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Network Group Pico Cell Planning, Design & Installation

Pico cell Planning, Design and Installation

Index 1) Introduction4 2) Scope4 3) Making the optimum choice or a !" distri#ution s$stem%& 3%1) Passi'e
3%1%1) Passive Coupler System

3%1%2) 3%1%3) 3%2) 3%3) 3%4)

Passi'e Splitter S$stem (eak$ "eeder )$#rid "i#er Decision "actors

4) !" Design Speci ications%%1* 4%1) Signal Strength 4%2) +apacit$ 4%3) +ontainment &) ,-S +on igurations%%12 &%1) !,S22*2 +on iguration &%2) !,S22*2 .pgrade &%3) !,S23*2 +on iguration &%4) !,S23*2 .pgrade /) Site +lassi ications1/
/%1) /%2) /%3) /%4) /%&) /%/) /%1) Sur'e$ -ime ,uilding S$mmetr$ Signal Speci ications ,uilding !estrictions 0um#er o "loors 0um#er o ,uildings Site +lasses

1) Pico +ell +omponents%%11 2) !" +ontractors Deli'era#les%%13 2%1) Measurements

2%2) 2%3) 8.4) 8.5) 4ptimum ,-S con iguration !" circuit diagram Component list Link Budget

3) 5ppro'al o !" Plans%%%%%22

9.1) 9.2) 9.%) 9.4) Components Spe i!ied "# $easurements B&S Con!iguration System 'esign

1*) Site +ommissioning%23 11) 5cceptance -est Procedure ollo6ing site commissioning%%24 11%2) S$stem Irregularit$ 12) 7ork "lo6 Procedures%%%2& 13) 0et6ork Parameters and 4ptimi8ation2/ 13%1) +!4 1%.2) "edu ed $easurement List and (eig)*oring Cells. 13%3) 5cti'e Mode 14) +onclusion3* 1&) De initions3*



+ne o! t)e )allenges !a ing a ellular net,ork operator is !re-uen y and apa ity planning. . $a ro layer )as apa ity limitations due to t)e amount o! spe trum availa*le to support t)e gro,ing su*s ri*er *ase ,it)in t)e large overage *oundaries o!!ered *y t)is layer. Capa ity may *e gained *y planning a $i ro or Pi o layer eit)er ontiguously or at spe i!i geograp)i lo ations termed /0ot Spots1 due to t)e )ig) su*s ri*er num*ers ,it)in t)e area. &ypi al e2amples are s)opping and entertainment enters. &)e $i ro layer re!ers to an outdoor site in ,)i ) t)e antenna is pla ed appro2imately %m a*ove street level. &)is layer )as not *een ,idely deployed in t)e $&( net,ork due to ost impli ations3 di!!i ulty in providing transmission links to re-uired points and due to t)e ma4ority o! tra!!i residing ,it)in *uildings as opposed to on t)e streets. &)e Pi o layer re!ers to an 5n6Building system in ,)i ) multiple antennas are mounted ,it)in t)e eiling *oards to provide re-uired overage and apa ity. &)e o*4e tive is t)us7 "emove )ig) apa ity re-uirements !rom $a ro layer t)us !reeing !re-uen ies !or re6use else,)ere. 5mproving 5n6Building overage ,it) a dedi ated system. Providing dedi ated orporate solutions . num*er o! issues need to *e onsidered ,)en planning a dedi ated 5n6'oor system. 2)


&)e do ument identi!ies various "# distri*ution systems3 planning met)odologies and de ision making3 individual responsi*ilities !or deployment3 approval o! "# plans and net,ork parameters essential !or su ess!ul operation o! t)e 5n6Building system. &)e do umentation ,as ompiled ,it) respe t to t)e Cell Planners involvement in t)e Pi o ell deployment pro ess.


Making the optimum choice or a !" distri#ution s$stem

&)e met)odologies to provide t)e "# distri*ution system are dis ussed *elo,. 8a ) system )as it9s o,n advantages and disadvantages. &)e optimum )oi e in solution must *e as ertained !rom *ot) an e onomi al and te )ni al analysis !or t)e spe i!i ase study.


Passive system onsists o! Co6.2ial a*le3 ouplers3 splitters3 and antenna3 no a tive elements. &ypi ally t)e Ca*le is 5:2 in ) or 1 ;:8 in diameter. #or !eeder losses re!er to do ument /Transmission feeder loss table. T ere are a !ariet" of antennas a!ailable. T e #ntel $d%i and &uber & 'u ner (d%i are commonl" utili)ed for in*door applications. #est etic re+uirements ma" impact on t e more tec nicall" suited antenna. T is decision is often due to landlord re+uests surrounding aest etic issues. ,efer to section - for manufactures and part numbers


Passi'e +oupler S$stem

$-d%m $/d%m $(d%m $0d%m $1d%m $$d%m $.d%m


./d%m .3d% Coupler

.(d%m /d% Coupler






Passi'e Splitter S$stem

$-d%m $0d%m $.d%m .2d%m .(d%m .$d%m 4d%m


$.d%m $ wa" 'plitter






.s an *e seen !rom t)e a*ove3 oupler designed systems )ave t)e advantage over systems planned ,it) splitters in terms o! e-ually distri*uting po,er. Cell si<e ,ill t)us *e e-ual !rom ea ) radiating antenna. &)e a*le losses are assumed to *e negligi*le !or simplisti illustration. &)e

insertion loss !or a oupler is typi ally in t)e region o! =.5 dBm to 1.5dBm. "e!er to oupler spe i!i ations lo ated >Plan+ps:'ata:Surveys:5n*uilding:Components) (+&87 &)e passive elements )ave a spe i!i po,er rating ,)i ) must *e onsidered ,it) t)e type o! B&S in -uestion and t)e num*er o! arriers ,)i ) in reases t)e overall omposite po,er. 3%1%3) (eak$ "eeder

Leaky !eeder )as some limited appli ations ,)ere it is a suita*le medium i.e. ? s)aped narro, orridors ,)ere +mni dire tional antennas may not propagate su!!i iently. 5n general Leaky #eeder )as not *een ,idely utili<ed in t)e past as it is not a very e!!i ient !orm o! transmission medium !or open spa es )o,ever it is )as parti ular advantages !or narro, orridors ,)en ontainment may *e an issue. &)e a*le typi ally )as a longitudinal loss o! %.4dB:1==m @ 9==$)< )o,ever )as a oupling loss > oupling via aperture slots) o! ;1.%dB:5=A and 82dB:95A. "e!er to an .ndre,s9s atalogue !or detailed spe i!i ations. Passive System .dvantage7 Lo, osts !or omponents >Ca*le3 ouplers3 splitters) in omparison to 0y*rid and #i*er systems. (o . tive elements re-uiring additional po,er supplies. (o omposite po,er limitations. Bell Suited !or small to medium *uilding appli ations. 'isadvantage La*or osts !or long runs o! !eeder a*les. (o alarm apa*ilities to identi!y a !ault in a parti ular *ran ). Care!ul onsideration re-uired to !uture e2pansions ,)en per!orming initial "# plan. &)e system must *e a*le to ater !or e2pansion ,it)out de ay to e2isting overage areas. Bit) respe t to leaky !eeder spe i!i installation skills are re-uired. (o metal element s)ould *e pla ed in tou )ing distan e to t)e !eeder system. 5deally t)e leaky !eeder a*le s)ould *e suspended !rom a eiling in order to provide *est propagation )ara teristi s.



