upload algorithm and update the custom !" data regardless, use /+ST!#J#!D2: .!3/2 +1"! DJ#!D2: 321" /2 %only (or menus* &"S data uploads (or translated columns are supported, use +1"! DJ#!D2: &"S

2ntire !3 1artial upload o( a data (ile

/ustom mode (orce update

Support (or &"S uploads

Then ..Where is 4on,i" Fi&e Locate 8y de(ault !racle delivers most o( con(iguration (iles you can use to download certain entities'

/on(iguration (iles with e)tension 'lct !n +ni) R all the con(iguration (iles are in <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import directory !n +ni) >?F !racle also places the original con(iguration (iles in <.&DJT!1/admin/import directory

Data (iles with e)tension 'ldt The con(ig (iles %'lct* are delivered and maintained by !racle $t has entity de(initions, parentDchild relationships and user input parameters identi(ied by 0& #2 Downloading a parent automatically downloads all children R %2)ample* /oncurrent 1rogram download

an ..FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res is

Take a note FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res The data (iles %'ldt* have both entity de(inition and the data $t also shows the version and the location o( the con(ig (ile %'lct* that was used Kithout the con(ig (ile, data (ile is useless Kithout the data (ile, con(ig (ile is meaningless 5ey (iles0 'lct and 'ldt -ou must run the .&D"! Das a((s user not as applsys or any other, otherwise you will receive !raDCBB; 8oth are easily readable, editable and portable DO NOT 0OD3F+ !racle>?@s 'lct (iles +se your (avorite editor %$ would suggest Te)tpad or 2ditplus* to manipulate only the 'ldt (iles but be cautious about data type, length, delimiter placements etc' +se the log (ile outputs or 'ldt (ile contents creatively (or quick (ile comparisons and answer questions (aster %Khy can>?@t $ access that? Khat is that pro(ile option name, value and level? Khat is the value set used (or that D.. segment attribute7; etc'* 1artial string searches %which value set has 1riority >?Tsomething>? in its where clause? etc*

..5e%e%ber re"ar in" FNDLOAD Fi&es

Sa%(&e Scri(t 4o e ,or these Ob6ects $ . 7 8rinter Sty&es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cppstl'lct (ileJname'ldt ST-"2

13$&T23JST-"2J& #2:Vprinter style nameV 9 7 Look#(s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(lvmlu'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ"!!5+1JT-12 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV "!!5+1JT-12:Vlookup nameV : 7 Descri(ti!e F&e',ie& with a&& o, s(eci,ic 4onte'ts .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt D2S/J."2W 1J"2,2":?/!"J ""032.J ""0/TWJ!&20S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV D2S/3$1T$,2J."2W.$2"DJ& #2:Vdesc (le) nameV 1J/!&T2WTJ/!D2:Vconte)t nameV ; 7 <ey F&e',ie& Str#ct#res .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt 52-J."2W 1J"2,2":? /!"J ""0.X"J ""0SX"J ""0ST3J!&20K.1J ""0S6 J ""0/,3J ""0 S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV $DJ."2WJ/!D2:Vkey (le) codeV 1JST3+/T+32J/!D2:Vstructure nameV = 7 4onc#rrent 8ro"ra%s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct (ileJname'ldt 13!43 # 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2:Vconcurrent nameV > 7 ?a&#e Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2T ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV @ 7 ?a&#e Sets with !a&#es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2TJ, "+2 ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV A 7 8ro,i&e O(tions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scpro('lct (ileJname'ldt 13!.$"2 13!.$"2J& #2:Vpro(ile optionV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV B 7 5eC#set Dro#( .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpreqg'lct (ileJname'ldt 32X+2STJ43!+1 32X+2STJ43!+1J& #2:Vrequest groupV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV

.* 7 5eC#est Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cprset'lct (ileJname'ldt 32XJS2T 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV 32X+2STJS2TJ& #2:Vrequest setV .. 7 5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ32S1!&S$8$"$T- 32S1J52-:Vresponsibility .9 7 0en#s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(sload'lct (ileJname'ldt #2&+ #2&+J& #2:VmenuJnameV .: E For%s)F#nctions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ.!3#J/+ST!#J3+"2S The +pload synta) (or all styles0 .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .;. 2ser)5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 Then +1"! D .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D Y+1"! DJ1 3T$ "Z U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 YQ+S23PZ 5e,erences$ !racle pplications Systems dministrator>?@s 4uide #etalink &otes0 77E;HA'7, 99HC7A'7 9=9;9I'7 , 9EACCE'7

Here is the scri(t ,or own&oa an #(&oa o, Data e,initions an te%(&ate .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ! - D!K&"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt WD!JDSJD2.$&$T$!&S 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VWW S&V D T JS!+3/2J/!D2:VWWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2V .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ; - +1"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt

