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Quantum teleportation: more than 100,000 times the speed of light?

Posted on December 16, 2008 The correlation between two physical phenomena is generally explained by two sep arate mechanisms: either the first event has influenced the second, or both even ts have the same cause in a common past. Quantum physics, however, involves a third mechanism called entanglement. In thi s context, even if two phenomena are too remote to interact by direct exchange o f information, it is nevertheless possible to observe a correlation such that an y modification of one side is passed on the other. These phenomena violate a set of laws of classical physics: Bell inequalities. This phenomenon can be explain ed only if one rejects the hypothesis of a common past. If the existence of thes e intricacies is commonly accepted now, scientists are not yet able to explain t heir origin. The team of Professor Gisin, already known to cause the first quantum teleportat ion long distance in 2003 (ie transmission of information faster than light), fo cused on One explanation considered: the existence of an invisible bar, infinite ly long and rigid capable of linking objects and transmit information. The resea rchers focused their work on determining the rigidity of this bar because it is directly linked to the speed of propagation of information. To do this, the team used the fiber-optic network the company Swisscom and measured over a period of 24 hours, the correlations between two geographically separate events of 18 km. Data show that if this theory is proved Bar, the speed of propagation of informa tion must be more than 100,000 times the speed of light. According to the author s, this theory invalid and researchers are now turning to the hypothesis that qu antum correlations occur simultaneously in several places as if they came from o utside the space-time. From correlation to the entanglement Quantum physics works, it significantly different in the sense that its correlat ions, called entanglement, escape the dominant explanatory models. We must remem ber that this title quantum teleportation, whose use is now trading secret keys requires a part that the two parts of fairly entangled and, on the other hand, The y communicate very little information. Thus, the quantum scale, events can be correlated simultaneous, excluding that o ne influences the other. Moreover, they may violate the Bell inequalities law of c lassical physics which excludes non-compliance with any explanation based on a c ommon cause. We can therefore infer that the entanglement which is the channel o f quantum teleportation. But these findings do not mean to lift the mystery surrounding the phenomenon of quantum correlation and, at the time, had Albert Einstein to doubt its existenc e to point to as the ghost action (in English: a spooky action ). Exceed the mystery Today, the existence of quantum correlation is no longer in doubt, their nature remains mysterious. However, an explanatory hypothesis is currently imagine that these correlations result from a bar invisible, infinitely rigid, infinitely lo ng, and capable of linking objects of any size. The work of physicists from the Faculty of UNIGE has specifically focused on the rigidity of the Bar invisible i nfinite stiffness that could match the speed of infinite supposed ghost action . The hypothesis tested by scientists is that this speed, although very large, is actually limited. Under this premise, if the events were sufficiently distant an d well-synchronized, the bar would not have the time to act and the quantum corr

elation should disappear. But if that speed is greater than that of light, then determine what repository it is defined. Measure out of time In an attempt to take the measure of such a phenomenon, Daniel Salart, doctoral student in the group of prof. Gisin, has designed an experiment in quantum corre lations between Satigny and Jussy (18km), a network of fiber optic classic Swiss com. In this context, he carefully synchronized the two events. Then he measured the correlations constantly for 24 hours or a full course of terrestrial rotati on. This super-light speed has been measured at a specific time during the cycle of rotation of the Earth, regardless of repository definition. After these experiments, researchers have concluded that the speed of the ghost o f Einstein, if this speed there is certainly 100 000 times faster than light. Th e authors conclude that there is finally no action ghost, but the quantum correl ations can occur simultaneously in several places, as arising from outside the s pace-time. Published in the latest issue of the journal Nature, these results demonstrate t he propensity of this field investigation to question some of the founding princ iples of physics as we have until now governed. NotesSpacetime Mediation of Quantum Interactions According to general relativity the shape of spacetime determines the motions of objects while those objects determine (or at least influence) the shape of spac etime. Similarly in electrodynamics the fields determine the motions of charges in spacetime while the charges determine the fields in spacetime. This dualistic structure naturally arises when we replace action-at-a-distance with purely loc al influences in such a way that the interactions between separate objects are med iated by an entity extending between them. We must then determine the dynamical attributes of this mediating entity, e.g., the electromagnetic field in electrod ynamics, or spacetime itself in general relativity.

However, many common conceptions regarding the nature and extension of these med iating entities are called into question by the apparently non-local correlations in quantum mechanics, as highlighted by EPR experiments. The apparent non-locali ty of these phenomena arises from the fact that although we regard spacetime as metrically Minkowskian, we continue to regard it as topologically Euclidean. As discussed in the preceding sections, the observed phenomena are more consistent with a completely Minkowskian spacetime, in which physical locality is directly induced by the pseudo-metric of spacetime. According to this view, spacetime ope rates on matter via interactions, and matter defines for spacetime the set of al lowable interactions, i.e., consistent with conservation laws. A quantum interac tion is considered to originate on (or be mediated by) the locus of spacetime poin ts that are null-separated from each of the interacting sites. In general this l ocus is a quadratic surface in spacetime, and its surface area is inversely prop ortional to the mass of the transferred particle.

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