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Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership

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Educational Leadership Part A:

This paper focuses on the leadership framework provided b the Department of Education! "ictoria# $ccordin% to this framework! an or%ani&ation of leadership framework includes' technical leadership! human leadership! educational leadership! s mbolic leadership and cultural leadership (Department of Education! 2))*+# In technical leadership! effective leaders demonstrate the abilit to optimi&e the school,s human! financial and ph sical resources throu%h e-ceptional or%ani&ational s stems and mana%ement practices that contribute to the achievement of school,s %oals and visions# Effective technical leaders think and plan strate%icall ! hold themselves and others to account! and ali%n resources with e-pected outcomes# Second! in human leadership! effective leaders demonstrate the capacit to foster a purposeful! safe and inclusive learnin% and teachin% environment (.allin%er! 2))*+# The also demonstrate the capacit to develop respectful and constructive relationships with students! parents! staff members! and other stakeholders# The have the capabilit to develop relationships! advocate for all students! and develop individual and collective capacities# Third! educational leadership ensures that school leaders demonstrate the abilit to lead! monitor and mana%e processes for improvin% school activities throu%h critical and current understandin% of the school,s learnin% process and its implication for promotin% hi%h /ualit learnin% and teachin% in classrooms in the said school (0obinson! 2))*+# E-ceptional school leaders have to be able to promote in/uir and reflection amon% teachers and students! focus on achievement for both teachers and students! and shape peda%o% (1accob ! 2)))+# 2ourth! effective s mbolic leaders have the capacit to model important behaviors and values to the school and the communit in which it operates! includin% commitment to create and sustain effective professional learnin% communities in the school! as well as other levels of the learnin% s stem# The leaders have the

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capabilit to ali%n actions with shared values! develop and mana%e themselves! and create and share knowled%e (Spr 4 Dui%nan! n#d+# 2inall ! cultural leaders demonstrate an understandin% of the effectiveness of schools and the capacit to lead those schools and the communit to promote a vision and %oals! underpinned b similar values and purposes that are e-pected to secure the ali%nment and commitment of the school,s stakeholders to reali&e the students, potential# The leaders have the capabilit to develop uni/ue school cultures! shape the future! and sustain networks and partnerships (Ser%iovanni! 2))5+# $t 6NE! technical leadership is evident with the leaders in char%e of human resources! financial resources and ph sical resources# Leaders of different schools and departments at 6NE! foster a common understandin% of the school,s conte-t amon% the schools, stakeholders and communit # The also help each other in understandin% the implication of chan%e on stakeholders and the school# The also audit and monitor the ade/uac of the school,s human! financial and ph sical resources# The also encoura%e accountabilit in decision makin% in accordance with departmental! facult ! and school re/uirements# The leaders also develop decision makin% processes that incorporate consultation in strate%ic plannin%# The use chan%e mana%ement principles to inform the school and stakeholders of new initiatives# 1oreover! the leaders involve staff members and collea%ues in makin% decisions re%ardin% priorities and identif in% resource needs to help desi%n processes for monitorin% the use of resources# The also formulate strate%ies that aid in attractin% more resources to 6NE# The also establish staff performance and development processes and draw of various feedback sources# the leaders then set e-pected standards for performance and behavior for all stakeholders of the school communit # The leaders also use an understandin% of broader political and educational influences to inform strate%ic plannin% and thinkin% that promotes educational outcomes across

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the school s stem# The evaluate policies to ensure that priorities and needs are met# 8erformance data is used to continuall improve the school,s processes (Ser%iovanni! 2))5+# 9n the other hand! human leadership is evident at 6NE because leaders! such as the Chancellor! "ice Chancellor! .eads of Schools! .eads of Departments! and other leaders! have ensured that the learnin% environment of 6NE is safe! inclusive and purposeful# The have also fostered respectful and constructive relationships amon% the stakeholders of the school in order to promote learnin%# These leaders strictl follow le%al re/uirements that support secure and :ust teachin% and learnin% environments# The also encoura%e staff contribution to the impact of student diversit and then establish processes that help in identif in% different student needs (Castaneda! 2)52+# The leaders also ensure that learnin% and teachin% time is scheduled! and creates opportunities for both informal and formal interactions and communications# 1oreover! these leaders implement pro%rams so as to respond to the diversit of students# The build mutual respect and trust! avail themselves! and %ive their full attention to other stakeholders! such as parents! lecturers! staff members! students and the communit # The avail themselves so as to encoura%e communication and interaction! and the use of tools established for these protocols and procedures# These protocols and procedures support a secure and :ust environment# The leaders use them to en%a%e students and staff members in activities that can help foster %ood relationships# The protocols and procedures also provide 6NE stakeholders with opportunities to take part in the decision makin% processes of the school# The resources of the school are strate%icall allocated to match the e-pertise of staff members! students and other stakeholders of the school (Department of Education! 2))*+# The leaders also act as coaches and mentors to staff members! communit members and the students# The maintain a school environment where all stakeholders of the school feel valued and accepted! creatin% a sense of belon%in% throu%h a