In7ine #mp 6$3d%m

5nd #mp 6.3d%m 5nd #mp 6.3d%m

#cti!e 'plitter
In7ine #mp 6$3d%m

Power 'uppl"
13d% Coupler

. 0y*rid system ,ill ontain passive and a tive elements. &)is system utili<es a tive 5nline and 8nd ampli!iers in order to over ome t)e a*le losses !or longer distan es. &)ese systems may ontain spe i!i alarm modules. 5n some ases t)e ampli!iers are 'C supplied via a*le. &)e ma2imum a*le loss is D %dB t)e ampli!i ation i.e. *et,een t)e . tive Splitter and 5nline .mp t)e ma2imum tolera*le loss is 1;dB. .dvantage .llo,s !or !urt)er distan es in a*le runs *y using ampli!iers to over ome a*le losses 5n some ases >vendor spe i!i ) alarm supervision is supplied !or ea ) *ran ). 'isadvantage 0ig) Costs !or additional )ard,are. .dditional Po,er supplies re-uired !or . tive Splitter or t)e !irst element. Composite Po,er limitations. .s t)ere are a tive elements a omposite po,er limitation e2ists due to inter modulation onstraints. &)e po,er limitation resides in t)e !irst element t)at inter!a es ,it) t)e B&S. &ypi ally t)is is a =dBm omposite po,er rating t)ere!ore re-uiring a )ig) po,ered oupler !rom t)e B&S. .s more &"E9s are added to t)e system t)e overall output po,er ,ill redu e in order to remain ,it)in t)e omposite po,er limitations. &)is s enario ,ill only *e reali<ed ,)en t)e site arries a )ig) tra!!i load. .larm inter!a e re-uires intervention !rom t)e 8ri sson B&S. 82ternal alarms need to *e on!igured to a ommodate t)e system


"i#er S$stems

1 2

Sla'e .nit

!5. !5. !5.

Master .nit

% 4

5= m >&P)

1 km $ultimode #i*er

&)ere are a num*er o! vendors o!!ering !i*er solutions ,it) eit)er multi mode or single mode !i*er. &)e )ard,are ,ill onsist o! a master >8le tri to +pti ) and Slave >+pti to 8le tri ) units .dvantages Coverage supplied over long distan es3 typi al appli ation !or tunnels or tall *uildings ,it) 2= !loors F. Provides good utili<ation o! single apa ity node !rom one B&S. Lo,er osts in installation ,it) !i*er $ay utili<e e2isting !i*er in!rastru ture lo,ering implementation and la*or osts .larm supervision is availa*le !or ea ) *ran ) 'isadvantage Composite Po,er limitations due to inter modulation onstraints Cost o! additional )ard,are is e2pensive .larm inter!a e re-uires intervention !rom t)e 8ri sson B&S. 82ternal alarms need to *e on!igured to a ommodate t)e system. .ntenna are typi ally ali*rated !or lo, po,er at =dBm3 t)is results in a large num*er o! antenna. &)ese units are a tive in most ases and in rease t)e system osts dramati ally ,)en large num*ers are re-uired. 3%4) Decision "actors

&)ere is no ultimate solution !or an 5n6Building appli ation. .s mentioned a*ove t)ere are various met)odologies in ,)i ) to provide a dedi ated "# medium. &)e )osen solution ,ill *e driven *y t)e !ollo,ing !a tors7 8-uipment Costs7 "epeater 8-uipment Ca*les Splitters .ntenna9s Po,er Supply Enits .ttenuators 5nstallation Costs

Ca*le $ounts Conne tors .dapters 5nstallation Borks Support "a k Pat ) Cords : Gumpers 'esign Survey

.lternate Hendors Pro4e t management #ee Support and training +$C re-uired >#i*er and a tive systems) &)e !ollo,ing diagram indi ates t)e de ision !or sele ted solution

04-9: 5lthough there are a num#er o solutions a'aila#le the passi'e solution should #e the irst to #e e'aluated as it is generall$ the uture proo s$stem re;uiring less maintenance 6ith a higher M-," than that o a s$stem 6ith acti'e elements% 5s a general rule M-0 6ill deplo$ largel$ passi'e s$stems% )o6e'er this does not impl$ there are no applications or "i#er and )$#rid s$stems%


!" Design Speci ications

&)e "# Spe i!i ations provide t)e design riteria !or Pi o ell deployment. $&( re-uest "# Contra tors to simulate t)eir proposed design ,it) t)e appli ation o! test transmitters. 5n order !or t)is a test !re-uen y is re-uired. &)is !re-uen y must *e o*tained !rom t)e Cell Planner responsi*le !or approving t)e "# Plans. "# Spe i!i ations !or 5n6Building Planning are stipulated as7 4%1) Signal Strength 'esign targets !or Signal Strengt) !or in6*uilding appli ations are divided into t,o ategories >Corporate : Pu*li )

Corporate Cell Provide a minimum signal level of -85 dBm in 95% of locations. The higher requirement is due to future services (GPRS and EDGE) hich require a higher C!". This planning rule should not #e violated and pertains to all areas ithin a corporate #uilding that a user ma$ enter ith a cellular handset. Pu#lic Cell The pu#lic environment is one in hich the macro environment ma$ compliment the coverage provided to an in%door s$stem (shopping and entertainment center). The pu#lic environment ma$ require an in%door s$stem for either capacit$ relief to the macro net or& or to improve the coverage. 'inimum signal strength of ()*d+m for ,-. of su#scri#er locations required. . minimum re eived do,n link signal level needs to *e de!ined in order to plan t)e lo ations o! t)e re-uired omponents. Signal levels are *ased on t)e sensitivity levels o! a mo*ile3 ,)i ) !or IS$ 9== is set at J1=4dBm. 5n order to a ommodate !or distortion me )anisms e2perien ed !or Pi o appli ations a )ig)er do,n link level needs to *e spe i!ied as a sa!ety margin. /ote0 &)ere are spe i!i )ealt) and sa!ety regulations t)at )ave *een spe i!ied in terms o! antenna pla ement and minimum distan e to a mo*ile su*s ri*er. "e!er to do ument /"# "adiation K Sa!ety Pro edures1 !or t)ese guidelines. &)e overage provided *y t)e 5n door system ,ill *e su*4e ted to Severe multi pat)s7 "e!le tions o! ,alls and dividers at various angles. &)is ,ill o ur ,)en t)e propagating ,ave en ounters an o*4e t t)at is very large in omparison to t)e ,avelengt) o! t)e signal. 'i!!ra tion around !urniture and o*4e ts ,it) a s)arp *end. &)is o urs ,)en t)e si<e o! t)e o*4e t is roug)ly proportional to t)at o! t)e signal ,avelengt). &)e signal ,ill t)us *end around t)e o*4e t. S attering auses a degradation o! t)e in ident signal. .lt)oug) o urring to a lesser degree t)an t)e latter t,o3 s attering o urs ,)en t)e o*stru tive o*4e t is smaller in omparison to t)e signal ,avelengt). &)is pro*lem )as *een o*served in auditoriums ,it) a ousti *a!!les. Large propagation losses due to t)e attenuation provided *y o*4e ts ,it)in t)e *uilding and ,all omposition #ading 'elay spreads <!e er to the document =Propagation into and 6ithin #uildings> or a more detailed explanation o in #uilding characteristics



#or Cell dimensioning re!er to do ument /Cell 'imensioning Poli y1 and /&)e 8rlang3 de!inition and use o!3 8rlang ta*les3 &ra!!i *e)avior1 Corporate Cell &)e orporate environment ,)ere /#i2ed $o*ile Convergen e1 is !oreseen s)ould *e planned to )andle a )ig) tra!!i volume in t)e initial "# plan. &)e "# Plan must make provision !or !uture upgrades. &)is is a stringent re-uirement and ,ill in!luen e t)e spa e re-uired !or additional a*inets3 .B5S apa ity3 omposite po,er into t)e !eeder system and possi*le po,er redu tion i! oupling into e2isting !eeder is re-uired to a ommodate additional a*inet >re!er to se tion 5 !or B&S on!igurations) &ypi al su*s ri*er 8rlang !igures are 2=m8:su* )o,ever ,it) a #i2ed $o*ile onvergen e t)is !igure an in rease to 1==m8:su*. B)en LC" appli ation resides t)e apa ity must *e in orporated ,it) t)e LC" re-uirements. &)e LC" units an *e dimensioned at C5=m8 per unit. Pu*li Cell &)e pu*li environment s)ould *e planned ,it) 2= m8:su*. &)e "# Contra tor must ensure apa ity is !o ussed around tra!!i )otspots. B&S type ,ill *e dependant on t)e num*er o! su*s ri*ers ,it)in t)e vi inity3 )oi e o! B&S ,ill *e at t)e dis retion o! t)e ontra tor *ased on t)e apa ity and signal strengt) re-uirements. B)ere a 2%=2 unit )as *een sele ted provision must *e made !or an additional unit ,it) respe t to p)ysi al spa e and redu tion in po,er to original "# pat). "# Contra tors must ensure t)at .B5S transmission ,it) daisy )ain implementation is !easi*le.

