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American History II 1

Widya Saraswati /C0311045

The Racism Reflected in the American Civil War

Introduction One of the tremendous events in the America is American Civil War. The Civil War tore families apart from each other. Men, as well as boys, were forced to fight to defend their side. Many families were separated because of their beliefs on slavery. Women, men, and children were forced to protect with the deaths of friends and family. The American Civil War was a time of depression that affected many people and families in America. It difficult and painful to decide which side to support, and the decision sometimes split family (OCallaghan, 1990: page 50) The American Civil War was an event that changed the slavery sytem in the United States into Labor sytem. It also changed the government system, economic system of America and so on.
Between the American Revolution and the Civil War, so many elements of American society were changing-the growth of population, the movement westward, the development of the factory system, expansion of political rights for white men, educational growth to match the new economic needs-that changes were bound to take place in the situation of women(Zin:2010)

This paper is aimed to improve the interconnection of American Civil War to the Racism of America in the history, the legacies, and the significant effect of its emergence toward the United States development.

Civil War = to end slavery system in America? As we know, the chief cause of the war was slavery. Southern states, including the 11 states that formed the Confederacy, depended on slavery to support their economy. The election of President Lincoln also increase the hatred

American History II 2
Widya Saraswati /C0311045

of the Confederacy .According to OCallaghan, the Southern states took no notice of Lincolns appeal and opened fire on Fort Summer that was occupied by united troops. Furthermore, Zinn also stated that the main reason of Lincoln proposed the emancipation proclamation was politic advantages, not really want to end the slavery in America. After the emancipation proclamation, the ex-slave/black could join and help the Union Army (even they still get unequal treatment and unequal salary). The result was that brief period after the Civil War in which southern Negroes voted, elected blacks to state legislatures and to Congress, introduced free and racially mixed public education to the South (Zinn, 2010). Although slavery was ended by the war, racism became stronger afterward. According to Zinn, racism in America toward the freedman (ex-slave) proved by the plessy vs Ferguson in the 1896. After the assassin of President Lincoln, the vice president Andrew Jackson also returned southern states enacted "black codes(made the freed slaves like serfs). As the minorities, the blacks became more struggles to maintain their life after the Civil War. If we take a look on the timeline of American History ,since 1501, the African Slaves bring to the New World, then being slavery until in the 1865 Slavery Legally Abolished, it described that more three hundred years blacks being suffered as a slave in America. The Slavery abolished means that legally the slavery was ended, but practically the unfair treatment still existed. So, the Civil War was not to end the slavery in America but that one of political strategies. The differences of American Civil War This war was fought not by nations, but rather brothers divided by state lines. Many things caused the American Civil War. Not simply the election of Lincoln and slavery, but many things that ranged from economical problems to even discrimination of race. Other problems consisted of the abolitionist movement, difference in economy, and the western expansion. This war also took

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Widya Saraswati /C0311045

the most victims in the USA War history. This paragraph below to prove my statement:
The Civil War was one of the bloodiest in human history up to that time: 600,000 dead on both sides, in a population of 30 million-the equivalent, in the United States of 1978, with a population of 250 million, of 5 million dead. (Zinn, 2010)

It is also symbolizes the first mass conflict and difference of the industrialized age, because the used of modern weapons. Civil War as a premodern war during the industrialization era, convinced by Zinn, The Civil War was one of the first instances in the world of modern warfare: deadly artillery shells, Gatling guns, bayonet charges-combining the indiscriminate killing of mechanized war with hand-to-hand combat. The period of time after the Civil War is known as Reconstruction. During this difficult era, the Southern states were gradually admitted back into the Union and the areas destroyed during the war were rebuilt. The physical devastation was largely limited to the south because most of the fighting took place there. The war brought about not only an upsurge in patriotic feeling but a marked increase in centralized governmental power (keyword, 2007: 19). The Civil War decided that the United States was one nation, whose part cannot be separated (OCallaghan, 1990: 52).


In conclusion, it must be remarked that the Civil War did not raise blacks to a position of equality with whites.

Bibliography OCallaghan ,Bryn (1990) . An Illustrated History of the USA. England : Longman Group Burget ,et all (2007) .Keywoords for American Cultural Studies. New York :

American History II 4
Widya Saraswati /C0311045

New York University Press Zinn , Howard (2010) A peoples History of the United States 1942-Present .

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