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They wail banging heads against wall and we get the Excedrin headaches Ya gotta know B4 Lest we Forget

taking on different animal

Judaism TH !" TE#$LE BE %& B' LT demolish # ( #uslim slam

)) * H'H* Holy unorthodox Holocaust %E)+ %e,er Ending )ar +tory

-nward .hristian +oldiers htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3e445a66Y6u4

'%78 $
'nited %ations 7lien 8ionist nsidious $u//ets The +tar of "a,id in the Leningrad .odex9 :66; .E '/on inde/endence in :<4;9 the new Jewish state was formally named Medinat Yisrael9 or the +tate of srael9 after other /ro/osed historical and religious names including Eretz Israel =>the Land of srael>?9 8ion9 and Judea9 were considered and re@ected2ABCD n the early weeks of inde/endence9 the go,ernment chose the term > sraeli> to denote a citiEen of srael9 with the formal announcement made by #inister of Foreign 7ffairs #oshe +harett2AB4D The name srael has historically been used9 in common and religious usage9 to refer to the biblical Fingdom of srael or the entire Jewish nation2ABGD 7ccording to the Hebrew Bible the name > srael> was gi,en to the /atriarch Jacob =+tandard Yisrael9 IsrlH +e/tuagint &reek0 IJKLMIsralH

>struggle with &od>



after he successfully wrestled with the angel of the Lord.

JacobNs twel,e sons became the ancestors of the sraelites9 also known as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel2 Jacob and his sons had li,ed in .anaan but were forced by famine to go into Egy/t for four generations until #oses9 a greatOgreat grandson of Jacob9AP6D led the sraelites back into .anaan during the >Exodus>2 The earliest archaeological artifact to mention the word > srael> is the #erne/tah +tele of ancient Egy/t =dated to the late :Pth century B.E?2AP:D

The area is also known as the

Holy Land,
being holy for all Abrahamic

religions including

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

and the Bah !" #aith.
Holy 7be Batman har/ed !obin ye/ no <:: looks like a @ob 4 H27272!2$

htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,34wEEyBkE!C#Qfeature3related '+ caused Ja/an ;2< EarthRuake S 7lter weather Tesla mad science ali,e and well nteracti,e !eci/rocity and then there were none finally $-E $eace on Earth G come :: 7n exas/erating shot in antiRuity an exacerbating /eacekee/ing ,olley then all hell broke loose
7 cry a lie a defy husha husha Q we all /aid the $rice from dusk B dust we r a changing blowing in the wind

Lest we forget Terrorist makers -F if you are the good guy -r is it if you are /ercei,ed as the good guy the other a &od damn terrorists htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3TJgnJ5)5CE' .%% tTs -F )ikileaks e,il

Truth 7ll $ay $rice

htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3t@sF+r+%GOk '+2 war crimes in raR A$art :D htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3-mo#uy6,8@c '+2 war crimes in raR A$art BD htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3Y4#B7 ma<;k '+2 war crimes in raR A$art PD htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3Bi6dP%dt e# '+2 war crimes in raR A$art 4D htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3yowRUBngHl4 The whole truth about the raR war
The War on Iraq, filmmaker Robert Greenwald chronicles the Bush Administration's determined quest to invade Iraq following the events of e!tember "", #$$"% The film deconstructs the administration's case for war through interviews with &% intelligence and defense officials, foreign service e'!erts, and &%(% wea!ons ins!ectors )) including a former *IA director, a former ambassador to audi Arabia and even +resident Bush's ecretar, of the Arm,% Their anal,ses and conclusions are sobering, and often disturbing, regardless of one's !olitical affiliations%

www2-Jtruth2com -bstruct Justice truth and source kill Truth kills truth sa,es +a,e yourself and the world Video &one htt/011,ideo2google2com1,ideo/lay*docid3P::GPP;B:P4P<B<B4<6W Video !e/laced htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3s$ fgmu%4ns
In this lecture b, -ichel *hossudovsk,, he blows awa, the smokescreen !ut u! b, the mainstream media, that ./"" was an attack on America b, 0Islamic terrorists0% Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a militar,) intelligence !lo, behind the e!tember "" attacks, and the cover)u! and com!licit, of ke, members of the Bush Administration% According to *hossudovsk,, the 0war on terrorism0 is a com!lete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, 1sama bin 2aden, outwitted the 34$ billion)a),ear American intelligence a!!aratus% The 0war on terrorism0 is a war of conquest% Globalisation is the final march to the 0(ew World 1rder0, dominated b, Wall treet and the &% % militar,)industrial com!le'% e!tember "", #$$" !rovides a 5ustification for waging a war without

borders% Washington's agenda consists in e'tending the frontiers of the American 6m!ire to facilitate com!lete &% % cor!orate control, while installing within America the institutions of the 7omeland ecurit, tate%

htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3b,ayB;l8iH' Truth Fills

htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3)6xEsb+bV'E 7fter o,ercoming the willing sus/ension of disbelief High !anking '+ #a@or &eneral Ex/oses +e/tember :: htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,34;L'Ha5O-l7 . 7 )histleblower +usan Lindauer EU$-+E+ E,erythingX >Extreme $re@udice>
#ilitary corru/tion '+7 Billions if not trillions :1B<16B htt/011www2wanttoknow2info1corru/tiongo,ernmentmilitary raR )ar htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3:Fhut;xbUF;Qfeature3related Bush broke e$ery rule in the books of %& Constitution and %' Charter (art and (arcel htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3;F<dgRFmJC6Qfeature Fema "etention .am/s #arshall Law htt/011www2infowars2com1obamaOim/lementingOmartialOlawOcou/1 htt/011www2fireflyfans2net1mthread2as/x*bid3:;Qtid3CB:<6 FB guy flees stating all insane and died htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3"Gy"-U&mtro tTs always the enemy /remeditated instilled within self once the $osen +/eech takes caught in crossfire

:6 Years if you think &o,ernment corru/t '+7

Posen speech
Main article: Posen speeches
>Die Ausrottung des j dis!hen "ol#es>

7n excer/t from the $osen s/eeches where Himmler discusses the onOgoing extermination of the Jews2

$roble%s listening to this file& 'ee %edia hel()

