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Name the three major set of files on disk that compose a database in Oracle There are three major sets of files on disk that compose a database. All the files are binary. These are Database files Control files Redo logs The most important of these are the database files where the actual data resides. The control files and the redo logs support the functioning of the architecture itself. . What is an Oracle Instance The !racle system processes" also known as !racle background processes" pro#ide functions for the user processes$functions that would otherwise be done by the user processes themsel#es !racle database%wide system memory is known as the &'A" the system global area or shared global area. The data and control structures in the &'A are shareable" and all the !racle background processes and user processes can use them. (. Name t!o "tilities that Oracle pro#ides$ !hich are "se for back"p and reco#er%& Along with the RD)*& software" !racle pro#ides two utilities that you can use to back up and restore the database. These utilities are +,port and -mport. '& (efine Vis"al (atabase Tools .isual Database Tools are the tools that help you create databases" maintain databases" and design the data manipulation portions of your .isual &tudio database applications. /ith this release" you can test impro#ements and additions that make the tools easier to use" enlarge the set of tasks you can complete with the tools" and capitali0e on new features of &12 &er#er.

)& What is the main p"rpose of Vis"al (atabase Tools

The .isual Database Tools let you connect to a database and #iew and manipulate its structure and data. There are fi#e tools in this tool set" each pro#iding its own set of features.

.isual Database Tools to help create databases" maintain databases" and design the data manipulation portions of your database applications in .isual &tudio.

.isual Database Tools help you create and maintain databases and manage data%dri#en applications

*& What is the "se of database dia+ram desi+ner 3se Database Diagram Designer to4

&how all or part of the structure of a database. .iew relationships between database tables. *odify the structure of a database.

,& What is the "se of Table (esi+ner 3se Table Designer to4

Create new tables. !pen tables for editing. +dit column properties. Create or modify relationships. &et primary and uni5ue keys. Create or modify inde,es" including 6*2 and full%te,t inde,es. Create or modify constraints. Create Change scripts.

-& What is the p"rpose of ."er% and #ie! desi+ner 3se 1uery and .iew Designer to4

Create #iews and 5ueries" including &elect" 3pdate" Delete" *ake Table" -nsert .alues" and -nsert Results 5ueries. Return results for modification.

/& What is 0no!led+e Cognition4 the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning 7/ord8et9 Rele#ant information that one is able to recall from memory: All cogniti#e e,pectancies that an indi#idual or organi0ation actor uses to interpret situations and to generate acti#ities: A specific body of knowledge of any kind" on some subject or in some field: 7/iktionary9 12& What is (ata A collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn.Data is a collection of facts" figures and statistics related to an object. Data can be processed to create useful information;. 7)lurtit9 < Data is information that has been translated into a form that is more con#enient to mo#e or process.; 11& What is a 0no!led+ebase < A knowledge base is a special kind of database for knowledge management. -t pro#ides the means for the computeri0ed collection" organi0ation" and retrie#al of knowledge;. < A knowledge base attempts to capture in abstract 7machine interpretable9 form a useful representation of a physical or #irtual world.; < Captures human knowledge and places it into a computer system where it is used to sol#e comple, problems normally re5uiring a high le#el of human e,pertise;. 13& What is meant b% Oracle 4ertified Professional & The !racle Certified =rofessional 7!C=9 program is designed to pro#ide !racle database administrators and de#elopers with the le#el of knowledge and hands%on skill re5uired to support !racle. )ut does it fulfill that promise

PART-5 19 Describe about #isual databases 9 +,plain abo"t Ne! 6eat"res of (atabase Project (9 Discuss about !#er#iew of knowledge based databases >9 /rite short notes on !racle Certifications


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