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25-6-2009 pmrsufESm 11

udk&D;,m;'Drdku&ufwpfjynfolYor®wEdkifiHydkif b*Fvm;a'h &S fEdkifiHoHtrwfBuD;tjzpf
cefY tyf&efoabmwl
MV Dumangang ukefwifoabFm
qefrsm;o,faqmif&ef tdEd´,or®wEdkifiHrS jrefrmEdkifiHohdk a&muf&ef&Sd
aejynfawmf ZGef 25
jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEdkiif aH wmfqkdi&f m b*Fvm;a'h&jfS ynfooYl r®wEdkiif \
H txl;
tmPmukef vTt J yfjcif;cH&aom oHtrwfBuD;tjzpf Adkvcf sKyf tmEk ulrm; csucf rf m
tm; ceft Y yf&eftqdkjyKjcif;udk jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEdkiif aH wmftpdk;&u oabmwlnD
aejynfawmf ZGef 24 vdkufNyD; jzpfonf/
AdkvfcsKyf tmEk ulrm; csufcfrmonf 1956 ckESpf Zefe0g&D 15 &ufwGif
udk&D;,m;'Drdku&ufwpf jynfolYor®wEdkifiHydkif MV Dumangang ukefwifoabFmonf jrefrmEdkifiHwGif qefwefcsdef 8000 cefY o,faqmif&eftwGuf
h nf/ b*Fvm;a'h&w fS yfrawmfwiG f 1977 ckEpS rf pS wifí &mxl;tqifq h ifh
tdEd´,or®wEdkifiH udkvfuwåm;NrdKUrS jrefrmEdkifiHodkY ZGef 27 &uf0ef;usifcefYwGif a&muf&SdrnfjzpfaMumif; od&Sd&onf/ jzifh wm0efxrf;aqmifco hJ nf/ 1996 ckEpS wf iG f trsK;d om;wuúokvd rf S umuG,af &;
OD;wnfckwfarmif; qdkif&m avhvmrIr[mbGJUudk yxrtqifhrS atmifjrifcJhonf/ ukvor*¾
a*smf*sD,mqdkif&m Nidrf;csrf;a&;wyfzGJUwGif 1997 ckESpfrS 1998 ckESpftxd yg0if
odkaY omf ,ck&ufykdi;f twGi;f jynfyowif;Xmersm;u udk&;D ,m;'Drkdu&ufwpf jynfoo Yl r®wEdkiif yH kdif Kang Nam ukew
f ifoabFmonf ZGef 17 &ufwiG f udk&;D ,m; cJhonf/ vuf&SdwGif ppfvufeufypönf; wyfrª;tjzpf wm0efxrf;aqmifvsuf&Sd
'Drdku&ufwpfjynfolYor®wEdkifiH rifydkqdyfurf;rS jrefrmEdkifiHodkY OD;wnfckwfarmif;vsuf&SdaMumif; owif;rsm;xkwfvTifhvsuf&Sdonf/ onf/ 4if;onf tdrfaxmifonfwpfOD;jzpfNyD; orD;wpfOD;? om;wpfOD;&Sdonf/
f iT v
hf su&f dS
jynfyowif;Xmersm;u xkwfvTifhvsuf&Sdonfh Kang Nam ukefwifoabFmESifh ywfoufí oufqdkif&mrS owif;wpfpkHwpf&m&&Sdjcif;r&SdaMumif; od&Sd&onf/ 4;45 5/ ta0;oifwuúodkvf
jrefrmh½kyfjrifoHMum; ynma&; ½kyjf rifoMH um;
oifcef;pm - wwd,ESpf
(pD;yGm;a&;ynm tdrw f iG ;f pD;yGm;
25-6-2009&uf (pD;yGm;a&;ynm)
(Mumoyaw;aeY) 5;00 6/ rsK;d csppf w d "f mwf&iS o
f ef
eHeufykdif; xufjrufa&;aw;rsm;
5;05 7/ ta&;NydKifyGJ
7;00 1/ rif;uGef;q&mawmfBuD;\ 5;10 8/ tjynfjynfqkdi&f m
y&dwfw&m;awmf rl;,pfaq;0g; tvJGoHk;rIESifh
7;25 2/ usef;rmzdkUtwlupm;pdkU w&m;r0ifa&mif;0,frI
7;30 3/ eHeufcif;owif; wdkuzf sufa&;aeY aw;rsm;
7;40 4/ oHomcsKdat; r*Fvmaw; 5;20 9/ aw;*DwtpDtpOf
8;05 6/ tuya'om 5;25 10/ xl;cReftm;xm;
8;15 7/ tdk;ykdit f rd yf kdif jrefrmtrsK;d orD;rsm;(tydki;f -2)
iSuaf ysmaMumf? atmifviG ?f 5;40 11/ Mu,fyiG rhf sm;&JU&ifckeo f H
&efykdipf kd;? rsKd ;rsK;d cdkif 6;00 12/ naecif;owif;
('g½dkuw f m-atmifaZmf) 6;30 13/ rdk;av0otajctae
8;30 8/ tjynfjynfqkdi&f m 6;35 14/ aysmf&TifapaomaeU&ufrsm;
rl;,pfaq;0g; tvJGoHk;rIESifh oDcsif;[Jenf;
w&m;r0ifa&mif;0,frI pdk;&efatmif? ol&0if;? cspfpk?
wdkuzf sufa&;aeY aw;rsm; aiGpE´m
8;40 9/ International News ('g½dkuw f m-atmifausmo f &l )
8;45 10/ aw;*DwtpDtpOf 6;50 15/ xl;qef;axGvmrsm;udk
9;00 11/ tpDtpOfNyD;\/ odyjHÜ zifh csOf;uyfjcif;
tvm;wlyif jrefrmEkid if t H m;upm; 7;10 16/ Ekid if jH cm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ
nykid ;f
jrefrmEkdifiHtkdvHypfaumfrwDOuú| tm;upm;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; tzGJUcsKyftoD;oD;wkdYonfvnf; EkdifiH
wpf0ef;vk;H &Sd NrdKUtoD;oD;wGif tkv
d yH pfaeY
4;00 1/ ppfcsDaw;?ppfonfaw;
4;10 2/ jynfaxmifpk wdkif;&if;om;
em;cdk&m&ifciG f (tykid ;f -21)
8;00 17/ jynfwGif;owif;
18/ Ekid if w
H umowif;rsm;
txdrf;trSwf tm;upm;NydKifyGJrsm; ½dk;&maw;oHom 19/ rdk;av0otajctae
tjynfjynfqidk &f m tkv d yH pfaeY txdr;f trSwf usif;ycJhaMumif; owif;&&Sdonf/
4;20 3/ cspfp&mht&G,f uBudK;oG,f
4;30 4/ ig;&pfrsKd;ig; wdkUrpm;
20/ Edkiif jH cm;Zmwfvrf;wJG
arwåmvrf;qHk (tydki;f -34)

