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REPORT An AAMET Meeting / Mentoring Day INSIGHT EFT in the therapeutic residential setting with children ARTICLE How to release limiting identity beliefs





Whos who Plus: WIN! EFT Training DVDs


THERAPY REVIEW Matrix Reimprinting uncovered

As Chairperson, I am proud to be writing this opening introduction to our new online AAMET Magazine and grateful to our Communications Team, especially Kay Gire, for making it happen.


The AAMET welcomes members from all over the world

The aim of this magazine is to provide something of interest for everyone, so if you are an expert in another type of therapy apart from meridian energy techniques, please send your article by email to and someone will get back to you. Future issues will include an opportunity for you to advertise your events, courses, etc and we will let you know when we are set up for this. In addition to the magazine, we will also be sending out periodic Bulletins to our Members as well as our Trainers and Representatives to keep them up to date with whats new within the AAMET. Each year more and more people become aware of the benefits of complementary therapies. They are also increasingly drawn to selecting therapists, practitioners or trainers who belong to a professional association such as the AAMET. We look forward to you joining us as a member which will entitle you to enter our competition for a chance to win a set of Gary Craig's DVDs!! Helena Fone, AAMET Chairperson

Our purpose is to share, help and support anyone interested in but not limited to, Meridian Energy Therapies

Were proud to be your

If you would like to submit features or contribute to the magazine please send your ideas to our Editor. For enquiries or information on advertising please contact our Communications Team. For information about becoming a member of AAMET, please visit the website and join online.

editor & design Kay Gire deputy editor Jane Unsworth 2

advertising Communications Team AAMET

The articles published in the AAMET Magazine represent the views of the contributor/author and are not necessarily the official views of the AAMET as an organisation. The magazine or members of the Editorial team are in no way liable for such opinions. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the contents of this issue are accurate, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or late changes. No article, advertisement or graphic may be reproduced without written permission from the author or publisher.


THE October 2010


16 THERAPY REVIEW: Featuring MATRIX REIMPRINTING 22 INSIGHT: EFT in the therapeutic residential setting with children THE ATTACHMENT THERAPY PROGRAMME








Let the tapping take you there...

EFT practitioner Adrian Price has developed a trust in allowing the tapping to take you there whilst using Gwyneth Moss Imagineering technique, when he found that it caused a powerful healing light to shine until laughter was all that remained...

recently started to offer my first EFT session free to prospective clients (or in exchange for a cuppa and a biscuit) which Im finding allows me to introduce EFT to my existing therapy clients who are either sceptical or unsure or both, about investing time and money on what seems a relatively unknown technique that looks a bit odd and involves tapping on the face and upper body while saying even though.

The first free client had experienced a rather persistent and irritating cough since she had a stroke some years before. Shed undergone every medical investigation available with some of the best consultants around, but to little effect. So we met for a coffee and started to tap for the fun of it. We just tapped and began enjoying the feeling of increased energy, laughing when we went wrong and slowly I began leading her into using the techniques found in the Imagineering Technique developed by Gwyneth Moss. Suddenly we found ourselves having a real session that evolved out of something that came from an informal lets meet and see what happens for the fun of it approach. The client ended her session by putting the cough in a box (that only she had a key for) and sending it across the sea. As we finished our coffee there was a noticeable improvement!


We arranged another session that we agreed would again be fun-based, while simultaneously going for it. I used everything from the first session but enhanced every part of the process by: Adding a colour to the key to the box; Giving it a shape; Making it a private and secret key available only to her; Using the imagineering torch to ensure the cough was in the box and to check that it had left the throat. We tapped on: I am glad its in the box, thank you box & Thank you throat, for letting this cough go. I taught her to tap for herself every day on any cough related issues, until the time when she said;

feelings to describe the joy of painless legs. We continued tapping on: Even though I have had so much pain in my legs, for so long, I will decide one day to leave this pain in the past; I will decide that my new legs will be the best ones ever. After which GR said I dont know why but I just feel so much lighter. She called me a few days later to say that she was walking the dogs twice a day, felt so much better generally and that the inflammation had reduced beyond recognition. Her long term carer said I have never seen anything like it before! GRs leg condition had improved beyond expectation, and it felt timely to tackle her chronic long-term hip/pelvic pain, where she had a severed nerve and artery, that had resulted in constant chronic pain for many years. We started the session by confirming all the previous improvements and how they had altered life for the better. Then we tapped on: If only I could get-rid of this hip pain, life would really improve ; Even though I have this pain, if I could move more easily, get out of the chair, go to the shops, wash the car life would be so much better. The wording came from her and allowed us to get very specific. We tapped on every improvement we could imagine, and then I applied all the Imagineering Techniques I could think of, using colour, shape, controls, SUDs, we did all but kick the tyres. And we saw immediate overall improvements. Then we used the Imagineering Torch Technique where GR used the imagery of: my finger is a torch, a super-bright healing torch. She scanned the joint, and we asked if the torch would help us both to help her find the problem. This was when GR found a mass of tangled nerves and tendons wrapped around blood vessels. We thanked the torch for its help and tapped: Even though I have a mass of tangled nerves and tendons (SUDs 10/10); If I could unravel them the pain might go away; I will decide to unravel them myself, right now.

Followed by a variation of: These are my legs, this is my pain and I choose right now, today, to let it go, its my decision Im doing it right now. We used the torch again and again to look at the hip, and each time unravelled more tangles, pain and discomfort. We tapped round after round, checking on improvements, how she felt about each improvement, how she could release the tangled mess, thanking her body every time she felt better. We ended the session using the torch to shine a healing light over the joint, to remove any remaining inflammation. She laughed so much when I asked her to stand up and move around, and say how it felt. Its just not there, its all gone, I cant even make it painful if I try! Then we continued with some more tapping on: Is that a true statement? Followed by rounds of: Its true I really have no pain; It is true!; It really is true! And whats remarkable is that this happened after only one very fluid session of EFT. GRs years of pain and discomfort had completely gone. I recently saw her again for a massage treatment and she still had no pain at all.

Its gone, honest its just gone.

This outcome gave me such confidence to go with the flow and let the tapping take you there, that I worked next on a clients relative who well call GR. GRs medical conditions had accumulated to such an extent that she was taking 11-types of medication every day, for severe joint pain (of many years), Oedema, various surgical interventions (including some accidental surgical damage). serious skin conditions, weight gain (over 20st at one stage), loss of confidence and mild agoraphobia. Having introduced EFT to GR during a short session in June 2010 wed tapped around some general issues, where she immediately embraced the techniques, as she said: I feel in control. Next we focused on her leg pain and the poor condition of her skin. As we tapped we discussed Louise Hays theory that leg pain/problems indicated walking in the wrong direction. Over a 45-min period we tapped: Even though I dont understand why Im walking in the wrong direction, I thank my legs for telling me this through this awful leg pain... What would life be like without this pain?; What would life be like with painless legs instead? She visualised walking around with painless, slim, rash free legs, using colour and

It is my hope that this article will encourage you to give Gwyneth Mosss Imagineering technique a try too! I certainly recommend it.

Adrian Price
To contact Adrian please visit: To download your free e-book on the Imagineering Technique, please visit:



EFT around the world series

a snapshot of
arie Holliday lives and works in the beautiful country of Spain on a finca with her partner and two dogs. A life she describes as being... An absolute joy! . Having lived in Spain and the Canaries for about eighteen years she started her EFT journey many years ago after suffering a double brain heamorrage when she felt that she was lucky to attend Dr Alex Lees course whilst he was visiting from Canada. Her journey has since seen her progressing to become an AAMET Practitioner, Trainer and Trainer of Trainers in both English and Spanish. She is also a member of the lead Training Panel with AAMET.


Maries personal experience about what a difference EFT makes which she believes, being a northern lass, to be Jaw Dropping! ; has given birth to a passion for EFT and a deep desire to spread the word. Thus, working solely with EFT and Meridian Tapping Techniques she has organised the sister organisation of the AAMET in Spain and teaches EFT in both English and Spanish. She has also been apponted by AAMET the Official Representative for AAMET in Spain, as such is working passionately to develop and further the quality and standards of AAMETs training. 6


Its like witnessing miracles each day

Against All the Odds

Her journey has continued having recently been awarded Company Women Business Award 2007 - 2008 in Spain in the category Against All Odds with EFT Spain . Apart from sharing a personal EFT success story with us which is also translated into Spanish for the benefit of AAMETs Spanish-speaking members; Marie also shares a technique which she has endowed her with amazing success and which was showcased at the Manchester Masterclass in 2009. The technique she calls her Energy Exchange Photo Techniques uses photographs to uncover and clear many deep seated issues.


