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S&P To Join Forces With The CBI, Deloitte, and M&G At Event Aimed At Midsize Firms Seeking To Access

Alternative Funding
Marketing Contact: Roberto Rivero, London 020 7176 3882; Analytical Contact: Alexandra Dimitrijevic, London (33) 1-4420-6663; Media Contact: Michelle James, London +44 (0)20 7176 3274;

LONDON (Standard & Poor's) Nov. 6, 2013-With European mid-market companies needing to raise up to an estimated 3.5 trillion in funding over the next five years, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services is holding a series of events in Europe aimed at firms seeking to access alternative sources of finance. At the first U.K. event, on Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2013, Standard & Poor's and the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) will speak at a seminar that will explore alternative sources of funding for midsize companies. The event will be held at The Berkeley Hotel in London and, with representatives from mid-market intermediary organizations and institutional investors in attendance, will provide an overview of the alternative finance market for midsize corporates. "European businesses have traditionally relied on bank funding, but deleveraging and tightening regulation are creating a scarcity of finance," said Standard & Poor's Vice President of Market Development for EMEA Roberto Rivero. "This problem is particularly acute for the so-called "squeezed middle"-companies with revenues between 80 million and 1.3 billion, and outstanding debt between 40 million and 400 million. "There is increasing appetite from institutional investors for investing in midsize companies. Yet barriers remain: Potential investors are reluctant to


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S&P To Join Forces With The CBI, Deloitte, and M&G At Event Aimed At Midsize Firms Seeking To Access Alternative Funding

invest in midsize companies until they have more clarity on firms' creditworthiness. And midsize companies often lack sufficient knowledge of the alternatives open to them. "We hope our series of events, alongside the launch of our Mid-Market Evaluation product-Europe's first credit benchmark aimed specifically at midsize companies-will provide this missing link." At the seminar on November 26, Roberto Rivero will be joined by Hayley Conboy, Head of Enterprise, CBI; James Douglas, Global Co-Head of Debt and Capital Advisory, Deloitte; and Simon Fretwell, Director, Private Placement at M&G Investments as speakers. To register for the event, please contact or visit

Notes to editors: A Mid-Market Evaluation is an independent opinion about the creditworthiness of a mid-market company relative to other mid-market companies. It assesses the relative likelihood of a mid-market company's capacity and willingness to meet its financial obligations as they come due. It is represented on a scale from MM1 (highest) to MM8 (lowest) and MMD (default). A Mid-Market Evaluation is applicable to nonfinancial companies with revenues below 1.5 billion and debt below 500 million. It is accompanied by a report presenting Standard & Poor's view on the main credit strengths and weaknesses of the company. Unlike credit ratings, the results of a Mid-Market Evaluation are not distributed publicly. Instead, they are made available to a limited number of lenders, investors, or other third parties chosen by the mid-market company-thereby adding third-party independent opinion and transparency to direct lending or private placement transactions. The product is based on Standard & Poor's corporate credit rating methodology; however, the analytical process is simplified and adjusted for mid-market companies, taking into account their unique characteristics in terms of business risks, management and governance, and liquidity. It is not applicable to financial firms, utilities, leveraged buyouts, project finance, subsidiaries or holding companies of a rated entity, or to mid-market companies that issue publicly traded bonds. A Mid-Market Evaluation is not a credit rating and is not a substitute for a credit rating.


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