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CHAPTER ONE: Statutes IN GENERAL Laws, generally A whole body or syste o! law Rule o! "ondu"t !

or ulated and ade obl#gatory by leg#t# ate $ower o! the state In"ludes RA, P%, EO &$res#dent #n the e' o! leg#slat#(e $ower), Pres#dent#al #ssuan"es &ord#nan"e $ower) *ur#s$ruden"e, ord#nan"es $assed by sanggun#ans o! lo"al go(ern ent un#ts+ Statutes, generally An a"t o! leg#slature &Ph#l#$$#ne Co #ss#on, Ph#l+ Leg#slature, ,atasang Pa bansa, Congress) P%-s o! .ar"os dur#ng the $er#od o! art#al law /012 Const#tut#on EO o! A3u#no re(olut#onary $er#od 4reedo Const#tut#on Publ#" 5 a!!e"ts the $ubl#" at large general 5 a$$l#es to the whole state and o$erates throughout the state al#6e u$on all $eo$le or all o! a "lass+ S$e"#al 5 relates to $art#"ular $erson or th#ngs o! a "lass or to a $art#"ular "o un#ty, #nd#(#dual or th#ng+ Lo"al Law 5 o$erat#on #s "on!#ned to a s$e"#!#" $la"e or lo"al#ty &e+g un#"#$al ord#nan"e) Pr#(ate 5 a$$l#es only to a s$e"#!#" $erson or sub7e"t+ Per anent and te $orary statutes Per anent 8 one whose o$erat#on #s not l# #ted #n durat#on but "ont#nues unt#l re$ealed+ Te $orary 8 durat#on #s !or a l# #ted $er#od o! t# e !#'ed #n the statute #tsel! or whose l#!e "eases u$on the ha$$en#ng o! an e(ent+ E+g+ statute answer#ng to an e ergen"y Other "lasses o! statutes Pros$e"t#(e or retroa"t#(e 5 a""dg+ to a$$l#"at#on %e"laratory, "urat#(e, andatory, d#re"tory, substant#(e, re ed#al, $enal 5 a""dg+ to o$erat#on A""ord#ng to !or A!!#r at#(e Negat#(e .anner o! re!err#ng to statutes Publ#" A"ts 5 Ph#l Co #ss#on and Ph#l Leg#slature /09/8 /02: Co onwealth A"ts 5 /02;8 /0<; Re$ubl#" A"ts 5 Congress /0<;8 /01=, /0>1 ? ,atas Pa bansa 5 ,atasang Pa bansa Ident#!#"at#on o! laws 5 ser#al nu ber and@or t#tle ENACT.ENT O4 STATATES Leg#slat#(e $ower, generally Power to a6e, alter and re$eal laws Bested #n "ongress 5 /0>1 Const#tut#on Pres#dent 5 /012 C 4reedo &P% and EO res$e"t#(ely) Sanggun#ang barangay, bayan, $anglungsod, $anlalaw#gan 5 only w#th#n res$e"t#(e 7ur#sd#"t#on 5 ord#nan"es Ad #n#strat#(e or e'e"ut#(e o!!#"er %elegated $ower Issue rules and regulat#ons to # $le ent a s$e"#!#" law Congress leg#slat#(e $ower The deter #nat#on o! the leg#slat#(e $ol#"y and #ts !or ulat#on and $ro ulgat#on as a de!#ned and b#nd#ng rule o! "ondu"t+ Leg#slat#(e $ower 8 $lenary e'"e$t only to su"h l# #tat#ons as are !ound #n the "onst#tut#on Pro"edural re3u#re ents, generally Pro(#ded #n the "onst#tut#on &!or ,#lls, RA) Pro(#ded by "ongress 5 ena"t ent o! laws Rules o! both houses o! "ongress &$ro(#ded also by the Const#tut#on) Passage o! b#ll Pro$osed leg#slat#(e easure #ntrodu"ed by a e ber o! "ongress !or ena"t ent #nto law Shall e bra"e only one sub7e"t wh#"h shall be e'$ressed #n the t#tle S#nged by authors 4#le w#th the Se"retary o! the House ,#lls ay or#g#nate !ro e#ther lower or u$$er House E'"lus#(e to lower house A$$ro$r#at#on Re(enue@ tar#!! b#lls ,#lls author#D#ng #n"rease o! $ubl#" debt ,#lls o! lo"al a$$l#"at#on Pr#(ate b#lls A!ter 2 read#ngs, a$$ro(al o! e#ther house &see Art ; Se" =; &/)) Se"retary re$orts the b#ll !or !#rst read#ng

4#rst read#ng 5 read#ng the nu ber and t#tle, re!erral to the a$$ro$r#ate "o #ttee !or study and re"o endat#on Co #ttee 5 hold $ubl#" hear#ngs and sub #ts re$ort and re"o endat#on !or "alendar !or se"ond read#ng Se"ond read#ng 5 b#ll #s read #n !ull &w#th a end ents $ro$osed by the "o #ttee) 5 unless "o$#es are d#str#buted and su"h read#ng #s d#s$ensed w#th ,#ll w#ll be sub7e"t to debates, ot#ons and a end ents ,#ll w#ll be (oted on A b#ll a$$ro(ed shall be #n"luded #n the "alendar o! b#lls !or 2 rd read#ng Th#rd read#ng 5 b#ll a$$ro(ed on =nd read#ng w#ll be sub #tted !or !#nal (ote by yeas and nays, ,#ll a$$ro(ed on the 2rd read#ng w#ll be trans #tted to the EOther HouseF !or "on"urren"e &sa e $ro"ess as the !#rst $assage) I! the EOther HouseF a$$ro(es w#thout a end ent #t #s $assed to the Pres#dent I! the EOther HouseF #ntrodu"es a end ents, and d#sagree ent ar#ses, d#!!eren"es w#ll be settled by the Con!eren"e Co #ttees o! both houses Re$ort and re"o endat#on o! the = Con!eren"e Co #ttees w#ll ha(e to be a$$ro(ed by both houses #n order to be "ons#dered $ass Pres#dent A$$ro(es and s#gns Betoes &w#th#n 29 days a!ter re"e#$t) Ina"t#on I! the Pres#dent (etoes 5 send ba"6 to the House where #t or#g#nated w#th re"o endat#on =@2 o! all e bers a$$ro(es, #t w#ll be sent to the other house !or a$$ro(al =@2 o! the other house a$$ro(es 5 #t shall be"o e a law I! $res#dent d#d not a"t on the b#ll w#th #n 29 days a!ter re"e#$t, b#ll be"o es a law Su ary : 2 ways o! how a b#ll be"o es a law+ Pres#dent s#gns #na"t#on o! $res#dent w#th #n 29 days a!ter re"e#$t (etoed b#ll #s re$assed by "ongress by =@2 (otes o! all #ts e bers, ea"h house (ot#ng se$arately+ A$$ro$r#at#ons and re(enue b#lls Sa e as $ro"edure !or the ena"t ent o! ord#nary b#lls Only d#!!eren"e #s that they "an only or#g#nate !ro the Lower House but the Senate ay $ro$ose@ "on"ur w#th the a end ents L# #tat#ons o! $assage &as $er Const#tut#on) Art ; Se"+ =1 &=) "ongress ay not #n"rease the a$$ro$r#at#on re"o ended by the Pres#dent GGG $art#"ular a$$ro$r#at#on l# #ted $ro"edure !or Congress #s the sa e to all other de$art ent@ agen"#es &$ro"edure !or a$$ro(#ng a$$ro$r#at#ons ) s$e"#al a$$ro$r#at#ons 5 nat#onal treasurer@ re(enue $ro$osal no trans!er o! a$$ro$r#at#ons ''' author#ty to aug ent d#s"ret#onary !unds 5 !or $ubl#" $ur$oses general a$$ro$r#at#ons b#lls 5 when re8ena"ted Pres#dent y (eto any $art#"ular #te @s #n an a$$ro$r#at#on re(enue, or tar#!! b#ll+ Authent#"at#on o! b#lls ,e!ore $assed to the Pres#dent Ind#s$ensable ,y s#gn#ng o! S$ea6er and Senate Pres#dent An8# $ea"hab#l#ty o! leg#slat#(e 7ournals *ournal o! $ro"eed#ngs Con"lus#(e w#th res$e"t to other atters that are re3u#red by the Const#tut#on %#s$utable w#th res$e"t to all other atters ,y reason o! $ubl#" $ol#"y, authent#"#ty o! laws should rest u$on $ubl#" e or#als o! the Should be $ubl#"

ost $er anent "hara"ter

Enrolled b#ll ,#lls $assed by "ongress authent#"ated by the S$ea6er and the Senate Pres#dent and a$$ro(ed by the Pres#dent I $ort#ng absolute (er#ty and #s b#nd#ng on the "ourts It "arr#es on #ts !a"e a sole n assuran"e that #t was $assed by the asse bly by the leg#slat#(e and e'e"ut#(e de$art ents+ Courts "annot go beh#nd the enrolled a"t to d#s"o(er what really ha$$ened I! only !or res$e"t to the leg#slat#(e and e'e"ut#(e de$art ents Thus, #! there has been any #sta6e #n the $r#nt#ng o! the b#ll be!ore #t was "ert#!#ed by the o!!#"er o! the asse bly and a$$ro(ed by the Ch#e! E'e"ut#(e, the re edy #s by a end ent by ena"t#ng a "urat#(e leg#slat#on not by 7ud#"#al de"ree+ Enrolled b#ll and leg#slat#(e 7ournals 8 Con"lus#(e u$on the "ourts I! there #s d#s"re$an"y between enrolled b#ll and 7ournal, enrolled b#ll $re(a#ls+ H#thdrawal o! authent#"at#on, e!!e"t o! S$ea6er and Senate Pres#dent ay w#thdraw #! there #s d#s"re$an"y between the te't o! the b#ll as del#berated and the enrolled b#ll+ E!!e"t: Null#!#es the b#ll as enrolled Losses absolute (er#ty Courts ay "onsult 7ournals

PARTS O4 STATATES T#tle o! statute .andatory law 8 E(ery b#ll $assed by Congress shall e bra"e only one sub7e"t wh#"h shall be e'$ressed #n the t#tle thereo! &Art ;, Se" =; &/) /0>1 Const#tut#on) = l# #tat#ons u$on leg#slat#on To re!ra#n !ro "onglo erat#on, under one statute, o! heterogeneous sub7e"ts T#tle o! the b#ll should be "ou"hed #n a language su!!#"#ent to not#!y the leg#slators and the $ubl#" and those "on"erned o! the # $ort o! the s#ngle sub7e"t+ Pur$oses o! re3u#re ent &on / sub7e"t) Pr#n"#$al $ur$ose: to a$$r#se the leg#slators o! the ob7e"t, nature, and s"o$e o! the $ro(#s#on o! the b#ll and to $re(ent the ena"t ent #nto law o! atters wh#"h ha(e not re"e#(ed the not#"e, a"t#on and study o! the leg#slators+ To $roh#b#t du$l#"#ty #n leg#slat#on In su o! the $ur$ose To $re(ent hodge$odge@ log8roll#ng leg#slat#on To $re(ent sur$r#se or !raud u$on the leg#slature To !a#rly a$$r#se the $eo$le, through $ubl#"at#on o! the sub7e"ts o! the leg#slat#on Ased as a gu#de #n as"erta#n#ng leg#slat#(e #ntent when the language o! the a"t does not "learly e'$ress #ts $ur$oseI ay "lar#!y doubt or a b#gu#ty+ How re3u#re ent "onstrued L#berally "onstrued I! there #s doubt, #t should be resol(ed aga#nst the doubt and #n !a(or o! the "onst#tut#onal#ty o! the statute Hhen there #s "o $l#an"e w#th re3u#re ent Co $rehens#(e enough 8 In"lude general ob7e"t I! all $arts o! the law are related, and are ger ane to the sub7e"t atter e'$ressed #n the t#tle T#tle #s (al#d where #t #nd#"ates #n broad but "lear ter s, the nature, s"o$e and "onse3uen"es o! the law and #ts o$erat#ons T#tle should not be a "atalogue or #nde' o! the b#ll Pr#n"#$les a$$ly to t#tles o! a endatory a"ts+ Enough #! #t states Ean a"t to a end a s$e"#!#" statuteF Need not state the $re"#se nature o! the a endatory a"t+ AS Leg#slators ha(e t#tles end#ng w#th the words Eand !or other $ur$osesF & AS #s not sub7e"t to the sa e Const#tut#onal restr#"t#on as that e bod#ed #n the Ph#l#$$#ne Const#tut#on) Hhen re3u#re ent not a$$l#"able A$$ly only to b#lls wh#"h ay therea!ter be ena"ted #nto law %oes not a$$ly to laws #n !or"e and e'#st#ng at the t# e the /02: Const#tut#on too6 e!!e"t+ No a$$l#"at#on to un#"#$al or "#ty ord#nan"es+ E!!e"t o! #nsu!!#"#en"y o! t#tle Statute #s null and (o#d Hhere, the sub7e"t atter o! a statute #s not su!!#"#ently e'$ressed #n #ts t#tle, only so u"h o! the sub7e"t atter as #s not e'$ressed there#n #s (o#d, lea(#ng the rest #n !or"e, unless the #n(al#d $ro(#s#ons are #nse$arable !ro the others, #n wh#"h "ase the null#ty the !or er (#t#ates the latter Ena"t#ng "lause Hr#tten # ed#ately a!ter the t#tle States the author#ty by wh#"h the a"t #s ena"ted J/ 8 Ph#l Co #ss#on 5 E ,y author#ty o! the Pres#dent o! the AS, be #t ena"ted by the AS Ph#l#$$#ne Co #ss#onF J= 8 Ph#l#$$#ne Leg#slature8 E by author#ty o! the AS, be #t ena"ted by the Ph#l#$$#ne Leg#slatureF J2 8 Hhen J= be"a e b#"a eral: E,e #t ena"ted by the Senate and House o! Re$resentat#(es o! the Ph#l#$$#nes #n leg#slature asse bled and by author#ty o! the sa eF J< 8 Co onwealth8 E,e #t ena"ted by the Nat#onal Asse bly o! the Ph#l#$$#nes J: 5 when J< be"a e b#"a eral: Ebe #t ena"ted by the Senate and House o! Re$resentat#(es #n "ongress asse bledF 5 sa e /0<;8/01=@/0>18$resent+ J; 5 ,atasang Pa bansa: E,e #t ena"ted by the ,atasang Pa bansa #n sess#on asse bledF J1 5 P% E NOH THERE4ORE, I KKKKKK Pres#dent o! the Ph#l#$$#nes, by the $owers (ested #n e by the Const#tut#on do hereby de"ree as !ollowsF J> 5 EO ENow, there!ore, I, KKKK hereby orderF Prea ble %e!#ned 5 $re!atory state ent or e'$lanat#on or a !#nd#ng o! !a"ts, re"#t#ng the $ur$ose, reason, or o""as#on !or the law to wh#"h #t #s $re!#'edF 4ound a!ter ena"t#ng "lause and be!ore the body o! the law+ Asually not used by leg#slat#ons be"ause "ontent o! the $rea ble #s wr#tten #n the e'$lanatory note+ ,ut P%s and EOs ha(e $rea bles+ Pur(#ew o! statute that $art wh#"h tells what the law #s about body o! statute should e bra"e only one sub7e"t should only one sub7e"t and ger ane to the sub7e"t and $ur$ose o! the b#ll+ Statue #s usually d#(#ded #nto se"t#on+ w@" "onta#ns a s#ngle $ro$os#t#on+ Parts a6#ng

atter, e(en there $ro(#s#ons should be all#ed

short t#tle $ol#"y se"t#on de!#n#t#on se"t#on ad #n#strat#(e se"t#on se"t#ons $res"r#b#ng standards o! "ondu"t se"t#ons # $os#ng san"t#ons !or (#olat#on o! #ts $ro(#s#ons trans#tory $ro(#s#on se$arab#l#ty "lause e!!e"t#(#ty "lause Se$arab#l#ty "lause #t states that #! any $ro(#s#on o! the a"t #s de"lared #n(al#d, the re a#nder shall not be a!!e"ted thereby+ It #s not "ontroll#ng and the "ourts ay #n(al#date the whole statute where what #s le!t, a!ter the (o#d $art, #s not "o $lete and wor6able Presu $t#on 5 statute #s e!!e"t#(e as a whole #ts e!!e"t: to "reate #n the $la"e o! su"h $resu $t#on the o$$os#te o! se$arab#l#ty+ PRESI%ENTIAL ISSAANCES, RALES AN% OR%INANCES Pres#dent#al #ssuan"es are those wh#"h the $res#dent #ssues #n the e'er"#se o! ord#nan"e $ower+ #+e+ EO, AO &ad #n#strat#(e orders), $ro"la at#ons, .O & e orandu orders), .C & e orandu "#r"ulars), and general or s$e"#al orders+ Ha(e !or"e and e!!e"t o! laws+ EO a"ts o! the Pres#dent $ro(#d#ng !or rules o! a general or $er anent "hara"ter #n the # $le entat#on or e'e"ut#on o! "onst#tut#onal@ statutory $owers+ do not ha(e the !or"e and e!!e"t o! laws ena"ted by "ongress d#!!erent !ro EO #ssued by the Pres#dent #n the e' o! her leg#slat#(e $ower dur#ng the re(olut#on Pres#dent#al de"ree under the !reedo "onst#tut#on AO a"ts o! the Pres#dent wh#"h relate to $art#"ular as$e"ts o! go(ern ental o$erat#ons #n $ursuan"e o! h#s dut#es as ad #n#strat#(e head Pro"la at#ons a"ts o! the Pres#dent !#'#ng a date or de"lar#ng a statute or "ond#t#on o! $ubl#" o ent or #nterest, u$on the e'#sten"e o! wh#"h the o$erat#on o! a s$e"#!#" law or regulat#on #s ade to de$end .O a"ts o! the Pres#dent on atters o! ad #n#strat#(e deta#ls or o! subord#nate or te $orary #nterest wh#"h only "on"ern a $art#"ular o!!#"er or o!!#"e o! go(ern ent .C a"ts o! the $res#dent on atters relat#ng to #nternal ad #n#strat#on wh#"h the Pres#dent des#res to br#ng to the attent#on o! all or so e o! the de$art ents, agen"#es, bureaus, or o!!#"es o! the go(ern ent, !or #n!or at#on o! "o $l#an"e General or S$e"#!#" Order A"ts and "o ands o! the Pres#dent #n h#s "a$a"#ty as Co ander8#n8Ch#e! o! the A4P Su$re e Court "#r"ularsI rules and regulat#ons See Art >, Se"+ :&:) /0>1 Const#tut#on See Art+ ;, Se"+ 29 /0>1 Const#tut#on It has been held that a law wh#"h $ro(#des that a de"#s#on o! a 3uas#87ud#"#al body be a$$ealable d#re"tly to the SC, #! ena"ted w#thout the ad(#"e and "on"urren"e o! the SC, #ne!!e"t#(e Re edy or a$$l#"able $ro"edure 5 go to CA Rules o! Court 5 $rodu"t o! the rule8 a6#ng $ower o! the SC Power to re$eal $ro"edural rules No $ower to $ro ulgate rules substant#(e #n nature &unl#6e the leg#slat#(e de$art ent) Substant#(e rules 5 #! #t a!!e"ts or ta6es away (ested r#ghtsI r#ght to a$$eal Pro"edural rules 5 eans o! # $le ent#ng e'#st#ng r#ghtI where to !#le an a$$eal !or trans!err#ng the (enue Rules and regulat#ons #ssued by the ad #n#strat#(e or e'e"ut#(e o!!#"ers #n a""ordan"e w#th and author#Ded by law, ha(e the !or"e and e!!e"t o! law Re3u#s#tes !or (al#d#ty Rules should be ger ane to the ob7e"ts and $ur$oses o! the law Regulat#ons be not #n "ontrad#"t#on w#th, but "on!or to, the standards that the law $res"r#bes The be !or the sole $ur$ose o! "arry#ng #nto e!!e"t the general $ro(#s#ons o! the law Law "annot be restr#"ted or e'tended Law $re(a#ls o(er regulat#ons, #! there are d#s"re$an"#es Rule8 a6#ng $ower o! $ubl#" ad #n#strat#(e agen"y #s a delegated leg#slat#(e $ower 5 #! #t enlarges or restr#"ts su"h statute #s #n(al#d Re3u#s#tes !or delegat#ng a statute by leg#slat#(e bran"h to another bran"h o! go(ern ent to !#ll #n deta#ls, e'e"ut#on, en!or"e ent, or ad #n#strat#on o! lawL+ the law ust be: Co $lete #n #tsel! 4#' a standard wh#"h ay be e'$ress or # $l#ed E'a $le o! EstandardF 5 s# $l#"#ty and d#gn#tyI $ubl#" #nterestI $ubl#" wel!areI #nterest o! law and orderI 7ust#"e and e3u#ty and substant#al er#t o! the "aseI ade3uate and e!!#"#ent #nstru"t#on E'a $le: Change o! Eand@orF to EorF 5 #n(al#d Change o! E ayF&$er #ss#(e) to EshallF & andatory) 5 #n(al#d &Grego ( CO.ELEC $$ ==) Ad #n#strat#(e rule and #nter$retat#on d#st#ngu#shed

Rule 5 E a6esF new law w#th the !or"e and e!!e"t o! a (al#d lawI b#nd#ng on the "ourts e(en #! they are not #n agree ent w#th the $ol#"y stated there#n or w#th #ts #nnate w#sdo Inter$retat#on 5 erely ad(#sory !or #t #s the "ourts that !#nally deter #ne what the law eans Ad #n#strat#(e "onstru"t#on #s not ne"essar#ly b#nd#ng u$on the "ourtsI #t ay be set as#de by 7ud#"#al de$art ent &#! there #s an error o! law, or abuse o! $ower or la"6 o! 7ur#sd#"t#on or GA% 5 gra(e abuse o! d#s"ret#on) ,arangay ord#nan"e Sanggun#ang barangay 5 s allest leg#slat#(e bodyI ay $ass an ord#nan"e by a7or#ty o! all #ts e bersI sub7e"t to re(#ew by Sanggun#ang bayan@ $anglungsod Sanggun#ang bayan@ $anglungsod 5 ta6e a"t#on on the ord#nan"e w#th#n 29 days !ro sub #ss#onI #! there-s #na"t#on, #t #s $resu ed to be "ons#stent w#th the un#"#$al or "#ty ord#nan"eI #! #n"ons#sten"y #s !ound, #t w#ll re and to the Sanggun#ang barangay .un#"#$al ord#nan"e Lodged #n the Sanggun#ang bayan .a7or#ty o! the 3uoru (ot#ng, ord#nan"e #s $assed Ord#nan"e sent to .ayor w#th#n /9 days !or a$$ro(al or (etoI #! there-s ayor-s #na"t#on, ord#nan"e #s $resu ed a$$ro(edI #! (etoed and o(err#dden by =@2 o! all e bers, ord#nan"e #s a$$ro(ed A$$ro(ed ord#nan"e #s $assed to Sanggun#ang $anlalaw#gan !or re(#ew H#th#n 29 days ay #n(al#date #n whole or #n $art and #ts a"t#on #s !#nalI #! there-s #na"t#on w#th#n 29 days, #t #s dee ed (al#d C#ty ord#nan"e Bested #n Sanggun#ang $anglungsod .a7or#ty o! the 3uoru (ot#ng, ord#nan"e #s $assed Sub #tted to .ayor w#th#n /9 days A$$ro(e Beto 5 =@2 o! all e bers 5 a$$ro(ed Ina"t#on 5 dee ed a$$ro(ed I! "#ty or "o $onent "#ty 5 sub #t to Sanggun#ang $anlalaw#gan !or re(#ew wh#"h shall ta6e a"t#on w#th#n 29 days, otherw#se, #t w#ll be dee ed (al#d Pro(#n"#al ord#nan"e Sanggun#ang $anlalaw#gan 5 a7or#ty o! 3uoru (ot#ng, $assage o! ord#nan"e 4orwarded to the Go(ernor who w#th#n /: days !ro re"e#$t shall A$$ro(e Beto 5 =@2 o! all e bers 5 a$$ro(ed Ina"t#on 5 dee ed a$$ro(ed BALI%ITM Presu $t#on o! "onst#tut#onal#ty E(ery statute #s $resu ed (al#d L#es on how a law #s ena"ted %ue res$e"t to the leg#slat#(e who $assed and e'e"ut#(e who a$$ro(ed Res$ons#b#l#ty o! u$hold#ng the "onst#tut#on rests not on the "ourts alone but on the leg#slat#(e and e'e"ut#(e bran"hes as well Courts "annot #n3u#re #nto the w#sdo or $ro$r#ety o! laws To de"lare a law un"onst#tut#onal, the re$ugnan"y o! the law to the "onst#tut#on ust be "lear and une3u#(o"al All reasonable doubts should be resol(ed #n !a(or o! the "onst#tut#onal#ty o! lawI to doubt #s to susta#n 4#nal arb#ter o! un"onst#tut#onal#ty o! law #s the Su$re e Court EN ,ANC & a7or#ty who too6 $art and (oted thereon) Nonetheless, tr#al "ourts ha(e 7ur#sd#"t#on to #n#t#ally de"#de the #ssue o! "onst#tut#onal#ty o! a law #n a$$ro$r#ate "ases Re3u#s#tes !or e'er"#se o! 7ud#"#al $ower The e'#sten"e o! an a$$ro$r#ate "ase Interest $ersonal and substant#al by the $arty ra#s#ng the "onst#tut#onal 3uest#on Plea that the !un"t#on be e'er"#sed at the earl#est o$$ortun#ty Ne"ess#ty that the "onst#tut#onal 3uest#on be $assed u$on #n order to de"#de the "ase A$$ro$r#ate "ase ,ona !#de "ase 5 one wh#"h ra#ses a 7ust#"#able "ontro(ersy *ud#"#al $ower #s l# #ted only to real, a"tual, earnest, and (#tal "ontro(ersy Contro(ersy #s 7ust#"#able when #t re!ers to atter wh#"h #s a$$ro$r#ate !or "ourt re(#ewI $erta#ns to #ssues wh#"h are #nherently sus"e$t#ble o! be#ng de"#ded on grounds re"ogn#Ded by law Courts "annot rule on E$ol#t#"al 3uest#onsF 5 3uest#ons wh#"h are "on"erned w#th #ssues de$endent u$on the w#sdo &(+ legal#ty) o! a $art#"ular a"t or easure be#ng assa#led Ese$arat#on o! $owersF Howe(er, Const#tut#on e'$ands the "on"e$t o! 7ud#"#al re(#ew 5 7ud#"#al $ower #n"ludes the duty o! the "ourts o! 7ust#"e to settle a"tual "ontro(ers#es #n(ol(#ng r#ghts wh#"h are legally de andable and en!or"eable and to deter #ne whether or not there has been GA% a ount#ng to la"6 or e'"ess o! 7ur#sd#"t#on on the bran"h or the $art o! any bran"h@ #nstru ental#ty o! the Go(ern ent Stand#ng to sue Legal stand#ng or lo"us stand# 5 $ersonal@ substant#al #nterest #n the "ase su"h that the $arty has susta#ned or w#ll susta#n d#re"t #n7ury as a result o! go(ern ental a"t that #s be#ng "hallenged E#nterestF 5 an #nterest #n #ssue a!!e"ted by the de"ree C#t#Den 5 a"3u#res stand#ng only #! he "an establ#sh that he has su!!ered so e a"tual or threatened "on"rete #n7ury as a result o! the allegedly #llegal "ondu"t o! the go(ern ent

E+g+ ta'$ayer 5 when #t #s shown that $ubl#" !unds ha(e been #llegally d#sbursed .e ber o! the Senate or o! the House has legal stand#ng to 3uest#on the (al#d#ty o! the Pres#dent#al (eto or a "ond#t#on # $osed on an #te #n an a$$ro$r#at#ons b#lls SC ay, #n #ts d#s"ret#on, ta6e "ogn#Dan"e o! a su#t wh#"h does not sat#s!y the re3u#re ent o! legal stand#ng E+g+ "all#ng by the Pres#dent !or the de$loy ent o! the Ph#l#$$#ne .ar#nes to 7o#n the PNP #n (#s#b#l#ty $atrols around the etro Hhen to ra#se "onst#tut#onal#ty ''' at the earl#est $oss#ble o$$ortun#ty 5 #+e+ #n the $lead#ng #t ay be ra#sed #n a ot#on !or re"ons#derat#on @ new tr#al #n the lower "ourtI or #n "r# #nal "ases 5 at any stage o! the $ro"eed#ngs or on a$$eal #n "#(#l "ases, where #t a$$ears "learly that a deter #nat#on o! the 3uest#on #s ne"essary to a de"#s#on, and #n "ases where #t #n(ol(es the 7ur#sd#"t#on o! the "ourt below Ne"ess#ty o! de"#d#ng "onst#tut#onal#ty where the "onst#tut#onal 3uest#on #s o! $ara ount $ubl#" #nterest and t# e #s o! the essen"e #n the resolut#on o! su"h 3uest#on, adheren"e to the str#"t $ro"edural standard ay be rela'ed and the "ourt, #n #ts d#s"ret#on, ay s3uarely de"#de the "ase where the 3uest#on o! (al#d#ty, though a$$arently has be"o e oot, has be"o e o! $ara ount #nterest and there #s unden#able ne"ess#ty !or a rul#ng, strong reasons o! $ubl#" $ol#"y ay de and that #ts "onst#tut#onal#ty be resol(ed Test o! "onst#tut#onal#ty L #s what the Const#tut#on $ro(#des #n relat#on to what "an or ay be done under the statute, and not by what #t has been done under #t+ I! not w#th#n the leg#slat#(e $ower to ena"t I! (ague 5 un"onst#tut#onal #n = res$e"ts B#olates due $ro"ess Lea(es law en!or"ers unbr#dled d#s"ret#on #n "arry#ng out #ts $ro(#s#ons Hhere there-s a "hange o! "#r"u stan"es 5 #+e+ e ergen"y laws Ord#nan"es &test o! (al#d#ty are): It ust not "ontra(ene the Const#tut#on or any statute It ust not be un!a#r or o$$ress#(e It ust not be $art#al or d#s"r# #natory It ust not $roh#b#t but ay regulate trade It ust be general and "ons#stent w#th $ubl#" $ol#"y It ust not be unreasonable E!!e"ts o! un"onst#tut#onal#ty It "on!ers no r#ghts I $oses no dut#es A!!ords no $rote"t#on Creates no o!!#"e In general, #no$erat#(e as #! #t had ne(er been $assed = (#ews: Orthodo' (#ew 5 un"onst#tut#onal a"t #s not a lawI de"#s#on a!!e"t ALL .odern (#ew 5 less str#ngentI the "ourt #n $ass#ng u$on the 3uest#on o! un"onst#tut#onal#ty does not annul or re$eal the statute #! #t !#nds #t #n "on!l#"t w#th the Const#tut#onI de"#s#ons a!!e"ts $art#es ONLM and no 7udg ent aga#nst the statuteI o$#n#on o! "ourt ay o$erate as a $re"edentI #t does not re$eal, su$ersede, re(o6e, or annul the statute In(al#d#ty due to "hange o! "ond#t#ons E ergen"y laws It #s dee ed (al#d at the t# e o! #ts ena"t ent as an e'er"#se o! $ol#"e $ower It be"o es #n(al#d only be"ause the "hange o! "ond#t#ons a6es #ts "ont#nued o$erat#on (#olat#(e o! the Const#tut#on, and a""ord#ngly, the de"larat#on o! #ts null#ty should only a!!e"t the $art#es #n(ol(ed #n the "ase and #ts e!!e"ts a$$l#ed $ros$e"t#(ely Part#al #n(al#d#ty General rule: that where $art o! a statute #s (o#d as re$ugnant to the Const#tut#on, wh#le another $art #s (al#d, the (al#d $ort#on, #! se$arable !ro the #n(al#d, ay stand and be en!or"ed E'"e$t#on 5 that when $arts o! a statute are so utually de$endent and "onne"ted, as "ond#t#ons, "ons#derat#ons, #ndu"e ents, or "o $ensat#ons !or ea"h other, as to warrant a bel#e! that the leg#slature #ntended the as a whole, the null#ty o! one $art w#ll (#t#ate the rest 5 su"h as #n the "ase o! Tatad v Sec of Department of Energy and Antonio v. COMELEC E44ECT AN% OPERATION Hhen laws ta6e e!!e"t Art = CC 8 E''' laws to be e!!e"t#(e ust be $ubl#shed e#ther #n the O!!#"#al GaDette or #n a news$a$er o! general "#r"ulat#on #n the "ountryF The e!!e"t#(#ty $ro(#s#on re!ers to all statutes, #n"lud#ng those lo"al and $r#(ate, unless there are s$e"#al laws $ro(#d#ng a d#!!erent e!!e"t#(#ty e"han#s !or $art#"ular statutes Se" /> Cha$ter : ,oo6 / o! Ad #n#strat#(e Code E!!e"t#(#ty o! laws de!ault rule 5 /:8day $er#od ust be $ubl#shed e#ther #n the OG or news$a$er o! general "#r"ulat#on #n the "ountryI $ubl#"at#on ust be !ull The "lause Eunless #t #s otherw#se $ro(#dedF 5 solely re!ers to the /:8day $er#od and not to the re3u#re ent o! $ubl#"at#on

Hhen Pres#dent#al #ssuan"es, rules and regulat#ons ta6e e!!e"t The Pres#dent-s ord#nan"e $ower #n"ludes the author#ty to #ssue EO, AO, Pro"la at#ons, .O, .C and general or s$e"#!#" orders Re3u#re ent o! $ubl#"at#on a$$l#es e'"e$t #! #t #s erely #nter$retat#(e or #nternal #n nature not "on"ern#ng the $ubl#" = ty$es: Those whose $ur$ose #s to en!or"e or # $le ent e'#st#ng law $ursuant to a (al#d delegat#on or to !#ll #n the deta#ls o! a statuteI re3u#res $ubl#"at#on Those wh#"h are erely #nter$retat#(e #n nature or #nternalI does not re3u#re $ubl#"at#on Re3u#re ents o! !#l#ng &/0>1 Ad #n#strat#(e Code): E(ery agen"y shall !#le w#th the AP Law Center 2 "ert#!#ed "o$#es o! e(ery rule ado$ted by #t+ Rules #n !or"e on the date o! e!!e"t#(#ty o! th#s Code wh#"h are not !#led w#th#n 2 onths !ro that date shall not therea!ter be the bas#s o! any san"t#on aga#nst any $arty@ $ersons Hhen lo"al ord#nan"e ta6es e!!e"t Anless otherw#se stated, the sa e shall ta6e e!!e"t /9 days !ro the date a "o$y #s $osted #n a bullet#n board at the entran"e o! the $ro(#n"#al "a$#tol or "#ty, un#"#$al#ty or barangay hall, AN% #n at least = other "ons$#"uous $la"es #n the lo"al go(ern ent un#t "on"erned The se"retary to the Sanggu#n#an "on"erned shall "ause the $ost#ng not later than : days a!ter a$$ro(alI te't w#ll be d#sse #nated #n Engl#sh or TagalogI the se"retary to the Sanggu#n#an "on"erned shall re"ord su"h !a"t #n a boo6 6e$t !or that $ur$ose, stat#ng the dates o! a$$ro(al and $ost#ng G#st o! ord#nan"e w#th $enal san"t#ons shall be $ubl#shed #n a news$a$er o! general "#r"ulat#on w#th#n the res$e"t#(e $ro(#n"e "on"ernedI #! NO news$a$er o! general "#r"ulat#on #n the $ro(#n"e, POSTING shall be ade #n all un#"#$al#t#es and "#t#es o! the $ro(#n"e where the Sanggun#an o! or#g#n #s s#tuated 4or h#ghly urban#Ded and #nde$endent "o $onent "#t#es, a#n !eatures o! the ord#nan"e, #n add#t#on to the $ost#ng re3u#re ent shall be $ubl#shed on"e #n a lo"al news$a$er+ In the absen"e o! lo"al news$a$er, #n any news$a$er o! general "#r"ulat#on H#ghly urban#Ded "#ty 5 #n# u $o$ulat#on o! =99,999 and w#th latest annual #n"o e o! at least :9. Ph$ Statutes "ont#nue #n !or"e unt#l re$ealed Per anent@ #nde!#n#te 5 law on"e establ#shed "ont#nues unt#l "hanged by "o $etent leg#slat#(e $ower+ It #s not "hanged by the "hange o! so(ere#gnty, e'"e$t that o! $ol#t#"al nature Te $orary 5 #n !or"e only !or a l# #ted $er#od, and they ter #nate u$on e'$#rat#on o! the ter stated or u$on o""urren"e o! "erta#n e(entsI no re$eal#ng statute #s needed Terr#tor#al and $ersonal e!!e"t o! statutes All $eo$le w#th#n the 7ur#sd#"t#on o! the Ph#l#$$#nes .anner o! "o $ut#ng t# e See Art+ /2 CC Hhere a statute re3u#res the do#ng o! an a"t w#th#n a s$e"#!#ed nu ber o! days, su"h as ten days !ro not#"e, #t eans ten "alendar days and NOT ten wor6#ng days E+g+ / year !ro O"t+ <, /0<; #s O"t+ <, /0<1 I! last day !alls on a Sunday or hol#day, the a"t "an st#ll be done the !ollow#ng day Pr#n"#$le o! Ee'"lude the !#rst, #n"lude the lastF %OES NOT APPLM to the "o $utat#on o! the $er#od o! $res"r#$t#on o! a "r# e, #n wh#"h rule, #s that #! the last day #n the $er#od o! $res"r#$t#on o! a !elony !alls on a Sunday or legal hol#day, the #n!or at#on "on"ern#ng sa#d !elony "annot be !#led on the ne't wor6#ng day, as the o!!ense has by then already $res"r#bed CHAPTER THO: Constru"t#on and Inter$retat#on NATARE AN% PARPOSE Constru"t#on de!#ned Constru"t#on #s the art or $ro"ess o! d#s"o(er#ng and e'$ound#ng the ean#ng and #ntent#on o! the authors o! the law, where that #ntent#on rendered doubt!ully reason o! a b#gu#ty #n #ts language or o! the !a"t that the g#(en "ase #s not e'$l#"#tly $ro(#ded !or #n the law+ Constru"t#on #s draw#ng o! warranted "on"lus#ons beyond d#re"t e'$ress#on o! the te't e'$ress#ons wh#"h are #n s$#r#t though not w#th#n the te't+ ''' #ne(#tably, there enters #nto the "onstru"t#on o! statutes the $lay o! *A%ICIAL *A%G.ENT w#th#n the l# #ts o! the rele(ant leg#slat#(e ater#als #t #n(ol(es the EGERCISE O4 CHOICE ,M THE *A%ICIARM Constru"t#on and #nter$retat#on d#st#ngu#shed They are so al#6e #n $ra"t#"al results and so are used #nter"hangeablyI synony ous+ Constru"t#on 8 $ro"ess o! draw#ng warranted "on"lus#ons not always #n"luded #n d#re"t e'$ress#ons, or deter #n#ng the a$$l#"at#on o! words to !a"ts #n l#t#gat#on Inter$retat#on 8 art o! !#nd#ng the true ean#ng and sense o! any !or o! words

Rules o! "onstru"t#on, generally Rules o! statutory "onstru"t#on are tools used to as"erta#n leg#slat#(e #ntent+ NOT rules o! law but ere a'#o s o! e'$er#en"e In ena"t#ng a statute, the leg#slature #s $resu ed to 6now the rules o! statutory "onstru"t#on, #n "ase o! doubt, be "onstrued #n a""ordan"e w#th the settled $r#n"#$les o! #nter$retat#on+ Leg#slature so et# es ado$ts rules o! statutory "onstru"t#on as $art o! the $ro(#s#ons o! the statute: 8 see e'a $les $age <08:9 Leg#slature also de!#nes to as"erta#n the ean#ng o! (ague, broad words@ ter s Pur$ose o! ob7e"t o! "onstru"t#on The $ur$ose #s to as"erta#n and g#(e e!!e"t to the #ntent o! the law+ The ob7e"t o! all 7ud#"#al #nter$retat#on o! a statute #s to deter #ne leg#slat#(e #ntent, e#ther e'$ressly or # $l#edly, by the language usedI to deter #ne the ean#ng and w#ll o! the law a6#ng body and d#s"o(er #ts true #nter$retat#ons o! law+ Leg#slat#(e #ntent, generally L #s the essen"e o! the law Intent #s the s$#r#t wh#"h g#(es l#!e to leg#slat#(e ena"t ent+ It ust be en!or"ed when as"erta#ned, although #t ay not be "ons#stent w#th the str#"t letter o! the statute+ It has been held, howe(er, that that the as"erta#n ent o! leg#slat#(e #ntent de$end ore on a deter #nat#on o! the $ur$ose and ob7e"t o! the law+ Intent #s so et# es e3uated w#th the word Es$#r#t+F Hh#le the ter s $ur$ose, ean#ng, #ntent, and s$#r#t are o!tent# es #nter"hangeably used by the "ourts, not ent#rely synony ous Leg#slat#(e $ur$ose A leg#slat#(e $ur$ose #s the reason why a $art#"ular statute was ena"ted by leg#slature+ Leg#slat#on E#s an a"t#(e #nstru ent and go(ern ent wh#"h, !or the $ur$ose o! #nter$retat#on to be a"h#e(edF Leg#slat#(e ean#ng Leg#slat#(e ean#ng #s what the law, by #ts language, eans+ Hhat #t "o $rehendsI Hhat #t "o(ers or e bra"esI Hhat #ts l# #ts or "on!#nes are+ Intent and .ean#ng 5 synony ous I! there #s a b#gu#ty #n the language used #n a statute, #ts $ur$ose to what the leg#slat#(e #ntent #s

eans that laws ha(e ends

ay #nd#"ate the

ean#ng o! the language and lead

.atters #n3u#red #nto #n "onstru#ng a statute EIt #s not enough to as"erta#n the #ntent#on o! the statuteI #t #s also ne"essary to see whether the #ntent#on or ean#ng has been e'$ressed #n su"h a way as to g#(e #t legal e!!e"t or (al#d#tyF Thus: The ob7e"t o! #n3u#ry #s not only to 6now what the leg#slature used su!!#"#ently e'$resses that ean#ng+ The legal a"t #s ade u$ o! = ele ents: #nternal 5 #ntent#on e'ternal8 e'$ress#on 4a#lure o! the latter ay de!eat the !or er Hhere leg#slat#(e #ntent #s as"erta#ned The $r# ary sour"e o! leg#slat#(e #ntent #s the statute #tsel!+ I! the statute as a whole !a#ls to #nd#"ate the leg#slat#(e #ntent be"ause o! a b#gu#ty, the "ourt ay loo6 beyond the statute su"h as: Leg#slat#(e h#story 5 what was #n the leg#slat#(e #nd at the t# e the statute was ena"tedI what the "#r"u stan"es wereI what e(#l was eant to be redressed Pur$ose o! the statute 5 the reason or "ause wh#"h #ndu"ed the ena"t ent o! the law, the #s"h#e! to be su$$ressed, and the $ol#"y wh#"h d#"tated #ts $assage when all these eans !a#l, loo6 #nto the e!!e"t o! the law+ I! the 2rd eans &e!!e"t o! the law) #s !#rst used, #t w#ll be 7ud#"#al leg#slat#on POHER TO CONSTRAE Constru"t#on #s a 7ud#"#al !un"t#on It #s the "ourt that has the !#nal word as to what the law eans+ It "onstrues laws as #t de"#de "ases based on !a"t and the law #n(ol(ed Laws are #nter$reted #n the "onte't o! a $e"ul#ar !a"tual s#tuat#on o! ea"h "ase C#r"u stan"es o! t# e, $la"e, e(ent, $erson and $art#"ularly attendant "#r"u stan"es and a"t#ons be!ore, dur#ng and a!ter the o$erat#(e !a"t ha(e ta6en the#r total#ty so that 7ust#"e "an be rat#onally and !a#rly d#s$ensed+ .oot and a"ade #" 5 Pur$ose has be"o e stale No $ra"t#"al rel#e! "an be granted Rel#e! has no $ra"t#"al e!!e"t General rule &on ootness) 5 d#s #ss the "ase E'"e$t#on: I! "a$able o! re$et#t#on, yet e(ad#ng re(#ew Publ#" #nterest re3u#res #ts resolut#on Render#ng de"#s#on on the er#ts would be o! $ra"t#"al (alue

Leg#slat#(e "annot o(errule 7ud#"#al "onstru"t#on It "annot $re"lude the "ourts !ro g#(#ng the statute d#!!erent #nter$retat#on Leg#slat#(e 5 ena"t laws E'e"ut#(e8 to e'e"ute laws *ud#"#al8 #nter$retat#on and a$$l#"at#on I! the leg#slature ay de"lare what a law eans 5 #t w#ll "ause "on!us#onL#t w#ll be (#olat#(e o! the !unda ental $r#n"#$les o! the "onst#tut#on o! se$arat#on $owers+ Leg#slat#(e "onstru"t#on #s "alled resolut#on or de"laratory a"t Endencia v David E'$la#ns why leg#slat#(e "annot o(errule Su$re e Court-s de"#s#on Perfecto v. Meer Art+ > Se"+ 0 /02: Const#tut#on 5 SC-s #nter$retat#on: Eshall re"e#(e su"h "o $ensat#on as ay be !#'ed by law, wh#"h shall not be d# #n#shed dur#ng the#r "ont#nuan"e #n o!!#"eF 5 e'e $t !ro #n"o e ta' Leg#slat#(e $assed RA :09 Se"+ /2 5 Eno salary whene(er re"e#(ed by any $ubl#" o!!#"er o! the Re$ubl#" shall be "ons#dered e'e $t !ro the #n"o e ta', $ay ent o! wh#"h #s hereby de"lared not to be a d# #nut#on o! h#s "o $ensat#on !#'ed by the Const#tut#on or by lawF Sour"e o! "on!us#on B#olat#(e o! $r#n"#$le on se$arat#on o! $owers RA :09 Se" /2 5 un"onst#tut#onal Art > Se"+ 0 /02: 5 re$ealed by Art+ /: Se"+ ; /012 Const#tut#on 5 Eno salary or any !or o! e olu ent o! any $ubl#" o!!#"er or e $loyee, #n"lud#ng "onst#tut#onal o!!#"ers, shall be e'e $t !ro $ay ent o! #n"o e ta'F Thus, 7ud#"#ary #s not e'e $t !ro $ay ent o! ta' any ore Hhen 7ud#"#al #nter$retat#on ay be set as#de EInter$retat#ons ay be set as#de+F The #nter$retat#on o! a statute or a "onst#tut#onal $ro(#s#on by the "ourts #s not so sa"rosan"t as to be beyond od#!#"at#on or null#!#"at#on+ The Su$re e Court #tsel! ay, #n an a$$ro$r#ate "ase "hange or o(errule #ts $re(#ous "onstru"t#on+ The rule that the Su$re e Court has the !#nal word #n the #nter$retat#on or "onstru"t#on o! a stature erely eans that the leg#slature "annot, by law or resolut#on, od#!y or annul the 7ud#"#al "onstru"t#on w#thout od#!y#ng or re$eal#ng the (ery statute wh#"h has been the sub7e"t o! "onstru"t#on+ It "an, and #t has done so, by a end#ng or re$eal#ng the statute, the "onse3uen"e o! wh#"h #s that the $re(#ous 7ud#"#al "onstru"t#on o! the statute #s od#!#ed or set as#de a""ord#ngly+ Hhen "ourt ay "onstrue statute EThe "ourt ay "onstrue or #nter$ret a statute under the "ond#t#on that THERE IS %OA,T OR A.,IGAITMF A b#gu#ty 5 a "ond#t#on o! ad #tt#ng = or ore ean#ngs+ Sus"e$t#ble o! ore than one #nter$retat#on+ Only when the law #s a b#guous or doubt!ul o! ean#ng ay the "ourt #nter$ret or "onstrue #ts #ntent+ Court ay not "onstrue where statute #s "lear A statute that #s "lear and una b#guous #s not sus"e$t#ble o! #nter$retat#ons+ 4#rst and !unda ental duty o! "ourt 5 to a$$ly the law Constru"t#on 5 (ery last !un"t#on wh#"h the "ourt should e'er"#se Law #s "lear 5 no roo !or #nter$retat#on, only roo !or a$$l#"at#on Courts "annot enlarge or l# #t the law #! #t #s "lear and !ree !ro a b#gu#ty &e(en #! law #s harsh or onerous A ean#ng that does not a$$ear nor #s #ntended or re!le"ted #n the (ery language o! the statute "annot be $la"ed there#n by "onstru"t#on Rul#ngs o! Su$re e Court $art o! legal syste Art+ > CC 5 E*ud#"#al de"#s#ons a$$ly#ng or #nter$ret#ng the laws or the Const#tut#on shall !or $art o! the legal syste o! the Ph#l#$$#nesF Legis interpretato legis vim obtinet 5 author#tat#(e #nter$retat#on o! the SC o! a statute a"3u#res the !or"e o! law by be"o #ng a $art thereo! as o! the date o! #ts ena"t ent , s#n"e the "ourt-s #nter$retat#on erely establ#shes the "onte $oraneous leg#slat#(e #ntent that the statute thus "onstrued #ntends to e!!e"tuate Stare decisis et non q ieta novere ! when the SC has on"e la#d down a $r#n"#$le o! law as a$$l#"able to a "erta#n state o! !a"ts, #t w#ll adhere to that $r#n"#$le and a$$ly #t to all !uture "asese where the !a"ts are substant#ally the sa e 4or stab#l#ty and "erta#nty Su$re e Court be"o es, to the e'tent a$$l#"able, the "r#ter#a that ust "ontrol the a"tuat#ons not only o! those "alled u$on to ab#de thereby but also o! those duty8bound to en!or"e obed#en"e thereto+ SC rul#ngs are b#nd#ng on #n!er#or "ourts *ud#"#al rul#ngs ha(e no retroa"t#(e e!!e"t Le' $ros$#"#t not res$#"#t 8 the law loo6s !orward, not ba"6ward Rat#onale: Retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on o! a law usually d#(est r#ghts that ha(e already be"o e (ested or # $a#rs he obl#gat#ons o! "ontra"t and hen"e #s un"onst#tut#onal+ Court ay #ssue gu#del#nes #n "onstru#ng statute In "onstru#ng a statute, the en!or"e ent o! wh#"h ay tread on sens#t#(e areas o! "onst#tut#onal r#ghts, the "ourt #ssue gu#del#nes #n a$$ly#ng the statute, not to enlarge or restr#"t #t but to "learly del#neate what the law #s+ LI.ITATIONS ON POHER TO CONSTRAE Courts ay not enlarge nor restr#"t statutes Courts are not author#Ded to #nsert #nto the law what they th#n6 should be #n #t or to su$$ly what they the leg#slature would ha(e su$$l#ed #! #ts #ntent#on had been "alled to the o #ss#on+ ay

They should not by "onstru"t#on, re(#se e(en the ost arb#trary or un!a#r a"t#on o! the leg#slature, nor rewr#te the law to "on!or to what they th#n6 should be the law+ Ne#ther should the "ourts "onstrue statutes wh#"h are $er!e"tly (ague !or #t (#olates due $ro"ess 4a#lure to a""ord $ersons !a#r not#"e o! the "ondu"t to a(o#d Lea(e law en!or"ers unbr#dled d#s"ret#on #n "arry#ng out #ts $ro(#s#ons = lead#ng stars on 7ud#"#al "onstru"t#on Good !a#th "o onsense an utterly (ague a"t on #ts !a"e "annot be "lar#!#ed by e#ther a sa(#ng "lause or by "onstru"t#on Courts not to be #n!luen"ed by 3uest#ons o! w#sdo Courts do not s#t to resol(e the er#t o! "on!l#"t#ng theor#es Courts do not $ass u$on 3uest#on o! w#sdo , 7ust#"e or e'$ed#en"y o! leg#slat#on, !or #t-s not w#th#n the#r $ro(#n"e to su$er(#se leg#slat#on and 6ee$ #t w#th#n the bounds o! "o on sense+ The "ourt erely #nter$ret regardless o! whether or not they w#se or salutary+ CHAPTER THREE: A#ds to Constru"t#on IN GENERAL Generally Hhere the ean#ng o! a statue #s a b#guous, the "ourt #s warranted #n a(a#l#ng #tsel! o! all #lleg#t# ate a#ds to "onstru"t#on #n order that #t "an as"erta#n the true #ntent o! the statute+ The a#ds to "onstru"t#on are those !ound #n the $r#nted $age o! the statute #tsel!I 6now as the #ntr#ns#" a#ds, and those e'traneous !a"ts and "#r"u stan"es outs#de the $r#nted $age, "alled e"trinsic aids+ T#tle It #s used as an a#d, #n "ase o! doubt #n #ts language to #ts "onstru"t#on and to as"erta#n#ng leg#slat#(e w#ll+ I! the ean#ng o! the statute #s obs"ure, "ourts ay resort to the t#tle to "lear the obs"ur#ty+ The t#tle ay #nd#"ate the leg#slat#(e #ntent to e'tend or restr#"t the s"o$e o! law, and a statute "ou"hed #n a language o! doubt!ul # $ort w#ll be "onstru"ted to "on!or to the leg#slat#(e #ntent as d#s"losed #n #ts t#tle+ Resorted as an a#d where there #s doubt as to the ean#ng o! the law or as to the #ntent#on o! the leg#slature #n ena"t#ng #t, and not otherw#se+ Ser(e as a gu#de to as"erta#n#ng leg#slat#(e #ntent "arr#es ore we#ght #n th#s 7ur#sd#"t#on be"ause o! the "onst#tut#onal re3u#re ent that Ee(ery b#ll shall e bra"e only one sub7e"t who shall be e'$ressed #n the t#tle thereo!+ The "onst#tut#onal #n7un"t#on a6es the t#tle an #nd#s$ensable $art o! a statute+ Note: No b#ll shall e bra"e ore than one sub7e"t, wh#"h sub7e"t shall be e'$ressed #n the t#tle o! the b#ll, the words and !or other $ur$oses- when !ound #n the t#tle ha(e been held to be w#thout !or"e or e!!e"t whatsoe(er and ha(e been altogether d#s"arded #n "onstru#ng the A"t+ Hhen resort to t#tle not author#Ded The te't o! the statute #s "lear and !ree !ro doubt, #t #s # $ro$er to resort to #ts t#tle to The t#tle ay be resorted to #n order to re o(e, but not to "reate doubt+ a6e #t obs"ure+