EFT around the world series

EFT and a bicycle

by Marie Holliday I would like to share with you all a Happy Christmas Story concerning EFT. A couple of months ago I was privileged to join an EFT Level 3 Course with a delightful group of professionals, presented by Gwyneth Moss, an EFT Master and a lovely lady. The course was held in Ilkley, West Yorkshire where I also had a bed and breakfast place by the riverside in this idyllic market town. During part of this two-day course we were working on some personal issues. The issue for me was fear of riding a bicycle. I have always put this down to the fact that I was riding my brothers bike which was way too big for me. I fell off and badly hurt myself.This happened at the tender age of eleven and the fear has stayed with me all my life. I am in my fifties now, so thats quite some time. And let me tell you that for anyone who knows the expression, Its as easy as riding a bike, believe me it isnt. So whilst working in small groups, I tapped on issues like ... this fear of riding a bike I might fall off again, and I might hurt myself. I even tapped on I really dont WANT to ride a bike. At this stage in the tapping, I felt totally uninterested in even wanting to ride a bike. I couldnt understand this ... I can drive a car; I have driven a large van and even steered a yacht in a force 8 gale. So why on earth am I so uninterested and in fact frightened of riding a bike? I was very puzzled. During the tapping, I remember thinking I should ride a bike (Writing on my Mental Walls) ... BUT ... (Tail Enders) ... Why should I want to ride a bike? I thought perhaps its because my partner Stuart would like me to ride one and accompany him ... that it wasnt really me that wanted to ride a bike but Stuart wanting me to. The part of Spain we live in is lovely and flat and ideal for biking. So I tried tapping on Stuart wants me to ride a bike. Within a short time it changed to I DO want to ride a bike. This surprised all of us including myself when I had just said I DIDNT want to ride one! After group discussion on our issues, the course continued and I honestly had forgotten about it until Stuart asked me what I would like for Christmas. Without even thinking, I replied instantly, bike. The words came tumbling out and I cant tell you how surprised and amazed I was. Stuart nearly fell off his chair! He was incredulous because he knows about my fear of riding a bike. I didnt even know if I would be able to ride one and still couldnt believe I had said it ... such is the power of EFT. He bought me the present early, as the weather was so pleasant and I would be able to practice. Luckily we live in the country and have a long driveway where I could practice without embarrassing

EFT y una bicicleta

por Marie Holliday Me gustara compartir con todos ustedes un Feliz Cuento de Navidad que involucra a EFT. Hace un par de meses tuve el privilegio de participar en un Curso de Nivel 3 de EFT con un grupo encantador, presentado por Gwyneth Moss, una Maestra de EFT y una dama adorable. El curso se llevo a cabo en Ilkley,West Yorkshire, donde tambin yo fui duea de un lugar de alojamiento y desayuno cerca de la rivera del ro en esa idlica ciudad comercial. Durante una parte de este curso de dos das estuvimos trabajando en algunas situaciones personales. Mi situacin era el miedo a montarme en una bicicleta. Siempre atribu este problema al hecho de que cuando era nia yo montaba la bicicleta de mi hermano que era demasiada grande para m, y que me ca lastimndome gravemente. Esto me sucedi a la tierna edad de once aos y ese miedo se qued conmigo por toda la vida. Ahora estoy en mis cincuentas, y eso es un largo tiempo. Y djenme decirles para aquellos que conocen la expresin, Es tan fcil como montar una bicicleta, cranme, no lo es. Entonces cuando empezamos a trabajar en pequeos grupos, me hice tapping en aspectos como ...este miedo de montar bicicleta... pueda que me caiga otra vez y pueda que me lastime.Y tambin me hice tapping con ... en verdad yo no QUIERO subirme a una bicicleta. A esta altura del proceso de tapping me sent totalmente desinteresada hasta de querer subirme a una bicicleta. No poda entender esto... Puedo manejar un auto; haba manejado una furgoneta grande y aun maniobrado un yate en un vendaval de fuerza 8. Entonces por qu razn estoy tan desinteresada y en realidad tan atemorizada de montar una bicicleta? Estaba muy confundida. Durante la sesin de tapping, recuerdo haber pensado debera subirme a una bicicleta (Escritos en mis paredes mentales)...PERO... (Los si, pero)... Porque tengo que montar una bicicleta? Pens que quizs a quien le gustara que yo montara una bicicleta y lo acompaara, es a mi compaero Stuart... pero en ese caso no seria yo la que quiere montar la bicicleta, sino que seria Stuart quien quiere que yo lo haga. Esta parte de Espaa en donde vivimos es hermosa y plana e ideal para andar en bicicletas. Entonces trat de hacerme tapping con: Stuart quiere que yo me suba a una bicicleta. Despus de un corto tiempo se cambi a: Yo quiero subirme a una bicicleta. Esto sorprendi a todos incluyndome a misma pues acababa de decir que YO NO QUERIA subirme en una! Despus de haber discutidos sobre nuestros temas, el curso continu y finaliz y honestamente me olvid de todo este tema hasta el momento en que Stuart me pregunt que me gustara para Navidad, y sin pensarlo dos veces respond: Una Bicicleta. Las palabras salieron volando y no puedo decirles lo sorprendida y asombrada que qued. Stuart casi se cae de la silla! Estaba incrdulo porque el saba del miedo que yo tena de subirme a una bicicleta. Yo ni siquiera saba si poda volver a subirme en una y todava no poda creer lo que acababa de decir... tal es el poder de EFT. Stuart me dio el regalo antes de tiempo para que pudiera practicar, ya que el tiempo estaba agradable. Afortunadamente vivimos en las afueras y tenemos un camino de entrada largo donde podra practicar sin que me diera vergenza. En el primer da, Stuart me sostena la bicicleta y trataba de empujarme. Honestamente, yo no poda parar de rerme.Tena una risita permanente porque tena la imagen de una niita siendo empujada por sus padres... y aqu que estaba yo, a esta edad! Al cabo de treinta minutos todava no poda rodar o mantener el balance en la bicicleta. As termino el primer da, pero no senta ningn desnimo. Espere hasta el da siguiente cuando estuve sola y comenc a hacerme tapping. Primero me hice tapping con: la