-n 4 -ctober :<4P9 Himmler referred ex/licitly to the extermination of the Jewish /eo/le during a secret ++ meeting in the city of $oEnaY=$osen?2 The following is a translation of an excer/t from a transcri/tion of an audio recordingAGGD that exists of the s/eech0 also want to refer here ,ery frankly to a ,ery difficult matter2 )e can now ,ery o/enly talk about this among oursel,es9 and yet we will ne,er discuss this /ublicly2 Just as we did not hesitate on P6 June :<P49 to /erform our duty as ordered and /ut comrades who had failed u/ against the wall and execute them9 we also ne,er s/oke about it9 nor will we e,er s/eak about it2

Let us thank )od

that we had within us enough selfOe,ident fortitude ne,er to discuss it among us9 and we ne,er talked about it2 E,ery one of us was horrified9 and yet e,ery one clearly understood that we would do it next time9 when the order is gi,en and when it becomes necessary2 am now referring to the e,acuation of the Jews9 to the extermination of the Jewish $eo/le2 This is something that is easily said0 NThe Jewish $eo/le will be exterminatedN9 says e,ery $arty member9 Nthis is ,ery ob,ious9 it is in our /rogram Z elimination of the Jews9 extermination9 a small matter2N 7nd then they turn u/9 the u/standing ;6 million &ermans9 and each one has his decent Jew2 They say the others are all swine9 but this /articular one is a s/lendid Jew2 But none has obser,ed it9 endured it2 #ost of you here know what it means when :66 cor/ses lie next to each other9 when there are C66 or when there are :96662 To ha,e endured this and at the same time to ha,e remained a decent /erson Z with exce/tions due to human weaknesses Z has made us tough9 and is a glorious cha/ter that has not and will not be s/oken of2 Because we know how difficult it would be for us if we still had Jews as secret saboteurs9 agitators and rabble rousers in e,ery city9 what with the bombings9 with the burden and with the hardshi/s of the war2 f the Jews were still /art of the &erman nation9 we would most likely arri,e now at the state we were at in :<:4 and N:G 2 2 2 2 ZHeinrich Himmler9 4 -ctober :<4P

htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3Lu6wos8ybC' $o/e Francis and the "irty )ar O #ichel .hossudo,sky on &!TV 7rrest warrants for the $o/e and [ueen ex/ire #arch :B B6:P oo/s B6:4 with innumerable riled u/ now without legal /a/er /ur/ose #arch BB B6:P oo/s B6:4 #arshall Law wi/e out Fema cam/s the whole shebang S all she wrote as Jesuit /lanned2 #akes one wonder why only a year /ro,ided to arrest such deadly criminals eh* )arrant includes Har/er too eh* $erha/s that ex/lains his senator actions2 Har/er a//oints the senators and it was a senator that threatened me2 $erha/s a /rorogue in order to get settled into an underground sabbatical* 7//ears @ust woke u/ or the #arch BB B6:P #arshall Law delayed due to !e, Fe,in actions or S2 %e,er mind go back to slee/ S Tm gonna try "o you su//ose they ha,e s/ed u/ the agenda maybe ET go home for Umas S e,er wonder Y S U for .hris htt/011exo/olitics2blogs2com1exo/olitics1B6:P16P1myOentry2html &etting with the talian .rusade of the essence htt/011www2scribd2com1doc1:;66P4B;41 talianO/oliticiansOagreeOtoOaidOagainstOlastO!atEO$o/e

)ell cant belie,e that says them that know and the !-L-"EU O !ealist -smosis Learned -//ressed "imwit Ensla,ed #ark )ill the !.#$ determine sufficient e,idence to make charges )e will ha,e to wait for their consultation with the 7ttorney &eneral through to the $rime #inister9 through the &o,ernor &eneral through to the .rown through Francis to the Black $o/e and ine,itably and in,ariably we will /ay the $rice .learly a conflict of interest9 but whoNs gonna say9 as the matter before the highest material court

htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3' tO!/4y4Fs

new >@esuit /o/e> francis2 controlled by black /o/e

htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3-"$:t+tP"7g htt(*,$-.w)wH/%0d12 TI34 I& %5666..788- 3A9CH 88 8:;7... <45=5%LATI='..3A9TIAL LA>..)%' )9AB.. CI?IL >A9 %E)+ %e,er Ending )ar +tory

Lo,e of )ar Business $olitical !eligious m/licit .om/licit Ex/licit $! .E $olitical !eligious nsidious .a/italist Em/erors Like other financial em/ires in history9 +mith claims the contem/orary model forms alliances necessary to de,elo/ and control wealth9 as /eri/heral nations remain im/o,erished /ro,iders of chea/ resources for the im/erialOcentersOofO ca/ital2A:D Belloc estimated that9 during the British Enclosures9 >/erha/s half of the whole /o/ulation was /roletarian>9 while roughly the other >half> owned and controlled the means of /roduction2 %ow9 under modern .a/italism9 J2)2 +mith claims fewer than C66 /eo/le /ossess more wealth than half of the earthTs /o/ulation9 as the wealth of :1B of :O/ercent of the 'nited +tates /o/ulation roughly eRual that of the lower <6O /ercent2


ine,itable if the Truth does not ,iral eating away at the ,irus eating away our minds True /eacekee/ers barrage the world with truths www2Euchrestrions2com Tm thinking PP billion something to do with PP degree mason PPrd /arallel )hen they say s/ent PP Billion for climate control They mean in effort to /re,ent being run o,er by the Home !ace rising www2u/s:P2com

%ow ex/eriencing -!B T !-$ O -utside !outine Box ntrinsic Truths !e,erse -smosis $sychosis humanity rises on their hot air #-LE+T7T -% #useum of Liars Elusi,ity +ubstanti,e Thick 7lteration Truth ncinerators o//ressed %ews )T )hat is Truth* +% +ane nsanity %ormalcy

htt/011www2scribd2com1doc1:GGB;CCC<1FrankOBestOBetOHowe,erO+u/erfluousOtoOBetO-n f ya gonna stand froEen staring into the headlights Try your damnest to make it coherently through to the last /age n the . !.7 ! whate,er they say .ircular logistics bites ass +EE +elf E,ident Ex/osing '/ the down ri,er of no returns . !.7 ! * .oherent rate !es/onsibly .om/licit 7ccountable !ecom/ense TruthTs nterest worth oneTs weight in &old +ticks dunno9 but stones and glass houses S mind shattering eh* Facts must ha,e root B take root &od coherency >.atch BB> must ha,e semblance B catch do& chase tail

