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No.2l Yeor27 lhe King(C) - White of Christ Solemnity 3 24,201 November

kingshipgives freedomto what the of Christ he Solemnity a us,it offers bindsand imprisons Pius by Pope Kinginstituted those enables and to live, way new to the Xl in 1925wasa response w h o s o d e s i r et o p a s st h r o u g h political and totalitarian atheist is always deathvictoriously. Jesus of Cod therights regimes denying to be continues who side at our that ln saying and the Church. us bidding our sins, for crucified to is is king," it equivalent "Christ ln our companyin our sufferings. "Jesus of ourfaith: theprofession call dailv life, let us constantlY human and who is most is Lord," out to him likewhatthe rePentant yettranscendent. re , memberme..." t h i e fd i d ," J e s u s of Chriso t n the Theimage reality. for Christis king in today's givesus a starkcontrast of cross on todaY's question to ask The whata king is. We seenudity, feastis not whether he reigns pain, and death, suffering, shame, i n t h e w o r l d b u t w h e t h e rh e of Christ Buttheemptiness defeat. reignsin me; it is not whetherhis uncovers ironically on the cross by states kingshipis recognized t h e r e a ld i m e n s i oo nf k i n g s h i p , ut whether o f C h r i s ti l l u s t r a t e s a n d g o v e r n m e n t sb ways, a T h i sn r o m i s e human whichis beyond and lived in me. all of that everythingwhich has been it is recognized whichembraces kingship whetherin faith or l s C h r i s tt h e K i n g a n d L o r d o f where saidof Jesus, realities, a kingdom human to in scorn,is in facttrue. His word m y l i f e ?W h o r u l e si n m e , w h o hasthe possibility everyone the goalsand setsuP determines joy is his sole oowerthat saves. into the eternal haveaccess else? or someone Christ oriorities: h i s k i n g l Y m a n i f e s t s paradise. of lesus W e e n d t h e l i t u r g i c a lY e a r p o w e ro f J e s u s p o w e r i n h i s o w n w a y , i n a n Thesaving . h e e n t i r e l yd i v i n e w a y . H i s i s a w i t h t h e C h u r c h b r i n g i n gu s t o c u l m i n a t eo sn t h e c r o s s T thronewhere of Christ's at him;the soldiers d i f f e r e n tk i n d o f k i n g s h i P ,a the cross rulers sneer jeerat him,andevenoneof the d i f f e r e n tk i n d o f k i n g d o m .H e " C o d r u l e s " o v e r t h e w o r l d . of mocks him.Whatirony n e e d sn o d e p l o y m e n to f f o r c e , Then,we begin a new season criminals joy in bY "the ushered and hope t h r o u g h n o t i s f o r h i s k i n g s h i p enemies are his very thatJesus' and the theological dominationbut made of service crucifixionas the culminationof confessors event b y l o v e . H e d o e s n o t c o m e the gazeof faith.Forit is precisely of the saving interpreters J e s u sd ' eath that down from the crossand crushes i n c o n t e m p l a t i n g of his dyinglLukenarrates g r o w s s t r o n g e ra n d f a i t h t o t h a t m e n d r a w s b u t h i s e n e m i e s who witnessed centurion "the a dazzlingIight revealed o f h i s receives g l o r i f i e d h i m t h r o u g ht h e s e r e n i t y whathadhappened lovefor steadfast v i c t o r Yi s n o t asfaithin Christ's . hrist's C o d a n d s a i d ,' T h i sm a n w a s s u f f e r i n gC doubt.'When in a politicalor militarytakeover us, a love capableof embracing innocent beyond This d e a t h .T h e r e , deathto bring us salvation. .. b u t i n c o n q u e r i n g who hadgathered. all thepeople before recoil not did which love, first his h o m eb e a t i n g the crucifiedking made returned saw... (vv 47-48). c o n q u e s t sw , h e r e t h e c r i m i n a l deathin orderto show itsdePth,is theirbreasts" w e c a n b e l i e v ei n . me when a b a n d o n s h i m s e l f t o C h r i s t s o m e t h i n g remember "Jesus, overcomes total self-gift Christ's through you comeintoyourkingdom." w i t h a l o v e e x p r e s s e d e n a b l e su s a n d s u s p i c i o n e v e r y t h e a d d r e s s : o f you t h e f a m i l i a r i t y I say to you,today "Amen, to entrustourselvescomPletelY .." "Jesus. will be with me in Paradise." Fidein 16).Christ C h r i s t d e f e a t e dt h e m o r t a l to him" (Lumen his kingship To acknowledge k i n g ! i s e x i s t e n c e to grantpardon e n e m v o f h u m a n andhisauthority p r o m i s e s s i n . d e a t h .a n d t h e d e v i l . T h e a n d m e r c y ,J e s u s thief. m v s t e r i o u sn a t u r e o f C h r i s t ' s - Fr. Raymond C. Ferraris,SSP Paradise to the repentant

All - Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to EntranceAntiphon people of good wi[. W; praise (Rv5:12; 1:6) you, we bless you, we adore (Recite when there isnoolening sohg) you,,we glorifr you, we give How worthy is the Lamb wtro you $g$q for your great glory Lord God, heavenly Xing, ti was slain, to receive power God, almighty Father. Lord and divinity, and wisdom Jesus Christ, Only Begotten and strength and honor. To Soh, I-ord God, Lamb of God, him belong glory and power Son of the Father, you take maythe sins of theworld, have for ever and ever. mercy on us; you take away the Greeting sins of the world, receive our (The prayer; you are seated at the sign ofthecross is nadehere) right hand of the Father, have P - Grace to you and peace mercy on us. Foryou alone are from God our Father and the the Holy One, you alone are the I-ord, you alone are the Most Inrd JesusCKrist. High, Jesus Christ, with the All-And your wifh spiriL Holy Spirit in the glory of God Introduction the Father. Amen.

Whenall the eldersof israel came to Da$din Hebron, Ifing Davidmade fi agteementwith themtherebefore thelono. and theyanointed him kingof Israel. -The worciof the Lnrd. All - Thanks be to God. Responsorial Psalm(ps122) R - Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.
E. C. Mafiori

@ Let us go re-joic-ingto the




(Maybe read usingthese orother similar Collect words)

= '

house of the Lord.

P - kt us pray. (Pause) Almighty ever-living God, whose will is to restore all things in your belovedSon.the King of the universe,grant we pray, that the whole creafion. set free from slavery, may render your majesty service and ceaselessly proclaim your prarse. Through our Lord Jesus P - In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ, your Son,who lives and continues to offer himself rgigns with you in the unity of as our fitting sacrifice to the the Holy Spirit, one God, for Father. It is through him that ever and ever. we attain forgiveness for our All - Amen. sins. us now ask the Inrd for forgivene ss. (pause) P - lnrd Jesus, King of the Universe: through you we have First Reading [2 Sm5:1] (SD redemption,the forgivenessof Dauid, Israel's greatestleader, our sins: Lord, havemercv. is crownedking of all Israel. All -Lord, have mercy. From Daui,d'slineage comes P - Christ Jesus,King of the the Messi.ah and King: lesus the Universe:you brought peaceto I-ord. the world by the blood of your A reading from the second cross:Christ, have mercy. Book of Samuel All - Christ, have mercy. P - Lord Jesus, King of IN THOSE DAYS,all the tribes the Universe: you promised of Israel came to David iir salvation to the repentant Hebron and said:.,'Herewe are, your bone and your flesh. criminal: l,ord, have mercv. In dayspasf when Saulwas our AII - I-ord, have mercy. king, it was you who led the P - Have mercy on us, Lord Israelitesout andbroughtthem ,Jesus,our King: forgive us our back.And the lnno saidto you, sins and bring us to everlasting You shall shepherd my people life. Israel and shall be commander All - Amen. of Israei.'" P -Today, the liturgical year ends with the celebration of Chrisf the King of the universe. This is fitting becausethe end of human history and of the createdworld is the Lord Jesus through whom all things were createdandbywhom the world is being restoredto the Father. Penitential Act

1. I rejoicedbecausethey said to me,/ 'We will go up to the house of the I-ono.",/And now we have set foot/ within your gates,O Jerusalem.@) 2. Jerusalem,built as a city/ with cornpact unity./ Tb it the kibes go up,/ the tribes of the lonn. (R) 3. According to the decreefor Israel,/ to give thanks to the name of the Lonn./ ln it are set up judgment seats,/ seats for the house of David. @) Second Reading (Col 1:12_20)