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secure learnin% and teachin% environment# The leaders also ensure that the environment intuitivel responds to chan%es that affect the school,s communit # The also! publicl ! support other $ustralian schools! as well as international schools! to build cooperation and trust across the learnin% and teachin% s stem (Castaneda! 2)52+# 6NE also has s mbolic leaders# These leaders model the values and behaviors of 6NE,s stakeholders and the communit in which the school runs# The leaders collect evidence to identif the learnin% needs of students and staff members# The then undertake professional learnin% to improve the outcomes< performance# These leaders openl communicate to the school,s stakeholders the importance of maintainin% wellbein% of individuals and the monitor and control their reactions to different situations# The leaders also support the development of a common communication platform< lan%ua%e across the 6NE,s vision and values! and encoura%e the school,s stakeholders to act in accordance with them# The ensure that procedures and protocols that support and promote the achievement of 6NE,s %oals are well documented and implemented# The also demonstrate a commitment to learnin% b acknowled%in% the importance of learnin% amon% themselves! staff members! students! and other stakeholders of the school# The create opportunities for feedback on their performance so as to improve their emotional awareness# The also read current research materials! as well as encoura%e other staff members and students to do the same# The leaders also ensure that 6NE,s values and behaviors are reflected in school practices and that 6NE,s %oals are achieved throu%h defensible! well= defined processes# The leaders also evaluate these processes to ensure that the are continuall ali%ned with the school,s and communit ,s %oals# This evaluation helps them in desi%nin% a professional learnin% strate% that ali%ns learnin% plans with 6NE,s %oals# The leaders are committed to learnin% and creatin% opportunities for sharin% knowled%e across the learnin%

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s stem# The are coaches and mentors for staff members! the communit and students# The evaluate learnin% outcomes and promote the values of the school throu%hout the communit (Department of Education! 2))*+# 6NE also has cultural leaders# These leaders! such as the "ice Chancellors and .eads of Schools! lead the schools and the communit to promote the school,s vision and %oals! in order to ali%n values and purposes for commitment of the school,s stakeholders to reali&e the potential of students# The leaders articulate 6NE,s vision and have incorporated the celebration of important school events to promote the school,s vision# The interact with 6NE,s stakeholders to build alliances and support 6NE,s vision# The leaders also teach and speak about the value of student and staff diversit so as to promote the creation of a uni/ue school culture (Sie%el! 2))3+# The ensure that the school,s stakeholders! such as famil members and %uardians are well informed about 6NE,s policies! activities and pro%rams! and utili&e the e-periences of the communit and local people to enrich and enhance learnin% and teachin% processes# The leaders also influence other 6NE stakeholder b usin% lo%ical ar%uments to pass on the school,s culture and beliefs# In the creation of 6NE,s vision! the leaders collaborate with the communit # The create opportunities for all communit members to contribute to the school,s activities and share their e-periences! as well as knowled%e with others# The leaders also promote a sense of pride in individual! as well as collective achievements! and encoura%e individuals and %roups to share them with 6NE,s communit (?illies! 2)53+# The leaders also publici&e and reinforce the relationship between the vision! %oals and strate%ies of 6NE! and use various approaches to secure commitment and lo alt of other stakeholders# The use 6NE,s culture! customs! policies! processes and procedures to enhance the students, and staff members, commitment to the school# The also form partnerships and collaborations with other or%ani&ations and