Prea ble It #s a $art o! the statute wr#tten # ed#ately a!ter #ts t#tle, wh#"h states the $ur$ose, reason !or the ena"t ent o! the law+ Asually e'$ress #n whereas "lauses+ Generally o #tted #n statutes $assed by: Ph#l+ Co #ss#on Ph#l+ Leg#slature Nat#onal Asse bly Congress o! the Ph#l ,atasang Pa bansa These leg#slat#(e bod#es used the e'$lanatory note to e'$la#n the reasons !or the ena"t ent o! statutes+ E'tens#(ely used #! Pres#dent#al de"rees #ssued by the Pres#dent #n the e'er"#se o! h#s leg#slat#(e $ower+ Hhen the ean#ng o! a statute #s "lear and una b#guous, the $rea ble "an ne#ther e'$and nor restr#"t #ts o$erat#on, u"h less $re(a#l o(er #ts te't+ Nor "an be used as bas#s !or g#(#ng a statute a ean#ng+ Hhen the statute #s a b#guous, the $rea ble "an be resorted to "lar#!y the a b#gu#ty+ Prea ble #s the 6ey o! the statute, to o$en the #nds o! the law a6ers as to the $ur$ose #s a"h#e(ed, the #s"h#e! to be re ed#ed, and the ob7e"t to be a""o $l#shed, by the $ro(#s#ons o! the leg#slature+ .ay de"#de the $ro$er "onstru"t#on to be g#(en to the statute+ .ay restr#"t to what otherw#se a$$ears to be a broad s"o$e o! law+ It ay e'$ress the leg#slat#(e #ntent to a6e the law a$$ly retroa"t#(ely #n wh#"h "ase the law has to be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t+ Illustrat#on o! rule People v. P risima A $erson was "harged w@ (#olat#on o! P% 0 wh#"h $enal#Des, a ong others, the "arry#ng outs#de o! one-s res#den"e any bladed, blunt or $o#nted wea$on not used as a ne"essary tool or # $le ent !or l#(el#hood, w#th # $r#son ent rang#ng !ro !#(e to ten years+ Nuest#on rose whether the "arry#ng o! su"h wea$on should be #n relat#on to sub(ers#on, rebell#on, #nsurre"t#on, lawless (#olen"e, "r# #nal#ty, "haos or $ubl#" d#sorder as a ne"essary ele ent o! the "r# e+ The ere "arry#ng o! su"h wea$on outs#de one-s res#den"e #s su!!#"#ent to "onst#tute a (#olat#on o! the law

Pursuant to the $rea ble wh#"h s$elled out the e(ents that led to the ena"t ent o! the de"ree the "lear #ntent and s$#r#t o! the de"ree #s to re3u#re the ot#(at#on ent#oned #n the $rea ble as #n #nd#s$ensable ele ent o! the "r# e+ The se(er#ty o! the $enalty !or the (#olat#on o! the de"ree suggests that #t #s a ser#ous o!!ense, wh#"h ay only be 7ust#!#ed by asso"#at#ng the "arry#ng out o! su"h bladed o! blunt wea$on w#th any o! the $ur$oses stated #n #ts $rea ble+ Conte't o! whole te't To as"erta#n leg#slat#(e #ntent #s the statute #tsel! ta6en as a whole and #n relat#on to one another "ons#der#ng the whole "onte't o! the statute and not !ro an #solated $art o! the $ro(#s#on+ The ean#ng d#"tated by the "onte't $re(a#ls+ E(ery se"t#on, $ro(#s#on, or "lause o! the statute ust be e'$ounded by re!eren"e to ea"h other #n order to arr#(e at the e!!e"t "onte $lated by the leg#slature+ Pun"tuat#on ar6s Se #8 "olon 5 used to #nd#"ate a se$arat#on #n the relat#on o! the thought, what !ollows ust ha(e a relat#on to the sa e atter #t $re"edes #t+ Co a and se #8 "olon are use !or the sa e $ur$ose to d#(#de senten"es, but the se # 5 "olon a6es the d#(#s#on a l#ttle ore $ronoun"e+ ,oth are not used to #ntrodu"e a new #dea+ Pun"tuat#on ar6s are a#ds o! low degree and "an ne(er "ontrol aga#nst the #ntell#g#ble ean#ng o! wr#tten words+ An a b#gu#ty o! a statute wh#"h ay be $art#ally or wholly sol(ed by a $un"tuat#on ar6 ay be "ons#dered #n the "onstru"t#on o! a statute+ The 3ual#!y#ng e!!e"t o! a word or $hrase ay be "on!#ned to #ts last ante"edent #! the latter #s se$arated by a "o a !ro the other ante"edents+ An argu ent based on $un"tuat#on #s not $ersuas#(e+ Ca$#tal#Dat#on o! letters An a#d o! low degree #n the "onstru"t#on o! statute+ Headnotes or e$#gra$hs Se"ondary a#ds They are $re!#'ed to se"t#ons, or "ha$ters o! a statute !or ready re!eren"e or "lass#!#"at#on+ Not ent#tled too u"h we#ght, and #n!eren"es drawn there !ro are o! l#ttle (alue and they "an ne(er "ontrol the $la#n ter s o! the ena"t#ng "lauses, !or they are not $art o! the law+ The $ro(#s#ons o! ea"h art#"le are "ontroll#ng u$on the sub7e"t thereo! and o$erate as a general rule !or settl#ng su"h 3uest#ons as are e bra"ed there#n+ Hhen the te't o! a statute #s "lear and una b#guous, there #s ne#ther ne"ess#ty nor $ro$r#ety to resort to the head#ngs or e$#gra$hs o! a se"t#on !or #nter$retat#on o! the te't, es$e"#ally when they are ere re!eren"e a#ds #nd#"at#ng the general nature o! the te't that !ollows+ L#ngual te't Rule #s that, unless $ro(#ded, where a statute #s $ro ulgated #n Engl#sh and S$an#sh, Engl#sh shall go(ern but #n "ase o! a b#gu#ty, S$an#sh ay be "onsulted to e'$la#n the Engl#sh te't+ A statute #s o!!#"#ally $ro ulgated #n S$an#sh or #n Engl#sh, or #n 4#l#$#no EIn the #nter$retat#on o! a law or ad #n#strat#(e #ssuan"e $ro ulgated #n all the o!!#"#al languages, the Engl#sh te't shall "ontrol, unless otherw#se $ro(#ded+ Intent or s$#r#t o! law It #s the law #tsel!+ Controll#ng !a"tor, lead#ng star and gu#d#ng l#ght #n the a$$l#"at#on and #nter$retat#on o! a statute+ A statute ust be a""ord#ng to #ts s$#r#t or #ntent+ The "ourts "annot assu e an #ntent #n no way e'$ressed and then "onstrue the statute to a""o $l#sh the su$$osed #ntent#onI otherw#se they would $ass beyond the bounds o! 7ud#"#al $ower to usur$ leg#slat#(e $ower+ Pol#"y o! law Should be g#(en e!!e"t by the 7ud#"#ary+ One way to a""o $l#sh th#s andate #s to g#(e a statute o! doubt!ul $ol#"y+

ean#ng, a "onstru"t#on that w#ll $ro ote $ubl#"

Ca#i at v. Mat$ay $ol#"y 5 aga#nst double $ens#ons !or the sa e ser(#"es a law wh#"h grants ret#rable e $loyees "erta#n gratu#ty E#n add#t#on to other bene!#ts wh#"h they are ent#tled under e'#st#ng lawsF CANNOT be "onstrued as to author#De the grant o! double gratu#ty Eother bene!#tsF ay be Re!und o! "ontr#but#ons Pay ent o! the oney (alue o! a""u ulated (a"at#on and s#"6 lea(es Pur$ose o! law or #s"h#e! to be su$$ressed Intended to be re o(ed or su$$ressed and the "auses wh#"h #ndu"ed the ena"t ent o! the law are # $ortant !a"tors to be "ons#dered #n th#s "onstru"t#on+ Pur$ose or ob7e"t o! the law .#s"h#e! #ntended to be re o(ed Causes wh#"h #ndu"ed the ena"t ent o! the law .ust be read #n su"h a way as to g#(e e!!e"t to the $ur$ose $ro7e"ted #n the statute+ The $ur$ose o! the general rule #s not deter #nat#(e o! the $ro$er "onstru"t#on to be g#(en to the e'"e$t#ons+ Pur$ose o! statute #s ore # $ortant than the rules o! gra ar and log#" #n as"erta#n#ng the ean#ng

%#"t#onar#es A statute does not de!#ne word or $hrases used+ Generally de!#ne words #n the#r natural $la#n and ord#nary a""e$tan"e and s#gn#!#"an"e+ Conse3uen"es o! (ar#ous "onstru"t#ons In3u#red as an add#t#onal a#d to #nter$retat#on+ A "onstru"t#on o! a statute should be re7e"ted that w#ll "ause #n7ust#"e and hardsh#$, result #n absurd#ty, de!eat leg#slat#(e #ntent or s$#r#t, $re"lude a""o $l#sh ent o! leg#slat#(e $ur$ose or ob7e"t, render "erta#n words or $hrases a sur$lusage, null#!y the statute or a6e any o! #ts $ro(#s#ons nugatory+ Presu $t#ons ,ased on log#", e'$er#en"e, and "o on sense, and #n the absen"e o! "o $ell#ng reasons to the "ontrary, doubts as to the $ro$er and "orre"t "onstru"t#on o! a statute w#ll be resol(ed #n !a(or o! that "onstru"t#on wh#"h #s #n a""ord w#th the $resu $t#on on the atter+ Const#tut#onal#ty o! a statute Co $leteness Pros$e"t#(e o$erat#on R#ght and 7ust#"e E!!e"t#(e, sens#ble, bene!#"#al and reasonable o$erat#on as a whole Aga#nst #n"ons#sten"y and # $l#ed re$eal unne"essary "hanges #n law # $oss#b#l#ty absurd#ty #n7ust#"e and hardsh#$ #n"on(en#en"e #ne!!e"t#(eness+ LEGISLATIBE HISTORM Generally A statute #s sus"e$t#ble o! se(eral #nter$retat#ons or where there #s a b#gu#ty #n the language, there #s no better o! as"erta#n#ng the w#ll and #ntent#on o! the leg#slature than that wh#"h #s a!!orded by the h#story o! the statute+ eans

Hhat "onst#tutes leg#slat#(e h#story H#story o! a statute re!ers to all #ts ante"edents !ro #ts #n"e$t#on unt#l #ts ena"t ent #nto law+ Its h#story $ro$er "o(ers the $er#od and the ste$s done !ro the t# e the b#ll #s #ntrodu"ed unt#l #t #s !#nally $assed by the leg#slature+ Hhat #t #n"ludes: Pres#dent-s essage #! the b#ll #s ena"ted #n res$onse thereto, The e'$lanatory note a""o $any#ng the b#ll Co #ttee re$orts o! leg#slat#(e #n(est#gat#ons Publ#" hear#ngs on the sub7e"t o! the b#ll S$onsorsh#$ s$ee"h %ebates and del#berat#ons "on"ern#ng the b#ll A end ents and "hanges #n $hraseology #n wh#"h #t undergoes be!ore !#nal a$$ro(al thereo!+ I! the statute #s based !ro a re(#s#on, a $r#or statute, the latter-s $ra"t#"al a$$l#"at#on and 7ud#"#al "onstru"t#on, Bar#ous a end ents #t underwent Conte $orary e(ents at the Pres#dent-s essage to leg#slature The $res#dent shall address the "ongress at the o$en#ng o! #ts regular sess#on or a$$ear be!ore #t at any other t# e+ Asually "onta#ns $ro$osed legal easures+ Ind#"ates h#s th#n6#ng on the $ro$osed leg#slat#on, when ena"ted #nto law, !ollows h#s l#ne o! th#n6#ng on the atter+ E'$lanatory note A short e'$os#t#on o! e'$lanat#on a""o $any#ng a $ro$osed leg#slat#on by #ts author or $ro$onent+ Hhere there #s a b#gu#ty #n a statute or where a statute #s sus"e$t#ble o! ore than one #nter$retat#on, "ourts ay resort to the e'$lanatory note to "lar#!y the a b#gu#ty and as"erta#n the $ur$ose or #ntent o! the statute+ Ased to g#(e e!!e"t to the $ur$ose or #ntent as d#s"losed #n #ts e'$lanatory note+ A statute a!!e"ted or "hanged an e'#st#ng law and the e'$lanatory note to the b#ll wh#"h has e(entually ena"ted #nto a law states that the $ur$ose #s too s# $ly to se"ure the $ro $t a"t#on on a "erta#n atter by the o!!#"er "on"erned and not to "hange the e'#st#ng lawI the statute should be "onstrued to "arry out su"h $ur$ose+ It ay be used as a bas#s !or g#(#ng a statute a ean#ng that #s #n"ons#stent w#th what #s e'$ressed #n the te't o! the statute+ Leg#slat#(e debates, (#ews and del#berat#ons Courts ay a(a#l to the sel(es the a"tual $ro"eed#ngs o! the leg#slat#(e body to ass#st #n deter #n#ng the "onstru"t#on o! a statute o! doubt!ul ean#ng+ There #s doubt to what a $ro(#s#on o! a statute eans, that ean#ng wh#"h was $ut to the $ro(#s#on dur#ng the leg#slat#(e del#berat#on or d#s"uss#on on the b#ll ay be ado$ted+ B#ews e'$ressed are as to the b#ll-s $ur$ose, ean#ng or e!!e"t are not "ontroll#ng #n the #nter$retat#on o! the law+ It #s # $oss#ble to deter #ne w#th author#ty what "onstru"t#on was $ut u$on an a"t by the e bers o! the leg#slat#(e body that $assed the b#ll+ The o$#n#ons e'$ressed by leg#slators #n the "ourse o! debates "on"ern#ng the a$$l#"at#on o! e'#st#ng laws are not also g#(en de"#s#(e we#ght, es$e"#ally where the leg#slator was not a e ber o! the asse bly that ena"ted the sa#d laws+

Hhen a statute #s "lear and !ree !ro a b#gu#ty, "ourts w#ll not #n3u#re #nto the ot#(es wh#"h #n!luen"e the leg#slature or #nd#(#dual e bers, #n (ot#ng !or #ts $assageI no #ndeed as to the #ntent#on o! the dra!ts an, or the leg#slators, so !ar as #t has not been e'$ressed #nto the a"t+ Re$orts o! "o #ss#ons Co #ss#ons are usually !or ed to "o $#le and "ollate all laws on a $art#"ular sub7e"t and to $re$are the dra!t o! the $ro$osed "ode+ Pr#or laws !ro wh#"h statute #s based Courts are $er #tted to $r#or laws on the sa e sub7e"t and to #n(est#gate the ante"edents o! the statute #n(ol(ed+ Th#s #s a$$l#"able #n the #nter$retat#on o! "odes, re(#sed or "o $#led statutes, !or the $r#or law wh#"h ha(e been "od#!#ed, "o $#led or re(#sed w#ll show the leg#slat#(e h#story that w#ll "lar#!y the #ntent o! the law or shed l#ght on the ean#ng and s"o$e o! the "od#!#ed or re(#sed statute+ Change #n $hraseology by a end ents Intents to "hange the ean#ng o! the $ro(#s#on+ A statute has undergone se(eral a end ents, ea"h a end ent us#ng d#!!erent $hraseology, the del#berate sele"t#on o! language d#!!er#ng !ro that o! the earl#er a"t on the sub7e"t #nd#"ates that a "hange #n ean#ng o! the law was #ntended and "ourts should so "onstrue that statute as to re!le"t su"h "hange #n ean#ng+ Commissioner of C stoms v. CTA Enat#onal $ortF &new law) not the sa e as Eany $ortF &old law)I otherw#se, Enat#onalF w#ll be a sur$lusage A end ent by delet#on %elet#on o! "erta#n words or $hrases #n a statute #nd#"ates that the leg#slature #ntended to "hange the ean#ng o! the statute, !or the $resu $t#on #s that the leg#slat#on would not ha(e ade the delet#on had the #ntent#on been not e!!e"t a "hange #n #ts ean#ng+ A statute "onta#n#ng a $ro(#s#on $roh#b#t#ng the do#ng o! a "erta#n th#ng #s a ended by delet#ng su"h $ro(#s#on+ E'"e$t#ons to the rule &o! a end ent by delet#on) An a end ent o! the statue #nd#"ates a "hange #n ean#ng !ro that wh#"h the statute or#g#nally had a$$l#es only when the #ntent#on #s "lear to "hange the $re(#ous ean#ng o! the old law+ Rules don-t a$$ly when the #ntent #s "lear that the a end ent #s $re"#sely to $la#nly e'$ress the "onstru"t#on o! the a"t $r#or to #ts a end ent be"ause #ts language #s not su!!#"#ently e'$ress#(e o! su"h "onstru"t#on+ 4re3uently, words do not ater#ally a!!e"t the sense w#ll be o #tted !ro the statute as #n"or$orated #n the "ode or re(#sed statute, or that so e general #dea w#ll be e'$ressed #n br#e! $hrases+ Ado$ted statutes 4ore#gn statutes are ado$ted #n th#s "ountry or !ro lo"al laws are $atterned !or $arts o! the leg#slat#(e h#story o! the latter+ Lo"al statutes are $atterned a!ter or "o$#ed !ro those o! another "ountry, the de"#s#on o! the "ourts #n su"h "ountry "onstru#ng those laws are ent#tled to great we#ght #n the #nter$retat#on o! su"h lo"al statutes+ L# #tat#ons o! rule A statute wh#"h has been ado$ted !ro that o! a !ore#gn "ountry should be "onstrued #n a""ordan"e w#th the "onstru"t#on g#(en #t #n the "ountry o! or#g#n #s not w#thout l# #tat#ons+ Pr#n"#$les o! "o on law Onown as Anglo8A er#"an 7ur#s$ruden"e wh#"h #s no #n !or"e #n th#s "ountry, sa(e only #nso!ar as #t #s !ounded on sound $r#n"#$les a$$l#"able to lo"al "ond#t#ons and #s not #n "on!l#"t w#th e'#st#ng law, ne(ertheless, any o! the $r#n"#$les o! the "o on law ha(e been # $orted #nto th#s 7ur#sd#"t#on as a result o! the ena"t ent o! laws and establ#sh ent o! #nst#tut#ons s# #lar to those o! the AS+ Cond#t#ons at t# e o! ena"t ent In ena"t#ng a statute, the leg#slature #s $resu ed to ha(e ta6en #nto a""ount the e'#st#ng "ond#t#ons o! th#ngs at the t# e o! #ts ena"t ent+ In the #nter$retat#ons o! a statute, "ons#der the $hys#"al "ond#t#ons o! the "ountry and the "#r"u stan"es then obta#n understand#ng as to the #ntent o! the leg#slature or as to the ean#ng o! the statute+ H#story o! the t# es A "ourt ay loo6 to the h#story o! the t# es, e'a #n#ng the state o! th#ngs e'#st#ng when the statute was ena"ted+ A statute should not be "onstrued #n a s$#r#t as #! #t were a $roto$las !loat#ng around #n s$a"e+ In deter #n#ng the ean#ng, #ntent, and $ur$ose o! a law or "onst#tut#onal $ro(#s#on, the h#story o! the t# es o! wh#"h I grew and to wh#"h #t ay be rat#onally su$$osed to bear so e d#re"t relat#onsh#$, the e(#ls #ntended to be re ed#ed and the good to be a""o $l#shed are $ro$er sub7e"ts o! #n3u#ry+ Law be#ng a an#!estat#on o! so"#al "ulture and $rogress ust be #nter$reted ta6#ng #nto "ons#derat#on the stage o! su"h "ulture and $rogress #n"lud#ng all the "on"o #tant "#r"u stan"es+ Law #s not a watert#ght "o $art ent sealed or shut o!! !ro the "onta"t w#th the dra a o! l#!e wh#"h un!olds be!ore our eyes+ CONTE.PORARM CONSTRACTION Generally Are the "onstru"t#ons $la"ed u$on statutes at the t# e o!, or a!ter the#r ena"t ent by the e'e"ut#(e, leg#slat#(e or 7ud#"#al author#t#es, as well as by those who #n(ol(e #n the $ro"ess o! leg#slat#on are 6nowledgeable o! the #ntent and $ur$ose o! the law+ Conte $orary "onstru"t#on #s strongest #n law+

E'e"ut#(e "onstru"t#on, generallyI 6#nds o! Is the "onstru"t#on $la"ed u$on the statute by an e'e"ut#(e or ad #n#strat#(e o!!#"er+ Three ty$es o! #nter$retat#on Constru"t#on by an e'e"ut#(e or ad #n#strat#(e o!!#"er d#re"tly "alled to # $le ent the law+ Constru"t#on by the se"retary o! 7ust#"e #n h#s "a$a"#ty as the "h#e! legal ad(#ser o! the go(ern ent+ Handed down #n an ad(ersary $ro"eed#ng #n the !or o! a rul#ng by an e'e"ut#(e o!!#"er e'er"#s#ng 3uas#87ud#"#al $ower+ He#ght a""orded to "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#on Hhere there #s doubt as to the $ro$er #nter$retat#on o! a statute, the un#!or "onstru"t#on $la"ed u$on #t by the e'e"ut#(e or ad #n#strat#(e o!!#"er "harged w#th #ts en!or"e ent w#ll be ado$ted #! ne"essary to resol(e the doubt+ True e'$ress#on o! the leg#slat#(e $ur$ose, es$e"#ally #! the "onstru"t#on #s !ollowed !or a "ons#derable $er#od o! t# e+ %estle P$ilippines& 'nc. v. CA Reasons !or why #nter$retat#on o! an ad #n#strat#(e agen"y #s generally a""orded great res$e"t E ergen"e o! ult#!ar#ous needs o! a odern#D#ng so"#ety Also relates to e'$er#en"e and growth o! s$e"#al#Ded "a$ab#l#t#es by the ad #n#strat#(e agen"y They ha(e the "o $eten"e, e'$ertness, e'$er#en"e and #n!or ed 7udg ent, and the !a"t that they !re3uently are the dra!ters o! the law they #nter$ret P$ilippine S gar Central v. Collector of C stoms Issue: whether the go(ern ent "an legally "olle"t dut#es Eas a "harge !or whar!ageF re3u#red by a statute u$on all art#"les e'$orted through $r#(ately8owned whar(es Held: the "ourt reasoned #n the a!!#r at#(e by say#ng Ethe language o! the A"t "ould ha(e been ade ore s$e"#!#" and "erta#n, but #n (#ew o! #ts h#story, #ts long "ont#nuous "onstru"t#on, and what has been done and a""o $l#shed by and under #t, we are "learly o! the o$#n#on that the go(ern ent #s ent#tled to ha(e and re"e#(e the oney #n 3uest#on, e(en though the sugar was sh#$$ed !ro a $r#(ate whar! He#ght a""orded to usage and $ra"t#"e Co on usage and $ra"t#"e under the statute, or a "ourse o! "ondu"t #nd#"at#ng a $art#"ular underta6#ng o! #t, es$e"#ally where the usage has been a"3u#es"ed #n by all the $art#es "on"erned and has e'tended o(er a long $er#od o! t# e+ Optimus interpres rerum usus the best interpretation of the law is usage. Constru"t#on o! rules and regulat#ons Th#s rule8 a6#ng $ower, author#t#es susta#n the $r#n"#$le that the #nter$retat#on by those "harged w#th the#r en!or"e ent #s ent#tled to great we#ght by the "ourt #n the latter-s "onstru"t#on o! su"h rules and regulat#ons+ Reasons why "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#on #s g#(en u"h we#ght It #s ent#tled to great we#ght be"ause #t "o es !ro the $art#"ular bran"h o! go(ern ent "alled u$on to # $le ent the law thus "onstrued+ Are $resu ed to ha(e !a #l#ar#Ded the sel(es w#th all the "ons#derat#ons $ert#nent to the ean#ng and $ur$ose o! the law, and to ha(e !or ed an #nde$endent, "ons"#ent#ous and "o $etent e'$ert o$#n#on thereon Hhen "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#on d#sregarded Hhen there #s no a b#gu#ty #n the law+ I! #t #s "learly erroneous, the sa e ust be de"lared null and (o#d+ Erroneous "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#on does not $re"lude "orre"t#on nor "reate r#ghtsI e'"e$t#ons The do"tr#ne o! esto$$el does not $re"lude "orre"t#on o! the erroneous "onstru"t#on by the o!!#"er h# sel! by h#s su""essor or by the "ourt #n an a$$ro$r#ate "ase+ An erroneous "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#on "reates no (ested r#ght on the $art o! those rel#ed u$on, and !ollowed su"h "onstru"t#on+ Leg#slat#(e #nter$retat#on Ta6e !or o! an # $l#ed a"3u#es"en"e to, or a$$ro(al o!, an e'e"ut#(e or 7ud#"#al "onstru"t#on o! a statute+ The leg#slature "annot l# #t or restr#"t the $ower granted to the "ourts by the "onst#tut#on+ Leg#slat#(e a$$ro(al Leg#slat#(e #s $resu ed to ha(e !ull 6nowledge o! a "onte $oraneous or $ra"t#"al "onstru"t#on o! a statute by an ad #n#strat#(e or e'e"ut#(e o!!#"er "harged w#th #ts en!or"e ent+ The leg#slature ay a$$ro(e or rat#!y su"h "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#on+ .ay also be show en by the leg#slature a$$ro$r#at#ng oney !or the o!!#"er des#gnated to $er!or a tas6 $ursuant to #nter$retat#on o! a statute+ Leg#slat#(e rat#!#"at#on #s e3u#(alent to a andate+ Reena"t ent .ost "o on a"t o! a$$ro(al+ The re8ena"t ent o! a statute, $re(#ously g#(en a "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#on #s $ersuas#(e #nd#"at#on o! the ado$t#on by the leg#slature o! the $r#or "onstru"t#on+ Re8ena"t ent #! a""orded greater we#ght and res$e"t than the "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#on o! the statute be!ore #ts rat#!#"at#on+ Stare decisis *ud#"#al #nter$retat#on o! a statute and #s o! greater we#ght than that o! an e'e"ut#(e or ad #n#strat#(e o!!#"er #n the "onstru"t#on o! other statutes o! s# #lar # $ort+ It #s an #n(aluable a#d #n the "onstru"t#on or #nter$retat#on o! statutes o! doubt!ul ean#ng+

Stare decisis et non quieta movere one should follow past precedents and should not disturb what has been settled. Su$re e Court has the "onst#tut#onal duty not only o! #nter$ret#ng and a$$ly#ng the law #n a""ordan"e w#th $r#or do"tr#nes but also o! $rote"t#ng so"#ety !ro the # $ro(#den"e and wantonness wrought by needless u$hea(als #n su"h #nter$retat#ons and a$$l#"at#ons In order that #t w#ll "o e w#th#n the do"tr#ne o! stare decisis, ust be "ategor#"ally stated on an #ssue e'$ressly ra#sed by the $art#esI #t ust be a d#re"t rul#ng, not erely an ob#ter d#"tu Ob#ter d#"tu 5 o$#n#on e'$ressed by a "ourt u$on so e 3uest#on o! law wh#"h #s not ne"essary to the de"#s#on o! the "ase be!ore #tI not b#nd#ng as a $re"edent The $r#n"#$le $resu$$oses that the !a"ts o! the $re"edent and the "ase to wh#"h #t #s a$$l#ed are substant#ally the sa e+ Hhere the !a"ts are d#ss# #lar, then the $r#n"#$le o! stare de"#s#s does not a$$ly+ The rule o! stare de"#s#s #s not absolute+ It does not a$$ly when there #s a "on!l#"t between the $re"edent and the law+ The duty o! the "ourt #s to !orsa6e and abandon any do"tr#ne or rule !ound to be #n (#olat#on o! law #n !or"e In!er#or "ourts as well as the leg#slature "annot abandon a $re"edent enun"#ated by the SC e'"e$t by way o! re$eal or a end ent o! the law #tsel! CHAPTER 4OAR: Adheren"e to, or de$arture !ro , language o! statute LITERAL INTERPRETATION L#teral ean#ng or $la#n8 ean#ng rule General rule: #! statute #s "lear, $la#n and !ree !ro a b#gu#ty, #t ust be g#(en #ts l#teral ean#ng and a$$l#ed w#thout atte $ted #nter$retat#on Verba legis Index animi sermo 5 s$ee"h #s the #nde' o! #ntent#on Hords e $loyed by the leg#slature #n a statute "orre"tly e'$ress #ts #ntent or w#ll Verba legis non est recedendum 5 !ro the words o! a statute there should be no de$arture Thus, what #s not "learly $ro(#ded #n the law "annot be e'tended to those atters outs#de #ts s"o$e *ud#"#al leg#slat#on 5 an en"roa"h ent u$on leg#slat#(e $rerogat#(e to de!#ne the w#sdo o! the law Courts ust ad #n#ster the law as they !#nd #t w#thout regard to "onse3uen"es To de$art !ro the ean#ng e'$ressed by the words #s to alter the statute, to leg#slate and not #nter$ret Maledicta est exposition quae corrumpit textum dangerous construction which is against the text %ura le' sed le' Dura lex sed lex the law may be harsh but it is still the law bsoluta sentential expositore non indigent 5 when the language o! the law #s "lear, no e'$lanat#on o! #t #s re3u#red Hhen the law #s "lear, #t #s not sus"e$t#ble o! #nter$retat#on+ It ust be a$$l#ed regardless o! who ay be a!!e"ted, e(en #! #t ay be harsh or onerous !oc quidem perquam durum est" sed ital ex scripta est 5 #t #s e'"eed#ngly hard but so the law #s wr#tten A de"ent regard to the leg#slat#(e w#ll shoud #nh#b#t the "ourt !ro engag#ng #n 7ud#"#al leg#slat#on to "hange what #t th#n6s are unreal#st#" statutes that do not "on!or w#th ord#nary e'$er#en"e or $ra"t#"e &res$eto nalang sa at#ng ga a babatasP Hhate(erQPQ Haha 7o6e only) I! there #s a need to "hange the law, a end or re$eal #t, re edy ay be done through a leg#slat#(e $ro"ess, not by 7ud#"#al de"ree Hhere the law #s "lear, a$$eals to 7ust#"e and e3u#ty as 7ust#!#"at#on to "onstrue #t d#!!erently are una(a#l#ng 5 Ph#l#$$#nes #s go(erned by CIBIL LAH or POSITIBE LAH, not "o on law E3u#ty #s a(a#lable only #n the absen"e o! law and not #ts re$la"e ent 5 used #n Co on Law &so, $ag ay law, walang e3u#ty e3u#tyP Pero $ag walang law, $wedeng ag8e3u#ty, getsQPQ+++ # $ortant toP) equitas nunquam contravenit legis equity never acts in contravention of the law %EPARTARE 4RO. LITERAL INTERPRETATION Statute ust be "a$able o! #nter$retat#on, otherw#se #no$erat#(e I! no 7ud#"#al "erta#nty "an be had as to #ts ean#ng, the "ourt #s not at l#berty to su$$ly nor to a6e one

Santiago v. COMELEC In th#s "ase, the Court ado$ted a l#teral ean#ng thus, "on"luded that RA ;12: #s #nade3uate to # $le ent the $ower o! the $eo$le to a end the Const#tut#on &#n#t#at#(e on a end ents) !or the !ollow#ng reasons: %oes not suggest an #n#t#at#(e on a end ents on to the Const#tut#on be"ause #t #s s#lent as to a end ents on the Const#tut#on and the word EConst#tut#onF #s ne#ther ger ane nor rele(ant to sa#d se"t#on %oes not $ro(#de !or the "ontents o! a $et#t#on !or #n#t#at#(e on the Const#tut#on %oes not $ro(#de !or subt#tles !or #n#t#at#(e on the Const#tut#on RA #s #n"o $lete and does not $ro(#de a su!!#"#ent standard *ust#"e Puno &anoQPQ *ust#"e TreeQP) d#ssents: Leg#slat#(e #ntent #s also shown by the del#berat#ons on the b#ll that be"a e RA ;12:L &there are < ore reasons 5 see $age /298/2/, wh#"h are not so # $ortant) Inter$retat#on o! RA ;12: was not #n 6ee$#ng w#th the a'# #nter$retat#on !#enda est ut res ag#s (aleat 3ua $ereat 5 that #nter$retat#on as w#ll g#(e the th#ng e!!#"a"y #s to be ado$ted Hhat #s w#th#n the s$#r#t #s w#th#n the law %on-t l#terally "onstrue the law #! #t w#ll render #t ean#ngless, lead to a b#gu#ty, #n7ust#"e or "ontrad#"t#on The s$#r#t o! the law "ontrols #ts letter Rat#o leg#s 5 #nter$retat#on a""ord#ng to the s$#r#t or reason o! the law S$#r#t or #ntent#on o! a statute $re(a#ls o(er the letter A law should a""ord#ngly be so "onstrued as to be #n a""ordan"e w#th, and not re$ugnant to, the s$#r#t o! the law

Presu $t#on: undes#rable "onse3uen"es were ne(er #ntended by a leg#slat#(e


L#teral # $ort ust y#eld to #ntent Berba #ntent#on#, non e "ontra, debent #nser(#re 5 words ought to be ore subser(#ent to the #ntent and not the #ntent to the words &ahhh $arang #ntent #s to wo an as word #s to an 5 so an #s subser(#ent to wo anL log#"alP) Gu#de #n as"erta#n#ng #ntent 5 "ons"#en"e and e3u#ty So #t #s $oss#ble that a statute ay be e'tended to "ases not w#th#n the l#teral ean#ng o! #ts ter s, so long as they "o e w#th#n #ts s$#r#t or #ntent L# #tat#on o! rule Construe &#ntent o(er letter) only #! there #s a b#gu#tyP Constru"t#on to a""o $l#sh $ur$ose PARPOSE or REASON wh#"h #ndu"ed the ena"t ent o! the statute 5 6ey to o$en the bra#n o! the leg#slature@ leg#slat#(e #ntentP Statutes should be "onstrued #n the l#ght o! the ob7e"t to be a"h#e(ed and the e(#l or #s"h#e! to be su$$ressed As between two statutory #nter$retat#ons, that wh#"h better ser(es the $ur$ose o! the law should $re(a#l Hhen reason o! law "eases, law #tsel! "eases The reason wh#"h #ndu"ed the leg#slature to ena"t a law #s the heart o! the law Cessante rat#one leg#s, "essat et #$sa le' 5 when the reason o! the law "eases, the law #tsel! "eases #atio legis est anima reason of the law is its soul Corre"t#ng "ler#"al errors As long as the ean#ng #ntended #s a$$arent on the !a"e o! the whole ena"t ent and no s$e"#!#" $ro(#s#on #s abrogated Th#s #s not 7ud#"#al leg#slat#on Nual#!#"at#on o! rule &o! "orre"t#ng "ler#"al errors) Only those wh#"h are "learly "ler#"al errors or ob(#ous #sta6es, o #ss#ons, and #s$r#ntsI otherw#se, #s to rewr#te the law and #n(ade the do a#n o! the leg#slature, #t #s 7ud#"#al leg#slat#on #n the gu#se o! #nter$retat#on Constru"t#on to a(o#d absurd#ty Reason: #t #s always $resu ed that the leg#slature #ntended e'"e$t#ons to #ts language wh#"h would a(o#d "onse3uen"es o! th#s "hara"ter Thus, statutes ay be e'tended to "o(er "ases not w#th#n the l#teral ean#ng o! the ter s #! the#r e'a"t and l#teral # $ort would lead to absurd or #s"h#e(ous results Interpretation talis in ambiguis simper fienda est ut evitetur inconveniens et absurdum where there is ambiguity" such interpretation as will avoid inconvenience and absurdity is to be adopted Courts test the law by #ts results 5 #! law a$$ears to be arb#trary, "ourts are not bound to a$$ly #t #n sla(#sh d#sobed#en"e to #ts language Courts should "onstrue a statute to e!!e"tuate, and not to de!eat, #ts $ro(#s#onsI nor render "o $l#an"e w#th #ts $ro(#s#ons # $oss#ble to $er!or Peo v. (eyes %angerous %rugs A"t RA 1;:0 G R =99 gra s 5 a' $enalty #s re"lus#on $er$etua G S =99 gra s 5 #n $enalty #s re"lus#on $er$etua Court ruled that: G R =99 gra s 5 $enalty rang#ng !ro $r#s#on "orre"t#onal to re"lus#on te $oral /2<8/00gra s 5 re"lus#on te $oral ;;8/22 5 $r#son ayor Less than ;; gra s 5 $r#s#on "orre"#onal StatCon 5 duty o! the "ourt to har on#De "on!l#"t#ng $ro(#s#ons to g#(e e!!e"t to the whole lawI to e!!e"tuate the #ntent#on o! leg#slature Constru"t#on to a(o#d #n7ust#"e Presu $t#on 5 leg#slature d#d not #ntend to wor6 a hardsh#$ or an o$$ress#(e result, a $oss#ble abuse o! author#ty or a"t o! o$$ress#on, ar #ng one $erson w#th a wea$on to # $ose hardsh#$ on the other Ea est a""#$#enda #nter$retat#on 3uae (#t#o "aret 5 that #nter$retat#on #s to be ado$ted wh#"h #s !ree !ro e(#l or #n7ust#"e Peo v. P risima It was "ontended that P% 0&2) 5 #s a alu $roh#b#tu I thus #ntent to use su"h $roh#b#ted wea$ons #s # ater#al by reason o! $ubl#" $ol#"y Court sa#d that use the $rea ble to "onstrue su"h a"t whether $enal#Ded or not .oreo(er the "ourt sa#d that leg#slature d#d not #ntend #n7ust#"e, absurd#ty and "ontrad#"t#on Court ga(e an e'a $leL So #! I borrowed a bolo then I return th#s to y lender, then #n the "ourse or y 7ourney I- "aught, I- $enal#Ded under the %e"ree !or :8/9 years # $r#son entP &ang labo na anP) Constru"t#on to a(o#d danger to $ubl#" #nterest Co )im C$am v. *alde+ Tan )e$ Sa Const# Tto ahP La langL hehe &y#hee, SergeP) E$ro"essesF #n the $ro"la at#on that Eall laws regulat#ons and $ro"essesF o! the so8"alled RP dur#ng the *a$anese o""u$at#on o! the "ountry Eare null and (o#d and w#thout legal e!!e"tF .AM NOT be "onstrued to e bra"e *A%ICIAL PROCESSES as th#s would lead to great #n"on(en#en"e and $ubl#" hardsh#$ and $ubl#" #nterest would be endangered

Cr# #nals !reed Bested r#ght, # $a#red Constru"t#on #n !a(or o! r#ght and 7ust#"e Art+ /9 CC: In "ase o! doubt #n the #nter$retat#on or a$$l#"at#on o! laws, #t #s $resu ed that the law8 a6#ng body #ntended r#ght and 7ust#"e to $re(a#l Art+ 0 CC: The !a"t that a statute #s s#lent, obs"ure, or #nsu!!#"#ent w#th res$e"t to a 3uest#on be!ore the "ourt w#ll not 7ust#!y the latter !ro de"l#n#ng to render 7udg ent thereon In balan"#ng "on!l#"t#ng solut#ons, that one #s $er"e#(ed to t#$ the s"ales wh#"h the "ourt bel#e(es w#ll best $ro ote the $ubl#" wel!are #s #ts $robable o$erat#on as a general rule or $r#n"#$le Sur$lusage and su$er!lu#ty d#sregarded Hhere a word, $hrase or "lause #n a statute #s de(o#d o! ean#ng #n relat#on to the "onte't or #ntent o! the statute, or where #t suggests a ean#ng that null#!#es the statute or renders #t w#thout sense, the word, $hrase or "lause ay be re7e"ted as sur$lusage and ent#rely #gnored Surplusagium non noceat surplusage does not vitiate a statute $tile per inutile non vitiatur nor is the useful vitated by the non%useful Demafiles v. COMELEC Issue: whether a $re8$ro"la at#on ele"t#on "ase has be"o e oot be"ause the $ro"la# ed w#nner had # ed#ately ta6en h#s oath $ursuant to Se" = RA <>19 wh#"h $ro(#des that the E!#rst ayor, (#"e8 ayor and "oun"#lors o! the un#"#$al#ty o! Sebaste shall be ele"ted #n the ne't general ele"t#ons !or lo"al o!!#"#als and shall ha(e 3ual#!#edF It was "ontended that Eshall ha(e 3ual#!#edF beg#ns # ed#ately a!ter the#r $ro"la at#onP Court held that th#s #s wrongP The sa#d $hrase #s a 7argon and does not warrant the res$ondent-s read#ng that the ter o! o!!#"e o! the !#rst un#"#$al o!!#"#als o! Sebaste beg#ns # ed#ately a!ter the#r $ro"la at#on The O#ng #n TAl#"e #n Honderland-: #! there #s no ean#ng #n #t, that sa(es a world o! trouble, you 6now, as we need not try to !#nd any A$$ly the general rule when su"h ter beg#n 5 the ter o! un#"#$al o!!#"#als shall beg#n on the / st day o! *anuary !ollow#ng the#r ele"t#on Redundant words ay be re7e"ted Sel!8e'$lanatory, ano buDDDDQPQ Obs"ure or #ss#ng word or !alse des"r#$t#on ay not $re"lude "onstru"t#on &alsa demonstration non nocet" cum de corpore constat false description does not preclude construction nor vitiate the meaning of the statute which is otherwise clear E'e $t#on !ro r#g#d a$$l#"at#on o! law Ibi quid generaliter conceditur every rule is not without an exception Inest haec exception" si non aliquid sit contras 'us basque where anything is granted generally" this exception is implied (ompelling reasons may 'ustify reading an exception to a rule even where the latter does not provide any) otherwise the rigor of the law would become the highest in'ustice summum 'us" summa in'uria Law does not re3u#re the # $oss#ble *emo tenetur ad impossible the law obliges no one to perform an impossibility Impossibilium nulla obligation est no obligation to do an impossible thing Impossible compliance versus Substantial compliance +as required by law, Lim co C$ i v Posadas Publ#"at#on #n the O!!#"#al GaDette wee6ly, !or three t# es and "onse"ut#(ely, to a"3u#re 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er natural#Dat#on "ase It was an # $oss#b#l#ty to !ul!#ll su"h re3u#re ent as the OG was not, at the t# e, $ubl#shed wee6ly Thus, Court held that "o $l#an"e w#th the other = re3u#re ents would be dee ed su!!#"#ent to a"3u#re 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er the natural#Dat#on "ase Nu ber and gender o! words Hhen the "onte't o! a statute so #nd#"ates, words #n $lural #n"lude the s#ngular, and (#"e (ersa+ A $lural word #n a statute ay thus a$$ly to a s#ngular $erson or th#ng, 7ust as a s#ngular word ay e bra"e two or ore $ersons or th#ngs Art+ 00; CC 5 &law on su""ess#on) su"h art#"le also a$$l#es to a s#tuat#on where there #s only one "h#ld be"ause E"h#ldrenF #n"ludes E"h#ldF Ele"t#on Code 5 E"and#dateF "o $rehends Eso e "and#datesF or Eall "and#datesF On gender 5 the as"ul#ne, but not the !e #n#ne, #n"ludes all genders, unless the "onte't #n wh#"h the word #s used #n the statute #nd#"ates otherw#se I.PLICATIONS %o"tr#ne o! ne"essary # $l#"at#on So8"alled ga$s #n the law de(elo$ as the law #s en!or"ed StatCon rule: to !#ll #n the ga$ #s the do"tr#ne o! ne"essary # $l#"at#on %o"tr#ne states that what #s # $l#ed #n a statute #s as u"h a $art thereo! as that wh#"h #s e'$ressed E' ne"ess#tate leg#s 5 !ro the ne"ess#ty o! the law E(ery statutory grant o! $ower, r#ght or $r#(#lege #s dee ed to #n"lude all #n"#dental $ower, r#ght or $r#(#lege In eo 3uod $lus s#t, s# $er #nest et #nus 5 greater #n"ludes the lesser

Ne"ess#ty 5 #n"ludes su"h #n!eren"es as ay be log#"ally be drawn !ro the $ur$ose or ob7e"t o! the statute, !ro the leg#slature ust be $resu ed to ha(e #ntended, and !ro the ne"ess#ty o! a6#ng the statute e!!e"t#(e and o$erat#(e e'"ludes what #s erely $laus#ble, bene!#"#al, or des#rable ust be "ons#stent w#th the Const#tut#on or to e'#st#ng laws an # $l#"at#on wh#"h #s (#olat#(e o! the law #s un7ust#!#ed or unwarranted


C$ a v. Civil Service Commission Issue: whether a "oter #nous e $loyee, or one whose a$$o#nt ent #s "o8e'#stent w#th the durat#on o! a go(ern ent $ro7e"t, who has been e $loyed as su"h !or ore than = years, #s ent#tled to early ret#re ent bene!#ts under Se" = RA ;;>2 Court held that MES, Chua #s ent#tledP A "oter #nous e $loyee #s no d#!!erent !ro a "asual or te $orary e $loyee, and by ne"essary # $l#"at#on, the #n"lus#on o! the latter #n the "lass o! go(ern ent e $loyees ent#tled to the bene!#ts o! the law ne"essar#ly # $l#es that the !or er should also be ent#tled to su"h bene!#ts Hrong a$$l#"at#on o! the a'# Ee'$res#o un#usest e'"lus#on alter#usF Re edy # $l#ed !ro a r#ght Ab# 7us, #b# re ed#u 8 where there #s a r#ght, there #s a re edy !or (#olat#on thereo! R#ght 8S Obl#gat#on 8S Re edy The !a"t that the statute #s s#lent as to the re edy does not $re"lude h# !ro (#nd#"at#ng h#s r#ght, !or su"h re edy #s # $l#ed !ro su"h r#ght On"e a r#ght #s establ#shed, the way ust be "leared !or #ts en!or"e ent, and te"hn#"al#t#es #n $ro"edure, 7ud#"#al as well as ad #n#strat#(e, ust g#(e way Hhere there #s Ewrong,F &de$r#(at#on or (#olat#on o! a r#ght) there #s a re edy I! there-s no r#ght, $r#n"#$le does not a$$ly Grant o! 7ur#sd#"t#on Con!erred only by the Const#tut#on or by statute Cannot be "on!erred by the Rules o! Court Cannot be # $l#ed !ro the language o! a statute, #n the absen"e o! "lear leg#slat#(e #ntent to that e!!e"t Peo v. Palana Statute grants a s$e"#al "ourt 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er "r# #nal "ases #n(ol(#ng o!!enders under /; at the t# e o! the !#l#ng o! the a"t#on, a subse3uent statute de!#n#ng a youth!ul o!!ender as one who #s o(er 0 but below =/ years o! age ay not be so "onstrued as to "on!er by # $l#"at#on u$on sa#d s$e"#al "ourt the author#ty to try "ases #n(ol(#ng o!!enders /; but below =/ years o! age Hhat ay be # $l#ed !ro grant o! 7ur#sd#"t#on The grant o! 7ur#sd#"t#on to try a"t#ons "arr#es w#th #t all ne"essary and #n"#dental $owers to e $loy all wr#ts, $ro"esses and other eans essent#al to a6e #ts 7ur#sd#"t#on e!!e"t#(e Hhere a "ourt has 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er the a#n "ause o! a"t#on, #t "an grant rel#e!s #n"#dental thereto, e(en #! they would otherw#se be outs#de #ts 7ur#sd#"t#on E+g+ !or"#ble entry and deta#ner #s "ogn#Dable #n .TCL .TC "an order $ay ent o! rentals e(en though the a ount e'"eeds the 7ur#sd#"t#onal a ount "ogn#Dable by the , the sa e erely #n"#dental to the $r#n"#$al a"t#on Statutes "on!err#ng 7ur#sd#"t#on to an ad #n#strat#(e agen"y ust be l#berally "onstrued to enable the agen"y to d#s"harge #ts ass#gned dut#es #n a""ordan"e w#th the leg#slat#(e $ur$ose E+g+ the $ower granted the NHA to hear and de"#de "la# s #n(ol(#ng re!und and any other "la# s !#led ''', #n"lude attorney-s !ees and other da ages Grant o! $ower #n"ludes #n"#dental $ower Hhere a general $ower #s "on!erred or duty en7o#ned, e(ery $art#"ular $ower ne"essary !or the e'er"#se o! one or the $er!or an"e o! the other #s also "on!erred The #n"#dental $owers are those wh#"h are ne"essar#ly #n"luded #n, and are there!ore o! lesser degree than the $ower granted E'a $les Power to establ#sh an o!!#"e #n"ludes author#ty to abol#sh #t, unless ''' Harrant #ssued shall be ade u$on $robable "ause deter #ned by the 7udge ''' # $l#es the grant o! $ower to the 7udge to "ondu"t $rel# #nary #n(est#gat#ons Power to a$$ro(e a l#"ense #n"ludes by # $l#"at#on the $ower to re(o6e #t Power to re(o6e #s l# #ted by the author#ty to grant l#"ense, !ro wh#"h #t #s der#(ed Power to de$ort #n"ludes the $ower to arrest undes#rable al#ens a!ter #n(est#gat#on Power to a$$o#nt (ested #n the Pres#dent #n"ludes the $ower to a6e te $orary a$$o#nt ents , unless ''' Power to a$$ro$r#ate oney #n"ludes $ower to w#thdraw une'$ended oney already a$$ro$r#ated Et"L see $age /1/8/1= Grant o! $ower e'"ludes greater $ower The $r#n"#$le that the grant o! $ower #n"ludes all #n"#dental $owers ne"essary to a6e the e'er"#se thereo! e!!e"t#(e # $l#es the e'"lus#on o! those wh#"h are greater than that "on!erred Power o! su$er(#s#on %OES NOT INCLA%E $ower to sus$end or re o(al Power to reorgan#De %OES NOT INCLA%E the author#ty to de$r#(e the "ourts "erta#n 7ur#sd#"t#on and to trans!er #t to a 3uas#87ud#"#al tr#bunal Power to regulate bus#ness %OES NOT INCLA%E $ower to $roh#b#t Hhat #s # $l#ed should not be aga#nst the law Power to a$$o#nt #n"ludes $ower to sus$end or re o(e 5

Const#tut#onal restr#"t#on o! CIBIL SERBICE E.PLOMEES, that #t ust be a "ause $ro(#ded !or by law $re"ludes su"h # $l#"at#on &unless the a$$o#nt ent was ade outs#de the "#(#l ser(#"e law Power to a$$o#nt a $ubl#" o!!#"er by the Pres#dent #n"ludes $ower to re o(e Pro(#ded that su"h re o(al #s ade w#th 7ust "ause E'"e$t #s su"h statute $ro(#des that ter o! o!!#"e to be at the $leasure o! the a$$o#nt#ng o!!#"er, $ower to a$$o#nt "arr#es w#th #t $ower to re o(e anyt# e Power to #n(est#gate o!!#"#als %OES NOT INCLA%E the $ower to delegate the author#ty to ta6e test# ony o! w#tnesses whose a$$earan"e ay be re3u#red by the "o $ulsory $ro"ess o! sub$oena+ Nor does su"h $ower to #n(est#gate #n"lude the $ower to delegate the author#ty to ad #n#ster oath Author#ty to "harge aga#nst $ubl#" !unds ay not be # $l#ed It #s well8settled that unless a statute e'$ressly so author#Des, no "la# aga#nst $ubl#" !unds ay be allowed Statute grants lea(e $r#(#leges to APPOINTIBE o!!#"#als, th#s "annot be "onstrued to #n"lude ELECTIBE o!!#"#als Ee $loyerF to $ay /2th onth $ay, does not # $ly that #t #n"ludes Ego(ern ent Illegal#ty o! a"t # $l#ed !ro $roh#b#t#on In $ar# del#"to $ot#or est "ond#t#o de!endent#s 8 where a statute $roh#b#ts the do#ng o! an a"t, the a"t done #n (#olat#on thereo! #s by # $l#"at#on null and (o#d Proh#b#ted a"t "annot ser(e as !oundat#on o! a "ause o! a"t#on !or rel#e! E' dolo alo non or#tur a"t#o 5 no an "an be allowed to !ound a "la# u$on h#s own wrongdo#ng or #ne3u#ty Nullus "oo odu "a$ere $otest de #n7ur#a sua $ro$r#a 5 no an should be allowed to ta6e ad(antage o! h#s own wrong Publ#" $ol#"y re3u#res that $art#es to an a"t $roh#b#ted by statute be le!t where they are, to a6e the statute e!!e"t#(e and to a""o $l#sh #ts ob7e"t Party to an #llegal "ontra"t "annot "o e to "ourt o! law and as6 that h#s #llegal ob7e"t be "arr#ed out A "#t#Den who sold h#s land to an al#en #n (#olat#on o! the "onst#tut#onal restr#"t#on "annot annul the sa e and re"o(er the land, !or both seller and buyer are gu#lty o! ha(#ng (#olated the Const#tut#on Two &=) E'"e$t#ons to the rule Par# del#"to do"tr#ne w#ll not a$$ly when #ts en!or"e ent or a$$l#"at#on w#ll (#olate an a(owed !unda ental $ol#"y or $ubl#" #nterest Delos Santos v. (oman Cat$olic C$ rc$ Ho estead Law 5 to g#(e and $reser(e #n the ho esteader and h#s !a #ly a $#e"e o! land !or h#s house and "ult#(at#on The law $roh#b#ts the al#enat#on o! a ho estead w#th#n : years !ollow#ng the #ssuan"e o! the $atent and $ro(#des that any "ontra"t o! a "on(eyan"e #n "ontra(ent#on thereo! shall be null and (o#d The seller or h#s he#rs, although #n $ar# del#"to, ay re"o(er the land sub7e"t o! su"h #llegal sale ,arsobia v. C enco Another e'"e$t#on #s that when the transa"t#on #s not #llegal $er se but erely $roh#b#ted and the $roh#b#t#on by law #s des#gned !or $rote"t#on o! one $arty, the "ourt ay grant rel#e! #n !a(or o! the latter Hhat "annot be done d#re"tly "annot be done #nd#re"tly Nuando al#3u#d $roh#betur e' d#re"to, $roh#betur et $er obl#3uu done #nd#re"tly 5 what "annot, by law, be done d#re"tly "annot be

Peo v. Concepcion Hhere a "or$orat#on #s !orb#dden !ro do#ng an a"t, the $roh#b#t#on e'tends to the board o! d#re"tors and to ea"h d#re"tor se$arately and #nd#(#dually Hhere the board o! d#re"tors #s $roh#b#ted !ro grant#ng loans to #ts d#re"tor, a loan to a $artnersh#$ o! wh#"h the w#!e o! a d#re"tor #s a $artner !alls w#th#n the $roh#b#t#on Peoples ,an- and Tr st Co. v. P%, Hhere a statute $roh#b#ts the $ay ent o! the $r#n"#$al obl#gat#on dur#ng a !#'ed $er#od, the #nterest thereon dur#ng the e'#sten"e o! the restr#"t#on #s not de andable Cr + v. Tant ico Law e'e $ts ret#re ent bene!#ts o! a $ubl#" o!!#"er or e $loyee !ro atta"h ent, garn#sh ent et" Earl#er law author#Des the go(ern ent to w#thhold an a ount due su"h o!!#"er or e $loyee to $ay h#s #ndebtedness to the go(ern ent SHOAL% NOT ,E CONSTRAE% to w#thhold so u"h o! h#s ret#re ent bene!#ts as th#s a ount to atta"h ent garn#sh ent et"+ Tant ico& .r. v Domingo Law e'e $ts ret#re ent bene!#ts o! a $ubl#" o!!#"er or e $loyee !ro atta"h ent, garn#sh ent et" Go(ern ent "annot w#thhold $ay ent o! ret#re ent bene!#ts o! a $ubl#" o!!#"er unt#l h#s a""ountab#l#t#es w#th the go(ern ent shall ha(e been "leared, as su"h a"t#on #s do#ng #nd#re"tly what the go(ern ent #s $roh#b#ted !ro do#ng d#re"tly There should be no $enalty !ro "o $l#an"e w#th law A $erson who "o $l#es w#th what a statute re3u#res "annot, by # $l#"at#on, be $enal#Ded thereby 4or Es# $le log#" and !a#rness and reason "annot "ountenan"e an e'a"t#on or a $enalty !or an a"t !a#th!ully done #n "o $l#an"e w#th the lawF CHAPTER 4IBE: Inter$retat#on o! words and $hrases IN GENERAL