What is Data Synchronization ? Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in oracle application development/implementation project? The equally important that !" data #igration takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during

$nstallations %&ew desc' (le) (ield creations etc* +pgrades % pps upgrade etc* #aintenance %,alue set changes etc*

Then What.. FNDLOAD -es, that is one and only oracle solution' $t can be de(ined as a concurrent program that can move !racle pplications data between database and te)t (ile representations' !r this can be de(ined as .&D"! D can download data (rom an application entity into an editable te)t (ile, which can be uploaded to another database' How it works /onversion between database (ormat and te)t (ile (ormat is speci(ied by a con(iguration (ile' !racle does provide con(irmation (ile and it is important to just pass the con(iguration (ile name and then just call the loader and leave everything 'The schematic visual representation o( the loader is like0 What can be one? These are the e)tensive list which can be done through .&D"! D /oncurrent 1rograms, 2)ecutables 3equest 4roups, 3equest Sets 1ro(ile !ptions 5ey and Descriptive .le)(ields #enus and 3esponsibilities .orms and .orm .unctions ttachments #essages ,alue Sets and ,alues "ookup Types +ser 3esponsibilities 1rinter De(initions .&D Dictionary 6elp /on(iguration Document Sequences /oncurrent #anager Schedules

Thenwhat are a !anta"es when #sin" FNDLOAD are $ I7' 8ecause downloaded data is stored in a te)t (ile, version administration is possible I9' There is nothing to worry to go to purchase because''$nvestment : ;< I=' &o learning curve' this is relie( (or developer/dba>?@s

IA' .ully supported and recommended by !racle IB' /apture the migrations in a (ile and use it during installations, clones etc' to migrate in batch IC' 1inDpoint when something happened and where %database* easily IE' -our !" data migration process is now simpli(ied and streamlined >?F goal attainedGG An these are so%e Disa !anta"es a&so $ IH' pplications patching mechanisms use .&D"! D heavily >?F possibility o( negative impact is not zero II' +1"! DJ#!D2:321" /2 only (or menus 7;;' &o validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data The Synta' To use .&D"! D, the (ollowing synta) is needed' FNDLOAD a((s)a((s(w * + %o e con,i",i&e ata,i&e entity -(ara%eter.../ s you can see, some in(o is needed'D .irst you will need to know the pps password' The mode is either D!K&"! D or +1"! D' The con(ig(ile is the (ile that .ndload needs to download on upload data' T he data (ile is the output (ile, in which the downloaded data is written The entity is the entity you want to download, 1arameters van is passed to download a certain lert

0o es o, O(eration This is important because it would drive the whole (low, and it always be two mode '' +pload and Download>?L 1'a%(&e o, own&oa $ .&D"! Dapps/pwd ; - D!K&"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt O 13!43 # /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2: concurrentJprogramJshortJnameP 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:QapplicationJshortJnameP 1'a%(&e o, 2(&oa .&D"! D apps/pwd ; - +1"! D < M.&DJT!1N/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct my(ile'ldt R /+ST!#J#!D2:.!3/2 undocumented parameter WHAT 3S FNDLOADLoa O(tions$ pplication level !3 single entity level download %2)ample* Download all the pro(ile options o( $nventory or just the $&,0 De(ault 1rimary +!#

2ntire !3 1artial upload o( a data (ile %2)ample* +pload the entire my(ile'ldt or just a single enity indicated by R and mode +1"! D or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " 2ntity name required (or +1"! DJ1 3T$ " mode To override !racleSs upload algorithm and update the custom !" data regardless, use /+ST!#J#!D2: .!3/2 +1"! DJ#!D2: 321" /2 %only (or menus* &"S data uploads (or translated columns are supported, use +1"! DJ#!D2: &"S

/ustom mode (orce update

Support (or &"S uploads

Then ..Where is 4on,i" Fi&e Locate 8y de(ault !racle delivers most o( con(iguration (iles you can use to download certain entities' /on(iguration (iles with e)tension 'lct !n +ni) R all the con(iguration (iles are in <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import directory !n +ni) >?F !racle also places the original con(iguration (iles in <.&DJT!1/admin/import directory

Data (iles with e)tension 'ldt The con(ig (iles %'lct* are delivered and maintained by !racle $t has entity de(initions, parentDchild relationships and user input parameters identi(ied by 0& #2 Downloading a parent automatically downloads all children R %2)ample* /oncurrent 1rogram download

an ..FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res is

Take a note FNDLOAD Fi&e Str#ct#res The data (iles %'ldt* have both entity de(inition and the data $t also shows the version and the location o( the con(ig (ile %'lct* that was used Kithout the con(ig (ile, data (ile is useless Kithout the data (ile, con(ig (ile is meaningless 5ey (iles0 'lct and 'ldt -ou must run the .&D"! Das a((s user not as applsys or any other, otherwise you will receive !raDCBB;