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a%encies! such as educational bodies! to e-pand teachin% and learnin% opportunities! and work with 6NE,s stakeholders for the benefit of the schools, communit # The also share their e-pertise and knowled%e with the school! and be ond the school# The leaders also often evaluate 6NE,s short=term and lon%=term plannin% and resource decisions! in order to ensure that the school keeps up with chan%e# The leaders support other school leaders to develop processes that can help in shapin% 6NE,s vision# The also respond to e-ternal opportunities that ma benefit 6NE# These leaders also mentor and coach students! staff members and other leaders in the use of strate%ies to secure commitment to the school from stakeholders# The assist the education s stem! internall and e-ternall ! to transfer and adapt innovative strate%ies from 6NE (Department of Education! 2))*+# 2inall ! 6NE has educational leadership# This leadership ensures that 6NE is led! monitored and mana%ed appropriatel so as school activities lead to hi%h /ualit learnin% and teachin% outcomes# Educational leaders demonstrate the abilit to lead! monitor and mana%e processes for improvin% school activities# The are accountable for effective leadership and mana%ement of education in the school (Thomson! 2)53+# Take! for e-ample! the leadership of 8rofessor Larr Smith! of the 2acult of The 8rofessions at 6NE @usiness School# .e is also the Director at the Center of @usiness 0esearch# .is previous appointments include: .ead of School! 8rofessional Development and Leadership! 6NE' member of the Senior E-ecutive Service of the Aueensland ?overnment! as Director of the Strate%ic 0esearch 6nit for the Department of Emplo ment! Education and Trainin% and State Director BcurriculumC' and $ssociate 8rofessor (administration and leadership+! Central Aueensland 6niversit # 8rofessor Smith has consulted for state! $ustralia and other a%encies and %overnments# .e Chairs the $I1 NSD @usiness 1ana%ement and Leadership Taskforce and is a member of the $cademic $dvisor @oard for

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the $ustralian Institute of 1ana%ement (6NE! n#d+# This leadership framework is ver effective in evaluatin% 8rofessor Smith,s leadership and providin% a platform that can be used to anal &e the standards of leadership at 6NE# This leadership framework helps determine that 8rofessor Smith incorporates technical! human! s mbolic! cultural and educational leadership in his leadership# $s a 8rofessor in the 2acult of The 8rofessions and an educational leader! 8rofessor Smith en%a%es staff members in his department (Centre of @usiness 0esearch! other departments and a%encies+ in professional research about effective learnin% and teachin%# .e also helps implement processes that support curriculum ali%nment! peda%o% ! assessment and reportin%# $s a researcher! he promotes use of data as a startin% point and helps in the formulation of learnin% and teachin% %oals and ob:ectives# .e uses research and sources for the improvement of processes at 6NE# 8rofessor Smith also considers the needs and characteristics of the student cohort when aidin% in desi%nin% 6NE,s curriculum# .e encoura%es use of various sources of information in learnin% and teachin% processes# .e also assists his collea%ues and other staff members to share knowled%e# 1oreover! he has published various materials that help the stakeholders of 6NE understand the implication of data in the improvement of the school# 8rofessor Smith has also researched and studied 6NE and related schools! and provided learnin%! teachin% and mana%ement interactions based on his research findin%s on how individuals learn and support the application of learnin% processes in the classroom# .e encoura%es peda%o% ! ali%nment of the curriculum! assessment and reportin% in order to help achieve the %oals of the learnin% and teachin% processes# .e helps desi%n the curriculum based on chan%es in the student cohort and the school s stem# .is research also encoura%es and challen%es staff members to continuall improve performance# .e evaluates classroom practice in order to determine professional learnin% needs# .is contribution to the curriculum also ensures that performance and