Free medical for senators alleged and the incarcerated But what of me sRueaks the tax /aying silent ma@ority S no oil for you S someone must /ay for indiscretions at our discretions2 +ome say a medical cons/iracy theory trans/arency www2 yffy 2com n your face for your nformation Hate to har/ Har/er whereTs the cash* $erha/s o//osition care to weigh in S maybe the media S anybody* #ulroney* n the name of &od of9 for with the $eo/le )TF


htt(*;2:B::8;;+3aking.&wiss.cheese.of.5o(e.s.&wiss.) Thin air confetti in,isible trickle down .an you belie,e them on .$7. do not sus/ect they are watched -h they know of "emocracy )atch but aware one of them S time 4 a break got the time* )hoooos watching whooooo donNt gi,e a hoot hooting their e/ita/h ,ideos to be ,etoed @ust a wee bit too late $$$ $urely $olitical $ur/oses Humanity "oublethink $$$ $V -F m/ure $$$ $artial Vacuum -kay Fle/tocratically htt/011www2scribd2com1doc1G:PPPPG:1)hoO)ouldOBeOFoolishOEnoughOtoOLea,eOaO$a/erOTrail

\There were no dates in this history9 but scrawled this way and that across e,ery /age were the words Bene,olence !ighteousness and #orality S finally began to make out what was written between the lines2 The whole ,olume was but a single /hrase9 Eat $eo/le] > t is only the wisest and the stu/idest that cannot change> \They must often change who would be constant in ha//iness or wisdom]

Thought my /ants would ne,er dry /retty much use to the stink .riminal lawyers need criminals for sustainable growth .riminal lawyers need sustainable im/o,erished growth !es/ects glad hand /remier ste/ to 7E -' 7//ro/riation Ex/onential m/o,erishment -rienting ' "onTt let them fool you as if 4u when /romoting @obs /romote self in HE Human Ensla,ement %e,er Y ask

Like a thief in the knight !emember when in trouble "o not wait for !emembrance "ay Lest they allow their sanity to o,erride their bias BB res/ected )ho selects the inde/endent senate conundrum state* The 7bominable snowman and the ceman cometh )e all /ay the $! ce ( .hristian Era as the !ule of Law melts before our eyes .rystal meth and .ritical thinking myth

"iscarding the Biblical Babble on 4 thy kingdom come

"ust B "ust "uff 'sury +nuff Transiti,e logic describes a gi,en relation between terms such that if it exists between >a> and >b> and between >b> and >c9> then it also exists between >a> and >c2> Ty/ical transiti,e relationshi/s include >is greater than9> >is eRual to9> and >is similar to2> htt/011en2wiki/edia2org1wiki1.!Y+T7L#ETH "uffyTs criticiEing of teaching .ritical thinking found his way to Har/erTs heart 7nti antiOwar acti,ist too eh* .lear case of $! .F $olitical !eligious nsidious .harlatan Fle/tocracy self ex/osure

-n "ecember BB9 B66;9 "uffy was named a $rince Edward sland re/resentati,e to the +enate of .anada on the ad,ice of $rime #inister +te/hen Har/er9 sitting as a .onser,ati,e2A;DA<D He subseRuently retired as a TV @ournalist at the end of B66;2 n #arch B6:69 "uffy criticiEed the 'ni,ersity of FingNs .ollege and other @ournalism schools in .anada for teaching %oam .homsky and critical thinking2 He went on to say that @ournalism schools in .anada were churning out leftists who thought /ri,ate enter/rise was bad2 The head of FingNs +chool of Journalism reacted with sur/rise to "uffyNs criticism9 saying that #anufacturing .onsent was not /art of the curriculum2 +he also said she would not a/ologiEe for teaching critical thinking to @ournalism students2A:6D 7 number of editorial comments were written in res/onse to "uffyNs criticism2A::DA:BDA:PD .ritical thinking is a way of deciding whether a claim is true9 /artially true9 or false2 .ritical thinking is a /rocess that leads to skills that can be learned9 mastered and used2 .ritical thinking is a tool by which one can come about reasoned conclusions based on a reasoned /rocess2 This /rocess incor/orates /assion and creati,ity9 but guides it with disci/line9 /racticality and common sense2 t can be traced in the )est to ancient &reece with its +ocratic method and in the East to ancient ndia with the Buddhist kalama sutta and abhidharma literature2 .ritical thinking is an im/ortant com/onent of many fields such as education9 /olitics9 business9 and science2

www2-Jtask2com -bstruct Justice truth and source kill www2+olar&host:P2com .onstitution de @ure ,s !omans :P de facto htt/011www2scribd2com1doc1::P;;B<GG1+/iritO ntentO$recedenceOdeOJureO.onstitutionOorO!omansO:PO &amingOtheO+ystemOdeOFacto

htt/011www2linkedin2com1/ub1dir1Jonathan1+wainger1 Facts must ha,e root B take root &od coherency >.atch BB> must ha,e semblance B catch do& chase tail %o com/laints from within exce/t from them excommunicated from the $s $olitical science Bs bastard science Bs Bs Bull shitter Back stabbers Toga $arty

+us/ended with #edical co,erage a//ro,ed by the #edical cons/irators www2 yffy 2com

The 7ttorney &eneral is the chief law officer of the Executi,e .ouncil2 The res/onsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other .abinet member2 The role has been referred to as DEudicial.likeD and as the >guardian

of the /ublic interest>2

7s chief law officer9 the 7ttorney &eneral has

a s(ecial res(onsibility
to be the guardian of

that most elusi,e conce/t

O the rule of law2 O The rule of law is a well established legal /rinci/le9

but hard to easily define.

t is the rule of law

that (rotects
indi,iduals9 and society as a whole9 from arbitrary measures and safeguards /ersonal liberties2

Has the 7ttorney &eneral been briefed* or would that be meaningless in a /artial ,acuum The 7ttorney &eneral does not9 howe,er9 direct or cause charges to be laid2 )hile the 7ttorney &eneral and the 7ttorney &eneralNs agents may /ro,ide legal ad,ice to the /olice9

the ultimate decision

whether or not to lay charges is for the /olice2 -nce the charge is laid

the decision
as to whether the /rosecution should /roceed9 and in what manner9

for the 7ttorney &eneral and the .rown 7ttorney2 t is now an acce/ted and im/ortant constitutional /rinci/le that the 7ttorney &eneral must carry out the #inisterNs criminal /rosecution res/onsibilities

inde(endent of Cabinet and of any (artisan (olitical (ressures.