..5e%e%ber re"ar in" FNDLOAD Fi&es

8oth are easily readable, editable and portable DO NOT 0OD3F+ !racle>?@s 'lct (iles +se your (avorite editor %$ would suggest Te)tpad or 2ditplus* to manipulate only the 'ldt (iles but be cautious about data type, length, delimiter placements etc' +se the log (ile outputs or 'ldt (ile contents creatively (or quick (ile comparisons and answer questions (aster %Khy can>?@t $ access that? Khat is that pro(ile option name, value and level? Khat is the value set used (or that D.. segment attribute7; etc'* 1artial string searches %which value set has 1riority >?Tsomething>? in its where clause? etc*

Sa%(&e Scri(t 4o e ,or these Ob6ects $ . 7 8rinter Sty&es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cppstl'lct (ileJname'ldt ST-"2 13$&T23JST-"2J& #2:Vprinter style nameV 9 7 Look#(s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(lvmlu'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ"!!5+1JT-12 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV "!!5+1JT-12:Vlookup nameV : 7 Descri(ti!e F&e',ie& with a&& o, s(eci,ic 4onte'ts .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt D2S/J."2W 1J"2,2":?/!"J ""032.J ""0/TWJ!&20S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV D2S/3$1T$,2J."2W.$2"DJ& #2:Vdesc (le) nameV 1J/!&T2WTJ/!D2:Vconte)t nameV ; 7 <ey F&e',ie& Str#ct#res .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt 52-J."2W 1J"2,2":? /!"J ""0.X"J ""0SX"J ""0ST3J!&20K.1J ""0S6 J ""0/,3J ""0 S24J ""? 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV $DJ."2WJ/!D2:Vkey (le) codeV 1JST3+/T+32J/!D2:Vstructure nameV = 7 4onc#rrent 8ro"ra%s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpprog'lct (ileJname'ldt 13!43 # 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV /!&/+332&TJ13!43 #J& #2:Vconcurrent nameV > 7 ?a&#e Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D

<.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2T ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV @ 7 ?a&#e Sets with !a&#es .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(((load'lct (ileJname'ldt , "+2JS2TJ, "+2 ."2WJ, "+2JS2TJ& #2:Vvalue set nameV A 7 8ro,i&e O(tions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scpro('lct (ileJname'ldt 13!.$"2 13!.$"2J& #2:Vpro(ile optionV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV B 7 5eC#set Dro#( .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cpreqg'lct (ileJname'ldt 32X+2STJ43!+1 32X+2STJ43!+1J& #2:Vrequest groupV 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV .* 7 5eC#est Sets .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(cprset'lct (ileJname'ldt 32XJS2T 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VprodV 32X+2STJS2TJ& #2:Vrequest setV .. 7 5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ32S1!&S$8$"$T- 32S1J52-:Vresponsibility .9 7 0en#s .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ! - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a(sload'lct (ileJname'ldt #2&+ #2&+J& #2:VmenuJnameV .: E For%s)F#nctions .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ.!3#J/+ST!#J3+"2S The +pload synta) (or all styles0 .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .;. 2ser)5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 Then +1"! D .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D Y+1"! DJ1 3T$ "Z U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 YQ+S23PZ 5e,erences$

!racle pplications Systems dministrator>?@s 4uide #etalink &otes0 77E;HA'7, 99HC7A'7 9=9;9I'7 , 9EACCE'7

Here is the scri(t ,or own&oa an #(&oa o, Data e,initions an te%(&ate .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ! - D!K&"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt WD!JDSJD2.$&$T$!&S 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VWW S&V D T JS!+3/2J/!D2:VWWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2V .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ; - +1"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt .&DJ.!3#J/+ST!#J3+"2S The +pload synta) (or all styles0 .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D <.&DJT!1/patch/77B/import/a((rmcus'lct (ileJname'ldt .;. 2ser)5es(onsibi&ities .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - D!K&"! D U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 Then +1"! D .&D"! D apps/appsUseed77B ; - +1"! D Y+1"! DJ1 3T$ "Z U.&D0patch/77B/import/a(scursp'lct (ileJname'ldt .&DJ+S23 YQ+S23PZ 5e,erences$ !racle pplications Systems dministrator>?@s 4uide #etalink &otes0 77E;HA'7, 99HC7A'7 9=9;9I'7 , 9EACCE'7

Here is the scri(t ,or own&oa an #(&oa o, Data e,initions an te%(&ate .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ! - D!K&"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt WD!JDSJD2.$&$T$!&S 11"$/ T$!&JS6!3TJ& #2:VWW S&V D T JS!+3/2J/!D2:VWWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2V .&D"! D apps/</"$2&TJ 11SJ1KD ; - +1"! D <WD!JT!1/patch/77B/import/)dotmpl'lct WWJ#-JD T JD2.J& #2'ldt

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