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NEERAJA KAKANI 8500537498 B.Tech (IT) !"mail.#om $areer %b e#&i'e To pursue a professional career that is challenging and intellectually stimulating, making use of my knowledge while enhancing them at the same time. E()#a&ional *)mmar+: Mobile: +91Email :kakani.neera a

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%aro.ini Institute $f 7ngineering "nd technology,telaprolu

!2T8, 9akinada Board of Intermediate 7ducation Board of %econdary 7ducation ".(.


Intermedi ate


sri>idya College, ?udi>ada. %iddhartha 7.+. 0igh %chool, ?udi>ada.



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Languages : C , c , !"#". $perating %ystem : &indows '(,)*** $ffice Tools: +% $ffice )**,,)**$o $)rri#)lar A#&i'i&ie.: /re.en&e( a &e#0ni#al .eminar on -irele.. &e#0nolo"ie. /ro e#& *)mmar+: Title: " +ain (ro.ect on /" 0y1rid 2eural "pproach for Character 3ecognition.4 3ole: (ro.ect Leader. Team si5e: 6 1e.#ri2&ion:

In this paper an attempt is made to develop English character recognition system. The paper describes the process of character recognition using the hybrid algorithm of Back Propagation and Genetic Algorithm for the recognition of uppercase alphabets. In the survey, it is found that back propagation is although an efficient techni ue for training multilayer feed

for!ard net!ork. But it suffers from scaling, local minima like problems. And also it is studied that Genetic Algorithm is good optimi"ation techni ue. It is effective for global search of large, poorly understood spaces. The system is thro!n through numbers of steps of character recognition system like preprocessing, segmentation and feature e#traction.

Title: " +ini pro.ect on 9Almana# A.#er&ain 3ole: Pro$ect Leader Team si5e: 6 1e.#ri2&ion: Transferring of files in an organi5ation in an easy and efficient manner using intranet. /er.onal *kill.: Commitment and determination towards work and eager to learn the latest technologies. "dapta1ility to changing en>ironment and trends. %imple, Congenial and hardworking nature. /er.onal *)mmar+: 2ame @atherAs 2ame B$B : : : 2eera.a 9akani %ree(utra 9akani ::C*=C:DD:

Languages 9nown : Telugu, 7nglish,0indi 0o11ies : 3eading Books, listenining to music "ddress : B.2o :;E)--, %.2.(uram ?udi>adaC<):,*:, 9rishna BT, "ndhra (radesh. 1e#lara&ion: I here1y declare that all a1o>e statements are true to the 1est of my knowledge. Bate: (lace: (2eera.a 9akani)

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