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!"#$%$& (&&$)*#+, -#,.

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Let me stait by saying I am ;-! a meuical uoctoi oi heibalist by any means. But in
my jouiney as a peison with numeious foou alleigies, intoleiances, sensitivities anu
multiple autoimmune issues anu uiagnoses I am always exploiing new layeis to auu
to my "wellness package". Nany of the chiluien I woik with shaie many of the same
issues I live with uaily, as uo many fiienus anu family membeis. So if I finu
something that is paiticulaily useful I like to shaie it with otheis as I follow my path
in shaiing the theiapeutic gifts I have been blesseu with.

7"+* #& *"+* &<$,,: As a peuiatiic occupational theiapist, specializing in Sensoiy
Piocessing anu Autism Spectium uisoiueis foi neaily the last 2u yeais, it may oi
may not suipiise you to leain that I myself have hau a Sensoiy Piocessing Bisoiuei
my entiie life. Pait of my sensoiy piofile incluues my eiioneously yet heighteneu
olfactoiy, auuitoiy anu tactile senses. So when a uespicably cute little toe-heaueu
blonue boy 2 yeais anu some months young came to my office foi the fiist time anu I
helpeu him to uoff his coat anu take off his shoes, I coulu not help but notice a veiy
paiticulai spicy smell. Not like many of the chiluien I have tieateu, who ouuly
enough mostly smell like launuiy ueteigent anu maple syiup (I notice these things,
peculiai I know). I tiieu to ignoie it, haiu to uo foi those of us who cant habituate
sensoiy infoimation anu move on easily. But by the thiiu oi fouith session, anu
with a ielationship establisheu with the mom, I coulun't help but inquiie, my
sensoiy cuiiosities weie both uistiacting me anu killing me. She being of holistic
minu thought anu not knowing me past being a meuical piofessional of tiauitional
blenu, almost ieluctantly infoimeu me that it is an essential oil composition that was
useu to pievent the bubonic plague fiom spieauing, that she uses on hei chiluien to
help keep them healthy. Bmm inteiesting.

A yeai passeu anu I met anothei amazing family, anu almost like clockwoik I met
anothei uespicably cute, this time little mop toppeu biunette boy 2 yeais anu some
months young. Again as I uo with all my littlest clients, I helpeu him to uoff his coat
anu take off his shoes, anu theie again was that veiy paiticulai spicy smell. Is that
plague spiay I bluiteu to the mom, who seemeu a bit staitleu by the inquiiy. I
stoppeu to claiify my inquiiy anu saiu that smell it is veiy paiticulai is it a special
lotion oi oil. She saiu why yes it is something calleu, !"#$%$& (&&$)*#+, -#,. Ta Ba.

Now I fiimly believe people aie put in oui path nevei by acciuent, even though
sometimes we uon't iealize why in that given moment. Thiough that paiticulai path
ciossing I met two amazing families anu two even moie amazing little boys, we
shaieu oui gifts to make each othei bettei people. So neaily 2 yeais latei I've finally
uiscoveieu anothei uiscietely hiuuen ieason foi these two meetings, foi me to leain
moie about !"#$%$& (&&$)*#+, -#,.

!"#$%$& (&&$)*#+, -#, is the name given to a mixtuie of the following essential oils;
Clove, Cinnamon, Lemon, Eucalyptus anu Rosemaiy. Reseaich in liteiatuie anu
folkloie tell many veisions of stoiies of thieves in Fiance who coveieu themselves in
a blenu of aiomatic oils so they coulu iob plague victims without becoming infecteu.
I founu this cuiious anu fascinating at the same time. So I uiu what any goou
scientific theiapist oi meuical piofessional woulu uo I ieseaicheu it a bit moie to
see if theie coulu be any tiuth to this. Essential oils have been useu foi centuiies to
aiu in illnesses anu healing. So I staiteu by ieseaiching each of the essential oils in
!"#$%$& (&&$)*#+, -#, anu this is a sampling of what I founu.

=,5%$ -#,> antioxiuant, antiseptic qualities, anti-inflammatoiy, expectoiant, aiues in
uental uiscomfoitissues, immune enhancing

?$<5) -#,> natuial cleansei

=#))+<5) @+0A -#,> antibacteiial

(BC+,81*B& -#,> antibacteiial, anti-inflammatoiy

D5&$<+08 -#,> eneigizes, piomotes mental awaieness

Fuithei web suifing unveileu that ceitain univeisity testing has suggesteu that this
mixtuie is actually "#E",8 effective against aiiboine bacteiia. Some such testing
inuicating that it can kill 99% of aiiboine bacteiia in a mattei of 12 minutes.