vrf;avQmufyJG 0ifa&mufqifEJT
aejynfawmf ZGef 24
2009 ckEpS f ZGef 23&ufwiG u f sa&mufonfh tjynfjynfqkid &f m tkv d yH pfaeYtxdr;f trSwf vlxkvrf;avQmufyJG tcrf;tem;ukd
,aeYeHeuf 6em&Du aejynfawmf NrdKUraps;a&SUpk&yfwGifusif;y&m jrefrmEkdifiHtkdvHypfaumfrwDOuú| tm;upm;0efBuD;Xme
txu(1)'*Hw k iG f usif;y
0efBuD; AkdvfrSL;csKyfol&at;jrifh wufa&mufyg0ifqifETJ vrf;avQmufonf/ &efukef ZGef 24
waysmfwyg; EkdifiH ajcvsifawmifwuf tzGJUcsKyfrS aoewf y pf a zmuf pwif w mvT w f í trSwf(1) tajccHynmtxufwef;ausmif; '*HkNrdKUe,f 'kwd,nTefMum;a&;rSL;(zGHUNzdK;) OD;pdefjrifh? jrefrmEdkifiHynma&;
toif;0ifrsm; pkpkaygif;tiftm; 1500 awmifndK-ysOf;rem; vrf;twkdif; 2009-2010 ynmoifESpf tjynfjynfqdkif&mrl;,pfaq;0g; okawoe vufaxmufñeT Mf um;a&;rSL; OD;atmifMunf? OD;pD;rSL;
vrf;avQmufyGJodkY jrefrmEkdifiH ausmf waysmfwyg; wufa&mufqifETJ oajyukef;t0kdif;? ¤if;rS aejynfawmf
tk d v H y pf a umf r wD 0 if tm;upm;ES i f h vrf;avQmufMuonf/ (tay:yHk) tvGJoHk;rIESifh w&m;r0ifa&mif;0,frI wdkufzsufa&;aeY tBudK a':pDpDodef;? ausmif;tkyfq&mBuD; a'gufwmatmifudkudkESifh
ausmuf r suf & wem jywk d u f a &S U wG i f vIyf&Sm;rItjzpf rl;,pfaq;0g;tEÅ&m,ftaMumif; odaumif; q&mq&mrrsm; wufa&mufMuonf/
ynma&;aygif;pyfrI OD;pD;aumfrwDOuú| yef;0ifMu&m tm;upm;0efBuD;XmeESifh
yef;0if p&ma[majymyGu J kd tqdkygausmif;&Sd '*Hko&D cd ef;rü ZGef 22&uf tcrf;tem;wGif ynma&;0efBuD;Xme ausmif;om;vli,f
ynma&;0efBuD;Xme 'kwd,0efBuD; tvSL&Sifrsm;u vrf;avQmufyGJqifETJ eHeuf 9em&Du usif;yonf/ rsm;tm; rl;,pfaq;0g;tEÅ&m,f todynmay;a&;vkyfief;
AkdvfrSL;csKyfatmifrsKd;rif;? tm;upm; a&S;OD;pGm vrf;avQmufyGJqifETJrnfh olrsm;ukd tjynfjynfqkid &f m tkv d yH pfaeY
0efBu;D XmerS wm0ef&o dS rl sm;? aejynfawmf&dS 0ef B uD ; XmetoD ; oD ; rS t&mxrf ; ? txdr;f trSwfT.shirt tusrÐ sm;ay;tyfNyD; wufa&muf tzGJU wGJzuftwGif;a&;rSL; ynma&;pDrHudef;ESifh avhusifha&;
0efBuD;XmetoD;oD;rS wm0ef&o dS rl sm;ESihf trIxrf;ESifh rdom;pk0ifrsm;onf NrdKUraps; pm;aomufzG,f&mrsm;ESifh a&oefY? tcsKd tcrf;tem;odkU ynma&;0efBuD;Xme ausmif;om;vli,frsm; OD;pD;Xme 'kw,d nTeMf um;a&;rSL; (zGUH jzdK;) OD;pdejf rifh (atmufykH)
0efxrf;rsm;? 0efxrf;rdom;pkrsm;? jrefrm a&SUpk&yfü ae&m,lMuNyD; eHeuf 6em&DwiG f &nfb;l rsm; {nfch w tm; rl;,pfaq;0g;tEÅ&m,f todynmay;a&;vkyfief;tzGJU u rl;,pfaq;0g;tEÅ&m,ftaMumif; odaumif;p&mrsm;udk
H ku
d af uR;cJo
h nf/
wGzJ uftwGi;f a&;rSL; ynma&;pDru H ed ;f ESihf avhusiahf &;OD;pD;Xme Projector jzifh o½kyfjya[majymonf/ (ynma&;)

