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Sir Syed Ahmed Khan born on October 17, 1817 at Delhi, died March 27, 1898 at Aligarh was

a Muslim educator, urist, and author, !ounder o! the Mohammedan Anglo Oriental "ollege at Aligarh, #ttar $radesh, %ndia& 'is !ather, who recei(ed an allowance !rom the Mughal administration, became something o! a religious recluse) his maternal grand!ather had twice ser(ed as *rime minister o! the Mughal em*eror o! his time and had also held *ositions o! trust under the +ast %ndia "om*any& Sir Syed,s brother established one o! the !irst *rinting *resses at Delhi and started one o! the earliest news*a*ers in #rdu& Sir Syed Ahmad had a (ersatile *ersonality, and his *osition in the udicial de*artment le!t him time to be acti(e in many !ields%n 188- Sir Syed organi.ed the All/%ndia Muhammadan +ducational "on!erence, which met annually at di!!erent *laces to *romote education and to *ro(ide the Muslims with a common *lat!orm& Sir Syed ad(ised the Muslims against oining acti(e *olitics and to concentrate instead on education& %rrigation !arming is when cro*s are grown with the hel* o! irrigation systems by su**lying water to land through ri(ers, reser(oirs, tan0s, and wells& O(er the last century, the *o*ulation o! %ndia has tri*led& 1ith a growing *o*ulation and increasing demand !or !ood, the necessity o! water !or agricultural *roducti(ity is crucial& %ndia !aces the daunting tas0 o! increasing its !ood *roduction by o(er 23 *ercent in the ne4t two decades, and reaching towards the goal o! sustainable agriculture re5uires a crucial role o! water& +m*irical e(idence suggests that the increase in agricultural *roduction in %ndia is mostly due to irrigation) close to three !i!ths o! %ndia,s grain har(est comes !rom irrigated land& 6he main strategy !or these irrigation systems !ocuses on *ublic in(estments in sur!ace systems, such as large dams, long canals, and other large/scale wor0s that re5uire large amounts o! ca*ital& Shi!ting culti(ation is a ty*e o! subsistence !arming where a *lot o! land is culti(ated !or a !ew years until the cro* yield declines due to soil e4haustion and the e!!ects o! *ests and weeds& Once cro* yield has stagnated, the *lot o! land is deserted and the ground is cleared by slash and burn methods, allowing the land to re*lenish& 6his ty*e o! culti(ation is *redominant in the eastern and north/eastern regions on hill slo*es and in !orest areas such as Assam, Meghalaya, 7agaland, Mani*ur, 6ri*ura, Mi.oram, Arunchal $redesh, Madhya $radesh, Orissa, and Andhra $radesh& "ro*s such as

rain!ed rice, corn, buc0 wheat, small millets, root cro*s, and (egetables are grown in this system&879 +ighty/!i(e *ercent o! the total culti(ation in northeast %ndia is by shi!ting culti(ation& Due to increasing re5uirement !or culti(ation o! land, the cycle o! culti(ation !ollowed by lea(ing land !allow has reduced !rom 22:;3 years to 2: ; years& $lantation <arming 6his e4tensi(e commercial system is characteri.ed by culti(ation o! a single cash cro* in *lantations o! estates on a large scale& =ecause it is a ca*ital centered system, it is im*ortant to be technically ad(anced and ha(e e!!icient methods o! culti(ation and tools including !ertili.ers and irrigation and trans*ort !acilities& +4am*les o! this ty*e o! !arming are the tea *lantations in Assam and 1est =engal, the co!!ee *lantations in Karnata0a, Kerala, and 6amil 7adu, and the rubber *lantations in Kerala and Maharashtra& Dairy <arming %n 2331 %ndia became the world leader in mil0 *roduction with a *roduction (olume o! 8> million tons& %ndia has about three times as many dairy animals as the #SA, which *roduces around 72 million tons& Dairy <arming is generally a ty*e o! subsistence !arming system in %ndia, es*ecially in 'aryana, the ma or *roducer o! mil0 in the country& ?egular mil0 sales allow them to mo(e !rom subsistence to earning a mar0et/ based income& 6he structure o! the li(estoc0 industry is globally changing and *utting *oorer li(estoc0 *roducers in danger because they will be crowded out and le!t behind& More than >3 million households in %ndia are at least *artially de*endent on mil0 *roduction, and de(elo*ments in the dairy sector will ha(e im*ortant re*ercussions on their li(elihoods and on rural *o(erty le(els& 'aryana was chosen to assess *ossible de(elo*ments in the %ndian dairy sector and to broadly identi!y areas o! inter(entions that !a(our small/scale dairy *roducers&

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