myself. The first day, Stuart held onto the bike and tried to push me along. I honestly couldnt do anything for laughing and had a constant fit of giggles because I had an image of small children being pushed along by their fathers and here I am at this age! At the end of thirty minutes I wasnt even able to set off or balance on the bike. We left it for the day but not to be discouraged, I waited until the following day when I was alone and started tapping. First, I tapped on No confidence whilst sitting on my bike, and after several short rounds I started riding it! No help, just on my own. I was like a little child again, what a wonderful feeling. Then I tapped on cant ride a bike and went a bit further albeit a bit wobbly. So I then tapped on a bit wobbly and amazingly I rode a lot better without wobbling. This was fun. Then I tapped, This morning I couldnt ride a bike ... I CAN now. So I tapped on the negative, couldnt ride a bike and on the positive, I CAN now. Then I alternated the two phrases finishing on the positive statement I can now. All this time my riding and balance were improving. I then tapped for several minutes starting on the Karate Chop point and using set up statements such as: Even though I couldnt ride a bike...I can now...not very well but I am riding a bike! I havent fallen off, I have stayed on this bike, and it was just a silly fear ... a fear of falling off.... I seemed to fly down the driveway on my new bike. I cannot explain how great that feeling was. I got to the bottom of the drive and I couldnt turn around on my bike, so I tapped on cant turn around corners. At that instant, an image shot into my mind like a flash back of what really happened that day on my brothers bike ... no wonder I was scared. I was actually pulled off on a corner near home which was covered by bushes. Two young lads were hiding there and jumped out, pulling me off the bike. I remember being really shocked and frightened as they started to thump and punch me in the chest and stomach. I managed to get away, ran home very winded, and out of breath from the punching, frightened and sobbing my heart out wanting my mum. My mum wasnt there at the time, so I had to try to console myself. I dont know why but I never did tell my mum. I remember being constantly worried that I may see these lads again and wondered what I had done to them. I really didnt know them or why had they done this to me. So this was the real reason I was so scared to ride a bike, I had buried this painful memory so deep that it had not appeared until I tapped on corners. I then tapped several minutes on this event until I was OK with it. I tested the memory the next day after using a Cinema technique we had learned on our course for high intensity trauma, as there seemed to be a lot of stuff around my mum not being there. I had only just used this technique with a client a few days ago with a high anxiety trauma and she really liked it. I felt the same with it very safe watching a movie of the traumatic event in an imaginary cinema and I combined this with Garys Movie Technique. The memory softened and I didnt have any remaining intensity. I had never placed this trauma in my own Personal Peace Procedure. So when working with clients, I always use my own bike example and ask the client to write down any disturbing event, issue, trauma to tap on and how it may affect them years later even though it may seem totally irrelevant. To finish this story, Stuart returned home and saw the bicycle parked up. To his amazement, I jumped on the bike and rode up and down the driveway. Whilst he knows how well EFT works he couldnt believe the difference from me not being able to ride a bike to hopping on and flying up and down the drive with confidence. I have not been out on the roads yet but I just know that I have conquered the fear and that I can only make progress now with this new found confidence. Whilst as an EFT Practitioner, I work so much with other people, how wonderfully inspiring to be able to conquer your own fear. falta de confianza mientras estaba encima de la bicicleta, y despus de varias rondas cortas comenc a hacerla rodar! Sin ayuda, yo solita. Era como una niita otra vez, Que sentimiento ms maravilloso! Despus me hice tapping con: no puedo montar la bicicleta y logre moverla un poco mas, aunque un poquito tambaleante. Entonces me hice tapping con un poquito tambaleante y asombrosamente maneje mucho mejor y sin tambalear. Esto era divertido. Luego me hice EFT diciendo: Esta maana no poda subirme a una bicicleta... y ahora PUEDO. Hice EFT en el aspecto negativo: no poda subirme a una bicicleta y con el aspecto positivo: ahora PUEDO. Luego empec a alternar las dos frases terminando en la declaracin de ahora puedo. Mientras tanto mi habilidad para montarme y equilibrarme en la bicicleta, estaba mejorando. Me hice EFT por varios minutos comenzando en el punto de karate y usando una frase preparatoria del estilo de: Aunque cuando no poda montar a una bicicleta...ahora puedo... no muy bien pero estoy montada en una bicicleta! No me he cado, me he quedado en la bicicleta y este era solo un miedo tonto... el miedo de caerme... Me pareca que volaba sobre el camino de la entrada en mi nueva bicicleta. No puedo explicar cuan grande era ese sentimiento. Cuando llegu al final del camino de entrada, no poda dar la vuelta, as que me hice EFT con: no puedo dar vuelta en las esquinas. En ese instante una imagen irrumpi en mi mente como un recuerdo del pasado de lo que realmente haba sucedido cuando estaba subida en la bicicleta de mi hermano... con razn tenia tanto miedo. Lo que pas fue que me jalaron en una esquina, cerca de la casa, que estaba cubierta con muchos arbustos. Dos muchachillos estaban escondidos all y saltaron hacindome caer de la bicicleta. Recuerdo haberme sentido en shock y aterrorizada cuando ellos comenzaron a golpearme y darme puetazos en el pecho y el estomago. Escape como pude y corr a casa, sin aliento y sin aire por los puetazos, atemorizada y sollozando, queriendo solo refugiarme en mi mam. Como mi mam no se encontraba, trat de consolarme a misma. No s por qu nunca se lo dije a mi mam. Recuerdo haber estado constantemente preocupada de volver a encontrarme con esos chiquillos y me preguntaba que es lo que yo les haba hecho. En realidad yo no los conoca y no saba por qu me haban hecho esto. Haba encontrado ahora la verdadera razn al miedo que tena a subirme en una bicicleta. Haba enterrado esa memoria dolorosa tan profundamente que no haba surgido hasta que me hice EFT sobre el aspecto de las esquinas. Despus de este descubrimiento me hice EFT por varios minutos por ese evento con los chiquillos en la esquina hasta que sent que estaba bien. Me puse a probar mi memoria al siguiente da usando la tcnica del Cinema que aprend en un curso para traumas de mucha intensidad, pues pareca que haba muchas cosas relacionadas al hecho de que mi mam no hubiera estado all. Haba usado esta tcnica haca unos das con una paciente que tenia un trauma de muchsima ansiedad y a ella realmente le gusto mucho. A mi me gust mucho tambin... Es muy seguro el estar viendo una pelcula de ese evento traumtico en un cine imaginario. Use esa tcnica combinada con la Tcnica de Pelcula de Gary. La memoria se haba suavizado y ya no tena residuos de intensidad. Nunca haba puesto este miedo a montar bicicleta en mi propio Procedimiento de Paz Personal. As que cuando estoy trabajando con clientes, siempre uso mi propia experiencia de la bicicleta y les pido que escriban cualquier evento, situacin, o trauma perturbador, para hacerse EFT, pues estos pueden estarlos afectando aos mas tarde aunque parezcan totalmente irrelevantes. Para terminar la historia, Stuart lleg a casa y vio la bicicleta estacionada. Para su asombro, me sub en la bicicleta y la maneje por todo el camino de entrada. Aunque l saba lo bien que funciona EFT, no poda creer la diferencia entre yo antes no pudiendo subirme a una bicicleta y yo ahora montndome en una y volando para arriba y para abajo sobre el camino de entrada con total confianza. Todava no he salido a manejar a las calles pero solo s que he conquistado el miedo y que ahora solo me queda progresar con esta nueva confianza. Aunque yo soy una terapista de EFT, y trabajo bastante con muchas otras personas, me resulta maravillosamente inspirador el haber podido conquistar mi propio miedo.

So a big thank you to Gwyneth and my fellow EFTers on the course and yourself Gary, for the best Christmas gift ever. EFT and conquering my fear of riding a bike! Warm hugs and wishes to everyone.

As que muchsimas gracias para Gwyneth y todos mis compaeros de EFT en el curso y a t Gary, por el mejor regalo de Navidad que haya tenido, EFT y la conquista del miedo de subirme a una bicicleta! Calurosos abrazos y mis mejores deseos para todos.


EFT around the world series


The Energy Exchange Photo Techniques

Do Photographs hold Memories?


ccording to Marie Holliday, they do. In fact she believes that they do to such an extent that she not only uses photographs to access those hidden memories, she has developed a technique which uses EFT to easily release or even change the memory once it is accessed. She developed her Energy Exchange Photo Techniques after the huge success shes had with accessing the deeply embedded and often traumatic memories of her clients using photographs.


Spain/Espana Memories are only memories to the conscious mind and current events to the unconscious mind
The introduction...

Tap on a photograph/magazine cutting of a future aspiration or dream Occasionally used with Movie Technique where a photograph has held an intense trauma and then tapped in normal way or a client tapped on a wedding photograph just calling it The fight. Personal Peace Procedure where clients or Practitioners are encouraged to make a journal and put photographs in to tap on. Tapping with a Palace of Possibilities Affirmation and a photo or magazine cutting that represents the persons aspiration Tapping by phone and using a photo
The benefits...

Using Photographs in sessions makes a session definitely more focused and belongs to the client, it is very much client-led.
You can also introduce the use of Xrays, images, photos for example of someone s house for financial issues, magazine cuttings. It is a really creative technique where visual images can be used that mean something to the client. The studies...

Tapping on the photograph itself Interchanging with tapping on self in the normal way & tapping on the photograph Tapping on self and looking at the photograph of self or other people. Introducing a few photographs to tap with e.g. family photo graphs
The issues...

Interestingly, a Heartmath Institute Study ( ) using human DNA in files showed that Thinking the worse event ever in your life, damages DNA. Thinking the best event ever in your life, heals the damage. DNA is non static and can bring destruction or healing to your cells, depending on your thoughts and beliefs. Changing the picture you look at changes the frequency of the cells.
EFT is used to change pain & trauma pictures into healing or healed pictures because tapping changes the internal picture. Perhaps if the vibrational frequency of a picture ( photograph in this instance ) is changed with tapping then a healthier positive frequency offers a different view, shift or belief with the self same photo.