Paul describes the glbry of the Lord Jesus as the beloaed Son of God,the Redeemer of the world, theHead of the Church, and the King of the uniuerse. Areadingfrom the ktter of Saint Paul to the Colossians BROTHERSand sisters: Let us give thanks to the Father,who hasmadeyou fitto share in the inheritanceof the holy ones in light. He delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgivenessof sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For in him were createdall things in he4venand

on earth. the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers;all things were created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,that in allthingshe himselfmightbe preeminent.For in him all the fullness was pleasedto dwell, and through him to reconcile all things for him, making peaceby the blood of his cross through him, whether those on earth or those in heaven. -The word of the lnrd. AII - Thanks be to God.

He replied to him, "Amen, all Church leaders: May theY I say to you, today you will be work with courage and faith to sow the seed of the kingdom, with me in Paradise." that the values of the GosPel -The Gospelof the lnrd. may permeatethe lives of men All - Praise to you, Inrd and women.We pray: @) Jesus Christ. C - For government leaders (srr) all over the world: May theY followthe exampleof Christthe (Stand) King who came into the world God, to serve, and not to be served. I believe in one All the Father almiglrty' maker of May they strive to Promote heaven and earth, of all things justice, peace,and Progress, visible and invisible. and protectthe weak and those I believe in one Lord Jesus neithervoicenor defender. with Christ, the Only Begotten Son (R) pray: We of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, C - For judges, policemen, Iigfrtfrom ligfrt true Godfrom soldiers.and those entrusted true God, begotten, not made, to enforce the law: MaY theYbe consubstantial with the Father; humane and through him all things were fair and impartial, that theY forget never and kind, (Stunil made. For us men and for our 101 tMkL1:9, the Christ, to from dov,'n accountable he came are salvation just King. Wb pray: (R) heaven, All - Alleluia, alleluia. Blessed is he who comes C - For those who would in the name of the Lord! sabotagepeace, sow disunitY, Blessed is the kingdom of and use repression and terror was SPirit Holy the and by our father David that is to incarnate of the Virgin MarY fortheir selfishends:MaYtheY come! Alleluia, alleluia. and became man. instead take the path of Peace ' w a s h e s a k e o u r F o r the beatitudeof and experience (Lk 23:3$43) crucified under Pontius Pilate' We PraY:(R) the peacemakers. he suffered death and was P -The hrd be with you. buried, and rose again on the C - For all of us gathered with your spirit. All-And in accordance with here: As we closethe liturgical P - A reading from the holy third day the Scriptures. He ascended year, may our loyaltY to Christ Gospelaccordingto Luke. into heaven and is seated atthe come before anything and AII - Glory to you, O Inrd. rigtrthand of the Father. Hewill anyone.We pray: (R) judge THE RULERSsneeredatJesus come again in glory to and the dead and his P - Heavenly Father, make and said, "He savedothers, let the living kingdom will have no end. us loyal and true followers of him save himself if he is the I believe in the HolY SPirit' Savior and King. chosenone,the Christ of God." the I-ord, the giver of life, who Christ, our maY vicissitudes, life's Amid Eventhe soldiersjeeredathim. proceeds from ttre Father and who him from courage we draw As they approachedto offer the Son, who with the Father and world the overcome has and him wine they called out, "If and the Son is adored you, for ever with glorified., sPoken reigns has now who you are King of the Jews,save proPhets. and ever. yourself."Abovehim there was througlr the I b e l i e v e i n o n e , h o l Y , All - Amen. 'This is an inscription that read, catholic and apostolic Church. the King of the Jews." I confess one BaPtism for the Now one of the criminals forgiveness of sins and I look hanging there reviled Jesus, forward to the resurrection saying,"Aie you not the Christ? of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. Saveyourself and us." ( StunA The other, however, brethren... P - Pray, rebuking him, said in reply, - May the l-ord accePt All "Have you no fear of God, for P - Let us pray that God's the sacrifice at your hands you are subject to the same kingdom may come and that forthe praise and $orY of his And, indeed,we his will be done on earth as it condemnation? name, for our good, and the have been condemnedjustly, is in heaven.With confidence good all his holy Church. of for the sentence we received we pray: correspondsto our crimes, R - I-ord, may your kingdom but this man has done nothing come. P - As we offer you, O l-ord, criminal."Then he said,'Jesus, For the HolY Father, the sacrifice by which the remember me when you come C and human race is reconciledto bishops,priesrs,deacons, into your kingdom."

