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Presented by: Khonsu

1. The Shamanic Journey 2. The Eight Sacred Symbo ! Two Energizing Symbols Two M ni!est tion Symbols Two " l n#ing Symbols Mind E$% nsion Symbol Su%reme Medit tion&Rite o! P ss ge Symbol

This m nu l is not #o%yrighted'The in!orm tion is uni(ers l nd ( il ble to ll who see) %ower nd he ling' The symbols were % ssed on to Khonsu by M ster who sought the most e!!e#ti(e symbols !rom ( rious Sh m ns worldwide' The in!orm tion reg rding the use o!'the symbols nd initi tion w s #h nneled nd emend ted by Khonsu' *t must be noted th t Sh m n Power is tt ined through the initi tion by s%e#i lly tr ined Khonsu Rei)i M sters' The initi tion brings in the !low o! Sh m n Power+ #onne#ting the initi te to this n#ient !orm o! he ling'


endeavored to become a shaman by the help of others but in this I did not succeed .1 visited many famous shamans, and gave them great gifts. . . . I sought solitude, and here I soon became very melancholy. I would sometimes fall to weeping, and feel unhappy without knowing why. Then, for no reason, all would suddenly be changed, and I felt a great, ine plicable !oy so powerful that I could not restrain it, but had to break into a song, a mighty song, with only room for one word: !oy, !oy" #nd I had to use the full strength of my voice. #nd then in the midst of such a fit of mysterious and overwhelming delight I became a Shaman, not knowing myself how it came about. $ut I was a %haman. I could see and hear in a totally different way. I had gained my enlightenment, the shaman&light of the brain and body, and this in such a manner that it was not only I who could see through the darkness of life, but the same light also shone out from me, imperceptible to human beings, but visible to all the spirits of earth and sky and sea, and these now came to me and became my helping spirits.
,An & n *gluli) Es)imo Sh m n&des#ribing his sh m ni# enlightenment in The 'ay of the %haman by Mi#h el H rner'



THE ENER&"*"N& S%M(O)S+ KHU and SUN VAPORS KHU: The -ire Symbol+ used to energize the entire body
.Me ning /!ire+0 in 1 % nese+ it is %ronoun#ed ka, or hi( in 2hinese+ huo.3 .Note th t when the symbol is Sino41 % nese #h r #ter' * h (e gi(en it t right'3

Symbol Use: This symbol will energize the body' *t is best used on the sol r %le$us nd #rown #h )r s' *n medit tion nd he ling use+ %%ly this symbol !irst on the sol r %le$us+ then #rown #h )r + nd it will energize the entire body' The -ire Symbol is lso (ery e!!e#ti(e in the #le ring o! old to$ins' *n medit tion+ use this symbol while you !o#us on # ndle !l me' Pro5e#t this symbol !rom the !l me to yoursel! !or -ire4Element He ling&*niti tion' 6isu lize the symbol %uri!ying nd rele sing ny neg ti(e energy !rom your ur ' SUN VAPORS: Energizes nd in#re ses the e!!e#ti(eness o! ny other symbol' 7se to in#re se Sol r&8un r Pr n + 2hi+ nd Rei)i'
.This symbol is (ery simil r to the Sun 9is) with r ys ending in h nds o! the Am rn #ulture under A)hen ton'3

Symbol Use: Sun 6 %ors is (ery n#ient symbol' *t is simil r to the Sun+ *tsel!' *t # n lso be used side4by4side to energize or em%ower ny other symbol+ %erson+ nim l+ or %l nt' 7se to em%ower nything by %l #ing it su#h th t the Sun Vapors !low through the ob5e#t+ energizing it' W t#h or im gine the ob5e#t #ome li(e nd

be#ome 8i(ing 8ight Energy' 7sed lone+ this symbol m y be used to energi)e any chakra. *t is (ery %ower!ul to !eel the symbol inside e #h #h )r nd im gine the White 8ight o! the Sun #le nsing ny im%urities in the dee%est l yers o! the #h )r ' :ou should !eel the #h )r s begin to glow+ nd thus they will run n energy loo% either u% the !ront o! the body or down the b #)+ or it # n run in the o%%osite dire#tion' 1ust sit ;uietly nd !eel the #h )r s /do their thing'0 When you !in lly su##eed in this e$er#ise+ the energy # n be g thered nd used !or he ling' While this symbol # n be used lone to energize ny #h )r + it m y lso be used to energi)e crystals or amulets. *t # n lso be used s talisman to w rd o!! e(il' -ull Moon nights gre tly in#re se the %ower o! Sun Vapors' 7sed on these nights+ %ower will in#re se one hundred !old' Sun Vapors # n lso be used to surround you s protective s#reen g inst e(il !or#es+ with gre t su##ess' 7sed o(er the he d+ Sun Vapors will energi)e any thought th t is m ni!ested+ so be # re!ul when using it in times o! #risis+ nger+ or stress' ,,,,,, THE MAN",EST"ON S%M(O)S+ RICE STALKS and IEL!S o" !I