Tapping on a photograph of self for not feeling loved Tapping with inner child work & a photo of self when young Tapping with Law of attraction/Abundance/Relationships Tap on photo of self imagining a difficult dialogue/conversation or interview, low self esteem Sending healing, love, forgiveness, gratitude Ex pat community where many have left problems behind in another country Divorce, splits in a family/friends, leaving home. Arguments, disagreements Grieving & bereavement Health Comparison/contrast photographs for tapping with ill health now and previous photograph in good health Children love trawling through photograph albums where tapping can be introduced Photographs of pets with tapping Photographs concerning weight issues, smoking, self image

Useful for a situation where person cannot talk to another person or doesnt want to, they are too annoyed, hurt, upset, grieving Cannot/doesnt want to see someone physically e.g. living in another country, someone in hospital, cannot face seeing someone, guilt issues Takes the pressure off the individual by tapping on a photo of self Offers a different perspective May change a belief system, thoughts or a perception really quickly Visual for the non visual person Can raise intensity and get to core issue quickly Photo is easy to check results with SUDs rating , relief, aspects when reviewing it or looking at it another day Can be introduced if tapping doesnt seem to be getting anywhere Photos are so evocative of a time, place, situation, family gatherings, childhood, teens, births, etc They hold memories of sights, sounds, smells, scenes, good memories & bad . Surrogate and distance healing Animals & babies/children

For Marie Holliday & The Energy Exchange Photo Techniques in England and Spain and or

Are you living and working abroad and have been passionately working to spread the EFT word in your country? If so, please let us know as to how you achieving your successes at



hints & tips

Are you getting the most out of your

contact details swap list?

lthough its not unusual to agree to be placed on an email swap list between attendees on a course, many of us miss the rich opportunities it offers to safely share and develop our skills and allow us to work in co-operation with fellow practitioners.

Dave Wharton (EFT practitioner and trainer) came up with some suggestions of how to ensure that your follow-up does not fall flat after attending courses during which theres an exchange of details of those youve bonded with. To encourage more people to become active list users, Jane Unsworth, a fellow attendee on a course with Dave, test drives Daves suggestions and reports her findings...




Dave Wharton: An EFT swap-list is a great way to practice your EFT skills: it has enabled me to get lots of EFT practice myself, to receive EFT from a variety of talented people and make several new friends too. Due to location, most of my swap-list work has been via telephone or Skype and this has proved both convenient and effective. Even though people are beginning to use the list a little more these days it seems to me that it is still a much under-used resource.
Daves suggestions conveyed in a Q & A format: Q. What is the best way to contact people on the list? A. I much prefer email to make initial contact (I think the telephone is a little too intrusive). Q. How any people should I mail and how do I pick them? A. I suggest picking at least ten email addresses from near the top of the list for your first try (the top of the list is where new people tend to be added). Expect about one in ten people to reply. You may be luckier than this, or you may get no replies at all, one in ten is just an average, not a guarantee! Q. What should I write? A. An example follows of the kind of short email that I have used in the past, you can then write something similar in your own words. Basically just tell people why you are contacting them and what you want

Email example: I am writing to you because you are on the EFT swap-list, as I am looking to practice my own EFT skills (I am trained to level ???).You do not have to give sessions in return, but if you would like to do so, then that is OK too. Perhaps we could do one session at first, with no further commitments, just to see how we go? I am interested in telephone/Skype work only. OR I am interested in both telephone/ Skype work and possibly face to face meeting, if practical. If you would like to discuss this further I would be pleased to hear from you. Jane Unsworth: When I approached the task, I took names mostly from the top of the list, as suggested, where there were some names I recognised from the course and some I didnt.


hints & tips

Dave goes on to outline suggestions when composing the email: Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Why is the title of my email important? You need to catch peoples attention to get them to read it, so you might try something like Enquiry from ....... EFT swap-list. What if I get no replies to my email? Its not a big deal. It is quite possible that you will get no replies from some of your mailings. If you have no replies after one week, it doesnt matter, send out some more emails! Im worried that someone might get dependent on me or take advantage? No one is obligated to be someone elses therapist.You can structure things from the beginning to ensure that this remains true for you. Have an initial telephone discussion to find if you both fit each others requirements.

JANE: As I didnt know if some of the names at the top of the list had come from my course I tailored each message individually, and the tone depended on the depth of exchange at the time. I then advised what I wanted from the arrangement which, for me, was a trial of one-each-way equal swaps to see how we worked together (as recommended here): DAVE: If so, agree one session only, to see how things go as you have already suggested JANE: Something not covered by Dave is the challenge of agreeing a mutual window when both parties can meet ... a challenge in its own right. I got 6-responses so according to Daves advice it seemed like a good start. However at this stage only two have developed into reliable arrangements, two are looking like strong possibilities and the other two less so. DAVE: In your email. Follow this session up by email a couple of days later, asking for feedback. If they respond favourably and you wish to continue with more sessions, suggest that you agree to do N more sessions. (Where N is a number you are happy to commit to). Here Dave is recommending the idea of feedback and I think thats a good idea although Ive not used it yet, its something Ill probably develop in the future. Then he recommends reviewing the situation again after the agreed number of sessions is completed. JANE: As yet my arrangements are ongoing and think the benefits of practising the techniques on others, combined with working on personal and genuine issues is developing organically anyway. And generally we check in with one another while on the call to make a follow-up. Then Dave goes on to answer any further concerns people may have: Q. A. Im worried that Im not good enough to do EFT with strangers? Make this worry the subject of your first swap session! If you are on the swap-list then you will have already learned more than enough EFT to be effective: re-read your course notes if you doubt this. Remember the basic principle of EFT that you use the clients own words. If all you simply do is act as a mirror to your client then you are doing them a very useful service. (In fact I think that acting as a perfectly clear flat mirror is often one of the best things that you can do). What is Skype? Skype is an internet application that allows you to talk from one PC to another anywhere in the world for free. The software is available for free download here: (You can also use Skype to dial landline telephones or mobiles but that is not free, though it may be cheaper than the phone). To use Skype you will need both a microphone and speakers, but a headset is recommended as it leaves your hands free (to tap on yourself or make notes) and improves sound quality.

Q. A. Q. A.

Do you have a therapy practice tip which you use that could benefit other practitioners? To submit your hints & tips please email us at




industry news Non AAMET event!

EFT International Masterclass 2010

New College of Complementary Medicine Opens

new college is to open in the autumn with an aim to increase acceptance of an integrated approach to health. The new college called the College of medicine has emerged from the now closed Foundation for Integrated Health, a charity established by HRH the Prince of Wales. It closed in April after a criminal investigation by Scotland Yard into money laundering and fraud. Eventually George Gray, the finance director, was charged with stealing nearly 253,000. The College of Medicine aims to raise the acceptance of "an integrated approach to health" and is targeting the public, politicians and doctors. They intend to do this through publishing films, books and journals and by running courses. Many doctors already accept the value of integrated medicine believing that by taking the patients personal circumstances and beliefs into account, their well being is improved. Some of these doctors include complementary therapies in their practice along with conventional medicine, but this makes them seen as controversial. Some scientists are unhappy about the new college being set up as they dont believe that complementary medicine has any effect and consider it a waste of taxpayers money if funded out of the public purse. All four of the directors of the new college were either fellows or directors of the princes charity, but none of them were accused of anything during the investigation. Professor of pharmacology at University College London, David Colquhoun, is a well known critic of alternative medicine. It was he who obtained the details of the College of Medicine from the registration documents that were filed at Companies House. Colquhoun said about the constant claim of alternative medicine enthusiasts that only they appreciate the caring side of medicine, that it is simply not true." He continued: If I'm ill, I want above all to be cured. I don't want to be given magic beans and left to die. However caring the treater may be, the treatment fails if I'm not cured." The college was actually registered as the Foundation for Integrated Health, but the directors later changed the name. A slide show produced under the Foundation for Integrated Health name stated that the new college is: "a new strategy to take forward the vision of HRH Prince Charles," and that "It is the evolution of his Foundation for Integrated Health's work to date." A spokesperson from Clarence House revealed that although the Prince of Wales does know about the new college, he "has not been involved with setting-up the college, is not launching it and has no official role with it."
Article as per: Copyright 2010

Mary Ward House, 5-7 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9SN. 340 Early Bird (380 Full)

2/3 October

The line-up just keeps getting better and better.We are absolutely certain that you will leave it not only with a richer and deeper appreciation of EFT but also stimulated by some of the leading thinkers about what 21st century consciousness really is. The latest addition to the programme isRobert Smithwhose faster EFT proved so popular in Manchester last year. He will be offering a breakout workshop on his latest work as well as taking part in the Addiction panel hosted by Sue. Also on the programme are: Rupert Sheldrake; David Hamilton; Sophia Cayer; Dawson Church

Current confirmed EFT Masters presentingare: Judy Byrne, Sue Beer, Jaqui Crooks,Inci Irkin, Mair Llewellyn, Tania Prince, Emma Roberts, Tam Lllewellyn, Gwyneth Moss, Ann Ross and Maya de Vries.