Generally A word or $hrase used #n a statute ay ha(e an ord#nary, gener#", restr#"ted, te"hn#"al, legal, "o er"#al or trad#ng ean#ng .ay be de!#ned #n the statute 5 #! th#s #s done, use su"h de!#n#t#on be"ause th#s #s what the leg#slature #ntended Tas6: as"erta#n #ntent !ro statute as"erta#n #ntent !ro e'traneous C rele(ant "#r"u stan"e "onstrue word or $hrase to e!!e"tuate su"h #ntent General rule #n #nter$ret#ng the ean#ng and s"o$e o! a ter used #n the law: Re(#ew o! the HHOLE law #n(ol(ed as well as the INTEN%.ENT o! law &not o! an #solated $art or a $art#"ular $ro(#s#on alone) Statutory de!#n#t#on Hhen statute de!#nes words C $hrase8 leg#slat#(e de!#n#t#on "ontrols the ean#ng o! statutory word, #rres$e"t#(e o! any other ean#ng word ha(e #n ord#nary usual sense+ Hhere a statute de!#nes a word or $hrase, the word or $hrase, should not by "onstru"t#on, be g#(en a d#!!erent ean#ng+ Leg#slature restr#"ted ean#ng as #t ado$ted s$e"#!#" de!#n#t#on, thus, th#s should be used Ter or $hrase s$e"#!#"ally de!#ned #n $art#"ular law, de!#n#t#on ust be ado$ted+ No usur$at#on o! "ourt !un"t#on #n #nter$ret#ng but #t erely leg#slates what should !or $art o! the law #tsel! *ictorias Milling Co. v. Social Sec rity Commission /compensation0 RA //;/, Se"+ >&!)S 1compensation2 to incl de all ren merations& e"cept bon ses& allo3ances 4 overtime pay %e!#n#t#on was a ended: deleted Ee'"e$t#onsF Leg#slat#(e Intent: the a end ent shows leg#slat#(e #ntent that bonuses C o(ert# e $ay now #n"luded #n e $loyee-s renu erat#on+ Pr#n"#$le: by (#rtue o! e'$ress substant#al "hange #n $hraseology, whate(er $r#or 7ud#"#al or e'e"ut#(e "onstru"t#on should g#(e way to andate o! new law+ de!#n#t#on o! ter s g#(en we#ght #n "onstru"t#on ter s C $hrases, be#ng $art C $ar"el o! whole statute, g#(en e!!e"t #n the#r ENTIRTM, as har on#ous, "oord#nated, and #ntegrated un#t words C $hrases "onstrued #n l#ght o! "onte't o! HHOLE statute+ Nual#!#"at#on o! rule Statutory de!#n#t#on o! word or ter "ontroll#ng only as used #n the A"tI not "on"lus#(e as to the ean#ng o! sa e word or ter #n other statutes Es$e"#ally to transa"t#ons that too6 $la"e $r#or to ena"t ent o! a"t+ Statutory de!#n#t#on "ontroll#ng statutory words does not a$$ly when: a$$l#"at#on "reates #n"ongru#t#es destroy #ts a7or $ur$oses be"o es #llog#"al as result o! "hange #n #ts !a"tual bas#s+ Hords "onstrued #n the#r ord#nary sense General rule: In the absen"e o! leg#slat#(e #ntent, words and $hrases should be g#(en the#r $la#n, ord#nary, and "o on usage ean#ng+ Should be read and "ons#dered #n the#r natural, ord#nary, "o only a""e$ted, and ost ob(#ous s#gn#!#"at#on, a""ord#ng to good and a$$ro(ed usage and w#thout result#ng to !or"ed or subtle "onstru"t#on+ General words "onstrued generally 5eneralia verba s nt generaliter intelligenda 6 what #s generally s$o6en shall be generally understoodI general words shall be understood #n a general sense+ 5enerale dict m generaliter est interpretand m 6 a general state ent #s understood #n a general sense In "ase word #n statute has both restr#"ted and general ean#ng, GENERAL ust $re(a#lI Anless nature o! the sub7e"t atter C "onte't #n wh#"h #t #s e $loyed "learly #nd#"ates that the l# #ted sense #s #ntended+ General words should not be g#(en a restr#"ted 8 ean#ng when no restr#"t#on #s #nd#"ated+ Rat#onale: #! the leg#slature #ntended to l# #t the ean#ng o! a word, #t would ha(e been easy !or #t to ha(e done so+ A$$l#"at#on o! rule 5atc$alian v. COMELEC E!ore#gnerF8 #n Ele"t#on Code, $roh#b#t#ng any !ore#gner !ro "ontr#but#ng "a $a#gn !unds #n"ludes 7ur#d#"al $erson E$ersonF8 "o $rehends $r#(ate 7ur#d#"al $erson E$ersonF8 #n $enal statute, ust be a E$erson #n law,F an art#!#"#al or natural $erson *argas v. (illaro+a E7udgeF w#thout any od#!y#ng word or $hrase a""o $any#ng #t #s to be "onstrued #n gener#" sense to "o $rehend all 6#nds o! 7udgesI #n!er#or "ourts or 7ust#"es o! SC+ C 4 C Commercial Corp v. %A7ASA Ego(ern entF 8 w#thout 3ual#!#"at#on should be understood #n # $l#ed or gener#" sense #n"lud#ng GOCCs+ Central ,an- v. CA ENat#onal Go(ern entF 8 re!ers only to "entral go(ern ent, "ons#st#ng o! e'e"ut#(e, leg#slat#(e and 7ud#"#ary, as well as "onst#tut#onal bod#es & as d#st#ngu#shed !ro lo"al go(ern ent C other go(ern ental ent#t#es) *ers s68

1The Go(ern ent o! the Re$ubl#" o! the Ph#l#$$#nesF or EPh#l#$$#ne Go(ern entF 5 #n"lud#ng "entral go(ern ents as well as lo"al go(ern ent C GOCCs+ (ep blic 9lo r Mills v. Commissioner of C stoms E$rodu"t o! the Ph#l#$$#nesF 5 any $rodu"t $rodu"ed #n the "ountry, e+g+ bran &#$a) C $ollard &dara6) $rodu"ed !ro wheat # $orted #nto the "ountry are E$rodu"ts o! the Ph#l#$$#nesF Gener#" ter #n"ludes th#ngs that ar#se therea!ter Progress#(e #nter$retat#on 8 A word o! general s#gn#!#"at#on e $loyed #n a statute, #n absen"e o! leg#slat#(e #ntent, to "o $rehend not only $e"ul#ar "ond#t#ons obta#n#ng at #ts t# e o! ena"t ent but those that ay nor ally ar#se a!ter #ts a$$ro(al as well Progress#(e #nter$retat#on e'tends to the a$$l#"at#on o! statute to all sub7e"ts or "ond#t#ons w#th#n #ts general $ur$ose or s"o$e that "o e #nto e'#sten"e subse3uent !ro #ts $assage Rat#onale: to 6ee$ statute !ro be"o #ng e$he eral &short8l#(ed) and trans#tory &not $er anent or last#ng)+ Statutes !ra ed #n general ter s a$$ly to new "ases and sub7e"ts that ar#se+ General rule #n StatCon: Leg#slat#(e ena"t ents #n general "o $rehens#(e o$erat#on, a$$ly to $ersons, sub7e"ts and bus#nesses w#th#n the#r general $ur(#ew and s"o$e "o #ng #nto e'#sten"e subse3uent to the#r $assage+ 5eotina v. CA Eart#"les o! $roh#b#ted # $ortat#onF 8 used #n Tar#!! and Custo s Code e bra"e not only those de"lared $roh#b#ted at t# e o! ado$t#on, but also goods and art#"les sub7e"t o! a"t#(#t#es underta6en #n subse3uent laws+ 5atc$alian v. COMELEC Eany ele"t#onF 8 not only the ele"t#on $ro(#ded by law at that t# e, but also to !uture ele"t#ons #n"lud#ng ele"t#on o! delegates to Const#tut#onal Con(ent#on Hords w#th "o er"#al or trade ean#ng Hords or $hrases "o on a ong er"hants and traders, a"3u#re "o er"#al ean#ngs+ Hhen any o! words used #n statute, should be g#(en su"h trade or "o er"#al ean#ng as has been generally understood a ong er"hants+ Ased #n the !ollow#ng: tar#!! laws, laws o! "o er"e, laws !or the go(ern ent o! the # $orter+ The law to be a$$l#"able to h#s "lass, should be "onstrued as un#(ersally understood by # $orter or trader+ Hords w#th te"hn#"al or legal ean#ng General rule: words that ha(e, or ha(e been used #n, a te"hn#"al sense or those that ha(e been 7ud#"#ally "onstrued to ha(e a "erta#n ean#ng should be #nter$reted a""ord#ng to the sense #n wh#"h they ha(e been PREBIOASLM used, although the sense ay (ary !ro the str#"t or l#teral ean#ng o! the words Presu $t#on: language used #n a statute, wh#"h has a te"hn#"al or well86nown ean#ng, #s used #n that sense by the leg#slature Manila :erald P blis$ing Co. v. (amos Se" /< o! Rule :0 o! Rules o! Court wh#"h $res"r#bes the ste$s to be ta6en when $ro$erty atta"hed #s "la# ed by a $erson other than the de!endant or h#s agent Statute: Enoth#ng here#n "onta#ned shall $re(ent su"h th#rd $erson !ro (#nd#"at#ng h#s "la# to the $ro$erty by any proper action.F Issue: E$ro$er a"t#onF l# #ts the 2rd $arty-s re edy to #nter(ene #n the a"t#on #n wh#"h the wr#t o! atta"h ent #s #ssued Held: Ea"t#onF has a"3u#red a well8de!#ned ean#ng as an Eord#nary su#t #n a "ourt o! 7ust#"e by wh#"h one $arty $rose"utes another !or the en!or"e ent or $rote"t#on o! a r#ght or $re(ent redress or wrongL Hh#leL Se" = Rule = o! Rules o! CourtI ECo en"e ent o! A"t#onF Statute: EC#(#l a"t#on ay be "o en"ed by !#l#ng a "o $la#nt w#th the $ro$er "ourtF Hord: "o en"e ent 8 #nd#"ates the or#g#nat#on o! ent#re $ro"eed#ng It was a$$ro$r#ate to use $ro$er a"t#on &#n /st statute) than #nter(ent#on, s#n"e asserted r#ght o! 2 rd $arty "la# ant ne"essar#ly !lows out o! $end#ng su#tI #! the word T#nter(ent#on- #s used, #t be"o es strange+ Malanyaon v. Lising Se"+ /2 o! Ant#8Gra!t Law Statute: E #! a $ubl#" o!!#"er #s a"3u#tted, he shall be ent#tled to re#nstate ent and to h#s salar#es and bene!#ts wh#"h he !a#led to re"e#(e dur#ng the sus$ens#onF Issue: H#ll a $ubl#" o!!#"er whose "ase has been d#s #ssed not Ea"3u#ttedF be ent#tled to bene!#ts #n Se"+ /2Q Held: No+ A"3u#ttal ;legal meaning< 6 !#nd#ng o! not gu#lty based on the er#t+ %#s #ssal does not a ount to a"3u#ttal e'"e$t when, the d#s #ssal "o es a!ter the $rose"ut#on has $resented all #ts e(#den"e and #s based on #nsu!!#"#en"y o! su"h e(#den"e+ ( ra v. Lopena Probat#on law 8 %#s3ual#!#ed !ro $robat#on those: Ewho ha(e been $re(#ously "on(#"ted by !#nal 7udg ent o! an o!!ense $un#shed by # $r#son ent o! not less than / onth C a !#ne o! no less than Ph$ =99+F Issue: E$re(#ously "on(#"tedF Held: #t re!ers to date o! "on(#"t#on, not date o! "o #ss#on o! "r# eI thus a $erson "on(#"ted on sa e date o! se(eral o!!enses "o #tted #n d#!!erent dates #s not d#s3ual#!#ed+ How #dent#"al ter s #n the statute "onstrued General rule: a word or $hrase re$eatedly used #n a statute w#ll bear the sa e d#!!erent #ntent#on #s "learly e'$ressed+ ean#ng throughout the statuteI unless a

Rat#onale: word used #n statute #n a g#(en sense $resu ed to be used #n sa e sense throughout the law+ Though r#g#d and $ere $tory, th#s #s a$$l#"able where #n the statute the words a$$ear so near ea"h other $hys#"ally, $art#"ularly where the word has a te"hn#"al ean#ng and that ean#ng has been de!#ned #n the statute+ De la Pa+ v. Co rt of Agrarian (elations RER#"elandFS share tenan"y 8 a(erage $rodu"e $er he"tare !or the 2 agr#"ultural years ne't $re"ed#ng the "urrent har(est leasehold 8 a""ord#ng to nor al a(erage har(est o! the 2 $re"ed#ng yrs EMearF8 agr#"ultural year not "alendar year EAgr#"ultural yearF 8 re$resents / "ro$I #! #n / "alendar yr = "ro$s are ra#sed that-s = agr#"ultural years+ )riven-o v. (egister of Deeds Statute: In Se"+/ , Art+ GIII o! /02: Const#tut#on 8 E$ubl#" agr#"ultural lands shall not be al#enatedF e'"e$t #n !a(or o! 4#l#$#nos, SA.E as Se"+ : Eno $r#(ate agr#"ultural land shall be trans!erred or ass#gned+F both ha(e sa e ean#ng be#ng based on sa e $ol#"y o! nat#onal#Dat#on and ha(#ng sa e sub7e"t+ .ean#ng o! word 3ual#!#ed by $ur$ose o! statute Pur$ose ay #nd#"ate whether to g#(e word, $hrase, ord#nary, te"hn#"al, "o er"#al restr#"ted or e'$ans#(e ean#ng+ In "onstru#ng, "ourt ado$ts #nter$retat#on that a""ords best w#th the an#!est $ur$ose o! statuteI e(en d#sregard te"hn#"al or legal ean#ng #n !a(or o! "onstru"t#on wh#"h w#ll e!!e"tuate #ntent or $ur$ose+ Hord or $hrase "onstrued #n relat#on to other $ro(#s#ons General rule: word, $hrase, $ro(#s#on, should not be "onstrued #n #solat#on but ust be #nter$reted #n relat#on to other $ro(#s#ons o! the law+ Th#s #s a BARIATION o! the rule that, statute should be "onstrued as a whole, and ea"h o! #ts $ro(#s#on ust be g#(en e!!e"t+ Cla dio v. COMELEC Statute &LGC): ENo re"all shall ta6e $la"e w#th#n / yr !ro the date o! the o!!#"#al-s assu $t#on o! o!!#"e or / year # ed#ately $re"ed#ng a regular ele"t#onF Issue: %oes the /st l# #tat#on e bra"es the ent#re re"all $ro"eed#ngs &e+g+ $re$aratory re"all asse bl#es) or only the re"all ele"t#onQ Held: the Court "onstrued Ere"allF #n relat#on to Se"+;0 wh#"h states that, Ethe $ower o! re"allL shall be e'er"#sed by the reg#stered (oters o! an LGA to wh#"h the lo"al ele"t#(e o!!#"#al belongs+F Hen"e, not a$$ly to all re"all $ro"eed#ngs s#n"e $ower (ested #n ele"torate #s $ower to ele"t an o!!#"#al to o!!#"e and not $ower to #n#t#ate re"all $ro"eed#ngs+ Hord or $ro(#s#on should not be "onstrued #n #solat#on !or but should be #nter$reted #n relat#on to other $ro(#s#ons o! a statute, or other statutes deal#ng on sa e sub7e"t #n order to e!!e"tuate what has been #ntended+ 5arcia v. COMELEC H#story o! statute: In the Const#tut#on, #t re3u#res that leg#slature shall $ro(#de a syste o! #n#t#at#(e and re!erendu whereby $eo$le "an d#re"tly a$$ro(e or re7e"t any a"t or law or $art thereo! $assed by Congress or lo"al leg#slat#(e body+ Lo"al Go(t+ Code, a later law, de!#nes local initiative as E$ro"ess whereby reg#stered (oters o! an LGA ay d#re"tly $ro$ose, ena"t, or a end any ord#nan"e+F It #s "la# ed by res$ondents that s#n"e resolut#on #s not #n"luded #n th#s de!#n#t#on, then the sa e "annot be sub7e"t o! an #n#t#at#(e+ Issue: whether a lo"al resolut#on o! a un#"#$al "oun"#l "an be sub7e"t to an #n#t#at#(e and re!erendu Q Held: He re7e"t res$ondent-s narrow and l#teral read#ng o! abo(e $ro(#s#on !or #t w#ll "oll#de w#th the Const#tut#on and w#ll sub(ert the #ntent o! the law a6ers #n ena"t#ng the $ro(#s#ons o! the Lo"al Go(ern ent Code &LGC) o! /00/ on #n#t#at#(e C re!erendu The subse3uent ena"t ent o! the LGC d#d not "hange the s"o$e o! #ts "o(erage+ In Se"+ /=< o! the sa e "ode+ It states: &b) 'nitiative s$all e"tend only to s b#ects or matters 3$ic$ are 3it$in t$e legal po3ers of t$e Sangg nians to enact.2 Th#s $ro(#s#on "learly does not l# #t the a$$l#"at#on o! lo"al #n#t#at#(e to ord#nan"es, but to all Esub7e"ts or atters wh#"h are w#th#n the legal $owers o! the Sangg nians to ena"t, wh#"h undoubtedly #n"ludes resolut#ons+F 5elano v. C.A. In Cor$orat#on Law, author#Des a d#ssol(ed "or$orat#on to "ont#nue as a body "or$orate !or 2 yrs+ !or the $ur$ose o! de!end#ng and $rose"ut#ng su#ts by or aga#nst #t, and dur#ng sa#d $er#od to "on(ey all #ts $ro$ert#es to a EtrusteeF !or bene!#ts o! #ts e bers, sto"6holders, "red#tors and other #nterested $ersons, the trans!er o! the $ro$ert#es to the trustee be#ng !or the $rote"t#on o! #ts "red#tors and sto"6holders+ Hord EtrusteeF 8 not to be understood #n legal or te"hn#"al sense, but #n GENERAL "on"e$t wh#"h would #n"lude a lawyer to who was entrusted the $rose"ut#on o! the "ases !or re"o(ery o! su s o! oney aga#nst "or$orat#on-s debtors+ (ep blic v. As ncion Issue: Hhether the Sandiganbayan #s a regular "ourt w#th#n the ean#ng o! R+A+ ;01:Q Statute: RA ;01: wh#"h a6es "r# #nal a"t#ons #n(ol(#ng e bers o! the PNP "o e Ew#th#n the e'"lus#(e 7ur#sd#"t#on o! the reg lar co rts. Ased Eregular "ourtsF C E"#(#l "ourtsF #nter"hangeably Court art#al 8 not "ourts w#th#n the Ph#l#$$#ne *ud#"#al Syste I they $erta#n to the e'e"ut#(e de$art ent and s# $ly #nstru ental#t#es o! the e'e"ut#(e $ower+ Regular "ourts 8 those w#th#n the 7ud#"#al de$art ent o! the go(ern ent na ely the SC and lower "ourts wh#"h #n"ludes the Sandiganbayan. Held: Courts "ons#dered the $ur$ose o! the law wh#"h #s to re o(e !ro the "ourt art#al, the 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er "r# #nal "ases #n(ol(#ng e bers o! the PNP and to (est #t #n the "ourts w#th#n the 7ud#"#al syste + Molina v. (afferty

Issue: Hhether EAgr#"ultural $rodu"tsF #n"ludes do est#"ated an# als and !#sh grown #n $onds+ Statute: Phrase used #n ta' statute wh#"h e'e $ts su"h $rodu"ts !ro $ay ent o! ta'es, $ur$ose #s to en"ourage the de(elo$ ent o! su"h resour"es+ Held: $hrase not only #n"ludes (egetable substan"es but also do est#" and do est#"ated an# als, an# al $rodu"ts, and !#sh or bangus grown #n $onds+ Court ga(e e'$ans#(e ean#ng to $ro ote ob7e"t o! law+ M no+ 4 Co. v. :ord Issue: EConsu $t#onF l# #ted or broad ean#ng Statute: word #s used #n statute wh#"h $ro(#des that Ee'"e$t as here#n s$e"#!#"ally e'e $ted, there shall be $a#d by ea"h er"hant and anu!a"turer a ta' at the rate o! /@2 o! /U on gross (alue o! oney #n all goods, wares and er"hand#se sold, bartered, or e'"hanged !or do est#" "onsu $t#on+ Held: Cons#der#ng the $ur$ose o! the law, wh#"h #s to ta' all er"hants e'"e$t those e'$ressly e'e $ted, #t #s reasonable and !a#r to "on"lude that leg#slature used #n "o er"#al use and not #n l# #ted sense o! total destru"t#on o! th#ng sold+ Mottom l v. de la Pa+ Issue: Hhether the word E"ourtF re!ers to the Court o! A$$eals or the tr#al "ourtQ Statute: RA :2<2 Effect of Appeal6 A$$eal shall not stay the award, order, rul#ng, de"#s#on or 7udg ent unless the o!!#"er or body render#ng the sa e or t$e co rt, on ot#on, a!ter hear#ng C on su"h ter s as #t ay dee 7ust should $ro(#de otherw#se+ Held: It re!ers to the TRIAL COART+ I! the ad(erse $arty #ntends to a$$eal !ro a de"#s#on o! the SEC and $end#ng a$$eal des#res to stay the e'e"ut#on o! the de"#s#on, then the ot#on ust be !#led w#th and be heard by the SEC be!ore the ad(erse $arty $er!e"ts #ts a$$eal to the Court o! A$$eals+ Pur$ose o! the law: the need !or # ed#a"y o! e'e"ut#on o! de"#s#ons arr#(ed at by sa#d bod#es was # $erat#(e+ .ean#ng o! ter d#"tated by "onte't The "onte't #n wh#"h the word or ter #s e $loyed ay d#"tate a d#!!erent sense *erba accipienda s nt sec nd m materiam6 a word #s to be understood #n the "onte't #n wh#"h #t #s used+ People v. C$ave+ Statute: 4a #ly ho e e'tra7ud#"#ally !or ed shall be e'e $t !ro $ay ent o! debtsF Hord EdebtsF 5 eans obl#gat#ons #n general+ e'e"ut#on, !or"ed sale or atta"h ent, e'"e$t !or Enon

)riven-o v. (egister of Deeds Statute: lands were "lass#!#ed #nto t# ber, #neral and agr#"ultural Hord Eagr#"ulturalF 5 used #n broad sense to #n"lude all lands that are ne#ther t# ber, nor "onte't #n wh#"h the ter #s used+

#neral, su"h be#ng the

Sant lan v. E"ec tive. Secretary. Statute: A r#$ar#an owner o! the $ro$erty ad7o#n#ng !oreshore lands, arshy lands or lands "o(ered w#th water border#ng u$on shores o! ban6s o! na(#gable la6es shall ha(e $re!eren"e to a$$ly !or su"h lands ad7o#n#ng h#s $ro$erty+ 4a"t: R#$ar#an 8 one who owns land s#tuated on the ban6s o! r#(er+ Held: Ased #n a ore broader sense re!err#ng to a $ro$erty ha(#ng a water !rontage, when #t ent#oned E!oreshore lands,F E arshy lands,F or Elands "o(ered w#th water+F Peo. v. 9errer ;case 3$ere conte"t may limit t$e meaning< Hord: EO(erthrowF Statute: Ant#8Sub(ers#on A"t E6now#ngly C w#ll!ully and by o(ert a"ts+F Re7e"ts the eta$hor#"al E$ea"e!ulF sense C l# #ts #ts ean#ng to Eo(erthrowF by !or"e or (#olen"e+ Peo. v. %a+ario Statute: .un#"#$al ta' ord#nan"e $ro(#des Eany owner or anager o! !#sh$ondsF shall $ay an annual ta' o! a !#'ed a ount $er he"tare and #t a$$ears that the owner o! the !#sh$onds #s the go(ern ent wh#"h leased the to a $r#(ate $erson who o$erates the Hord: EOwnerF 5 does not #n"lude go(ern ent as the an"#ent $r#n"#$le that go(ern ent #s # une !ro ta'es+ Hhere the law does not d#st#ngu#sh =bi le" non disting it& nec nos disting ere debem s 6 where the law does not d#st#ngu#sh, "ourts should not d#st#ngu#sh+ Corollary $r#n"#$le: General words or $hrases #n a statute should ord#nar#ly be a""orded the#r natural and general s#gn#!#"an"e General ter or $hrase should not be redu"ed #nto $arts and one $art d#st#ngu#shed !ro the other to 7ust#!y #ts e'"lus#on !ro o$erat#on+ Corollary $r#n"#$le: where the law does not a6e any e'"e$t#on, "ourts ay not e'"e$t so eth#ng there!ro , unless there a "o $ell#ng reason to 7ust#!y #t+ A$$l#"at#on: when leg#slature la#d down a rule !or one "lass, no d#!!eren"e to other "lass+ Presu $t#on: that the leg#slature ade no 3ual#!#"at#on #n the general use o! a ter + (obles v. >ambales C$romite Co. Statute: grants a $erson aga#nst who the $ossess#on o! Eany landF #s unlaw!ully w#thheld the r#ght to br#ng an a"t#on !or unlaw!ul deta#ner+ Held: any land not e'"lus#(e to $r#(ate or not e'"lus#(ely to $ubl#"I hen"e, #n"ludes all 6#nds o! land+ Director of Lands v. 5on+ales Statute: author#Des the d#re"tor o! lands to !#le $et#t#ons !or "an"ellat#on o! $atents "o(er#ng $ubl#" lands on the ground there#n $ro(#ded+

Held: not d#st#ngu#shed whether lands belong to nat#onal or lo"al go(ern ent SSS v. City of ,acolod Issue: e'e $ts the $ay ent o! realty ta'es to E$ro$ert#es owned by RPF Held: no d#st#n"t#on between $ro$ert#es held #n so(ere#gn, go(ern ental, or $ol#t#"al "a$a"#ty and those $ossessed #n $ro$r#etary or $atr# on#al "hara"ter+ *elasco v. Lope+ Statute: "erta#n E!or al#t#esF be !ollowed #n order that a"t ay be "ons#dered (al#d+ Held: no d#st#n"t#on between essent#al or non8essent#al !or al#t#es Colgate6Palmolive P$ils v. 5imene+ Statute: does not d#st#ngu#sh between Estab#l#Der and !la(orsF used #n the $re$arat#on o! !ood and those used #n the anu!a"ture o! tooth$aste or dental "rea Oliva v. Lamadrid Statute: allows the rede $t#on or re$ur"hase o! a ho estead $ro$erty w@#n : years !ro Held: E"on(eyan"eF not d#st#ngu#shed 8 (oluntary or #n(oluntary+ #ts "on(eyan"e

Escos ra v. San Mig el ,re3ery 'nc. Statute: grants e $loyee Elea(es o! absen"e w#th $ayF Held: Ew#th $ayF re!ers to !ull $ay and not to hal! or less than !ull $ayI to all lea(es o! absen"e and not (a"at#on lea(es+ Olfato v. COMELEC Statute: a6es CO.ELEC the sole 7udge o! Eall $re8 $ro"la at#on "ontro(ers#esF Held : EallF 5 "o(ers nat#onal, $ro(#n"#al, "#ty or un#"#$al

erely to s#"6 or

P$il. ,ritis$ Ass rance Co. v. 'ntermediate Apellate Co rt Statute: A "ounterbond #s to se"ure the $ay ent o! Eany 7udg ent,F when e'e"ut#on #s returned unsat#s!#ed Held: Eany 7udg entF #n"ludes not only !#nal and e'e"utory but also 7udg ent $end#ng a$$eal whose e'e"ut#on ordered #s returned unsat#s!#ed+ (amire+ v. CA Statute: EA"t to Proh#b#t C Penal#De H#re Ta$$#ng and Other related B#olat#ons o! Pr#(ate Co un#"at#ons and Other Pur$osesF EIt shall be unlaw!ul, not be#ng author#Ded by all the $art#es to any $r#(ate "o un#"at#on or s$o6en word, to ta$ any w#re or "able, or by us#ng any other de(#"e or arrange entLF Issue: Hhether (#olat#on thereo! re!ers to the ta$#ng o! a "o un#"at#on ot$er t$an a $art#"#$ant to the "o un#"at#on or e(en to the ta$#ng by a $art#"#$ant who d#d not se"ure the "onsent o! the $arty to the "on(ersat#ons+ Held: Law d#d not d#st#ngu#sh whether the $arty sought to be $enal#Ded ought to be $arty other than or d#!!erent !ro those #n(ol(ed #n the $r#(ate "o un#"at#on+ The #ntent #s to $enal#De all $ersons unauthor#Ded to a6e any su"h re"ord#ng, unders"ored by EanyF Ligget 4 Myers Tobacco Co. v. C'( Statute: # $oses a Es$e"#!#" ta'F on "#garettes "onta#n#ng B#rg#n#a toba""o L+ Pro(#ded that o! the length e'"eeds 1/ #ll# eters or the we#ght $er thousand e'"eeds /V 6#los, the ta' shall be #n"reased by /99U+ Issue: whether easur#ng length or we#ght o! "#gars, !#lters should be e'"luded there!ro , so that ta' would "o e under the general $ro(#s#on and not under the $ro(#soQ Held: Not ha(#ng d#st#ngu#shed between !#lter and non8!#lter "#gars, "ourt should not d#st#ngu#sh+ Ti San v. (ep blic Issue: whether the "on(#"t#on o! an a$$l#"ant !or natural#Dat#on !or (#olat#on o! a un#"#$al ord#nan"e would d#s3ual#!y h# !ro ta6#ng h#s oath as a "#t#Den+ Statute: An a$$l#"ant ay be allowed to ta6e h#s oath as a "#t#Den a!ter = years !ro the $ro ulgat#on o! the de"#s#on grant#ng h#s $et#t#on !or natural#Dat#on #! he "an show that dur#ng the #nter(en#ng $er#od Ehe has not been "on(#"ted o! any o!!ense or (#olat#on o! go(ern ent rulesF Held: law d#d not a6e any d#st#n"t#on between mala in se and mala pro$ibita. Con(#"t#on o! the a$$l#"ant !ro (#olat#on o! un#"#$al ord#nan"e #s "o $rehended w#th#n the statute and $re"ludes a$$l#"ant !ro ta6#ng h#s oath+ Peralta v. CSC Issue: whether $ro(#s#on o! RA =;=:, that go(ern ent e $loyees are ent#tled to /: days (a"at#on lea(es o! absen"e w#th !ull $ay and /: days s#"6 lea(es w#th !ull $ay, e'"lus#(es o! Saturday, Sundays or hol#days #n both "ases, a$$l#es only to those who ha(e lea(e "red#ts and not to those who ha(e none+ Held: Law s$ea6s o! grant#ng o! a r#ght and does not d#st#ngu#sh between those who ha(e a""u ulated and those who ha(e none+ Pilar v. COMELEC Statute: RA 1/;; $ro(#des that EE(ery "and#date shall, w#th#n 29 days a!ter the day o! the ele"t#on !#le ''' true and #te #Ded state ent o! all "ontr#but#ons and e'$end#tures #n "onne"t#on w#th the ele"t#on+ Held: Law d#d not d#st#ngu#sh between a "and#date who $ushed through and one who w#thdrew #t+ EE(ery "and#dateF re!ers to one who $ursued and e(en to those who w#thdrew h#s "and#da"y+ Sanciagco v. (ono ;3$ere t$e distinction appears from t$e stat te& t$e co rts s$o ld ma-e t$e distinction< Statute: Se" /2 o! ,P ,lg+ ;01 wh#"h $ro(#des that: 1Any $erson hold#ng $ubl#" a$$o#nt#(e or $os#t#on shall ipso facto "ease #n o!!#"e or $os#t#on as o! the t# e he !#led h#s "ert#!#"ate o! "and#da"yF

Go(ernors, ayors, e bers o! (ar#ous sangg nians or barangay officials shall u$on the !#l#ng o! "and#da"y, be "ons#dered on !or"ed lea(e o! absen"e !ro o!!#"e 4a"ts: an ele"t#(e ,arangay+ Ca$ta#n was ele"ted Pres#dent o! Asso"#at#on o! ,arangay Coun"#ls and $ursuant thereto a$$o#nted by the Pres#dent as e ber o! the Sangg nian Panl ngsod. He ran !or Congress but lost+ Issue: He then wants to resu e h#s dut#es as e ber o! sangg iniang panl ngsod. He was erely !or"ed on lea(e when he ran !or Congress+ Held: the Se"retary o! Lo"al Go(ern ent den#ed h#s re3uestI be#ng an a$$o#nt#(e sangg nian e ber, he was dee ed auto at#"ally res#gned when he !#led h#s "ert#!#"ate o! "and#da"y+ 5arvida v. Sales& .r. Issue: whether $et#t#oner who was o(er =/ but below == was 3ual#!#ed to be an ele"t#(e SO e ber Statute: Se"+<=< o! the LGC $ro(#des that a e ber o! the )atip nan ng )abataan ust not be =/ yrs old+ Se"+ <=> as add#t#onal re3u#re ent $ro(#des that ele"t#(e o!!#"#al o! Sangg niang )abataan ust not be ore than =/ yrs+ Eon the day o! ele"t#onF Held: the d#st#n"t#on #s a$$arent: the e ber ay be ore than =/ years o! age on ele"t#on day or on the day he reg#sters as e ber o! )atip nan ng )abataan. ,ut the ele"t#(e o!!#"#al, ust not be ore than =/ years o! age on the day o! ele"t#on+ %#s7un"t#(e and "on7un"t#(e words Hord EorF #s a d#s7un"t#(e ter s#gn#!y#ng d#sasso"#at#on and #nde$enden"e o! one th#ng !ro ea"h other+

Peo v. Martin Statute: Se"+ <9 o! Co onwealth A"t ;/, $un#shes Eany #nd#(#dual who shall br#ng #nto or land #n the Ph#l#$$#nes or "on"eals or harbors any al#en not duly ad #tted by any # #grat#on o!!#"erL does not 7ust#!y g#(#ng the word a d#s7un"t#(e ean#ng, s#n"e the words Ebr#ng #ntoF ElandF, E"on"ealsF and EharborsF be#ng !our se$arate a"ts ea"h $ossess#ng #ts d#st#n"t#(e, d#!!erent and d#s$arate ean#ng+ C'( v. Manila .oc-ey Cl b Statute: # $oses a use ent ta'es on gross re"e#$ts o! E$ro$r#etor, lessee, or o$erator o! a use ent $la"eF Held: EorF # $l#es that ta' should be $a#d by e#ther $ro$r#etor, lessee, or o$erator, as the "ase ay be, s#ngle C not by all at the sa e t# e+ Ase o! EorF between = $hrases "onnotes that e#ther $hrase ser(es as 3ual#!y#ng $hrase+ EorF eans EandF, HHEN THE SPIRIT OR CONTEGT O4 THE LAH SO HARRANTS Trinidad v. ,erm de+ &e+g+ o! EorF to ean EandF) Statute: Se"+ =, Rule //= o! Rules o! Court author#D#ng #n(est#gat#onF EorF e3u#(alent o! Ethat #s to sayF SMC v. M nicipality of Manda e &e+g+ o! EorF e3u#(alent o! Ethat #s to sayF) Ord#nan"e: # $oses graduated 3uarterly !#'ed ta' Ebased on the gross (alue #n oney or a"tual ar6et (alueF o! art#"lesI $hrase Eor a"tual e'$la#n Egross (alue #n oney+F un#"#$al 7udges to "ondu"t E$rel# #nary e'a #nat#on or

ar6et (alueF #ntended to

EorF eans su""ess#(ely Statute: Art+ 2<< o! the Re(#sed Penal Code 8 Ethe o!!enses o! sedu"t#on, abdu"t#on, ra$e or a"ts o! las"#(#ousness, shall not be $rose"uted e'"e$t u$on a "o $la#nt by the o!!ended $arty or her $arents, grand$arents or guard#anL+F Although these $ersons are ent#oned d#s7un"t#(ely, $ro(#s#on ust be "onstrued as ean#ng that the r#ght to #nst#tute a "r# #nal $ro"eed#ng #s e'"lus#(ely and su""ess#(ely re$osed #n sa#d $ersons #n the order ent#oned, no one shall $ro"eed #! there #s any $erson $re(#ously ent#oned there#n w#th legal "a$a"#ty to #nst#tute the a"t#on+ EAndF #s a "on7un"t#on $ert#nently de!#ned as ean#ng Etogether w#th,F E7o#ned w#th,F Ealong w#th,F Eadded to or l#n6ed toF Ne(er to ean EorF Ased to denote 7o#nder or un#on Eand@orF 8 eans that e!!e"t should be g#(e to both "on7un"t#(e and d#s7un"t#(e ter ter used to a(o#d "onstru"t#on wh#"h by use o! d#s7un"t#(e EorF alone w#ll e'"lude the "o b#nat#on o! se(eral o! the alternat#(es or by the use o! "on7un"t#(e EandF w#ll e'"lude the e!!#"a"y o! any one o! the alternat#(es stand#ng alone+ ASSOCIATE% HOR%S Nos"#tur a so"##s where a $art#"ular word or $hrase #s a b#guous #n #tsel! or e3ually sus"e$t#ble o! (ar#ous ean#ngs, #ts "orre"t "onstru"t#on ay be ade "lear and s$e"#!#" by "ons#der#ng the "o $any o! words #n wh#"h #t #s !ound or w#th wh#"h #t #s asso"#ated+ to re o(e doubt re!er to the ean#ng o! asso"#ated or "o $an#on words , enaseda v. 9lavier Statute: Se"+ /2&2), Art GI o! the Const#tut#on grants O buds an $ower to E%#re"t the o!!#"er "on"erned to ta6e a$$ro$r#ate a"t#on aga#nst a $ubl#" o!!#"#al or e $loyee at !ault, and re"o end h#s re o(al, sus$ens#on, de ot#on, !#ne "ensure or $rose"ut#on+ Esus$ens#onF 5 #s a $enalty or $un#t#(e easure not $re(ent#(e Magta#as v. Pryce Properties Corp.

Stat: Se"+ <:> o! LGC author#Ded lo"al go(ern ent un#ts to $re(ent or su$$ress EGa bl#ng C other $roh#b#ted ga es o! "han"e+F EGa bl#ngF 5 re!ers only to #llegal ga bl#ng, l#6e other $roh#b#ted ga es o! "han"e, ust be $re(ented or su$$ressed C not to ga bl#ng author#Ded by s$e"#!#" statutes+ Carandang v. Santiago Issue: Hhether an o!!ended $arty "an !#le a se$arate and #nde$endent "#(#l a"t#on !or da ages ar#s#ng !ro $hys#"al #n7ur#es dur#ng $enden"y o! "r# #nal a"t#on !or !rustrated ho #"#de+ Statute: Art+ 22 o! C#(#l Code E#n "ase o! de!a at#on, !raud, C $hys#"al #n7ur#esLF Held: Court ruled that E$hys#"al #n7ur#esF not as one de!#ned #n RPC, but to ean bod#ly har or #n7ury su"h as $hys#"al #n7ur#es, !rustrate ho #"#de, or e(en death+ Co )im C$an v. *alde+ Tan )e$ Issue: Hhether $ro"eed#ngs #n "#(#l "ases $end#ng #n "ourt under the so "alled Re$ubl#" o! the Ph#l#$$#nes establ#shed dur#ng the *a$anese #l#tary o""u$at#on are a!!e"ted by the $ro"la at#on o! Gen+ ."Arthur #ssued on O"tober =2, /0<< that Eall laws, regulat#ons and $ro"esses o! any other go(ern ent #n the Ph#l#$$#nes than that o! the sa#d Co onwealth are null and (o#d and w#thout legal e!!e"t+F EPro"essesF does not re!er to 7ud#"#al $ro"esses but to the e'e"ut#(e orders o! the Cha#r an o! the Ph#l#$$#ne E'e"ut#(e Co #ttee, ord#nan"es $ro ulgated by the Pres#dent o! so8"alled RP, and others that are o! the sa e "lass as the laws and regulat#ons w#th wh#"h the word E$ro"essesF #s asso"#ated+ Commissioner of C stoms v. P$il. Acetylene Co. Statute: Se"+ ; o! RA /20< $ro(#des that Eta' $ro(#ded !or #n Se"+ / o! th#s A"t shall not be # $osed aga#nst the # $ortat#on #nto the Ph#l#$$#nes o! a"h#nery or raw ater#als to be used by new and ne"essary #ndustry '''I a"h#nery e3u#$ ent, s$are $arts, !or use o! #ndustr#esLF Issue: Is the word E#ndustr#esF used #n ord#nary, gener#" sense, wh#"h eans enter$r#ses e $loy#ng relat#(ely large a ounts o! "a$#tal and@or laborQ Held: S#n"e E#ndustr#esF used #n the law !or the =nd t# e E#s "lass#!#ed togetherF w#th the ter s #ners, #n#ng #ndustr#es, $lanters and !ar ers, ob(#ous leg#slat#(e #ntent #s to "on!#ne the ean#ng o! the ter to a"t#(#t#es that tend to $rodu"e or "reate or anu!a"ture su"h as those #ners, #n#ng enter$r#ses, $lanters and !ar ers+ I! used #n ord#nary sense, #t be"o es #n"ons#stent and #llog#"al Peo. v. Santiago Issue: Hhether de!a atory state ents through the ed#u o! an a $l#!#er syste "onst#tutes slander or l#belQ L#bel: "o #tted by eans o! Ewr#t#ng, $r#nt#ng, l#thogra$hy, engra(#ng, rad#o, "#ne atogra$h#" e'h#b#ton+F It #s argued that Ea $l#!#erF s# #lar to rad#o Held: No+ Rad#o should be "ons#dered as sa e ter s w#th wr#t#ng and $r#nt#ng whose "o on "hara"ter#st#" #s the E$er anent eans o! $ubl#"at#on+F San Mig el Corp. v. %L(C Issue: Hhether "la# o! an e $loyee aga#nst h#s e $loyer !or "ash reward or sub #tt#ng $ro"ess to el# #nate de!e"ts #n 3ual#ty C taste o! San .#guel $rodu"t !alls w#th#n 7ur#sd#"t#on o! the labor arb#ter o! NLRCQ Held: No+ Outs#de o! 7ur#sd#"t#on+ Not ne"essary that ent#re un#(erse o! oney "la# s under 7ur#sd#"t#on o! labor arb#ter but only those to /+) un!a#r labor $ra"t#"es, =+) "la# s "on"ern#ng ter s C "ond#t#ons o! e $loy ent <+) "la# s relat#ng to household ser(#"es :+) a"t#(#t#es $roh#b#ted to e $loyers C e $loyees+ Statute: E7ur#sd#"t#on o! Labor Arb#ters and the NLRC, as last a ended by ,P ,lg+ ==1 #n"lud#ng $aragra$h 2 Eall oney "la# s o! wor6ers, #n"lud#ng hose based on non$ay ent or under$ay ent o! wages, o(ert# e "o $ensat#on, se$arat#on $ay, and other bene!#ts $ro(#ded by law or a$$ro$r#ate agree ent, e'"e$t "la# s !or e $loyees "o $ensat#on, so"#al se"ur#ty, ed#"are and atern#ty bene!#ts+F Ebarle v. S caldito Statute: EO =;: outl#nes the $ro"edure wh#"h "o $la#nants "harg#ng go(ern ent o!!#"#als and e $loyees w#th "o #ss#on o! #rregular#t#es should be gu#ded, a$$l#es to "r# #nal a"t#ons or "o $la#nts+ EO =;: 5 E"o $la#nts aga#nst $ubl#" o!!#"#als and e $loyees shall be $ro $tly a"ted u$on and d#s$osed o! by the o!!#"#als or author#t#es "on"erned #n a""ordan"e w#th $ert#nent laws and regulat#ons so that the err#ng o!!#"#als and e $loyees "an be soonest re o(ed or otherw#se d#s"#$l#nes and the #nno"ent, e'onerated or (#nd#"ated #n l#6e anner, and to the end also that other re ed#es, #n"lud#ng "ourt a"t#on, ay be $ursued !orthw#th by the #nterested $art#es, a!ter ad #n#strat#(e re ed#es shall ha(e been e'haustedF Held: e'e"ut#(e order does not a$$ly to "r# #nal a"t#ons+ The ter #s "losely o(ershadowed by the 3ual#!#"at#on 8 1After administrative remedies s$all $ave been e"$a sted&2 wh#"h suggest "#(#l su#ts sub7e"t to $re(#ous ad #n#strat#(e a"t#ons+ Mottom l v. dela Pa+ Issue: Hhether the word T"ourt- #n Se" :, Art :<2<: A$$eal shall not stay the award, order, rul#ng, de"#s#on or 7udg ent unless the o!!#"er or body render#ng the sa e or the "ourt, on ot#on a!ter hear#ng, and on su"h ter s as #t ay dee 7ust should $ro(#de otherw#se+ The $ro$r#ety o! a stay granted by the o!!#"er or body render#ng the award, order, rul#ng, de"#s#on or 7udg ent ay be ra#sed only by ot#on #n the a#n "ase,F re!ers to the CA or to the Court o! Agrar#an Relat#onsQ Held: Corre"t "onstru"t#on ade "lear w#th re!eren"e to Se"+ / o! RA :<2<, where the "ourt, o!!#"ers or bod#es whose de"#s#on, award are a$$ealable to the Court o! A$$eals, enu erated as !ollows: Court o! Agrar#an Relat#ons, Se"+ o! Labor, So"#al Se"ur#ty Co #ss#on et"LI 4ro grou$#ng, the enu erat#on #n Se"+ : eans Court o! Agrar#an Relat#ons not CA+ E7usde gener#s &or the sa e 6#nd or s$e"#es)

General rule: where a general word or $hrase !ollows an enu erat#on o! $art#"ular and s$e"#!#" words o! the sa e "lass or where the latter !ollow the !or er, the general word or $hrase #s to be "onstrued to #n"lude, or to be restr#"ted to, $ersons, th#ngs or "ases a6#n to, rese bl#ng, or o! the sa e 6#nd or "lass as those s$e"#!#"ally ent#oned+ Pur$ose: g#(e e!!e"t to both $art#"ular or general words, by treat#ng the $art#"ular words as #nd#"at#ng the "lass and the general words as #nd#"at#ng all that #s e bra"ed #n sa#d "lass, although not s$e"#!#"ally na ed by the $art#"ular words+ Pr#n"#$le: based on $ro$os#t#on that had the leg#slature #ntended the general words to be used #n the#r gener#" and unrestr#"ted sense, #t would ha(e not enu erated the s$e"#!#" words+ Presu $t#on: leg#slators addressed s$e"#!#"ally to the $art#"ular#Dat#on Illustrat#on M t c v. COMELEC Statute: A"t a6es unlaw!ul the d#str#but#on o! ele"toral $ro$aganda gadgets, $ens, l#ghters, !ans, !lashl#ghts, athlet#" goods, ater#als and t$e li-e2 Held: and the l#6e, does not e bra"e ta$ed 7#ngles !or "a $a#gn $ur$oses M rp$y& Morris 4 Co. v. Collector of C stoms Statute: %yna os, generators, e'"#ters, and other a"h#nery !or the generat#on o! ele"tr#"#ty !or l#ght#ng or !or $owerI Held: $hrase Eother a"h#neryF would not #n"lude stea turb#nes, $u $s, "ondensers, be"ause not sa e 6#nd o! a"h#nery w#th dyna os, generators and e'"#ters+ *era v. C evas Statute: all "ondensed s6# ed #l6 and all #l6 #n whate(er !or shall be "learly and leg#bly ar6ed on #ts # "onta#ners w#th words: ETh#s #l6 #s not su#table !or nour#sh ent !or #n!ants less than / year o! ageF Held: restr#"ts the $hrase Eall #l6 #n whate(er !or ,F e'"luded !#lled #l6+ ed#ate

5rap$ilon v. M nicipal Co rt of Cigara Statute: the (#"e8 ayor shall be ent#tled to assu e the o!!#"e o! the ayor dur#ng the absen"e, sus$ens#on or other te $orary d#sab#l#ty Held: anyth#ng wh#"h d#sables the ayor !ro e'er"#s#ng the $ower and $rerogat#(es o! h#s o!!#"e, s#n"e Ethe#r te $orary d#sab#l#tyF !ollows the words Eabsen"eF and Esus$ens#onF Peo. v. Magallanes Hhere a law grants a "ourt e'"lus#(e 7ur#sd#"t#on to hear and de"#de Eo!!enses or !elon#es "o #tted by $ubl#" o!!#"#als and e $loyees #n relat#on to the#r o!!#"e,F the $hrase EIN RELATION TO THEIR O44ICEF 3ual#!#es or restr#"ts the o!!ense to one wh#"h "annot e'#st w#thout the o!!#"e, or the o!!#"e #s a "onst#tuent ele ent o! the "r# e de!#ned #n the statute or one $er$etuated #n the $er!or an"e, though # $ro$er or #rregular, o! h#s o!!#"#al !un"t#ons L# #tat#ons o! e7usde gener#s Re3u#s#tes: Statute "onta#ns an enu erat#on o! $art#"ular C s$e"#!#" words, !ollowed by general word or $hrase Part#"ular and s$e"#!#" words "onst#tute a "lass or are the sa e 6#nd Enu erat#on o! the $art#"ular C s$e"#!#" words #s not e'haust#(e or #s not erely by e'a $les There #s no #nd#"at#on o! leg#slat#(e #ntent to g#(e the general words or $hrases a broader ean#ng Rule o! e# sdem generis& #s not o! un#(ersal a$$l#"at#onI #t should use to "arry out, not de!eat the #ntent o! the law+ =S v. Santo %ino Statute: It shall be unlaw!ul to !or any $erson to "arry "on"ealed about h#s $erson any bow#e, 6n#!e, dagger, 6r#s or other deadly wea$on+ Provided $roh#b#t#on shall not a$$ly to !#rear s who ha(e se"ured a l#"ense or who are ent#tled to "arry the sa e under the $ro(#s#ons o! th#s A"t+F Issue: does Ethe deadly wea$onF #n"lude an unl#"ensed re(ol(erQ Held: MesP Carry#ng su"h would be #n (#olat#on o! statute+ ,y the $ro(#so, #t an#!ested #ts #ntent#on to #n"lude #n the $roh#b#t#on wea$ons other than ar as blan"as there#n s$e"#!#ed+ (oman Cat$olic Arc$bis$op of Manila v. Social Sec rity Commission Issue: a rel#g#ous #nst#tut#on #n(o6#ng e# sdem generi whether Te $loyerF be l# #ted to underta6#ng an a"t#(#ty wh#"h has an ele ent o! $ro!#t or ga#nQ Statute: Eany $erson, natural or 7ur#d#"al, do est#" or !ore#gn, who "arr#ed #n the Ph#l#$$#nes any trade, bus#ness, #ndustryL+ and uses the ser(#"es o! another $erson, who under h#s orders as regard the e $loy ent, e'"e$t the Go(ern ent, and any o! #ts $ol#t#"al subd#(#s#ons bran"hes or #nstru ental#t#es and GOCCsF+ Held: No+ the rule o! e# sdem generis a$$l#es only when there #s un"erta#nty+ The de!#n#t#on #s su!!#"#ently "o $rehens#(e to #n"lude "har#table #nst#tut#ons and "har#t#es not !or $ro!#tI #t "onta#ned e'"e$t#ons wh#"h sa#d #nst#tut#ons and ent#t#es are not #n"luded+ E'$ress#o un#us est e'"lus#on alter#us The e'$ress ent#on o! one $erson, th#ng or "onse3uen"e # $l#es the e'"lus#on o! all others+ Rule ay be e'$ressed #n a nu ber o! ways: E"press m facit cessare tacit m 6 what #s e'$ressed $uts an end to that wh#"h #s # $l#ed where a statute, by #ts ter s, #s e'$ressly l# #ted to "erta#n atters, #t ay not, by #nter$retat#on or "onstru"t#on, be e'tended to other atters+ E"ceptio firmat reg lam in casib s non e"ceptis 8 A th#ng not be#ng e'"e$ted ust be regarded as "o #ng w#th#n the $ur(#ew o! the general rule E"pressio ni s est e"cl sion alteri s 8 The e'$ress#on o! one or ore th#ngs o! a "lass # $l#es the e'"lus#on o! all not e'$ressed, e(en though all would ha(e been # $l#ed had none been e'$ressedI o$$os#te the do"tr#ne o! ne"essary # $l#"at#on Negat#(e8o$$os#te do"tr#ne Arg ment m a contrario6 what #s e'$ressed $uts an end to what #s # $l#ed+

C$ ng 9oo- v. 7$ite Statute: "ase e'e $ts the w#!e o! a natural#Ded A er#"an !ro detent#on, !or treat ent #n a hos$#tal, who #s a!!l#"ted w#th a "ontag#ous d#sease+ Held: Court den#ed $et#t#on !or wr#t o! habeas "or$us &!#led by the nat#(e8born A er#"an "#t#Den on behal! o! w#!e deta#ned #n hos$#tal), "ourt resorted to negat#(e8o$$os#te do"tr#ne, stat#ng that statute $la#nly relates to w#!e o! a natural#Ded "#t#Den C "annot #nter$olate Enat#(e8bornF "#t#Den+ Analys#s: "ourt-s a$$l#"at#on results to #n7ust#"e &as should not d#s"r# #nate aga#nst nat#(e8born "#t#Dens), wh#"h #s not #ntent o! law, should ha(e used do"tr#ne o! ne"essary # $l#"at#on+ A$$l#"at#on o! e"pression ni s rule Generally used #n "onstru"t#on o! statutes grant#ng $owers, "reat#ng r#ghts and re ed#es, restr#"t#ng "o # $os#ng r#ghts C !or!e#tures, as well as statutes str#"tly "onstrued+ Acosta v. 9lor Statute: s$e"#!#"ally des#gnates the $ersons who a"t#ons+ ay br#ng a"t#ons !or q o 3arranto& e'"ludes others !ro on r#ghts,

br#ng#ng su"h

Escribano v. Avila Statute: !or l#bel, E$rel# #nary #n(est#gat#ons o! "r# #nal a"t#ons !or wr#tten de!a at#on ''' shall be "ondu"ted by the "#ty !#s"al o! $ro(#n"e or "#ty or by un#"#$al "ourt o! "#ty or "a$#tal o! the $ro(#n"e where su"h a"t#ons ay be #nst#tuted $re"ludes all other un#"#$al "ourts !ro "ondu"t#ng su"h $rel# #nary #n(est#gat#ons Peo. v. Lantin Statute: "r# es wh#"h "annot be $rose"uted de oficio na ely adultery, "on"ub#nage, sedu"t#on, ra$e or a"ts o! las"#(#ousnessI "r# es su"h as slander "an be $rose"uted de oficio. *era v. 9ernande+ Statute: All "la# s !or oney aga#nst the de"edent, ar#s#ng !ro "ontra"ts, e'$ress or # $l#ed, whether the sa e be due, not due, or "ont#ngent, all "la# s !or !uneral e'$enses and e'$enses !or the last s#"6ness o! the de"edent, and 7udg ent !or oney aga#nst de"edent, ust be !#lled w#th#n the t# e l# #t o! the not#"e, otherw#se barred !ore(er+ Held: The ta'es due to the go(ern ent, not be#ng ent#oned #n the rule are e'"luded !ro the o$erat#on o! the rule+ Mendenilla v. Omandia Statute: "hanged the !or o! go(ern ent o! a un#"#$al#ty #nto a "#ty $ro(#des that the #n"u bent and e bers o! the un#"#$al board shall "ont#nue #n o!!#"e unt#l the e'$#rat#on o! the#r ter s+ Held: all other un#"#$al o!!#"es are abol#shed+ ayor, (#"e8 ayor