The 7ttorney &eneralNs res/onsibility for indi,idual criminal /rosecutions must be undertaken O

and seen to be undertaken .

on strictly ob@ecti,e and legal criteria9 free of any /olitical considerations2 )hether to initiate or stay a criminal /roceeding is not an issue of go,ernment /olicy2 This res/onsibility has been characteriEed as

a matter of the Attorney )eneral

acting as the [ueenNs 7ttorney O not as a #inister of the go,ernment of the day2 This is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal /rosecutions are made in a com(lete $acuum2
7 wide range of /olicy considerations may be weighed in executing this res/onsibility9 and the 7ttorney &eneral

may choose to consult the .abinet on some of these considerations2 Howe,er any decisions relating to the conduct of indi,idual /rosecutions must be the 7ttorney &eneralNs alone and inde/endent of the traditional .abinet decision making /rocess2 n /ractice9 in the ,ast ma@ority of cases9 these decisions are made by the 7ttorney &eneralNs agents9 the .rown 7ttorneys2 'ltimately the 7ttorney &eneral is accountable to the /eo/le of the /ro,ince9 through the Legislature9 for decisions relating to criminal /rosecutions2 +uch accountability can only occur9 of course9 once the /rosecution is com/leted or when a final decision has been made not to /rosecute2 The sub @udicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the courts that is likely to influence the matter2 The sub @udicae rule strictly /rohibits the 7ttorney &eneral from commenting on /rosecutions that are before the courts2 &i,en the stature of the 7ttorney &eneralNs /osition9 any /ublic comment coming from the office

would be seen as an attem(t to influence the case.

7lthough the 7ttorney general can become in,ol,ed in decisionOmaking in relation to indi,idual criminal cases9

such a (ractice would lea$e the 3inister $ulnerable to accusations of (olitical interference.
7ccordingly9 it is traditional to lea,e the dayOtoOday decisionOmaking in the hands of the 7ttorney &eneralNs agents9 the .rown 7ttorneys9 exce/t in cases of exce/tional im/ortance where the /ublic would ex/ect the 7ttorney &eneral to be briefed +oon maybe on .$7. will obser,e the wra/ u/ of &- $-E due /rocess #eaningless Legal .ertainty !ule of Law htt/011en2wiki/edia2org1wiki1!ule5of5law The !ule of law in its most basic form is no one is abo,e the law2 $erha/s the most im/ortant a//lication of the rule of law is the /rinci/le that go,ernmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with9 (ublicly disclosed laws9 ado/ted and enforced in accordance with established /rocedural ste/s that are referred to as

due (rocess.
The rule of law is hostile to dictatorshi/ and to anarchy2 7ccording to modern 7ngloO7merican thinking9 hallmarks of adherence to the rule of law commonly include a clear se/aration of /owers9

legal certainty,
the /rinci/le of legitimate ex/ectation and eRuality of all before the law2 The conce/t is not without contro,ersy9 and it has been said that >the /hrase the rule of law has become

thanks to ideological abuse and general o,erO use> &- $-E

&eneral -,erOuse $roclamations -nly Elusi,ity

(ublicly disclosed laws

CB2 =:? The .onstitution of .anada is the su/reme law of .anada9 and any law that is inconsistent with the /ro,isions of the .onstitution is9 to the extent of the inconsistency9

of no force or effect.
P:2 %othing in this .harter extends the legislati,e /owers of any body or authority PB2 =:? This .harter a//lies =a? to the $arliament and go,ernment of .anada in res/ect of all matters within the authority of $arliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and %orthwest TerritoriesH and =b? to the legislature and go,ernment of each /ro,ince in res/ect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each /ro,ince2

!esurrection only with reci/rocity in lieu ))


%either /olitical nor religious be but belie,e understand /erha/s because neither /olitical nor religious be2 htt/011www2scribd2com1doc1:;66P4B;41 talianO/oliticiansOagreeOtoOaidOagainstOlastO!atEO$o/e !e,erend Fe,in 7nnett excommunicated from the church indicati,e of understanding within n the name of &od of9 for with the $eo/le )TF


Tesla Free Energy a no no htt/011www2youtube2com1results* search5Ruery3tesla^free^energyQoR3teslaQgs5l3youtube2:262PCiP<lB@6l4@6iP@6@6iP@62::2:4PC2624<CB2424 262626262BC;24G:2P@6@:2426222626222:ac2:2::2youtube2m$xr$hnYaVg

htt/011www2youtube2com1watch*,3YPxO'@4y7#Y .ancer cured in .anada but wonTt /roduce it $olitical !eligious m/licit .om/licit Ex/licit $! .E $olitical !eligious nsidious .a/italist Em/erors
Like other financial em/ires in history9 +mith claims the contem/orary model forms alliances necessary to de,elo/ and control wealth9 as /eri/heral nations remain im/o,erished /ro,iders of chea/ resources for the im/erialOcentersOofOca/ital2A:D Belloc estimated that9 during the British Enclosures9 >/erha/s half of the whole /o/ulation was /roletarian>9 while roughly the other >half> owned and controlled the means of /roduction2 %ow9 under modern .a/italism9 J2)2 +mith claims fewer than C66 /eo/le /ossess more wealth than half of the earthTs /o/ulation9 as the wealth of :1B of :O/ercent of the 'nited +tates /o/ulation roughly eRual that of the lower <6O/ercent2 www2Home!ace:P2com Time for the Human !ace to $arty $-)E! $ossible -nly )hen Egalitarian !eci/rocity