There will be four plenary sessions and a choice of four breakout sessions for the rest of the two days. On the schedule are Working with Addictions, with Sue Beer as leader, Tania Prince is heading up Marketing, and Andy Bryce Chakra Healing.

Financially challenged? Option of paying in installments & Low cost accomodation. Information: We really hope you will join us for what is always an inspiring and fun weekend with the coming together of like minded thinkers to network and continue your particular EFT journey.
Emma Roberts, Sue Beer & Judy Byrne



therapy review

If you could

Would you?

re-write your traumatic & dis-empowering past

Having addressed her own curiosity and having found Matrix Reimprinting - MR for short, to be very impressive after attending the MR practitioner course with Karl Dawson (EFT Master and creator of Matrix Reimprinting) recently; Jane Unsworth, our very own deputy editor, approached Sasha Allenby, co-author of the recently published book titled Matrix Reimprinting using EFT, for further insight into the technique and its benefits

arl Dawson developed the system while working with an attendee on one of his trainings, some years ago. She said her younger self was clear enough to tap on during her participation as client and this catalysed the MR process. Karl encouraged her along this route and noticing the effect, he began developing the system while simultaneously checking out some scientific background to substantiate his ongoing client successes.
He discovered that many of the New Sciences and Quantum Physics were discovering the unified energy field that connects us all. And this combined with the information about the morphic fields (that surrounds the physical body) helps shape our form and behaviour. As the Cell Biologist Dr Bruce Liptons work has illustrated so beautifully its the environment that holds the key to our quality of interaction with the world. Of course the power behind this information lies in the infinite scope for change, especially when enhanced by such accessible and easily learned tools as those used in the energy techniques that most of the readers here are fairly familiar with.






Jane Unsworth is an EFT, MR and NLP Practitioner, and a qualified Adv Psych-K Facilitator, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach and BSc (Hons) Applied Consumer Scientist. At ABC Simple As she specialises in finance (abundance/business/money/ prosperity), relationships and weight control (launching a programme locally in September called Kick the Dieting Habit She works from three Kent-based practices with groups and private one-to-one clients. One of these is a local Physiotherapy practice where Alison Lingwood (Physiologics owner is also a Kinesiologist) using extensive muscle-testing techniques to highlight to clients where they can benefit (emotionally and psychologically) from working with Jane in becoming unstuck. This is such an exciting field to be involved with and getting these techniques out there is part of a welcome challenge. It is this that motivated her to become involved with the AAMET Communications team (see Whos who section of Dossier) as shes passionate about sharing information, making a contribution, and being in the know.


therapy review

the science...
Research is now showing us that all trauma (small t and large) is stored in the magnetic field in the form of what Karl has termed an ECHO (Energy Consciousness Hologram). The term echo gives the client distinct roles to enact during the reimprinting process. The theory is that when we experience a trauma part of us splits off and becomes buried in the subconscious, continuing to react spontaneously to the triggers that place it there. And while this would have happened to protect us at the time (especially as a small child with few resources when faced with strong emotions), it may not only have outgrown its usefulness 20, 30, 40, even 50 years later, it could also be having a detrimental effect that we are not wired to fathom on a conscious level. Although these ECHO traces havent been identified as yet, Bruce Lipton highlighted on his DVD Fractal Evolution: The Biology of Consciousness how the cells of the self tune into The Field or Matrix to read the information. There is a suggestion that it may be one and the same as the subconscious. The MR technique is congruent with what is shown in these findings, and no doubt the story will unfold as research continues in what is a very exciting area both scientifically and historically.


involves working with EFT tapping throughout most of the process, and EFT is used to clear any emotional disruption that occurs in order to surface relevant memories. The Matrix Reimprinting is then used to go back and rewrite those memories.

This means that once a trauma has been worked on, instead of the gap where conventional EFT would usually finish, MR enables the client to re-write their own history. This allows the original memory to fade as it is replaced by a new memory, freeing the client from the past programme. This can involve drawing from the help of others, parents, siblings, friends, famous icons, and spiritual figures to name but a few. It is the clients game (so to speak) their game and their rules, they get to decide :) It empowers the client to rewrite the unhelpful elements of their history.

the benefits...
In using these techniques clients can clear large and small traumas quickly and gently, while simultaneously becoming empowered to be different in their lives and feel completely shifted to open up to new solutions, ideas and adventures of their own making. EFT and MR combined allow for such specificity that it becomes an elegant match of techniques and intuition for both the client and the practitioner.

about Shasha Allenby...

Sasha got involved when Karl applied what was still a basic version of MR with remarkable results. Sasha experienced a big turning point in her own healing that weekend as it was the last time she suffered from the Bipolar condition that she had battled since her teens. She was hooked after seeing the difference it made to her clients. She approached Karl about writing a book on the subject, and in addition to writing she took the role of defining the techniques and protocols.




By looking at the beliefs they learned and the decisions they formed about themselves and their life (at the time the trauma happened) helps clients understand much more about how they are in the present. And the more they get on board with the process the more clients learn to claim the life theyd prefer.

who can benefit...

The techniques are useful for everyone. Where someones sub-modalities are predominantly kinaesthetic or auditory then the visual technique can be adapted accordingly, by focusing on the feelings or sounds of what is happening instead. Some people find the techniques a little more challenging to use on themselves than EFT, but if they persevere they will find the benefits far outweigh any initial awkwardness they may initially experience, such as to who is seeing what from whose perspective. But once they get the hang of it, they can create fairly big shifts on their own.

and for practitioners...

MR Sessions start similarly to EFT by looking for themes and related memories, or contributing legs to the Table Top (GC). But the difference here is that once you start going back from ECHO to ECHO, finding the life learnings and reimprinting the pictures, you can move clients through issues fairly swiftly. And as with the movie technique, there will be some traumas that take more time to reimprint than others because of the different aspects. But often when you give the ECHO new resources, allow them to say or do what they couldnt say or do at the time, and allow them to transform the memory, the other aspects collapse really quickly.

The ECHOs found using MR, take the client back to other related ECHOs where a number of linked traumas can be dealt with as the root memories surface, especially pre-conscious ones that sometimes remain hidden with regular EFT. And reimprinting with positive memories creates fresh neural pathways, so the feeling around an issue completely shifts. Finding the electrical charge contained in the original memory becomes far more awkward if not impossible to connect with. MR Practitioner trainings consists of a 2-day course for qualified EFT Practitioners (Level 2 and above), followed by a 12-wk series of weekly tele-webinars with Sasha that cover various aspects of Matrix Reimprinting and its wide ranging applications. If you would like to apply to train in MR or would like further information, please go to or contact Karl Dawson & Shasha Allenby in Warwickshire on: 0044 (0)1527 857866 For over 5hrs of free introductory webinar materials please visit The book - Matrix Reimprinting using EFT published by Hay House is now available at amazon.

Its never too late to have a happy childhood Karl Dawson

One clear difference with MR is that it looks for the life lessons and beliefs that the client learned about themselves when a trauma first occurred and this is another empowering aspect.

the AAMET forum...

So have a listen, a read or both, and then come back to the AAMET site and have your say, or feel free to leave a comment on the forum, because we want to hear your views and experiences.

Heres to the onward journey of self-discovery, wonder and connection ...



training corner

Are you a Practitioner delivering workshops?

AAMET Chairperson Helena Fone is often asked if Practitioners can deliver workshops and how they can differ between a Level 1 training course. Here she explains the importance of understanding the difference and offers useful guidance on the subject.
The AAMET is striving to maintain recognised standards of training within the Association and that the AAMET know who their trainers are. Students should be able to expect that high standard wherever in the world they receive their training and to know there is a core syllabus which is adhered to. Students should also expect that their certificates are acceptable for insurance purposes and are able to join the AAMET or other Associations. We trust that you agree.