RICE STALKS: 7se to m ni!est your % rti#ul r needs'

.This is not Sino41 % nese #h r #ter but %i#togr %h o! she ! o! ri#e st l)s'3

Symbol Use: This s #red symbol # n be used m gi# lly to hel% you manifest your innermost needs. 7sed in #on5un#tion with the -ire Symbol+ R$%e S&al's gu r ntees e$#ellent results' -irst+ (isu lize the -ire Symbol energizing the twel(e #h )r s+ tr ns!orming to e$% nd your uri# !or#e !ield' 2on#lude by (isu lizing R$%e

S&al's o(er the Third Eye #h )r + nd strongly st te nd (isu lize your % rti#ul r need' Then+ rele se your need+ )nowing th t it will be !ul!illed' FIEL S o! IFFERENT "RAINS: 7se to m ni!est %ros%erity'
.Me ning /ri#e+0 in 1 % nese+ it is %ronoun#ed kome, or bei( in 2hinese+ mei. So+ s is e(ident+ the symbol itsel! # rries the me ning o! only one % rti#ul r ty%e o! gr in+ ri#e+ but ri#e is being used here s symboli# o! ll gr ins'3

Symbol Use: This symbol m y be used lone+ or lso in #on5un#tion with R$%e S&al's' Pl #e the symbol on the 2rown #h )r nd (isu lize it s green th t then turns to gold' Then+ st te your desire+ seeing it m de m ni!est by the <olden 8ight' When used in #on5un#tion with the other symbol+ R$%e S&al's+ %er!orm the %re(ious Third Eye e$er#ise !irst+ then+ mo(e to the #rown !or prosperity manifestation' When wor)ing with the m ni!est tion symbols+ remember to send them into the !uture with the intention o! he ling the %resent nd % st+ so th t ll your desires nd wishes will m ni!est' ,,,,,, THE (A)AN#"N& S%M(O)S+ SHEN< 1EN nd RA*N o! "8ESS*N<S SHEN" #EN: 7sed to b l n#e ll #h )r s nd to #re te ment l nd emotion l b l n#e'
.Me ning /)ing+0 in 1 % nese+ it is %ronoun#ed $( in 2hinese+ %an&. Note th t Sheng 1en is #tu lly the 2hinese %hr se used by 2on!u#ius to me n /Su%erior M n'03

Symbol Use: This is very powerful symbol and anti&depressant. *t is lso used to b l n#e ll the #h )r s nd to b l n#e the u%%er #h )r s with the lower #h )r s' When using Shen( )en+ it should be (isu lized in the Third Eye #enter+ where it+ in e!!e#t+ m )es you the /King o! All 2re tion'0 Shen( )en will bring gre t %e #e in times o! s dness nd de%ression'

RAIN o! 'LESSIN"S: 7sed to b l n#e li!e rhythms'

.Me ning /r in+0 in 1 % nese+ it is %ronoun#ed ame, or u( in 2hinese+ ().3

Symbol Use: This symbol b l n#es li!e rhythms' 7sed d ily it will e(en out the ( lleys nd hills .de%ressi(e nd m ni# st tes3+ nd will hel% to m )e one=s li!e be#ome more #entered' 7sed in #on5un#tion with the Shen( )en+ it #re tes %er!e#t h rmony or w l)ing in the T o+ nd brings in higher !or#es' ,,,,,, THE M"N'-E.PANS"ON S%M(O)+ SHA*ANIC +*a,e an- Fema,e. 'ALANCE: 7se to g in gre ter %ower through yin&y ng m le&!em le b l n#e'
.Me ning /sh m ness0 or /medium+0 in 1 % nese+ it is %ronoun#ed miko, or u( in 2hinese+ %u'3

Symbol Use:

This symbol opens the mind o! the initi te to more o! the higher te #hings o! the M sters nd hel%s the initi te to ssimil te more o! the higher #on#e%ts' *t is #tu lly mind4b l n#ing s well s mind4e$% nding symbol' *t is lso used on the initi te to hel% %ro(ide e$% nsion o! the Third Eye+ nd to o%en u% to the intuition re lms unseen by the (er ge %erson' ,,,,,, THE S$PREME ME'"TAT"ON / R"TE O, PASSA&E S%M(O)+ PRA/ERS: 7se to g in gre ter insight+ to mo(e to the ne$t ste%+ to m ni!est through %r yer' 7se s your intuition mo(es you'

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