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All Rub'n Reslore

While the monulodurers of our row moleriols only guorontee o


produds ore rompotible with eorh other. This

meons you mix colors together lo (reote your own, or you con dilute colors with Cleor Prep

shelf-life of tuo yeors, we hove, 0n numerous orcosions in the po$

25 yeors, suaesfully opplied Rub'n Restore-" Colors ond Cleor

* Finish '" to moke 0 more lronsporent



We recommend o gloze lor oniline leother or vinyls

hove o

* Finish "

thol were more thon four yeors-old. The key


multi+oned or "distressed" oppeoronce. Rub'n Restore'" Colors will

obscure these voried tones, resulting in o monotone oppeoron(e.

lo store lhe product in o cool, dork ploce. Reopplying the pressure

seol will further extend the shelf-life.

Moking o gloze will ollow you to deposit color ond dsrken

surfoce without completely obscuring the 'distresed" look. You con mix products together in o

Thoroughly stir oll Rub'n Restore" Colors before reuse (Cleor


does not require stirring). We olso

glos bowl ond lhen re-


filtering both the Cleor Prep+Finish" ond Colors

bottle them. You con olso mix them directly on your sponge, i.e. one squirt of color plus one squirt of Cleor Prep

through o fine sieve or cheesecloth lo remove ony lumps thot



moy hove cooguloted.

Experiment to see whot rolio of is the be$ for your proiect. Moke o note whot your exoct rotio or mix-on-the-sponge protocol is so you
con replicote the results in the future.


Reopplying the pressure seol con extend the shelf-life of Rub 'n


lf o gloze still resulted in o monotone 0ppeor0n(e, you (on lry to recreole the look ol muhi+oned vinyls or oniline leother by rogrolling or sponge-pointing over fte dyed surfoce with undiluted
color. You ron olso use woter, whirh will hove on erosing effecl.
Be creolive!

Restore" (olors ond Cleor Prep*Finish-'. lt olso ensures lhot fie bottle will nol leok if you ore returning or exrhonging it.

Thonk you for your purchose! Pleose completely fol low these instructions for o goof-proof restorotion !

fie threods of the boille ond the rop. Wipe the pressure

seol to remove 0ny ex(ess product. Reinsert the pressure seol

into lhe cop, white side foring you. Two of the three tobs should

fit under the lhreods. The third tob moy or moy not.
vocuum wilhin o few minutes.

Screw the

(0p onlo lhe boille, ond lhe seol should re-seot ond rreote

For foster opplicotion, you (0n use o detoil gun or sproy gun


opply Rub 'n Restore'". Thoroughly stir the color ond lilter it to remove ony lumps. Sproy opproximolely

6"-8'from fie surfore, il oround


(leor PreplFinish'" or

moving in smoofi, swift strokes. Avoid puddling in ony oreo, which con rreote o "fish eye" effect. lf you do, spreod

You con exchonge or relurn ony unused

pre-mixed color within 60 doys of your originol order for o full relund of the purchose price (this excludes shipping costs). Sony, we do not o((ept relurns on custom colors.
Return the bottle(s)

wilh o sponge, ollow to dry, und then re-sproy. Allow eoch coot to dry before opplying onother. Unlike sponge opplicotion, you ron immediolely follow with the (leor Prep + Finish'" . Rub 'n



is woter-bosed. Cleon your gun with soop ond woler.

rvoRKtilG ARouilD BRASS ltAtls

Genfly polish the bros noils with super-fine "0000" $eel wool before opplying Rub 'n Restore". Use o brush, r0g, or sponge to opply lhe dye, working oround the bros noils os best you con.
lVhen you hove completed the restorolion, ond the surfoce is dry
use lhe steel wool to polish

Rub'n Reslore, lnc

2435 Spring 0ok Dr. (UPS/FedEx only)

P0 Box 1526 (USPS only)

Running Springs, CA 92382


I -888-704-5571


noils once ogoin. The steel wool

Emoil :

should remove the dye from the metol without domoging the newly re$ored leother/vinyl. Super-fine "0000" steel wool is ovoiloble ot woodworking or hobby stores if your locol hordwore doesn't hove il. Copyright

2013 Rub'n Reslore, lnc.


Sel up your work oreo.

ldeol working lemperotures ore between 650 do not wonl lhe produd lo get on. Pleose
see reverse for tips oboul working oround

800 F (l



C). Use drop cloths ond blue pointer's tope lo proted 0reos you

4. Weqr the disposoble gloves (induded) ond test Rub'n Reslore" Color in qn inconspituous oreo.
Allow it to rompletely dry,
os the color


dorken. lf you wish lo exchonge or return lhe

color, pleose see reverse side.