What you should know

Only Registered AAMET Trainers may give AAMET Approved EFT Level 1, 2 and 3 courses. Any EFT training courses that are given outside this structure are not recognised by the AAMET. Any students who attend non-AAMET recognised EFT Level 1,2 and 3 courses will not be able to list themselves on the AAMET website as being AAMET EFT Practitioners at any Level. However, if you have been trained in EFT elsewhere you can still be listed on the AAMET website under Other Therapist (We may change this title). The Training Team at welcomes enquiries from anyone interested in becoming an AAMET Practitioner/Trainer. All advertised training courses should bear the name of the Tutor/ Trainer delivering the course. All advertised courses should explain fully to students in advance of any training:


If you're a Practitioner and have sufficient knowledge and experience of EFT, then it's perfectly acceptable for you to deliver an introductory workshop to spread the word and help promote your services. I recommend that you do this when youre insured discounted insurance in the UK is available through www.AAMET. org or the An introductory workshop usually lasts between 1 and 2 hours. Presentation material for introductory workshops is free when you join the EFT Register as a Featured Lister. You can use PowerPoint presentations, flipcharts or just present verbally on what EFT is, how it works, who uses it, what it can be used on, and so on. Dont forget to include a demonstration! Showing how it works will get you the audience buy in and it doesnt have to be difficult. Ask who has a phobia about something and select the easiest one to work on. Never claim to be able to cure their phobia or any problem, but say "let's try it out and see what happens." This takes the pressure off you and keeps the audience captivated. Another good demonstration is borrowing benefits on a craving but make sure you have a supply of chocolate or crisps on hand. This always goes down well and Ive had three or four people out front with the rest of the audience borrowing the benefits but you may be comfortable with one. Make a note of the attendees names and email addresses, hand out your leaflets, business cards or sell books on EFT. Don't be too disappointed if you dont hear from anyone immediately - Ive had people contact me years after I gave a demonstration so dont give up. How much you charge is up to you but obviously make sure youve covered room hire, refreshments and other expenses. Offer to visit their premises and only charge for your travelling expenses, perhaps. Ive travelled an 80 mile round trip to give a free introductory workshop and wasnt even offered a drink of water, yet on another occasion I gave a workshop just up the road and was presented a beautiful display of flowers and a bottle of wine in gratitude! Ask an EFT Buddy to partner you or ask someone to sit in on a rehearsal so you can get feedback. When youre ready, offer a workshop at your local library, to ladies circles, the Womens Institute, mother and baby groups and business groups. There are a host of opportunities out there just go for it and good luck!

1.The name(s) of the course Tutor(s) 2.Any qualifications gained upon course completion 3.The fee levels 4.Precise terms of payment 5.Any charges which might be imposed for non-attendance or cancellation of any course or part of a course. Such explanation must also include statements quantifying the trainers liability in the event of the trainer cancelling a course or part of a course.

Trainers have until 30th September to register with the AAMET, otherwise they cannot claim to be or advertise as an AAMET Trainer.



insight insight

What a difference EFT makes...



EFT In The Therapeutic Residential Setting with Children

By Geraldine Taylor

uture In Mind operates a group of small therapeutic childrens homes based in the Staffordshire area. It has been running for 10 years and offers one to one staffing alongside daily therapeutic input to some of the most damaged children and young people - all of whom have been abused and traumatised. All have some level of Attachment disorder. As such, the Attachment Therapy Programme was developed to help children and young people overcome their personal traumas. This programme is the first in this country that has been implemented into the residential setting. In November 2009 it was presented at The International Study of Trauma & Dissociation 26th Annual Conference in Washington DC where it was well received. On their admission we begin a three month therapeutic assessment and during this time we collate all historical and behavioural information. This always involves meeting with significant people in the childs life. Their level of Attachment disorder is measured in order to find the category the child falls and to identify the appropriate therapeutic activities and therapy from our senior therapist or myself. The Attachment therapy consists of a 7 phase programme dealing with all aspects of the childs developmental and neurological connections that

have either been damaged or the connections have not been made at all due to ongoing neglect, abuse and/ or trauma. At the same time as this work is being dealt with by our therapeutic support staff the therapists work to build up a trusting working relationship from where they can commence work desensitising the memories of their past abusive experiences, dealing with unwanted or unhealthy behaviours and/or addictions, building up self esteem and confidence and often dealing with memories that are held in the body rather than visual memories in brain. During this time of intense therapy, we have found that EFT has been very useful. Not only have we used it for the younger children in order to deal with nightmares, eating problems, fear and anxiety, but we have found that it is effective with teenagers.Very often in residential care these young people have found that there is a no touching policy (usually for fear of allegations being made about staff by young people in their care.) At Future In Mind we work on the basis that our relationships are such that the children want to work with us and we have a mutual respect for each other. We do hug the children and make appropriate physical contact. Some of the children and young people will do the tapping themselves but more

often than not they enjoy the tactile contact of the therapist doing the tapping. This is not surprising if you imagine their previous experience of going through life without ever being touched. When you believe that you are untouchable, unloveable and not an OK person, this lack of safe and appropriate physical contact will merely compound the problem. Bedtime is sometimes a very difficult time for these youngsters and EFT emergency points will be used if needed. The use of EFT combined with other therapeutic techniques has been found to be very useful ie. Tapping a childs hand when relaxed at bedtime whilst reading a story of fairies that can tap whilst the child is asleep and help to heal the negative feelings; using EFT during a session of working with the childs fear or anger in the stomach is also very effective. So the child learns to control their feelings whilst at the same time accept the help that is being offered. Most of the staff have received the EFT Practitioner training and find this really useful as another tool to work with the children when the senior therapist is unavailable. It is also really helpful for the staff to use for themselves. This is not an easy job and any technique to deal with stress and personal issues; is a bonus.



the story of Liam...

We began Liam on an Attachment Therapy programme whereby the staff work through a 7 phase programme. The 1st phase is to deal with the anger in a controlled way. A barrier to positive relationships is anger (Verrier 2000). The next phase 2 is the trust element. Without trust we would not be able to deal with the trauma. Phase 3 is body and sensory awareness. In Liams case, having been sexually abused, his self image was very distorted and he was unable to trust the emotions that most of us are able to rely on unconsciously on a daily basis. Phase 4 is nurturing. Nurturing is usually the basic care that is given to an infant. Positive emotional feeding and negative emotional reduction. The use of rocking chairs in all the homes assists in this process. When the child rocks it calms the Limbic centre of the brain and stimulates the areas of thought, affect, physical pain sensors, memory and needs all of which were under stimulated during the early infant period. Phase 5 is the challenge which helps the child to achieve and make them aware of movement. Phase 6 is attunement. In this phase we re-enact the intense moments of contact between the mother and child. The staff will use activities that bring eye contact, safe physical contact, facial gestures, movements, posture and breathing. In these transactions the attuned caregiver is downloading programmes in the brain of the child. Schore (2003). At these moments dopamine is released which helps with attachment and calms the child. Face to face interaction begins at about two months, in the first context of social play. These are highly arousing; affect laden, short interpersonal events that expose infants to high levels of cognitive and social information. Schore (2003). We cannot emotionally regulate until 24

we are emotionally regulated. When the child is touched or listens to a warm loving voice opiods and oxytocin is released that assist with the emotional regulation. Most of us enjoy being able to deal with disappointments and difficulties in life because we are able to self regulate our emotions and know that we will remain safe. The therapy heals this factor so that the young people are able to leave with a self regulating system. The final phase 7 is communication so that the child can emotionally communicate appropriately and enables them to communicate emotionally in life. The trauma and ongoing therapy is dealt with by the senior therapist. These areas were identifying the triggers for negative behaviour and desensitising the traumatic memories, stabilising Liams emotions and working with his sense of time (often children who have been traumatised have little sense of time as the limbic part of the brain has been blocked by their survival coping mechanisms). This work has led to new positive neuro pathways that Liam can now rely on rather than merely falling back into old patterns of negative pathways. The aggression has now fallen in intensity dramatically so much so that he is in main stream education and is a counsellor and advocate for other children in school. His spatial skills have improved and he now enjoys walking and physical activities, he is growing vegetables and preparing meals such as steamed trout, pasta dishes and shows no sign of problems whist enjoying his food. His relationships and emotional communication has improved so much that he now has a girlfriend and is heard dealing with a difficult member of the family on the telephone in a much more mature and positive way. He is no longer re-active to pressure that in the past he has perceived.

Liam is due to move to a foster care placement. He is now able to enjoy healthy positive attachments that can only be beneficial and valuable in ensuring that his new placement will work. Liam is now much better equipped to enjoy life and we at Future In Mind wish him well.

INFORMATION To find out more about Future In Mind & the work that Future In Mind director, Geraldine Taylor and her team does, go to

Are you working with EFT in a unique way? Or have you adapted it to a unique setting and are willing to share it with AAMET members, then please contact us




Event report

Amazing turnout in Cheshire!