htt/011en2wiki/edia2org1wiki1Hum/ty5dum/ty Hum/ty "um/ty sat on a wall9 Hum/ty "um/ty had a great fall2 7ll the kingNs horses and all the kingNs men .ouldnNt /ut Hum/ty together again2A:D Hum/ty a//ears in Lewis .arrollNs Through the LookingO&lass =:;GB?9 where he discusses semantics and /ragmatics with 7lice2 \ donTt know what you mean by _glory9T ] 7lice said2 Hum/ty "um/ty smiled contem/tuously2 \-f course you donTtZtill tell you2 meant _thereTs a nice knockOdown argument for youXT ] \But _gloryT doesnTt mean _a nice knockOdown argumentT9] 7lice ob@ected2 \)hen use a word9] Hum/ty "um/ty said9 in rather a scornful tone9 \it means @ust what choose it to meanZneither more nor less2] \The Ruestion is9] said 7lice9 \whether you can make words mean so many different things2] \The Ruestion is9] said Hum/ty "um/ty9 \which is to be master thatTs all2] 7lice was too much /uEEled to say anything9 so after a minute Hum/ty "um/ty began again2 \TheyT,e a tem/er9 some of themZ/articularly ,erbs9 theyTre the /roudestZad@ecti,es you can do anything with9 but not ,erbsZhowe,er9 can manage the whole lotX m/enetrabilityX ThatTs what sayX]A:CD This /assage was used in Britain by Lord 7tkin and in his dissenting @udgement in the seminal case Li,ersidge ,2 7nderson =:<4B?9 where he /rotested about the distortion of a statute by the ma@ority of the House of Lords2A:4D t also became a /o/ular citation in 'nited +tates legal o/inions9 a//earing in BC6 @udicial decisions in the )estlaw database as of 7/ril :<9 B66;9 including two +u/reme .ourt cases =TV7 ,2 Hill and 8schernig ,2 #iller?2A:GD
Lordy Lordy

htt/011www2scribd2com1doc1:GB6CBPP:1"earOLordO)hichOLifeOFormsOBeliefOisOtheO&reaterO +anctimonious



Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General

The 7ttorney &eneral has a uniRue role to /lay as a #inister2 -ne /art of the 7ttorney &eneralNs role is that of a .abinet #inister2 n this ca/acity the #inister is res/onsible for re/resenting the interests and /ers/ecti,es of the #inistry at .abinet9 while simultaneously re/resenting the interests and /ers/ecti,es of .abinet and conseRuently the &o,ernment to the #inistry and the #inistryNs communities of interest2 The 7ttorney &eneral is the chief law officer of the Executi,e .ouncil2 The res/onsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other .abinet member2 The role has been referred to as >@udicialO like> and as the >guardian of the /ublic interest>2 #uch has been written on the sub@ect of ministerial res/onsibilities and the uniRue role of the 7ttorney &eneral2 There are ,arious com/onents of the 7ttorney &eneralNs role2 The 7ttorney &eneral has uniRue res/onsibilities to the .rown9 the courts9 the Legislature and the executi,e branch of go,ernment2 )hile there are different em/hases and nuances attached to these there is a general theme throughout all the ,arious as/ects of the 7ttorney &eneralNs res/onsibilities that the office has a constitutional and traditional res/onsibility beyond that of a /olitical minister2 The statutory res/onsibilities of the office are found in section C of the Ministr* of the Attorne* +eneral A!t2 +ection C states0 The 7ttorney &eneral9 =a? is the Law -fficer of the Executi,e .ouncilH =b? shall see that the administration of /ublic affairs is in accordance with the lawH =c? shall su/erintend all matters connected with the administration of @ustice in -ntarioH =d? shall /erform the duties and ha,e the /owers that belong to the 7ttorney &eneral and +olicitor &eneral of England by law and usage9 so far as those /owers and duties are a//licable to -ntario9 and also shall /erform the duties and /owers that9 until the Constitution A!t, -./0 came into effect9 belonged to the offices of the 7ttorney &eneral and +olicitor &eneral in the /ro,inces of .anada and '//er .anada and which9 under the /ro,isions of that 7ct9 are within the sco/e of the /owers of the LegislatureH =e? shall ad,ise the &o,ernment u/on all matters of law connected with legislati,e enactments and u/on all matters of law referred to him or her by the &o,ernmentH =f? shall ad,ise the &o,ernment u/on all matters of a legislati,e nature and su/erintend all &o,ernment measures of a legislati,e natureH =g? shall ad,ise the heads of ministries and agencies of &o,ernment u/on all matters of law connected with such ministries and agencyH =h? shall conduct and regulate all litigation for and against the .rown or any ministry or agency of

go,ernment in res/ect of any sub@ect within the authority or @urisdiction of the LegislatureH =i? shall su/erintend all matters connected with @udicial officesH =@? shall /erform such other functions as are assigned to him or her by the Legislature or by the Lieutenant &o,ernor in .ouncil2 > )hat follows is an o,er,iew of the ,arious com/onents of the 7ttorney &eneralNs roles and res/onsibilities9 /rimarily as outlined in the 7ct2

Chief Law Officer of the Executive Council (s. 5(a))

The role of chief law officer might be referred to as the 7ttorney &eneralNs o,erall res/onsibility as the inde/endent legal ad,isor to the .abinet O and some ha,e e,en suggested that the role /ossibly extends to the Legislature as well2 The im/ortance of the inde/endence of the role is fundamental to the /osition and well established in common law9 statutes and tradition2 7s chief law officer9 the 7ttorney &eneral has a s/ecial res/onsibility to be the guardian of that most elusi,e conce/t O the rule of law2 The rule of law is a well established legal /rinci/le9 but hard to easily define2 t is the rule of law that /rotects indi,iduals9 and society as a whole9 from arbitrary measures and safeguards /ersonal liberties2 The 7ttorney &eneral has a s/ecial role to /lay in ad,ising .abinet to ensure the rule of law is maintained and that .abinet actions are legally and constitutionally ,alid2 n /ro,iding such ad,ice it is im/ortant to kee/ in mind the distinction between the 7ttorney &eneralNs /olicy ad,ice and /reference and the legal ad,ice being /resented to .abinet2 The 7ttorney &eneralNs legal ad,ice or constitutional ad,ice should not be lightly disregarded2 The 7ttorney &eneralNs /olicy ad,ice has the same weight as that of other ministers2

Criminal prosecutions (s.5(d))