4%3) Signal +ontainment &)e signal provided !rom t)e in6*uilding system must *e ,ell ontained in t)e sense t)at it does not radiate outside o! t)e *uilding. (o mo*ile su*s ri*ers s)ould log onto t)is system ,)ile *ypassing t)e site Poor signal ontainment impa ts on t)e e2isting !re-uen y re6use pattern o! t)e ma ro net,ork. $&( ,ill *e responsi*le !or ell +ptimi<ation and parameter settings ,)i ) an in!luen e tra!!i *e)avior .&)e "# system to *e designed in su ) manner t)at parameter setting is not a prere-uisite to avoid tra!!i distur*an es.

Corporate Cell &)e orporate ell )as dedi ated apa ity re-uirement as ,ell as spe i!i tari!!s governed *y t)e overage *oundary o! t)e dedi ated ell. &)e signal s)ould *e on!ined to ,it)in t)e perimeter o! t)e orporate premises and s)ould *e DL61==dBm at 5=m !rom t)e premises. Spe i!i attention s)ould *e !o used to t)e pro2imity o! pu*li su*s ri*ers in relation to t)e *uilding and antenna pla ement may *e in!luen ed *y t)e pro2imity o! pu*li su*s ri*ers.


Pu*li Cell Containment o! t)e ell ,ill *e dependent on t)e surrounding in!rastru ture > ar parks3 ,ater!ront et )

&)e pu*li ell s)ould *e ontained to DL 61==dBm at 5=m to 1==m !rom t)e premises. Iuidan e !rom t)e Cell Planner s)ould *e soug)t ,)en t)e perimeter *oundaries are not learly de!ined. &)is is parti ular ,it) respe t to s)opping enters and entertainment !a ilities3 ,)i ) may omprise o! open areas and large parking *ays. 5)

,-S +on iguration

.t t)e time o! ompiling t)e Pi o Cell Pro edure t)e !ollo,ing B&S options are urrently availa*le and re ommended !or Pi o ell deployment "BS22=2 0ig) apa ity 1 to C &"M single a*inet3 single ell 0ig) P. Po,er3 ma2 4;dBm "BS2%=2 2&"M single a*inet S ala*le to C &"M ,it) additional t,o a*inets !or single ell Lo, P. Po,er3 ma2 %%dBm

(+&87 &)e ost o! %N"BS2%=2 is still a more ost6e!!e tive solution t)an a single "BS2===. &)e di!!erentiator *et,een t)e latter solutions is output po,er per &"M >re!er to diagrams *elo,). &)e )oi e o! B&S type s)ould t)ere!ore *e de ided on t)e !ollo,ing t,o !a tors "e-uired output po,er >"e!er to diagrams) #uture upgrade re-uirements >"e!er to diagrams) 5.1) "BS22=2 Con!iguration
.*/ T,@ ;in*;a? Power at #nt Port C6 8 13.(d%m * 1/.(d%m D 8 11d%m * 12.(d%m

CD= 7osses C6 > 0.(d%m D > $.(d%m

P#8 1(d%m * 0.d%m 9:it /d% 'afet" ;argin<

P#8 1(d%m * 0-d%m

#or "BS 22=2 on!igurations eit)er a C'E CF or C'E ' may *e utili<ed !or an indoor solution. &)e C'E ' is re ommended !or single ell options3 as t)ese on!igurations ,ill allo, !or t)e easiest upgrade pat) !rom 1 to C &"M !or a same ell. &)e a*ove solution details a single ell3 ,)i ) is s ala*le !rom 1 to C &"M9s )en e3 a C'E J '.


&)e C'E CF is utili<ed !or se tored ells implying t)at t)e &"M9s are divided into groups o! ells >typi ally % groups ,it) 2 &"M9s per group: ell). #rom an in6*uilding perspe tive t)is option re-uires t)ree separate BCC09s and a redu tion in t)e overall trunking e!!i ien y is e2perien ed in omparison to a single ell. Separate #eeder systems ,ill *e re-uired !or a C'E CF on!iguration3 one !eeder system per ell. P479! ISS.9S P.7 "e!ers to po,er de!ined *y so!t,are de!inition ,it) re!eren e to t)e ampli!ier. #or a "BS22=2 &)e !ollo,ing po,er levels are t)e ma2imum permitted IS$ 9== >&"E7 O"C 1%1 4;:=1)7 %5 to 4% dBm3 odd values only. IS$ 9== >&"E7 O"C 1%1 4;:=%)7 %5 to 4; dBm3 odd values only 'CS 18==7 %% to 45 dBm3 odd values only. Bit) re!eren e to do umentation t)e >&"E7 O"C 1%1 4;:=%) ,ill *e spe i!ied 5n order to ater !or !uture upgrades and assumptions in design a /d,?sa et$ margin ,ill *e applied !or indoor appli ations. &)is implies t)e po,er level spe i!ied at t)e re!eren e point >antenna port on top o! t)e a*inet) ,ill *e CdB less t)an t)e ma2imum permissi*le po,er. &)ere is )o,ever C'E losses dependent on t)e type o! C'E utili<ed. &)ese losses are indi ated in t)e diagram and s)ould *e taken into a ount ,)en orrelating t)e po,er spe i!ied at t)e ampli!ier and t)at o*tained at t)e antenna port. In conclusion or an !,S 22*2 the ,-S po6er le'el speci ied < rom a !" contractor at design stage) or an indoor s$stem at the antenna re erence point should reside #et6een: +D. +@ 3*%&d,m to 3/%&d,m +D. D 33d,m to 32%&d,m -he a#o'e pertains speci icall$ to po6er le'els stipulated #$ !" contractors in their design proposals 5.2) Epgrade "BS22=2


3dB Combining los ;in*;a? Power at #nt Port C6 8 $-.(d%m * 11.(d%m D 8 13d%m * 1(.(d%m .* .$ T,@

&"brid Coupler

.*/ T,@ ;in*;a? Power at #nt Port C6 8 13.(d%m * 1/.(d%m D 8 11d%m * 12.(d%m

.*/ T,@ ;in*;a? Power at #nt Port C6 8 13.(d%m * 1/.(d%m D 8 11d%m * 12.(d%m

CD= 7osses C6 > 0.(d%m D > $.(d%m

CD= 7osses C6 > 0.(d%m D > $.(d%m

P#8 1(d%m * 0.d%m 9:it /d% 'afet" ;argin<

P#8 1(d%m * 0.d%m 9:it /d% 'afet" ;argin<

P#8 1(d%m * 0-d%m

P#8 1(d%m * 0-d%m

5n order to in rease apa ity and additional a*inet is re-uired. &o onne t to t)e e2isting !eeder system a )y*rid oupler in reases t)e system losses *y %dB. 8ri sson does )ave a !uture 12 &"M a*inet t)at ,ill remove t)e need !or t,o a*inets. &)e a*ove on!iguration results in t)e in rease o! a single ell !rom C &"M9s to 12 &"M9s. &)e M6Bus is onne ted *et,een t)e t,o B&S units allo,ing !or an in rease o! &"M9s to a ommon ell. &)e ell t)ere!ore remains ,it) a single BCC0 arrier.