AAMET Meeting & Mentoring Day

Ive been running these meetings/mentoring opportunities at least twice a year for over 3 years now. They started off when I organised a meeting for my students, then word spread and others who were interested in EFT turned up. Helena Fone At the last meeting, 25 attended and this year there were 32, includAAMET Chair ing two of our Communication Team members, Kay Gire and Jane Unsworth. The venue was new to accommodate the growing numbers and this year was at the Barn Spa in High Legh, Cheshire. Set in the lovely Cheshire countryside with ducks, horses, chickens and a peacock that peered at us through the window!
The morning started off with an update on whats new in AAMET and a Q&A session. After tea break Liz Farrow, the Regional Co-ordinator of the Complementary Therapists Association (CThA) arrived to talk about the benefits of belonging to the CThA and also gave some very useful information on how to introduce EFT into the medical profession. Liz later emailed to say how warmly welcomed she felt by everyone. After lunch we then moved onto mentoring/supervision. We talked about difficult cases then split into groups with an experienced Practitioner leading the group to give demonstrations. There was also an opportunity for others to split off if they wanted to and work on each other.

A lot of networking went on with lots of exchanges of email addresses and business cards. All in all it was another successful meeting and I cant wait for the next

one in October! (SUNDAY 3rd OCTOBER 10am 3.30pm) If any Reps or members are interested in hosting their own meetings and would like to know how to go about it, please send an email to me at


How to release


identity beliefs
written by Andy Hunt

hen we grow up we sort through masses of experience to come up with an understanding of the world and ourselves. Part of this understanding is of the aspects of our experience we label I, myself, me names for parts of the person we are.

As we grow up and have experiences we begin to give ourselves, or accept them from others, qualities and capabilities. I am a good boy, I am helpful, I cant do that, I am lazy and so on. These beliefs about ourselves, our identity beliefs, can be helpful or hindering. Helpful beliefs: I am confident, I am a good person, I can cope Unhelpful beliefs: I am lazy, I am bad, I am tired, I am scared Notice that saying I am tired is quite different from I feel tired, a feeling will pass and change into something else, an identity belief will stay with you through time and affect all your experience. Most people dont have any difficulty living with helpful identity beliefs they find them supportive and agreeable. The unhelpful identity beliefs are much less appealing. They feel uncomfortable and they limit our ability to act and change. Beliefs are compulsive, they guide our perceptions and actions to reinforce themselves. For example: if you have the belief I am tired it functions as a description of your state and organises your actions and perceptions to focus attention on developing and noticing the tiredness it describes. It is a description and a mantra rolled into one, acting as a small scale, self fulfilling prophecy.



Identity Relief Process

The process uses a blend of EFT and NLP to release the identity beliefs. It is divided into two parts: 1. a set-up process and 2. the belief releasing part.

there in that situation back then. Give them time to process that information. If they have trouble answering this question suggest that they ask that younger self how they are feelingWhat is going on for that younger you? How are they feeling? Start tapping for that younger self on the screen using the following set-up statement three times.Even though s/ he is [feeling], I accept him/her and how he/she feelsEven though she is feeling scared, I accept her and how she feels Tap on the meridian points with the reminder phrase S/he is [feeling]She is scared Continue tapping until that feeling is greatly subsided. Repeat for any other unpleasant feelings to do with that situation until that other you is completely calm. Invite them to remember the bubble of compassion hanging just where they left it. Suggest that they send that bubble of compassion up into the screen so it completely surrounds that younger self. Have them watch what happens when the compassion surrounds that younger version of themselves. Give them enough time to process that experience. Ask them to nod their head when they have finished. Invite them to bring back that younger self from the screen into themselves. They may stretch out their hands to welcome that self back or use some other metaphorical way of bringing in that younger self into their body. When that younger self is inside ask them to invite it to grow up to their current age taking advantage of all their later experience and wisdom. Give them time to do this. Ask them to nod when they have finished. When they are completely settled. Ask them to say out loud the original belief statement (I am ) and notice what effect that has on them now. If there is still a charge on the belief ask them again How old is the I in that belief and repeat the process.

The advantage of asking the I in I am scared is that it takes you directly back to the core event. It requires much less detective work than might be needed if you were doing it indirectly. Once the original event has been found, the charge on it can be reduced by tapping for that other you, in EFT parlance its a variation on the Tearless Trauma Technique. Being able to see from the outside of our younger experience seems to give us the ability to notice feelings and interactions that are not available when tapping on the memory from the inside as in the Movie Technique. When the situation is quietened the application of compassion adds an extra dimension of comfort and soothing to that younger self. These unhelpful identity beliefs are often formed in situations where we are alone or being abused so there is no comfort available at that time. Adding compassion now seems to soften the experience and give a flavour of being cared for even after the length of time since the event. Inviting the younger you back in is simply to re-integrate what we put out there on the screen at the start of the process and to allow the I that ran the belief to update its knowledge and skills. We learned these beliefs at an early age when we had few resources and little experience to go on inviting that I to grow up to your current age allows the part of us that is running that response to take advantage of all the skills and understandings youve had since.

Ask the person to remember a time when they felt compassionate. Any example of compassion to a living being will do - people, children, pets or animals. Invite them to connect again to that experience of compassion and feel it fully. Give them the time to sink into that memory and really feel it. Ask them to extend their dominant hand palm up. Ask them to imagine that feeling of compassion flowing down through their arm to form a bubble or globe of compassion resting on their out-stretched hand. Ask them what colour that bubble is. When they have a good sense of that bubble of compassion, suggest that they leave it hanging in space for later as they take their hand away.

Have them recall one of their identity beliefs I am e.g. I am scared Ask them to be with that thought for a little while, then give it a score on a scale from 0 10 where 0 means the belief has no validity or intensity and 10 means that it is very intense or true. Then with gentle curiosity ask them How old is the I in I am ? Make your voice tone gentle and enquiring, allow them to guess if they need to and acknowledge whatever answer comes back it may be a surprise to themHow old is the I in I am scared? .Very young 4 years old I think. Ask them to imagine that younger self up on a movie screen in front of them. Point in front of them to help them imagine the screen.Imagine that 4 year old you, over there on a screen Ask them what is going on around them and what is going on inside them up 28


Who do you believe... you are?

Andy Hunt is a Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and also a Practitioner and Trainer of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Hes been practising NLP for ten years and EFT for six. Hes a member of the Neuro Linguistic Psychotherapy and Counselling Association (NLPtCA) my professional body and follow their code of conduct and also a member of the Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques AAMET Since leaving university 25 years ago, Hes had a variety of jobs including: milkman, assistant steward on an Irish Sea ferry, Residential Social Worker at a centre for delinquent teenagers, Assistant Head of Youth Centre in Brixham, grape picker in Switzerland, spring grinder(!) in Germany, night porter, barman, software engineer, and now therapy and training. Hes been an undisciplined student of yoga for 20 years, and a practising Buddhist (meditating on and off) for 20 years. If youd like to get in touch please see details below Tel: 0754 700 9116 Email:



... How much energetic benefit can you borrow with EFT? The answer is probably a whole lot more than you currently think.

Enys Evans heeded the call of a career in therapy leaving behind 20 successful years in the television industry. Her passion saw her train in a whole host of therapies from Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, The Bowen Technique Australian Bush Essences to Natural Nutrition, Dowsing, The Metamorphic Technique,Vibrational Medicine; Theta Healing, and Psychic Development including EFT. This has provided her with a toolbox which allows her creativity in applying them to continue to expand as she helps her clients, friends & family - she also works successfully with animals. She is currently completing a diploma in counselling to further develop and refine her skills to benefit those who work with her. She can be contacted at;





case history

An example of the subtle yet amazing power of the EFT bonus known as... Borrowing

very nervous and frightened about it, and so would she help me tap for that when my daughter came home from school. (Im not sure why I went about it this way it was just a feeling I had that because of her giving nature she would put her heart and soul into it if she thought she was helping another.) That morning, I had already primed my daughter that Joy would be coming over and that we were going to tap for her going away to live elsewhere. My daughter was in fact nervous about the transition to the new school. So they both thought they were helping each other. I asked my daughter how frightened she was of going to the new school and she said 6. I asked Joy on a scale of 1-10 how much she wanted to stay in the village and she shouted out TEN!! So all three of us tapped for ET (Even though) I really dont want to leave my little school its lovely, I know everyone, everyone is so friendly, and its small enough for me to find my way around IDCAMA (I deeply and completely accept myself anyway). ET Im sure Ill get lost in the great big new school, and Ill be so frightened because I wont know my way around IDCAMA ET I wont know anyone, and Im afraid no one will like me, and I wont make any new friends IDCAMA ET I really dislike leaving my friends and the places that I associate with them I know that they are always in my heart no matter where I go in the world. I choose to keep the memory of my friends alive in my heart where ever I am. I wonder if I could be happy in a new school .. I wonder if there are some nice people going to be there .. I wonder if I could find my way around easily .. I wonder if it will be a new start for me.. Im going to be open to the possibility of