{ou, rvehumblypraythat your Sonhimselfmaybestow on all nationsthe gifts of unity and peace. Through Christour [nrd. All - Amen. Preface:Christ, King of the Universe


h Year of FaithCatechesis
YE{ROFFAIIH*II Fr.James H. Kroeger, MM

FaithProclaims: Christls Our King

' P-Thelordbewithvou. The themeof Christ,s Lordship is integral to the New Testament message and Christian faith. When pilatequestions Jesus about his your with spirit $l-A"d ,,Mine authority, Jesus asserts histrue Lordship, noting, is not a kingdom P - Iift dp yourhearts. of thisworld"(Jn18:35). - AII-We liftthem up to the Po,pe Francis' encyclical Lumen Fidei[1g] provides manyinsights on ,' - Lord. how christians affirmtheirfaithin christ,lold and King. "rn faithlchrist P - us give thanksto the is not simply the one in whomwe believe, the supreme manifestation of lord our God. God's love;he isalsothe onewith whomwe areunitedprecisely in order All- It is rig[rt and just. to believe." Accepting Jesus as Lordmeans both ,,believing,, Jesus and ,,believing _. P - It is truly right andjust, ,,We ,believe, in" Jesus. As Pope Francis writes: Jeius when we accept frii our duty and our salvation. word,histestimony, because he istruthful.We,believe in,Jesus whenwe always andeverywhere to give personally welcome him into our lives andjourney towards him,clinging you thanks,lord, holy Father, to him in loveandfollowing in hisfootsteps alongtheway." ahnightyandeternalGod. ,,leads in faiththatJesus is King us,asChristians, to liveour . Accepting you For lives in anointed your this world with greater Only ever commitment andintensity." _ Begotten Son,our tord Jesus Christ with the oil of gladness aseternalPriestandKing of all P - Deliverus. Iord... creation,so that, by offering All - For the kingdom, the himself onthealtaroftheCrosi power, and the glory are asa spotless sacrifice to bringus 5rour,srnow and for ever. P -The l,ord bewith you. peace, hemightaccomplish the Invitation kl Peace - And with your spirit. Alt mysteries of human redemption and,makingall createdthing Invitation t<l Communion SolemnBlessing subjectto his rule, he mighi (Knee[) presentto the immensityof P - Bowdownfor theblessing. your majestyan eternaland P - Behold the Lamb of God. (Pausd universalkingdom,a kingdom behold him who takes away May Christ, King of the of truth and life, a kingdomof the sins of the world. Blessei universe,keep you from all are those called to the supper holiness andgrace, a kingdom harm and you bless with every of the lamb. ofjustice, loveandpeace. goodgrft. AItIord, I am notworthy And so, with Angels and All - Amen. Archangels, with Thronesand that you should enter under Dominions,and with all the my roof, but only say the word P - May he set his Word in and rny soul shall be healed. your heart and fill you with hostsandPowers ofheaven, we lastingjoy. 9i1gthehymnof yourglory,as Communion Antiphon - Amen. All without endwe acclaim: (28):1G111 29 lPs 4tr_--Ifoty, holy holy krd, The Lord sits as King for P - Mayyouwalkin his ways, God ofhosts, heaven and earlh are fulI of your glory. Hosanna ever. The lord will bless his alwaysknowing what is right in the highest. Blessed is he people with peace. andgood,until you enteryour who comes in the name of tle heavenly inheritance. Prayer Communion Io-rd. Hosanna in the highest. - Amen. All (StanA (KneeD P - And maythe blessing of P - l,etus Way.(Pause) Acclamation(Stunil alrnighty God, the Father, and Having receivedthe food of theSon,(t) andtheHolySpirit, immortality, we ask, O lord. come downon you andremain world, for byyour Cross and that, glorying in obedienceto Resurrection you have set the commands of Christ. the with you for ever. - Amen. us free. King of the Universe.we mav All


The I-ord's Prayer

All :- Our Father...

live with him eternally in his heavenly Kingdom. Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. All - Amen.

Dismissal P - Goin peace, gloriffingthe lord byyour life. AII - Thanks be to God.

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