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development for teachers are linked to teacher pro%ram effectiveness! professional learnin% and teacher practice# .is contribution to educational strate%ies at 6NE is based on the data and other empirical evidence collected from his research# .is contribution to educational leadership also ensures that schools have common learnin% and teachin% models that underpin all classroom practices# .e encoura%es ali%nments in the curriculum! peda%o% ! assessment and reportin% in order to promote e-ceptional learnin% and teachin% practices# .e encoura%es this ali%nment so that %oals and ob:ectives! as well as learnin% and teachin% tar%ets are achieved# .e has a hu%e influence on the curriculum of the business school at 6NE! 6NE in %eneral and other schools in $ustralia and internationall ! throu%h his research# .e helps formulate initiatives that help in buildin% the capacit of individuals across $ustralian school s stems (Department of Education! 2))*+# PART B: In educational leadership! school leadership is the accountabilit of principals in how to effectivel lead and mana%e education (Niesche! 2)53+# In leadin% and mana%in% schools! principals are e-pected to be accountable for the welfare of students! to provide /ualit education in accordance to the policies of educational boards! to enable effective learnin% and teachin% activities throu%hout the school! to develop the school,s vision! mission! and priorities in the stud handbooks! to e-ecute the vision! mission and %oals into practice! to develop a learnin% culture! and to develop a collaboration culture! whereb all students and staff members work towards the achievement of %oals and ob:ectives (@oston! 2)))+# The leadership framework describes leadership profiles in five levels# These levels help determine the characteristics of educational leadership:

Educational Leadership


Level 1: In this leadership profile! leaders en%a%e emplo ees such as teachers and tutors in professional forums about effective learnin% and teachin%# The leaders also implement the learnin% and teachin% processes that support and enhance the ali%nment of peda%o% ! curriculum! assessment and reportin%! and ensure that the school,s curriculum reflects the %oals and ob:ectives! as well as the re/uirements! of the learnin% process of the school# The leader also articulates the role that feedback pla s in supportin% and promotin% teachin% and learnin%# In addition! the leader promotes and supports the use of multiple sources of data and information to determine the %oals and startin% points of the learnin% process (.allin%er! 2))*+# 1oreover! the leader creates opportunities for staff members to use their skills and competencies to enhance their teachin% practice b identif in% the stren%ths and weaknesses! to determine the areas that need improvement# 2inall ! the leaders source relevant data and information and reference research material to determine the school,s top priorit areas that re/uire improvement (Davies! 2))F+# Level 2: This profile of educational leaders considers the characteristics of the student cohort when the desi%n the school,s s llabus and curriculum# The leaders establish the learnin% and teachin% processes so as to support the use of a number of sources of feedback for information in learnin% and teachin%# The leaders also assist staff members to share knowled%e and learn from each other! b developin% their capacit and creatin% opportunities for the staff members to freel communicate with their collea%ues (0obinson! 2))*+# 1oreover! the leaders develop a common understandin% of the implications of data for school improvements, plannin%# The support the staff members to take up and e-periment with various strate%ies that can improve their teachin% and learnin% practices#

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Level 3: This profile of educational leaders desi%n teachin%! learnin% and mana%ement interactions based on how individuals learn and support the application of learnin% processes in the classroom# Leaders monitor the school practices to ensure that peda%o% ! ali%nment of the curriculum! assessment and reportin% with %oals for the learnin% of students# The desi%n a school curriculum that responds to chan%es in the school cohort and chan%es in the school s stem (1cNeil! Cavana%h! 4 Silco-! 2))3+# 1oreover! the leaders mana%e the performance of staff members and development so as to monitor the e-tent to which feedback informs professional learnin% and improve student outcomes# The leaders ensure that opportunities for reflection are incorporated in various forums (Dolan! n#d+# Level 4: This profile of educational leaders challen%es staff members to continuall improve their performance# The evaluate classroom practice in order to determine professional learnin% needs# The also ensure that performance and development processes for teachers are linked to teacher pro%ram effectiveness! teacher practice and professional learnin%# 1oreover! the allocate resources in order to support and promote the school communit to en%a%e in on%oin% in/uir and reflection processes# 2inall ! the leaders desi%n improvement strate%ies based on data and other empirical evidence (?urr 4 Dr sdale! n#d#+# Level 5: This profile of educational leaders ensures that schools have common learnin% and teachin% models that underpin all classroom practices# The leaders ensure that the principles of development learnin% inform the peda%o% ! ali%nment of the curriculum! assessment and reportin%# In order to improve learnin% results! the leaders verif that staff members! as well as students evaluate themselves a%ainst the learnin% and teachin% vision! %oals! and tar%ets (@hindi 4 Dui%nan! 5FF*+# 1oreover! the leaders promote and support further improvement of learnin% and teachin% processes b collectin% evidence on how reflective practices contribute to the