enjoying my new school. Im going to be open to the possibility of making new friends wouldnt that be great?! Im going to be open to the possibility of finding my way around easily maybe it will be even easier to find my way there than it is here. I choose to allow myself to look forward to the new school. I choose to allow myself to anticipate with excitement the new people Im going to meet. I choose to allow myself to find my way around easily and calmly. Im delighted how easily I can fit in anywhere Im thrilled that I find it so easy to make new friends I love the feeling of being in control when Im driving about. After we finished I asked Joy how she felt and she said: The thing is, its a bit boring around here isnt it? You know, there arent many people here are there? Nothing ever happens. The house Im going to is on a lovely street and theres a park behind my house for the dogs. And do you know, mama and papa are always with me wherever I am. My daughter then said that she was looking forward to the new school as the work was boring in her primary school and there was only one girl her age to play with! After Joy moved I rang her up to see how she was getting on and she told me that she has joined the church, joined the local choir and made friends with her neighbours.


n elderly friend of mine named Joy, was having to leave her small village to move closer to her sister who lived in a big town 200 miles away. She had always lived in the countryside but was becoming more and more forgetful due to suffering a ministroke some years back. She didnt mix much and struggled to communicate. She really didnt want to leave the village. She had always lived within a couple of miles of it, she felt that she knew everyone, and also felt that she was leaving the house she had been happiest - which was when her parents were alive and were living with her. She was fearful of not being able to make new friends, of losing her way in a strange place, of leaving everything she was used to. One day, I asked Joy if she would come over to help me with a problem that I had. One of Joys delights in the world is to help other people she came over immediately. I explained to her that my 11 year old daughter was starting High School in September and that she was

A lovely case of borrowing benefits which took less than an hour!


Introducing the new

Welcome to the new Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques

ounded in 1999, we are recognised as the largest professional Association worldwide supporting all Meridian Energy Therapies, including Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT.

As a registered Voluntary Organisation, we are required to operate on a lawful, not for profit basis and all Committee members work voluntarily. AAMET is set up to promote ethical practice, to support its members and forge links with professional organisations. All EFT Practitioners and Trainers registered with AAMET have had their qualifications validated and have signed up to mandatory CPD & Mentoring and to the AAMET Code of Conduct and Ethics.


its a new dawn... its a new day...




Whos Who

Helena Fone, Chairperson

Philip Davis, Executive Committee, Ethics Committee, Web Support

Jacqui Footman, Executive Committee, Treasurer

Kay Gire, AAMET Magazine Editor & Designer, Communications Team

Jane Unsworth, AAMET Magazine Dep. Editor, Communucations Team

Karen Rowe, Communications Team

Advertise on this page

For further details email us at


Whos Who

Christine Sutton, Executive Committee, Membership Secretary

Judy Byrne, Ethics Committee

Martine Moorby, Ethics Committee

Ben Lacey, Training Team

David Wharton, Training Team

Marie Holliday, Training Team

Maggie Adkins, Training Team

Helen Walker, Training Team


John Marsh, Training Team




m u r fo

The AAMET Community Multi-lingual Forum has been set up specifically as a medium to allow you to participate effectively in what we consider... Your Association.

Join now!

Have You

he Forum offers a platform where you can share your views and opinions. Where you can connect with EFT experts to help you develop and enhance your personal & professional skills. However, most importantly, you can partake in discussions which may result in you cultivating social bonds and interest groups from those discussions - thus developing and strengthening the AAMET community further so that it is a true reflection of everyone it represents - its members. Dont miss out!





AAMET Representatives Directory

Andy Eckley Christine Moran Helena Fone Penny Croal Wendy Lorens Ben Lacey





Maggie Adkins Pamela Millican Sylvia Kaval


Bianca Heiroth Anne Adum Boisard


Sandeep Maniaar


Rabbi Immanuel



Helena Fone


Elizabeth Hart


Masha Bennett

All members need to have access to the same information and follow the same training guidelines etc. To achieve this, our vision is to have several AAMET Representatives in each country who will have access to AAMET's main website and will act as a communicator between AAMET and it's members in their country. They will act as a contact point for information and host local/regional meetings/gatherings. Relevant information from AAMET can be fed down to them and they in turn can send questions, concerns or news up the chain to AAMET. As an AAMET Rep you will receive our utmost support.
If you would like to apply to become a Representative, please email for a Job Description and Application Form. Applicants must have min 3 years experience of EFT and provide two sponsors.
Indicates countries where Reps are also translators.


Homoud Al-abri


Pika Rajnar


Marie Holliday


Inci Erkin





Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th January

he EFT Gathering has been successfully held in Ilkley in the north of the UK for the last couple of years, and is going from strength to strength.

In January 2011 we will come together again to listen to fellow practitioners and trainers of EFT, and share the buzz of the atmosphere; being around so many great like-minded people! Take a look at last years presenters and the workshops that were available around the weekends gathering. A huge thank you goes out to Gwyneth Moss EFT Master for starting this wonderful event! Why northern England? Once youve headed to the beautiful town of Ilkley youll see why! The Craiglands Hotel in Ilkley, West Yorkshire, was originally built for healing as a hydrotherapy centre in 1859. Its the most wonderful feeling hotel with all the facilities we need from a venue, set in the most peaceful and scenic surroundings of Ilkley Moor. Being where it is, makes for a beautiful refreshing break away with many affordable and idyllic places to stay. When is it? Within plenty of time for planning an event to suit everyone (see above). More details about workshops available on the Friday & Monday will be available a little closer to the time. So... save the date!!! Cost of Weekend? 99.00 plus a discounted EFT Room rate at Craiglands Got Something to Share? We would like to offer you the opportunity to share with fellow EFTers. So far we have about 13 presenters that have shown an interest and wed like to extend the fantastic opportunity to present at the gathering to more people. Do you have a passion for a specific aspect of EFT? Experience in a particular area that youd love to share? Its a great way of helping others to help others. If you are interested please email Andy Eckley with an outline of what youd like to talk about. Has EFT Got Talent? We would also love to hear about what you would like for the Saturday night entertainment. Last year we had Soul Dance, which was thoroughly enjoyed by many people. This is an event for YOU, so drop us a line to let us know what you would like to happen! The EFT Gathering is a fundraiser and all profits from the weekend go to EFT Research UK and the AAMET - the organisers and presenters are all giving their time as volunteers. Ill leave you with just one of the wonderful pieces of feedback received from the last Gathering... "What an excellent weekend the EFT gathering was! The best EFT event I've attended, and, as you know, I've attended many. Not that they weren't good, but this weekend was really special, it had something for everyone.The quality of the presentations was excellent, with such diverse topics and inspirational personal growth stories and achievements. Not only were the speakers clearly experts in the area they were talking about, they were entertaining and inspiring. It's fantastic how Gary Craig's philosophy of "Try it on Everything" has inspired the progress we saw on the stage this weekend.Thank you so much for making it all happen so wonderfully" Pat Ballantyne I look forward to seeing you there, for what I know will be yet another fantastic weekend! Jay Kelly & Andy Eckley For more information







Watch and learn as EFT founder Gary Craig, personally conducts the EFT training
Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, recorded many of his live seminars onto DVD sets. These DVD sets were the foundation of EFT training. They offer an unparalleled opportunity to see the founder of EFT in action. The DVD sets also include one-on-one instruction in which Gary explains the fundamental concepts of EFT. As these DVD sets are no longer available for sale from Gary Craig and are only being offered to rent, which makes this prize much more valuable than its original price and truly A Prized Possession!.
For more details on the EFT Training DVD sets available SYNERGY MAGAZINE I AUTUMN 2010 I THE AAMET MAGAZINE I AUTUMN 2010 I 39


Simply name our magazine
AAMET is passionate about keeping you up to date on all the latest news and views and our quarterly magazine has been specifically designed to do so. As members - whose opinion we value, you are our priority and as AAMET is in effect your association, it seems perfect that you should name its magazine

Email your answer to:
Closing Date: Monday 1st November 2010

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