-ne of the most /ublicly scrutiniEed as/ects of the 7ttorney &eneralNs role is the res/onsibility for criminal /rosecutions encom/assed in section C =d? and s2 <B of the .onstitution 7ct9 :;4G2 +ection <B gi,es the /ro,inces authority to legislate in matters related to the administration of criminal @ustice and thereby gi,es the /ro,incial 7ttorney &eneral authority to /rosecute offences under the .riminal .ode2 The 7ttorney &eneral does not9 howe,er9 direct or cause charges to be laid2 )hile the 7ttorney &eneral and the 7ttorney &eneralNs agents may /ro,ide legal ad,ice to the /olice9 the ultimate decision whether or not to lay charges is for the /olice2 -nce the charge is laid the decision as to whether the /rosecution should /roceed9 and in what manner9 is for the 7ttorney &eneral and the .rown 7ttorney2 t is now an acce/ted and im/ortant constitutional /rinci/le that the 7ttorney &eneral must carry out the #inisterNs criminal /rosecution res/onsibilities inde/endent of .abinet and of any /artisan /olitical /ressures2 The 7ttorney &eneralNs res/onsibility for indi,idual criminal /rosecutions must be undertaken O and seen to be undertaken O on strictly ob@ecti,e and legal criteria9 free of any /olitical considerations2 )hether to initiate or stay a criminal /roceeding is not an issue of go,ernment /olicy2 This res/onsibility has been characteriEed as a matter of the 7ttorney &eneral acting as the [ueenNs 7ttorney O not as a #inister of the go,ernment of the day2 This is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal /rosecutions are made in a com/lete ,acuum2 7 wide range of /olicy considerations may be weighed in executing this res/onsibility9 and the 7ttorney &eneral may choose to consult the .abinet on some of these considerations2 Howe,er any decisions relating to the conduct of indi,idual /rosecutions must be the 7ttorney &eneralNs alone and inde/endent

of the traditional .abinet decision making /rocess2 n /ractice9 in the ,ast ma@ority of cases9 these decisions are made by the 7ttorney &eneralNs agents9 the .rown 7ttorneys2 7n im/ortant /art of the .rownNs O and thus the 7ttorney &eneralNs O res/onsibility in conducting criminal /rosecutions is associated with the res/onsibility to re/resent the /ublic interest O which includes not only the community as a whole and the ,ictim9 but also the accused2 The .rown has a distinct res/onsibility to the court to /resent all the credible e,idence a,ailable2

The res/onsibility is to /resent the case fairly O not necessarily to con,ict2 This is a fundamental /rece/t of criminal law9 e,en if it is not a /articularly wellOunderstood conce/t among the general /ublic2 -ne of the 7ttorney &eneralNs res/onsibilities in fostering /ublic res/ect for the rule of law9 is to assist the /ublic in understanding the nature and limits of the /rosecutorial function2 'ltimately the 7ttorney &eneral is accountable to the /eo/le of the /ro,ince9 through the Legislature9 for decisions relating to criminal /rosecutions2 +uch accountability can only occur9 of course9 once the /rosecution is com/leted or when a final decision has been made not to /rosecute2 The sub @udicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the courts that is likely to influence the matter2 The sub @udicae rule strictly /rohibits the 7ttorney &eneral from commenting on /rosecutions that are before the courts2 &i,en the stature of the 7ttorney &eneralNs /osition9 any /ublic comment coming from the office would be seen as an attem/t to influence the case2 7lthough the 7ttorney general can become in,ol,ed in decisionOmaking in relation to indi,idual criminal cases9 such a /ractice would lea,e the #inister ,ulnerable to accusations of /olitical interference2 7ccordingly9 it is traditional to lea,e the dayOtoOday decisionOmaking in the hands of the 7ttorney &eneralNs agents9 the .rown 7ttorneys9 exce/t in cases of exce/tional im/ortance where the /ublic would ex/ect the 7ttorney &eneral to be briefed2

Legislative Responsibilities (s. 5(e) and (f))

The 7ttorney &eneral has broad res/onsibilities associated with &o,ernment legislation2 These res/onsibilities ha,e been described as twofold2 -ne is to o,ersee that all legislati,e enactments are in accordance with /rinci/les of natural @ustice and ci,il rights =see also s2 C=b? abo,e?2 This is ob,iously an im/ortant and broad area of res/onsibility2 The second as/ect of this res/onsibility is to ad,ise on the constitutionality and legality of legislation2 The 7ttorney &eneralNs legislati,e res/onsibilities are /layed out in a ,ariety roles2 The -ffice of Legislati,e .ounsel re/orts to the 7ttorney &eneral2 Legislati,e .ounsel /lays a key role in ensuring the legal integrity of &o,ernment legislation2 7lthough the Legislati,e .ounselNs re/orting relationshi/ to the 7ttorney &eneral does allow the 7ttorney &eneral to /ro,ide guidance and set standards9 indi,idual /ieces of legislation are drafted on instructions from client ministries and are not within the sole control of Legislati,e .ounsel or the 7ttorney &eneral2 t should also be noted that Legislati,e .ounsel also has a direct res/onsibility to the Legislature as the -ffice also drafts all /ri,ate memberNs bills2

The 7ttorney &eneral has a further role to /lay as /art of whate,er .abinet .ommittee is formed to re,iew legislation and regulations2 Here the #inister has an o//ortunity to comment on the technical issues related to legislation and regulations /rior to .abinet consideration2 The 7ttorney &eneralNs role on legislati,e matters is as an ad,iser to the .abinet2 7lthough unlikely9 .abinet could9 in theory9 recei,e the 7ttorney &eneralNs legal o/inion on legislation and choose to disregard it2 The 7ttorney &eneralNs role is not inde/endent of .abinet decision making as in the area of criminal /rosecutions2 7s was noted earlier9 the 7ttorney &eneral must make careful distinctions about the legal o/inions and /olicy or /olitical /references being offered about legislation2

Civil Litigation (s.5(h) and (d))

n addition to the s/ecific res/onsibilities to conduct ci,il litigation on behalf of the &o,ernment and its agencies =s2 C=h??9 the 7ttorney &eneral has broader litigation res/onsibilities flowing from the historical /owers of the 7ttorney &eneral referred to in s2 C=d? of the 7ct2 These /owers are based on the .rownNs /arens /atriae =/arental? authority2 The 7ttorney &eneralNs authority9 therefore9 is not only to conduct litigation in cases directly affecting the go,ernment or its agencies but also to litigate cases where there is a clear matter of /ublic interest or /ublic rights at stake2 This has been characteriEed as a constitutional res/onsibility to ensure that the /ublic interest is well and inde/endently re/resented2 t may in,ol,e inter,entions in /ri,ate litigation or .harter challenges to legislation9 e,en if the arguments conclude that the legislation does contra,ene constitutionally /rotected rights2