, tte v. Man el =y 4 Sons& 'nc. Statute: Leg#slature del#berately sele"ted a $art#"ular ethod o! g#(#ng not#"e, as when a "o8owner #s g#(en the r#ght o! legal rede $t#on w#th#n 29 days !ro not#"e #n wr#t#ng by the (endor #n "ase the other "o8owner sells h#s share #s the "o8 owned $ro$erty, Held: the ethod o! g#(#ng not#"e ust be dee ed e'"us#(e C a not#"e sent by (endee #s #ne!!e"t#(e+ *illan eva v. City of 'loilo Statute: Lo"al Autono y A"t, lo"al go(ern ents are g#(en broad $owers to ta' e(eryth#ng, e'"e$t those wh#"h are s$e"#!#"ally ent#oned there#n+ I! a sub7e"t atter does not "o e w#th#n the e'"e$t#ons, an ord#nan"e # $os#ng a ta' on su"h sub7e"t atter #s dee ed to "o e w#th#n the broad ta'#ng $ower, e"ception firmat reg lam in casib s non e"ceptis. L# #tat#ons o! the rule It #s not a rule o! law, but erely a tool #n statutory "onstru"t#on E"pressio ni s est e"cl sion alteri s& no ore than au'#l#ary rule o! #nter$retat#on to be #gnored where other "#r"u stan"es #nd#"ate that the enu erat#on was not #ntended to be e'"lus#(e+ %oes not a$$ly where enu erat#on #s by way o! e'a $le or to re o(e doubts only+ 5ome+ v. *ent ra Issue: whether the $res"r#$t#on by a $hys#"#an o! o$#u !or a $at#ent whose $hys#"al "ond#t#on d#d not re3u#re the use o! su"h drug "onst#tutes Eun$ro!ess#onal "ondu"tF as to 7ust#!y re(o"at#on o! $hys#"#an-s l#"ense to $ra"t#"e Held: St#ll l#ableP Rule o! e"pressio ni s not a$$l#"able Court sa#d, I "annot be ser#ously "ontended that as#de !ro the !#(e e'a $les s$e"#!#ed, there "an be no other "ondu"t o! a $hys#"#an dee ed Tun$ro!ess#onal+- Nor "an #t be "on(#n"#ngly argued that the leg#slature #ntended to w#$e out all other !or s o! Tun$ro!ess#onal- "ondu"t there!ore dee ed grounds !or re(o"at#on o! l#"enses %oes not a$$ly when #n "ase a statute a$$ears u$on #ts !a"e to l# #t the o$erat#on o! #ts $ro(#s#on to $art#"ular $ersons or th#ngs enu erat#ng the , but no reason e'#sts why other $ersons or th#ngs not so enu erated should not ha(e been #n"luded and an#!est #n7ust#"e w#ll !ollow by not #n"lud#ng the + I! #t w#ll result #n #n"ongru#t#es or a (#olat#on o! the e3ual $rote"t#on "lause o! the Const#tut#on+ I! adheren"e thereto would "ause #n"on(en#en"e, hardsh#$ and #n7ury to the $ubl#" #nterest+ %o"tr#ne o! "asus o #ssus A $erson, ob7e"t or th#ng o #tted !ro an enu erat#on ust be held to ha(e been o #tted #ntent#onally+ The a'# o$erates only #! and when the o #ss#on has been "learly establ#shed, and #n su"h a "ase what #s o #tted #n the enu erat#on ay not, by "onstru"t#on, be #n"luded there#n+ E'"e$t#on: where leg#slature d#d not #ntend to e'"lude the $erson, th#ng or ob7e"t !ro the enu erat#on+ I! su"h leg#slat#(e #ntent #s "learly #nd#"ated, the "ourt ay su$$ly the o #ss#on #! to do so w#ll "arry out the "lear #ntent o! the leg#slature and w#ll not do (#olen"e to #ts language

%o"tr#ne o! last ante"edent Nual#!y#ng words restr#"t or od#!y only the words or $hrases to wh#"h they are # ed#ately asso"#ated not those wh#"h are d#stantly or re otely lo"ated+ Ad pro"im m antecedens fiat relatio nisi impediat r sententia ! relat#(e words re!er to the nearest ante"edents, unless the "onte't otherw#se re3u#res Rule: use o! a "o a to se$arate an ante"edent !ro the rest e'erts a do #nant #n!luen"e #n the a$$l#"at#on o! the do"tr#ne o! last ante"edent+ Illustrat#on o! rule Pangilinan v. Alvendia .e bers o! the !a #ly o! the tenant #n"ludes the tenant-s son, son8#n8law, or grandson, e(en though they are not de$endent u$on h# !or su$$ort and l#(#ng se$arately !ro h# ,ECAASE the 3ual#!y#ng $hrase Ewho are de$endent u$on h# !or su$$ortF re!ers solely to #ts last ante"edent, na ely, Esu"h other $erson or $ersons, whether related to the tenant or notF 9lorentino v. P%, Issue: whether holders o! ba"6$ay "ert#!#"ates "an "o $el go(ern ent8owned ban6s to a""e$t sa#d "ert#!#"ates #n $ay ent o! the holder-s obl#gat#ons to the ban6+ Statute: Eobl#gat#ons subs#st#ng at the t# e o! the a$$ro(al o! th#s a endatory a"t !or wh#"h the a$$l#"ant ay d#re"tly be l#able to the go(ern ent or to any o! #ts bran"hes or #nstru ental#t#es, or to "or$orat#ons owned or "ontrolled by the go(ern ent, or to any "#t#Dens o! the Ph#l#$$#nes or to any asso"#at#on or "or$orat#on organ#Ded under the laws o! the Ph#l#$$#nes, who ay be w#l#ng to a""e$t the sa e !or su"h settle entF Held: the "ourt, #n(o6#ng the do"tr#ne o! last ante"edent, ruled that the $hrase 3ual#!y only to #ts last ante"edent na ely Eany "#t#Den o! the Ph#l#$$#nes or asso"#at#on or "or$orat#on organ#Ded under the laws o! the Ph#l#$$#nesF The "ourt held that ba"6$ay "ert#!#"ate holders "an "o $el go(ern ent8owned ban6s to a""e$t sa#d "ert#!#"ates !or $ay ent o! the#r obl#gat#ons w#th the ban6+ Nual#!#"at#ons o! the do"tr#ne+ Sub7e"t to the e'"e$t#on that where the #ntent#on o! the law #s to a$$ly the $hrase to all ante"edents e bra"ed #n the $ro(#s#on, the sa e should be ade e'tens#(e to the whole+ %o"tr#ne does not a$$ly where the #ntent#on #s not to 3ual#!y the ante"edent at all+ Reddendo s#ngular s#ngu#l#s Bar#at#on o! the do"tr#ne o! last ante"edent Re!err#ng ea"h to ea"hI Re!err#ng ea"h $hrase or e'$ress#on to #ts a$$ro$r#ate ob7e"t, or let ea"h be $ut #n #ts $ro$er $la"e, that #s, the word should be ta6en d#str#but#(ely+ Peo. v Tamani Issue: when to "ount the /:8day $er#od w#th#n wh#"h to a$$eal a 7udg ent o! "on(#"t#on o! "r# #nal a"t#onWdate o! $ro ulgat#on o! 7udg ent or date o! re"e#$t o! not#"e o! 7udg ent+ Statute: Se"+ ;, Rule /== o! the Rules o! Court Held: Should be !ro T$ro ulgat#on- should be re!err#ng to T7udg ent,- wh#le not#"e re!er to order+ PROBISOS, EGCEPTIONS AN% CLAASES Pro(#sos, generally to l# #t the a$$l#"at#on o! the ena"t#ng "lause, se"t#on or $ro(#s#on o! a statute, or e'"e$t so eth#ng, or to 3ual#!y or restra#n #ts general#ty, or e'"lude so e $oss#ble ground o! #s#nter$retat#on o! #t, as e'tend#ng to "ases not #ntended by leg#slature to be brought w#th#n #ts $ur(#ew+ Rule: restra#n or 3ual#!y the general#ty o! the ena"t#ng "lause or se"t#on wh#"h #t re!ers+ Pur$ose: l# #t or restr#"t the general language or o$erat#on o! the statute, not to enlarge #t+ Lo"at#on: "o only !ound at the end o! a statute, or $ro(#s#on C #ntrodu"ed, as a rule, by the word EPro(#dedF+ %eter #ned by: Hhat deter #nes whether a "lause #s a $ro(#so #s #ts substan"e rather than #ts !or + I! #t $er!or s any o! the !un"t#ons o! a $ro(#so, then #t w#ll be regarded as su"h, #rres$e"t#(e o! what word or $hrase #s used to #ntrodu"e #t+ Pro(#so ay enlarge s"o$e o! law It #s st#ll the duty o! the "ourts to as"erta#n the leg#slat#(e #ntent#on and #t $re(a#ls o(er $ro(#so+ Thus #t ay enlarge, than restr#"t =.S. v. Santo %ino Statute: #t shall be unlaw!ul !or any $erson to "arry "on"ealed about h#s $erson any bow#e, 6n#!e, dagger, 6r#s or any other deadly wea$on: Provided& that th#s $ro(#s#on shall not a$$ly to !#rear s #n the $ossess#on o! $ersons who ha(e se"ured a l#"ense there!ore or who are ent#tled to sa e under $ro(#s#ons o! th#s A"t+ Held: through the Pro(#so #t an#!ested the #ntent#on to #n"lude #n the $roh#b#t#on wea$ons other than armas blancas as s$e"#!#ed+ Pro(#so as add#t#onal leg#slat#on E'$ressed #n the o$en#ng state ent o! a se"t#on o! a statute Hould ean e'a"tly the re(erse o! what #s ne"essar#ly # $l#ed when read #n "onne"t#on w#th the l# #tat#on Pur$ose: To l# #t general#t#es E'"lude !ro the s"o$e o! the statute that wh#"h otherw#se would be w#th#n #ts ter s Hhat $ro(#so 3ual#!#es

General rule: 3ual#!#es or od#!#es only the $hrase # ed#ately $re"ed#ng #tI or restra#ns or l# #ts the general#ty o! the "lause that #t # ed#ately !ollows+ E'"e$t#on: unless #t "learly a$$ears that the leg#slature #ntended to ha(e a w#der s"o$e C$inese 9lo r 'mporters Assn v. Price Stabili+ation ,oard Statute: Se"+ /: RA <=; 8 Any e'#st#ng law, e'e"ut#(e order or regulat#on to the "ontrary notw#thstand#ng, no go(ern ent agen"y e'"e$t the I $ort Control Co #ss#on shall allo"ate the # $ort 3uota a ong the (ar#ous # $orters+ Provided& That the Ph#l#$$#ne Rehab#l#tat#on and Trade Ad #n#strat#on shall ha(e e'"lus#(e $ower and author#ty to deter #ne and regulate the allo"at#on o! wheat !lour a ong # $orters+F Issue: whether or not the $ro(#so e'"luded wheat !lour !ro the s"o$e o! a"t #tsel!+ Held: NOP Pro(#so re!er to the "lause # ed#ately $re"ed#ng #t and "an ha(e no other ean#ng than that the !un"t#on o! allo"at#ng the wheat !lour #nstead o! ass#gn#ng to I $ort Control Co #ss#on was ass#gned to PRTA+ I! wheat !lour #s e'e $ted !ro the $ro(#s#ons o! the A"t, the $ro(#so would ha(e been $la"ed #n the se"t#on "onta#n#ng the re$eal#ng "lause Collector of 'nternal (even e v. Angeles Hhen an earl#er se"t#on o! statute "onta#ns $ro(#so, not e bod#ed #n later se"t#on, the $ro(#so, not e bod#ed #n a later se"t#on thereo!, #n the absen"e o! leg#slat#(e #ntent, be "on!#ned to 3ual#!y only the se"t#on to wh#"h #t has been a$$ended+ 9lores v. Miranda Issue: Pet#t#oner that a$$ro(al o! the Publ#" Ser(#"e Co #ss#on o! the sale o! $ubl#" ser(#"e (eh#"le was not ne"essary be"ause o! $ro(#so #n Se"+ =9 o! Co onwealth A"t No+ /<; Statute: It shall be unlaw!ul !or any $ubl#" ser(#"e (eh#"le or !or the owner, lessee or o$erator thereo!, w#thout the $re(#ous a$$ro(al and author#ty o! the Co #ss#on $re(#ously had ''' to sell, al#enate ''' #ts $ro$erty, !ran"h#seI Provided& $o3ever& that noth#ng here#n "onta#ned shall be "onstrued to $re(ent the transa"t#on !ro be#ng negot#ated or "o $leted be!ore #ts a$$ro(al or to $re(ent the sale, al#enat#on, or lease by any $ubl#" ser(#"e o! any o! #ts $ro$erty #n the ord#nary "ourse o! bus#nessF Held: the $ro(#so ''' eans only that the sale w#thout the re3u#red a$$ro(al #s st#ll (al#d and b#nd#ng between the $art#esI also the $hrase E#n the ord#nary "ourse o! bus#ness ''' "ould not ha(e been #ntended to #n"lude sale o! (eh#"le #tsel!, but at ost ay re!er only to su"h $ro$erty that ay be "on"e#(ably d#s$osed o! by the "arr#er #n the ord#nary "ourse o! #ts bus#ness, l#6e 7un6ed e3u#$ ent+ Mercado Sr. v. %L(C Held: the $ro(#so #n $ar = o! Art =>9 relates only to "asual e $loyeesI not to $ro7e"t e $loyees+ A$$ly#ng rule that $ro(#so to be "onstrued w#th re!eren"e to # ed#ately $re"ed#ng $art o! the $ro(#s#on wh#"h #t #s atta"hed and not to other se"t#ons thereo!, unless leg#slat#(e #ntent was to restr#"t or 3ual#!y+ E'"e$t#on to the rule Pro(#so "onstrued to 3ual#!y only the # ed#ately $re"ed#ng $art o! the se"t#on to wh#"h #t #s atta"hedI #! no "ontrary leg#slat#(e #ntent #s #nd#"ated+ Hhere #ntent #s to 3ual#!y or restr#"t the $hrase $re"ed#ng #t or the earl#er $ro(#s#ons o! the statute or e(en the statute #tsel! as a whole, then the $ro(#so w#ll be "onstrued #n that anner, #n order that the #ntent o! the law ay be "arr#ed out Re$ugnan"y between $ro(#so and a#n $ro(#s#on Hhere there #s a "on!l#"t between the $ro(#so and the a#n $ro(#s#on, that wh#"h #s lo"ated #n a later $ort#on o! the statute $re(a#ls, unless there #s leg#slat#(e #ntent to the "ontrary+ Latter $ro(#s#on, whether $ro(#s#on or not, #s g#(en $re!eren"e !or #t #s the latest e'$ress#on o! the #ntent o! the leg#slat#on+ E'"e$t#ons, generally E'"e$t#on "ons#sts o! that wh#"h would otherw#se be #n"luded #n the $ro(#s#on !ro wh#"h #t #s e'"e$ted+ It #s a "lause wh#"h e'e $ts so eth#ng !ro the o$erat#on o! a statute by e'$ress words+ Ee'"e$t,F Eunless otherw#se,F and Eshall not a$$lyF .ay not be #ntrodu"ed by words ent#oned abo(e, as long as #! su"h re o(es so eth#ng !ro the o$erat#on o! a $ro(#s#on o! law+ 4un"t#on: to "on!#r the general ruleI 3ual#!y the words or $hrases "onst#tut#ng the general rule+ E"ceptio firmat reg lam in casib s e"ceptis 6 A th#ng not be#ng e'"e$ted, ust be regarded as "o #ng w#th#n the $ur(#ew o! the general rule+ %oubts: resol(ed #n !a(or o! general rule E'"e$t#on and Pro(#so d#st#ngu#shed E'"e$t#on: E'e $ts so eth#ng absolutely !ro the o$erat#on o! statute Ta6es out o! the statute so eth#ng that otherw#se would be a $art o! the sub7e"t atter o! #t+ Part o! the ena"t ent #tsel!, absolutely e'"lud#ng !ro #ts o$erat#on so e sub7e"t or th#ng that would otherw#se !all w#th#n the s"o$e+ Pro(#so: %e!eats #ts o$erat#on "ond#t#onally+ A(o#ds by way o! de!easan"e or e'"use I! the ena"t ent #s od#!#ed by engra!t#ng u$on #t a new $ro(#s#on, by way o! a end ent, $ro(#d#ng "ond#t#onally !or a new "ase8 th#s #s the nature o! $ro(#so+

S# #lar: #n a way s#n"e one o! the !un"t#ons o! $ro(#so #s to e'"e$t so eth#ng !ro Illustrat#on o! e'"e$t#on

an ena"t#ng "lause+

ME(ALCO v. P blic =tilities Employees? Association Statute: No $erson, !#r , or "or$orat#on, bus#ness establ#sh ent or $la"e shall "o $el an e $loyee or laborer to wor6 on SundaysC legal hol#days, unless $a#d an add#t#onal su o! at least =:U o! h#s renu erat#on: Provided& that th#s $roh#b#t#on shall not a$$ly to $ubl#" ut#l#t#es $er!or #ng $ubl#" ser(#"e, e+g+ su$$ly#ng gas, ele"tr#"#ty, $ower, water et"L Issue: Is .ERALCO l#able to $ay the =:U !or e $loyees who wor6 dur#ng hol#days and SundaysQ Held: Negat#(e+ =nd $art #s an e'"e$t#on although #ntrodu"ed by EPro(#ded+F As a$$ellant #s a $ubl#" ut#l#ty that su$$l#es ele"tr#"#ty C $ro(#des eans o! trans$ortat#on, #t #s e(#dent that a$$ellant #s e'e $t !ro 3ual#!#ed $roh#b#t#on establ#shed #n the ena"t ent "lause+ Sa(#ng "lause Pro(#s#on o! law wh#"h o$erates to e'"e$t !ro the e!!e"t o! the law what the "lause $ro(#des, or sa(e so eth#ng wh#"h would otherw#se be lost+ Ased to sa(e so eth#ng !ro e!!e"t o! re$eal o! statute Leg#slature, #n re$eal#ng a statute, ay $reser(e #n the !or o! a sa(#ng "lause, the r#ght o! the state to $rose"ute and $un#sh o!!enses "o #tted #n (#olat#on o! the re$ealed law+ Hhere e'#st#ng $ro"edure #s altered or subst#tuted by another, usual to sa(e $ro"eed#ngs under the old law at the t# e the new law ta6es e!!e"t, by eans o! sa(#ng "lause Construed: #n l#ght o! #ntent by leg#slature G#(en str#"t or l#beral ean#ng de$end#ng on nature o! statute+ CHAPTER SIG: Statute Construed as Hhole and #n Relat#on to other Statutes STATATE CONSTRAE% AS HHOLE Generally Statute #s $assed as a whole It should ha(e one $ur$ose and one #ntent Construe #ts $arts and se"t#on #n "onne"t#on w#th other $arts HhyQ To E$rodu"eF a har on#ous whole Ne(er: %#(#de by $ro"ess o! ety olog#"al d#ssertat#on &whyQ ,e"ause there are #nstan"es when the #ntent#on o! the leg#slat#(e body #s d#!!erent !ro that o! the de!#n#t#on #n #ts or#g#nal sense) Se$arate the words &re e ber that the whole $o#nt o! th#s "ha$ter #s to "onstrue #t as a whole) Se$arate "onte't ,ase de!#n#t#ons on le'#"ogra$her &what #s a le'#"ogra$herQ A $erson who stud#es le'#"ogra$hy+ Hhat #s le'#"ogra$hy thenQ AnalyDes se ant#" relat#onsh#$s between le'#"on and language 5 not # $ortant+ Ne(er #nd ) 5 ang 6ul#tP The whole $o#nt o! th#s $art #s to "onstrue the whole statute and #ts $art together &a"tually 6ah#t #to nalang tandaan hanggang ata$os 6as# #to lang yung s#nasab# ng boo6) Intent as"erta#ned !ro statute as whole Leg#slat#(e ean#ng and #ntent should be e'tra"ted@as"erta#ned !ro statutes as a whole &hen"e the t#tleL) HhyQ ,e"ause the law #s the best e'$os#tor o! #tsel! Optima Stat ti 'nterpretatio est ips m stat t m 8 the best #nter$reter o! a statute #s the statute #tsel! Xremember t$is story to memori+e t$e ma"im : O$t# a at Statut# 4rutt# where #nter$ret#ng as to why when "o"6roa"hes&IPIS) when added results to SA. &#$su ) a stad#u &statutu )Y 5 sorry blo"6 ates, we#rd s# "herryP %o not #n3u#re too u"h #nto the ot#(es wh#"h #n!luen"ed the leg#slat#(e body unless the ot#(e #s stated or d#s"losed #n the statute the sel(es+ Aisporna v. CA $o#nted out that words, "lauses, $hrases should not be stud#ed as deta"hed@#solated e'$ress#ons Cons#der e(ery $art #n understand#ng the ean#ng o! #ts $art to $rodu"e a har on#ous whole .ean#ng o! the law #s borne #n #nd and not to be e'tra"ted !ro a s#ngle word .ost # $ortant: E(ery $art o! the statute ust be #nter$reted w#th re!eren"e to the "onte't Aboiti+ S$ipping Corp v. City of Ceb %es"r#bed that #! the words or $hrases o! statute be ta6en #nd#(#dually #t #ght "on(ey a ean#ng d#!!erent !or #ntended by the author+ Inter$ret#ng words or $hrases se$arately ay l# #t the e'tent o! the a$$l#"at#on o! the $ro(#s#on the one

5aanan v. 'ntermediate Appellate Co rt Case o! w#re ta$$#ng There #s a $ro(#s#on wh#"h states that E #t shall be unlaw!ul !or any $erson, not be#ng author#Ded by all the $art#es to any $r#(ate "o un#"at#on or s$o6en word to ta$ any w#re or "able or by us#ng any other de(#"e or arrange ent, to se"retly o(erhear, #nter"e$t, or re"ord su"h "o un#"at#on or s$o6en word by us#ng su"h de(#"e "o only 6nown as d#"tagra$hLF Issue: whether the $hrase de(#"e or arrange ent #n"ludes $arty l#ne and e'tens#on Stat"on: #t should not be "onstrued #n #solat#on+ Rather #t should be #nter$reted #n relat#on to the other words &ta$, to o(erhear) thus $arty l#ne or tele$hone e'tens#on #s not #n"luded be"ause the words #n the $ro(#s#on l# #t #t to those that ha(e a $hys#"al #nterru$t#on through a w#reta$ or the del#berate #nstallat#on o! de(#"e to o(erhear+ &Re e ber the a'# nos"#tus a so"##s be"ause #n here they a$$l#ed an asso"#at#on w#th other words #n "onstru#ng the #ntent#on or l# #tat#on o! the statute)

%ational Tobacco Administration v. COA Issue: whether edu"at#onal ass#stan"e g#(en to #nd#(#duals $r#or to the ena"t ent o! RA ;1:> should be "ont#nued to be re"e#(edQ Held: Mes+ Pro$er #nter$retat#on o! se"t#on/= RA ;1:> de$ends on the "o b#nat#on o! !#rst and se"ond $aragra$h 4#rst senten"e states that Esu"h other add#t#onal "o $ensat#on not otherw#se s$e"#!#ed as ay be deter #ned by the %,. shall be dee ed #n"luded #n the standard#Ded salary rates here#n $res"r#bed+F The se"ond senten"e states Esu"h other add#t#onal "o $ensat#on, whether #n "ash or #n 6#nd, be#ng re"e#(ed by #n"u bents only as o! *uly /, /0>0 not #ntegrated #nto the standard shall "ont#nue to be author#Ded+F &you "an as6 "heery na lang to e'$la#n #t, ang haba ng nasa boo6 ) stat"on: do not #solate or deta"h the $arts+ Constru#ng a statute as a whole #n"ludes re"on"#l#ng and har on#D#ng "on!l#"t#ng $ro(#s#ons Pur$ose or "onte't as "ontroll#ng gu#de "onstrue whole statute and as"erta#n the ean#ng o! the words or $hrases base on #ts "onte't, the nature o! the sub7e"t, and $ur$ose or #ntent#on o! the leg#slat#(e body who ena"ted the statute g#(e #t a reasonable "onstru"t#on Leeway are a""e$ted on gra at#"al "onstru"t#on, letters o! the statutes, rhetor#"al !ra ewor6 #! #t "an $ro(#de a "lear and de!#n#te $ur$ose o! the whole statute & as long as #t "an $rodu"e a "lear and de!#n#te statutes, #t #s so et# es a!!e"ted to be la' on the "onstru"t#on o! gra ar) Har on#De the $arts o! ea"h other and #t should be "ons#stent w#th #ts s"o$e and ob7e"t G#(#ng e!!e"t to statute as a whole Hhy "onstrue a statute as a wholeQ 8 ,e"ause #t # $l#es that one $art #s as # $ortant as the other Hhat #! the $ro(#s#on@se"t#on #s un"lear by #tsel!Q 8 One "an a6e #t "lear by read#ng and "onstru#ng #t #n relat#on to the whole statute How do you $ro$erly and #ntell#gently "onstrue a $ro(#s#on@statuteQ 8 2 ways: &/) Anderstand #ts ean#ng and s"o$eI &=) a$$ly to an a"tual "aseI &2) "ourts should "ons#der the whole a"t #tsel! Hhy should e(ery $art o! the statute be g#(en e!!e"tQ 8 ,e"ause #t #s ena"ted as an #ntegrated easure not a hodge$odge o! "on!l#"t#ng $ro(#s#ons Hays on how the "ourts should "onstrue a statute &a""ord#ng to (ep blic v. (eyes): Inter$ret the thought "on(eyed by the statute as whole Construe "onst#tuent $arts together As"erta#n leg#slat#(e #ntent !or whole $art Cons#der ea"h and e(ery $ro(#s#on #n l#ght o! the general $ur$ose .a6e e(ery $art e!!e"t#(e, har on#ous and sens#ble &ado$t a "onstru"t#on wh#"h would g#(e e!!e"t to e(ery $art o! the o! the statute) At res ag#s (aleat 3ua $ereat 8 the "onstru"t#on #s to be sought wh#"h g#(es e!!e"t to the whole o! the statute 8 o! #ts e(ery word+ A$$arently "on!l#"t#ng $ro(#s#ons re"on"#led #n"luded #n the rule o! "onstru#ng statute as a whole, #s the re"on"#l#ng and har on#D#ng "on!l#"t#ng $ro(#s#ons be"ause #t #s by th#s that the statute w#ll be g#(en e!!e"t as a whole+ Hhy #s #t a ust !or "ourts to har on#De "on!l#"t#ng $ro(#s#onQ 8 ,e"ause they are e3ually the hand#wor6 o! the sa e leg#slature (P v. CA Issue: whether or not an a$$eal o! "ases #n(ol(#ng 7ust "o $ensat#on should be ade !#rst by %ARA, be!ore RTC under Se"+ :1 Held: SC sa#d that the "ontent#on o! the Re$ubl#" and the Land ,an6 #n the a!!#r at#(e s#de has no er#t be"ause although %ARA, #s granted a 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er agrar#an re!or atters, #t does not ha(e 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er "r# #nal "ases+ Sa#onas v. CA Issue: what $er#od an ad(erse "la# annotated at the ba"6 o! a trans!er "ert#!#"ate e!!e"t#(eQ Held: In "onstru#ng the law Se"+ 19 o! P% /:=0 &ad(erse "la# shall be e!!e"t#(e !or a $er#od o! 29 days !ro the reg#strat#onL) "are should be ta6en to a6e e(ery $art e!!e"t#(e S$e"#al and general $ro(#s#ons #n sa e statute s$e"#al would o(errule the general s$e"#al ust be o$erat#(eI general a!!e"t only those #t a$$l#es e'"e$t to general $ro(#s#on Constru"t#on as not to render $ro(#s#on nugatory another "onse3uen"e o! the rule: $ro(#s#on o! a statute should not be "onstrued as to null#!y or render another nugatory #n the sa e statute Inter$retat#o !#enda est et res ag#s (aleat 3ua $ereat 8 a law should be #nter$reted w#th a (#ew to u$hold#ng rather than destroy#ng %o not "onstrue a statute where#n one $ort#on w#ll destroy the other A(o#d a "onstru"t#on wh#"h w#ll render to $ro(#s#on #no$erat#(e Reason !or the rule be"ause o! the $resu $t#on that the leg#slature has ena"ted a statute whose $ro(#s#ons are #n har ony and "ons#stent w#th ea"h other and that "on!l#"t#ng #ntent#ons #s the sa e statute are ne(er su$$orted or regarded Nual#!#"at#on o! rule Hhat #! the $arts "annot be har on#Ded or re"on"#led w#thout null#!y#ng the otherQ 8 Rule #s !or the "ourt to re7e"t the one wh#"h #s least #n a""ord w#th the general $lan o! the whole statute

the date o!

Hhat #! there #s no "ho#"eQ 8 the latter $ro(#s#on ust (a"ate the !or erI last #n order #s !re3uently held to $re(a#l unless #ntent #s otherw#se Hhat #! the "on!l#"t "annot be har on#Ded and ade to stand togetherQ 8 one ust #n3u#re #nto the "#r"u stan"es o! the#r $assage Constru"t#on as to g#(e l#!e to law $ro(#de sens#ble #nter$retat#on to $ro ote the ends o! wh#"h they were ena"ted "onstru"t the #n a reasonable and $ra"t#"al way to g#(e l#!e to the Inter$retat#o !#enda es ut res ag#s (aleat 3ua $ereat 8 #nter$retat#on w#ll g#(e the e!!#"a"y that #s to be ado$ted+ Constru"t#on to a(o#d sur$lusage "onstrue the statute to a6e no $art or $ro(#s#on thereo! as sur$lasage ea"h and e(ery $art should be g#(en due e!!e"t and ean#ng do not "onstrue a legal $ro(#s#on to be a useless sur$lusage and ean#ngless e'ert all e!!orts to $ro(#de the ean#ng+ HhyQ ,e"ause o! the $resu $t#on that the leg#slature used the word or $hrase !or a $ur$ose A$$l#"at#on o! rule Me#ia v.,alalong Issue: how to "onstru Ene't general ele"t#onF #n Se"+ >> o! the C#ty Charter o! %agu$an C#tyQ Held: the $hrase re!ers to the ne't general ele"t#on a!ter the "#ty "a e #nto be#ng and not the one a!ter #ts organ#Dat#on by Pres#dent#al Pro"la at#on+ %iere v. C9' of %egros Occidental Issue: does the "#ty ayor ha(e the $ower to a$$o#nt a "#ty eng#neer $ursuant to Se"+ / o! the C#ty Charter o! La Carlote Held: no, the "#ty ayor does not ha(e su"h $ower+ The $hrase Eand other heads and other e $loyees o! su"h de$art ents as ay be "reatedF who the ayor "an a$$o#nt, re!ers to the heads o! "#ty de$art ents that ay be "reated a!ter the law too6 e!!e"t, and does not e bra"e the "#ty eng#neer+ To rule otherw#se #s to render the !#rst "on7un"t#on EandF be!ore the words E!#re de$art entF a su$er!lu#ty and w#thout ean#ng at all =ytengs v (ep blic Issue: whether the re3u#re ent the re3u#re ent !or natural#Dat#on that the a$$l#"ant Ew#ll res#de "ont#nuously #n the Ph#l#$$#nes !ro the date o! the !#l#ng o! the $et#t#on u$ to the t# e o! h#s ad #ss#on to Ph#l#$$#ne "#t#Densh#$F re!ers to a"tual res#den"e or erely to legal res#den"e or do #"#le Held: su"h re3u#re ent re!ers to a"tual or $hys#"al res#den"e be"ause to "onstrue #t otherw#se #s to render the "lause a sur$lusage+ An a$$l#"ant !or natural#Dat#on ust be a"tually res#d#ng #n the Ph#l#$$#nes !ro the !#l#ng o! the $et#t#on !or natural#Dat#on to #ts deter #nat#on by the "ourt Manila Lodge %o. @AB v. CA Issue: whether the re"la# ed land #s $atr# on#al or $ubl#" do #n#onQ Held: to say that the land #s $atr# on#al w#ll render nugatory and a sur$lusage the $hrase o! the law to the e!!e"t that the C#ty o! .an#la E#s hereby author#Ded to lease or sellF A sale o! $ubl#" do #n#on needs a leg#slat#(e author#Dat#on, wh#le a $atr# on#al land does not+ Statute and #ts a end ents "onstrued together rule a$$l#es to the "onstru"t#on and #ts a end ents Hhate(er "hanges the leg#slature ade #t should be g#(en e!!e"t together w#th the other $arts+ Almeda v. 9lorentino Law 5 Ethe un#"#$al board shall ha(e a se"retary who shall be a$$o#nted by #t to ser(e dur#ng the ter o! o!!#"e o! the e bers thereo!F A end ent 5 Ethe (#"e8 ayor shall a$$o#nt all e $loyees o! the board who ay be sus$ended or re o(ed #n a""ordan"e w#th lawF Constru"t#on o! both Law and A end ent 5 the $ower o! the (#"e8 ayor to a6e a$$o#nt ent $ursuant to the a endatory a"t #s l# #ted to the a$$o#nt ent o! all e $loyees o! the board other than the board se"retary who #s to be a$$o#nted by the board #tsel! STATATE CONSTRAE% IN RELATION TO CONSTITATION AN% OTHER STATATES Statute "onstrued #n har ony w#th the Const#tut#on Const#tut#on8 the !unda ental law to wh#"h all laws are subser(#ent General Rule: %o not #nter$ret a statute #nde$endent !ro the "onst#tut#on Construe the statute #n har ony w#th the !unda ental law: HhyQ ,e"ause #t #s always $resu ed that the leg#slature adhered to the "onst#tut#onal l# #tat#ons when they ena"ted the statute It #s also # $ortant to understand a statute #n l#ght o! the "onst#tut#on and to a(o#d #nter$ret#ng the !or er #n "on!l#"t w#th the latter Hhat #! the statute #s sus"e$t#ble to two "onstru"t#ons, one #s "onst#tut#onal and the other #s un"onst#tut#onalQ A: The "onstru"t#on that should be ado$ted should be the one that #s "onst#tut#onal and the one that w#ll render #t #n(al#d should be re7e"ted+ The Court should !a(or the "onstru"t#on that g#(es a statute o! sur(#(#ng the test o! "onst#tut#onal#ty The Court "annot #n order to br#ng a statute w#th#n the !unda ental law, a end #t by "onstru"t#on TaCada v. T vera th#s #s the "ase regard#ng Art+ = o! the C#(#l Code es$e"#ally the $hrase Eunless otherw#se $ro(#dedF+

Stat"on: one should understand that if the $hrase re!ers to the $ubl#"at#on #tsel! #t would (#olate the "onst#tut#on &s#n"e all laws should be ade $ubl#") X#! alabo, (ague, ehQ huhQ 5 "herry w#ll e'$la#n #t na lang Y Statutes #n Pari Materia $ar# ater#a 8 re!ers to any the !ollow#ng: sa e $erson or th#ng sa e $ur$ose o! ob7e"t sa e s$e"#!#" sub7e"t atter Later statutes ay re!er to $r#or laws+ Hhat #! the later law ha(e no re!eren"e to the $r#or law, does that ean they are not #n $ar# ater#aQ 8 No+ It #s su!!#"#ent that they ha(e the sa e sub7e"t atter+ Hhen #s a statute not #n $ar# ater#aQ 8 The "ond#t#ons abo(e are the deter #nants o! as"erta#n#ng #! a statute #s #n $ar# ater#a, thus e(en #! two statutes are under the sa e broad sub7e"t as along as the#r s$e"#!#" sub7e"ts are not the sa e, they are NOT #n $ar# ater#al How statutes #n Pari Materia "onstrued Inter$retare et "on"ordare leges leg#bus est o$t# us #nter$retand# odus 5 e(ery statute ust be so "onstrued and har on#Ded w#th other statutes as to !or a un#!or syste o! 7ur#s$ruden"e &$arang ganun d#n nung !#rst $art, "onstrue #t as a whole+ ,ut also bear #n #nd that #t should also be #n har ony w#th other e'#st#ng laws) Construe statutes #n $ar# ater#a together to atta#n the $ur$ose o! an e'$ress nat#onal $ol#"y Hhy should they be "onstrued togetherQ 8 ,e"ause o! the assu $t#on that when the leg#slature ena"ted the statutes they were th#n6#ng o! the $r#or statute+ Pr#or statutes relat#ng to the sa e sub7e"t atter are to be "o $ared w#th the new $ro(#s#ons+ Aga#n #t #s # $ortant to har on#De the statutes+ Courts should not render the #n(al#d w#thout ta6#ng the ne"essary ste$s #n re"on"#l#ng the

*da de =rbano v. 5S'S there were no !a"ts g#(en #n the boo6 e'"e$t that #t was #n th#s "ase that #n $ar# e'$lanat#on are the sa e #n the a!ore ent#oned

ater#a was e'$la#ned well+ The

Other th#ngs to "ons#der #n "onstru"t#ng statutes wh#"h are #n $ar# ater#a H#story o! the leg#slat#on on the sub7e"t As"erta#n the un#!or $ur$ose o! the leg#slature %#s"o(er the $ol#"y related to the sub7e"t atter has been "hanged or od#!#ed Cons#der a"ts $assed at $r#or sess#ons e(en those that ha(e been re$ealed %#st#ngue te $ora et "on"ordab#s 7ura 5 d#st#ngu#sh t# es and you w#ll har on#De laws In "ases o! two or ore laws w#th the sa e sub7e"t atter: Nuest#on #s usually whether the later a"t # $l#edly re$ealed the $r#or a"t+ Rule: the only t# e a later a"t w#ll be re$ealed or a ended #s when the a"t #tsel! states so &that #t su$ersedes all the $r#or a"ts) or when there #s an #rre"on"#lable re$ugnan"y between the two+ In the "ase o! E# $l#edF the doubt w#ll be resol(ed aga#nst the re$eal or a end ent and #n !a(or o! the har on#Dat#on o! the laws on the sub7e"t &later w#ll ser(e as a od#!#"at#on) Reasons why laws on sa e sub7e"t are re"on"#led = a#n reasons: The $resu $t#on that the leg#slature too6 #nto a""ount $r#or laws when they ena"ted the new one+ ;orbiter dict m ni c$erryD t$is c$apter -eeps pointing o t t$at t$e legislat re are -no3ledgeable on t$e la3& b t ' 3onder $o3 t$e actors fitE 'm not discriminating b t $o3 did Lito Lapid& Loi E#ercito& etc -ne3 t$e prior la3sE ' $eard t$ey $ave researc$ers 3$o do it for t$em. 7$y don?t 3e vote t$ose researc$ers insteadE F n lang. ' $ave been reading t$e 3$ole pres mption t$at t$e legislat re is -no3ledgeable. Madaming namamatay sa a-ala. 's agpalo still aliveE $a$a$a ) ,e"ause ena"t ents o! the sa e leg#slature on the sa e sub7e"t are su$$osed to !or &HhyQ ,e"ause later statutes are su$$le entary to the earl#er ena"t ents) I! $oss#ble "onstrue the two statutes where#n the $ro(#s#ons o! both are g#(en e!!e"t $art o! one un#!or syste

Hhere har on#Dat#on #s # $oss#ble Earl#er law should g#(e way to the later law be"ause #t #s the E"urrentF or later e'$ress#on o! the leg#slat#(e w#ll

Illustrat#on o! the rule &#n $ar#


Lacson v. (oq e Issue: the $hrase unless sooner re o(ed o! a statute that states Ethe ayor shall hold o!!#"e !or !our years unless sooner re o(edF stat"on: the "ourt held that the $hrase should be "onstrued #n relat#on to re o(al statutes+ Thus the $hrase eant that although the ayor "annot be re o(ed dur#ng h#s ter o! o!!#"e, on"e he (#olates those that are stated #n re o(al statutes+ C$in O$ 9oo v. Concepcion "r# #nal "ase Art#"le /=&/) e'e $t#ng "#r"u stan"e &# be"#le or #nsane)

Stat"on: the $hrase Eshall not be $er #tted to lea(e w#thout !#rst obta#n#ng $er #ss#on o! the sa e "ourtF should be re"on"#led w#th another statute that states Eany $at#ent "on!#ned #n a ental #nst#tut#on ay be released by the %#re"tor o! Health on"e he #s "ured+ The %#re"tor shall #n!or the 7udge that a$$ro(ed the "on!#ne entF+ These two statutes re!ers to a $erson who was "r# #nally "harged but was $ro(en to be an # be"#le or #nsane, thus they should be "onstrued together+ The#r "onstru"t#on would ean that #n order !or the $at#ent to be release there should be an a$$ro(al o! both the "ourt and the %#re"tor o! Health+ )ing v. :ernae+ Stat"on: relat#on o! RA //>9 &Reta#l Trade Nat#onal#Dat#on A"t) to Co onwealth A"t /9> &Ant# %u y Law)

Dialdas v. Percides 4a"ts: a al#en who o$erated a reta#l store #n Cebu de"#ded to "lose h#s Cebu store and trans!er #t to %u aguete+ RTL &reta#l trade law) and Ta' Code Se"+ /00 were the statutes ta6en #nto "ons#derat#on #n th#s "ase+ The !or er author#Des any al#en who on .ay /:, /0:< #s a"tually engaged #n reta#l, to "ont#nue to engage there#n unt#l h#s (oluntary ret#re ent !ro su"h bus#ness, but not to establ#sh or o$en add#t#onal stores !or reta#l bus#ness+ The latter $ro(#des that any bus#ness !or wh#"h the $r#(#lege ta' has been $a#d ay be re o(ed and "ont#nued #n any other $la"e w#thout $ay ent o! add#t#onal ta'+ Issue: whether the trans!er by the al#en !ro Cebu to %u aguete "an be "ons#dered as a (oluntary ret#re ent !ro bus#ness+ Held: No+ Although the tr#al "ourt a!!#r ed the 3uest#on, the SC ruled otherw#se stat#ng that RTC o(erloo6ed the "lear $ro(#s#on o! Se"+ /00+ C 4 C Commercial Corp v. %ational 7ater3or-s and Se3erage A t$ority 4a"ts: R+A+ 0/= &=) states that #n "onstru"t#on or re$a#r wor6 underta6en by the Go(ern ent, Ph#l#$$#ne ade ater#als and $rodu"ts, whene(er a(a#lable shall be used #n "onstru"t#on or re$a#r wor6+ 4lag Law &Co onwealth A"t /2>) g#(es nat#(e $rodu"ts $re!eren"e #n the $ur"hase o! art#"les by Go(ern ent, #n"lud#ng go(ern ent owned or "ontrolled "or$orat#ons+ Issue: #nter$retat#on o! two statutes re3u#r#ng that $re!eren"e be ade #n the $ur"hase and use o! Ph#l+ .ade ater#als and $rodu"ts Held: The SC relates the two statutes as #n $ar# ater#a and they should be "onstrued to atta#n the sa e ob7e"t#(e that #s to g#(e $re!eren"e to lo"ally $rodu"ed ater#als+ Cabada v. Al nan ''' Issue: whether or not an a$$eal l#es !ro the de"#s#on o! reg#onal a$$ellate board &RA,) # $os#ng d#s"#$l#nary a"t#on aga#nst a e ber o! the PNP under Se"+ <: o! RA ;01: regard#ng !#nal#ty o! d#s"#$l#nary a"t#on The "ourt held that the Ega$F #n the law wh#"h #s s#lent on !#l#ng a$$eals !ro de"#s#ons o! the RA, rendered w#th#n the regle entary $er#od should be "onstrued and har on#Ded w#th other statutes, #+e+ Se" =&/), Art#"le IG8, o! the /0>1 Const#tut#on be"ause the PNP #s $art, as a bureau, o! the reorgan#Ded %ILG, as to !or a un#!#ed syste o! 7ur#s$ruden"e Stat"on: #! RA, !a#ls to de"#de an a$$ealed "ase w#th#n ;9 days !ro re"e#$t o! the not#"e o! a$$eal, the a$$ealed de"#s#on #s dee ed !#nal and e'e"utory, and the aggr#e(ed $arty ay !orthw#th a$$eal there!ro to the Se"retary o! %ILG+ L#6ew#se, #! the RA, has de"#ded the a$$eal w#th#n ;98day regle entary $er#od, #ts de"#s#on ay st#ll be a$$ealed to the Se"retary o! %ILG Manila .oc-ey Cl b 'nc. v. CA Issue: who was ent#tled to brea6ages &/9U d#(#dend o! w#nn#ng horse ra"e t#"6ets) Stat"on: There are two statutes that should be "ons#dered+ RA 290 &a ended by ;;2/ C;;2=) #s s#lent on the atter but the $ra"t#"e #s to use brea6ages !or ant# boo6#e dr#(e and other sale $ro ot#ons+ E+O+ >> C >0 wh#"h allo"ated brea6ages there#n s$e"#!#ed+ These two should be "onstrued #n $ar# ater#a, thus all brea6ages der#(ed !ro all ra"es should be d#str#buted and allo"ated #n a""ordan"e w#th E'e"ut#(e Orders be"ause no law should be (#ewed #n #solat#on+ &su$$le entary) General and s$e"#al statutes General statutes8 a$$l#es to all o! the $eo$le o! the state or to a $art#"ular "lass o! $ersons #n the state w#th e3ual !or"e+ An#(ersal #n a$$l#"at#on S$e"#al statutes8 relates to $art#"ular $ersons or th#ngs o! a "lass or to $art#"ular $ort#on or se"t#on o! the state only Cons#dered as statutes #n $ar# ater#a thus they should be read together and har on#Ded &and g#(en e!!e"t) Hhat #! there are two a"ts wh#"h "onta#n one general and one s$e"#alQ I! #t $rodu"es "on!l#"t, the s$e"#al shall $re(a#l s#n"e the leg#slat#(e #ntent #s ore "lear thus #t ust be ta6en as #ntended to "onst#tute an e'"e$t#on+ Th#n6 o! #t as one general law o! the land wh#le the other a$$l#es only to a $art#"ular "ase Hhat #! the s$e"#al law #s $assed be!ore the general lawQ It doesn-t atter be"ause the s$e"#al law w#ll st#ll be "ons#dered as an e'"e$t#on unless e'$ressly re$ealed+ Solid :omes 'nc. v. Paya3al 4#rst statute $ro(#des that Nat#onal Hous#ng Author#ty shall ha(e e'"lus#(e 7ur#sd#"t#on to hear and de"#de "ases #n(ol(#ng unsound real estate &P+%+ No+ 0:0)+ Se"ond statute grants RTC general 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er su"h "ases+ Issue: Hh#"h one w#ll $re(a#lQ Held: The !#rst statute w#ll $re(a#l be"ause #t #s a s$e"#al law, as "o $ared to the latter wh#"h #s general law, thus #t #s an e'"e$t#on to the Egeneral 7ur#sd#"t#onF o! the RTC Magta#as v. Pryce Properties Corp 4a"ts: P+%+ No+ />;0 author#Ded PAGCOR to "entral#De and regulate all ga es o! "han"e+ LGC o! /00/, a later law, e $owers all go(ern ent un#ts to ena"t ord#nan"es to $re(ent and su$$ress ga bl#ng and other ga es o! "han"e+

Sta"on: These two should be har on#Ded rather than annull#ng one and u$hold#ng the other+ Court sa#d that the solut#on to th#s $roble #s !or the go(ern ent un#ts to su$$ress and $re(ent all 6#nds o! ga bl#ng e'"e$t those that are allowed under the $re(#ous law Leveri+a v. 'ntermediate Appellate Co rt RA 11; e $owers the general anager o! the C#(#l Aeronaut#"s Ad #n#strat#on to lease real $ro$erty under #ts ad #n#strat#on+ Ad #n#strat#(e Code author#Des the Pres#dent to e'e"ute a lease "ontra"t relat#ng to real $ro$erty belong#ng to the re$ubl#" How do you a$$ly the ruleQ 8 In th#s "ase, the $r#or &s$e"#al) law should $re(a#l Reason !or the rule the s$e"#al law #s "ons#dered an e'"e$t#on to the general law &as long as sa e sub7e"t) Nual#!#"at#on o! the rule The rule a!ore ent#oned #s not absolute+ E'"e$t#ons: I! the leg#slature "learly #ntended the general ena"t ent to "o(er the whole sub7e"t and to re$eal all $r#or laws #n"ons#stent therew#th Hhen the $r#n"#$le #s that the s$e"#al law erely establ#shes a general rule wh#le the general law "reates a s$e"#!#" and s$e"#al rule Re!eren"e statutes a statute wh#"h re!ers to other statutes and a6es the a$$l#"able to the sub7e"t o! leg#slat#on used to a(o#d en"u ber#ng the statute boo6s o! unne"essary re$et#t#on should be "onstrued to har on#De and g#(e e!!e"t to the ado$ted statute+ Su$$le ental statutes Intended to su$$ly de!#"#en"#es #n e'#st#ng statutes Su$$le ental statutes should be read w#th the or#g#nal statute and "onstrued together Reena"ted statutes statute wh#"h reena"ts a $re(#ous statute or $ro(#s#on+ Re$rodu"#ng an earl#er statute w#th the sa e or substant#ally the sa e words+ Montelibano v. 9errer Issue: a$$l#"at#on o! Se"+ 2 !o the C#ty Charter o! .an#la #s (al#d #n the "r# #nal "o $la#nt d#re"tly !#le by an o!!ended $arty #n the "#ty "ourt o! ,a"olodQ Held: The "ourt ruled that the "r# #nal "o $la#nt !#led d#re"tly by the o!!ended $arty #s #n(al#d and #t ordered the "#ty "ourt to d#s #ss #t+ The $ro(#s#ons o! the C#ty Charter o! .an#la ,a"olod on the sa e sub7e"t are #dent#"ally worded, hen"e they should re"e#(e the sa e "onstru"t#on+ RALE: two statutes w#th a $arallel s"o$e, $ur$ose and ter #nology should ea"h #n #ts own !#eld, ha(e a l#6e #nter$retat#on Ado$t#on o! "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#on #n "onstru#ng the reena"ted statute, the "ourt should ta6e #nto a""ount $r#or "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#on and g#(e due we#ght and res$e"t to #t+ Nual#!#"at#on o! the rule rule that #s a!ore ent#oned #s a$$l#"able only when the statute #s "a$able o! the "onstru"t#on g#(en to #t and when that "onstru"t#on has be"o e a settled rule o! "ondu"t Ado$ted statutes a statute $atterned a!ter a statute o! a !ore#gn "ountry+ Court should ta6e #nto "ons#derat#on how the "ourts o! other "ountry "onstrue the law and #ts $ra"t#"es CHAPTER SEBEN: Str#"t or L#beral Constru"t#on IN GENERAL Generally Hhether a statute #s to be g#(en a str#"t or l#beral "onstru"t#on w#ll de$end u$on the !ollow#ng: The nature o! the statute The $ur$ose to be subser(ed The #s"h#e! to be re ed#ed Pur$ose: to g#(e the statute the #nter$retat#on that w#ll best a""o $l#sh the end des#red and e!!e"tuate leg#slat#(e #ntent Str#"t "onstru"t#on, generally Constru"t#on a""ord#ng to the letter o! the statute, wh#"h re"ogn#Des noth#ng that #s not e'$ressed, ta6es the language used #n #ts e'a"t ean#ng, and ad #ts no e3u#table "ons#derat#on Not to ean that statutes are "onstrued #n #ts narrowest ean#ng It s# $ly eans that the s"o$e o! the statute shall not be e'tended or enlarged by # $l#"at#on, #ntend ent, or e3u#table "ons#derat#on beyond the l#teral ean#ng o! #ts ter s It #s a "lose and "onser(at#(e adheren"e to the l#teral or te'tual #nter$retat#on The ant#thes#s o! l#beral "onstru"t#on

L#beral "onstru"t#on, de!#ned E3u#table "onstru"t#on as w#ll enlarge the letter o! a statute to a""o $l#sh #ts #ntended $ur$ose, "arry out #ts #ntent, or $ro ote 7ust#"e Not to ean enlarge ent o! a $ro(#s#on wh#"h #s "lear, una b#guous and !ree !ro doubt It s# $ly eans that the words should re"e#(e a !a#r and reasonable #nter$retat#on, so as to atta#n the #ntent, s$#r#t and $ur$ose o! the law L#beral "onstru"t#on a$$l#ed, generally Hhere a statute #s a b#guous, the l#teral ean#ng o! the words used ay be re7e"ted #! the result o! ado$t#ng sa#d ean#ng would be to de!eat the $ur$ose o! the law =t res magis valeat q am pereat ! that "onstru"t#on #s to be sought wh#"h g#(es e!!e"t to the whole o! the statute 5 #ts e(ery word L#beral Constru"t#on E3u#table "onstru"t#on as w#ll enlarge the letter o! a statute to a""o $l#sh #ts #ntended $ur$ose, "arry out #ts #ntent, or $ro ote 7ust#"e Leg#t# ate e'er"#se o! 7ud#"#al $ower A statute *ud#"#al Inter$retat#on A"t o! the "ourt #n engra!t#ng u$on a law so eth#ng wh#"h #t bel#e(es ought to ha(e been e bra"ed there#n

4orb#dden by the tr#$art#te d#(#s#on o! $owers a ong the 2 de$art ents o! go(ern ent ay not be l#berally "onstrued to read #nto #t so eth#ng wh#"h #ts "lear and $la#n language re7e"ts

Constru"t#on to $ro ote so"#al 7ust#"e So"#al 7ust#"e ust be ta6en #nto a""ount #n the #nter$retat#on and a$$l#"at#on o! laws So"#al 7ust#"e andate #s addressed or eant !or the three de$art ents: the leg#slat#(e, e'e"ut#(e, and the 7ud#"#al So"#al 7ust#"e &#n"luded #n the Const#tut#on) was eant to be a (#tal, art#"ulate, "o $ell#ng $r#n"#$le o! $ubl#" $ol#"y It should be obser(ed #n the #nter$retat#on not only o! !uture leg#slat#ons, but also o! laws already e'#st#ng on No(e ber /:, /02:+ It was #ntended to "hange the s$#r#t o! our laws, $resent and !uture+ Constru"t#on ta6#ng #nto "ons#derat#on general wel!are or growth "#(#l#Dat#on Construe to atta#n the general wel!are Sal s pop li est s prema le" ! the (o#"e o! the $eo$le #s the su$re e law Stat ta pro p blico commodo late interpretant r ! statutes ena"ted !or the $ubl#" good are to be "onstrued l#berally The reason o! the law #s the l#!e o! the lawI the reason l#es #n the so#l o! the "o on wel!are The 7udge ust go out #n the o$en s$a"es o! a"tual#ty and d#g down dee$ #nto h#s "o on so#l, #! not, he be"o es subser(#ent to !or al#s Construe #n the l#ght o! the growth o! "#(#l#Dat#on and (ary#ng "ond#t#ons The #nter$retat#on that E#! the an #s too long !or the bed, h#s head should be "ho$$ed o!! rather than enlarge the old bed or $ur"hase a new oneF should NOT be g#(en to statutes STATATES STRICTLM CONSTRAE% Penal statutes, generally Penal statutes are those that de!#ne "r# es, treat o! the#r nature and $ro(#de !or the#r $un#sh ent A"ts o! leg#slature wh#"h $roh#b#t "erta#n a"ts and establ#sh $enalt#es !or the#r (#olat#on Those wh#"h # $ose $un#sh ent !or an o!!ense "o #tted aga#nst the state, and wh#"h the "h#e! e'e"ut#(e has the $ower to $ardon A statute wh#"h de"rees the !or!e#ture #n !a(or o! the state o! une'$la#ned wealth a"3u#red by a $ubl#" o!!#"#al wh#le #n o!!#"e #s "r# #nal #n nature Penal statutes, str#"tly "onstrued Penal statutes are str#"tly "onstrued aga#nst the State and l#berally "onstrued #n !a(or o! the a""used Penal statutes "annot be enlarged or e'tended by #ntend ent, # $l#"at#on, or any e3u#table "ons#derat#on No $erson should be brought w#th#n #ts ter s #! he #s not "learly ade so by the statute No a"t should be $ronoun"es "r# #nal wh#"h #s not "learly ade so Peo v. Atop Se"+ // o! RA 1;:0, wh#"h a ended Art+ 22: o! the RPC, $ro(#des that the death $enalty !or ra$e ay be # $osed #! the Eo!!ender #s a $arent, as"endant, ste$8$arent, guard#an, relat#(e by "onsangu#n#ty or a!!#n#ty w#th#n the 2 rd "#(#l degree, or the "o on8law s$ouse o! the $arent o! the (#"t# F Is the "o on8law husband o! the g#rl-s grand other #n"ludedQ NoP Courts ust not br#ng "ases w#th#n the $ro(#s#ons o! the law wh#"h are not "learly e bra"ed by #t+ No a"t "an be $ronoun"ed "r# #nal wh#"h #s not "learly w#th#n the ter s o! a statute "an be brought w#th#n the + Any reasonable doubt ust be resol(ed #n !a(or o! the a""used Str#"t "onstru"t#on but not as to null#!y or destroy the ob(#ous $ur$ose o! the leg#slature