a&MunfNrdKY e,ftoif; (&efuek f) pnf;a0;rnf

&efukef ZGef 24
a&MunfNrdKUe,ftoif;(&efuke)f \ tBudr(f 30)ajrmuf ESpyf wfvnf oif;vk;H uRwf
tpnf;ta0;? oufBuD;ylaZmfyGJ? ynm&nfcRefqkay;yGJ? EdkifiHawmfrS bGJUwHqdyf
csD;jr§ifhjcif;cH&olrsm;tm; csD;usL;*kPfjyKyGJESifh pkaygif;tvSL'gejyKyGJudk Zlvdkif 5&uf
(we*FaEGaeU) eHeuf 9em&DwGif vrf;rawmfNrdKUe,f o&ufawmwdkuf pdwåokc
ausmif;wdkufü usif;yrnfjzpfonf/
tcrf;tem;odkU a&MunfNrdKUe,f toif;om;? toif;olEiS hf NrdKUe,fom;? NrdKUe,fol
rsm;onf zdwpf m&onfjzpfap? r&onfjzpfap rysurf uGuf wufa&mufMuyg&efEiS hf
tvSLaiGEiS hf vSLzG,yf pön;f yg0ifvLS 'gef;vdkorl sm;? (75)ESpt
f xuf toif;0ifoufBuD;
pm&if;ESifh 2008-2009ckESpf ynmoifESpfwGif tajccHynmtxufwef; *kPfxl;&
toif;0if\om;orD;rsm; trnfpm&if;rsm;udk vdktyfaomtaxmuftxm; trSwf
pm&if;ESifhtwl 'kwd,Ouú|OD;armifarmifat; zkef;- 559536? twGif;a&;rSL;
OD;vS0if; zkef;-211010? 09-51-89458? wGJzuftwGif;a&;rSL; OD;aX;Edkif0if;
zkef;-09-50-62666ESifh b@ma&;rSL; OD;Munf0if; zkef;-09-51-80193 wdkUodkU
qufoG,fay;ydkU vSL'gef;EdkifaMumif; od&onf/ (jrefrmhtvif;)