Responsibilit for Court !dministration (s. 5(c))

7 key com/onent of the 7ttorney &eneralNs res/onsibilities to ensure the administration of @ustice in the /ro,ince is the administration of the courts and as a result the res/onsibility for maintaining liaison with the @udiciary2 &i,en the fundamental im/ortance of the inde/endence of the @udiciary9 the res/onsibility for courts administration is often a ,ery sensiti,e and delicate issue2 &reat care and res/ect for the /rinci/les of @udicial inde/endence must be exercised in this area2

The 7ttorney &eneral is the chief law officer of the Executi,e .ouncil2 The res/onsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other .abinet member2 The role has been referred to as >@udicialO like> and as the >guardian of the /ublic interest>2

#arch B<9 B66G -n se,eral occasions ha,e reRuested Bruce Herridge inform me as to what efforts he has made to this /romise with no res/onse2

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Forgi,e me Lord for knew what they would do

Forgive me Lord Blessed be the ignorant folk On splendored grass I toke When not on black go green Now a socialite headlite A firebug ... a flash Where the fuck's my stash What is what is not of no relevance For happiness among the irrelevance Some say all things relative Never heard from you, but now assuredly blessed Now Dear Lord Where the fuck is the cash Now I lay me down to rest Yes of course a hood wink Giving ignorance shot my best Without a blink A cheat I know Awaiting search beneath pillow Sure Tooth Fairy BS but paid well for the times Swing low sweet chariot and all that rhymes A song a dance on yonder swing From a chandelier I sing 1 ding a ling 2 of 3rd kind Nuff encountered to see night through Blessed insanity arms in air once threw Tomorrow promises more in lieu of sheep Now in night's tranquility sleep No more stomach churn oft blew Blaming on the rain the acid stew Caring for fools ... I get it Lord Who knew ... what's new with you Taking leave artistic license The one that pays without taxation Dearly departed before awarded Catch me not ... catch as catch can Deer and the antelope also ran None as fast as uncle Sam

PR-Political Religious front A PRICK a screw a c Sorry bub ... It's OK I'm gay I repeat sorry meaning I'm not Two way street where's thought police Doublethink solstice A taste of think bodes not well A stone an epitaph others fell A priest a political behind sell Up the ass ... some grass A fast attempting to yell a blast A coherence flash but don't tell Blessed be the Lord Alive today and tomorrow Found He lost sorrow Tranquility in persistent quarrel Survival despite absent morals The way of nuts and squirrels The winter of life Once believed a strife A gun a sword and a knife To head heart and throat A frog a prince a kiss and a miss Glory part and parcel ancient storey Feet on ground heads above 12th perhaps 14th floor A see a hear a speak not May be floor of the first 13th a verse a curse a hearst Say again whose on first Diary of a sad man glad man mad man A point of view a point of order A smorgasbord of perspectives 1st 2nd 3rd class Plane boat or terrain A suit a smirk a shirt a quirk land lubber eat dirt Peaceful disarray month of May or manta ray A thought chanced, but what ... a "difference" ... the hell you say When in thereof all is without Do not allow the science breed utter you nonsense A quill a pen most anything can kill A pill a still enhances the swill In go ahead backup excel reach happy medium No gas no oil needed in neutral vehicle RPM - Religious Political Media all a buzz about nothing Someone shit in their grass A Catholic a Protestant a Moron ... omitted an M? ok Am Catholic am Protestant am Moron

A gun a sword a knife..... a circle of life

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Monkey Business

htt/011en2wiki/edia2org1wiki1+ee5no5e,il95hear5no5e,il95s/eak5no5e,il The three wise monkeys =Ja/anese0 9 sanNen or sanEaru9 or 9 sanbiki no saru9 literally >three monkeys>?9

mystic a(es,A:D are a /ictorial maxim2 #iE Fik )aE +hiE f a +hiE bares truth of the forest no mind to see hear to s/eak of the +hiE killing How much would a wood chuck get for their minds 222 /resumably why the wood chuck chucks wood
Together they embody the /ro,erbial /rinci/le to >see no e,il9 hear no e,il9 s/eak no e,il>2 The three monkeys are #iEaru9 co,ering his eyes9 who sees no e,ilH FikaEaru9 co,ering his ears9 who hears no e,ilH and waEaru9 co,ering his mouth9 who s/eaks no e,il2 +ometimes there is a fourth monkey de/icted with the three othersH the last one9 +hiEaru9 symboliEes the /rinci/le of >do no e,il>2 He may be shown crossing his arms2

sometimes called the three

-! H7" -r !aising in Ho/elessness and "es/air htt/011en2wiki/edia2org1wiki1Humans Humans are one of only nine s/ecies known to /ass the

mirror test
Zwhich tests whether an animal recogniEes its reflection as an image of itselfZalong with all the great a/es =gorillas9chim/anEees9 orangutans9 bonobos?9 Bottlenose dol/hins9 7sian ele/hants9 Euro/ean #ag/ies9 and -rcas2A:66D #ost human children will /ass the mirror test at :; months old2A:6:D Howe,er9 the usefulness of this test as a true test of consciousness

has been dis(uted,

and this may be a matter of degree rather than a shar/ di,ide2

3onkeys ha$e been trained to a((ly abstract rules in tasks.F;:8G

htt!8//en%wiki!edia%org/wiki/7uman9rights Human rights are 0commonl, understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a !erson is inherentl, entitled sim!l, because she or he is a human being%0:"; 7uman rights are thus conceived as universal <a!!licable ever,where= and egalitarian <the same for ever,one=% These rights ma, e'ist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both national and international law%:#; The doctrine of human rights in international !ractice, within international law, global and regional institutions, in the !olicies of states and in the activities of non)governmental organi>ations, has been a cornerstone of !ublic !olic, around the world% In The idea of human rights:?; it sa,s8 0if the !ublic discourse of !eacetime global societ, can be said to have a common moral language, it is that of human rights% (6AR *7A1 (o 6vidence Achieved Realit, *oherence Artificial 1rientation atanic 0 @es!ite this, the strong claims made b, the doctrine of human rights

continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content,

nature and 5ustifications of human rights to this da,% Indeed, the question of what is meant b, a 0right0 is itself controversial and the sub5ect of continued !hiloso!hical debate%:4; htt!8//en%wiki!edia%org/wiki/-onke,9see,9monke,9do -onke, see, monke, do is a sa,ing that originated in Aamaica in the earl, "Bth centur, and !o!!ed u! in American culture in the earl, ".#$s%