"BS2%=2 Con!iguration

$ T,@

;in * ;a? after combiner .2 d%m * $-d%m

$ T,@

$ T,@

;in * ;a? after combiner .4.(d%m * $2.(d%m

&"b Com $.d%m * 13d%m P#8$.d%m * 13d%m 9:it 1d% 'afet" ;argin<

&"b Com $.d%m * 13d%m P#8$.d%m * 13d%m 9:it 1d% 'afet" ;argin<

P#8$.d%m * 11d%m 'ingle Aeeder after &"b Com

P#8$.d%m * 11d%m Aeeder 'plit #fter &"b Com

Po6er Issues &)e "BS2%=2 is generally utili<ed !or smaller installation ,)ere long !eeder runs are not re-uired. &)e P. may *e varied !rom


21 to %%dBm per arrier. . %dB6sa!ety margin is utili<ed !or "BS2%=23 ,)i ) implies t)e ma2imum permissi*le po,er at t)e antenna port is %dB less t)an t)e ma2imum spe i!ied at t)e P.. 8a ) arrier )as it9s o,n respe tive antenna port t)ere!ore a )y*rid oupler must *e utili<ed to om*ine t)e arriers onto a single !eeder run. &,o on!igurations are illustrated a*ove ,.r.t t)e )y*rid oupler Single #eeder .!ter 0y*rid Coupler &)e 0y*rid oupler om*ines t)e t,o arriers !rom t)e B&S onto a single !eeder. &)e se ond port on t)e oupler is terminated resulting in a %dB6termination loss !or a single !eeder. #eeder Split a!ter 0y*rid Com*iner 5n t)is option t)e se ond port on t)e )y*rid oupler is utili<ed as a splitter and )en e only an insertion loss is e2perien ed ,)i ) is a*out 1.5dB less t)an t)e !ormer option. &)is ,ill only apply ,)en t)ere is a need to split in t,o dire tions immediately a!ter t)e )y*rid oupler. &)e total ell apa ity is still t,o &"M9s. In conclusion or an !,S 23*2 the ,-S po6er le'el speci ied < rom a !" contractor at design stage) or an indoor s$stem at the antenna re erence point should reside #et6een: 21d,m to 3*d,m 5.4) Epgrade "BS2%=2

/ T,@

;in * ;a? after combiner 9T"pical combining 7oss (d%< .1 d%m * $$d%m

1 Port &"brid

$ T,@

;in * ;a? after combiner .2 d%m * $-d%m &"b Com $.d%m * 13d%m

$ T,@

;in * ;a? after combiner .2 d%m * $-d%m &"b Com $.d%m * 13d%m

$ T,@

;in * ;a? after combiner .2 d%m * $-d%m

&"b Com

$.d%m * 13d%m P#8$. d%m * 13d%m 9:it 1d% 'afet" ;argin<

P#8$. d%m * 13d%m 9:it 1d% 'afet" ;argin<

P#8$. d%m * 13d%m 9:it 1d% 'afet" ;argin<

P#8$.d%m * 11d%m

P#8$.d%m * 11d%m

P#8$.d%m * 11d%m

5n order to upgrade to an e-uivalent C &"M ell t)ere is a onsidera*le redu tion in t)e overall output po,er >in omparison to a single 2%=2). 5n t)is ase a total o! 5dB ,ill *e sa ri!i ed to allo, !or t)e upgrade. 5! t)e initial "# plan does not !oresee t)e need to e2 eed C &"M9s and t)e po,er value re-uired into t)e !eeder system a!ter om*ining 2%=2 B&S does not e2 eed 22dBm t)en a 2%=2 option ,ill *e a !easi*le and ost e!!e tive option to t)at o! a "BS22=2



Site +lassi ication

$&( ,ill -uanti!y t)e di!!i ulty and magnitude o! planning in6door solutions3 su ) t)at a *uilding may *e lassi!ied into a parti ular lass. &)e lass ,ill identi!y t)e re-uired planning time s ales and osts. &)e lassi!i ation o! a *uilding ,ill *e determined at t)e initial site survey *et,een t)e "# ontra tor and t)e Cell Planner and ,ill t)ere!ore *e a mutual agreement. #ollo,ing t)e site survey t)e Cell Planner ,ill release t)e site ,it)in t)e Bork .ut)ori<ation system and in a ordan e to t)e site ategory.


Sur'e$ -ime 7 Points Scale * A & B linear )rsC 5nitial Survey identi!ying issues relating to overage K ontainment re-uirements. "# #eeder distri*ution analyses3 ,all and !loor attenuation )ara teristi s. &)is is t)e time period *e!ore "# planning ,ill ommen e and identi!ies t)e s ope o! ,ork. &)e $&( Cell Planner ,ill a ompany t)e "# Contra tor !or initial survey ,it) intention to )ig)lig)t spe i!i indoor re-uirements and provide initial assistan e to t)e "# Contra tor.


,uilding S$mmetr$7 Points Scale * A 1* .n .r*itrary s)aped *uilding impa ts on "# design and antenna layout3 ea ) antenna e!!e tively providing a di!!erent overage radius. &)e ontainment o! t)e *uilding s)ould *e o!!set against t)e symmetry i.e. "and*urg $all may )ave an ar*itrary s)ape *ut ontainment is not an issue >$all is *elo, ground level) and t)us a !e, antenna9s at a )ig) 85"P ,ould su!!i e t)e re-uirements. 5n omparison Sandton City is surrounded *y *usy interse tions3 signal ontainment is an issue3 t)e si<e o! t)e *uilding ,ill re-uire a num*er o! distri*uted antenna. &)e Carlton Center s ores lo, as it )as 5= !loors yet t)e symmetry on ea ) !loor is identi al t)ere!ore a plan o*tained !or t)ree !loors ,ould *e e!!i ient !or all !loors. Symmetri Building7 Carlton Center >1) Small S)opping Center7 "and*urg $all >5) $edium S)opping Center7 Cresta S)opping Center >;) Large Center7 Sandton ity and 8astgate >1=)


Signal Speci ications7 Points Scale * A & "# Containment issues pertinent to t)e design7 Containment is riti al in areas o! tig)t re6use and ,)ere large num*er o! $S are a!!e ted3 a num*er o! plans may *e re-uired to provide a solution t)at meets *ot) signal re-uired inside and ontainment levels outside. Contained s)opping Center "and*urg $all ,it) lo, !re-uen y re6use >=) Sandton City >%) Carlton>5)


,uilding !estrictions: Points Scale * A 3 (o "# !eeder trays or L.( du ts ,)i ) impa t t)e design to some degree. Corporate symmetri al >1) 3 S)opping Center asymmetri al >%)


0um#er o "loors7 Points Scale * A &


/%/) /%1) ;)

=65 #loors >1) C 6 1= #loors >2) 11 J15 #loors>%) 1C J2= #loors>4) 21 J 25F #loors>5) 82 lude parking *ays3 ,)i ) ,ould *e relative to num*er o! !loors and t)us relative to points. Parking *ays still re-uire overage. 0um#er o ,uildings: Points Scale 1 A & "e!ers to sites ,)i ) onsists o! semi atta )ed *uildings ,it) ommon ,alk,ays 4oining t)e *uildings in a ampus environment. 1 Building +nly >1) 2 Buildings:Segments >2) % Building:Segments >%) 4 Building:Segments >4) 5 Building:Segments >5) B)ere greater t)an 5 a separate site is onsidered. Site +lasses Class 17 Points L 2= F Class 2 7 Points L 15 J 19 Class % 7 Points L 9 J 14 Class 4 7 Points DL 8

Pico +ell +omponents

$&( ,ill standardi<e on t)e !ollo,ing omponents. &)e sto k levels ,ill *e maintained *y t)e ,are)ouse and logisti s department. $inimum sto k levels )ave *een spe i!ied ,)i ) implies sto k levels rea )ing minimum -uantities ,ill result in an additional order. &)e Pi o ell omponent list ,ill *e utili<ed *y t)e "# Contra tors to !ormulate a re-uired itinerary list !or ea ) respe tive installation. &)e e-uipment list may *e amended *ut is re-uired to allo, !or a !le2i*le "# design to ,)i ) $&( an readily supply t)e re-uired omponents. S)ould a ne, omponent *e re-uired in t)e !uture t)e omponent in -uestion must *e approved *y t)e "adio 0ig) Level Support department to ensure ompati*ility ,it) e2isting in!rastru ture. 8-uipment utili<ed must *e &ri Band ompliant and s)ould not degrade t)e B&S per!orman e ,.r.t "eturn Loss and possi*le HSB" impli ations.