25-6 (11).pmd 1 6/25/2009, 1:52 AM

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 25 June, 2009

Appointment of
Bangladeshi Ambassador
DPRK owned MV Dumangang cargo vessel
agreed on due to arrive for shipment of Myanmar rice
NAY PYI TAW, 25 June— The Government NAY PYI TAW, 24 June— MV Dumangang, a spreading rumours these days that DPRK owned
of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appoint- cargo vessel of the Democratic People’s Republic of cargo vessel, Kang Nam, left Mingpao port of DPRK
ment of Major General Anup Kumar Chakma, ndc, Korea (DPRK), is due to arrive in Myanmar from for Myanmar on 17 June.
psc as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten- Kolkata of the Republic of India around 27 June for The authorities concerned have no news about
tiary of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the shipment of about 8000 tons of rice. Kang Nam vessel reported by foreign news agencies.
Union of Myanmar. Certain foreign news agencies have been MNA
Major General Anup Kumar Chakma was
born on 15 January 1956. He served in Bangladesh Street in Pabedan development of human discipline-flourishing Health Dr Mya Oo
Army at various posts since 1977. He obtained First Township and Kyat Shar resources for their democratic one. reported to the Prime
Class in Master of Defence Studies at the National Model Village monastery development. The Prime Minister Minister on health care
University in 1996. He participated in the United worth K 46 million built In like manner, dealt with progress in services in rural areas. An
Nations Observer Mission in Georgia from 1997 to by TZTM construction Co Myanmar is implementing rebuilding the buildings engineer of a private
1998. He currently serves as Master General of the with the initial funds of K plans for human resources that were destroyed in the company reported on
Ordnance. He is married and has one daughter and 10 million donated by development in cyclone “Nargis”, completion of houses in
one son. —MNA Presiding Sayadaw U compliance with the measures for revival of rural areas. After hearing
Teikka of Salin Monastery guidance of the Head of businesses, construction the reports, the Prime
Each and every citizen has in Mandalay
wellwishers to Staff
and State, he said.
He pointed out that
of cyclone shelters, and Minister attended to the
the the ongoing road
to adhere to … Officer of educated people are to do network project. The Prime Minister
(from page 9) In-charge U Hla Htay and Mawlamyinegyun their bit with the Ayeyawady Division is and party inspected
Next, the minister Managing Director U Sit Township Religious knowledge and rich in natural resources, construction of streets and
handed over documents Hoke handed over the Affairs Department U experiences they have he said, calling for planting shady trees wind
related to newly-built 41 documents related to Myint Sein. gained in nation-building effective exploitation of breakers and kitchen
schools and exercise newly-built Ngwe Zin Minister for tasks. the natural resources to crops, private phone
books for basic education Yaw Model Village Agriculture and Irrigation He underlined the improve the living booths, library and
schools in the township to monastery worth K 38.8 Maj-Gen Htay Oo importance of generation
Mawlamyinegyun million built by A 1 Co presented kitchen crop of conditions to maintain
Township Education with the initial funds of K seeds for villages in the and step up the present
Officer U Tin Min. 26 million donated by township to Chairman of development with a sense
Afterwards, Engineer Daw Kyin Thein of 27th township PDC U Aung of concept for better future
Kyaw Khaing. of the nation, taking
Minister for lessons from the bitter
Myanmar is a union, Information Brig-Gen experiences the people
each of whose parts is home Kyaw Hsan said that in
the Age of Knowledge,
encountered from 1948 to
1988 in the process of
to various national races. every country is working transforming the nation
hard to beef up the into a modern, developed

Pathein Bridge, a drive for ensuring better

transport in Delta of Ayeyawady Division
Minister for Education Dr Chan Nyein
receives documents related to schools
Article: Kyaw Zeya Myint; Photos: handed over by responsible persons of
Htay Aung (Kyemon) construction companies.—MNA

standard of local people. temporary clinic in the

(from page 16)
He said that Myanmar is a village. After visiting the
Pathein Bridge was constructed as a
union, each of whose parts village, the Prime Minister
suspension bridge across Ngawun River in
is home to various national and party flew to the Paper
Pathein Township. The 2140-foot bridge can
races, so each and every and Pulp Factory
withstand 75-ton loads. It was built by Myanmar
citizen has to adhere to (Thabaung) of Myanma
engineers who took just over one year in the
Our Three Main National Paper and Chemical
construction task.
Causes as the national Industries.
Actually, Pathein Bridge built by the
policy. At the Paper and Pulp
government with genuine goodwill is contributing
Afterwards, the Prime Factory (Thabaung), an
not only to the social, economic and education
Minister and party went official of the factory
growth of the division but also to development of
to Danichaung Model reported on production
the rural areas.
Village in Kyatshar and facts about the
Village-tract in factory. After hearing
Translation: TTA
Mawlamyinegyun reports, the Prime
Kyemon: 18-6-2009
Township where Minister Minister gave
Col Thein Nyunt reported instructions.
Photo shows Pathein Bridge across Ngawun on reconstruction of The Prime Minister
River in Pathein Township of Ayeyawady houses and schools in the and party left the factory
Division. township. for Pathein by helicopter.
Deputy Minister for MNA

25-6-09 NL 10 18/7/30, 10:31 PM

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