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Unit 4A

Writing for different audiences

In this unit children use ICT to organise, reorganise, develop and explore their ideas. They learn how to use editing tools to help them express their ideas in a clear and systematic way. The skills taught help the children to write narrative and non-narrative accounts of their work across the curriculum, including science, history and design technology. The unit builds on Unit 2A Writing stories: communicating information using text, and Unit 3A Combining text and graphics.

Key resources
word processor with a range of editing tools and a spellchecker newspapers and magazines Pupil Resource Book

Children will Use a variety of font editing techniques to indicate the relative importance of their ideas Reorganise text to make intended meanings clear by cutting and pasting Amend text to improve clarity and change mood, through insertion, deletion and replacement of text Correct mistakes with a spellchecker Use Find and Replace to automate the amendment of longer text items Analyse their ideas as they work Edit text with a specific readership in mind Present their texts to an intended audience

Links to other subjects

National Literacy Strategy: Year 4
Word level T1, 6 Distinguish between the spellings and meanings of common homophones, e.g. to/two/too; theyre/their/there; piece/peace Sentence level T1, 1 Re-read own writing to check for grammatical sense (cohesion) and accuracy (agreement); to identify errors and suggest alternative constructions T1, 2 Revise work on verbs Text level T1, 16 To identify different types of text, e.g. their content, structure, vocabulary, style, layout and purpose T1, 17 Identify features of non-fiction texts in print and IT, e.g. headings, lists, bullet points, captions which support the reader in gaining information efficiently Writing for different audiences 2 T1, 22 To identify features of instructional texts including: listing materials or ingredients clearly set out sequential stages language of command, e.g. imperative verbs T1, 24 To write newspaper style reports, e.g. about school events or an incident from a story, including: composing headlines using IT to draft and lay out reports organising writing into paragraphs T1, 27 To write a non-chronological report, including the use of organisational devises, e.g. numbered lists, headings T2, 4 Understand how the use of expressive and descriptive language can e.g. create moods, arouse expectations, build tension, describe attitudes or emotions

font size font style italic select move amend reorder highlight cut and paste find and replace lowercase spacebar sequence display font colour bold underlined edit replace copy delete overtype spellchecker uppercase search graphics line break

Setting the scene Skills sessions 1 School playground 2 High Street Bank 3 Haunted house 4 Arctic Circle 5 Safari Park Practice tasks 1 Teachers staffroom 2 Science lab 3 Football stadium 4 Rainforest Review tasks 1 Press Office 2 Potting shed Pupil review sheet Unit assessment sheet

National Curriculum: Key Stage 2

Science Life processes and living things Life processes 1 Pupils should be taught: b that the life processes common to plants include growth, nutrition and reproduction c to make links between life processes in familiar animals and plants and the environments in which they are found Green plants Growth and nutrition 3 Pupils should be taught: a the effect of light, air water and temperature on plant growth c that the root anchors the plant and that water and minerals are taken in through the root and transported through the stem to other parts of the plant d about the parts of the flower and their role in the life cycle of flowering plants, including germination

PHSE and Citizenship Preparing to play an active role as citizens 2 Pupils should be taught: b why and how rules and laws are made and enforced, why different rules are needed in different situations and how to take part in making and changing rules 2k to explore how the media present information

Writing for different audiences

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