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improvement of teacher practices# The leaders influence the practices of the curriculum in other schools and come up with initiatives that help in buildin% the capacit of individuals across the school s stem (NSD Department of Education and Trainin%! n#d+# 6NE practices educational leadership in man aspects# Educational school leaders at 6NE are accountable for creatin% relevant curriculum and ensurin% that personal and collective needs are met! to implement teachin% and learnin% processes in accordance with the hi%her educational board,s policies! rules! and procedures# The leaders at 6NE also ensure that learnin% needs of each student are identified and met so that the school,s vision and %oals can also be met# The leaders also ensure that the welfare of students and other 6NE stakeholders are catered for! in order to promote a secure and :ust learnin% environment# The leaders also cater for the needs of staff members b creatin% a collaborative and colle%ial culture! where ideas and knowled%e are freel and openl shared# The also promote accountabilit ! and ensure that staff members perform their duties and responsibilities# The leaders also ensure that the human and financial resources of 6NE are monitored# This is achieved throu%h ensurin% that the school,s annual bud%ets are planned usin% annual financial statements! and that the health and safet of workers are promoted# 2inall ! 6NE allows for participation in school activities b the school,s communit ! such as parents and %overnin% bodies#

Educational Leadership References


@hindi! N#! 4 Dui%nan! 8# (5FF*+# Leadership for a new Centur : $uthenticit ! Intentinalit ! Spiritualit ans Sensibilit # Education Management Administration and Leadership! 55*= 533# @oston! G# (2)))+# Learning and Managing The School. S dne ! $6: New South Dales Department of Education and Trainin%# Castaneda! C# 0# (2)52+# teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms. $mherst! 1$: 0outled%e# Davies! @# (2))F+# Essentials of School Leadership. 8adstow! @ritain: TH International# Department of Education# (2))*+# The Developmental Learning Framework for School Leaders. "ictoria: Department of Education# Dolan! C# (n#d+# Learning Centred Leadership! "hat is the literature sa#ing$ 0etrieved from Learnin%tolearn#sa#edu#au: http:<<www#learnin%tolearn#sa#edu#au<coreIlearnin%<files<links<Learnin%CentredLeadershi p#pdf ?illies! D# (2)53+# Educational Leadership and Michael Foucault. 6pper Saddle 0iver: 0outled%e# ?urr! D# D#! 4 Dr sdale! D# L# (n#d#+# %nstructional Leadership in Three Australian Schools. 1elbourne! $6: 6niversit of 1elbourne#

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.allin%er! 8# (2))*+# &esearch on the practice of instructional and transformational leadership! &etrospect and prospect. Camberwell: $ustralian Council for Educational 0esearch# 1accob ! 1# (2)))+# 6nderstandin% the Difference @etween 1ana%ement and Leadership# &esearch Technolog# Management! ;*# 1cNeil! N#! Cavana%h! 0#! 4 Silco-! S# (2))3+# 'e#ond %nstructional Leadership! Towards (edagogic Leadership. $uckland: $ustralian $ssociation for 0esearch in Education# Niesche! 0# (2)53+# Decosntructing Educational Leadership. @oston: 0outled%e# NSD Department of Education and Trainin%# (n#d+# School Leadership Capa)ilit# Framework. S dne : NSD DET# 0obbins! S# 8#! 1illet! @#! Cacciope! 0#! 4 Daters=1ash! T# (5FFE+# JLeadershipJ in 9r%ani&ation @ehavior: Leadin% and 1ana%in% in $ustralia and New Kealand# (rentice hall! 3F7=72># 0obinson! 8# "# (2))*+# School Leadership and Student *utcomes!%dentif#ing "hat "orks and "h#. $uckland! NK: The 6niversit of $uckland# Ser%iovanni! T# H# (2))5+# Leadership! "hat+s %n %t For Schools. Sidne : 0outled%e2almer# Sie%el! D# H# (2))3+# The Call for Diversit#. 6pper Saddle 0iver: 0outled%e# Spr ! ?#! 4 Dui%nan! 8# (n#d+# Framing Leadership in ,ueensland Catholic Schools. Aueensland! $6: $ustralian Catholic 6niversit # Thomson! 8# (2)53+# -nderstanding the Field of Educational Leadership. 6pper Saddle 0iver: 0outled%e#

Educational Leadership 6NE# (n#d+# Staff! Larr# Smith# 0etrieved from 6niversit of New En%land: http:<<www#une#edu#au<staff<lsmith3;#php


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