DESCRIPTION Lo& Po&er Atten*'tors

Connector N*T"pe ;*A

VALUE (dB 1 / .3 $3 13 1 /

PO!ER RATIN" (! $ . . . . $( $(

"RINTE# P'rt No,

$UBER % SU$NER P'rt No, /231..-.# /23/..-.# /2.3..-.# /2$3..-.# /213..-.# (431..-.3330B/0231(43/..-.333/B/(.$$.

Andre&s P'rt No,

Antel P'rt No,

#'t(rein )imim*m Stoc+ P'rt No, $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 13 13

)edi*m Po&er Atten*'tors

N*T"pe ;*A

Single Port Co*-ler

N*T"pe A

1 / 2 .3 .( $3 $( 13 / 2 .3 .( $3 $( 13 . /

0-411(*33333 0-411/*33333 0-411-*33333 0-4112*33333 0-4114*33333 0-4103*33333 0-410.*33333 0-410$*33333 0-4101*33333 0-4100*33333 0-410(*33333 0-410/*33333 0-410-*33333 0-4102*33333 0-4104*33333 /(N*(3*3*.B((334. /(3/..-.#B((3$(2

03 03 03 03 03 03 03 $3 03 03 03 03 03 03 $3 13 13

D*'l Port Co*-lers

N*T"pe A

Termin'tions ()'le

N*T"pe ;

Po&er S-litters $ wa" 1 :a" 0 :a" C'bles GB$D ,#DI#@ Premium ,@7 0*.#@, standard Hackets,(3 o m, low loss GB$D &elia? 7DA0*(3#, (3 o m, low loss dielelectric cable 9-./2d% B.33m< -B2D &57I#@ 7DA(*(3# , (3 o m, low loss dielelectric cable 90.1d%B.33m< Cumper Cables .m,1m,(m Antenn' #ntel $d%i Emni Fat rein $d%i Fat rein Pannel -d%i Grintek Pannel -d%i Connectors GB$D ,#DI#@ GB$D &elia? -B2D &57I#@

9N T"pe A< 0-3234*33333 ((3$..-.33.1 ((31..-.33.0 03 .( .(

,@70*.a@ 7DA0*(3# 7DA(*(3# N*T"pe ;

@ @ @ D.33D per lengt

N*T"pe A N*T"pe A N*T"pe A N*T"pe A

.33 (3 $( 03 0-.314*33333

IE# 243*.-.3 -0. (-. -0$ .04

Prefere antenna Fat rein 133 Prefere antenna Grintek (3

N*T"pe N*T"pe N*T"pe N*T"pe Din * ; Din A

; A ; A

70 PN;*,C 70 PNA*,C 70 PN;*,C 70 PNA*,C 7(PDA*,PC 7(PD;*,PC

.33 .33 133 133 (3 (3



!" +ontractor Deli'era#les

"# Contra tor &)e "# Contra tor )as a primary responsi*ility ,.r.t "# Planning and is responsi*le to produ e "# Plans !or Pi o ell implementation3 ,)i ) are per!ormed in a ordan e to "# spe i!i ations. &)e !ollo,ing responsi*ilities and delivera*les are re-uired !rom t)e "# ontra tor. "# Plans are to *e su*mitted to t)e Cell Planner !or approval. S )emati diagram indi ating signal strengt) measured at various pla es on ampus !rom t)e planned simulated site and existing $&( sites. &)e measurements must indi ate signal strengt) ,it)in t)e *uilding. $&( ,ill re ommend t)e use o! &8$S p)ones3 &8$S &ransmitters and so!t,are aided pa kages su ) as &8$S Lig)t !or statisti s and data presentation.


$easurements $easurements s)ould *e taken at no less t)an 2= meter intervals o! inner perimeter o! t)e *uilding premises and in t)e vi inity o! )ig) attenuation mediums t)at ,ould impli ate overage and penetration i.e. rein!or ed on rete !rom li!t s)a!ts. &)e measurements must indi ate t)e simulated site >test transmitter) and t)e urrent !our strongest ma ro servers. $easurements relating to ontainment s)ould *e per!ormed at 5=6meter intervals at a distan e o! 5= meters !rom t)e outer perimeter or in relation to t)e losest pro2imity o! a pu*li su*s ri*er ,)o may *ypass t)e perimeter o! t)e Pi o ell. 5! t)ese *oundaries are not learly de!ined t)en t)e "# ontra tor s)ould re-uire de!inition !rom t)e $&( ell planner responsi*le !or t)e site in -uestion during t)e initial site survey. $easurements are to *e pre!ormed !or 9==$)<3 in order to ater !or !uture 18==$0<3 E$&S t)e B&S output po,er ,ill *e stipulated at a redu ed level >see se tion 5) to provide a sa!ety margin !or )ig)er !re-uen ies ,)i ) ,ould *e e2posed to )ig)er attenuation. "# Contra tors are responsi*le !or supplying t)eir o,n "# e-uipment !or measurement purposes.

&)e 82ample *elo, provides indi ation to re-uired measurement !ormat7


Test 'ite .41# .41% $(0-# $1-/% Points C annel 2$ C annel40 C annel // C annel -4 C annel ..2 . *2( *23 *42 *-( *41 $ *23 *20 *4( *-/ *4$ 1 *21 *2*42 *-*4. 0 *-4 *43 *44 *-4 *22 ( *2( *4( *2*2$ *20 / *21 *42 *24 *2( *2$ *20 *2*43 *23 *-2 2 *-2 *2( *2*2$ *-/ # % C D 5 A G & I *.33 *.33 *.33 *.33 *.33 *.33 *.33 *.33 *.33 *-3 *-0 *-*23 *2( *22 *-*-( *-1 *22 *2( *22 *24 *-*-4 *23 *-*-2 *-3 *-. *-$ *-0 *-*23 *-( *-*-/ *22 *2*2/ *21 *-4 *-*-1 *-. *--



+ptimum B&S on!iguration onsidering t)e re-uired apa ity and po,er levels. &)ere are a variety o! on!igurations ,it) respe t to t)e B&S and asso iated apa ity per ell. Capa ity re-uirements an *e estimated *y t)e num*er o! $o*ile su*s ri*ers and LC" re-uired ,it)in t)e *uilding. &)e "# ontra tor must provide indi ation o! t)e num*er o! su*s ri*ers >$&( and HC) and LC" envisaged : urrent ,it)in t)e parti ular *uilding to 4usti!y apa ity re-uirements. "e!er to Capa ity dimensions pro edure and se tion 5 B&S on!igurations "# ir uit diagram indi ating >see e2ample)7


Airst Aloor
; .3m CF 7 C

Ground Aloor
& 5 .3m C D $3m A G I

% 1-d%m .m #

CD= D /d% Coupler

To 7C,Is Test Points

A5 33dBm B5 33dBm E5 37dBm 65 33,2dBm 65 33,2dBm "5 /3,2dBm CD= D ,%'$333 %T' P# 14d%m

.3 d% Coupler c5 3.dBm d5 30dBm 7CA .B$D 9-d% B .33m<

1. 2. %. 4.

