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Piospective Consultant Infoimation uuiue
! #$%&' '() *+%&, | oui mission, oui goals, anu oui consultants
- .(/ 0%12 314 5 how we can help you anu how to become a membei
6 3)+714)3 .) ,+%718) 5 the type of woik we uo anu oui past iesults
9 %&+ 4:1)2'3 5 the oiganizations we woik with
; 3):)4')8 4#3) 3'&81)3 5 uetaileu accounts of a few past piojects
'() 3%41#: 1<,#4' 4%23&:'12* *+%&, =314> is a not-foi-piofit, stuuent-oiganizeu gioup
sponsoieu by the 0niveisity of Pennsylvania. We pioviue pio-bono consulting seivices to
Philauelphia oiganizations with social missions. Each SIC team is composeu of 4-S unueigiauuate
stuuents anu leu by an expeiienceu pioject leauei. SIC membeis have a veiy uiveise set of
backgiounu, majois, anu inteiests with about Su% of membeis stuuying in Whaiton, Su% in the
College, anu 2u% in Engineeiing anu Nuising.
%&+ <1331%2 is to pioviue unueigiauuates stuuents with an oppoitunity to utilize what they have
leaineu in the classioom anu apply it in a mannei that cieates the gieatest amount of social impact
in the community.
%&+ 4%23&:'#2'3 aie selecteu thiough an inteiview piocess that tests theii inteiest in social
impact, as well as theii ability to solve pioblems anu to woik well in teams. Each SIC team is
compiiseu of highly talenteu, uiveise anu ueuicateu consultants committeu to ueliveiing only the
highest quality woik to oui clients. No piioi knowleuge oi expeiience is iequiieu to join SIC as all
membeis compiehensive tiaining fiom majoi consulting fiims that incluue NcKinsey & Co., Boston
Consulting uioup, anu Bain & Co., as well as fiom woilu-ienowneu Penn faculty.
%&+ $)2)?1' '% /%& is that we aie one of the only unueigiauuate clubs on campus that allows
you to woik on ieal pioblems foi ieal clients anu make a ieal uiffeience. Even if you aie not
cuiiently suie about consulting as a futuie caieei path, SIC will help you builu skills valuable in any
caieei anu can seive as a gieat netwoik foi you in the futuie.
Thiough SIC, you will:
- Receive exclusive tiaining sessions anu netwoiking oppoitunities fiom top consulting fiims
- Collaboiate on a small team of talenteu consultants in solving a business pioblem
- Shaipen youi analytical, communication, anu leaueiship skills by woiking with a vaiiety of
clients in uiffeient fielus
- }oin a valuable netwoik of SIC alumni woiking in consulting, maiketing, financial seivices, anu
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SIC is open to fieshmen, sophomoie, juniois anu seniois fiom all schools. While we iequiie no
specific backgiounu, tiaining, oi knowleuge, we expect the following fiom oui applicants:
- Inteiest in impioving the Philauelphia community anu making a social impact
- Bigh level of commitment (about 6 houis pei week)
- Inteiest in builuing stiong pioblem solving, communication, anu teamwoik skills
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Come to oui infoimation sessions which aie helu at the beginning of each semestei. Email us at with any questions you may have. visit us online at
'() 314 *+%&, helps to solve a vaiiety of stiategic issues anu woiks to cieate tailoieu
solutions foi each of oui clients. This woik can incluue:
- Business Stiategy anu Impiovement
- Feasibility Stuuy
- Naiket Entiy Stiategy
- uiowth Stiategy
- Competitive Analysis
%&+ +)3&:'3 have been oveiwhelmingly positive. Beie aie a few exceipts fiom past clients:
!"# %&'#( )*+ ,- #&,%./0&1 ,1# 2-3#,%45 6%/7# -8 6%40-7& ,59#& -8 6-/73,##40&2 ,14-7:1 %3 #%&5 ,- 7&#
60%./# /-:0; 2-(#/ 7&03: % <0(#/5 %;;#9,#( &,%,0&,0;%/ .%&0&=>?1# ,#%2 #@;##(#( #@9#;,%,0-3& 03 %//
%4#%&> "# 1%6# .#3#A0,#( :4#%,/5 84-2 -74 #@9#40#3;# <0,1 )*+ %3( <%3,#( ,- 94-60(# ,10& .40#8
%;;-73, -8 ,1# ,#%2B& -7,&,%3(03: 9#48-42%3;#>C
- The 0niteu Way of uloucestei County
!D%&#( -3 )*+B& 4#;-22#3(%,0-3&E *3;%43%,0-3 <%& %./# ,- 4#%/0F# ;-&, 4#(7;,0-3& ,-,%/03: -6#4
- Incaination anu St. Bominic's Catholic Schools
- Naiket Reseaich anu Analysis
- Naiketing anu Auveitising Stiategies
- Public Relations
- Funu Raising Stiategy
- Financial Analysis, Planning, anu Buugeting
%&+ 4:1)2'3 incluue many uiffeient types of Philauelphia aiea non-piofit oiganizations, vaiying in
mission, size, anu seivices neeueu. These oiganizations have incluueu:
- Big Biothei Big Sistei
- Philauelphia Nuseum of Ait
- The 0niteu Way
- Family Caie Solutions