8. Periodirolly srir the color to nrointoin q uniforn consislcnGy. Repeot steps 6-7 unfilfoded or stoined oreos ore Gonceoled. Ensure thal eoth.od is rompletely dry before opplying onother
One coot

bros noils.

Keep rogs with sproy bottles

will be more tronsporenl ond moy suffice. More loyers

of woter ond rleoner ovoiloble for cleonup

during the opplicotion proces. Avoid

spilling Rub'n Reslore'* on corpets ond


lf you do, immediotely flush the

5. Dcmpen q cellulose rponge so ftd it doesn'l drip woter when squeered.

Avoid sponge brushes or those with green nylon bocking. A pointbrush is olso rerommended to work oround tight oreos where precision is needed.

provide o dorker, richer tone. Dromotic color chonges lypirolly require three to six coots. Remember lhot mony thin loyers ore better thon o few thirk loyers. lf 0ny (oot of Rub'n Restore'"

(olor is opplied too heovily or not ollowed lo dry, you moy

notire smoll "mud (ro(ks" develop. You con remedy lhis by going over the surfoce with 0 sponge dompened with woter or Cleor

oreo with woter ond cleoner ond use rogs to obsorb the liquid.

2. Cleon qnd prep your pie(e.

Wipe the surfore with o household cleoner



. lf your surfoce hos o multi-toned or "distessed"


ftot you wish to preserve, we rerommend mixing your

own gloze. Pleose see reverse side for odditionol instructions.

like 409 or Greenworks to remove loose

dirt. Non-oniline ond non-nubuck surfoces

thot feel greosy (such thot mosking tope

will not stick) or hove been treoted with

ArmorAll or similor products must be stripped,
os lhese products

conloin silicone,

5. Pour o smqll omount of Rub'n Reslore'" Color diredly onto lhe suiloce o1 your sponge. spreod it evenly, mossoging inlo rrcrks, wrinkles, qnd folds.
Periodirolly moislen your sponge with woter, so it is eosier to
spreod the dye. Do not opply

9. To deepen lhe color, (reqle q sotin finisln,

and for qdded proleclion, follow with rhe optionol Cleor Prep+ Jinish'".
lf using o sponge, opply Cleor Prep+Finish" o couple doys loter,
ofter the color hos cured. Cleor




con be opplied

wox, or petroleum ond inhibit the odhesion

immediolely if o detoil 0r sproy gun is being used.

ol Rub'n Restore". You con use o green dish strubby ond

cleoner to scrub the surfoce. You con olso use locquer thinner or

10. Use your

point thinner (N0T oretone). Test both these methods first in on

inconspicuous oreo to ensure they won'l domoge the moteriol. When using locquer thinner, venlilote lhe room ond weor o

in direct sunlight or on o hot

surfoce. These conditions will couse the dye to dry foster

lrgs qnd deoner to pronptly

lemove ony Rub 'n Reslore" llon your hqir dryer ond other unwonled oleqs.
Rub'n Restore-* Color

heovy-duty glove. Wipe lhe surfore in smooth, quick strokes. Follow ogoin with the household cleoner.
lf the surfoce feeh rough or scoly (like the photo obove), gently sond with o piece 01220 or 320 grit wet-or-dry sondpoper until it feels smooth. For o surfoce like ftis, thol is dry porous 0r sun-rotted,

thon lhe rote ol whirh you

con polish the streoks. This

will result in o more uneven

oppeoron(e ond use more

Rub'n Restore'* Color. l{

heot is on issue, sprilzing woter on ihe surfore con lower lhe temperoture ond extend the working time of the dye, bul loo much woter will dilute lhe dye ond

Prepf Finish'" is recommended os o primer. This ensures fiol les Rub'n Re$ore" Color is needed to ochieve coveroge.

will be dry in minutes ond is reody for use. lt will not

rub off on clothing. lt cures to its full strength in obout 48-72 houn, depending on lhe temperoture ond humidity. During

3. fhoroughly srir Rub'n Restore'" Color

unlil it feels smooth ond milky.

Seporotion is normol. The heovier tints tend to sefile to the bottom. Stirring is preferred to vigorous shoking, os the product
con foom ond

require more loyers lo ochieve odequote rover0ge.

ftot time, ovoid gelting

it wet, os woter moy reodivote the dye. Over time it moy show

will leove tiny bubbles ond spots on your surfore.

does not require stining. Sove the pressure



first (oot of Rub'n Reslore'" to thoroughly dry before qpplying qnolher.

7. Allow your
You con use o hoir

weor, 0s the originol leother or vinyl did. Simply reopply. Store ony leftover Rub'n Restore" Color in o cool, dork ploce,

seol, which, when reinserted, will extend the product's shelf-lile ond prevent leokoge during return shipment.

dryerto expedite drytime. lfthe surfoce is too

ond thoroughly stir before using ogoin.

hot to touch, ollow it to cool before proceeding.

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