.ntenna types3 positions and 85"P values B&S positions and P. output. (ote re!eren e point o! P. output s)ould re!er to t)e antenna port on t)e top o! t)e a*inet. Ca*le types and !eeder runs. .ll "# omponents i.e. splitters3 ouplers and respe tive losses


5. C. ;. 8.4)

Positions o! test points and test point values3 ,)i ) are re-uired !or !ault analysis and ommission purposes. &ransmission link >'aisy C)ain) !or ases ,)ere multiple "BS2%=2 >separate ells) )ave *een planned. &elkom room !or sour e o! 2mB transmission link. Component list 5tinerary *reakdo,n o! ,)i ) only $&( approved items may *e listed. "e!er to se tion ; !or approved items. &)e omponent list s)ould *e stipulated as total -uantity !or implementation. Link Budget &)e "# Contra tors must ensure t)at t)e distri*uted !eeder system on!orms to t)e sensitivity o! t)e Base Station and t)at t)ere are no im*alan es ,it)in t)e planned "# medium t)at ould result in a degradation o! system per!orman e. . link *udget must *e indi ated !or ea ) antenna.


(+&87 .s t)e "# Contra tor is responsi*le !or t)e Planning and 5nstallation t)e onus resides ,it) t)e "# Contra tor to ensure t)e property o,ner a epts t)e proposed design. 9)

5ppro'al o !" Plans

&)is se tion s)ould *e re!erred to as a guideline ,)en re-uired to approve su*mitted "# plans *y a "# ontra tor. &)ese guidelines s)ould !ormulate a / )e klist1 to veri!y t)at t)e design omplies to de ision !a tors stipulated in se tion % and may support !uture lo ation *ased tari!!s as envisaged !or a Bireless +!!i e solution. &)ese guidelines !orm t)e *asis to re4e t plans or to re ommend modi!i ations.


Components Spe i!ied Po,er 0andling7 Heri!y t)e omponents utili<ed are not e2posed to po,er levels ,)i ) e2 eed t)e spe i!i ation Component C)oi e7 .re t)e omponents utili<ed t)e *est option in terms o! t)e availa*le omponents. +ne s)ould avoid attenuators to o*tain a spe i!ied po,er value ,)en a variety o! oupler values e2ist. "emem*er to keep t)e design as simple as possi*le ,it) t)e minimum num*er o! omponents and 4umper a*les as deemed ne essary .pprove 5tems7 8nsure all items are o*tained !rom t)e Pi o ell omponent list and t)at t)e orre t part num*er is spe i!ied 5tinerary List7 Heri!y t)at all omponents are stipulated in t)e itinerary list. &)e itinerary list s)ould indi ate t)e *ulk -uota !or spe i!ied items. &)is in ludes a*le lengt)3 onne tors et "# $easurements $inimum signal strengt) J85dBm !or 95A pro*a*ility. &)is spe i!i ation s)ould not *e violated3 as it ,ill !orm t)e *asis !or !uture data appli ations. S)ould t)e planner !eel t)is re-uirement )as not *een ade-uately met t)en t)e "# plan s)ould *e revised and redesigned to meet t)is spe i!i ation. &)is ,ill generally re-uire t)e addition o! more radiating elements. Containment J 1==dBm at 5= meters !rom t)e premises or ,.r.t t)e lo ation o! a pu*li user ,)o may *ypass t)e premises. &)is rule s)ould *e vie,ed3 as a lo,er priority to t)e signal strengt) re-uired indoors. &)e rule s)ould also *e vie,ed in lig)t o! t)e surrounding $ar o servers signal strengt) and t)e degree to ,)i ) t)e signal is e2posed outside o! t)e premises.



9.%) 9.4)

$a ro Servers7 0ave t)e measurements !or t)e ma ro servers *een indi ated. 5t is not ade-uate to indi ate t)e BCC0 only as t)is may )ange during t)e ne2t !re-uen y plan. &)e neig)*oring Cell5' s)ould t)ere!ore *e indi ated in t)e measurements. 85"P7 'oes t)e 85"P omply to Sa!ety "egulations D %%dBm &est Points7 0as a test point and e2pe ted po,er level !or t)e test point *een de!ined !or ea ) antenna B&S Con!iguration P. Halue7 5s t)e P. value spe i!ied ,it)in t)e de!ined margins as spe i!ied in se tion 5 and )as t)e sa!ety margin *een applied Epgrade Pat)7 B)at are t)e impli ations in upgrading t)e proposed system. 5s t)ere availa*le spa e !or an additional B&S a*inet &ransmission7 B)ere is t)e lo ation o! t)e &ele om room as a sour e !or a 2mB transmission link 5s 24)r a ess availa*le to t)e B&S room in t)e event o! system !ailure. System 'esign 0as a link *udget *een al ulated !or ea ) antennaP .ntenna Pla ement7 'oes t)e sele ted pla ement provide !or a seamless transmission *et,een Pi o:$a ro layer ,)en entering and e2iting t)e *uilding3 veri!y *y t)e measurements provided in terms o! )andover. 8ntry:82it7 'oes t)e antenna lo ation ensure su*s ri*ers amp on t)e Pi o ell immediately ,)en entering t)e *uilding. &)is ,ill imply pla ing an antenna in su ) position t)at su*s ri*ers ,ill ome in to lose pro2imity to a )ig) 85"P ensuring t)ey amp on t)e Pi o ell and leave t)e ma ro layer.

#ollo,ing .pproval t)e "# plans are to *e su*mitted to t)e 5mplementation department !or approval o! -uotation. &)e Cell Planner must ensure )e:s)e maintains a so!t opy o! t)e "# plans !or !uture re!eren e. &)e "# plans are to *e stored in t)e !ollo,ing dire tory S'&+PS:Plan+ps:'ata:Surveys:5nBuilding 1=)

Site +ommissioning
&)e site ommissioning ,ill involve primarily t)e "# ontra tor and ,ill pertain to t)e veri!i ation o! system per!orman e. .s Pi o ells >distri*uted antenna system) may *e implemented as a ompliment to an e2isting B&S providing apa ity to LC" it is advisa*le t)at t)e "# system *e ommissioned ,it) a test transmitter e2ternal to t)e "BS unit. &)is implies onne ting CB test transmitter to t)e sour e o! t)e distri*uted antenna system simulating t)e proposed po,er level into t)e !eeder system. &)e system may t)en *e ommissioned and modi!ied >i! re-uired) ,it)out disrupting mo*ile su*s ri*ers or LC" tra!!i . 5n t)e ommissioning pro ess t)e "# Contra tor must veri!y HSB" levels ,it) parti ular re!eren e to t)e re!le ted po,er to,ards t)e B&S 85"P and po,er levels at every antenna Signal strengt) ,it)in t)e *uilding and re-uired ontainment levels as spe i!ied in se tion 4 Ca*les are marked and la*eled in a ordan e to spe i!i ation provided *y $&( implementation department &)e "# Contra tor is re-uired to ompile a report veri!ying t)at t)e system per!orms in a ordan e to $&( spe i!i ations and in a ordan e to t)e "# Plans !rom ,)i ) t)e site ,as simulated and designed.