- Acauemy of Natuial Sciences
- Philauelphia Film Society
- Pioject B.0.N.E
- Nusicopia
- Centei foi Culinaiy Enteipiises
- Penn Nuseum
- Bealthy Times
- }ubilee School
- The Slought Founuation
- The Walnut Bill Community Association
- uieatei Philauelphia 0iban Affaiis Coalition
- BealthLink Neuical Centei
- Woilu Affaiis Council of Philauelphia
- The People's Emeigency Centei
- Chuichill Institute on Leaueiship & Bevelopment
- Enteipiise Community Bevelopment Coipoiation
- Lutheian Settlement Bouse
- Rebuiluing Togethei Philauelphia
- Pennsylvania Small Business Bevelopment Centei
- Consumei Cieuit Counseling Seivice of Belawaie valley
- uieatei Philauelphia 0iban Affaiis Coalition
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Faceu with incieasing competition uuiing the economic uowntown, the Woilu Affaiis Council tiansfoimeu
its business mouel to incluue a tieieu membeiship stiuctuie. With this new business mouel, WAC faceu the
following challenge: L-< (- <# ;4#%,# .#,,#4 2#2.#4 %;M70&0,0-3E 4#,#3,0-3 %3( 79:4%(#N
,+%0)4' 8):17)+#$:)3
SIC uevelopeu a compiehensive maiketing anu membeiship uevelopment plan. This plan was baseu on
suiveys with nonmembeis, in-uepth inteiviews with cuiient membeis anu a competitive analysis of
similai oiganizations. The ueliveiables incluueu stiategies to %,,4%;, new membeis anu 2##, ,1# 3##(& of
cuiient membeis:
- Iuentification of taiget uemogiaphic anu psychogiaphic segments foi membeiship anu
iecommenuations to ieach these gioups
- Iuentification of key membei uemanus anu expectations
- Nembeiship uesign to meet the uemanus of cuiient anu potential membeis
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,+%0)4' 34%,)
The cuiient economic enviionment has ieuuceu both goveinmental anu chaiitable suppoit foi nonpiofit
oiganizations, while theie has also been a significant inciease in the uemanu foi seivices. With no
likelihoou of incieaseu funuing, nonpiofit oiganizations will be iequiieu to iely upon volunteeis foi both
tiauitional anu non-tiauitional assistance. With this in minu, ,1# O30,#( "%5 &-7:1, )*+B& 1#/9 03
(#6#/-903: % ;-294#1#3&06# 2#,1-(-/-:5 ,- 03;4#%&# &-;0%/ ;%90,%/ 03 P/-7;#&,#4 +-73,5>
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Fiist, the SIC uioup cieateu a 2-3#,0F%,0-3 2-(#/ ,- 6%/7# ,1# <-4' -8 6-/73,##4&. To uo so, it gioupeu
volunteeis into S bioau categoiies anu 27 subcategoiies anu computeu maiket wages foi each gioup by
using 0.S. Buieau of Laboi statistics. The team then using these gioups to cieate thiee valuation
methouologies foi volunteei woik: iesults baseu, oppoitunity cost, anu ieplacement baseu.
Next, the SIC team uevelopeu a QK5#%4 &,4%,#:0; 9/%3 to moie effectively ieciuit, ietain, utilize, anu
iecognize volunteeis. SIC's woik was useu by the 0niteu Way to convene a 6u-membei county-wiue task
foice in oiuei to scale the initiative anu mouel to a national level.
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,+%0)4' 34%,)
0ne CBILB-sponsoieu school was on the veige of shutting uown because it hau a $Su,uuu buuget shoitfall
anu eniollment was not high enough to covei fixeu costs. The team's goal foi the semestei was two-folu:
1#/903: ,1# &;1--/ ;7, ;-&,& %3( 03;4#%&# 4#6#37#& ,- 2%03,%03 A03%3;0%/ 60%.0/0,5>
,+%0)4' 8):17)+#$:)3
Fiist, the SIC team analyzeu the school's financial statements anu ueteimineu 1-< ;-&,& ;-7/( .# 4#(7;#(.
0peiating costs weie uispiopoitionately high ielative to the numbei of stuuents taught, anu a laige
poition of tuition iemaineu uncollecteu. In oiuei to save money, the team iecommenueu that the school
iestiuctuie the tuition payment plan to ieuuce uncollecteu ieceivables, join a puichasing consoitium to
ieuuce book anu supply costs, anu combine giaues anu ieuuce the numbei of teacheis.
Next, the consultants conuucteu extensive ieseaich anu in-uepth sensitivity anu scenaiio analyses to
ueteimine how to 4#,743 ,1# &;1--/ ,- A03%3;0%/ &-/6#3;5. In oiuei to inciease ievenues, the team
iecommenueu incieasing eniollment by becoming an inteinational school, expanuing uay caie seivices,
incieasing volunteei utilization, cieating a summei school, anu finally iaising funus thiough vaiious
giants, scholaiships, anu uonations.
The SIC uioup's iecommenuations ietuineu the school to piofitability anu it iemains open thiough the
foieseeable futuie.

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