The sa,ing refers to the learning of a !rocess without an understanding of wh, it works%
Another definition im!lies the act of mimicr,, usuall, with limited knowledge of the consequences%:";


The gradual9 often unconscious9 absor/tion of knowledge or ideas through continual ex/osure

rather than deliberate learning

Confucius HH; BC . IBJ BC

DThe (eo(le 3onkey may be made to follow a course of action, but may not be made to understand DITD
-smosis set in like rigger mortise making self useless for self some what Ruadra/legic htt/011en2wiki/edia2org1wiki1#onkey +ome organiEations9 for exam/le Hel/ing Hands0 #onkey Hel/ers for the "isabled9A<D train ca/uchin monkeys as monkey hel/ers to assist Ruadri/legics and other /eo/le with se,ere s/inal cord in@uries or mobility im/airments2 7fter being socialiEed in a human home as infants9 the monkeys undergo extensi,e training before being /laced with a Ruadri/legic2 7round the house9 the monkeys hel/ out by doing tasks including microwa,ing food9 washing the Ruadri/legicNs face and

o(ening drink bottles.

"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deeply and taste not the Pierian spring; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain; And drinking largely sobers us again."
Alexander Pope 1688-1744

\.onfucius thought that the way to reform society was to culti,ate ethical beha,iour in indi,iduals9

es(ecially in rulers and their ministers

because leaders ser,e as im/ortant role models for their /eo/le] E..E%T! . ERuality .onscious .onscience Extra/olate %ai,ety Truths !elati,ity nalienable .oherence )-T-F+ )iEard of the outhouse knows shit www2Frank:P2com Fiduciary !es/onsibly 7ccountable %efarious Fink Truths Holistic nteracti,e !etros/ect Transcendental Electromagnetism Ensla,ers %emesis

++eek -ut These /ros that ha,e a way with monkeys to see if T is /ossible to con,ert the '% 'ltimate %eanderthal #E 4 HE #onkey E,ol,e 4 Humanity Ele,ation

)e endea,or to ha,e 7

3ystic A(es 7H O 7/e Humanity 4

BB or %ot BB

H7 Human 7chie,ement

-ne way or the other B6:P will be recorded as the

BL=T Bright Light -f Truth

Trans is a 2atin noun or !refi', meaning 0across0, 0be,ond0 or 0on the o!!osite side0% Transcendental "% (ot e'!erienced but knowable +hiloso!h, inde!endent of human e'!erience of !henomena but within the range of knowledge #% -,stical Relating to m,stical or su!ernatural e'!erience and therefore be,ond the material world

!emaining blotto is BB B- O Blotted -ut

Ford wants to be crystal clear

#eth or #yth
* +anctimonious adOhoc demonstrable +ad +ac O +orry as caught

They say Ford needs to get hel/ htt/011www2scribd2com1doc1:GB6CBPP:1"earOLordO)hichOLifeOFormsOBeliefOisOtheO&reaterO +anctimonious -F then htt/011www2scribd2com1doc1:G;;:P;<<1"earOLordOwhoOshouldObeOfired Bless em 7ll !7.E !eality 7lmighty .onsecrated Element Exists with or without #E #other Earth

www2Home!ace:P2com Humanity one mother earth !eality almighty consecrated element htt/011www2scribd2com1doc1:;66P4B;41 talianO/oliticiansOagreeOtoOaidOagainstOlastO!atEO$o/e &ood Lord sto/ them in the name of the +anctity of the %E)+ %e,er Ending )ar +tory For ine,itably traditionally we must all /ay the $olitical !eligious m/licit .om/licit Ex/licit $! .E $olitical !eligious nsidious .a/italist Em/erors Like other financial em/ires in history9 +mith claims the contem/orary model forms alliances necessary to de,elo/ and control wealth9 as /eri/heral nations remain im/o,erished /ro,iders of chea/ resources for the im/erialOcentersOofO ca/ital2A:D Belloc estimated that9 during the British Enclosures9 >/erha/s half of the whole /o/ulation was /roletarian>9 while roughly the other >half> owned and controlled the means of /roduction2 %ow9 under modern .a/italism9 J2)2 +mith claims fewer than C66 /eo/le /ossess more wealth than half of the earthTs /o/ulation9 as the wealth of :1B of :O/ercent of the 'nited +tates /o/ulation roughly eRual that of the lower <6O /ercent2 www27men:P2com

B2 E,eryone has the following fundamental freedoms0 =a? freedom of conscience and religionH =b? freedom of thought9 belief9 o/inion and ex/ression9 including freedom of the /ress and other media of communicationH =c? freedom of /eaceful assemblyH and =d? freedom of association2

)ar is #oney +anctity of +ustainable &rowth eh*

"atanism is a broad term referring to a grou! of Western religions com!rising diverse ideological and !hiloso!hical

Their shared features include s,mbolic association with, or admiration for the character of, atan, or similar rebellious, !romethean, and, in their view, liberating figures% There were an estimated C$,$$$ members in "..$% There ma, be as few as a few thousand in the world%:";

htt/011www2youtube2com1watch* feature3i,Qannotation5id3annotation5:CPB:<Q,3:#):@#RBF"YQsrc5,id3s'CPGf4bnF#

!educe /o/ulation to : Billion Break out the B 4 ehXX 4 the sanctity of =B? B42 =:? 7nyone whose rights or freedoms9 as guaranteed by this .harter9 ha,e been infringed or denied may a//ly to a court of com/etent @urisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers a//ro/riate and @ust in the circumstances2 =B? )here9 in /roceedings under subsection =:?9 a court concludes that e,idence was obtained in a manner that infringed or denied any rights or freedoms guaranteed by this .harter9 the e,idence shall be excluded if it is established that9 ha,ing regard to all the circumstances9 the admission of it in the /roceedings would bring the administration of @ustice into disre/ute2 .reatures of habit Babble on through the night before Umas not a creature was discerned stirring 4 !: $ermit me to @udge lest be @udged

But )ait htt/011www2scribd2com1doc1:4<;G;BPG1TheyOofOtheO#aterialO)orldO.annotOTouchOtheO+/iritOofOtheO LawOasO tO s )) )orldly )ise n,isible n,incible nalienable


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