11) 5cceptance -est Procedure ollo6ing site commissioning

&)e a eptan e test pro edure pertains in t)is onte2t to t)e ell planners role in veri!y t)e site9s per!orman e in relation to t)e measurements provided *y t)e "# ontra tor. &)e !ollo,ing issues are t)e responsi*ility o! Cell Planner as a !un tion o! t)e .&P *et,een t)e "# Contra tor and Planning K +ptimisaiton Heri!y t)at t)e BSPB"B and BSPB"& are set in a ordan e to t)e po,er levels re-uired at t)e top o! t)e antenna port. "e!er to se tion 5 !or t)e B&S on!iguration. "emem*er t)at a CdB6sa!ety margin is re-uired !or an "BS22=2 and a %dB6sa!ety margin !or and "BS2%=2. 8nsure t)at t)e ell data )as *een loaded and t)at t)e relevant neig)*or relations are de!ined >note ertain neig)*or relations may *e avoided to ensure t)e mo*ile amps on t)e Pi o ell in idle mode J "e!er to se tion 1% !or net,ork optimi<ation) Per!orm a &8$S measurement test and veri!y t)e signal strengt)7 .gainst t)e inner perimeter o! t)e *uilding >as indi ated *y points 1 to 8 J Se tion 8) 5n assumed nulls reated *y li!t s)a!ts and rein!or ed on rete 82it and 8ntry points to t)e premises Containment at riti al points to t)e *uilding. /Criti al1 pertains to areas in ,)i ) pu*li su*s ri*ers are likely to amp on t)e Pi o ell 5denti!y t)e )andover *oundary and ensure t)e )andover o urs in su!!i ient time su ) t)at a !ast moving ve)i le e2iting or entering t)e *asement does not result in a dropped all. Heri!y a!ter system a tivation t)at t)ere ,as no HSB" alarm reated. Etili<e ommand .LL5P7.LC.&L.P&Q

11.2) System 5rregularity 5n t)e event o! a pro*lem >signal strengt)3 ontainment3 HSB" et ) t)e "# Contra tor s)ould *e noti!ied and in!ormed as to t)e details o! t)e pro*lem. .s t)e "# Contra tor is responsi*le to provide a !ull turnkey system ,.r.t Planning and 5mplementation t)e "# Contra tor is t)ere!ore responsi*le to re ti!y any asso iated pro*lems pertaining to t)e sites per!orman e. "emem*er t)at t)e live environment is to *e *en )marked against measurement su*mitted *y t)e "# ontra tor3 ,)i ) indi ted t)e e2pe ted per!orman e o! t)e !inal installation.

12) Bork #lo, Pro edure


Identif" Pico Cell Candidate 9CP<

CP 8 Cell Planner ,AC 8 ,A Contractor I; 8 Implementation Department

'ur!e" and Classif" 'ite 9CP,,AC<

In accordance to 'ection /

,; 8 ,adio ;aintenance

Design and 'ubmit Distributed #ntenna Design 9,AC<

In accordance 'ection 0 and 'ection 2

#ppro!e 'ubmitted Plans 9CP<


In accordance to section 2 and 'ection 4

"es 'ubmit #ppro!ed Plans To Implementation Department 9CP<

#ppro!e plans and +uotation 9I;<


Procedure to be defined b" Implementation


'ite Implementation 9,AC<

'"stem Commissioning 9,AC<

In #ccordance to 'ection .3

#cceptance Test Procedure 9CP 6 ,AC 6 ,;<

In #ccordance to 'ection ..

Implementation #ppro!ed 9CP 6 ,;<



'ite #cti!ated


13) 0et6ork Parameters and 4ptimi8ation +n e t)e site is omplete parameter optimi<ation is re-uired. &)is is to ensure t)e tra!!i is ontained and )andled in a logi al manner *y t)e appropriate ell. Lo ation *ased servi es utilise t)e Cell5' at all setup as indi ator to su*s ri*er lo ation3 t)ere!ore it is ru ial to ensure t)e mo*iles remain amped on t)e orre t ell. 5n idle mode t)ere are t,o met)ods to ensure t)at t)e mo*ile remains amped on t)e pi o ell. 8a ) met)odolgy )as asso iated pros and ons. C"+ "edu ed measurement list and logi al neig)*our relations

13%1) +!4 5n order to optimi<e ell resele tion3 t)e additional ell resele tion parameters C"+3 &+3 and P& is *road ast on t)e BCC0 o! ea ) ell. &)e ell resele tion pro ess employs a -uantity C2 ,)i ) depends on t)ese parameters >IS$ =%.22). &)e resele tion -uantity C2 is de!ined as7 C2 L C1 F C"+ 6 &+ N 0>P& 6 &) !or P& %1 C2 L C1 6 C"+ !or P& L %1 ,)ere 0>2) L = !or 2 D = L 1 !or 2 R = & is t)e timer3 started !rom <ero at t)e point at ,)i ) t)e ell ,as pla ed *y t)e $S on t)e list o! strongest arriers. & is reset to <ero ,)enever t)e ell is no longer on t)e list o! strongest arriers. &)is ,ill tend to prevent !ast moving $Ss !rom sele ting t)e ell >IS$ =%.22). C"+ applies an o!!set to t)e C2 resele tion riterion !or t)e ell. &+ applies a negative o!!set to C2 !or t)e duration o! P& a!ter t)e timer )as started !or t)e ell.P& is t)e duration !or ,)i ) &+ applies. &)e value %1 o! t)e P& parameter is reserved to )ange t)e sign o! C"+ and t)e value o! &+ is ignored as indi ated *y t)e e-uation de!ining C2. &)ese parameters are used to ensure t)at t)e $S is amped on t)e ell ,it) ,)i ) it )as t)e pro*a*ility o! su ess!ul ommuni ation on uplink and do,nlink >IS$ =5.=8). (+&87 C"+ an )ave a negative impa t on t)e idle *oundary si<e o! a Pi o ell. 5n reaseing t)e C"+ o!!set to ensure t)at t)e Pi o ell is !avoured ,it)in t)e *uilding may result in an unddesira*le e!!e t o! pu*li su*s ri*ers outside o! t)e premises amping on t)e pi o ell as a result o! an enlarged idle mode *oundary. &)e e2tent o! an in reased *oundary is relevant to t)e si<e o! t)e o!!set. "e!er to t)e diagram *elo,.


&)e diagram on t)e le!t indi ates t)e urrent *oundary !or t)e pi o ell antenna9s. &)ese *oundaries ,it) re!eren e to a*solute signal strengt) de!ine t)e areas ,)ere t)e Pi o ell is a dominant ell in relation to t)e penetrating ma ro ells. 'epending on t)e di!!eren e in a*solute signal *et,een Pi o and ma ro a relative C"+ o!!set may *e applied. 5! a large o!!set is re-uired t)e idle mode *oundary is e2tended outside o! t)e Pi o domain and may in!luen e pu*li su*s ri*ers. (+&87 &)e C"+ applies to P)ase 2 mo*iles only and t)us ,ould not *e e!!e tive !or P)ase 1 mo*iles >(okia 511=) . more intelligent option ,ould *e an 0CS in idle mode )o,ever t)is is not an availa*le option !rom t)e )ard,are manu!a tures. 1%.2) "edu ed $easurement List and (eig)*oring Cells. 5n idle mode a mo*ile is presented ,it) a list o! measurement !re-uen ies. &)ese !re-uen ies in!orm t)e mo*ile o! possi*le surrounding neig)*oring ells. .s orporate *uildings generally )ave one main entry and e2it point t)e num*er o! neig)*our relations s)ould *e limited to one or t,o ma ro ells. 5n some instan es a ma ro ells may *e lo ated in lose pro2imity to t)e Pi o ell. 5n su ) ases t)e ma ro ell may penetrate t)e *uilding at su ) a level t)at t)e di!!eren e in a*solute signal strengt) nay *e inappropriate

to alleviate *y C"+ appli ation. 5n su ) ases it may *e desira*le to remove t)e dominant ma ro as a neig)*our !rom t)e Pi o ells perspe tive. &)e neig)*our relation s)ould )o,ever *e de!ined as a single relation. &)is implies mo*iles may )and into t)e Pi o ell !rom t)e dominant ma ro *ut not in t)e reverse dire tion. 5t is )o,ever important to veri!y t)at mo*iles e2iting t)e *uilding )ave a suita*le ma ro andidate to )andover to. +ne may t)ere!ore ,is) to utilise a se ond or t)ird strongest ma ro ells as a )andover andidate. "e!er to t)e diagram *elo,