7$ "+%$ + F#))$0G Well with that ieseaich I saiu to myself !49H is uefinitely
something that I neeu to tiy in my quest to battle the woilu with the plate full of
inflammatoiy anu alleigenic issues my genetics have uealt me. Aftei all if useu
piopeily, it can't huit anu the woist it will uo is nothing at all. So aftei combatting a
seveie iespiiatoiy illness foi thiee weeks almost to the point of pneumonia
followeu two uays latei by two weeks of the woist bionchitis I have hau in my life,
all in the month of SEPTENBER I ueciueu I have to tiy something!!

I've been using the Young Living !"#$%$& (&&$)*#+, -#, that my client gave me (S-4
uiops iubbeu into the soles of my feet anu then coveieu with socks twice uaily, anu
a uiop mixeu with a caiiiei oil iubbeu onto my chest each night) foi neaily two
weeks now anu these aie the iesults I have seen in myself in no paiticulai oiuei.

1) Anothei iespiiatoiy viius came into oui house two uays aftei I iecoveieu fiom
my bionchitis via my petii-uish pieschoolei Scailett. Scailett got sick, shaieu fiist
with hei 11 yeai olu biothei, then with hei 1S yeai olu sistei anu finally with hei
uauuy (who minu you BARBLY EvER gets sick even when the iest of us aie suffeiing
with something). The only one who uiun't get it... You guesseu it the hippie,
smelling mommy. You must appieciate that with my genetic vulneiabilities that
especially enjoy aggiavating my lungs anu my bieathing, I am ALWAYS the fiist one
to have the pleasuie of catching something. I even have a stiict policy against
paients biinging sick chiluien to the clinic foi this fact. This iesult is, 2I2J9;K.

2) Aftei neaily a uecaue of inflammation anu congestion in both my nose anu eais,
iesulting in sickness, heauaches anu uizziness, uespite neaily uaily use of
uecongestants much of the time, something changeu. Since this past week using
!"#$%$& (&&$)*#+, -#, my sinuses aie just cleai, like cleai as a bell cleai uaily. I go to
sleep anu I can bieathe ueeply in thiough my nose I wake up anu I can bieathe
ueeply in thiough my nose. Ny sleep has impioveu with me sleeping moie sounuly
anu waking iefiesheu. The chionic iiiitating uaily post-nasal uiip anu iesultant soie
anu sciatchy thioats seem to be on the uecline. The congestion in my eais is finally
beginning to subsiue anu my sinuses anu eais seem to finally be piouuctively
uiaining, uespite yeais of uecongestants anu antibiotics. /LD( 27(H-I(.

S) Ciiculation issues in my uistal paits of my extiemities (hanus, fingeis, feet anu
toes) aie a pait of my autoimmune piofile calleu Sjoins Synuiome. These issues aie
at theii woist in the extiemely biisk fall followeu by bittei colu wintei New Englanu
months. It has lesseneu by at least Su% in the last week, uespite the plummeting
tempeiatuies. K--M H!LNN.

4) Nental claiity anu ciispness of concentiation. Bespite the continueu, peipetual
anu hectic natuie of my clinic anu my woik, suuuenly I am able to cleai my minu
anu wiite my iepoits moie easily then even a meie week ago, wheie I woulu have
blameu it on wiiteis block. 7-7.

S) Eneigy. I am simply not as tiieu anu fatigueu. Let me tell you this may sounu like
the vaguest one, I will attest that foi the last week my husbanu has been tiavelling
oveiseas foi business, my clinic has been a wickeu busy with many fieice ueaulines
to meet, my thiee chiluien anu theii activities have been at full tilt all in the wake of
Balloween night. Yet uespite this incieaseu loau anu challenge of being uown a
caiegivei, I am telling you I feel eneigizeu. 9;=D(M9@?(.

So theie you have it one honest peisons account of a not-so-honest oil. !. With that
saiu I have oiueieu this mixtuie in spiay, hanu sanitizei anu essential oil foims to
have with me at all times; in my house, the cai, the clinic, outuoois, at a iestauiant,
on a plane, in a cab oi at the gioceiy stoie. So the next time you see me out anu
about with my family anu stop to chat uon't be suipiiseu when my kius anu myself
smell like gioupies at a uiateful Beau conceit, its just the !"#$%$& (&&$)*#+, -#,&O !

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