I! $enal statute #s (ague, #t ust be "onstrued w#th su"h str#"tness as to "are!ully SA4EGAAR% the RIGHTS o! the de!endant and at the sa e t# e $reser(e the ob(#ous #ntent#on o! the leg#slature Courts ust endea(or to e!!e"t substant#al 7ust#"e Centeno v. *illalon6Pornillos P% /:;<, wh#"h $un#shes a $erson who sol#"#ts or re"e#(es "ontr#but#on !or E"har#table or $ubl#" wel!are $ur$osesF w#thout any $er #t !#rst se"ured !ro the %e$art ent o! So"#al Ser(#"es, %I% NOT #n"lude Erel#g#ous $ur$osesFF #n the a"ts $un#shable, the law CANNOT be "onstrued to $un#sh the sol#"#tat#on o! "ontr#but#ons !or rel#g#ous $ur$oses, su"h as re$a#r or reno(at#on o! the "hur"h Reason why $enal statutes are str#"tly "onstruedg The law #s tender #n !a(or o! the r#ghts o! the #nd#(#dualI The ob7e"t #s to establ#sh a "erta#n rule by "on!or #ty to wh#"h an6#nd would be sa!e, and the d#s"ret#on o! the "ourt l# #ted Pur$ose o! str#"t "onstru"t#on #s NOT to enable a gu#lty $erson to es"a$e $un#sh ent through te"hn#"al#ty but to $ro(#de a $re"#se de!#n#t#on o! !orb#dden a"ts A"ts mala in se and mala pro$ibita General rule: to "onst#tute a "r# e, e(#l #ntent ust "o b#ne w#th an a"t Act s non facit re m nisi mens sit rea ! the a"t #tsel! does not a6e a an gu#lty unless h#s #ntent#on were so Act s me invite fact s non est me s act s ! an a"t done by e aga#nst y w#ll #s not y a"t .ala #n se Cr# #nal #ntent, a$art !ro the a"t #tsel! #s re3u#red RPC .ala $roh#b#ta The only #n3u#ry #s, has the law been (#olated S$e"#al $enal laws ust be $ro(edI thus good

Howe(er, #! s$e"#al $enal laws use su"h words as Ew#ll!ully, (oluntar#ly, and 6now#nglyF #ntent !a#th or bad !a#th #s essent#al be!ore "on(#"t#on A$$l#"at#on o! rule Peo v. Fadao A statute wh#"h $enal#Des a E$erson ass#st#ng a "la# antF #n "onne"t#on w#th the latter-s "la# not $enal#De Eone who O44ERS to ass#stF

!or (eterans bene!#t, does

S y v. People Hhere a statute $enal#Des a store owner who sells "o od#t#es beyond the reta#l "e#l#ng $r#"e !#'ed by law, the a b#gu#ty #n the EO "lass#!y#ng the sa e "o od#ty #nto = "lasses and !#'#ng d#!!erent "e#l#ng $r#"es !or ea"h "lass, should be resol(ed #n !a(or o! the a""used Peo v. Terreda Shorter $res"r#$t#(e $er#od #s ore !a(orable to the a""used

Peo v. Manantan The rule that $enal statutes are g#(en a str#"t "onstru"t#on #s not the only !a"tor "ontroll#ng the #nter$retat#on o! su"h laws Instead, the rule erely ser(es as an add#t#onal s#ngle !a"tor to be "ons#dered as an a#d #n detr #n#ng the ean#ng o! $enal laws Peo v. P risima The language o! the a statute wh#"h $enal#Des the ere "arry#ng outs#de o! res#den"e o! bladed wea$ons, #+e+, a 6n#!e or bolo, not #n "onne"t#on w#th one-s wor6 or o""u$at#on, w#th a (ery hea(y $enalty rang#ng !ro :8/9 years o! # $r#son ent, has been narrowed and str#"tly "onstrued as to #n"lude, as an add#t#onal ele ent o! the "r# e, the "arry#ng o! the wea$on #n !urtheran"e o! rebell#on, #nsurre"t#on or sub(ers#on, su"h be#ng the e(#l sought to be re ed#ed or $re(ented by the statute as d#s"losed #n #ts $rea ble A+arcon v. Sandiganbayan Issue: whether a $r#(ate $erson "an be "ons#dered a $ubl#" o!!#"er by reason #! h#s be#ng des#gnated by the ,IR as a de$os#tory o! d#stra#ned $ro$erty, so as to a6e the "on(ers#on thereo! the "r# e o! al(ersat#on Held: NOP the ,IR-s $ower author#D#ng a $r#(ate #nd#(#dual to a"t as a de$os#tory "annot #n"lude the $ower to a$$o#nt h# as $ubl#" o!!#"er A $r#(ate #nd#(#dual who has #n h#s "harge any o! the $ubl#" !unds or $ro$erty enu erated #n Art === RPC and "o #ts any o! the a"ts de!#ned #n any o! the $ro(#s#ons o! Cha$ter <, T#tle 1 o! the RPC, should l#6ew#se be $enal#Ded w#th the sa e $enalty eted to err#ng $ubl#" o!!#"ers+ Nowhere #n th#s $ro(#s#on #s #t e'$ressed or # $l#ed that a $r#(ate #nd#(#dual !all#ng under sa#d Art === #s to be dee ed a $ubl#" o!!#"er L# #tat#on o! rule L# #tat#on J/ 5 Hhere a $enal statute #s "a$able o! = #nter$retat#ons, one wh#"h w#ll o$erate to e'e $t an a""used !ro l#ab#l#ty !or (#olat#on thereo! and another wh#"h w#ll g#(e e!!e"t to the an#!est #ntent o! the statute and $ro ote #ts ob7e"t, the latter #nter$retat#on should be ado$ted =S v. 5o C$ico

A law $un#shes the d#s$lay o! !lags Eused dur#ngF the #nsurre"t#on aga#nst the AS ay not be so "onstrued as to e'e $t !ro "r# #nal l#ab#l#ty a $erson who d#s$lays a re$l#"a o! sa#d !lag be"ause sa#d re$l#"a #s not the one EusedF dur#ng the rebell#on, !or to so "onstrue #t #s to null#!y the statute together Go Ch#"o #s l#able though !lags d#s$layed were 7ust re$l#"a o! the !lags Eused dur#ngF #nsurre"t#on aga#nst AS L# #tat#on J= 5 str#"t "onstru"t#on o! $enal laws a$$l#es only where the law #s a b#guous and there #s doubt as to #ts ean#ng Peo v. 5atc$alian A statute re3u#res that an e $loyer shall $ay a #n# u wage o! not less than a s$e"#!#ed a ount and $un#shes any $erson who w#ll!ully (#olates any o! #ts $ro(#s#ons The !a"t that the non$ay ent o! the #n# u wage #s not s$e"#!#"ally de"lared unlaw!ul, does not ean that an e $loyer who $ays h#s e $loyees less than the $res"r#bed #n# u wage #s not "r# #nally l#able, !or the non$ay ent o! #n# u wage #s the (ery a"t sought to be en7o#ned by the law Statutes #n derogat#on o! r#ghts R#ghts are not absolute, and the state, #n the e'er"#se o! $ol#"e $ower, ay ena"t leg#slat#ons "urta#l#ng or restr#"t#ng the#r en7oy ent As these statutes are #n derogat#on o! "o on or general r#ghts, they are generally str#"tly "onstrued and r#g#dly "on!#ned to "ases "learly w#th#n the#r s"o$e and $ur$ose E'a $les: Statutes author#D#ng the e'$ro$r#at#on o! $r#(ate land or $ro$erty Allow#ng the ta6#ng o! de$os#t#on 4#'#ng the "e#l#ng o! the $r#"e o! "o od#t#es L# #t#ng the e'er"#se o! $ro$r#etary r#ghts by #nd#(#dual "#t#Dens Sus$end#ng the $er#od o! $res"r#$t#on o! a"t#ons Hhen = reasonably $oss#ble "onstru"t#ons, one wh#"h would d# #n#sh or restr#"t !unda ental r#ght o! the $eo$le and the other #! wh#"h would not do so, the latter "onstru"t#on ust be ado$ted so as to allow !ull en7oy ent o! su"h !unda ental r#ght Statutes author#D#ng e'$ro$r#at#ons Power o! e #nent do a#n #s essent#ally leg#slat#(e #n nature .ay be delegated to the Pres#dent, LGAs, or $ubl#" ut#l#ty "o $any E'$ro$r#at#on $lus 7ust "o $ensat#on A derogat#on o! $r#(ate r#ghts, thus str#"t "onstru"t#on #s a$$l#ed Statutes e'$ro$r#at#ng or author#D#ng the e'$ro$r#at#on o! $ro$erty are str#"tly "onstrued aga#nst the e'$ro$r#at#ng author#ty and l#berally #n !a(or o! $ro$erty owners Statutes grant#ng $r#(#leges Statutes grant#ng ad(antages to $r#(ate $ersons or ent#t#es ha(e #n any #nstan"es "reated s$e"#al $r#(#leges or ono$ol#es !or the grantees and ha(e thus been (#ewed w#th sus$#"#on and str#"tly "onstrued Privilegia recipient largam interpretationem vol ntati consonam concedentis ! $r#(#leges are to be #nter$reted #n a""ordan"e w#th the w#ll o! h# who grants the And he who !a#ls to str#"tly "o $ly w#th the w#ll o! the grantor loses su"h $r#(#leges , t an Sa3mill& 'nc. v. ,ayvie3 T$eater& 'nc Hhere an ent#ty #s granted a leg#slat#(e !ran"h#se to o$erate ele"tr#" l#ght and $ower, on "ond#t#on that #t should start o$erat#on w#th#n a s$e"#!#ed $er#od, #ts !a#lure to start o$erat#on w#th#n the $er#od resulted #n the !or!e#ture o! the !ran"h#se Leg#slat#(e grants to lo"al go(ern ent un#ts Grants o! $ower to lo"al go(ern ent are to be "onstrued str#"tly, and doubts #n the #nter$retat#on should be resol(ed #n !a(or o! the nat#onal go(ern ent and aga#nst the $ol#t#"al subd#(#s#ons "on"erned Reason: there #s #n su"h a grant a gratu#tous donat#on o! $ubl#" oney or $ro$erty wh#"h results #n an un!a#r ad(antage to the grantee and !or that reason, the grant should be narrowly restr#"ted #n !a(or o! the $ubl#" Statutory grounds !or re o(al o! o!!#"#als Statutes relat#ng to sus$ens#on or re o(al o! $ubl#" o!!#"#als are str#"tly "onstrued Reason: the re edy o! re o(al #s a drast#" one and $enal #n nature+ In7ust#"e and har to the $ubl#" #nterest would l#6ely e erge should su"h laws be not str#"tly #nter$reted aga#nst the $ower o! sus$ens#on or re o(al Oc$ate v. Deling Grounds !or re o(al 5 Enegle"t o! duty, o$$ress#on, "orru$t#on or other !or s o! E#n o!!#"eF 5 a 3ual#!#er o! all a"ts+ .ust be #n relat#on to the o!!#"#al as an o!!#"er and not as a $r#(ate $erson alad #n#strat#on #n o!!#"eF

:ebron v (eyes Pro"edure !or re o(al or sus$ens#on should be str#"tly "onstrued Statute: lo"al ele"t#(e o!!#"#als are to be re o(ed or sus$ended, a!ter #n(est#gat#on, by the $ro(#n"#al board, sub7e"t to a$$eal to the Pres#dent Pres#dent has no author#ty on h#s own to "ondu"t the #n(est#gat#on and to sus$end su"h ele"t#(e o!!#"#al Natural#Dat#on laws Natural#Dat#on laws are str#"tly "onstrued aga#nst the a$$l#"ant and r#g#dly !ollowed and en!or"ed Natural#Dat#on #s statutory than a natural r#ght Statutes # $os#ng ta'es and "usto s dut#es

Ta' statutes ust be "onstrued str#"tly aga#nst the go(ern ent and l#berally #n !a(or o! the ta'$ayer Power to ta' #n(ol(es $ower to destroy Ta'#ng a"t are not to be e'tended by # $l#"at#on Ta' statutes should be "learly, e'$ressly, and una b#guously # $osed Reason !or str#"t "onstru"t#on: ta'at#on #s a destru"t#(e $ower wh#"h #nter!eres w#th the $ersonal $ro$erty r#ghts o! the $eo$le and ta6es !ro the a $ort#on o! the#r $ro$erty !or the su$$ort o! the go(ern ent Statutes grant#ng ta' e'e $t#ons Law !rowns aga#nst e'e $t#on !ro ta'at#on be"ause ta'es are the l#!eblood o! the nat#on Laws grant#ng ta' e'e $t#ons are thus "onstrued strictissimi # ris aga#nst the ta'$ayer and l#berally #n !a(or o! the ta'#ng author#ty ,urden o! $roo! 5 on the ta'$ayer "la# #ng to be e'e $ted ,as#s !or str#"t "onstru"t#on 5 to #n# #De the d#!!erent treat ent and !oster # $art#al#ty, !a#rness, and e3ual#ty o! treat ent a ong ta'$ayers Ta' e'e $t#ons are not !a(ored #n law, nor are they $resu ed+ C'( v. CA Issue: whether "onta#ners and $a"6ag#ng ater#als "an be "red#ted aga#nst the #ller-s de!#"#en"y ta' ,IR "la# ed that there should be no ta' "red#t Held: $ro(#so should be str#"tly "onstrued to a$$ly only to raw ater#als and not to "onta#ners and $a"6#ng ater#als wh#"h are not raw ater#alsI hen"e, the #ller #s ent#tled to ta' "red#t Restr#"t#on #n the $ro(#so #s l# #ted only to sales, #ller-s e'"#se ta'es $a#d Ton raw ater#als used #n the #ll#ng $ro"ess,eng et Corporation v. Cenrtral ,oard of Assessment Appeals P% /0:: w#thdrew all ta' e'e $t#ons, e'"e$t those e bod#ed #n the Real Pro$erty Code, a law wh#"h grants "erta#n #ndustr#es real estate ta' e'e $t#ons under the Real Estate Code Courts "annot e'$and e'e $t#o Esso Standard Eastern& 'nc. v Acting Commissioner of C stoms Hhere a statute e'e $ts !ro s$e"#al # $ort ta', e3u#$ ent E!or use o! #ndustr#es,F the e'e $t#on does not e'tend to those used #n d#s$ens#ng gasol#ne at reta#l #n gasol#ne stat#ons C'( v. Manila .oc-ey Cl b& 'nc. Statute: Era"#ng "lub hold#ng these ra"es shall be e'e $t !ro the $ay ent o! any un#"#$al or nat#onal ta'F Cannot be "onstrued to e'e $t the ra"#ng "lub !ro $ay#ng #n"o e ta' on rentals $a#d to #t !or use o! the ra"e tra"6s and other $ara$hernal#a, !or what the law e'e $ts re!ers only to those to be $a#d #n "onne"t#on w#th sa#d ra"es Lladoc v. C'( Statute: e'e $t#on !ro ta'at#on "har#table #nst#tut#ons, "hur"hes, $arsonages or "o(enants a$$urtenant thereto, os3ues, and non8$ro!#t "e eter#es, and all lands bu#ld#ngs, and # $ro(e ents a"tually, d#re"tly, and e'"lus#(ely used !or rel#g#ous or "har#table $ur$oses E'e $t#on only re!er to $ro$erty ta'es and not !ro all 6#nds o! ta'es La Carlota S gar Central v. .imene+ Statute: ta' $ro(#ded shall not be "olle"ted on !ore#gn e'"hange used !or the $ay ent o! E!ert#l#Ders when # $orted by $lanters or !ar ers d#re"tly or through the#r "oo$erat#(esF The # $ortat#on o! !ert#l#Ders by an ent#ty wh#"h #s ne#ther a $lanter nor a !ar er nor a "oo$erat#(e o! $lanters or !ar ers #s not e'e $t !ro $ay ent o! the ta', e(en though sa#d ent#ty erely a"ted as agent o! $lanter or !ar er as a sort o! a""o odat#on w#thout a6#ng any $ro!#t !ro the transa"t#on, !or the law uses the word Ed#re"tlyF wh#"h eans w#thout anyone #nter(en#ng #n the # $ortat#on and the $hrase Ethrough the#r "oo$erat#(esF as the only e'e $t#on C'( v. P$il. Acetylene Co. See $age 29: Power o! ta'at#on #! a h#gh $rerogat#(e o! so(ere#gnty, #ts rel#n3u#sh ent #s ne(er $resu ed and any redu"t#on or d# #nut#on thereo! w#th res$e"t to #ts ode or #ts rate ust be str#"tly "onstrued P$il. Telegrap$ and Telep$one Corp. v. COA On E ost !a(ored treat ent "lauseF = !ran"h#see are not "o $et#tors The !#rst !ran"h#see #s w#ll not en7oy a redu"ed rate o! ta' on gross re"e#$ts Nual#!#"at#on o! rule Str#"t "onstru"t#on does not a$$ly #n the "ase o! ta' e'e $t#ons #n !a(or o! the go(ern ent #tsel! or #ts agen"#es Pro(#s#ons grant#ng e'e $t#ons to go(ern ent agen"#es ay be "onstrued l#berally #n !a(or o! non8ta' l#ab#l#ty o! su"h agen"#es The e'$ress e'e $t#on should not be "onstrued w#th the sa e degree o! str#"tness that a$$l#es to e'e $t#ons "ontrary to $ol#"y o! the state, s#n"e as to su"h $ro$erty e'e $t#on #s the rule and the ta'at#on #s the e'e $t#on E+g+ ta' e'e $t#on #n !a(or o! NAPOCOR 5 whether d#re"t or #nd#re"t ta'es, e'e $ted Statutes "on"ern#ng the so(ere#gn Restr#"t#(e statutes wh#"h # $ose burdens on the $ubl#" treasury or wh#"h d# #n#sh r#ghts and #nterests are str#"tly "onstrued+ Anless so s$e"#!#ed, the go(ern ent does not !all w#th#n the ter s o! any leg#slat#on Alliance of 5overnment 7or-ers v. Minister of Labor and Employment

P% >:/ 5 re3u#res Ee $loyersF to $ay a /2th onth $ay to the#r e $loyees ''' Ee $loyersF does not e bra"e the RP, the law not ha(#ng e'$ressly #n"luded #t w#th#n #ts s"o$e Statutes author#D#ng su#ts aga#nst the go(ern ent Art+ GBI, Se"+ 2, /0>1 Const#tut#on 5 EThe State ay not be sued w#thout #ts "onsentF General rule: so(ere#gn #s e'e $t !ro su#t E'"e$t#on: #n the !or o! statute, state ay g#(e #ts "onsent to be sued Statute #s to be str#"tly "onstrued and wa#(er !ro # un#ty !ro su#t w#ll not be l#ghtly #n!erred % ll m temp s occ rrit regi ! there "an be no legal r#ght as aga#nst the author#ty that a6es the law on wh#"h the r#ght de$ends Reason !or non8suab#l#ty 5 not to sub7e"t the state to #n"on(en#en"e and loss o! go(ern ental e!!#"#en"y Mobil P$il. E"ploration& 'nc. v. C stoms Arrastre Services The law author#D#ng the ,ureau o! Custo s to lease arrastre o$erat#ons, a $ro$r#etary !un"t#on ne"essar#ly #n"#dent to #ts go(ern ental !un"t#on, ay NOT be "onstrued to ean that the state has "onsented to be sued, when #t underta6es to "ondu"t arrastre ser(#"es #tsel!, !or da age to "argo State8# un#ty ay not be "#r"u (ented by d#re"t#ng the a"t#on aga#nst the o!!#"er o! the state #nstead o! the state #tsel! The state-s # un#ty ay be (al#dly #n(o6ed aga#nst the a"t#on AS LONG AS IT CAN ,E SHOHN that the su#t really a!!e"ts the $ro$erty, r#ghts, or #nterests o! the state and not erely those o! the o!!#"er no #nally ade $arty de!endant E(en #! the state "onsents, law should NOT be #nter$reted to author#De garn#sh ent o! $ubl#" !unds to sat#s!y a 7udg ent aga#nst go(ern ent $ro$erty Reason: Publ#" $ol#"y !orb#ds #t %#sburse ent o! $ubl#" !unds ust be "o(ered by a "orres$ond#ng a$$ro$r#at#on as re3u#red by law 4un"t#ons and ser(#"e "annot be allowed to be $aralyDed or d#sru$ted by the d#(ers#on o! $ubl#" !unds !ro the#r leg#t# ate and s$e"#!#" ob7e"ts, as a$$ro$r#ated by law Statutes $res"r#b#ng !or al#t#es o! the w#ll Str#"tly "onstrued, wh#"h eans, w#lls ust be e'e"uted #n a""ordan"e w#th the statutory re3u#re ents, otherw#se, #t #s ent#rely (o#d The "ourt #s see6#ng to as"erta#n and a$$ly the #ntent o! the leg#slators and not that o! the testator, and the latter-s #ntent#on #s !re3uently de!eated by the non8obser(an"e o! what the statute re3u#res E'"e$t#ons and $ro(#sos Should be str#"tly but reasonably "onstrued All doubts should be resol(ed #n !a(or o! the general $ro(#s#on rather than the e'"e$t#ons Howe(er, always loo6 at the #ntent o! leg#slators #! #t w#ll a""ord reason and 7ust#"e not to a$$ly the rule that Ean e'$ress e'"e$t#on e'"ludes all othersF The rule on e'e"ut#on $end#ng a$$eal ust be str#"tly "onstrued be#ng an e'"e$t#on to the general rule S#tuat#ons wh#"h allows e'"e$t#ons to the re3u#re ent o! warrant o! arrest or sear"h warrant ust be str#"tly "onstruedI to do so would #n!r#nge u$on $ersonal l#berty and set ba"6 a bas#" r#ght A $re!eren"e #s an e'"e$t#on to the general rule A $ro(#so should be #nter$reted str#"tly w#th the leg#slat#(e #ntent Should be str#"tly "onstrued Only those e'$ressly e'e $ted by the $ro(#so should be !reed !ro the o$erat#on o! the statute STATATES LI,ERALLM CONSTRAE% General so"#al leg#slat#on General wel!are leg#slat#ons To # $le ent the so"#al 7ust#"e and $rote"t#on8to8labor $ro(#s#ons o! the Const#tut#on Construed l#berally Resol(e any doubt #n !a(or o! the $ersons who the law #ntended to bene!#t In"ludes the !ollow#ng 5 labor laws, tenan"y laws, land re!or laws, and so"#al se"ur#ty laws Tamayo v. Manila :otel Law grants e $loyees the bene!#ts o! hol#day $ay e'"e$t those there#n enu erated Stat"on 5 all e $loyees, whether onthly $a#d or not, who are not a ong those e'"e$ted are ent#tled to the hol#day $ay Labor laws "onstrued 5 the wor6#ng an-s wel!are should be the $r# ord#al and $ara ount "ons#derat#on Art#"le < New Labor Code 5 Eall doubts #n the # $le entat#on and #nter$retat#on o! the $ro(#s#ons o! the Labor Code #n"lud#ng #ts # $le ent#ng rules and regulat#ons shall be resol(ed #n !a(or o! laborF L#beral "onstru"t#on a$$l#es only #! statute #s (ague, otherw#se, a$$ly the law as #t #s stated General wel!are "lause = bran"hes One bran"h atta"hes to the a#n trun6 o! un#"#$al author#ty 5 relates to su"h ord#nan"es and regulat#ons as ay be ne"essary to "arry #nto e!!e"t and d#s"harge the $owers and dut#es "on!erred u$on lo"al leg#slat#(e bod#es by law Other bran"h #s u"h ore #nde$endent o! the s$e"#!#" !un"t#ons enu erated by law 5 author#Des su"h ord#nan"es as shall see ne"essary and $ro$er to $ro(#de !or the health and sa!ety, $ro ote the $ros$er#ty, # $ro(e the orals, $ea"e, good order ''' o! the LGA and the #nhab#tants thereo!, and !or the $rote"t#on o! the $ro$erty there#n Construed #n !a(or o! the LGAs To g#(e ore $owers to lo"al go(ern ents #n $ro ot#ng the e"ono #" "ond#t#on, so"#al wel!are, and ater#al $rogress o! the $eo$le #n the "o un#ty

Construed w#th $ro$r#etary as$e"ts, otherw#se would "r#$$le LGAs .ust be elast#" and res$ons#(e to (ar#ous so"#al "ond#t#ons .ust !ollow legal $rogress o! a de o"rat#" way o! l#!e Grant o! $ower to lo"al go(ern ents Old rule: un#"#$al "or$orat#ons, be#ng ere "reatures o! law, ha(e only su"h $owers as are e'$ressly granted to the and those wh#"h are ne"essar#ly # $l#ed or #n"#dental to the e'er"#se thereo! New rule: RA ==;< ELo"al Autono y A"tF Se" /= 5 E# $l#ed $ower o! a $ro(#n"e, a "#ty, or a un#"#$al#ty shall be l#berally "onstrued #n #ts !a(or+ Any !a#r and reasonable doubt as to the e'#sten"e o! the $ower should be #nter$reted #n !a(or o! the lo"al go(ern ent and #t shall be $resu ed to e'#stF Statutes grant#ng ta'#ng $ower &on un#"#$al "or$orat#ons) ,e!ore /012 Const#tut#on 5 #n!eren"es, # $l#"at#ons, and dedu"t#ons ha(e no $la"e #n the #nter$retat#on o! the ta'#ng $ower o! a un#"#$al "or$orat#on New Const#tut#on 5 Art+ G, Se" : /0>1 Const#tut#on 5 Eea"h lo"al go(ern ent un#t shall ha(e the $ower to "reate #ts own sour"es o! re(enue and to le(y ta'es, !ees, and "harges sub7e"t to su"h gu#del#nes and l# #tat#ons as the Congress ay $ro(#de, "ons#stent w#th the bas#" $ol#"y o! lo"al autono yF Statutes $res"r#b#ng l# #tat#ons on the ta'#ng $ower o! LGAs ust be str#"tly "onstrued aga#nst the nat#onal go(ern ent and l#berally #n !a(or o! the LGAs, and any doubt as to the e'#sten"e o! the ta'#ng $ower w#ll be resol(ed #n !a(or o! the lo"al go(ern ent Statutes $res"r#b#ng $res"r#$t#(e $er#od to "olle"t ta'es ,ene!#"#al !or both go(ern ent and ta'$ayer To the go(ern ent 5 ta' o!!#"ers are obl#ged to a"t $ro $tly #n the a6#ng o! the assess ents To the ta'$ayer 5 would ha(e a !eel#ng o! se"ur#ty aga#nst uns"ru$ulous ta' agents who w#ll always !#nd an e'"use to #ns$e"t the boo6s o! ta'$ayers Laws on $res"r#$t#on 5 re ed#al easure 5 #nter$reted l#berally a!!ord#ng $rote"t#on to the ta'$ayers

Statutes # $os#ng $enalt#es !or non$ay ent o! ta' l#berally "onstrued #n !a(or o! go(ern ent and str#"tly "onstrued aga#nst the ta'$ayer #ntent#on to hasten ta' $ay ents or to $un#sh e(as#ons or negle"t o! duty #n res$e"t thereto l#beral "onstru"t#on would render $enalt#es !or del#n3uents nugatory Ele"t#on laws Ele"t#on laws should be reasonably and l#berally "onstrued to a"h#e(e the#r $ur$ose Pur$ose 5 to e!!e"tuate and sa!eguard the w#ll o! the ele"torate #n the "ho#"e o! the#r re$resentat#(es 2 $arts Pro(#s#ons !or the "ondu"t o! ele"t#ons wh#"h ele"t#on o!!#"#als are re3u#red to !ollow Pro(#s#ons wh#"h "and#dates !or o!!#"e are re3u#red to $er!or Pro"edural rules wh#"h are des#gned to as"erta#n, #n "ase o! d#s$ute, the a"tual w#nner #n the ele"t#ons %#!!erent rules and "anons or statutory "onstru"t#on go(ern su"h $ro(#s#ons o! the ele"t#on law Part /: Rules and regulat#ons !or the "ondu"t o! ele"t#ons ,e!ore ele"t#on 5 andatory &$art /) A!ter ele"t#on 5 d#re"tory &$art 2) Generally 5 the $ro(#s#ons o! a statute as to the anner o! "ondu"t#ng the deta#ls o! an ele"t#on are NOT andatoryI and #rregular#t#es #n "ondu"t#ng an ele"t#on and "ount#ng the (otes, not $re"ed#ng !ro any wrong!ul #ntent and wh#"h de$r#(es no legal (oter o! h#s (otes, w#ll not (#t#ate an ele"t#on or 7ust#!y the re7e"t#on o! the ent#re (otes o! a $re"#n"t Aga#nst d#sen!ran"h#se ent Re edy aga#nst ele"t#on o!!#"#al who d#d not do h#s duty 5 "r# #nal a"t#on aga#nst the Part =: Pro(#s#ons wh#"h "and#dates !or o!!#"e are re3u#red to $er!or are andatory Non8"o $l#an"e #s !atal Part 2: Pro"edural rules wh#"h are des#gned to as"erta#n, #n "ase o! d#s$ute, the a"tual w#nner #n the ele"t#ons are l#berally "onstrued Te"hn#"al and $ro"edural barr#ers should not be allowed to stand #! they "onst#tute an obsta"le #n the "ho#"e o! the#r ele"t#(e o!!#"#als 4or where a "and#date has re"e#(ed $o$ular andate, o(erwhel #ngly and "learly e'$ressed, all $oss#ble doubts should be resol(ed #n !a(or o! the "and#dates el#g#b#l#ty, !or to rule otherw#se #s to de!eat the w#ll o! the ele"torate A nesty $ro"la at#ons A nesty $ro"la at#ons should be l#berally "onstrued as to "arry out the#r $ur$ose Pur$ose 5 to en"ourage to return to the !old o! the law o! those who ha(e (eered !ro the law E+g+ #n "ase o! doubt as to whether "erta#n $ersons "o e w#th#n the a nesty $ro"la at#on, the doubt should be resol(ed #n the#r !a(or and aga#nst the state Sa e rule a$$l#es to $ardon s#n"e $ardon and a nesty #s synony ous Statutes $res"r#b#ng $res"r#$t#ons o! "r# es L#berally "onstrued #n !a(or o! the a""used Reason 5 t# e wears o!! $roo! and #nno"en"e Sa e as a nesty and $ardon

Peo v. (eyes Art+ 0/ RPC 5 E$er#od o! $res"r#$t#on shall "o en"e to run !ro the day the "r# e #s d#s"o(ered by the o!!ended, author#t#es, '''F Hhen does the $er#od o! $res"r#$t#on start 5 day o! d#s"o(ery or reg#strat#on #n the Reg#ster o! %eedsQ Held: 4ro the t# e o! reg#strat#on Not#"e need not be a"tual !or $res"r#$t#on to runI "onstru"t#(e not#"e #s enough .ore !a(orable to the a""used #! $res"r#$t#(e $er#od #s "ounted !ro the t# e o! reg#strat#on Ado$t#on statutes Ado$t#on statutes are l#berally "onstrued #n !a(or o! the "h#ld to be ado$ted Para ount "ons#derat#on 5 "h#ld and not the ado$ters Beteran and $ens#on laws Beteran and $ens#on laws are ena"ted to "o $ensate a "lass o! en who su!!ered #n the ser(#"e !or the hardsh#$s they endured and the dangers they en"ountered #n l#ne o! duty E'$ress#on o! grat#tude to and re"ogn#t#on o! those who rendered ser(#"e to the "ountry by e'tend#ng to the regular onetary bene!#t Beteran and $ens#on laws are l#berally "onstrued #n !a(or o! grantee Del Mar v. P$il. *eterans Admin Hhere a statute grants $ens#on bene!#ts to war (eterans, e'"e$t those who are a"tually re"e#(#ng a s# #lar $ens#on !ro other go(ern ent !unds Stat"on 5 Ego(ern ent !undsF re!er to !unds o! the sa e go(ern ent and does not $re"lude war (eterans re"e#(#ng s# #lar $ens#ons !ro the AS Go(ern ent !ro en7oy#ng the bene!#ts there#n $ro(#ded ,oard of Administrators *eterans Admin v. ,a tista Beteran $ens#on law #s s#lent as to the e!!e"t#(#ty o! $ens#on awards, #t shall be "onstrued to ta6e e!!e"t !ro be"o es due and NOT !ro the date the a$$l#"at#on !or $ens#on #s a$$ro(ed, so as to grant the $ens#oner and to d#s"ourage #na"t#on on the $art o! the o!!#"#als who ad #n#ster the laws

the date #t ore bene!#ts

C$ave+ v. Mat$ay Hh#le (eteran or $ens#on laws are to be "onstrued l#berally, they should be so "onstrued as to $re(ent a $erson !ro re"e#(#ng double $ens#on or "o $ensat#on, unless the law $ro(#des otherw#se Santiago v. COA E'$la#ned l#beral "onstru"t#on or ret#re ent laws Intent#on #s to $ro(#de !or sustenan"e, and ho$e!ully e(en "o !ort when he no longer has the sta #na to "ont#nue earn#ng h#s l#(el#hood He deser(es the a$$re"#at#on o! a grate!ul go(ern ent at best "on"retely e'$ressed #n a generous ret#re ent gratu#ty "o ensurate w#th the (alue and length o! h#s ser(#"e Orti+ v. COMELEC Issue: whether a "o #ss#oner o! CO.ELEC #s dee ed to ha(e "o $leted h#s ter and ent#tled to !ull ret#re ent bene!#ts under the law wh#"h grants h# :8year lu $8su gratu#ty and therea!ter l#!et# e $ens#on, who Eret#res !ro the ser(#"e a!ter ha(#ng "o $leted h#s ter o! o!!#"e,F when h#s "ourtesy res#gnat#on sub #tted #n res$onse to the "all o! the Pres#dent !ollow#ng E%SA Re(olut#on #s a""e$ted Held: MesP Ent#tled to gratu#ty L#beral "onstru"t#on Courtesy res#gnat#on 5 not h#s own w#ll but a ere an#!estat#on o! sub #ss#on to the w#ll o! the $ol#t#"al author#ty and a$$o#nt#ng $ower 'n (e Application for 5rat ity ,enefits of Associate . stice Efren ' Plana Issue: whether *ust#"e Plana #s ent#tled to gratu#ty and ret#re ent $ay when, at the t# e o! h#s "ourtesy res#gnat#on was a""e$ted !ollow#ng E%SA Re(olut#on and establ#sh ent o! a re(olut#onary go(ern ent under the 4reedo Const#tut#on, he la"6ed a !ew onths to eet the age re3u#re ent !or ret#re ent under the law but had a""u ulated a nu ber o! lea(e o! "red#ts wh#"h, #! added to h#s age at the t# e, would e'"eed the age re3u#re ent Held: yes, ent#tled to gratu#tyP L#beral "onstru"t#on a$$l#ed 'n (e Pineda E'$la#ned do"tr#ne la#d down #n the $re(#ous "ase The "red#t#ng o! a""u ulated lea(es to a6e u$ !or la"6 o! re3u#red age or length o! ser(#"e #s not done d#s"r# #nately ''' only #! sat#s!#ed that the "areer o! the ret#ree was ar6ed by "o $eten"e, #ntegr#ty, and ded#"at#on to the $ubl#" ser(#"e 'n (e Martin Issue: whether a 7ust#"e o! the SC, who a(a#led o! the d#sab#l#ty ret#re ent bene!#ts $ursuant to the $ro(#s#on that E#! the reason !or the ret#re ent be any $er anent d#sab#l#ty "ontra"ted dur#ng h#s #n"u ben"y #n o!!#"e and $r#or to the date o! ret#re ent he shall re"e#(e only a gratu#ty e3u#(alent to /9 years salary and allowan"es a!ore ent#oned w#th no !urther annu#ty $ayable onthly dur#ng the rest o! the ret#ree-s natural l#!eF #s ent#tled to a onthly l#!et# e $ens#on a!ter the /98year $er#od Held: MesP /98year lu $ su $ay ent #s #ntended to ass#st the str#"6en ret#ree eet#ng h#s hos$#tal and do"tor-s b#lls and e'$enses !or h#s su$$ort The ret#re ent law a# s to ass#st the ret#ree #n h#s old age, not to $un#sh h# !or ha(#ng sur(#(ed Cena v. CSC

Issue: whether or not a go(ern ent e $loyee who has rea"hed the "o $ulsory ret#re ent age o! ;: years, but who has rendered less than /: years o! go(ern ent ser(#"e, ay be allowed to "ont#nue #n the ser(#"e to "o $lete the /:8 year ser(#"e re3u#re ent to enable h# to ret#re w#th bene!#ts o! an old8age $ens#on under Se" //&b) P% //<; Howe(er, CSC .e orandu C#r"ular No =1 $ro(#des that Eany re3uest !or e'tens#on o! "o $ulsory ret#rees to "o $lete the /:8years ser(#"e re3u#re ent !or ret#re ent shall be allowed only to $er anent a$$o#ntees #n the "areer ser(#"e who are regular e bers o! the GSIS and shall be granted !or a $er#od not e'"eed#ng / year Held: CSC .e orandu C#r"ular No =1 un"onst#tut#onalP It #s an ad #n#strat#(e regulat#on wh#"h should be #n har ony w#th the lawI l#beral "onstru"t#on o! ret#re ent bene!#ts Rules o! Court RC are $ro"edural 5 to be "onstrued l#berally Pur$ose o! RC 5 the $ro$er and 7ust deter #nat#on o! a l#t#gat#on Pro"edural laws are no other than te"hn#"al#t#es, they are ado$ted not as ends #n the sel(es but as the real#Dat#on o! the ad #n#strat#on o! law and 7ust#"e RC should not be #nter$reted to sa"r#!#"e substant#al r#ghts at the e'$ense o! te"hn#"al#t#es

eans "ondu"#(e to

Case v. . go La$ses #n the l#teral obser(an"e o! a rule o! $ro"edure w#ll be o(erloo6ed when they do not #n(ol(e $ubl#" $ol#"yI when they arose !ro an honest #sta6e or un!oreseen a""#dentI when they ha(e not $re7ud#"ed the ad(erse $arty and ha(e not de$r#(ed the "ourt o! #ts author#ty L#teral str#"ture ha(e been rela'ed #n !a(or o! l#beral "onstru"t#on Hhere a r#g#d a$$l#"at#on w#ll result #n an#!est !a#lure or #s"arr#age o! 7ust#"e Hhere the #nterest o! substant#al 7ust#"e w#ll be ser(ed Hhere the resolut#on o! the e ot#on #s addressed solely to the sound and 7ud#"#ous d#s"ret#on o! the "ourt Hhere the #n7ust#"e to the ad(erse $arty #s not "o ensurate w#th the degree o! h#s thoughtlessness #n not "o $ly#ng w#th the $res"r#bed $ro"edure L#beral "onstru"t#on o! RC does not ean they ay be #gnoredI they are re3u#red to be !ollowed e'"e$t only !or the ost $ersuas#(e reasons Other statutes Curat#(e statutes 5 to "ure de!e"ts #n $r#or law or to (al#date legal $ro"eed#ngs wh#"h would otherw#se be (o#d !or want o! "on!or #ty w#th "erta#n legal re3u#re entsI retroa"t#(e Rede $t#on laws 5 re ed#al #n nature 5 "onstrued l#berally to "arry out $ur$ose, wh#"h #s to enable the debtor to ha(e h#s $ro$erty a$$l#ed to $ay as any debtor-s l#ab#l#ty as $oss#ble Statutes $ro(#d#ng e'e $t#ons !ro e'e"ut#on are #nter$reted l#berally #n order to g#(e e!!e"t to the#r bene!#"#al and hu ane $ur$ose Laws on atta"h ent 5 l#berally "onstrued to $ro ote the#r ob7e"ts and ass#st the $art#es obta#n#ng s$eedy 7ust#"e Harehouse re"e#$ts 5 #nstru ent o! "red#t 5 l#berally "onstrued #n !a(or o! a bona !#de holders o! su"h re"e#$ts Probat#on laws 5 l#berally "onstrued Pur$ose: to g#(e !#rst8hand o!!enders a se"ond "han"e to a#nta#n h#s $la"e #n so"#ety through the $ro"ess o! re!or at#on Statute grant#ng $owers to an agen"y "reated by the Const#tut#on should be l#berally "onstrued !or the ad(an"e ent o! the $ur$oses and ob7e"t#(es !or wh#"h #t was "reated CHAPTER EIGHT: .andatory and %#re"tory Statutes IN GENERAL Generally .andatory and d#re"tory "lass#!#"at#on o! statutes 5 # $ortan"e: what e!!e"t should be g#(en to the andate o! a statute

.andatory and d#re"tory statutes, generally .andatory statute 5 "o ands e#ther $os#t#(ely that so eth#ng be done #n a $art#"ular way, or negat#(ely that so eth#ng be not doneI #t re3u#res O,E%IENCE, otherw#se (o#d %#re"tory statute 5 $er #ss#(e or d#s"ret#onary #n nature and erely outl#nes the a"t to be done #n su"h a way that no #n7ury "an result !ro #gnor#ng #t or that #ts $ur$ose "an be a""o $l#shed #n a anner other than that $res"r#bed and substant#ally the sa e result obta#nedI "on!er d#re"t#on u$on a $ersonI non8$er!or an"e o! what #t $res"r#bes w#ll not (#t#ate the $ro"eed#ngs there#n ta6en Hhen statute #s andatory or d#re"tory No absolute test to deter #ne whether a statute #s d#re"tory or andatory 4#nal arb#ter 5 leg#slat#(e #ntent Leg#slat#(e #ntent does not de$end on the !or o! the statuteI ust be g#(en to the ent#re statute, #ts ob7e"t, $ur$ose, leg#slat#(e h#story, and to other related statutes .andatory #n !or but d#re"tory #n nature 5 $oss#ble Hhether a statute #s andatory or d#re"tory de$ends on whether the th#ng d#re"ted to be done #s o! the essen"e o! the th#ng re3u#red, or #s a ere atter o! !or , what #s a atter o! essen"e "an o!ten be deter #ned only by 7ud#"#al "onstru"t#on Cons#dered d#re"tory 5 "o $l#an"e #s a atter o! "on(en#en"eI where the d#re"t#ons o! a statute are g#(en erely w#th a (#ew to the $ro$er, orderly and $ro $t "ondu"t o! bus#nessI no substant#al r#ghts de$end on #t Cons#dered andatory 5 a $ro(#s#on relat#ng to the essen"e o! the th#ng to be done, that #s, to atters o! substan"eI #nter$retat#on shows that the leg#slature #ntended a "o $l#an"e w#th su"h $ro(#s#on to be essent#al to the (al#d#ty o! the a"t or $ro"eed#ng, or when so e ante"edent and $rere3u#s#te "ond#t#ons ust e'#st $r#or to the e'er"#se o! the $ower, or ust be $er!or ed be!ore "erta#n other $owers "an be e'er"#sed Test to deter #ne nature o! statute

Test #s to as"erta#n the "onse3uen"es that w#ll !ollow #n "ase what the statute re3u#res #s not done or what #t !orb#ds #s $er!or ed %oes the law g#(e a $erson no alternat#(e "ho#"eQ 5 #! yes, then #t #s andatory %e$ends on the e!!e"ts o! "o $l#an"e I! substant#al r#ghts de$end on #t and #n7ury "an result !ro #gnor#ng #tI #ntended !or the $rote"t#on o! the "#t#Dens and by a d#sregard o! wh#"h the#r r#ghts are #n7ur#ously a!!e"ted 5 andatory Pur$ose #s a""o $l#shed #n a anner other than that $res"r#bed and substant#ally the sa e results obta#ned 8 d#re"tory Statutes "ou"hed #n andatory !or but "o $l#an"e #s erely d#re"tory #n nature I! str#"t "o $l#an"e w#ll "ause hardsh#$ or #n7ust#"e on the $art o! the $ubl#" who #s not at !ault I! #t w#ll lead to absurd, # $oss#ble, or #s"h#e(ous "onse3uen"es I! an o!!#"er #s re3u#red to do a $os#t#(e a"t but !a#ls be"ause su"h a"t#ons w#ll lead to the a!ore ent#oned, he w#ll only be sub7e"t to ad #n#strat#(e san"t#on !or h#s !a#lure to do what the law re3u#res

Language used Generally andatory 5 "o and words Shall or Shall not .ust or .ust not Ought or Ought not Should or Should not Can or Cannot Generally d#re"tory 5 $er #ss#(e words .ay or .ay not Ase o! EshallF or E ustF Generally, EshallF and E ustF #s andatory #n nature I! a d#!!erent #nter$retat#on #s sought, #t ust rest u$on so eth#ng #n the "hara"ter o! the leg#slat#on or #n the "onte't wh#"h w#ll 7ust#!y a d#!!erent ean#ng The # $ort o! the word ult# ately de$ends u$on a "ons#derat#on o! the ent#re $ro(#s#on, #ts nature, ob7e"t and the "onse3uen"es that would !ollow !ro "onstru#ng #t one way or the other Loyola 5rand *illa :omeo3ners ;So t$< Assn.& 'nc. v. CA E ustF "onstrued as d#re"tory Cor$orat#on Code Se" <; reads E e(ery "or$orat#on !or ed under th#s Code .AST w#th#n one onth a!ter re"e#$t o! o!!#"#al not#"e o! the #ssuan"e o! #ts "ert#!#"at#on o! #n"or$orat#on w#th the SEC, ado$t a "ode o! by8laws !or #ts go(ern ent not #n"ons#stent w#th th#s CodeF P% 09=8A wh#"h #s #n pari material w#th the Cor$orat#on Code states that the non8!#l#ng o! the by8laws does not # $ly the Ede #seF o! the "or$orat#onI that there should be a not#"e and hear#ng be!ore the "ert#!#"ate o! reg#strat#on ay be "an"elled by the !a#lure to !#le the by8laws One test whether andatory or d#re"tory "o $l#an"e ust be ade 5 whether non8"o $l#an"e w#th what #s re3u#red w#ll result #n the null#ty o! the a"tI #! #t results #n the null#ty, #t #s andatory Director of Land v. CA Law re3u#res #n $et#t#ons !or land reg#strat#on that Eu$on re"e#$t o! the order o! the "ourt sett#ng the t# e !or #n#t#al hear#ng to be $ubl#shed #n the OG and on"e #n a news$a$er o! general "#r"ulat#on #n the Ph#l#$$#nesF Law e'$ressly re3u#res that the #n#t#al hear#ng be $ubl#shed #n the OG AN% #n the news$a$er o! general "#r"ulat#on 5 reason: OG #s not as w#dely read o! the news$a$er o! general "#r"ulat#on EshallF #s # $erat#(e@ andatory H#thout #n#t#al hear#ng be#ng $ubl#shed #n a news$a$er o! general "#r"ulat#on #s a null#ty Ase o! E ayF An au'#l#ary (erb show#ng o$$ortun#ty or $oss#b#l#ty Generally, d#re"tory #n nature Ased #n $ro"edural or ad7e"t#(e lawsI l#berally "onstrued E'a $le: Se" ;2 o! the "or$orat#on Code 5 Eshares o! sto"6 so #ssued are $ersonal $ro$erty and .AM be trans!erred by del#(ery o! the "ert#!#"ate or "ert#!#"ated endorsed by the owner E ayF #s erely d#re"tory and that the trans!er o! the shares ay be e!!e"ted #n a anner d#!!erent !ro that $ro(#ded !or #n law Hhen EshallF #s "onstrued as E ayF and (#"e (ersa Rule: E ayF should be read EshallF where su"h "onstru"t#on #s ne"essary to g#(e e!!e"t to the a$$arent #ntent#on o! the leg#slature where a statute $ro(#des !or the do#ng os so e a"t wh#"h #s re3u#red by 7ust#"e r $ubl#" duty where #t (ests a $ubl#" body or o!!#"er w#th $ower and author#ty to ta6e su"h a"t#on wh#"h "on"erns !or the $ubl#" #nterest or r#ghts o! #nd#(#duals Rule: EshallF should be read E ayF Hhen so re3u#red by the "onte't or by the #ntent#on o! the leg#slature Hhen no $ubl#" bene!#t or $r#(ate r#ght re3u#res that #t be g#(en an # $erat#(e ean#ng Dio-no v. (e$abilitiation 9inance Corp Se"+ = RA 29< reads Eban6s or other !#nan"#al #nst#tut#ons owned or "ontrolled by the Go(ern ent SHALL, sub7e"t to a(a#lab#l#ty o! !unds ''' a""e$t at a d#s"ount at not ore than =9U !or /9 years o! su"h ba"6$ay "ert#!#"ateF EShallF # $l#es d#s"ret#on be"ause o! the $hrase Esub7e"t to a(a#lab#l#ty o! !undsF 5overmnent v. El :ogar 9ilipino

Cor$orat#on Codes reads ESHALL, u$on su"h (#olat#on be#ng $ro(ed, be d#ssol(ed by q o 3arranto $ro"eed#ngsF EShallF "onstrued as E ayF ,erces& Sr. v. 5 ingona Se"+ ;> Ra 1/;9 &LGC) $ro(#des that an a$$eal !ro an ad(erse de"#s#on aga#nst a lo"al ele"t#(e o!!#"#al to the Pres#dent ESHALL not $re(ent a de"#s#on !ro be"o #ng !#nal and e'e"utorF EShallF #s not andatory be"ause there #s roo to "onstrue sa#d $ro(#s#on as g#(#ng d#s"ret#on to the re(#ew#ng o!!#"#als to stay the e'e"ut#on o! the a$$ealed de"#s#on Ase o! negat#(e, $roh#b#tory or e'"lus#(e ter s A negat#(e statute #s andatoryI e'$ressed #n negat#(e words or #n a !or word EonlyF EonlyF e'"lus#onary negat#on Proh#b#t#(e or negat#(e words "an rarely, #! e(er, be d#s"ret#onary o! an a!!#r at#(e $ro$os#t#on 3ual#!#ed by the

.AN%ATORM STATATES Statutes "on!err#ng $ower Generally regarded as andatory although "ou"hed #n a $er #ss#(e !or Should "onstrue as # $os#ng absolute and $os#t#(e duty rather than "on!err#ng $r#(#leges Power #s g#(en !or the bene!#t o! th#rd $ersons, not !or the $ubl#" o!!#"#al Granted to eet the de ands o! r#ghts, and to $re(ent a !a#lure o! 7ust#"e G#(en as a re edy to those ent#tled to #n(o6e #ts a#d Statutes grant#ng bene!#ts Cons#dered andatory 4a#lure o! the $erson to ta6e the re3u#red ste$s or to eet the "ond#t#ons w#ll ord#nar#ly $re"lude h# !ro a(a#l#ng o! the statutory bene!#ts *igilantib s et non dormientib s # ra s bveni nt ! the laws a#d the (#g#lant, not those who slu ber on the#r r#ghts Potior est in tempoe& potior est in # re 5 he who #s !#rst #n t# e #s $re!erred #n r#ght Statutes $res"r#b#ng 7ur#sd#"t#onal re3u#re ents Cons#dered andatory E'a $les Re3u#re ent o! $ubl#"at#on Pro(#s#on #n the Ta' Code to the e!!e"t that be!ore an a"t#on !or re!und o! ta' #s !#led #n "ourt, a wr#tten "la# there!ore shall be $resented w#th the CIR w#th#n the $res"r#bed $er#od #s andatory and !a#lure to "o $ly w#th su"h re3u#re ent #s !atal to the a"t#on Statutes $res"r#b#ng t# e to ta6e a"t#on or to a$$eal Generally andatory Held as absolutely #nd#s$ensable to the $re(ent#on o! needless delays and to the orderly and s$eedy d#s"harge or bus#ness, and are ne"essary #n"#dent to the $ro$er, e!!#"#ent, and orderly d#s"harge o! 7ud#"#al !un"t#ons Str#"t not substant#al "o $l#an"e Not wa#(able, nor "an they be the sub7e"t o! agree ents or st#$ulat#on o! l#t#gants (eyes v. COA Se"+ />1 RA 1/;9 5 $ro"ess o! a$$eal o! d#ssat#s!#ed ta'$ayer on the legal#ty o! ta' ord#nan"e A$$eal to the Se" o! *ust#"e w#th#n 29 days o! e!!e"t#(#ty o! the ta' ord#nan"e I! Se" o! *ust#"e de"#des the a$$eal, a $er#od o! 29 days #s allowed !or an aggr#e(ed $arty to go to "ourt I! the Se" o! *ust#"e does not a"t thereon, a!ter the la$se o! ;9 days, a $arty "ould already $ro"eed to see6 rel#e! #n "ourt Pur$ose o! andatory "o $l#an"e: to $re(ent delays and enhan"e the s$eedy and orderly d#s"harge o! 7ud#"#al !un"t#ons Anless the re3u#re ents o! law are "o $l#ed w#th, the de"#s#on o! the lower "ourt w#ll be"o e !#nal and $re"lude the a$$ellate "ourt !ro a"3u#r#ng 7ur#sd#"t#on to re(#ew #t 'nterest reipiciae t sit finis liti m ! $ubl#" #nterest re3u#res that by the (ery nature o! th#ngs there ust be an end to a legal "ontro(ersy 5ac$on v. Devera& .r Issue: whether Se" ; o! the Rule on Su ary Pro"edure, wh#"h reads E should the de!endant !a#l to answer the "o $la#nt w#th#n the $er#od abo(e $ro(#ded, the Court, mot proprio, or on ot#on o! the $la#nt#!!, SHALL render 7udg ent as ay be warranted by the !a"ts alleged #n the "o $la#nt and l# #ted to what #s $rayed !or there#n,F #s andatory or d#re"tory, su"h that an answer !#led out o! t# e ay be a""e$ted Held: andatory .ust !#le the answer w#th#n the regle entary $er#od Regle entary $er#od shall be Tnon8e'tend#bleOtherw#se, #t would de!eat the ob7e"t#(e o! e'$ed#t#ng the ad7ud#"at#on o! su#ts Statutes $res"r#b#ng $ro"edural re3u#re ents Construed andatory Pro"edure relat#ng to 7ur#sd#"t#onal, or o! the essen"e o! the $ro"eed#ngs, or #s $res"r#bed !or the $rote"t#on or bene!#t o! the $arty a!!e"ted Hhere !a#lure to "o $ly w#th "erta#n $ro"edural re3u#re ents w#ll ha(e the e!!e"t o! render#ng the a"t done #n "onne"t#on therew#th (o#d, the statute $res"r#b#ng su"h re3u#re ents #s regarded as andatory e(en though the language #s used there#n #s $er #ss#(e #n nature

