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Principios cristianos para nios / Christian Principles for Kids

The Bible is the holy book of Christians. It consists of two major parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Bible contains 66 books which were written by about 40 different people who were inspired by God.

La Biblia es el libro sagrado de los cristianos. Consiste de dos cuerpos principales, a los que se conoce como el Antiguo Testamento y el Nuevo Testamento. La Biblia est compuesta por 66 libros escritos por unas 40 personas bajo inspiracin divina.

The books of the Bible were written during a 1,500year period. That 1,500-year period began with Moses about 3,400 years ago and ended with the book of Revelation about 1900 years ago.

Los libros de la Biblia se escribieron durante un perodo de unos 1500 aos, que parti con Moiss hace unos 3400 aos y termin con el libro del Apocalipsis hace unos 1900 aos.

The Old Testament has many prophecies about a Messiah or Anointed One, who would be a son who would be called Mighty God, or Eternal Father. These prophecies were written hundreds of years before Jesus Christ was born.

El Antiguo Testamento incluye muchas profecas acerca del Mesas o el Ungido, que sera un hijo a quien se llamara el Altsimo o Padre Eterno. Esas profecas fueron escritas cientos de aos antes del nacimiento de Cristo.

The New Testament contains the sacred writings of the early Christian period. The first four books are the Gospels, and these are four separate accounts of the life of Jesus. Next is the book of the Acts of the Apostles that tells the story of the early Christians after Jesus ascension to Heaven. Most of the remaining books are epistles, or letters, written by the early Christian leaders to individuals or groups of followers. The final book is Revelation, a prophetic vision of the future.

El Nuevo Testamento contiene las palabras sagradas de los albores del cristianismo. Los primeros cuatro libros son los Evangelios, que constituyen cuatro recuentos distintos de la vida de Jess. Luego sigue el Libro de los Hechos de los Apstoles, que relata la historia de los primeros cristianos en el perodo posterior a la ascensin de Jess. La mayora de los libros restantes son epstolas o cartas, escritas por los dirigentes cristianos a individuos o grupos de seguidores. El ltimo es el Apocalipsis, que es una visin proftica de acontecimientos futuros.

The Bible is one book you shouldnt necessarily start reading for the first time at page one. The gospel of John is perhaps the best to read first, as you will find that it is one of the easiest to understand, contains the most words of Jesus, and outlines His loving plan for your life. La Biblia es un libro excepcional en el sentido de que no es recomendable empezar a leerlo por primera vez en la pgina 1. Tal vez convenga leer primero el Evangelio segn San Juan, dado que es uno de los ms fciles de entender, es el que contiene mayor cantidad de palabras textuales de Cristo y traza un maravilloso derrotero para nuestra vida.

The Bible is the most marvelous book in the world. It not only tells us where were going, but also how we got here, why were here, how to survive and be happy while here, and how to have love, happiness, joy, and peace forever. Best of all, the Bible can bring you into an exciting, loving, personal relationship with its authorthe God of love, the creator of the universe.

La Biblia es el libro ms apasionante que hay. Adems de ensearnos adnde nos dirigimos, nos explica cmo llegamos a este mundo, por qu estamos aqu, cmo sobrevivir y ser felices, y cmo amar y alcanzar dicha y paz eternas. Lo mejor de todo es que la Biblia te lleva a tener una relacin amorosa, apasionante y personal con su Autor: el Dios del amor, el Creador del universo.
Created by Art by Zeb/Microsoft Clipart. Text The Family International.

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