&)e le!t6)and pi ture indi ates &)ree ma ro neig)*ors. +! t)ese neig)*ors t)e nort)ern neig)*ors penetrates t)e *uilding ,it) an a*solute signal strengt) R t)e Pi o ell. &)is t)ere!ore s)i!ts t)e idle mode *oundary o! t)e Pi o ell in,ards a,ay !rom t)e perimeter o! t)e *uilding. &)e Sout)ern Cell alt)oug) a suita*le neig)*our does not dominate t)e pi o ell ,.r.t a*solute signal strengt) )en e t)e idle *oundary o! t)e pi o ell is maintained at t)e Sout)ern perimeter. 5! C"+ ,as utili<ed to over ome t)e pro*lem e2perien ed on t)e nort)ern *oundary t)e idle *oundary on t)e sout)ern side ,ould dominate outside o! t)e *uilding perimeter3 t)is may impli ate pu*li su*s ri*ers ,)o may no, amp on t)e Pi o ell outside o! t)e *uilding. &)e rig)t )and pi ture indi ates 'ominant neig)*our relations !rom t)e nort) are removed in a single dire tion. $S entering t)e *uilding !rom t)e previous nort)ern sites are in!ormed to measure t)e pi o ell BCC0 arrier. +n e t)ey are amped on t)e Pi o ell t)e measurement list provided *y t)e Pi o ell ontains a single neig)*our relation3 namely t)e sout)ern neig)*or9s BCC0. 5n t)is met)odology t)e nort)ern sites no longer in!luen e t)e $S ,it)in t)e *uilding.


(+&87 &)e idle mode *oundary illustrated in t)e pi ture is no, de!ined *y t)e 0CS parameter >assume idle and a tive *oundary to *e !airly e-ual). See . tive mode *elo, (+&87 &)is met)odology may not assist in ases ,)ere a mo*ile p)one enters t)e *uilding po,ered o!!. 5n t)is ase s)ould t)e p)one *e po,ered on ,)ilst in t)e *uilding >)aving last *een a tive in t)e ma ro net,ork) t)e p)one ,ill !irst look at arriers stored in t)e idle BCC0 list. 5! no mat )ing arrier is identi!ied t)e p)one ,ill identi!y t)e strongest server and attempt to amp on t)is ell. 5! lo ated in t)e nort)ern *oundary t)e mo*ile may amp on t)e e2ternal ma ro. &)e only means to amp on t)e Pi o ell in t)is s enario is to a -uire a )ig)er a*solute signal strengt) !rom t)e Pi o ell. 5! t)e all is )o,ever setup in t)e ma ro ell t)e 0CS parameter ,ill result in 0CS )andover to t)e Pi o ell. .!ter su ) event t)e $S ,ill remain amped on t)e Pi o ell as t)e Pi o ell does not measure on nort)ern sites >neig)*our relations are /single1). (+&87 5! a $S is po,ered do,n ,)ilst amped on t)e Pi o ell >user may ,is) to )arge *attery) t)e $S ,ill maintain t)e idle BCC0 list. B)en t)e p)one po,ers up it ,ill sear ) !or arriers in t)e stored list namely t)e Pi o ell and t)e sout)ern site. &)e $S ,ill t)ere!ore in all likeli)ood remain amped to t)e Pi o ell. &)is met)odology applies to p)ase 1 and p)ase 2 mo*iles.

13%3) 5cti'e Mode &o ontrol tra!!i in a tive mode use t)e 0ierar )i al Cell Stru ture 1 Layer 1 >)ig) priority) ell. 2 Layer 2 >medium priority) ell. % Layer % >lo, priority) ell. &)e 0ierar )i al ell stru tures !eature in C$8 2= "5 allo,s *uilding a net,ork in a t,o6 or t)ree6layered stru ture. &)e )ig)er layers an *e used !or large ells and t)e lo,er !or small ells. Bit) t)is !eature t)e planning !or a ell stru ture in layers ,ill *e ome easier3 due to t)e *uilt6in priority *et,een t)e layers. Cells in layer 1 )ave )ig)er priority t)an ells in layer 23 ,)i ) in turn )ave )ig)er priority t)an ells in layer %. Signal strengt) t)res)old used as riterion ,)en )anding over to t)e ell !rom a )ig)er layer >lo,er priority) ell or vi e versa. L8H&0" takes a positive value3 ,)i ) represents t)e orresponding negative value in al ulations. L8H&0" is only valid !or layer 1 and layer 2 ells.


14) +onclusion
&)ere is no single solution !or all Pi o ell appli ations. &)ere are a variety o! met)odologies in ,)i ) to provide overage !or in6door appli ations. &)e solution re-uired ,ould *e de ided t)roug) *ot) !inan ial and te )ni al inputs. 0aving identi!ied t)e !easi*le solution3 a distri*uted "# plan is re-uired. &)is plan must meet aspe ts o! overage3 apa ity and ontainment. 5n order to veri!y t)ese re-uirements a site survey is re-uired in ,)i ) t)e "# plan is simulated ,it) test transmitters. S)ould t)e survey reveal inade-ua ies in terms o! t)e latter re-uirements t)e "# medium and plan needs to *e revised until t)e simulated installation meets re-uirements. +n e t)e site is omplete an optimi<ation period is re-uired. Spe i!i parameters need to *e tuned to ontrol t)e *e)avior o! t)e mo*iles *et,een t)e Pi o and $a ro layers. 5t is essential t)at all Pi o ells *e regarded as !uture ,ireless o!!i e andidates. .n essential attri*ute o! su ) andidate is .de-uate signal strengt) on!ined ,it)in t)e premises 5dle mode dominan e ensuring $S remain amped to t)e pi o ell ,it)in t)e premises. &)is is o! parti ular relevan e !or lo ation *ased servi es. Cell Planners s)ould *e a,are o! orporate ells and servi es ,it)in t)eir planning regions and must ensure t)ey do not disrupt t)e servi e provided ,it) t)e in lusion o! ne, ma ro ells ommissioned in t)e vi inity o! orporate ells.

1&) De initions
B8"7 BCC07 B&S7 C'E7 C"+7 L8H&0"7 $S7 P&7 &8$S7 &8&7 &+7 &"E7 Bit 8rror "ate Broad ast Control C)annel Base &rans eiver Station Com*ining and 'istri*uting Enit Cell "esele tion +!!set Level &)res)old $o*ile su*s ri*er Penalty &imer &est $o*ile Systems &ra!!i 8stimation &ool &emporary +!!set &ransmitter and "e eiver Enit

1/) Procedure Details

+riginator (ame7 0ilton Iood)ead Lo ation7 0ead +!!i e &itle o! +riginator7 &e )ni al Spe ialist .ut)or (ame7 &im #ourie Lo ation7 &itle o! .ut)or7 +riginator9s $anager7 Lo ation7 &itle7 0ead o!!i e (ational $anager7 Pro4e ts and Contra ts Oarel Pienaar 0ead o!!i e Iroup 82e utive


Suality manager7 Creation 'ate7 "evision (um*er7 Last Saved +n7 Last Saved By7 Last Printed +n7 'istri*ution List7 (et,ork Iroup 1.= 25 (ovem*er3 199C

.ut)ori<ation7 Designation: 0ame: Signature: Date: (at. $anager "adio (et,ork Planning K +ptimi<ation +riginator9s $anager 'o ument +riginator:.ut)or 'CS .dministrator



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