De Mesa v. Mencias Se" /1, Rule 2 RC 5 Ea!ter a $arty d#es and the "la# #s not thereby e't#ngu#shed, the "ourt shall order, u$on $ro$er not#"e, the legal re$resentat#(e o! the de"eased to a$$ear and to be subst#tuted '''+ I! legal re$resentat#(e !a#ls to a$$ear ''', the "ourt .AM order the o$$os#ng $arty to $rodu"e the a$$o#nt ent o! a legal re$resentat#(e '''F Although .AM was used, $ro(#s#on #s andatory Pro"edural re3u#re ent goes to the (ery 7ur#sd#"t#on o! the "ourt, !or Eunless and unt#l a legal re$resentat#(e #s !or h# #s duly na ed and w#th#n the 7ur#sd#"t#on o! the tr#al "ourt, no ad7ud#"at#on #n the "ause "ould ha(e been a""orded any (al#d#ty or the b#nd#ng e!!e"t u$on any $arty, #n re$resentat#on o! the de"eased, w#thout tren"h#ng u$on the !unda ental r#ght to a day #n "ourt wh#"h #s the (ery essen"e o! the "onst#tut#onally enshr#ned guarantee o! due $ro"ess Ele"t#on laws on "ondu"t o! ele"t#on Construed as andatory ,e!ore ele"t#on 5 andatory A!ter ele"t#on 5 d#re"tory, #n su$$ort o! the result unless o! a "hara"ter to a!!e"t an obstru"t#on to the !ree and #ntell#gent "ast#ng o! the (otes, or to the as"erta#n ent o! the result, or unless #t #s e'$ressly de"lared by the statute that the $art#"ular a"t #s essent#al to the (al#d#ty o! an ele"t#on, or that #ts o #ss#on shall render #t (o#d &whew, and habaP) Hhen the (oters ha(e honestly "ast the#r ballots, the sa e should not be null#!#ed s# $ly be"ause the o!!#"ers a$$o#nted under the law to d#re"t the ele"t#ons and guard the $ur#ty o! the ballot ha(e not done the#r duty 4or where a "and#date has re"e#(ed $o$ular andate, o(erwhel #ngly and "learly e'$ressed, all $oss#ble doubts should be resol(ed #n !a(or o! the "and#dates el#g#b#l#ty, !or to rule otherw#se #s to de!eat the w#ll o! the ele"torate Delos (eyes v. (odrig e+ The "#r"u stan"e that the "ou$on bear#ng the nu ber o! the ballot #s not deta"hed at the t# e the ballot #s (oted, as re3u#red by law, does not 7ust#!y the "ourt #n re7e"t#ng the ballot Ele"t#on laws on 3ual#!#"at#on and d#s3ual#!#"at#on The rule o! Ebe!ore8 andatory and a!ter8d#re"toryF #n ele"t#on laws only a$$l#es to $ro"edural statutesI Not a$$l#"able to $ro(#s#ons o! the ele"t#on laws $res"r#b#ng the t# e l# #t to !#le "ert#!#"ate o! "and#da"y and the 3ual#!#"at#ons and d#s3ual#!#"at#ons o! ele"t#(e o!!#"e 5 "ons#dered andatory e(en a!ter ele"t#on Statutes $res"r#b#ng 3ual#!#"at#ons !or o!!#"e El#g#b#l#ty to a $ubl#" o!!#"e #s o! a "ont#nu#ng nature and ust e'#st at the "o en"e ent o! the ter and dur#ng the o""u$an"y o! the o!!#"e Statutes $res"r#b#ng the el#g#b#l#ty or 3ual#!#"at#ons o! $ersons to a $ubl#" o!!#"e are regarded as andatory E'a $le #n the boo6 5 lawyer87udgeI 7udge8d#sbar ent as lawyer Statutes relat#ng to assess ent o! ta'es Intended !or the se"ur#ty o! the "#t#Dens, or to #nsure the e3ual#ty o! ta'at#on, or !or "erta#nty as to the nature and a ount o! ea"h other-s ta' 5 .AN%ATORM E+g+ Statutes re3u#r#ng the assessor to not#!y the ta'$ayer o! the assess ent o! h#s $ro$erty w#th#n a $res"r#bed $er#od Those des#gned erely !or the #n!or at#on or d#re"t#on o! o!!#"ers or to se"ure ethod#"al and syste at#" odes o! $ro"eed#ngs 8 %IRECTORM Statutes "on"ern#ng $ubl#" au"t#on sale Construed andatory Pro"edural ste$s ust be str#"tly !ollowed Otherw#se, (o#d

%IRECTORM STATATES Statutes $res"r#b#ng gu#dan"e !or o!!#"ers Regulat#on des#gned to se"ure order, syste , and d#s$at"h #n $ro"eed#ngs, and by a d#sregard o! wh#"h the r#ghts o! $art#es #nterested ay not be #n7ur#ously a!!e"ted 5 d#re"tory E'"e$t#on 5 unless a""o $an#ed by negat#(e words # $ort#ng that the a"ts re3u#red shall not be done #n any other anner or t# e than that des#gnated Statutes $res"r#b#ng anner o! 7ud#"#al a"t#on Construed d#re"tory Pro"edure #s se"ondary #n # $ortan"e to substant#(e r#ght Generally, non8"o $l#an"e therew#th #s not ne"essary to the (al#d#ty o! the $ro"eed#ngs Statutes re3u#r#ng rend#t#on o! de"#s#on w#th#n $res"r#bed $er#od Se" /:&/) Art+ BIII, /0>1 Const#tut#on 5 the a'# u $er#od w#th#n wh#"h a "ase or atter shall be de"#ded or resol(ed !ro the date o! #ts sub #ss#on shall be =< onths 5 SC /= onths 5 lower "olleg#ate "ourts 2 onths 5 all other lower "ourts Se" 1 Art+ IG8A, /0>1 Const#tut#on 5 ;9 days !ro the date o! #ts sub #ss#on !or resolut#on 5 !or all Const#tut#onal Co #ss#ons ,e!ore the Const#tut#on too6 e!!e"t 8 Statutes re3u#r#ng rend#t#on o! de"#s#on w#th#n $res"r#bed $er#od 5 %#re"tory E'"e$t #ntent#on to the "ontrary #s an#!est t# e #s o! the essen"e o! the th#ng to be done

language o! the statute "onta#ns negat#(e words des#gnat#on o! the t# e was #ntended as a l# #tat#on o! $ower, author#ty or r#ght always loo6 at #ntent to as"erta#n whether to g#(e the statute a andatory or d#re"tory "onstru"t#on bas#s: EGPE%IENCM 5 less #n7ury results to the general $ubl#" by d#sregard#ng than en!or"#ng the l#ttle o! the law and that 7udges would otherw#se absta#n !ro render#ng de"#s#ons a!ter the $er#od to render the had la$sed be"ause they la"6ed 7ur#sd#"t#on tot do so G er bin v. CA Statute: a$$eals #n ele"t#on "ases Eshall be de"#ded w#th#n 2 onths a!ter the !#l#ng o! the "ase #n the o!!#"e o! the "ler6 o! "ourtF Issue: whether or not CA has 7ur#sd#"t#on #n de"#d#ng the ele"t#on "ase although the re3u#red $er#od to resol(e #t has e'$#red Held: yes, otherw#se #s to de!eat the ad #n#strat#on o! 7ust#"e u$on !a"tors beyond the "ontrol o! the $art#esI would de!eat the $ur$ose o! due $ro"essI d#s #ssal w#ll "onst#tute #s"arr#age o! 7ust#"eI s$eedy tr#al would be turned #nto den#al o! 7ust#"e 4a#lure o! 7udge to ta6e a"t#on w#th#n the sa#d $er#od erely de$r#(es h# o! the#r r#ght to "olle"t the#r salar#es or to a$$ly !or lea(es, but does not de$r#(e the o! the 7ur#sd#"t#on to a"t on the "ases $end#ng be!ore the Const#tut#onal t# e $ro(#s#on d#re"tory Marcelino v. Cr + Se" /:&/) Art+ BIII, /0>1 Const#tut#on 5 the a'# u $er#od w#th#n wh#"h a "ase or atter shall be de"#ded or resol(ed !ro the date o! #ts sub #ss#on shall be =< onths 5 SC /= onths 5 lower "olleg#ate "ourts 2 onths 5 all other lower "ourts Se" /:&/) Art+ BIII, /0>1 Const#tut#on 5 d#re"tory Reasons: Statutory $ro(#s#ons wh#"h ay be thus de$arted !ro w#th # $un#ty, w#thout a!!e"t#ng the (al#d#ty o! statutory $ro"eed#ngs, are usually those wh#"h relate to the ode or t# e o! do#ng that wh#"h #s essent#al to e!!e"t the a# and $ur$ose o! the leg#slature or so e #n"#dent o! the essent#al a"t 5 thus d#re"tory L#beral "onstru"t#on 5 de$arture !ro str#"t "o $l#an"e would result #n less #n7ury to the general $ubl#" than would #ts str#"t a$$l#"at#on Courts are not d#(ested o! the#r 7ur#sd#"t#on !or !a#lure to de"#de a "ase w#th#n the 098day $er#od Only !or the gu#dan"e o! the 7udges ann#ng our "ourts 4a#lure to obser(e sa#d rule "onst#tutes a ground !or ad #n#strat#(e san"t#on aga#nst the de!ault#ng 7udge A "ert#!#"at#on to th#s e!!e"t #s re3u#red be!ore 7udges are allowed to draw the#r salar#es CHAPTER NINE: Pros$e"t#(e and Retroa"t#(e Statutes IN GENERAL Pros$e"t#(e and retroa"t#(e statutes, de!#ned Pros$e"t#(e 5 o$erates u$on !a"ts or transa"t#ons that o""ur a!ter the statute ta6es e!!e"t loo6s and a$$l#es to the !uture+ Retroa"t#(e 5 Law wh#"h "reates a new obl#gat#on, # $oses a new duty or atta"hes a new d#sab#l#ty #n res$e"t to a transa"t#on already $ast+ A statute #s not ade retroa"t#(e be"ause #t draws on ante"edent !a"ts !or #ts o$erat#on, or $art o! the re3u#re ents !or #ts a"t#on and a$$l#"at#on #s drawn !ro a t# e antedat#ng #ts $assage+ =mali vs. Estanislao A law ay be ade o$erat#(e $artly on !a"ts that o""urred $r#or to the e!!e"t#(#ty o! su"h law w#thout be#ng retroa"t#(e+ Statute: RA 1/;18 grant#ng #n"reased $ersonal e'e $t#ons !ro #n"o e ta' to be a(a#lable then"e!orth, that #s, a!ter sa#d A"t be"a e e!!e"t#(e and on or be!ore the deadl#ne !or !#l#ng #n"o e ta' returns, w#th res$e"t to "o $ensat#on #n"o e earned or re"e#(ed dur#ng the "alendar year $r#or to the date the law too6 e!!e"t+ Castro v. Sagales A retroa"t#(e law &#n a legal sense) one wh#"h ta6es away or # $a#rs (ested r#ghts a"3u#red under e'#st#ng laws "reates a new obl#gat#on and # $oses a new duty atta"hes a new d#sab#l#ty #n res$e"t o! transa"t#ons or "ons#derat#ons already $ast Laws o$erate $ros$e"t#(ely, generally It #s a settled rule #n statutory "onstru"t#on that statutes are to be "onstrued as ha(#ng only $ros$e"t#(e o$erat#on, unless the #ntend ent o! the leg#slature #s to g#(e the a retroa"t#(e e!!e"t, e'$ressly de"lare or ne"essar#ly # $l#ed !ro the language used+ No "ourt w#ll hold a statute to be retroa"t#(e when the leg#slature has not sa#d so+ Art+ < o! the C#(#l Code wh#"h $ro(#des that ELaws shall ha(e no retroa"t#(e e!!e"t, unless the "ontrary #s $ro(#ded+F Le" prospicit& non respicit ! the law loo6s !orward, not ba"6ward Le" de f t re& # de" de praeterito ! the law $ro(#des !or the !uture, the 7udge !or the $ast+ I! the law #s s#lent as to the date o! #ts a$$l#"at#on and that #t #s "ou"hed #n the $ast tense does not ne"essar#ly # $ly that #t should ha(e retroa"t#(e e!!e"t+ 5rego v. Comelec

A statute des$#te the general#ty o! #ts language, ust not be so "onstrued as to o(errea"h a"ts, e(ents, or atters wh#"h trans$#red be!ore #ts $assage Statute: Se"+<9 o! the LGC d#s3ual#!y#ng those re o(ed !ro o!!#"e as a result o! an ad #n#strat#(e "ase !ro runn#ng !or lo"al ele"t#(e $os#t#ons "annot be a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely+ Held: It "annot d#s3ual#!y a $erson who was ad #n#strat#(ely re o(ed !ro h#s $os#t#on $r#or to the e!!e"t#(#ty o! sa#d Code !ro runn#ng !or an ele"t#(e $os#t#on+ Rat#onale: a law #s a rule establ#shed to gu#de a"t#ons w#th no b#nd#ng e!!e"t unt#l #t #s ena"ted+ %ova constit tion f t ris formam imponere debet non praeteretis ! A new statute should a!!e"t the !uture, not the $ast+

Pros$e"t#(#ty a$$l#es to: Statutes Ad #n#strat#(e rul#ngs and "#r"ulars *ud#"#al de"#s#ons The $r#n"#$le o! $ros$e"t#(#ty o! statutes, or#g#nal or a endatory, has been a$$l#ed #n

any "ases+ These #n"lude:

, yco v. P%, Statute: RA /:1; wh#"h d#(ested the PN, o! author#ty to a""e$t ba"6 $ay "ert#!#"ates #n $ay ent o! loans Held: does not a$$ly to an o!!er o! $ay ent ade be!ore e!!e"t#(#ty o! the a"t+ Lagardo v. Masaganda Held: RA =;/2, as a ended by RA 2909 ON *une /00/, grant#ng #n!er#or "ourts 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er guard#ansh#$ "ases, "ould not be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t #n the absen"e o! a sa(#ng "lause+ Larga v. (anada .r. Held: Se"+ 0 C /9 o! E+O+ 09 a end#ng Se" < o! P+%+ /1:= "ould ha(e no retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on+ Peo v. G e Po Lay Held: a $erson "annot be "on(#"ted o! (#olat#ng C#r"ular =9 o! the Central ,an6, when the alleged (#olat#on o""urred be!ore $ubl#"at#on o! the C#r"ular on the O!!#"#al GaDette+ ,alta+ar v. CA Held: It den#ed retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on to P% =1 de"ree#ng the e an"#$at#on o! tenants !ro the bondage o! the so#l, C P% 2/;, $roh#b#t#ng e7e"t ent o! tenants !ro r#"e C "orn !ar hold#ngs $end#ng $ro ulgat#on o! rules C regulat#ons # $le ent#ng P% =1 %ilo v CA Held: re o(ed T$ersonal "ult#(at#on- as the ground !or e7e"t ent o! a tenant "an-t be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t #n absen"e o! statutory state ent !or retroa"t#(#ty+ A$$l#ed to ad #n#strat#(e rul#ngs C "#r"ulars: A,S6C,% ,roadcasting v. CTA Held: a "#r"ular or rul#ng o! the CIR "annot be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t ad(ersely to a ta'$ayer+ Sanc$e+ v. COMELEC Held: the hold#ng o! re"all $ro"eed#ngs had no retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on (om alde+ v. CSC Held: CSC .e orandu C#r"ular No+ =0 "annot be g#(en retros$e"t#(e e!!e"t so as to ent#tle to $er anent a$$o#nt ent an e $loyee whose te $orary a$$o#nt ent had e'$#red be!ore the C#r"ular was #ssued+ A$$l#ed to 7ud#"#al de"#s#ons !or e(en though not laws, are e(#den"e o! what the laws ean and #s the bas#s o! Art+> o! the C#(#l Code where#n laws o! the Const#tut#on shall !or $art o! the legal syste o! the Ph#l#$$#nes+ Presu $t#on aga#nst retroa"t#(#ty Presu $t#on #s that all laws o$erate $ros$e"t#(ely, unless the "ontrary "learly a$$ears or #s "learly, $la#nly and une3u#(o"ally e'$ressed or ne"essar#ly # $l#ed+ In "ase o! doubt: resol(ed aga#nst the retroa"t#(e o$erat#on o! laws I! statute #s sus"e$t#ble o! "onstru"t#on other than that o! retroa"t#(#ty or w#ll render #t un"onst#tut#onal8 the statute w#ll be g#(en $ros$e"t#(e e!!e"t and o$erat#on+ Presu $t#on #s strong aga#nst substant#(e laws a!!e"t#ng $end#ng a"t#ons or $ro"eed#ngs+ No substant#(e statute shall be so "onstrued retroa"t#(ely as to a!!e"t $end#ng l#t#gat#ons+ Hords or $hrases #nd#"at#ng $ros$e"t#(#ty Ind#"at#ng $ros$e"t#(e o$erat#on: A statute #s to a$$ly Eherea!terF or Etherea!terF E!ro and a!ter the $ass#ng o! th#s A"tF Eshall ha(e been adeF E!ro and a!terF a des#gnated date EShallF # $l#es that the law a6es #ntend the ena"t ent to be e!!e"t#(e only in f t re. Statutes ha(e no retroa"t#(e but $ros$e"t#(e e!!e"t: EIt shall ta6e e!!e"t u$on #ts a$$ro(alF Shall ta6e e!!e"t on the date the Pres#dent shall ha(e #ssued a $ro"la at#on or E+O+, as $ro(#ded #n the statute

Retroa"t#(e statutes, generally The Const#tut#on does not $roh#b#t the ena"t ent o! retroa"t#(e statutes wh#"h do not # $a#r the obl#gat#on o! "ontra"t, de$r#(e $ersons o! $ro$erty w#thout due $ro"ess o! law, or d#(est r#ghts wh#"h ha(e be"o e (ested, or wh#"h are not #n the nature o! e" post facto laws+ Statutes by nature wh#"h are retroa"t#(e: Re ed#al or "urat#(e statutes Statutes wh#"h "reate new r#ghts Statute e'$ressly $ro(#des that #t shall a$$ly retroa"t#(ely Hhere #t uses words wh#"h "learly #nd#"ate #ts #ntent Proble #n "onstru"t#on #s when #t #s a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely, to a(o#d !rontal "lash w#th the Const#tut#on and sa(e the law !ro be#ng de"lared un"onst#tut#onal+ STATATES GIBEN PROSPECTIBE E44ECT Penal statutes, generally Penal laws o$erate $ros$e"t#(ely+ Art+ =/ o! the RPC $ro(#des that Eno !elony shall be $un#shable by any $enalty not $res"r#bed by law $r#or to #ts "o #ss#on+ Pro(#s#on #s re"ogn#t#on to the un#(ersally a""e$ted $r#n"#$le that no $enal law "an ha(e a retroa"t#(e e!!e"t, no a"t or o #ss#on shall be held to be a "r# e, nor #ts author $un#shed, e'"e$t by (#rtue o! a law #n !or"e at the t# e the a"t was "o #tted+ % ll m crimen sine poena& n lla poena sine legis ! there #s no "r# e w#thout a $enalty, there #s no $enalty w#thout a law+ E" post facto law Const#tut#on $ro(#des that no e" post facto law shall be ena"ted+ It also $roh#b#ts the retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on o! $enal laws wh#"h are #n the nature o! e" post facto laws+ E" post facto laws are any o! the !ollow#ng: Law a6es "r# #nal an a"t done be!ore the $assage o! the law and wh#"h was #nno"ent when done, and $un#shes su"h a"t Law wh#"h aggra(ates a "r# e, a6es #t greater than #t was, when "o #tted Law wh#"h "hanges the $un#sh ent C #n!l#"ts a greater $un#sh ent than that anne'ed to the "r# e when "o #tted Law wh#"h alters the legal rules o! e(#den"e, author#Des "on(#"t#on u$on less or d#!!erent test# ony than the law re3u#red at the t# e o! the "o #ss#on o! the o!!ense Law wh#"h assu es to regulate "#(#l r#ghts and re ed#es only, but #n e!!e"t # $oses $enalty or de$r#(at#on o! a r#ght !or so eth#ng wh#"h when done was law!ul Law wh#"h de$r#(es a $erson a""used o! a "r# e o! so e law!ul $rote"t#on to wh#"h he has be"o e ent#tled, su"h as $rote"t#on o! a !or er "on(#"t#on or a"3u#ttal, or $ro"la at#on o! a nesty+ Test #! e" post facto "lause #s (#olated: %oes the law sought to be a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely ta6e !ro an a""used any r#ght (#tal !or $rote"t#on o! l#!e and l#bertyQ S"o$e: a$$l#es only to "r# #nal or $enal atters It does NOT a$$ly to laws "on"ern#ng "#(#l $ro"eed#ngs generally, or wh#"h a!!e"t or regulate "#(#l or $r#(ate r#ghts or $ol#t#"al $r#(#lege Alvia v. Sandiganbayan Law: as o! the date o! the e!!e"t#(#ty o! th#s de"ree, any "ase "ogn#Dable by the Sandiganbayan #s not an e" post facto law be"ause #t #s not a $enal statute nor d#lutes the r#ght o! a$$eal o! the a""used+ ,#ll o! atta#nder Const#tut#on $ro(#des that no b#ll o! atta#nder shall be ena"ted+ ,#ll o! atta#nder 5 leg#slat#(e a"t wh#"h #n!l#"ts $un#sh ent w#thout 7ud#"#al tr#al Essen"e: subst#tut#on o! a leg#slat#(e !or a 7ud#"#al deter #nat#on o! gu#lt Ser(es to # $le ent the $r#n"#$le o! se$arat#on o! $owers by "on!#n#ng the leg#slature to rule8 a6#ng C thereby !orestall#ng leg#slat#(e usur$at#on o! 7ud#"#al !un"t#ons+ H#story: ,#ll o! Atta#nder was e $loyed to su$$ress un$o$ular "auses C $ol#t#"al #nor#t#es, and th#s #s the e(#l sought to be su$$ressed by the Const#tut#on+ How to s$ot a ,#ll o! Atta#nder: S#ngl#ng out o! a de!#n#te #nor#ty I $os#t#on o! a burden on #t A leg#slat#(e #ntent retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on to $ast "ondu"t su!!#"e to st#g at#De ,#ll o! Atta#nder #s ob7e"t#onable be"ause o! #ts e" post facto !eatures+ A""ord#ngly, #! a statute #s a ,#ll o! Atta#nder, #t #s also an e" post facto law+ Hhen $enal laws a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely Penal laws "annot be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t, e'"e$t when they are !a(orable to the a""used+ Art+== o! RPC E$enal laws shall ha(e a retroa"t#(e e!!e"t #nso!ar as they !a(or the $erson gu#lty o! a !elony, who #s not a hab#tual "r# #nal, as th#s ter #s de!#ned #n Rule : Art ;= o! the Code , although at the t# e o! the a$$l#"at#on o! su"h laws a !#nal senten"e has been $ronoun"ed and the "on(#"t #s ser(#ng the sa e+ Th#s #s not an e" post facto law+ E'"e$t#on to the general rule that all laws o$erate $ros$e"t#(ely+ Rule #s !ounded on the $r#n"#$le that: the r#ght o! the state to $un#sh and # $ose $enalty #s based on the $r#n"#$les o! 7ust#"e+ 9avorabilia s nt amplianda& adiiosa restrigenda ! Cons"#en"e and good law 7ust#!y th#s e'"e$t#on+ E'"e$t#on was #ns$#red by sent# ents o! hu an#ty and a""e$ted by s"#en"e+ = laws a!!e"t#ng the l#ab#l#ty o! a""used: In !or"e at the t# e o! the "o #ss#on o! the "r# e 5 dur#ng the $enden"y o! the "r# #nal a"t#on, a statute #s $assed redu"#ng the degree o! $enalty

el# #nat#ng the o!!ense #tsel! re o(#ng subs#d#ary # $r#son ent #n "ase o! #nsol(en"y to $ay the "#(#l l#ab#l#ty $res"r#$t#on o! the o!!ense su"h statute w#ll be a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely and the tr#al "ourt be!ore the !#nal#ty o! 7udg ent or the a$$ellate "ourt on a$$eal !ro su"h 7udg ent should ta6e su"h statute #n "ons#derat#on+ Ena"ted dur#ng or a!ter the tr#al o! the "r# #nal a"t#on Director v. Director of Prisons Hhen there #s already a !#nal 7udg ent C a""used #s ser(#ng senten"e, re edy #s to !#le $et#t#on o! $abeas corp s& alleg#ng that h#s "ont#nued # $r#son ent #s #llegal $ursuant to sa#d statute C $ray#ng that he be !orthw#th released+ E'"e$t#ons to the rule: Hhen a""used #s hab#tual del#n3uent Hhen statute $ro(#des that #t shall not a$$ly to e'#st#ng a"t#ons or $end#ng "ases Hhere a""used d#sregards the later law C #n(o6es the $r#or statute under wh#"h he was $rose"uted+ General rule: An a endatory statute render#ng an #llegal a"t $r#or to #ts ena"t ent no longer #llegal #s g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t does not a$$ly when a endatory a"t s$e"#!#"ally $ro(#des that #t shall only a$$ly $ros$e"t#(ely+ Statutes substant#(e #n nature Substant#(e law "reates, de!#nes or regulates r#ghts "on"ern#ng l#!e, l#berty or $ro$erty, or the $owers o! agen"#es or #nstru ental#t#es !or ad #n#strat#on o! $ubl#" a!!a#rs+ that $art o! law wh#"h "reates, de!#nes C regulates r#ghts, or wh#"h regulates r#ghts or dut#es wh#"h g#(e r#se to a "ause o! a"t#on that $art o! law wh#"h "ourts are establ#shed to ad #n#ster when a$$l#ed to "r# #nal law: that wh#"h de"lares wh#"h a"ts are "r# es and $res"r#be the $un#sh ent !or "o #tt#ng the Cannot be "onstrued retroa"t#(ely as #t #ght a!!e"t $re(#ous or $ast r#ghts or obl#gat#ons Substant#(e r#ghts One wh#"h #n"ludes those r#ghts wh#"h one en7oys under the legal syste $r#or to the d#sturban"e o! nor al relat#ons+ Cases w#th substant#(e statutes: Tolentino v. A+alte In the absen"e o! a "ontrary #ntent, statutes wh#"h lays down "erta#n re3u#re ents to be "o $l#ed w#th be !ore a "ase "an be brought to "ourt+ Espirit v. Cipriano 4reeDes the a ount o! onthly rentals !or res#dent#al houses dur#ng a !#'ed $er#od

Spo ses Tirona v. Ale#o Law: Co $rehens#(e Land Re!or Law grant#ng "o $la#nants tenan"y r#ghts to !#sh$onds and $ursuant to wh#"h they !#led a"t#ons to assert r#ghts wh#"h subse3uently a ended to e'e $t !#sh$onds !ro "o(erage o! statute Held: A endatory law #s substant#(e #n nature as #t e'e $ts !#sh$onds !ro #ts "o(erage+ Test !or $ro"edural laws: #! rule really regulates $ro"edure, the 7ud#"#al $ro"ess !or en!or"#ng r#ghts and dut#es re"ogn#Ded by substant#(e law C !or 7ustly ad #n#ster#ng re edy and redress !or a d#sregard or #n!ra"t#on o! the I! #t o$erates as a eans o! # $le ent#ng an e'#st#ng r#ght Test !or substant#(e laws: I! #t ta6es away a (ested r#ght I! rule "reates a r#ght su"h as r#ght to a$$eal 9abian v. Desierto Hhere to $rose"ute an a$$eal or trans!err#ng the (enue o! a$$eal #s $ro"edural E'a $le: %e"ree#ng that a$$eals !ro de"#s#ons o! the O buds an #n ad #n#strat#(e a"t#ons be ade to the Court o! A$$eals Re3u#r#ng that a$$eals !ro de"#s#ons o! the NLRC be !#led w#th the Court o! A$$eals Generally, $ro"edural rules are retroa"t#(e and are a$$l#"able to a"t#ons $end#ng and under #ned at the t# e o! the $assage o! the $ro"edural law, wh#le substant#(e laws are $ros$e"t#(e E!!e"ts on $end#ng a"t#ons Statutes a!!e"t#ng substant#(e r#ghts ay not be g#(en retroa"t#(e o$erat#on so as to go(ern $end#ng $ro"eed#ngs+

'b ran v. Labes Hhere "ourt or#g#nally obta#ns and e'er"#ses 7ur#sd#"t#on, a later statute restr#"t#ng su"h 7ur#sd#"t#on or trans!err#ng #t to another tr#bunal w#ll not a!!e"t $end#ng a"t#on, unless statute $ro(#des C unless $roh#b#tory words are used+ Lagardo v. Masagana Hhere "ourt has no 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er a "erta#n "ase but ne(ertheless de"#des #t, !ro wh#"h a$$eal #s ta6en, a statute ena"ted dur#ng the $enden"y o! the a$$eal (est#ng 7ur#sd#"t#on u$on su"h tr#al "ourt o(er the sub7e"t atter or su"h "ase ay not be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t so as to (al#date the 7udg ent o! the "ourt a q o, #n the absen"e o! a sa(#ng "lause+ (ep blic v. Prieto Hhere a "o $la#nt $end#ng #n "ourt #s de!e"t#(e be"ause #t d#d not allege su!!#"#ent a"t#on, #t subse3uent law wh#"h a!!e"ts substant#(e r#ghts and not erely $ro"edural atters+ ay not be (al#dated by a

Rule aga#nst the retroa"t#(e o$erat#on o! statutes #n general a$$l#es a!!e"t $end#ng a"t#ons or $ro"eed#ngs+

ore strongly w#th res$e"t to substant#(e laws that

Nual#!#"at#on o! rule A substant#(e law w#ll be "onstrued as a$$l#"able to $end#ng a"t#ons #! su"h #s the "lear #ntent o! the law+ To $ro ote so"#al 7ust#"e or #n the e'er"#se o! $ol#"e $ower, #s #ntended to a$$ly to $end#ng a"t#ons As a rule, a "ase ust be de"#ded #n the l#ght o! the law as #t e'#sts at the t# e o! the de"#s#on o! the a$$ellate "ourt, where the statute "hang#ng the law #s #ntended to be retroa"t#(e and to a$$ly to $end#ng l#t#gat#ons or #s retroa"t#(e #n e!!e"t Th#s rule #s true though #t ay result #n the re(ersal o! a 7udg ent wh#"h as "orre"t at the t# e #t was rendered by the tr#al "ourt+ The rule #s sub7e"t to the l# #tat#on "on"ern#ng "onst#tut#onal restr#"t#ons aga#nst # $a#r ent o! (ested r#ghts Statutes a!!e"t#ng (ested r#ghts A (ested r#ght or #nterest ay be sa#d to ean so e r#ght or #nterest #n $ro$erty that has be"o e !#'ed or establ#shed and #s no longer o$en to doubt or "ontro(ersy R#ghts are (ested when the r#ght to en7oy ent, $resent or $ros$e"t#(e, has be"o e the $ro$erty o! so e $art#"ular $erson or $ersons, as a $resent #nterest The r#ght ust be absolute, "o $lete and un"ond#t#onal, #nde$endent o! a "ont#ngen"y A ere e'$e"tan"y o! !uture bene!#t or a "ont#ngent #nterest #n $ro$erty !ounded on ant#"#$ated "ont#nuan"e o! e'#st#ng laws does not "onst#tute a (ested r#ght In"hoate r#ghts wh#"h ha(e not been a"ted on are not (ested

A statute ay not be "onstrued and a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely under the !ollow#ng "#r"u stan"es: #! #t # $a#rs substant#(e r#ght that has be"o e (estedI as d#sturb#ng or destroy#ng e'#st#ng r#ght e bod#ed #n a 7udg entI "reat#ng new substant#(e r#ght to !unda ental "ause o! a"t#on where none e'#sted be!ore and a6#ng su"h r#ght retroa"t#(eI by arb#trar#ly "reat#ng a new r#ght or l#ab#l#ty already e't#ngu#shed by o$erat#on o! law Law "reat#ng a new r#ght #n !a(or o! a "lass o! $ersons ay not be so a$$l#ed #! the new r#ght "oll#des w#th or # $a#rs any (ested r#ght a"3u#red be!ore the establ#sh ent o! the new r#ght nor, by the ter s o! wh#"h #s retroa"t#(e, be so a$$l#ed #!: #t ad(ersely a!!e"ts (ested r#ghts unsettles atter already done as re3u#red by e'#st#ng law wor6s #n7ust#"e to those a!!e"ted thereby ,eng et Consolidated Mining Co v. Pineda Hh#le a $erson has no (ested r#ght #n any rule o! law ent#tl#ng h# to #ns#st that #t shall re a#n un"hanged !or h#s bene!#t, nor has he a (ested r#ght #n the "ont#nued e'#sten"e o! a statute wh#"h $re"ludes #ts "hange or re$eal, nor #n any o #ss#on to leg#slate on a $art#"ular atter, a subse3uent statute "annot be so a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely as to # $a#r h#s r#ght that a""rued under the old law+ Statutes ust be so "onstrued as to susta#n #ts "onst#tut#onal#ty, and $ros$e"t#(e o$erat#on w#ll be $resu ed where a retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on w#ll $rodu"e #n(al#d#ty+

Peo v. Patalin The abol#t#on o! the death $enalty and #ts subse3uent re8# $os#t#on+ Those a""used o! "r# es $r#or to the re8# $os#t#on o! the death $enalty ha(e a"3u#red (ested r#ghts under the law abol#sh#ng #t+ Courts ha(e thus g#(en statutes str#"t "onstr#"t#on to $re(ent the#r retroa"t#(e o$erat#on #n order that the statutes would not # $a#r or #nter!ere w#th (ested or e'#st#ng r#ghts+ A""used8a$$ellant Ts r#ghts to be bene!#ted by the abol#t#on o! the death $enalty a""rued or atta"hed by (#rtue o! Art#"le == o! the Re(#sed Penal Code+ Th#s bene!#t "annot be ta6en away !ro the + Statutes a!!e"t#ng obl#gat#ons o! "ontra"t Any "ontra"t entered #nto ust be #n a""ordan"e w#th, and not re$ugnant to, the a$$l#"able law at the t# e o! e'e"ut#on+ Su"h law !or s $art o!, and #s read #nto, the "ontra"t e(en w#thout the $art#es e'$ressly say#ng so+ Laws e'#st#ng at the t# e o! the e'e"ut#on o! "ontra"ts are the ones a$$l#"able to su"h transa"t#ons and not later statutes, unless the latter $ro(#de that they shall ha(e retroa"t#(e e!!e"t+ Later statutes w#ll not, howe(er, be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t #! to do so w#ll # $a#r the obl#gat#on o! "ontra"ts, !or the Const#tut#on $roh#b#ts the ena"t ent o! a law # $a#r#ng the obl#gat#ons o! "ontra"ts+ Any law wh#"h enlarges, abr#dges, or #n any anner "hanges the #ntent#on o! the $art#es ne"essar#ly # $a#rs the "ontra"t #tsel! A statute wh#"h author#Des any de(#at#on !ro the ter s o! the "ontra"t by $ost$on#ng or a""elerat#ng the $er#od o! $er!or an"e wh#"h #t $res"r#bes, # $os#ng "ond#t#ons not e'$ressed #n the "ontra"t, or d#s$ens#ng w#th those wh#"h are howe(er #nute or a$$arently # ater#al #n the#r e!!e"t u$on the "ontra"t, # $a#rs the obl#gat#on, and su"h statute should not there!ore be a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely+ As between two !eas#ble #nter$retat#ons o! a statute, the "ourt should ado$t that wh#"h w#ll a(o#d the # $a#r ent o! the "ontra"t+ I! the "ontra"t #s legal at #t #n"e$t#on, #t "annot be rendered #llegal by a subse3uent leg#slat#on+ A law by the ter s o! wh#"h a transa"t#on or agree ent would be #llegal "annot be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t so as to null#!y su"h transa"t#ons or agree ent e'e"uted be!ore sa#d law too6 e!!e"t+ =.S. Tobacco Corp. v. Lina

The # $ortat#on o! "erta#n goods w#thout # $ort l#"ense wh#"h was legal under the law e'#st#ng at the t# e o! sh#$ ent #s not rendered #llegal by the !a"t that when the goods arr#(ed there was already another law $roh#b#t#ng # $ortat#on w#thout # $ort l#"ense+ To rule otherw#se #n any o! these #nstan"es #s to # $a#r the obl#gat#ons o! "ontra"t+

Illustrat#on o! rule People v. >eta E'#st#ng law: author#D#ng a lawyer to "harge not ore than :U o! the a ount #n(ol(ed as attorney-s !ees #n the $rose"ut#on o! "erta#n (eteran-s "la# + 4a"ts: A lawyer entered #nto a "ontra"t !or $ro!ess#onal ser(#"es on "ont#ngent bas#s and a"tually rendered ser(#"e to #ts su""ess!ul "on"lus#on+ ,e!ore the "la# was "olle"ted, a statute was ena"ted+ New statute: Proh#b#t#ng the "olle"t#on o! attorney-s !ees !or ser(#"es rendered #n $rose"ut#ng (eteran-s "la# s+ Issue: 4or "olle"t#ng h#s !ees $ursuant to the "ontra"t !or $ro!ess#onal ser(#"es, the lawyer was $rose"uted !or (#olat#on o! the statute+ Held: In e'onerat#ng the lawyer, the "ourt sa#d: the statute $roh#b#t#ng the "olle"t#on o! attorney-s !ees "annot be a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely so as to ad(ersely a!!e"t the "ontra"t !or $ro!ess#onal ser(#"es and the !ees the sel(es+ The :U !ee was "ont#ngent and d#d not be"o e absolute and un"ond#t#onal unt#l the (eteran-s "la# had been "olle"ted by the "la# ant when the statute was already #n !or"e d#d no alter the s#tuat#on+ 4or the Ed#st#n"t#on between (ested and absolute r#ghts #s not hel$!ul and a better (#ew to handle the $roble #s to de"lare those statutes atte $t#ng to a!!e"t r#ghts wh#"h the "ourts !#nd to be unalterable, #n(al#d as arb#trary and unreasonable, thus la"6#ng #n due $ro"ess+F The :U !ee allowed by the old law #s Enot unreasonable+ Ser(#"es were rendered thereunder to "la# ant-s bene!#ts+ The r#ght to !ees a""rued u$on su"h rend#t#on+ Only the $ay ent o! the !ee was "ont#ngent u$on the a$$ro(al o! the "la# I there!ore, the r#ght was "ont#ngent+ 4or a r#ght to a""rue #s one th#ngI en!or"e ent thereo! by a"tual $ay ent #s another+ The subse3uent law ena"ted a!ter the rend#t#on o! the ser(#"es should not as a atter o! s# $le 7ust#"e a!!e"t the agree ent, wh#"h was entered #nto (oluntar#ly by the $art#es as e'$ressly d#re"ted #n the $re(#ous law+ To a$$ly the new law to the "ase o! de!endant8a$$ellant s as to de$r#(e h# o! the agreed !ee would be arb#trary and unreasonable as destru"t#(e o! the #n(#olab#l#ty o! "ontra"ts, and there!ore #n(al#d as la"6#ng #n due $ro"essI to $enal#De h# !or "olle"t#ng su"h !ees, re$ugnant to our sense o! 7ust#"e+F Re$eal#ng and a endatory a"ts Statutes wh#"h re$eal earl#er or $r#or laws o$erate $ros$e"t#(ely, unless the leg#slat#(e #ntent to g#(e the retroa"t#(e e!!e"t "learly a$$ears+ Although a re$eal#ng state #s #ntended to be retroa"t#(e, #t w#ll not be so "onstrued #! #t w#ll # $a#r (ested r#ghts or the obl#gat#ons o! "ontra"ts, or unsettle atters that had been legally done under the old law+ Re$eal#ng statutes wh#"h are $enal #n nature are generally a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely #! !a(orable to the a""used, unless the "ontrary a$$ears or the a""used #s otherw#se not ent#tled to the bene!#ts o! the re$eal#ng a"t+ Hh#le an a end ent #s generally "onstrued as be"o #ng a $art o! the or#g#nal a"t as #! #t had always been "onta#ned there#n , #t ay not be g#(en a retroa"t#(e e!!e"t unless #t #s so $ro(#ded e'$ressly or by ne"essary # $l#"at#on and no (ested r#ght or obl#gat#ons o! "ontra"t are thereby # $a#red+ The general rule on the $ros$e"t#(e o$erat#on o! statutes also a$$l#es to a endatory a"ts San .ose v. (e$abilitation 9inance Corp RA <9/ wh#"h "ondoned the #nterest on $re8war debts !ro *anuary /, /0<= to %e"e ber 2/, /0<: a ended by RA ;1/ on *une /;, /0:/ by (#rtually reena"t#ng the old law and $ro(#d#ng that 1if t$e debtor& $o3ever& ma-es vol ntary payment of t$e entire pre63ar npaid principal obligation on or before December HB& BIJK& t$e interest on s c$ principal obligation corresponding from .an ary B& BILA to day of payment are li-e3ise condoned F Held: a debtor who $a#d h#s $re8war obl#gat#on together w#th the #nterests on .ar"h /<, /0:/ or be!ore the a end ent was a$$ro(ed #nto law, #s not ent#tled to a re!und o! the #nterest $a#d !ro *anuary /, /0<; to .ar"h /<, /0:/ the date the debtor $a#d the obl#gat#on+ Reason: E a6es (oluntary $ay entF 5 denotes a $resent or !uture a"tI thereby not retroa"t#(ely Eun$a#d $r#n"#$al obl#gat#onF and E"ondoneF 5 # $ly that a end ent does not "o(er re!und o! #nterests $a#d a!ter #ts a$$ro(al+ C'( v. La Tondena Statute: # $oses ta' on "erta#n bus#ness a"t#(#t#es #s a ended by el# #nat#ng the "lause $ro(#d#ng a ta' on so e o! su"h a"t#(#t#es, and the a ended a"t #s !urther a ended, a!ter the la$se o! length o! t# e, by restor#ng the "lause $re(#ously el# #nated, wh#"h re3u#res that the last a end ent should not be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t so as to "o(er the whole $er#od+ 'mperial v. C'( An a end ent wh#"h # $oses a ta' on a "erta#n bus#ness wh#"h the statute $r#or to #ts a end ent does not ta', ay not be a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely so as to re3u#re $ay ent o! the ta' on su"h bus#ness !or the $er#od $r#or to the a end ent , yco v. P$ilippine %ational ,anIssue: "an ,uy"o "o $el the PN, to a""e$t h#s ba"6$ay "ert#!#"ate #n $ay ent o! h#s #ndebtedness to the ban6 A$r#l =<, /0:;8 RA >01 ga(e ,uy"o the r#ght to ha(e sa#d "ert#!#"ate a$$l#ed #n $ay ent o! #s obl#gat#on thus at that t# e he o!!ered to $ay w#th h#s ba"6$ay "ert#!#"ate+ *une /;, /0:;, RA /:1; was ena"ted a end#ng the "harter o! the PN, and $ro(#ded that the ban6 shall ha(e no author#ty to a""e$t ba"6$ay "ert#!#"ate #n $ay ent o! #ndebtedness to the ban6+

Held: The Court !a(ored ,uy"o+ All statutes are "onstrued as ha(#ng $ros$e"t#(e o$erat#on, unless the $ur$ose o! the leg#slature #s to g#(e the retroa"t#(e e!!e"t+ Th#s $r#n"#$le also a$$l#es to a end ents+ RA /:1; does not "onta#n any $ro(#s#on regard#ng #ts retroa"t#(e e!!e"t+ It s# $ly states #ts e!!e"t#(#ty u$on a$$ro(al+ The a end ent there!ore, has no retroa"t#(e e!!e"t, and the $resent "ase should be go(erned by the law at the t# e the o!!er #n 3uest#on was ade The rule #s !a #l#ar that a!ter an a"t #s a ended, the or#g#nal a"t "ont#nues to be #n !or"e w#th regard to all r#ghts that had a""rued $r#or to su"h a end ent+ 'ns lar 5overnment v. 9ranHhere a "ontra"t #s entered #nto by the $art#es on the bas#s o! the law then $re(a#l#ng, the a end ent o! sa#d law w#ll not a!!e"t the ter s o! sa#d "ontra"t+ The rule a$$l#es e(en #! one o! the "ontra"t#ng $art#es #s the go(ern ent STATATES GIBEN RETROACTIBE E44ECT Pro"edural laws The general law #s that the law has no retroa"t#(e e!!e"t+ E'"e$t#ons: $ro"edural laws "urat#(e laws, wh#"h are g#(en retroa"t#(e o$erat#on Pro"edural laws ad7e"t#(e laws wh#"h $res"r#be rules and !or s o! $ro"edure o! en!or"#ng r#ghts or obta#n#ng redress !or the#r #n(as#on they re!er to rules o! $ro"edure by wh#"h "ourts a$$ly#ng laws o! all 6#nds "an $ro$erly ad #n#ster #n7ust#"e they #n"lude rules o! $lead#ngs, $ra"t#"e and e(#den"e A$$l#ed to "r# #nal law, they $ro(#de or regulate the ste$s by wh#"h one who "o #ts a "r# e #s to be $un#shed+ Re ed#al statutes or statutes relat#ng to odes o! $ro"edure8 wh#"h do not "reate new or ta6e away (ested r#ghts, but only o$erate #n !urtheran"e o! the re edy or "on!#r at#on o! the r#ghts already e'#st#ng, do not "o e w#th#n the legal "on"e$t#on o! a retroa"t#(e law, or the general rule aga#nst the retroa"t#(e o$erat#on o! statutes+ A new statute wh#"h deals w#th $ro"edure only #s $resu $t#(ely a$$l#"able to all a"t#ons 5 those wh#"h ha(e a""rued or are $end#ng+ Statutes regulat#ng the $ro"edure o! the "ourts w#ll be "onstrued as a$$l#"able to a"t#ons $end#ng and undeter #ned at the t# e o! the#r $assage+ The retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on o! $ro"edural laws #s not: (#olat#(e o! any r#ght o! a $erson who ay !eel that he #s ad(ersely a!!e"tedI nor "onst#tut#onally ob7e"t#onable+ (ationaleD no (ested r#ght ay atta"h to, nor ar#se !ro , $ro"edural laws+ A $erson has no (ested r#ght #n any $art#"ular re edy, and a l#t#gant "annot #ns#st on the a$$l#"at#on to the tr#al o! h#s "ase, whether "#(#l or "r# #nal, o! any other than the e'#st#ng rules o! $ro"edure Alday v. Camillon Pro(#s#on: ,P /=08 Enor re"ord or a$$eal shall be re3u#red to ta6e an a$$eal+F &$ro"edural #n nature and should be a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely) Issue: Hhether an a$$eal !ro an ad(erse 7udg ent should be d#s #ssed !or !a#lure o! a$$ellant to !#le a re"ord on a$$eal w#th#n 29 days as re3u#red under the old rules+ Su"h 3uest#on #s $end#ng resolut#on at the t# e the ,P ,lg too6 e!!e"t, be"a e a"ade #" u$on e!!e"t#(#ty o! sa#d law be"ause the law no longer re3u#res the !#l#ng a o! a re"ord on a$$eal and #ts retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on re o(ed the legal obsta"le to g#(#ng due "ourse to the a$$eal+ Castro v. Sagales A statute wh#"h trans!ers the 7ur#sd#"t#on to try "erta#n "ases !ro a "ourt to a 3uas#87ud#"#al tr#bunal #s a re ed#al statute that #s a$$l#"able to "la# s that a""rued be!ore #ts ena"t ent but !or ulated and !#led a!ter #t too6 e!!e"t+ Held: The "ourt that has 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er a "la# at the t# e #t a""rued "annot (al#dly try to "la# where at the t# e the "la# #s !or ulated and !#led, the 7ur#sd#"t#on to try #t has been trans!erred by law to a 3uas#87ud#"#al tr#bunal+ (ationaleD !or e(en a"t#ons $end#ng #n one "ourt ay be (al#dly be ta6en away and trans!erred to another and no l#t#gant "an a"3u#re a (ested r#ght to be heard by one $art#"ular "ourt+ An ad #n#strat#(e rule: wh#"h #s #nter$retat#(e o! a $re8e'#st#ng statue and not de"larat#(e o! "erta#n r#ghts w#th obl#gat#ons thereunder #s g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t as o! the date o! the e!!e"t#(#ty o! the statute+ Atlas Consolidated Mining 4 Development Corp. v. CA Issue: whether a tr#al "ourt has been d#(ested o! 7ur#sd#"t#on to hear and de"#de a $end#ng "ase #n(ol(#ng a #n#ng "ontro(ersy u$on the $ro ulgat#on o! P% /=>/ wh#"h (ests u$on the ,ureau o! .#nes Or#g#nal and e'"lus#(e 7ur#sd#"t#on to hear and de"#de #n#ng "ontro(ers#es+ Held: Mes+ P% /=>/ #s a re ed#al statute+ It does not "reate new r#ghts nor ta6e away r#ghts that are already (ested+ It only o$erates #n !urtheran"e o! a re edy or "on!#r at#on o! r#ghts already #n e'#sten"e+ It does not "o e w#th#n the legal $ur(#ew o! a $ros$e"t#(e law+ As su"h, #t "an be g#(en retros$e"t#(e a$$l#"at#on o! statutes+ ,e#ng $ro"edural #n nature, #t shall a$$ly to all a"t#ons $end#ng at the t# e o! #ts ena"t ent e'"e$t only w#th res$e"t to those "ases wh#"h had already atta#ned h "hara"ter o! a !#nal and e'e"utor 7udg ent+ Here #t not so, the $ur$ose o! the %e"ree, wh#"h #s to !a"#l#tate the # ed#ate resolut#on o! #n#ng "ontro(ers#es by grant#ng 7ur#sd#"t#on to a body or agen"y ore ade$t to the te"hn#"al "o $le'#t#es o! #n#ng o$erat#ons, would be thwarted and rendered ean#ngless+ L#t#gants #n a #n#ng "ontro(ersy "annot be $er #tted to "hoose a !oru o! "on(en#en"e+ *ur#sd#"t#on #s # $osed by law and not by any o! the $art#es to su"h $ro"eed#ngs+ 4urther ore, P% /=>/ #s a s$e"#al law and under a well8a""e$ted $r#n"#$le #n stat "on, the s$e"#al law w#ll $re(a#l o(er a stature or law o! general a$$l#"at#on+

S bido& .r. v. Sandiganbayan Court ruled that RA 101:, #n !urther a end#ng P% /;9; as regards the Sand#ganbayan-s 7ur#sd#"t#on, ode o! a$$eal, and other $ro"edural atters, #s "learly a $ro"edural law, i.e. one wh#"h $res"r#bes rules and !or s o! $ro"edure en!or"#ng r#ghts or obta#n#ng redress !or the#r #n(as#on, or those wh#"h re!er to rules o! $ro"edure by wh#"h "ourts a$$ly#ng laws o! all 6#nds "an $ro$erly ad #n#ster 7ust#"e+ The $et#t#oners suggest that #t #s l#6ew#se "urat#(e or re ed#al statute, wh#"h "ures de!e"ts and adds to the eans o! en!or"#ng e'#st#ng obl#gat#ons+ As a $ro"edural and "urat#(e statute, RA 101: ay (al#dly be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t, there be#ng no # $a#r ent o! "ontra"tual or (ested r#ghts+ Martine+ v. People Statutes regulat#ng the $ro"edure o! the "ourts w#ll be "onstrued as a$$l#"able to a"t#ons $end#ng and under #ned at the t# e o! the#r $assage+ Hhere at the t# e the a"t#on was !#led, the Rules o! Court: Ea $et#t#on to be allowed to a$$eal as $au$er shall not be enterta#ned by the a$$ellate "ourtF The subse3uent a end ent thereto delet#ng the senten"e # $l#es that the a$$ellate "ourt #s no longer $roh#b#ted !ro enterta#n#ng $et#t#ons to a$$ear as $au$er l#t#gants, and ay grant the $et#t#on then $end#ng a"t#on, so long as #ts re3u#re ents are "o $l#ed w#th+ E'"e$t#ons to the rule The rule does not a$$ly where: the statute #tsel! e'$ressly or by ne"essary # $l#"at#on $ro(#des that $end#ng a"t#ons are e'"e$ted !ro #t o$erat#on, or where to a$$ly #t to $end#ng $ro"eed#ngs would # $a#r (ested r#ghts Courts ay deny the retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on o! $ro"edural laws #n the e(ent that to do so would not be !eas#ble or would wor6 #n7ust#"e+ Nor ay $ro"edural laws be a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely to $end#ng a"t#ons #! to do so would #n(ol(e #ntr#"ate $roble s o! due $ro"ess or # $a#r the #nde$enden"e o! the "ourts+ Tayag v. CA Issue: whether an a"t#on !or re"ogn#t#on !#led by an #lleg#t# ate #nor a!ter the death o! h#s alleged $arent when Art =>: o! the C#(#l Code was st#ll #n e!!e"t and has re a#ned $end#ng Art /1: o! the 4a #ly Code too6 e!!e"t "an st#ll be $rose"uted "ons#der#ng that Art /1:, wh#"h #s "la# ed to be $ro"edural #n nature and retroa"t#(e #n a$$l#"at#on, does not allow !#l#ng o! the a"t#on a!ter the death o! the alleged $arent+ Held: The rule that a statutory "hange #n atters o! $ro"edure ay a!!e"t $end#ng a"t#ons and $ro"eed#ngs, unless the language o! the a"t e'"ludes the !ro #ts o$erat#on, #s not so $er(as#(e that #t ay be used to (al#date or #n(al#date $ro"eed#ngs ta6en be!ore #t goes #nto e!!e"t, s#n"e $ro"edure ust be go(erned by the law regulat#ng #t at the t# e the 3uest#on o! $ro"edure ar#ses es$e"#ally where (ested r#ghts aybe $re7ud#"ed+ A""ord#ngly, Art /1: o! the 4a #ly Code !#nds no $ro$er a$$l#"at#on to the #nstant "ase s#n"e #t w#ll #nelu"tably a!!e"t ad(ersely a r#ght o! $r#(ate res$ondent and, "onse3uent#ally, o! the #nor "h#ld she re$resents, both o! wh#"h ha(e been (ested w#th the !#l#ng o! the "o $la#nt #n "ourt+ The tr#al "ourt #s, there!ore, "orre"t #n a$$ly#ng the $ro(#s#ons o! Art =>: o! the C#(#l Code and #n hold#ng that $r#(ate res$ondent-s "ause o! a"t#on has not yet $res"r#bed+F Curat#(e statutes "urat#(e re ed#al statutes are heal#ng a"ts they are re ed#al by "ur#ng de!e"ts and add#ng to the eans o! en!or"#ng e'#st#ng obl#gat#ons the rule to "urat#(e statutes #s that #! the th#ng o #tted or !a#led to be done, and wh#"h "onst#tutes the de!e"t sought to be re o(ed or ade har less, #s so eth#ng wh#"h the leg#slature #ght ha(e d#s$ensed w#th by a $re(#ous statute, #t ay do so by a subse3uent one "urat#(e statutes are #ntended to su$$ly de!e"ts, abr#dge su$er!lu#t#es #n e'#st#ng laws, and "urb "erta#n e(#ls+ They are des#gned and #ntended, but has !a#led o! e'$e"ted legal "onse3uen"e by reason o! so e statutory d#sab#l#ty or #rregular#ty #n the#r own a"t#on+ They a6e (al#d that wh#"h, be!ore the ena"t ent o! the statute, was #n(al#d+ The#r $ur$ose #s to g#(e (al#d#ty to a"ts done that would ha(e been #n(al#d under e'#st#ng laws, as #! e'#st#ng laws ha(e been "o $l#ed w#th 9rivaldo v. COMELEC &rested the de!#n#t#on o! "urat#(e statutes) Tolent#no those wh#"h underta6e to "ure errorsC #rregular#t#es, thereby (al#dat#ng 7ud#"#al 7ud#"#al or ad #n#strat#(e $ro"eed#ngs, a"ts o! $ubl#" o!!#"ers, or $r#(ate deeds or "ontra"ts wh#"h otherw#se would not $rodu"e the#r #ntended "onse3uen"es by reason o! so e statutory d#sab#l#ty or !a#lure to "o $ly w#th so e te"hn#"al re3u#re ent Ag$alo "urat#(e statutes are heal#ng a"ts "ur#ng de!e"ts and add#ng to the eans o! en!or"#ng e'#st#ng obl#gat#ons and are #ntended to su$$ly de!e"ts abr#dge su$er!lu#t#es #n e'#st#ng lawsC "urb "erta#n e(#ls by the#r (ery nature, "urat#(e statutes are retroa"t#(e and rea"h ba"6 to the $ast e(ents to "orre"t errors or #rregular#t#es C to render (al#d C e!!e"t#(e atte $ted a"ts wh#"h would be otherw#se #ne!!e"t#(e !or the $ur$ose the $art#es #ntended Curat#(e statutes are !or s o! retroa"t#(e leg#slat#ons wh#"h rea"h ba"6 on $ast e(ents to "orre"t errors or #rregular#t#es C to render (al#d C e!!e"t#(e atte $ted a"ts wh#"h would be otherw#se #ne!!e"t#(e !or the $ur$ose the $art#es #ntended+ Erectors& 'nc. v. %L(C &hahhha !or the $et#t#oner) Statute: EO ///, a ended Art =/1 o! the Labor Code to w#den the wor6ers, a""ess to the go(ern ent !or redress o! gr#e(an"es by g#(#ng the Reg#onal %#re"tors C the Labor Arb#ters "on"urrent 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er "ases #n(ol(#ng oney "la# s Issue: A end ent "reated a s#tuat#on where the 7ur#sd#"t#on o! the R%s and LAs o(erla$$ed+

Re edy: RA ;1/:!urther a ended Art =/1 by del#neat#ng the#r res$e"t#(e 7ur#sd#"t#ons+ Ander RA ;1/:, the R% has e'"lus#(e 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er "ases #n(ol(#ng "la# s, $ro(#ded: the "la# #s $resented by an e $loyer or $erson e $loyed #n do est#" or household ser(#"es or household hel$ under the Code+ the "la# ant no longer be#ng e $loyed does not see6 re#nstate ent the aggregate oney "la# o! the e $loyee or househel$er doesn-t e'"eed P:,999+ All other "ases are w#th#n the e'"lus#(e 7ur#sd#"t#on o! the Labor Arb#ter+ Held: EO /// C RA ;1/: are there!ore "urat#(e statutes+ A "urat#(e statute #s ena"ted to "ure de!e"ts #n a $r#or law or to (al#date legal $ro"eed#ngs, #nstru ents or a"ts o! $ubl#" author#t#es wh#"h would otherw#se be (o#d !or want o! "on!or #ty w#th "erta#n e'#st#ng legal re3u#re ents Adong v. C$eong Seng 5ee Statutes #ntended to (al#date what otherw#se (o#d or #n(al#d arr#ages, be#ng "urat#(e, w#ll be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t+

Santos v. D ata Statute wh#"h $ro(#des that a "ontra"t shall $resu ed an e3u#table ortgage #n any o! the "ases there#n enu erated, and des#gned $r# ar#ly to "urta#l e(#ls brought about by "ontra"ts o! sale w#th r#ght o! re$ur"hase, #s re ed#al #n nature C w#ll be a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely to "ases ar#s#ng $r#or to the e!!e"t#(#ty o! the statute+ Abad v. P$il American 5eneral 'nc. Hhere at the t# e a"t#on #s !#led #n "ourt the latter has no 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er the sub7e"t atter but a subse3uent statute "lothes #t w#th 7ur#sd#"t#on be!ore the atter #s de"#ded+ The statute #s #n the nature o! a "urat#(e law w#th retroa"t#(e o$erat#on to $end#ng $ro"eed#ngs and "ures the de!e"t o! la"6 o! 7ur#sd#"t#on o! the "ourt at the "o en"e ent o! the a"t#on+ Legarda v. Masaganda Hhere a "urat#(e statute #s ena"ted a!ter the "ourt has rendered 7udg ent, wh#"h 7udg ent #s naturally (o#d as the "ourt has at the t# e no 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er the sub7e"t o! the a"t#on, the ena"t ent o! the statute "on!err#ng 7ur#sd#"t#on to the "ourt does not (al#date the (o#d 7udg ent !or the leg#slature has no $ower to a6e a 7udg ent rendered w#thout 7ur#sd#"t#on o! a (al#d 7udg ent+ 9rivaldo v. COMELEC &an e'a $le "ons#dered "urat#(e C re ed#al as well as one wh#"h "reates new r#ghts C new re ed#es, generally held to e retroa"t#(e #n nature8 P% 1=:, wh#"h l#beral#Des the $ro"edure o! re$atr#at#on) Held: P% 1=: C the re8a"3u#s#t#on o! the 4#l#$#no "#t#Densh#$ by ad #n#strat#(e re$atr#at#on $ursuant to sa#d de"ree #s retroa"t#(e+ De Castro v. Tan Held: what has been g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t #n 9rivaldo #s not only the law #tsel! but also Ph#l+ C#t#Densh#$ re8a"3u#red $ursuant to sa#d law to the date o! a$$l#"at#on !or re$atr#at#on, wh#"h eant that h#s la"6 o! 4#l#$#no "#t#Densh#$ at the t# e he reg#stered as a (oter, one o! the 3ual#!#"at#on #s as a go(ernor, or at the t# e he !#led h#s "ert#!#"ate o! "and#da"y !or go(ernorsh#$, one o! the 3ual#!#"at#on #s as a go(ernor, was "ured by the retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on o! h#s re$atr#at#on+ (ep blic v. Atencio Curat#(e statute: one wh#"h "on!#r s, re!#nes and (al#date the sale or trans!er o! a $ubl#" land awarded to a grantee, wh#"h a $r#or law $roh#b#ts #ts sale w#th#n a "erta#n $er#od C otherw#se #n(al#d transa"t#on under the old law+ M nicipality of San %arciso& G e+on v. Mende+ Statute: Se"+ <<=&d) o! the Lo"al Go(ern ent Code o! /00/, $ro(#des that un#"#$al d#str#"ts organ#Ded $ursuant to $res#dent#al #ssuan"es or e'e"ut#(e orders C wh#"h ha(e the#r res$e"t#(e sets o! ele"t#(e un#"#$al o!!#"#als hold#ng at the t# e o! the e!!e"t#(#ty o! the "ode shall hen"e!orth be "ons#dered as a regular un#"#$al#t#es Th#s #s a "urat#(e statute as #t (al#dates the "reat#on o! un#"#$al#t#es by EO wh#"h had been held to be an #n(al#d usur$at#on o! leg#slat#(e $ower+ Tatad v. 5arcia .r. Issue: Hhere there #s doubt as to whether go(ern ent agen"y under the then e'#st#ng law, has the author#ty to enter #ntoa negot#ated "ontra"t !or the "onstru"t#on o! a go(ern ent $ro7e"t under the bu#ld8lease8and trans!er s"he e Held: The subse3uent ena"t ent o! a statute wh#"h re"ogn#Des d#re"t negot#at#on o! "ontra"ts under su"h arrange ent #s a "urat#(e statute+ As all doubts and $ro"edural la$ses that #ght ha(e attended the negot#ated "ontra"t ha(e been "ured by the subse3uent statute L# #tat#ons o! rule re ed#al statutes w#ll not be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t #! to do so would # $a#r the obl#gat#ons o! "ontra"t or d#sturb (ested r#ghts only ad #n#strat#(e or "urat#(e !eatures o! the statute as w#ll not ad(ersely a!!e"t e'#st#ng r#ghts w#ll be g#(en retroa"t#(e o$erat#on the e'"e$t#on to the !orego#ng l# #tat#ons o! the rule #s a re ed#al or "urat#(e statute wh#"h #s ena"ted as a $ol#"e $ower easure Statutes o! th#s ty$e ay be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t e(en though they # $a#r (ested r#ghts or the obl#gat#ons o! "ontra"t, #! the leg#slat#(e #ntent #s to g#(e the retros$e"t#(e o$erat#on (ationaleD The "onst#tut#onal restr#"t#on aga#nst # $a#r ent aga#nst obl#gat#ons o! "ontra"t or (ested r#ghts does not $re"lude the leg#slature !ro ena"t#ng statutes #n the e'er"#se o! #ts $ol#"e $ower Pol#"e $ower leg#slat#ons

as a rule, statutes wh#"h are ena"ted #n the e'er"#se o! $ol#"e $ower to regulate "erta#n a"t#(#t#es, are a$$l#"able not only to those a"t#(#t#es or transa"t#ons "o #ng #nto be#ng a!ter the#r $assage, but also to those already #n e'#sten"e (ationaleD the non8# $a#r ent o! the obl#gat#ons o! "ontra"t or o! (ested r#ghts ust y#eld to the leg#t# ate e'er"#se o! $ower, by the leg#slature, to $res"r#be regulat#ons to $ro ote the health, orals, $ea"e, edu"at#on, good order, sa!ety and general wel!are o! the $eo$le Any r#ght a"3u#red under a statute or under a "ontra"t #s sub7e"t to the "ond#t#on that #t ay be # $a#red by the state #n the leg#t# ate e'er"#se o! #ts $ol#"e $ower, s#n"e the reser(at#on o! the essent#al attr#butes o! so(ere#gn $ower #s dee ed read #nto e(ery statute or "ontra"t as a $ostulate o! the legal order Statutes relat#ng to $res"r#$t#on General rule: a statute relat#ng to $res"r#$t#on o! a"t#on, be#ng $ro"edural #n nature, a$$l#es to all a"t#ons !#led a!ter #ts e!!e"t#(#ty+ In other words, su"h a statute #s both: $ros$e"t#(e #n the sense that #t a$$l#es to "auses that a""rued and w#ll a""rue a!ter #t too6 e!!e"t, and retroa"t#(e #n the sense that #t a$$l#es to "auses that a""rued be!ore #ts $assage Howe(er, a statute o! l# #tat#ons w#ll not be g#(en retroa"t#(e o$erat#on to "auses o! a"t#on that a""rued $r#or to #ts ena"t ent #! to do so w#ll re o(e a bar o! l# #tat#on wh#"h has be"o e "o $lete or d#sturb e'#st#ng "la# s w#thout allow#ng a reasonable t# e to br#ng a"t#ons thereon %agrampa v. %agrampa Statute: Art+ ///; o! the C#(#l Code: E$res"r#$t#on already runn#ng be!ore the e!!e"t#(#ty o! th#s Code shall be go(erned by laws $re(#ously #n !or"eI but #! s#n"e the t# e th#s Code too6 e!!e"t the ent#re $er#od here#n re3u#red !or $res"r#$t#on should ela$se, the $resent Code shall be a$$l#"able e(en though by the !or er laws a longer $er#od #ght be re3u#red+F Held: The $ro(#s#on #s retroa"t#(e s#n"e #t a$$l#ed to a "ause that a""rued $r#or to #ts e!!e"t#(#ty wh#"h when !#led has $res"r#bed under the new C#(#l Code e(en though the $er#od o! $res"r#$t#on $res"r#bed under the old law has not ended at the t# e the a"t#on #s !#led #n "ourt The !a"t that the leg#slature has #nd#"ated that the statute relat#ng to $res"r#$t#on should be g#(en retroa"t#(e e!!e"t w#ll not warrant g#(#ng #t #! #t w#ll # $a#r (ested r#ghts Statute o! l# #tat#ons $res"r#b#ng a longer $er#od to !#le an a"t#on than that s$e"#!#ed under the law ay not be "onstrued as ha(#ng retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on #! #t w#ll re(#(e the "ause that already $res"r#bed under the old statute !or #t w#ll # $a#r (ested r#ghts aga#nst who the "ause #s asserted+ Statute wh#"h shorten the $er#od o! $res"r#$t#on C re3u#res that "auses wh#"h a""rued $r#or to #ts e!!e"t#(#ty be $rose"uted or !#led not later than a s$e"#!#" date ay not be "onstrued to a$$ly to e'#st#ng "auses wh#"h $ursuant to the old law under wh#"h they a""rued, w#ll not $res"r#be unt#l a u"h longer $er#od than that s$e"#!#ed #n the later ena"t ent be"ause the r#ght to br#ng an a"t#on #s !ounded on law wh#"h has be"o e (ested be!ore the $assage o! the new statute o! l# #tat#ons A$$arently "on!l#"t#ng de"#s#ons on $res"r#$t#on ,illones v. C'( Issue: whether Se"+ 1A o! Co on wealth A"t /<<, a ended by RA /002, to the e!!e"t that Eany a"t#on to en!or"e an "ause &i.e. non payment of 3ages or overtime compensation< under th#s A"t shall be "o en"ed w#th#n 2 years a!ter su"h "ause o! a"t#on a""rued, otherw#se #t shall be !ore(er barred+ Provided& $o3ever& that a"t#ons already "o en"ed be!ore the e!!e"t#(e day o! th#s A"t shall not be a!!e"ted by the $er#od here#n $res"r#bed+ As statute shortened the $er#od o! $res"r#$t#on !ro ; to 2 yrs+ !ro the date the "ause o! a"t#on a""rued, #t was "ontended that to g#(e retroa"t#(e e!!e"t would # $a#r (ested r#ghts s#n"e #t would o$erate to $re"lude the $rose"ut#on o! "la# s that a""rued ore than 2 but less than ; yrs+ Held: a statute o! l# #tat#ons #s $ro"edural #n nature and no (ested r#ght "an atta"h thereto or ar#se there!ro + Hhen the leg#slature $ro(#ded that Ea"t#ons already "o en"ed be!ore the e!!e"t#(#ty o! th#s A"t shall not be a!!e"ted by the $er#od here#n $res"r#bed,F #t #ntended to a$$ly the statute to all e'#st#ng a"t#ons !#led a!ter the e!!e"t#(#ty o! the law+ ,e"ause the statute shortened the $er#od w#th#n wh#"h to br#ng an a"t#on C #n order to (#olate the "onst#tut#onal andate, "la# ants are #n7ur#ously a!!e"ted should ha(e a reasonable $er#od o! / yr+ !ro t# e new statute too6 e!!e"t w#th#n wh#"h to sue on su"h "la# s+ Corales v. Employee?s Compensation Commission Sa e #ssue on ,#llones but Court arr#(ed at a d#!!erent "on"lus#on+ Issue: Hhether a "la# !or wor6 en-s "o $ensat#on wh#"h a""rued under the old Hor6 en-s Co $ensat#on A"t &HCA) but !#led under a!ter .ar"h 2/, /01: #s barred by the $ro(#s#on o! the New Labor Code wh#"h re$ealed the HCA+ HCA re3u#res that Ewor6 en-s "o $ensat#on "la# s a""ru#ng $r#or to the e!!e"t#(#ty o! th#s Code shall be !#led w#th the a$$ro$r#ate reg#onal o!!#"es o! the %e$art ent o! Labor not later than .ar"h 2/, /01:, otherw#se shall be barred !ore(er+F Held: Pro(#s#on doesn-t a$$ly to wor6 en-s "o $ensat#on that a""rued be!ore Labor Code too6 e!!e"t, e(en #! "la# s were not !#led not later than .ar"h 2/, /01:+ (ationaleD $res"r#$t#(e $er#od !or "la# s wh#"h a""rued under HCA as a ended /9 yrs+ wh#"h #s Ea r#ght !ound on statuteF C hen"e a (ested r#ght, that "annot be # $a#red by the retroa"t#(e a$$l#"at#on o! the Labor Code+ Co $ar#son o! ,#llones and Corales ,#llones Hh#le Court sa#d that su"h r#ght to br#ng an a"t#on a""rued under the old law #s not (ested r#ght, #t d#d not say that the Corales Court "ons#dered the r#ght to $rose"ute the a"t#on that a""rued under the old law as one !ounded on law C a

r#ght #s one $rote"ted by the due $ro"ess "lause o! the Const#tut#on+ 4or ,OTH "ases: In sol(#ng how to sa!eguard the r#ght to br#ng a"t#on whose $res"r#$t#(e $er#od to #nst#tute #t has been shortened by lawQ Ga(e the "la# ants whose r#ghts ha(e been a!!e"ted, one year !ro the date the law too6 e!!e"t w#th#n wh#"h to sue the#r "la# s+

(ested r#ght+

Court "onstrued the statute o! l# #tat#ons as #na$$l#"able to the a"t#on that a""rued be!ore the law too6 e!!e"t+ &It #s generally held that the "ourt has no $ower to read #nto the law so eth#ng wh#"h the law #tsel! d#d not $ro(#de e'$ressly or # $l#edly+ Corales "ase see s to be on !#r er grounds+

Pres"r#$t#on #n "r# #nal and "#(#l "ases General rule: laws on $res"r#$t#on o! a"t#ons a$$ly as well to "r# es "o #tted be!ore the ena"t ent as a!terwards+ There #s, howe(er, a d#st#n"t#on between a statute o! l# #tat#ons #n "r# #nal a"t#ons and that o! l# #tat#ons #n "#(#l su#ts, as regards the#r "onstru"t#on+ In CIBIL SAIT8 statute #s ena"ted by the leg#slature as an # $art#al arb#ter, between two "ontend#ng $art#es+ In the "onstru"t#on o! su"h statute, there #s no #ntend ent to be ade #n !a(or o! e#ther $arty+ Ne#ther grants r#ght to the otherI there #s there!ore no grantor aga#nst who no ord#nary $resu $t#ons o! "onstru"t#on are to be ade+ CRI.INAL CASES: the state #s the grantor, surrender#ng by a"t o! gra"e #ts r#ght to $rose"ute or de"lare that the o!!ense #s no longer sub7e"t o! $rose"ut#on a!ter the $res"r#$t#(e $er#od+ Su"h statutes are not only l#berally "onstrued but are a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely #! !a(orable to the a""used+ Statutes relat#ng to a$$eals The r#ght to a$$eal !ro an ad(erse 7udg ent, other than that wh#"h the Const#tut#on grants, #s statutory and ay be restr#"ted or ta6en away A statute relat#ng to a$$eals #s re ed#al or $ro"edural #n nature and a$$l#es to $end#ng a"t#ons #n wh#"h no 7udg ent has yet been $ro ulgated at the t# e the statute too6 e!!e"t+ Su"h statute, l#6e other statutes, ay not howe(er be "onstrued retroa"t#(ely so as to # $a#r (ested r#ghts+ Hen"e, a statute wh#"h el# #nates the r#ght to a$$eal and "ons#ders the 7udg ent rendered #n a "ase !#nal and una$$ealable, destroys the r#ght to a$$eal a de"#s#on rendered a!ter the statute went #nto e!!e"t, but NOT the r#ght to $rose"ute an a$$eal that has been $er!e"ted be!ore the $assage o! the law, !or #n the latter "ase, the r#ght o! the a$$ellant to a$$eal has be"o e (ested under the old law and ay not there!ore be # $a#red+ Stature shorten#ng the $er#od !or ta6#ng a$$eals #s to be g#(en $ros$e"t#(e e!!e"t and ay not be a$$l#es to $end#ng $ro"eed#ngs #n wh#"h 7udg ent has already been rendered at the t# e o! #ts ena"t ent e'"e$t #! there-s "lear leg#slat#(e #ntent+ ,erliner v. (oberts Hhere a statute shortened the $er#od !or ta6#ng a$$eals !or th#rty days to !#!teen days !ro not#"e o! 7udg ent, an a$$eal ta6en w#th#n th#rty days but beyond !#!teen days !ro not#"e o! 7udg ent $ro ulgated be!ore the statute too6 e!!e"t #s dee ed seasonably $er!e"ted+ CHAPTER TEN: A end ent, Re(#s#on, Cod#!#"at#on and Re$eal A.EN%.ENT Power to A end The leg#slature has the author#ty to a end, sub7e"t to "onst#tut#onal re3u#re ents, any e'#st#ng law+ Author#ty to a end #s $art o! the leg#slat#(e $ower to ena"t, alter and re$eal laws+ The SC #n the e'er"#se o! #ts rule8 a6#ng $ower or o! #ts $ower to #nter$ret the law, has no author#ty to a end or "hange the law, su"h author#ty be#ng the e'"lus#(e to the leg#slature+ How a end ent e!!e"ted A end ent 5 the "hange or od#!#"at#on, by delet#on, alterat#on, o! a statute wh#"h sur(#(es #n #ts a ended !or + The a end ent o! a statute #s e!!e"ted by the ena"t ent o! an a endatory a"t od#!y#ng or alter#ng so e $ro(#s#ons o! a statute e#ther e'$ressly or # $l#edly+ E'$ress a end ent 5 done by $ro(#d#ng #n the a endatory a"t that s$e"#!#" se"t#ons or $ro(#s#ons o! a statute be a ended as re"#ted there#n or as "o on #nd#"ated, Eto read as !ollows+F A end ent by # $l#"at#on E(ery statute should be har on#Ded w#th other laws on the sa e sub7e"t, #n the absen"e o! a "lear #n"ons#sten"y+ Leg#slat#(e #ntent to a end a $r#or law on the sa e sub7e"t #s shown by a state ent #n the later a"t that any $ro(#s#on o! law that #s #n"ons#stent therew#th #s od#!#ed a""ord#ngly+ I $l#ed A end ent8 when a $art o! a $r#or statute e bra"#ng the sa e sub7e"t as the later ay not be en!or"ed w#thout null#!y#ng the $ert#nent $ro(#s#on o! the latter #n wh#"h e(ent, the $r#or a"t #s dee ed a ended or od#!#ed to the e'tent o! re$ugnan"y+ G impo v. Mendo+a

Hhere a statute wh#"h re3u#res that the annual realty ta' on lands or bu#ld#ngs be $a#d on or be!ore the s$e"#!#ed date, sub7e"t to $enalty o! a $er"entage o! the whole a ount o! ta' #n "ase o! delayed $ay ent, #s a ended by author#D#ng $ay ent o! the ta' #n !our e3ual #nstall ents to be"o e due on or be!ore s$e"#!#ed dates+ The $enalty $ro(#s#on o! the earl#er statute #s od#!#ed by # $l#"at#on that the $enalty !or late $ay ent o! an #nstall ent under the later law w#ll be "olle"ted and "o $uted only on the #nstall ent that be"a e due and un$a#d, and not on the whole a ount o! annual ta' as $ro(#ded #n the old statute+ Leg#slat#(e #ntent to "hange the bas#s #s "lear when the later law allowed $ay ent #n !our #nstall ents+ People v. Macatanda A statute $un#sh#ng an a"t wh#"h #s also a "r# e under the RPC $ro(#des a $enalty as $res"r#bed #n the sa#d Code, su"h statute #s not a s$e"#al law but an a end ent by # $l#"at#on+ Hhen a end ent ta6es e!!e"t /: days !ollow#ng #ts $ubl#"at#on #n the O!!#"#al GaDette or news$a$er o! general "#r"ulat#on, unless a date #s s$e"#!#ed there#n a!ter su"h $ubl#"at#on+ How a end ent #s "onstrued, generally Statute and a end ent 5 read as a whole A end ent a"t #s ord#nar#ly "onstrued as #! the or#g#nal statute has been re$ealed and a new #nde$endent a"t #n the a ended !or had been ado$ted+ A ended a"t #s regarded as #! the statute has been or#g#nally ena"ted #n #t a ended !or + Read #n a "onne"t#on w#th other se"t#ons as #! all had been ena"ted #n the sa e statute+ Hhere an a end ent lea(es "erta#n $ort#ons o! an a"t un"hanged, su"h $ort#ons are "ont#nued #n !or"e, w#th the sa e ean#ng and e!!e"t they ha(e be!ore the a end ent+ Hhere an a endatory a"t $ro(#des that an e'#st#ng statute shall be a ended to read as re"#ted #n the a endatory a"t, su"h $ort#ons o! the e'#st#ng law as are reta#ned e#ther l#terally or substant#ally Estrada v. Caseda Hhere a statute wh#"h $ro(#des that #t shall be #n !or"e !or a $er#od o! !our years a!ter #ts a$$ro(al, the !our years #s to be "ounted !ro the date the or#g#nal statute was a$$ro(ed and not !ro the date the a endatory a"t was a ended+ .ean#ng o! law "hanged by a end ent An a ended a"t should be g#(en a "onstru"t#on d#!!erent !ro the law $r#or to #ts a end ent, !or #ts #s $resu ed that the leg#slature would not ha(e a ended #t had not #t not wanted to "hange #ts ean#ng+ Pr#or to the #ntrodu"t#on o! the a end ent, the statute had a d#!!erent ean#ng wh#"h the a end ent "hanged #n all the $art#"ulars tou"h#ng wh#"h a ater#al "hange #n the language o! the later a"t e'#sts+ %el#berate sele"t#on o! language #n the a endatory a"t d#!!erent !ro that o! the or#g#nal a"t #nd#"ates that the leg#slature #ntended a "hange #n the law or #n #ts ean#ng+ *ictorias Milling Co. v. SSS A statutory de!#n#t#on o! ter "onta#n#ng a general rule and an e'"e$t#on thereto #s a ended by el# #nat#ng the e'"e$t#on, the leg#slat#(e #ntent #s "lear that the ter should now #n"lude the e'"e$t#on w#th#n the s"o$e o! the general rule+ Parras v. Land (egistration Commissions Se"t#on o! a statute re3u#r#ng the e'a"t $ay ent o! $ubl#"at#on !ees #n land reg#strat#on $ro"eed#ngs, e'"e$t #n "ases where the (alue o! the land does not e'"eed P:9,999 #s a ended by delet#ng the e'"e$t#ng "lause, #t eans that the statute as a ended now re3u#res $ay ent o! the $ubl#"at#on !ees regardless o! the (alue o! the land #n(ol(ed Su$$ress#on o! the e'"e$t#ng "lause a ount to the w#thdrawal o! the e'e $t#on allowed under the or#g#nal a"t+

A end ent O$erates Pros$e"t#(ely An a end ent w#ll not be "onstrued as ha(#ng a retroa"t#(e e!!e"t, unless the "ontrary #s $ro(#ded or the leg#slat#(e #ntent to g#(e #t a retroa"t#(e e!!e"t #s ne"essar#ly # $l#ed !ro the language used and only #! no (ested r#ght #s # $a#red+ 'mperial v. Collector of 'nternal (even e A statute a end#ng a ta' law #s s#lent as to whether #t o$erates retroa"t#(ely, the a end ent w#ll not be g#(#ng retroa"t#(e e!!e"t so as to sub7e"t to ta' $ast transa"t#ons not sub7e"t to ta' under the or#g#nal a"t+ Di v. Co rt of Appeals Statutes relat#ng to $ro"edure #n "ourts are a$$l#"able to a"t#ons $end#ng and undeter #ned at the t# e o! the#r $assage+ E!!e"t o! A end ent on Bested R#ghts A!ter a statute #s a ended, the or#g#nal a"t "ont#nues to be #n !or"e w#th regard to all r#ghts that had a""rued $r#or to the a end ent or to obl#gat#ons that were "ontra"ted under the $r#or a"t and su"h r#ghts and obl#gat#ons w#ll "ont#nue to be go(erned by the law be!ore #ts a end ent+ Not a$$l#ed retroa"t#(ely so as to null#!y su"h r#ghts+ E!!e"t o! a end ent on 7ur#sd#"t#on *ur#sd#"t#on o! a "ourt to try "ases #s deter #ned by the law #n !or"e at the t# e the a"t#on #s #nst#tuted+ *ur#sd#"t#on re a#ns w#th the "ourt unt#l the "ase #s !#nally de"#ded there#n+ (illaro+a v. Arciaga

Absen"e o! a "lear leg#slat#(e #ntent to the "ontrary, a subse3uent statute a end#ng a $r#or a"t w#th the e!!e"t o! d#(est#ng the "ourt o! 7ur#sd#"t#on ay not be "onstrued to o$erate but to oust 7ur#sd#"t#on that has already atta"hed under the $r#or law+ 'b raan v. Labes Hhere a "ourt or#g#nally obta#ns and e'er"#ses 7ur#sd#"t#on $ursuant to an e'#st#ng law, su"h 7ur#sd#"t#on w#ll not be o(erturned and # $a#red by the subse3uent a end ent o! the law, unless e'$ress $roh#b#tory words or words o! s# #lar # $ort are used+ A$$l#es to 3uas#87ud#"#al bod#es Erectors& 'nc v. %L(C P% /;0/ and /20/ (ested Labor Arb#ters w#th or#g#nal and e'"lus#(e 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er all "ases #n(ol(#ng e $loyer8 e $loyee relat#ons, #n"lud#ng oney "la# s ar#s#ng out o! any law or "ontra"t #n(ol(#ng 4#l#$#no wor6ers !or o(erseas e $loy ent 4a"ts: An o(erseas wor6er !#led a oney "la# aga#nst h#s re"ru#ter, and wh#le the "ase #s $end#ng, EO 101 was ena"ted, wh#"h (ested POEA w#th or#g#nal and e'"lus#(e 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er all "ases, #n"lud#ng oney "la# s, ar#s#ng out o! law or "ontra"t #n(ol(#ng 4#l#$#no wor6ers !or o(erseas e $loy ent+ Issue: whether the de"#s#on o! the labor arb#ter #n !a(or o! the o(erseas wor6er was #n(al#d Held: the "ourt susta#ned the (al#d#ty o! the de"#s#on and ruled that the labor arb#ter st#ll had the author#ty to de"#de the "ease be"ause EO 101b d#d not d#(est the labor arb#ter h#s author#ty to hear and de"#de the "ase !#led by the o(erseas wor6er $r#or to #ts e!!e"t#(#ty+ *ur#sd#"t#on o(er the sub7e"t atter #s deter #ned by the law #n !or"e at the t# e o! the "o en"e ent o! the a"t#onI laws should only be a$$l#ed $ros$e"t#(ely unless the leg#slat#(e #ntent to g#(e the retroa"t#(e e!!e"t #s e'$ressly de"lared or #s ne"essar#ly # $l#ed !ro the language used+ E!!e"t o! null#ty o! $r#or or a endatory a"t Hhere a statute wh#"h has been a ended #s #n(al#d, noth#ng #n e!!e"t has been a ended The a endatory a"t, "o $lete by #tsel!, w#ll be "ons#dered as an or#g#nal or #nde$endent a"t+ 5overnment v. Agoncillo Hhere the a endatory a"t #s de"lared un"onst#tut#onal, #t #s as #! the a end ent d#d not e'#st, and the or#g#nal statute be!ore the atte $ted a end re a#ns una!!e"ted and #n !or"e+ REBISION AN% CO%I4ICATION Generally Pur$ose: to restate the e'#st#ng laws #nto one statute and s# $ly "o $l#"ated $ro(#s#ons, and a6e the laws on the sub7e"t eas#ly !ound+ Constru"t#on to har on#De d#!!erent $ro(#s#ons Presu $t#on: author has a#nta#ned a "ons#sted $h#loso$hy or $os#t#on+ The d#!!erent $ro(#s#ons o! a re(#sed statute or "ode should be read and "onstrued together+ Rule: a "ode ena"ted as a s#ngle, "o $rehens#(e statute, and #s to be "ons#dered as su"h and not as a ser#es o! d#s"onne"ted art#"les or $ro(#s#ons+ Lic$a co 4 Co. v. Apostol A #rre"on"#lable "on!l#"t between $arts o! a re(#sed statute or a "ode, that wh#"h #s best #n a""ord w#th the general $lan or, #n the absen"e o! "#r"u stan"es u$on wh#"h to base a "ho#"e, that wh#"h #s later #n $hys#"al $os#t#on, be#ng the latest e'$ress#on o! leg#slat#(e w#ll, w#ll $re(a#l+ Hhat #s o #tted #s dee ed re$ealed all laws and $ro(#s#ons o! the old laws that are o #tted #n the re(#sed statute or "ode are dee ed re$ealed, unless the statute or "ode $ro(#des otherw#se Reason: re(#s#on or "od#!#"at#on #s, by #ts (ery nature and $ur$ose, #ntended to be a "o $lete ena"t ent on the sub7e"t and an e'$ress#on o! the whole law thereon, wh#"h thereby #nd#"ates #ntent on the $art o! the leg#slature to abrogate those $ro(#s#ons o! the old laws that are not re$rodu"ed #n the re(#sed statute or "ode+ Poss#ble only #! the re(#sed statute or "ode was #ntended to "o(er the whole sub7e"t to #s a "o $lete and $er!e"t syste #n #tsel!+ Rule: a subse3uent statute #s dee ed to re$eal a $r#or law #! the !or er re(#ses the whole sub7e"t atter o! the !or er statute+ Hhen both #ntent and s"o$e "learly e(#n"e the #dea o! a re$eal, then all $arts and $ro(#s#on o! the $r#or a"t that are o #tted !ro the re(#sed a"t are dee ed re$ealed+ Mecano v. Commission on A dit Cla# !or re# burse ent by a go(ern ent o!!#"#al o! ed#"al and hos$#tal#Dat#on e'$enses $ursuant to Se"t#on ;00 o! the Re(#sed Ad #n#strat#on Code o! /0/1, wh#"h author#Des the head o! o!!#"e to "ase a re# burse ent o! $ay ent o! ed#"al and hos$#tal e'$enses o! a go(ern ent o!!#"#al #n "ase o! s#"6ness or #n7ury "aused by or "onne"ted d#re"tly w#th the $er!or an"e o! h#s o!!#"#al duty+ CoA den#ed the "la# on the ground that AC o! /0>1 wh#"h re(#sed the old AC, re$ealed Se"+ ;00 be"ause #t was o #tted the re(#sed "ode+ SC ruled that the leg#slature d#d not #ntend, #n ena"t#ng the new Code, to re$eal Se"+ ;00 o! the old "ode+ EAll laws, de"rees, orders, rules and regulat#on, or $ort#ons thereo!, #n"ons#stent w#th th#s Code are hereby re$ealed or od#!#ed a""ord#ngly+F New "ode d#d not e'$ressly re$eal the old as the new Code !a#ls to #dent#!y or des#gnate the a"t to be re$ealed+ Two "ategor#es o! re$eal by # $l#"at#on Pro(#s#ons #n the two a"ts on the sa e sub7e"t atter that are #n #rre"on"#lable "on!l#"t+ Later a"t to the e'tent o! the "on!l#"t "onst#tutes an # $l#ed re$eal o! the earl#er

I! the later a"t "o(ers the whole sub7e"t o! the earl#er one and #s "learly #ntended as a statute, #t w#ll o$erate to re$eal the earl#er law+ There #s no #rre"on"#lable "on!l#"t between the two "odes on the atter o! s#"6ness bene!#ts be"ause the $ro(#s#on has not been restated #n the New Code+ The whereas "lause #s the #ntent to "o(er only those as$e"ts o! go(ern ent that $erta#n to ad #n#strat#on, organ#Dat#on and $ro"edure, and understandably be"ause o! the any "hanges that trans$#red #n the go(ern ent stru"ture s#n"e the ena"t ent o! the old "ode+ Change #n $hraseology It #s a well settled rule that #n the re(#s#on or "od#!#"at#on o! statutes, ne#ther an alterat#on #n $hraseology nor the ad #ss#on or add#t#on o! words #n the later statute shall be held ne"essar#ly to alter the "onstru"t#on o! the !or er a"ts+ Hords wh#"h do not ater#ally a!!e"t the sense w#ll be o #tted !ro the statute as #n"or$orated #n the re(#se statute or "ode, or that so e general #dea w#ll be e'$ressed #n br#e! $hrases+ I! there has been a ater#al "hange or o #ss#on, wh#"h "learly #nd#"ates an #ntent to de$art !ro the $re(#ous "onstru"t#on o! the old laws, then su"h "onstru"t#on as w#ll e!!e"tuate su"h #ntent w#ll be ado$ted+ Cont#nuat#on o! e'#st#ng laws+ A "od#!#"at#on should be "onstrued as the "ont#nuat#on o! the e'#st#ng statutes+ The "od#!#ers d#d not #ntend to "hange the law as #t !or erly e'#sted+ The rearrange ent o! se"t#ons or $arts o! a statute, or the $la"#ng o! $ort#ons o! what !or erly was a s#ngle se"t#on #n se$rate se"t#ons, does not o$erate to "hange the o$erat#on, e!!e"t o! ean#ng o! the statute, unless the "hanges are o! su"h nature as to an#!est "learly and un #sta6ably a leg#slat#(e #ntent to "hange the !or er laws+ REPEAL Power to re$eal Power to re$eal a law #s as "o $lete as the $ower to ena"t one+ The leg#slature "annot #n and o! #tsel! ena"t #rre$ealable laws or l# #t #ts !uture leg#slat#(e a"ts+ Re$eal, generally Re$eal: total or $art#al, e'$ress or # $l#ed Total re$eal 5 re(o6ed "o $letely Part#al re$eal 5 lea(es the una!!e"ted $ort#ons o! the statute #n !or"e+ A $art#"ular or s$e"#!#" law, #dent#!#ed by #ts nu ber o! t#tle, #s re$ealed #s an e'$ress re$eal+ All other re$eals are # $l#ed re$eals+ 4a#lure to add a s$e"#!#" re$eal#ng "lause #nd#"ates that the #ntent was not to re$eal any e'#st#ng law, unless an #rre"on"#lable #n"ons#sten"y and re$ugnan"y e'#st #n the ter s o! the new and old laws, latter s#tuat#on !alls under the "ategory o! an # $l#ed re$eal+ Re$ealed only by the ena"t ent o! subse3uent laws+ The "hange #n the "ond#t#on and "#r"u stan"es a!ter the $assage o! a law wh#"h #s ne"ess#tated the ena"t ent o! a statute to o(er"o e the d#!!#"ult#es brought about by su"h "hange does not o$erate to re$eal the $r#or law, nor a6e the later statute so #n"ons#stent w#th the $r#or a"t as to re$eal #t+ Re$eal by # $l#"at#on Hhere a statute o! later date "learly re(eals an #ntent#on on the $art o! the leg#slature to abrogate a $r#or a"t on the sub7e"t, that #ntent#on ust be g#(en e!!e"t+ There ust be a su!!#"#ent re(elat#on o! the leg#slat#(e #ntent to re$eal+ Intent#on to re$eal ust be "lear and an#!est General rule: the latter a"t #s to be "onstrued as a "ont#nuat#on not a subst#tute !or the !#rst a"t so !ar as the two a"ts are the sa e, !ro the t# e o! the !#rst ena"t ent+ Two "ategor#es o! re$eals by # $l#"at#on Hhere $ro(#s#ons #n the two a"ts on the sa e sub7e"t atter are #n an #rre"on"#lable "on!l#"t and the later a"t to the e'tent o! the "on!l#"t "onst#tutes an # $l#ed re$eal o! the earl#er+ I! the later a"t "o(ers the whole sub7e"t o! the earl#er one and #s "learly #ntended as a subst#tute, #t w#ll o$erate s# #larly as a re$eal o! the earl#er a"t+ Irre"on"#lable #n"ons#sten"y I $l#ed re$eal brought about by #rre"on"#lable re$ugnan"y between two laws ta6es $la"e when the two statutes "o(er the sa e sub7e"t atterI they are so "learly #n"ons#stent and #n"o $at#ble w#th ea"h other that they "annot be re"on"#led or har on#Ded and both "annot be g#(en e!!e"t, on"e "annot be en!or"ed w#thout null#!y#ng the other+ I $l#ed re$eal 5 earl#er and later statutes should e bra"e the sa e sub7e"t and ha(e the sa e ob7e"t+ In order to e!!e"t a re$eal by # $l#"at#on, the later statute ust be so #rre"on"#lably #n"ons#stent and re$ugnant w#th the e'#st#ng law that they "annot be ade to re"on"#le and stand together+ It #s ne"essary be!ore su"h re$eal #s dee ed to e'#st that #s be shown that the statutes or statutory $ro(#s#ons deal w#th the sa e sub7e"t atter and that the latter be #n"ons#stent w#th the !or er+ the !a"t that the ter s o! an earl#er and later $ro(#s#ons o! law d#!!er #s not su!!#"#ent to "reate re$ugnan"e as to "onst#tute the later an # $l#ed re$eal o! the !or er+ Ag #etas v. Co rt of Appeals 4a"t that Se" => o! RA 1/;; $erta#n#ng to "an(ass#ng by boards o! "an(assers #s s#lent as to how the board o! "an(assers shall $re$are the "ert#!#"ate o! "an(ass and as to what w#ll be #ts bas#s, w@" deta#ls are $ro(#ded #n the se"ond $aragra$h o! Se"=2/ o! the O n#bus Ele"t#on Code, an earl#er statute, Eres$e"t#(e boards o! "an(assers shall $re$are a "ert#!#"ate o! "an(ass duly s#gned and a!!#'ed w#th the # $r#nt o! the thu b o! the r#ght hand o! ea"h e ber, su$$orted by a state ent o! the (otes and re"e#(ed by ea"h "and#date #n ea"h $oll#ng $la"e and on the bas#s thereo! shall $ro"la# as ele"ted the "and#dates who obta#ned the h#ghest nu ber o! (otes "oast #n the $ro(#n"es, "#ty, un#"#$al#ty or barangay, and !a#lure to "o $ly w#th th#s re3u#re ent shall "onst#tute an ele"t#on o!!enseF %#d not # $l#edly re$eal the se"ond $aragra$h o! Se" =2/ o! OEC and render the !a#lure to "o $ly w#th the re3u#re ent no longer an ele"t#on o!!ense+

Irre"on"#lable #n"ons#sten"y between to laws e bra"#ng the sa e sub7e"t ay also e'#st when the later law null#!#es the reason or $ur$ose o! the earl#er a"t, so that the latter law loses all ean#ng and !un"t#on+ Smit$& ,ell 4 Co. v. Estate of Maronilla A $r#or law #s # $l#edly re$ealed by a later a"t where the reason !or the earl#er a"t #s beyond $erad(enture re o(ed+ Re$eal by # $l#"at#on 5 based on the "ard#nal rule that #n the s"#en"e o! 7ur#s$ruden"e, two #n"ons#stent laws on the sa e sub7e"t "annot "o8e'#st #n one 7ur#sd#"t#on+ There "annot be two "on!l#"t#ng law on the sa e sub7e"t+ E#ther re"on"#led or later re$eals $r#or law+ Leges posteriores priores contrarias abrogant &a later law re$eals the $r#or law on the sub7e"t wh#"h #s re$ugnant thereto) Mecano v. Commission on A dit Issue: whether Se"+ ;00 o! the Re(#sed Ad #n#strat#(e Code has been re$ealed by the /0>1 Ad #n#strat#(e Code+ /0>1 Ad #n#strat#on Code $ro(#des that: EAll laws, de"rees, orders, rules and regulat#ons, or $ort#ons thereo!, #n"ons#stent w#th th#s "ode are hereby re$ealed or od#!#ed a""ord#ngly Court ruled that the new Code d#d not re$eal Se" ;00: I $l#ed re$eal by #rre"on"#lable #n"ons#sten"y ta6es $la"e when two statutes "o(er the sa e sub7e"t atter, they are so "learly #n"ons#stent and #n"o $at#ble w#th ea"h other that they "annot be re"on"#led or har on#Ded, and both "annot be g#(en e!!e"t, that one law "annot be en!or"ed w#thout null#!y#ng the other+ The new Code does not "o(er not atte $t to the "o(er the ent#re sub7e"t atter o! the old Code+ There are se(eral atters treated #n the old Code that are not !ound #n the new Code+ &$ro(#s#ons on notary $ubl#"I lea(e law, $ubl#" bond#ng law, #l#tary reser(at#ons, "la# s !or s#"6ness bene!#ts under se"t#on ;00 and others) CoA !a#led to de onstrate that the $ro(#s#ons o! the two Codes on the atter o! the sub7e"t "la# are #n an #rre"on"#lable "on!l#"t+ There "an no "on!l#"t be"ause the $ro(#s#on on s#"6ness bene!#ts o! the nature be#ng "la# ed by $et#t#oner has not been restated #n old Code+ The "ontent#on #s untenable+ The !a"t that a later ena"t ent ay relate to the sa e sub7e"t atter as that o! an earl#er statute #s not o! #tsel! su!!#"#ent to "ause an # $l#ed re$eal o! the $r#or a"t new statute ay erely be "u ulat#(e or a "ont#nuat#on o! the old one+ Se"ond Category: $oss#ble only #! the re(#sed statute or "ode was #ntended to "o(er the whole sub7e"t to be a "o $lete and $er!e"t syste #n #tsel!+ Rule: a subse3uent #s dee ed to re$eal a $r#or law #! the !or er re(#ses the whole sub7e"t atter o! the !or er statute+ Hhen both #ntent and s"o$e "learly e(#n"e the #dea o! a re$eal, then all $arts and $ro(#s#ons o! the $r#or a"t that are o #tted !ro the re(#sed a"t are dee ed re$ealed+ ,e!ore there "an be an # $l#ed re$eal under th#s "ategory, #t ust be the "lear #ntent o! the leg#slature that later a"t be the subst#tute o! the $r#or a"t+ O$#n#on 12 s+/00/ o! the Se"retary o! *ust#"e: what a$$ears "lear #s the #ntent to "o(er only those as$e"ts o! go(ern ent that $erta#n to ad #n#strat#on, organ#Dat#on and $ro"edure, understandably be"ause o! the any "hanges that trans$#red #n the go(ern ent stru"ture s#n"e the ena"t ent o! RAC+ Re$eals o! statutes by # $l#"at#on are not !a(ored+ Presu $t#on #s aga#nst the #n"ons#sten"y and re$ugnan"y !or the leg#slature #s $resu ed to 6now the e'#st#ng laws on the sub7e"t and not to ha(e ena"ted #n"ons#stent or "on!l#"t#ng statutes+ Ty v. Trampe Issue: whether P% 0=/ on real estate ta'es has been re$ealed # $l#edly by RA 1/;9, otherw#se 6now as the Lo"al Go(ern ent Code o! /00/ on the sa e sub7e"t+ Held: that there has been no # $l#ed re$eal Court: #t #s "lear that the two law are not "oe'tens#(e and utually #n"lus#(e #n the#r s"o$e and $ur$ose+ RA 1/;9 "o(ers al ost all go(ern ental !un"t#ons delegated to lo"al go(ern ent un#ts all o(er the "ountry+ P% 0=/ e bra"es only .etro$ol#tan .an#la Area and #s l# #ted to the ad #n#strat#on o! !#nan"#al ser(#"es there#n+ Se"+0 P%0=/ re3u#res that the s"hedule o! (alues o! real $ro$ert#es #n the .etro$ol#tan .an#la Area shall be $re$ared 7o#ntly by the "#ty assessors states that the s"hedules shall be $re$ared by the $ro(#n"#al, "#ty and un#"#$al assessors o! the un#"#$al#t#es w#th#n .etro$ol#tan .an#la Area !or the d#!!erent "lasses o! real $ro$erty s#tuated #n the#r res$e"t#(e lo"al go(ern ent un#ts !or ena"t ent by ord#nan"e o! the sanggun#an "on"erned+ :agad v. 5o+o6Dadole Se"+/0 RA ;;19, the O buds an A"t grants d#s"#$l#nary author#ty to the O buds an to d#s"#$l#ne ele"t#(e and a$$o#nt#(e o!!#"#als, e'"e$t those # $ea"hable o!!#"ers, has been re$ealed, RA 1/;9, the Lo"al Go(ern ent Code, #nso!ar as lo"al ele"t#(e o!!#"#als #n the (ar#ous o!!#"#als there#n na ed+ Held: both laws should be g#(en e!!e"t be"ause there #s noth#ng #n the Lo"al Go(ern ent Code to #nd#"ate that #t has re$ealed, whether e'$ressly or # $l#edly+ The two statutes on the s$e"#!#" atter #n 3uest#on are not so #n"ons#stent, let alone #rre"on"#lable, as to "o $el us to u$hold one and str#6e down the other+ Two laws ust be #n"o $at#ble, and a "lear !#nd#ng thereo! ust sur!a"e, be!ore the #n!eren"e o! # $l#ed re$eal ay be drawn+ 'nterpretare et concordare leges legib s& est optim s interpretandi mod s& i. e &e(ery statute ust be so "onstrued and har on#Ded w#th other statutes as to !or un#!or syste o! 7ur#s$ruden"e+ the leg#slature should be $resu ed to ha(e 6nown the e'#st#ng laws on the sub7e"t and not to ha(e ena"ted "on!l#"t#ng statutes+ 'nitia& .r v. CoA # $l#ed re$eal w#ll not be de"reed unless there #s an #rre"on"#lable #n"ons#sten"y between two $ro(#s#ons or laws #s RA 12:< #n relat#on to P% /:01+

RA 12:< 5 #n $art o! the Post aster General, sub7e"t to the a$$ro(al o! the ,oard o! %#re"tors o! the Ph#l#$$#nes Postal Cor$orat#on, shall ha(e the $ower to Edeter #ne the sta!!#ng $attern and the nu ber o! $ersonnel, de!#ne the#r dut#es and res$ons#b#l#t#es, and !#' the#r salar#es and e olu ents #n a""ordan"e w#th the a$$ro(ed "o $ensat#on stru"ture o! the Cor$orat#on+F Se"+; P% /:01 5 E e'e $t#ons notw#thstand#ng, agen"#es shall re$ort to the Pres#dent, through the ,udget Co #ss#on, on the#r $os#t#on "lass#!#"at#on and "o $ensat#on $lans, $ol#"#es, rates and other related deta#ls !ollow#ng su"h s$e"#!#"at#ons as ay be $res"r#bed by the Pres#dent+F Issue: whether Se"; o! P%/:01, the two laws be#ng re"on"#lable+ Hh#le the Ph#l#$$#ne Postal Cor$orat#on #s allowed to !#' #ts own $ersonnel "o $ensat#on stru"ture through #ts board o! d#re"tors, the latter #s re3u#red to !ollow "erta#n standards #n !or ulat#ng sa#d "o $ensat#on syste , and the role o! %,. #s erely to ensure that the a"t#on ta6en by the board o! d#re"tors "o $l#es the re3u#re ents o! the law+ Ceb 'nstit te of Tec$nology v. Ople Se"+ 2&a) P% <:/ and Se"+ <= o! ,P =2= #llustrates re$eal by # $l#"at#on+ Se" 2&a) $ro(#des: Eno #n"rease #n tu#t#on or other s"hool !ees or "harges shall be a$$ro(ed unless ;9U o! the $ro"eed #s allo"ated to #n"rease #n salar#es or wages o! the e ber o! the !a"ulty+F ,P =2=: Eea"h $r#(ate s"hool shall deter #ne #ts rate o! tu#t#on and other s"hool !ees or "harges+ The rates or "harges ado$ted by s"hools $ursuant to th#s $ro(#s#on shall be "olle"t#ble, and the#r a$$l#"at#on or use author#Ded, sub7e"t to rules and regulat#ons $ro ulgated by the .#n#stry o! Edu"at#on, Culture and S$orts+F Issue: whether Se"+ <= o! ,P =2= # $l#edly re$ealed Se"+ 2&a) o! P% <:/ Held: there was # $l#ed re$eal be"ause there are #rre"on"#lable d#!!eren"es between the two laws+ I $l#ed re$eal by re(#s#on or "od#!#"at#on Re(#sed statute #s #n e!!e"t a leg#slat#(e de"larat#on that whate(er #s e bra"ed #n the new statute shall $re(a#l and whate(er #s e'"luded there !ro shall be d#s"arded+ .ust be #ntended to "o(er the whole sub7e"t to be a "o $lete and $er!e"t syste #n #tsel! #n order that the $r#or statutes or $art thereo! wh#"h are not re$eated #n the new statute w#ll be dee ed # $l#edly re$ealed+ People v. ,en ya Hhere a statute #s re(#sed or a ser#es o! leg#slat#(e a"ts on the sa e sub7e"t are re(#sed or "onsol#dated #nto one, "o(er#ng the ent#re !#eld o! sub7e"t atter, all $arts and $ro(#s#ons o! the !or er a"t or a"ts that are o #tted !ro the re(#sed a"t are dee ed re$ealed+ .oaq in v. %avarro Hhere a new statute #s #ntended to !urn#sh the e'"lus#(e rule on a "erta#n sub7e"t, #t re$eals by # $l#"at#on the old law on the sa e sub7e"t, Hhere a new statute "o(ers the whole sub7e"t atter o! an old law and adds new $ro(#s#ons and a6es "hanges, and where su"h law, whether #t be #n the !or o! an a end ent or otherw#se, #s e(#dently #ntended to be a re(#s#on o! the old a"t, #t re$eals the old a"t by # $l#"at#on+ People v. Alm ete Re(#s#on o! the Agr#"ultural Tenan"y A"t by the Agr#"ultural Land Re!or Code+ Se" 20 o! ATC &RA //00) E#t shall be unlaw!ul !or e#ther the tenant or landlord w#thout utual "onsent, to rea$ or thresh a $ort#on o! the "ro$ at any t# e $re(#ous to the date set, !or #ts thresh#ng+F An a"t#on !or (#olat#on o! th#s $enal $ro(#s#on #s $end#ng #n "ourt, the Agr#"ultural Land Re!or Code su$erseded the Agr#"ultural Tenan"y A"t, abol#shed share tenan"y, was not re$rodu"ed #n the Agr#"ultural Land Re!or Code+ The e!!e"t o! su"h non8reena"t ent #s a re$eal o! Se"t#on 20+ It #s a rule o! legal her eneut#"s that an a"t wh#"h $ur$orts to set out #n !ull all that #t #ntends to "onta#n, o$erates as a re$eal o! anyth#ng o #tted wh#"h was "onta#ned #n the old a"t and not #n"luded #n the a"t as re(#sed+ A subst#tute statute, and e(#dently #ntended as the subst#tute !or #t, o$erates to re$eal the !or er statute+ T ng C$in : i v. (odrig e+ Issue: whether Se"+/> Rule </ o! the $re8/991 Rules o! Court, wh#"h $ro(#ded the a$$eal #n habeas "or$us "ases to be ta6en w#th#n <> hours !ro not#"e o! 7udg ent, has been re$la"ed by the /001 Rules o! C#(#l Pro"edure, wh#"h $ro(#des #n Se"+ 2 Rule </ thereo!, that a$$eal !ro 7udg ent or !#nal order shall be ta6en w#th#n /: days !ro re"e#$t thereo!, #n (#ew o! the !a"t that the Se"+ /> was re$ealed, #n a""ordan"e w#th the well8settled rule o! statutory "onstru"t#on that $ro(#s#ons o! an old law that were not re$rodu"ed #n the re(#s#on thereo! "o(er#ng the sa e sub7e"t are dee ed re$ealed and d#s"arded Held: SC #n th#s "ase to abrogate those $ro(#s#ons o! the old laws that are not re$rodu"ed #n the re(#sed statute or Code+ Re$eal by reena"t ent Hhere a statute #s a reena"t ent o! the whole sub7e"t #n subst#tut#on o! the $re(#ous laws on the d#sa$$ears ent#rely and what #s o #tted #n the reena"ted law #s dee ed re$ealed+ atter, the latter

Parras v. Land (egistration Commission Hhere a law a ends a s$e"#!#" se"t#on o! a $r#or a"t by $ro(#d#ng that the sa e #s a ended so as to read as !ollows, wh#"h then 3uotes the a ended $ro(#s#on, what #s not #n"luded #n the reena"t ent #s dee ed re$ealed+ The new statute #s a subst#tute !or the or#g#nal se"t#on and all atters #n the se"t#on that are o #tted #n the a end ent are "ons#dered re$ealed+ Other !or s o! # $l#ed re$eal The ost $ower!ul # $l#"at#on o! re$eal #s that wh#"h ar#ses when the later o! two laws #s e'$ressed #n the !or o! a un#(ersal negat#(e+ There #s a "lear d#st#n"t#on between a!!#r at#(e and negat#(e statutes #n regard to the#r re$eal#ng e!!e"ts u$on $r#or leg#slat#on+ A!!#r at#(e statute does not # $l#edly re$eal the $r#or law unless an #ntent#on to e!!e"t a re$eal #s an#!est,

A negat#(e statute re$eals all "on!l#"t#ng $ro(#s#ons unless the "ontrary #ntent#on #s d#s"losed+ Leg#slat#(e #ntent to re$eal #s also shown where #t ena"ts so eth#ng #n general ter and a!terwards #t $asses another on the sa e sub7e"t, wh#"h though e'$ressed #n a!!#r at#(e language #ntrodu"es s$e"#al "ond#t#ons or restr#"t#ons The subse3uent statute w#ll usually be "ons#dered as re$eal#ng by # $l#"at#on the !or er regard#ng the atter "o(ered by the subse3uent a"t+ The e'$ress re$eal o! a $ro(#s#on o! law !ro wh#"h an e'e"ut#(e o!!#"#al der#(es h#s author#ty to en!or"e another $ro(#s#on o! the sa e law o$erates to re$eal by # $l#"at#on the latter and to de$r#(e the o!!#"#al o! the author#ty to en!or"e #t+ The ena"t ent o! a statute on a sub7e"t, whose $ur$ose or ob7e"t #s d#a etr#"ally o$$osed to that o! an earl#er law on the sa e sub7e"t wh#"h thereby de$r#(es #t o! #ts reason !or be#ng, o$erates to re$eal by # $l#"at#on the $r#or law, e(en though the $ro(#s#ons o! both laws are not #n"ons#stent+ EAll laws or $arts thereo! wh#"h are #n"ons#stent w#th th#s A"t are hereby re$ealed or od#!#ed a""ord#ngly,F "onstrued+ Nature o! re$eal#ng "lause Not e'$ress re$eal#ng "lauses be"ause #t !a#ls to #dent#!y or des#gnate the a"t or a"ts that are #ntended to be re$ealed+ A "lause, wh#"h $red#"ates the #ntended re$eal u$on the "ond#t#on that a substant#al "on!l#"t ust be !ound on e'#st#ng and $r#or a"ts o! the sa e sub7e"t atter+ The $resu $t#on aga#nst # $l#ed re$eal and the rule on str#"t "onstru"t#on regard#ng # $l#ed re$eal a$$ly e' $ro$r#o (#gore+ Leg#slature #s $resu ed to 6now the e'#st#ng law so that #! re$eal o! $art#"ular or s$e"#!#" law or laws #s #ntended, the $ro$er ste$ #s to so e'$ress #t+ *alde+ v. T ason Esu"h a "lause re$eals noth#ng that would not be e3ually re$ealed w#thout #t+ E#ther w#th or w#thout #t, the real 3uest#on to be deter #ned #s whether the new statute #s #n !unda ental and #rre"on"#lable "on!l#"t w#th the $r#or statute on the sub7e"t+ S#gn#!#"an"e o! the re$eal#ng "lause: the $resen"e o! su"h general re$eal#ng "lause #n a later statute "learly #nd#"ates the leg#slat#(e #ntent to re$eal all $r#or #n"ons#stent laws on the sub7e"t atter whether or not the $r#or law #s a s$e"#al law+ A later general law w#ll ord#nar#ly not re$eal a $r#or s$e"#al law on the sa e sub7e"t, as the latter #s generally regarded as an e'"e$t#on to the !or er+ H#th su"h "lause "onta#ned #n the subse3uent general law, the $r#or s$e"#al law w#ll be dee ed re$ealed, as the "lause #s a "lear leg#slat#(e #ntent to br#ng about that result+ Re$eal by # $l#"at#on not !a(ored Presu $t#on #s aga#nst #n"ons#sten"y or re$ugnan"y and, a""ord#ngly, aga#nst # $l#ed re$eal Leg#slature #s $resu ed to 6now the e'#st#ng laws on the sub7e"t and not to ha(e ena"ted #n"ons#stent or "on!l#"t#ng statutes+ A "onstru"t#on wh#"h #n e!!e"t w#ll re$eal a statute altogether should, #! $oss#ble, be re7e"ted+ In "ase o! doubt as to whether a later statute has # $l#edly re$ealed a $r#or law on the sa e sub7e"t, the doubt should be resol(ed aga#nst # $l#ed re$eal+ =S v. Palacio Re$eals by # $l#"at#on are not !a(ored, and w#ll not be de"reed unless #t #s an#!est that the leg#slature so #ntended+ As laws are $resu ed to be $assed w#th del#berat#on and w#th !ull 6nowledge o! all e'#st#ng ones on the sub7e"t It #s but reasonable to "on"lude that #n $ass#ng a statute #t was not #ntended to #nter!ere w#th or abrogate any !or er law relat#ng to so e atter Anless the re$ugnan"y between the two #s not only #rre"on"#lable, but also "lear and "on(#n"#ng, and !low#ng ne"essar#ly !or the language used, the later a"t !ully e bra"es the sub7e"t atter o! the earl#er, or unless the reason !or the earl#er a"t #s beyond $erad(enture re o(ed+ E(ery e!!ort ust be used to a6e all a"ts stand and #!, by any reasonable "onstru"t#on, they "an be re"on"#led, the later a"t w#ll not o$erate as a re$eal o! the earl#er+ %APOCO( v. Angas Illustrates the a$$l#"at#on o! the $r#n"#$le that re$eal or a end ent by # $l#"at#on #s not !a(ored+ Issue: whether Central ,an6 C#r"ular </; has # $l#edly re$ealed or a ended Art ==90 o! the C#(#l Code Held: #n answer#ng the #ssue #n the negat#(e, the "ourt ruled that re$eals or e(en a end ents by # $l#"at#on are not !a(ored #! two laws "an be !a#rly re"on"#led+ The statutes "onte $late d#!!erent s#tuat#ons and a$$ly to d#!!erent transa"t#ons #n(ol(#ng loan or !orbearan"e o! oney, goods or "red#ts, as well as 7udg ents relat#ng to su"h load or !orbearan"e o! oney, goods, or "red#ts, the Central ,an6 C#r"ular a$$l#es+ In "ases re3u#r#ng the $ay ent o! #nde n#t#es as da ages, #n "onne"t#on w#th any delay #n the $er!or an"e o! an obl#gat#on other than those #n(ol(#ng loan or !orbearan"e o! oney, goods or "red#ts, Art ==90 o! the CC a$$l#es Courts are slow to hold that one statute has re$ealed another by # $l#"at#on and they w#ll not a6e su"h ad7ud#"at#on #! they "an re!ra#n !ro do#ng so, or #! they "an arr#(e at another result by any "onstru"t#on wh#"h #s 7ust and reasonable+ Courts w#ll not enlarge the ean#ng o! one a"t #n order to de"#de that #s re$eals another by # $l#"at#on, nor w#ll they ado$t an #nter$retat#on lead#ng to an ad7ud#"at#on o! re$eal by # $l#"at#on unless #t #s #ne(#table and a "lear and e'$l#"#t reason thereo! "an be addu"ed+ As between two laws, one $assed later $re(a#ls Leges posteriors priores contrarias abrogant &later statute re$eals $r#or ones wh#"h are not re$ugnant thereto+) A$$l#es e(en #! the later a"t #s ade to ta6e e!!e"t ahead o! the earl#er law+ As between two a"ts, the one $assed later and go#ng #nto e!!e"t earl#er w#ll $re(a#l o(er one $assed earl#er and go#ng #nto e!!e"t later+ Manila Trading 4 S pply Co. v. P$il. Labor =nion

an a"t $assed A$r#l /;th and #n !or"e A$r#l =/st was held to $re(a#l o(er an a"t $assed A$r#l 0th and #n e!!e"t *uly <th o! the sa e year+ And an a"t go#ng #nto e!!e"t # ed#ately has been held to $re(a#l o(er an a"t $assed be!ore but go#ng #nto e!!e"t later+ Hhene(er two statutes o! d#!!erent dates and o! "ontrary tenor are o! e3ual theoret#"al a$$l#"at#on to a $art#"ular "ase, the statute o! later date ust $re(a#l, be#ng a later e'$ress#on o! leg#slat#(e w#ll+ P$ilippine %ational ,an- v. Cr + As between the order o! $re!eren"e o! "red#t set !orth #n Art#"les ==</ to ==<: o! the CC and that o! Art#"le //9 o! the Labor Code, g#(#ng !#rst $re!eren"e to un$a#d wages and other onetary "la# s o! labor, the !or er ust y#eld to the latter, be#ng the law o! the later ena"t ent+ The later law re$eals an earl#er one be"ause #t #s the later leg#slat#(e w#ll+ Presu $t#on: the law a6ers 6new the older law and #ntended to "hange #t+ In ena"t#ng the older law, the leg#slators "ould not ha(e 6nown the newer one and "ould not ha(e #ntended to "hange what they d#d not 6now+ CC: laws are re$ealed only by subse3uent ones, not the other way around+ David v. COMELEC Se"+ / o! RA ;;10 $ro(#des that the ter o! barangay o!!#"#als who were to be ele"ted on the se"ond .onday o! .ay /00< #s : years The later a"t RA 1/;9 Se" <2 &") states that the ter o! o!!#"e o! barangay o!!#"#als who were to be ele"ted also on the =nd .onday o! .ay /00< #s 2 years+ There be#ng a "lear #n"ons#sten"y between the two laws, the later law !#'#ng the ter barangay o!!#"#als at 2 years shall $re(a#l+ General law does not re$eal s$e"#al law, generally A general law on a sub7e"t does not o$erate to re$eal a $r#or s$e"#al law on the sa e sub7e"t, unless #t "learly a$$ears that the leg#slature has #ntended by the later general a"t to od#!y or re$eal the earl#er s$e"#al law+ Presu $t#on aga#nst # $l#ed re$eal #s stronger when o! two laws, one #s s$e"#al and the other general and th#s a$$l#es e(en though the ter s o! the general a"t are broad enough to #n"lude the atter "o(ered by the s$e"#al statute+ 5eneralia specialib s non derogant ! a general law does not null#!y a s$e"#!#" or s$e"#al law The leg#slature "ons#ders and a6es $ro(#s#on !or all the "#r"u stan"es o! the $art#"ular "ase+ Reason why a s$e"#al law $re(a#ls o(er a general law: the leg#slature "ons#ders and a6es $ro(#s#on !or all the "#r"u stan"es o! the $art#"ular "ase+ General and s$e"#al laws are read and "onstrued together, and that re$ugnan"y between the #s re"on"#led by "onst#tut#ng the s$e"#al law as an e'"e$t#on to the general law+ General law y#elds to the s$e"#al law #n the s$e"#!#" law #n the s$e"#!#" and $art#"ular sub7e"t e bra"ed #n the latter+ A$$l#es #rres$e"t#(e o! the date o! $assage o! the s$e"#al law+ A$$l#"at#on o! rule Sto. Domingo v. De los Angeles The "ourt #n(ar#ably ruled that the s$e"#al law #s not # $l#edly re$ealed and "onst#tutes an e'"e$t#on to the general law whene(er the leg#slature !a#led to #nd#"ate #n un #sta6able ter s #ts #ntent to re$eal or od#!y the $r#or s$e"#al a"t+

%APOCO( v. Arca Issue: whether Se"+ = o! Co + A"t /=9 "reat#ng the NAPOCOR, a go(ern ent8owned "or$orat#on, and e $ower#ng #t Eto sell ele"tr#" $ower and to !#' the rates and $ro(#de !or the "olle"t#on o! the "harges !or any ser(#"es rendered: Pro(#ded, the rates o! "harges shall not be sub7e"t to re(#s#on by the Publ#" Ser(#"e A"t has been re$ealed by RA =;11 a end#ng the Publ#" Ser(#"e A"t and grant#ng the Publ#" Ser(#"e Co #ss#on the 7ur#sd#"t#on to !#' the rate o! "harges o! $ubl#" ut#l#t#es owned or o$erated by the go(ern ent or go(ern ent8owned "or$orat#ons+ Held: a s$e"#al law, l#6e Co + A"t /=9, $ro(#d#ng !or a $art#"ular "ase or "lass o! "ases, #s not re$ealed by a subse3uent statute, general #n #ts ter s, l#6e RA =;11, although the general statute are broad enough to #n"lude the "ases e bra"ed #n the s$e"#al law, #n the absen"e o! a "lear #ntent to re$eal+ There a$$ears no su"h leg#slat#(e #ntent to re$eal or abrogate the $ro(#s#ons o! the earl#er law+ The e'$lanatory note to House ,#ll <929 the later be"a e RA =;11, #t was e'$l#"#t that the 7ur#sd#"t#on "on!erred u$on the Re$ubl#" Ser(#"e Co #ss#on o(er the $ubl#" ut#l#t#es o$erated by go(ern ent8owned or "ontrolled "or$orat#ons #s to be "on!#ned to the !#'#ng o! rates o! su"h $ubl#" ser(#"es The harness#ng and then d#str#but#on and sale o! ele"tr#" $ower to the "onsu #ng $ubl#", the "ont#ngen"y #ntended to be et by the legal $ro(#s#on under "ons#derat#on would not e'#st+ The author#ty o! the Publ#" Ser(#"e Co #ss#on under RA =;11 o(er the !#'#ng o! rate o! "harges o! $ubl#" ut#l#t#es owned or o$erated by GOCC-s "an only be e'er"#sed where the "harter o! the go(ern ent "or$orat#on "on"erned does not "onta#n any $ro(#s#on to the "ontrary+ P$ilippine (ail3ay Co. v. Collector of 'nternal (even e PRC was granted a leg#slat#(e !ran"h#se to o$erate a ra#lway l#ne $ursuant to A"t No+ /<01 Se"+ /2 wh#"h read: EIn "ons#derat#on o! the $re #ses and o! the o$erat#on o! th#s "on"ess#on or !ran"h#se, there shall be $a#d by the grantee to the Ph#l#$$#ne Go(ern ent, annually, ''' an a ount e3ual to one8hal! o! one $er "entu o! the gross earn#ngs o! the grantee '''+F Se" =:0 o! Internal Re(enue Code, as a ended by RA 20, $ro(#des that Ethere shall be "olle"ted #n res$e"t to all e'#st#ng and !uture !ran"h#ses, u$on the gross earn#ngs or re"e#$ts !ro the bus#ness "o(ered by the law grant#ng a !ran"h#se ta' o! :U o! su"h ta'es, "harges, and $er"entages as are s$e"#!#ed #n the s$e"#al "harters o! the "or$orat#on u$on who su" !ran"h#ses are "on!erred, wh#"he(er #s h#gher, unless the $ro(#s#ons hereo! $re"lude the # $os#t#on o! a h#gher ta' '''+ Issue: whether Se"t#on =:0 o! the Ta' Code has re$ealed Se"t#on /2 o! A"t /<01, stand u$on a d#!!erent !oot#ng !ro general laws+

On"e granted, a "harter be"o es a $r#(ate "ontra"t and "annot be altered nor a ended e'"e$t by "onsent o! all "on"erned, unless the r#ght to alter or re$eal #s e'$ressly reser(ed+ Reason: the leg#slature, #n $ass#ng a s$e"#al "harter, has #ts attent#on d#re"ted to the s$e"#al !a"ts and "#r"u stan"es #n the $art#"ular "ase #n grant#ng a s$e"#al "harter, !or #t w#ll not be "ons#dered that the leg#slature, by ado$t#ng a general law "onta#n#ng the $ro(#s#ons re$ugnant to the $ro(#s#ons o! the "harter, and w#thout any ent#on o! #ts #ntent#on to a end or od#!y the "harter, #ntended to a end, re$eal or od#!y the s$e"#al a"t+ The $ur$ose o! res$e"t#ng the ta' rates #n"or$orated #n the "harters, as shown by the "lause+ LLDA v. CA Issue: wh#"h agen"y o! the go(ern ent, LL%A or the towns and un#"#$al#t#es "o $ro #s#ng the reg#on should e'er"#se 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er the Laguna La6e and #ts en(#rons #nso!ar as the #ssuan"e o! $er #ts !or !#shery $r#(#leges #s "on"erned+ The LL%A statute s$e"#!#"ally $ro(#des that the LL%A shall ha(e e'"lus#(e 7ur#sd#"t#on to #ssue $er #ts !or the use o! all sur!a"e water !or any $ro7e"ts #n or a!!e"t#ng the sa#d reg#on, #n"lud#ng the o$erat#on o! !#sh $ens+ RA 1/;9 the LGC o! /00/ grants the un#"#$al#t#es the e'"lus#(e author#ty to grant !#shery $r#(#leges #n un#"#$al waters+ Held: two laws should be har on#Ded, and that the LLA statute, be#ng a s$e"#al law, ust be ta6en as an e'"e$t#on to RA 1/;9 a general law, 5arcia v. Pasc al Cler6s o! "ourts un#"#$al "ourts shall be a$$o#nted by the un#"#$al 7udge at the e'$ense o! the un#"#$al#ty and where a later law was ena"ted $ro(#d#ng that e $loyees whose salar#es are $a#d out o! the un#"#$al !unds shall be a$$o#nted by the un#"#$al ayor, the later law "annot be sa#d to ha(e re$ealed the $r#or law as to (est #n the un#"#$al ayor the $ower to a$$o#nt un#"#$al "le"6 o! "ourt, as the subse3uent law should be "onstrued to "o $rehend only subord#nate o!!#"#als o! the un#"#$al#ty and not those o! the 7ud#"#ary+ 5ordon v. CA A "#ty "harter g#(#ng real estate owner a $er#od o! one year w#th#n wh#"h to redee a $ro$erty sold by the "#ty !or non$ay ent o! realty ta' !ro the date o! su"h au"t#on sale, be#ng a s$e"#al law, $re(a#ls o(er a general law grant#ng landowners a $er#od o! two years to a6e the rede $t#on+ Sto. Domingo v. Delos Angeles The C#(#l Ser(#"e law on the $ro"edure !or the sus$ens#on or re o(al o! "#(#l ser(#"e e $loyees does not a$$ly w#th res$e"t to the sus$ens#on or re o(al o! e bers o! the lo"al $ol#"e !or"e+ Hhen s$e"#al or general law re$eals the other+ There #s always a $art#al re$eal where the later a"t #s a s$e"#al law+ *alera v. T ason A subse3uent general law on a sub7e"t has re$ealed or a ended a $r#or s$e"#al a"t on the sa e sub7e"t by # $l#"at#on #s a 3uest#on o! leg#slat#(e #ntent+ Intent to re$eal ay be shown #n the a"t #tsel! the e'$lanatory note to the b#ll be!ore #ts $assage #nto law, the d#s"uss#ons on the !loor o! the leg#slature, Intent to re$eal the earl#er s$e"#al law where the later general a"t $ro(#des that all laws or $arts thereo! wh#"h are #n"ons#stent therew#th are re$ealed or od#!#ed a""ord#ngly I! the #ntent#on to re$eal the s$e"#al law #s "lear, then the rule that the s$e"#al law w#ll be "ons#dered as an e'"e$t#on to the general law does not a$$lyI what a$$l#es #s the rule that the s$e"#al law #s dee ed # $l#edly re$ealed+ A general law "annot be "onstrued to ha(e re$ealed a s$e"#al law by ere # $l#"at#on ad #ts o! e'"e$t#on+ City 5overnment of San Pablo v. (eyes Se"+ / P% ::/ $ro(#des that any $ro(#s#on o! law or lo"al ord#nan"e to the "ontrary, the !ran"h#se ta' $ayable by all grantees o! !ran"h#se to generate, d#str#bute, and sell ele"tr#" "urrent !or l#ght, heat, and $ower shall be =: o! the#r gross re"e#$ts+ Se"+ /21 o! the LGC states: Notw#thstand#ng any e'e $t#on granted by any law or other s$e"#al law, the $ro(#n"e ay # $ose a ta' on bus#ness en7oy#ng a !ran"h#se at a rate not e'"eed#ng :9U o! /U o! the gross annul re"e#$ts+ Held: the $hrase #s all8en"o $ass#ng and "lear that the leg#slature #ntended to w#thdraw all ta' e'e $t#ons en7oyed by !ran"h#se holders and th#s #ntent #s ade ore an#!est by Se"+ /02 o! the Code, when #t $ro(#des that unless otherw#se $ro(#ded #n th#s "ode ta' e'e $t#ons or #n"ent#(es granted to or $resently en7oyed by all $ersons, e'"e$t lo"al water d#str#"ts, "oo$erat#(es, and non8sto"6 and non8$ro!#t hos$#tals and edu"at#onal #nst#tut#ons, are w#thdrawn u$on the e!!e"t#(#ty o! the Code+ 5aerlan v. Cat big Issue: whether Se"+ /= o! RA /19 as a ended, the C#ty Charter o! %agu$an C#ty, wh#"h !#'ed the #n# u age 3ual#!#"at#on !or e bers o! the "#ty "oun"#l at =2 years has been re$ealed by Se"+; o! RA ==:0 Held: there was an # $l#ed re$eal o! Se"+ /= o! the "harter o! %agu$an C#ty be"ause the leg#slat#(e #ntent to re$eal the "harter $ro(#s#on #s "lear !ro the !a"t that %agu$an C#ty, unl#6e so e "#t#es, #s not one o! those "#t#es e'$ressly e'"luded by the law !ro #ts o$erat#on and !ro the "#r"u stan"e that #t $ro(#des that all a"ts or $arts thereo! wh#"h are #n"ons#stent therew#th are re$ealed+ The last statute #s so broad #n #ts ter s and so "lear and e'$l#"#t #n #ts words so as to show that #t was #ntended to "o(er the whole sub7e"t and there!ore to d#s$la"e the $r#or statute+ ,agatsing v. (amire+ A "harter o! a "#ty, wh#"h #s a s$e"#al law, ay be # $l#edly od#!#ed or su$erseded by a later statute, and where a statute #s "ontroll#ng, #t ust be read #nto the "harter, notw#thstand#ng any o! #ts $art#"ular $ro(#s#ons+ A subse3uent general law s# #larly a$$l#"able to all "#t#es $re(a#ls o(er any "on!l#"t#ng "harter $ro(#s#on, !or the reason that a "harter ust not be #n"ons#stent w#th the general laws and $ubl#" $ol#"y o! the state+ Statute re a#ns su$re e #n all atters not $urely lo"al+

A "harter

ust y#eld to the "onst#tut#on and general laws o! the state+

P$ilippine 'nternational Trading Corp v. CoA CoA "ontended that the PITC "harter had been # $l#edly re$ealed by the Se"+ /; RA ;1:> Held: that there was # $l#ed re$eal, the leg#slat#(e #ntent to do so be#ng an#!est+ PITC should now be "ons#dered as "o(ered by laws $res"r#b#ng a "o $ensat#on and $os#t#on "lass#!#"at#on syste go(ern ent #n"lud#ng RA ;1:>+

#n the

E!!e"ts o! re$eal, generally A$$eal o! a statute renders #t #no$erat#(e as o! the date the re$eal#ng a"t ta6es e!!e"t+ Re$eal #s by no eans e3u#(alent to a de"larat#on that the re$ealed statute #s #n(al#d !ro the date o! #ts ena"t ent+ The re$eal o! a law does not undo the "onse3uen"es o! the o$erat#on o! the statute wh#le #n !or"e, unless su"h result #s d#re"ted by e'$ress language or by ne"essary # $l#"at#on, e'"e$t as #t ay a!!e"t r#ghts wh#"h be"o e (ested when the re$ealed a"t was #n !or"e+ (amos v. M nicipality of Daet ,P 221 6nown as the LGC was re$ealed by RA 1/;9 6nown as LGC o! /00/, wh#"h too6 e!!e"t on *anuary /, /00=+ Se"+ : &d) o! the new "ode $ro(#des that r#ghts and obl#gat#ons e'#st#ng on the date o! the e!!e"t#(#ty o! the new "ode and ar#s#ng out o! "ontra"ts or any other sour"e o! $restat#on #n(ol(#ng a lo"al go(ern ent un#t shall be go(erned by the or#g#nal ter s and "ond#t#ons o! sa#d "ontra"ts or the law #n !or"e at the t# e su"h r#ghts were (ested+ On 7ur#sd#"t#on, generally Ne#ther the re$eal nor the e'$lanat#on o! the law de$r#(es the "ourt or ad #n#strat#(e tr#bunal o! the author#ty to a"t on the $end#ng a"t#on and to !#nally de"#de #t+ General rule: where a "ourt or tr#bunal has already a"3u#red and #s e'er"#s#ng 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er a "ontro(ersy, #ts 7ur#sd#"t#on to $ro"eed to !#nal deter #nat#on o! the "ause #s not a!!e"ted by the new leg#slat#on re$eal#ng the statute wh#"h or#g#nally "on!erred 7ur#s#d#"t#on+ Rule: on"e the "ourt a"3u#res 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er a "ontro(ersy, #t shall "ont#nue to e'er"#se su"h 7ur#sd#"t#on unt#l the !#nal deter #nat#on o! the "ase and #t #s not a!!e"ted by subse3uent leg#slat#on (est#ng 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er su"h $ro"eed#ngs #n another tr#bunal ad #ts o! e'"e$t#ons+ Re$eal or e'$#rat#on o! a statute under wh#"h a "ourt or tr#bunal or#g#nally a"3u#red 7ur#sd#"t#on to try and de"#de a "ase, does not a6e #ts de"#s#on subse3uently rendered thereon null and (o#d !or want o! author#ty, unless otherw#se $ro(#ded+ In the absen"e o! a leg#slat#(e #ntent to the "ontrary, the e'$#rat#on or re$eal o! a statute does not render legal what, under the old law, #s an #llegal transa"t#on, so as to de$r#(e the "ourt or tr#bunal the "ourt or tr#bunal o! the author#ty to a"t on a "ase #n(ol(#ng su"h #llegal transa"t#on+ Hhere a law de"lares "erta#n # $ortat#ons to be #llegal, sub7e"t to !or!e#ture by the Co #ss#oner o! Custo s $ursuant to what the latter #n#t#ated !or!e#ture $ro"eed#ngs, the e'$#rat#on o! the law dur#ng the $enden"y o! the $ro"eed#ngs does not d#(est the Co #ss#oner o! Custo s o! the 7ur#sd#"t#on to "ont#nue to resol(e the "ase, nor does #t ha(e the e!!e"t o! a6#ng the #llegal # $ortat#on legal or o! sett#ng as#de the de"#s#on o! the "o #ss#oner on the atter+ On 7ur#sd#"t#on to try "r# #nal "ase On"e a 7ur#sd#"t#on to try a "r# #nal "ase #s a"3u#red, that 7ur#sd#"t#on re a#ns w#th the "ourt unt#l the "ase #s !#nally deter #ned+ A subse3uent statute a end#ng or re$eal#ng a $r#or a"t under wh#"h the "ourt a"3u#red 7ur#sd#"t#on o(er the "ase w#th the e!!e"t o! re o(#ng the "ourts- 7ur#sd#"t#on ay not o$erate to oust 7ur#sd#"t#on that has already atta"hed+ On a"t#ons, $end#ng or otherw#se Rule: re$eal o! a statute de!eats all a"t#ons and $ro"eed#ngs, #n"lud#ng those, wh#"h are st#ll $end#ng, wh#"h arose out o! or are based on sa#d statute+ The "ourt ust "on!or #ts de"#s#on to the law then e'#st#ng and ay, there!ore, re(erse a 7udg ent wh#"h was "orre"t when $ronoun"ed #n the subord#nate tr#bunal, #! #t a$$ears that $end#ng a$$eal a statute wh#"h was ne"essary to su$$ort the 7udg ent o! the lower "ourt has been w#thdrawn by an absolute re$eal+ On (ested r#ghts re$eal o! a statute does not destroy or # $a#r r#ghts that a""rued and be"a e (ested under the statute be!ore #ts re$eal+ The statute should not be "onstrued so as to a!!e"t the r#ghts wh#"h ha(e (ested under the old law then #n !or"e, or as re3u#r#ng the abate ent o! a"t#ons #nst#tuted !or the en!or"e ent o! su"h r#ghts+ R#ghts a""rued and (ested wh#le a statute #s #n !or"e ord#nar#ly sur(#(e #ts re$eal+ The "onst#tut#on !orb#ds the state !ro # $a#r#ng, by ena"t ent or re$eal o! a law, (ested r#ghts or the obl#gat#ons o! "ontra"t, e'"e$t #n the leg#t# ate e'er"#se o! $ol#"e $ower+ , yco v. P%, Hhere a statute g#(es holders o! ba"6$ay "ert#!#"ates the r#ght to use sa#d "ert#!#"ates to $ay the#r obl#gat#ons to go(ern ent !#nan"#al #nst#tut#ons, the re$eal o! the law d#sallow#ng su"h $ay ent w#ll not de$r#(e holders thereo! whose r#ghts be"o e (ested under the old law o! the r#ght to use the "ert#!#"ates to $ay the#r obl#gat#ons to su"h !#nan"#al #nst#tut#ons+ =n Pa- Le ng v. %igorra A statute g#(es an a$$ellant the r#ght to a$$eal !ro an ad(erse de"#s#on, the re$eal o! su"h statute a!ter an a$$ellant has already $er!e"ted h#s a$$eal w#ll not destroy h#s r#ght to $rose"ute the a$$eal not de$r#(e the a$$ellate "ourt o! the author#ty to de"#de the a$$ealed "ase+ (ep blic v. Migrino Issue: whether $rose"ut#on !or une'$la#ned wealth under RA /210 has already $res"r#bed+

Held: E#n h#s $lead#ngs, $r#(ate res$ondent "ontends that he ay no longer be $rose"uted be"ause o! the $res"r#$t#on+ It ust be $o#nted out that Se"+ = RA /210 should be dee ed a ended or re$ealed by Art+ GI, Se"+ /: o! the /0>1 Const#tut#on+ On "ontra"ts Hhere a "ontra"t #s entered #nto by the $art#es on the bas#s o! the law then obta#n#ng, the re$eal or a end ent o! sa#d law w#ll not a!!e"t the ter s o! the "ontra"t nor # $a#r the r#ght o! the $art#es thereunder+ E!!e"t o! re$eal o! ta' laws Rule !a(or#ng a $ros$e"t#(e "onstru"t#on o! statutes #s a$$l#"able to statutes wh#"h re$eal ta' laws+ Su"h statute #s not ade retroa"t#(e, a ta' assessed be!ore the re$eal #s "olle"t#ble a!terwards a""ord#ng to the law #n !or"e when the assess ent or le(y was ade+ E!!e"t o! re$eal and reena"t ent S# ultaneous re$eal and reena"t ent o! a statute does not a!!e"t the r#ghts and l#ab#l#t#es wh#"h ha(e a""rued under the or#g#nal statute, s#n"e the reena"t ent neutral#Des the re$eal and "ont#nues the law #n !or"e w#thout #nterru$t#on+ The re$eal o! a $enal law, under wh#"h a $erson #s "harged w#th (#olat#on thereo! and #ts s# ultaneous reena"t ent $enal#D#ng the sa e a"t done by h# under the old law, w#ll not $re"lude the a""used-s $rose"ut#on, nor de$r#(e the "ourt o! the 7ur#sd#"t#on to try and "on(#"t h# + People v. Alm ete Hhere the reena"t ent o! the re$ealed law #s not s# ultaneous su"h that the "ont#nu#ty o! the obl#gat#on and the san"t#on !or #ts (#olat#on !or the re$ealed law to the reena"ted law #s bro6en, the re$eal "arr#es w#th #t the de$r#(at#on o! the "ourt o! #ts author#ty to try, "on(#"t, and senten"e the $erson "harged w#th (#olat#on o! the old law to #ts re$eal+ E!!e"t o! re$eal o! $enal laws Hhere the re$eal #s absolute, so that the "r# e no longer e'#sts, $rose"ut#on o! the $erson "harged under the old law "annot be had and the a"t#on should be d#s #ssed+ Hhere the re$eal o! a $enal law #s total and absolute and the a"t wh#"h was $enal#Ded by a $r#or law "eases to be "r# #nal under the new law, the $re(#ous o!!ense #s obl#terated+ That a total re$eal de$r#(es the "ourts o! 7ur#sd#"t#on to try, "on(#"t, and senten"e, $ersons, "harged w#th (#olat#ons o! the old law $r#or to the re$eal+ Re$eal o! a statute wh#"h $ro(#des an #nd#s$ensable ele ent #n the "o #ss#on o! a "r# e as de!#ned #n the RPC l#6ew#se o$erates to de$r#(e the "ourt o! the author#ty to de"#de the "ase, rule rests on the sa e $r#n"#$le as that "on"ern#ng the e!!e"t o! a re$eal o! a $enal law w#thout 3ual#!#"at#on+ Reason: the re$eal o! a $enal law w#thout d#s3ual#!#"at#on #s a leg#slat#(e a"t o! render#ng legal what #s $re(#ously de"reed as #llegal, so that the $erson who "o #tted #t #s as #! he ne(er "o #tted an o!!en"e E'"e$t#on: where the re$eal#ng a"t reena"ts the statute and $enal#Des the sa e a"t $re(#ously $enal#Ded under the re$ealed law, the a"t "o #tted be!ore reena"t ent "ont#nues to be a "r# e, and $end#ng "ases are not thereby a!!e"ted+ Hhere the re$eal#ng a"t "onta#ns a sa(#ng "lause $ro(#d#ng that $end#ng a"t#ons shall not be a!!e"ted, the latter w#ll "ont#nue to be $rose"uted #n a""ordan"e w#th the old law+ %#st#n"t#on as to e!!e"t o! re$eal and e'$#rat#on o! law In absolute re$eal, the "r# e #s obl#terated and the st#g a o! "on(#"t#on o! an a""used !or (#olat#on o! the $enal law be!ore #ts re$eal #s erased+ E!!e"t o! re$eal o! un#"#$al "harter The re$eal o! a "harter destroys all o!!#"es under #t, and $uts an end to the !un"t#ons o! the #n"u bents+ The "on(ersat#on o! a un#"#$al#ty #nto a "#ty by the $assage o! a "harter or a statute to that e!!e"t has the e!!e"t o! abol#sh#ng all un#"#$al o!!#"es then e'#st#ng under the old un#"#$al#ty o!!#"es then the e'#st#ng under the old un#"#$al#ty, sa(e those e'"e$ted #n the "harter #tsel!+ Re$eal or null#ty o! re$eal#ng law, e!!e"t o! Hhen a law wh#"h e'$ressly re$eals a $r#or law #s #tsel! re$ealed, the law !#rst re$ealed shall not thereby re(#(ed unless e'$ressly so $ro(#ded Hhere a re$eal#ng statute #s de"lared un"onst#tut#onal, #t w#ll ha(e no e!!e"t o! re$eal#ng the !or er statute, the !or er or old statute "ont#nues to re a#n #n !or"e+ CHAPTER ELEBEN: Const#tut#onal Constru"t#on Const#tut#on de!#ned !unda ental law wh#"h sets u$ a !or o! go(ern ent and de!#nes and del# #ts the $owers thereo! and those o! #ts o!!#"ers, reser(#ng to the $eo$le the sel(es $lenary so(ere#gnty wr#tten "harter ena"ted and ado$ted by the $eo$le by wh#"h a go(ern ent !or the #s establ#shed $er anent #n nature thus #t does not only a$$ly to e'#st#ng "ond#t#ons but also to !uture needs bas#"ally #t #s the !unda ental laws !or the go(ernan"e and ad #n#strat#on o! a nat#on absolute and unalterable e'"e$t by a end ents all other laws are e'$e"ted to "on!or to #t Or#g#n and h#story o! the Ph#l#$$#ne Const#tut#ons /02: Const#tut#on People v. Linsangan 5 e'$la#ned as to how th#s Const#tut#on "a e about: Tyd#ngs8."du!!#e Law8 allowed the 4#l#$#nos to ado$t a "onst#tut#ons but sub7e"t to the "ond#t#ons $res"r#bed #n the A"t+ Re3u#red 2 ste$s: dra!t#ng and a$$ro(al o! the "onst#tut#on ust be author#Ded

#t ust be "ert#!#ed by the Pres#dent o! the AS #t ust be rat#!#ed by the $eo$le o! the Ph#l#$$#nes at a $leb#s"#te /012 Const#tut#on ado$ted #n res$onse to $o$ular "la or to eat the $roble s o! the "ountry .ar"h /;, /0;1: Congress $assed Resolut#on No+=, wh#"h was a ended by Resolut#on No+ <, "all#ng a "on(ent#on to $ro$ose a end ents to the Const#tut#on /0>1 Const#tut#on a!ter E%SA Re(olut#on also 6nown as the /0>1 Charter Pr# ary $ur$ose o! "onst#tut#onal "onstru"t#on $r# ary tas6 o! "onst#tut#onal "onstru"t#on #s to as"erta#n the #ntent or $ur$ose o! the !ra ers o! the "onst#tut#on as e'$ressed #n #ts language $ur$ose o! our Const#tut#on: to $rote"t and enhan"e the $eo$le-s #nterests Const#tut#on "onstrued as endur#ng !or ages Const#tut#on #s not erely !or a !ew years but #t also needs to endure through a long la$se o! ages HHMQ ,e"ause #t go(erns the l#!e o! the $eo$le not only at the t# e o! #ts !ra #ng but !ar #nto the #nde!#n#te !uture #t ust be ada$table to (ar#ous "r#s#s o! hu an a!!a#rs but #t ust also be sol#d $er anent and substant#al Its stab#l#ty $rote"ts the r#ghts, l#berty, and $ro$erty o! the $eo$le &r#"h or $oor) It ust be "onstrued as a dyna #" $ro"ess #ntended to stand !or a great length o! t# e to be $rogress#(e and not stat#" Hhat #t #s NOT: It should NOT "hange w#th e ergen"#es or "ond#t#ons It should NOT be #n!le'#ble It should NOT be #nter$reted narrowly Hords e $loyed should not be "onstrued to y#eld !#'ed and r#g#d answers be"ause #ts ean#ng #s a$$l#ed to eet new or "hanged "ond#t#ons as they ar#se Courts should "onstrue the "onst#tut#on so that #t would be "ons#stent w#th reason, 7ust#"e and the $ubl#" #nterest How language o! "onst#tut#on "onstrued $r# ary sour"e #n order to as"erta#n the "onst#tut#on #s the LANGAAGE #tsel! The words that are used are broad be"ause #t a# s to "o(er all "ont#ngen"#es Hords ust be understood #n the#r "o on or ord#nary ean#ng e'"e$t when te"hn#"al ter s are e $loyee HHMQ ,e"ause the !unda ental law #! essent#ally a do"u ent o! the $eo$le %o not "onstrue the "onst#tut#on #n su"h a way that #ts ean#ng would "hange Hhat #! the words used ha(e both general and restr#"ted ean#ngQ Rule: general $re(a#ls o(er the restr#"ted unless the "ontrary #s #nd#"ated+ Ordillo v. COMELEC Issue: whether the sole $ro(#n"e o! I!ugao "an be (al#dly "onst#tuted #n the Cord#llera Autono ous Reg#on under Se"t#on /:, Art#"le /9 Held: No+ the 6eywords $ro(#n"es, "#t#es, un#"#$al#t#es and geogra$h#"al areas "onnotes that a reg#on "ons#sts o! ore than one un#t+ In #ts ord#nary sense reg#on eans two or ore $ro(#n"es, thus I!ugao "annot be "onst#tuted the Cord#llera Autono ous Reg#on Marcos v. C$ief of Staff Issues: the ean#ng or s"o$e o! the words any "ourt #n Se"t#on /1 Art#"le /1 o! the /02: Const#tut#on Hho are #n"luded under the ter s #n!er#or "ourt #n se"t#on = Art#"le 1 Held: Se"t#on /1 o! Art#"le /1 $roh#b#ts any e bers o! the Congress !ro a$$ear#ng as "ounsel #n any "r# #nal "ase ' ' '+ Th#s #s not l# #ted to "#(#l but also to a #l#tary "ourt or "ourt art#al s#n"e the latter #s also a "ourt o! law and 7ust#"e as #s any "#(#l tr#bunal+ In!er#or "ourts are eant to be "onstrued #n #ts restr#"ted sense and a""ord#ngly do not #n"lude "ourt art#als or #l#tary "ourts !or they are agen"#es o! e'e"ut#(e "hara"ter and do not belong to the 7ud#"#al bran"h unl#6e the ter #n!er#or "ourt #s+ Another RALE: words used #n one $art are to re"e#(e the sa e #nter$retat#on when used #n other $arts unless the "ontrary #s a$$l#ed@s$e"#!#ed+ Lo+ada v COMELEC the ter E,atasang Pa bansa,F wh#"h eans the regular nat#onal asse bly, !ound #n Const#tut#on re!ers to the regular, not to the #nter# ,atasang Pa bansa words wh#"h ha(e a"3u#red a te"hn#"al ean#ng be!ore they are used #n the "onst#tut#on when su"h words as thus used are "onstrued any se"t#ons o! the /012 ust be ta6en #n that sense

A#ds to "onstru"t#on, generally a$art !ro #ts language "ourts ay re!er to the !ollow#ng #n "onstru#ng the "onst#tut#on: h#story $ro"eed#ngs o! the "on(ent#on $r#or laws and 7ud#"#al de"#s#ons "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#ons "onse3uen"es o! alternat#(e #nter$ret8tat#ons these a#ds are "alled e'traneous a#ds be"ause though the#r e!!e"t #s not #n $re"#se rules the#r #n!luen"e des"r#bes the essent#als o! the $ro"ess &re e ber $rea bleQ gan#to lang d#n yun)

Real#t#es e'#st#ng at t# e o! ado$t#onI ob7e"t to be a""o $l#shed H#story bas#"ally hel$s #n a6#ng one understand as to how and why "erta#n laws were #n"or$orated #nto the "onst#tut#on+ In "onstru#ng "onst#tut#onal law, the h#story ust be ta6en #nto "ons#derat#on be"ause there are "erta#n "ons#derat#ons rooted #n the h#stor#"al ba"6ground o! the en(#ron ent at the t# e o! #ts ado$t#on &Legas$# (+ .#n#ster o! 4#nan"e) Aq ino v. COMELEC Issue: what does the ter E#n"u bent $res#dent #n se"+ 2 o! Art#"le /1 o! the /012 Const#tut#on re!er toQ Held: H#story shows that at that t# e the ter o! Pres#dent .ar"os was to ter #nate on %e"e ber 29, /012, the new "onst#tut#on was a$$ro(ed on No(e ber 29, /01= st#ll dur#ng h#s #n"u ben"y and as be#ng the only #n"u bent $res#dent at the t# e o! the a$$ro(al #t 7ust eans that the ter #n"u bent $res#dent re!ers to .r+ .ar"os *ust#"e Anton#o "on"urr#ng o$#n#on states: the only rat#onal way to as"erta#n the ean#ng and #ntent #s to read #ts language #n "onne"t#on w#th the 6nown "ond#t#ons o! a!!a#rs out o! wh#"h the o""as#on !or #ts ado$t#on had ar#sen and then "onstrue #t+ 'n re ,erm de+ #n"u bent $res#dent re!erred to #n se"t#on : o! Art#"le /> o! the /0>1 "onst#tut#on re!ers to #n"u bent Pres#dent A3u#no and BP %oy Laurel Civil Liberties =nion v. E"ec tive Secretary #ssue: whether EO =><, wh#"h author#Des a "ab#net e ber, underse"retary and ass#stant se"retary to hold not ore than two $os#t#ons #n the go(ern ent and GOCCs and to re"e#(e "orres$ond#ng "o $ensat#on there!ore, (#olates Se"+ /2, Art+ 1 o! the /0>1 Const#tut#on "ourt e'a #ned the h#story o! the t# es, the "ond#t#ons under wh#"h the "onst#tut#onal $ro(#s#ons was !ra ed and #ts ob7e"t held: be!ore the ado$t#on o! the "onst#tut#onal $ro(#s#on, Ethere was a $rol#!erat#on o! newly8"reated agen"#es, #nstru ental#t#es and GOCCs "reated by P%s and other odes o! $res#dent#al #ssuan"es where Cab#net e bers, the#r de$ut#es or ass#stants were des#gnated to head or s#t as e bers o! the board w#th the "orres$ond#ng salar#es, e olu ents, $er d#e s, allowan"es and other $rere3u#s#tes o! o!!#"e s#n"e the e(#dent $ur$ose o! the !ra ers o! the /0>1 Const#tut#on #s to # $ose a str#"ter $roh#b#t#on on the Pres#dent, B#"e Pres#dent, e bers o! the Cab#net, the#r de$ut#es and ass#stants w#th res$e"t to hold#ng ult#$le go(ern ent o!!#"es or e $loy ent #n the Go(ern ent dur#ng the#r tenure, the e'"e$t#on to th#s $roh#b#t#on ust be read w#th e3ual se(er#ty on #ts !a"e, the language o! Se" /2 Art+ 1 #s $roh#b#tory so that #t ust be understood as #ntended to be a $os#t#(e and une3u#(o"al negat#on o! the $r#(#lege o! hold#ng ult#$le go(ern ent o!!#"es or e $loy ent Pro"eed#ngs o! the "on(ent#on RALE: I! the language o! the "onst#tut#onal $ro(#s#on #s $la#n #t #s not ne"essary to resort to e'tr#ns#" a#ds EGCEPTION: when the #ntent o! the !ra er doesn-t a$$ear #n the te't or #t has ore than one "onstru"t#on+ Intent o! a "onst#tut#onal "on(ent#on e ber doesn-t ne"essar#ly ean #t #s also the $eo$le-s #ntent The $ro"eed#ngs o! the "on(ent#on are usually #n3u#red #nto be"ause #t sheds l#ght #nto what the !ra ers o! the "onst#tut#on had #n #nd at that t# e+ &re!ers to the debates, #nter$retat#ons and o$#n#ons "on"ern#ng $art#"ular $ro(#s#ons) L + 9arms v. Secretary of DA( Hhether the ter Eagr#"ultureF as used #n the Const#tut#on e bra"es ra#s#ng l#(esto"6, $oultry and sw#ne Trans"r#$t o! the del#berat#ons o! the Const#tut#onal Co #ss#on o! /0>; on the ean#ng o! Eagr#"ultureF "learly shows that #t was ne(er the #ntent#on o! the !ra ers o! the Const#tut#on to #n"lude l#(esto"6 and $oultry #ndustry #n the "o(erage o! the "onst#tut#onally8 andated agrar#an re!or $rogra o! the Go(ern ent Agr#"ultural lands do not #n"lude "o er"#al #ndustr#al, and res#dent#al lands Held: #t #s e(#dent #n the !orego#ng d#s"uss#on that Se" = o! RA ;;:1 wh#"h #n"ludes E$r#(ate agr#"ultural lands de(oted to "o er"#al l#(esto"6, $oultry and sw#ne ra#s#ngF #n the de!#n#t#on o! E"o er"#al !ar sF #s INBALI%, to the e'tent o! the a!ore"#ted agro8#ndustr#al a"t#(#t#es are ade to be "o(ered by the agrar#an re!or $rogra o! the State Monte#o v. COMELEC Hhether the CO.ELEC has the $ower to trans!er, by resolut#on, one or ore un#"#$al#t#es !ro one "ongress#onal d#str#"t to another d#str#"t w#th#n a $ro(#n"e, $ursuant to Se" = o! the Ord#nan"e a$$ended to the /0>1 Const#tut#on The Court rel#ed on the $ro"eed#ngs o! the Const#tut#onal Co #ss#on on E #nor ad7ust entsF wh#"h re!ers only to the #nstan"e where a un#"#$al#ty wh#"h has been !orgotten &ano ba TtoL6#nal# utan ang un#"#$al#ty) #s #n"luded #n the enu erat#on o! the "o $os#t#on o! the "ongress#onal d#str#"t and not to the trans!er o! one un#"#$al#ty !ro one d#str#"t to another, wh#"h has been "ons#dered a substant#(e or a7or ad7ust ent Conte $oraneous "onstru"t#on and wr#t#ngs ay be used to resol(e but not to "reate a b#gu#t#es In "onstru#ng statutes, "onte $oraneous "onstru"t#on are ent#tled to great we#ght howe(er when #t "o es to the "onst#tut#on #t has no we#ght and w#ll not be allowed to "hange #n any way #ts ean#ng+ Hr#t#ngs o! delegates 5 has $ersuas#(e !or"e but #t de$ends on two th#ngs: #! o$#n#ons are based on !a"t 6nown to the and not establ#shed #t #s # ater#al on legal her eneut#"s, the#r "on"lus#ons ay not be a shade better #n the eyes o! the law+ Pre(#ous laws and 7ud#"#al rul#ngs !ra ers o! the "onst#tut#on #s $resu ed to be aware o! $re(a#l#ng 7ud#"#al do"tr#nes "on"ern#ng the sub7e"t o! "onst#tut#onal $ro(#s#ons+ THAS when "ourts ado$t $r#n"#$les d#!!erent !ro $r#or de"#s#ons #t #s $resu ed that they d#d so to o(errule sa#d $r#n"#$le Changes #n $hraseology

,e!ore a "onst#tut#on #s rat#!#ed #t undergoes a lot o! re(#s#ons and "hanges #n $hraseology &e'+ delet#on o! words) and these "hanges ay be #n3u#red #nto to as"erta#n the #ntent or $ur$ose o! the $ro(#s#on as a$$ro(ed HOHEBER ere delet#on, as negat#(e gu#des, "annot $re(a#l o(er the $os#t#(e $ro(#s#ons nor #s #t deter #nat#(e o! any "on"lus#on+ Certa#n $ro(#s#ons #n our "onst#tut#on &!ro /02: to the $resent) are ere reena"t ents o! $r#or "onst#tut#ons thus these "hanges ay #nd#"ate an #ntent to od#!y or "hange the ean#ng o! the old $ro(#s#ons+ 5alman v. Pamaran the $hraseF no $erson shall be ' ' ' "o $elled #n a "r# #nal "ase be a w#tness aga#nst h# sel!F #s "hanged #n su"h a way the words "r# #nal "ases had been deleted s# $ly eans that #t #s not l# #ted to "r# #nal "ases only+ Conse3uen"es o! alternat#(e "onstru"t#ons "onse3uen"es that ay !ollow !ro alternat#(e "onstru"t#on o! doubt!ul "onst#tut#onal $ro(#s#ons "onst#tute an # $ortant !a"tor to "ons#der #n "onstru#ng the + #! a $ro(#s#on has ore than one #nter$retat#on, that "onstru"t#on wh#"h would lead to absurd, # $oss#ble or #s"h#e(ous "onse3uen"es ust be re7e"ted+ e+g+ d#re"tory and andatory #nter$retat#on: Art+ > Se" /:&/) re3u#res 7udges to render de"#s#on w#th#n s$e"#!#" $er#ods !ro date o! sub #ss#on !or de"#s#on o! "ases &"onstrued as d#re"tory be"ause #! otherw#se #t w#ll "ause greater #n7ury to the $ubl#") Const#tut#on "onstrued as a whole $ro(#s#on should not be "onstrued se$arately !ro the rest #t should be #nter$reted as a whole and be har on#Ded w#th "on!l#"t#ng $ro(#s#ons so as to g#(e the all !or"e and e!!e"t+ se"t#ons #n the "onst#tut#on w#th a $art#"ular sub7e"t should be #nter$reted together to e!!e"tuate the whole $ur$ose o! the Const#tut#on+ Tolentino v. Secretary of 9inance BAT Law, $assage o! b#ll #n(ol(ed are art#"le ; Se"+ =< and RA 11/; &BAT Law) "ontent#on o! the $et#t#oner: RA 11/; d#d not or#g#nate e'"lus#(ely !ro the HOR as re3u#red by the Const#tut#on be"ause #t #s the result o! the "onsol#dat#on o! two d#st#n"t b#lls+ Court: re7e"ted su"h #nter$retat#on+ &guys ala n#yo na na an to, that #t should or#g#nate !ro HOR but #t "ould st#ll be od#!#ed by the Senate)

.andatory or d#re"tory RALE: "onst#tut#onal $ro(#s#ons are to be "onstrued as andatory unless a d#!!erent #ntent#on #s an#!ested+ HhyQ ,e"ause #n a "onst#tut#on, the so(ere#gn #tsel! s$ea6s and #s lay#ng down rules wh#"h !or the t# e be#ng at least are to "ontrol al#6e the go(ern ent and the go(erned+ !a#lure o! the leg#slature to ena"t the ne"essary re3u#red by the "onst#tut#on does not a6e the leg#slature #s #llegal+ Pros$e"t#(e or retroa"t#(e RALE: "onst#tut#on o$erates $ros$e"t#(ely only unless the words e $loyed are "lear that #t a$$l#es retroa"t#(ely Magtoto v. Mang era Se" =9 o! Art#"le IB o! the /012 Const#tut#on: Eno $erson shall be "o $elled to be a w#tness aga#nst h# sel!+ ' ' ' Any "on!ess#on obta#ned #n (#olat#on o! th#s se"t#on shall be #nad #ss#ble #n e(#den"eF Court held that th#s s$e"#!#" $ort#on o! the andate should be g#(en a $ros$e"t#(e a$$l#"at#on Co v. Electric Trib nal Se"+ /&2) Art+ < o! the /0>1 Const#tut#on states that those born be!ore *anuary /1, /012 o! 4#l#$#no others, who ele"t Ph#l#$$#ne "#t#Densh#$ u$on rea"h#ng the age o! a7or#tyF are "#t#Dens o! the Ph#l#$$#nes has a retroa"t#(e e!!e"t as shown to the "lear #ntent o! the !ra ers through the language used A$$l#"ab#l#ty o! rules o! statutory "onstru"t#on %o"tr#nes used #n Sarmiento v. Mison #s a good e'a $le #n wh#"h the SC a$$l#ed a nu ber o! rules o! statutory "onstru"t#on+ Issue: whether or not the a$$o#nt ent o! a Co #ss#oner o! Custo s #s sub7e"t to "on!#r at#on by the Co #ss#on on a$$o#nt ents Generally, "onst#tut#onal $ro(#s#ons are sel!8e'e"ut#ng RALE: "onst#tut#onal $ro(#s#ons are sel! e'e"ut#ng e'"e$t when $ro(#s#ons the sel(es e'$ressly re3u#re leg#slat#ons to # $le ent the + SEL4 EGECATING PROBISIONS8 $ro(#s#ons wh#"h are "o $lete by the sel(es and be"o es o$erat#(e w#thout the a#d o! su$$le entary leg#slat#on+ *ust be"ause leg#slat#on ay su$$le ent and add or $res"r#be a $enalty does not render su"h $ro(#s#on #ne!!e"t#(e #n the absen"e o! su"h leg#slat#on+ In "ase o! %oubtQ Construe su"h $ro(#s#on as sel! e'e"ut#ng rather than non8sel! e'e"ut#ng+ Manila Prince :otel v. 5S'S Issue: w@n the sale at $ubl#" b#dd#ng o! the a7or#ty ownersh#$ o! the .an#la Hotel a 3ual#!#ed ent#ty "an at"h the w#nn#ng b#d o! a !ore#gner Held: resolut#on de$ends on whether the #ssue #s sel! e'e"ut#ng or not+ The "ourt ruled that the 3ual#!#ed 4#l#$#no ent#ty ust be g#(en $re!eren"e by grant#ng #t the o$t#on to at"h the w#nn#ng b#d be"ause the $ro(#s#on #s sel! e'e"ut#ng+

8 The End 8 EThat #n all th#ngs, GO% ay be glor#!#edF

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